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Islet cell analysis and purification by light scatter and autofluorescence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rat pancreatic A- and B-cells differ in light scatter and flavin-adenine-dinucleotide (FAD)-related fluorescence and are thus represented by two easily distinguishable populations in a fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS). Sorting of dissociated islet cells yields highly purified single A- and B-cell preparations. FACS-analysis of islet cells also indicated that FAD-fluorescence in 3-cells is reduced within a 5 minute exposure to 20 mM glucose, whereas no variations were observed in A-cell fluorescence nor with 3-0-methylglucose or fructose. FACS-analysis of blood cells and of dissociated liver, parotid, pituitary and pancreatic exocrine cells demonstrated a wide variation in the respective FAD-fluorescence intensities, which could be used for their purification as viable single cells as well as in studying their metabolic redox state.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In the past decade, flow cytometry has become a useful and precise alternative to microscopic bacterial cell counts in aquatic samples. However, little evidence of its usefulness for the evaluation of bacterial biovolumes has emerged in from the literature. METHODS: The light scattering and cell volume of starved bacterial strains and natural bacterial communities from the Black Sea were measured by flow cytometry and epifluorescence microscopy, respectively, in order to establish a relationship between light scattering and cell volume. RESULTS: With the arc-lamp flow cytometer, forward angle light scatter (FALS) was related to cell size in both the starved strains and natural communities, although regression parameters differed. We tested the predictive capacity of the FALS verous cell size relationship in a bacterial community from the North Sea. That analysis showed that a reliable bacterial biovolume prediction of a natural bacterial community can be obtained from FALS using a model generated from natural bacterial community data. CONCLUSIONS: Bacterial biovolume is likely to be related to FALS measurements. It is possible to establish a generally applicable model derived from natural bacterial assemblages for flow cytometric estimation of bacterial biovolumes by light scatter.  相似文献   

Analysis of phytoplankton by flow cytometry   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Optical properties of eight algae species were measured on a flow cytometer. Forward and perpendicular light scatter measurements provide information on the size and shape of algae cells. The intensity of chlorophyll fluorescence varies greatly among the studied algae species and can be used to distinguish them. Measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence after excitation with different wavelengths provide a fluorescence excitation spectrum for each species over the available wavelength range. These spectra reflect the different photosynthetic pigment contents of the species. Staining algae cells with the DNA stains, Hoechst 33342 and DAPI, provides two additional optical parameters to distinguish algae populations: blue nuclear fluorescence and yellow granular fluorescence. The combination of these optical measurements enables the distinction of each algae species into a small cluster in a hyperspace of parameters. The automation of phytoplankton analysis on the flow cytometer may lead to the rapid and objective assessment of water quality.  相似文献   

A method is described which reliably quantifies the degree of intercellular communication via gap junctions by combining a dye-loading technique with fluorescence-activated flow cytometry. Our experiments expand former measurements of other groups by analyzing the time- and density-dependent onset of coupling with a fixed ratio of donor to recipient cells. The high sensitivity of this technique provides a better resolution than the microelectrode technique and allows the detection of small changes in gap-junctional coupling by examining a large number of cells in a single experiment. Suspended cells were loaded with the membrane-permeable dye calcein AM, which is intracellularly hydrolyzed by nonspecific esterases, and the resulting polyanionic calcein is thus trapped inside these donor cells. Gap junctions, however, are permeable for this fluorescent dye, as can be observed when suspended donor cells are added to recipient cells (i.e., monolayer cultures) in which case cell-cell contact is established within less than 60 min. In addition, one of these two cell populations can also be stained with a membrane-resident dye (e.g., DiI), which facilitates the identification of different cell populations (donors, recipients, and noncoupled cells) not only by epifluorescence microscopy but also by flow cytometry. Our analyses reveal that junctional coupling depends not only on the connexin type (homo- or heterotypic junction) but also on the origin (species) of the contacting cells (homo- or heterospecific contact). We confirm earlier reports in which homotypic-homospecific coupling was demonstrated with different techniques in connexin-transfected HeLa and RIN cells as well as in BICR/M1R(k) and 3T3/SV40 cells. In contrast to other publications, we show that a significant heterotypic-homospecific coupling between Cx40- and Cx43-HeLa transfectants can be resolved, whereas no coupling was detected for heterotypic-heterospecific contacts between Cx40-HeLa transfectants and the Cx43-expressing cell lines BICR/M1R(k), 3T3/SV40, and RIN.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry provides a tool to physically sort single algal cells in order to obtain clonal cultures. During sorting, cells are submitted to physical stress factors such as high fluidic pressure, exposure to the laser beam, electrostatic charges, deflection through high voltage fields, and collisions with container surfaces. All of these can damage the cells of interest and success rates for initiation of cultures from flow‐sorted cells are generally very low. We found that the addition of bovine serum albumin in the culture medium into which cells were sorted drastically improved the success of initiation of pico‐ and nano‐eukaryotic phytoplankton strains. Adding a mixture of antibiotics (Penicillin, Neomycin, Streptomycin) to the medium in order to slow down bacterial growth further improved culture development. This approach was successfully used to isolate taxonomically diverse strains, including novel taxa, from a fresh sample obtained in the English Channel and from enrichment cultures established during an Atlantic meridional transect cruise. We anticipate that these improvements will be useful to clone or purify existing cultures and to isolate novel cultures from oceanic samples.  相似文献   

A series of laboratory experiments are reported that illustratethe response of beam attenuation ( = 660 nm) and single-celllight scatter ( = 488 nm) properties of several species of marinephytoplankton to light intensity. When unialgal cultures weresubjected to an increase in light intensity, the particle-scatteringcomponent of beam attenuation and near-forward single-cell lightscatter were found to increase rapidly in response. Cell abundanceincreased only slightly over the course of the experiments,leading to the conclusion that the response in beam attenuationwas due to irradiance-induced changes in the single-cell opticalproperties. The percent hourly increase in beam attenuation,normalized to cell abundance, and single-cell light scatterrangedfrom 5% for a culture of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyito 25% for a culture of Thalassiosira pseudonana. In a separateset of experiments, carbon-specific beam attenuation (c*c; thepaniculate material component of beam attenuation normalizedto the concentration of paniculate organic carbon) was foundto be species specific and, to some extent, sensitive to irradiance.The positive response in phytoplankton light scatter, both atthe population and at the single-cell level, to an increasein light intensity is similar to diet patterns in beam attenuationreported for the near-surface ocean. If a component of the observeddiel pattern in beam attenuation is due to irradiance-induced,carbon-independent optical variability in the phytoplanktonassemblage, as the results of the high-light experiments suggest,neglecting such variability can result in either an overestimationor an underestimation of primary production, depending on theresponse in cc*c. Natural variability in cc*c is poorly understoodand responses to environmental factors, such as irTadiance,have yet to be addressed outside of the laboratory.  相似文献   

In flow cytometry cell autofluorescence often interferes with efforts to measure low levels of bound fluorescent antibody. We have developed a way to correct for autofluorescence on a cell-by-cell basis. This results in improved estimates of real staining and better separation of the fluorescence histograms of stained and non-stained cells. Using a single laser, two-color fluorescence measurement system and two-color compensation electronics, autofluorescence and one fluorescent reagent are measured (rather than two fluorescent reagents). With fluorescein-conjugated antibodies the signal in the 515 to 555 nm range (green fluorescence) includes both fluorescein emission and part of the cellular autofluorescence. In the cases we have investigated, autofluorescence collected at wavelengths above 580 nm ("red") is well correlated with the green autofluorescence of the cells. A fraction of this red fluorescence is subtracted from the green fluorescence to produce an adjusted fluorescein output on which unstained cells have zero average signal. Use of this method facilitates the selection of rare cells transfected with surface antigen genes. Culture conditions affect the level of autofluorescence and the balance between red and green autofluorescence. When applied with fluorescein-conjugated reagents, the technique is compatible with the use of propidium iodide for live/dead cell discrimination.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The majority of cervical cytology specimens are being collected in liquid-based preservatives (LBP). However, the assessment of specimen adequacy, as mandated by The Bethesda System (TBS), is still being performed at the time of slide review. We present a rapid, flow cytometric method for assessing specimen adequacy. METHODS: Three LBPs were compared for cell-surface antigen preservation. A three-color antibody panel was used to confirm the light scatter profile of specific cells in a liquid-based cervical cytology specimen. Using forward and orthogonal light scatter alone, we were able to assess the adequacy of liquid-based cytology specimens in all LBPs tested. RESULTS: The number of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs), endocervical (columnar) cells, ectocervical (squamous) cells, and debris in 120 liquid-based cervical cytology samples was quantified in less than 10 min. Using cutoffs of > 20% PMNs, < 1.0% endocervical cells, < 1.0% ectocervical cells, and < 500 total cells per milliliter, light scatter correlated with microscopic determination of adequacy with a correlation coefficient of 0.99. CONCLUSIONS: This rapid method allows the quantitative determination of cervical cytology adequacy in liquid-based cytology preparations prior to the preparation of slides for morphologic assessment.  相似文献   

The changes of volume distribution curves of erythrocytes during and after lysis by complement or nystatin or in hypotonic buffers were measured by flow cytometry. Biconcave and spheroidal ghosts were observed after complement lysis and spheroidal ghosts were seen only after nystatin and hypotonic lysis. The spheroidal ghosts derived from red cells lysed by complement or nystatin were permeable to sucrose; those from hypotonic lysis were sucrose-impermeable. Spheroidal ghosts after complement lysis remained permeable for sucrose whereas spheroidal ghosts after nystatin lysis resealed after removal of the drug by washing. Biconcave ghosts produced by complement lysis were almost impermeable to sucrose initially and therefore responded to osmotic changes, but they became sucrose-permeable upon prolonged incubation at 37 degrees C. The rate of sucrose equilibration increased as the stability of the biconcave shape diminished with increasing numbers of C5b-9 complexes. At 850 C5b-9 complexes/ghost, the biconcave shape and impermeability for sucrose were completely lost. The results support the hypothesis that complement C5b-9 complexes, in addition to the interaction with the lipid bilayer, may interact with the cytoskeleton of the erythrocyte membrane.  相似文献   

Isolated ventricular muscle cells from the adult rat heart have been examined by both Coulter analysis and light scatter flow cytometry. The dispersed cell preparations contain two main cell types: viable, rod-shaped cells and damaged, round cells. Coulter analytical techniques provided statistical data on cell volume for both cell types. The contribution of each population to the Coulter pulse height distributions were separated by a subtraction method using data obtained from digitonin-treated preparations that contain only round cells. A shape factor for cells aligned with the flow direction was computed from light microscope measurements and the effects of cell orientation within the Coulter aperture were approximately assessed. The estimated volumes for intact myocytes compare favourably with those reported in the literature. No significant size difference was observed between fresh and fixed cells.Narrow angle, forward light scatter measurements were made on individual cells flowing across a focused laser beam. Both scatter pulse height and pulse width (pulse duration) distributions were collected. Values for myocyte length calculated from pulse width information agree well with published data and confirm that the hydrodynamic forces in the flow system produced alignment of the cells with the flow direction. Scatter pulse width distributions reveal two distinct peaks assignable to either rod or round cells. Preliminary electronic gating experiments, using pulse height signals, suggest that signals derived from round cells could be eliminated entirely using a gating regime based on pulse width. This would enable flow cytometric measurements to be made on only the intact myocytes present in heterogeneous preparations.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry is a valuable tool in phycological studies. However, endogenous cellular compounds like nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and chlorophyll a and b autofluoresce, potentially interfering with fluorescent markers. Furthermore, autofluorescent properties are not uniform across algae, nor are their effects consistent in different cytometers. The choice of instrument and fluorescent marker, therefore, requires careful consideration. We investigated the suitability of fluorescent markers by using standard four-colour and advanced multicolour flow cytometers in relation to the effects of autofluorescence over ranges of parameters including fluorophore excitation and emission spectra, band-pass filter configurations, voltage gains and the effects of growth in the light and dark. The unicellular chlorophyte and model organism, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, was used and findings were correlated with investigations of programmed cell death. As previously found C. reinhardtii autofluoresces in the red, far-red and infrared spectra. This is independent of laser excitation wavelength, and autofluorescence emits and spills over into detection channels of both four-colour and multicolour instruments. Band-pass filter configurations capturing longer wavelength emissions or fluorophores excited or emitted in these longer wavelengths are generally unsuitable. Furthermore, neither dark nor light incubation impacted the autofluorescent signals. Consideration of these algal autofluorescent properties and their spillover effects is required to avoid erroneous results. Recommendations for the use of a range of fluorophores in programmed cell death and other studies in C. reinhardtii using four-colour and multicolour instruments are made.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis of bacteria by human leukocytes measured by flow cytometry   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A new method has been developed for the evaluation of the phagocytic activity of human leukocytes using fluorescently labeled bacteria and flow cytometry. By simultaneous measurement of cellular light scatter and fluorescence, extracellular bacteria, phagocytes, and nonphagocytes could be discriminated and quantified. All leukocytes assumed to be capable of phagocytosis were phagocytosing, and about 90% of these cells were polymorphonuclear neutrophilic granulocytes. Within 15 min 85% of the bacteria were phagocytosed and each phagocyte contained an average of 15-20 bacteria. The phagocytic capacity of the leukocytes from healthy individuals showed minor interindividual and day-to-day variations. This method facilitates a rapid and accurate in vitro evaluation of the phagocytic activity of human leukocytes.  相似文献   

Features of apoptotic cells measured by flow cytometry.   总被引:134,自引:0,他引:134  
The present review describes several methods to characterize and differentiate between two different mechanisms of cell death, apoptosis and necrosis. Most of these methods were applied to studies of apoptosis triggered in the human leukemic HL-60 cell line by DNA topoisomerase I or II inhibitors, and in rat thymocytes by either topoisomerase inhibitors or prednisolone. In most cases, apoptosis was selective to cells in a particular phase of the cell cycle: only S-phase HL-60 cells and G0 thymocytes were mainly affected. Necrosis was induced by excessively high concentrations of these drugs. The following cell features were found useful to characterize the mode of cell death: a) Activation of an endonuclease in apoptocic cells resulted in extraction of the low molecular weight DNA following cell permeabilization, which, in turn, led to their decreased stainability with DNA-specific fluorochromes. Measurements of DNA content made it possible to identify apoptotic cells and to recognize the cell cycle phase specificity of the apoptotic process. b) Plasma membrane integrity, which is lost in necrotic but not apoptotic cells, was probed by the exclusion of propidium iodide (PI). The combination of PI followed by Hoechst 33342 proved to be an excellent probe to distinguish live, necrotic, early- and late-apoptotic cells. c) Mitochondrial transmembrane potential, assayed by retention of rhodamine 123 was preserved in apoptotic but not necrotic cells. d) The ATP-dependent lysosomal proton pump, tested by the supravital uptake of acridine orange (AO) was also preserved in apoptotic but not necrotic cells. e) Bivariate analysis of cells stained for DNA and protein revealed markedly diminished protein content in apoptotic cells, most likely due to activation of endogenous proteases. Necrotic cells, having leaky membranes, had minimal protein content. f) Staining of RNA allowed for the discrimination of G0 from G1 cells and thus made it possible to reveal that apoptosis was selective to G0 thymocytes. g) The decrease in forward light scatter, paralleled either by no change (HL-60 cells) or an increase (thymocytes) of right angle scatter, were early changes during apoptosis. h) The sensitivity of DNA in situ to denaturation, was increased in apoptotic and necrotic cells. This feature, probed by staining with AO at low pH, provided a sensitive and early assay to discriminate between live, apoptotic and necrotic cells, and to evaluate the cell cycle phase specificity of these processes. i) The in situ nick translation assay employing labeled triphosphonucleotides can be used to reveal DNA strand breaks, to detect the very early stages of apoptosis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Phytoplankton can, through their autofluorescent characteristics, be thought of as tracer particles in much the same way as fluorescent microspheres when used in particle uptake experiments. Flow cytometric techniques can be used to differentiate phytoplankton from other suspended particles by the two primary autofluorescing photosynthetic pigments, chlorophyll and phycoerythrin. Based on these characteristics, phytoplankton assemblages have been used to assess grazing rates, particle selectivity, and endocytotic abilities in various marine species, from single-celled organisms to higher invertebrates.  相似文献   

A method for the correction of background fluorescence in flow cytometry with special relevance to the quantitation of low levels of cellular surface membrane antigens is presented. The method is based on the mathematical modeling of cellular fluorescence distributions of background fluorescence (autofluorescence control or irrelevant antibody control) and total fluorescence (positively stained cells). Algorithms based on two models and utilizing only the routinely available background and total fluorescence histograms are developed and implemented in computer programs. These allow estimation of the fluorescence histogram corresponding exclusively to immunofluorescence staining of the cell surface antigen of interest. Thus, the correction of background fluorescence is effected solely with software processing of routinely available data; no additional hardware or parameter determinations are necessary. Two models were chosen to be physically plausible and to represent extremes in correlation between background and probe fluorescence. Extremes were chosen to assess the solution dependence on model and to provide bounds to the actual solution when no information on correlation is available. Results are presented for both computer simulations and for an actual assay of the CR1 complement receptor on human erythrocytes to test and illustrate the technique. Alternatively, data can be tested assuming a particular model to explore the relationship, if any, between specific and nonspecific fluorescence.  相似文献   

The ability to rapidly distinguish viable sub-populations of cells within populations of macroalgal protoplast isolations was demonstrated using flow cytometry. Viable protoplasts from Ulva sp. and Porphyra perforata J. Ag. were distinguished from non-viable protoplasts based on differential fluorescein accumulation. The identities of cortical and epidermal protoplasts from Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Ag. were inferred based on light-scattering and chlorophyll a autofluorescence. Three cell types could be distinguished among protoplasts released from thalli of P. perforata based on chlorophyll a and phycoerythrin autofluorescence. Mixed protoplast populations of Ulva sp. and P. perforata were also discernable based on relative chlorophyll a and phycoerythrin autofluorescence. The ability to screen heterogenous protoplast populations rapidly, combined with the cell sorting capabilities of many flow cytometers, should prove valuable for seaweed biotechnology.  相似文献   

A principal use of flow cytometers is for the measurement of fluorescence distributions of cells stained with DNA specific dyes. A large amount of effort has been and is being expended currently in the analysis of these distributions for the fractions of cells in the G1, S, and G2 + M phases. Several methods of analysis have been proposed and are being used; new methods continue to be introduced. Many, if not most, of these methods differ only in the mathematical function used to represent the phases of the cell cycle and represent attempts to fit exactly distributions with known phase fractions or unusual shapes. In this paper we show that these refinements probably are not necessary because of cell staining and sampling variability. This hypothesis was tested by measuring fluorescence distributions for Chinese hamster ovary and KHT mouse sarcoma cells stained with Hoechst-33258, chromomycin A3, propidium iodide, and acriflavine. Our results show that: a) single measurements can result in phase fraction estimates that are in error by as much as 40% for G2 + M phase and 15-20% for G1 and S phases; b) different dyes can yield phase fraction estimates that differ by as much as 40% due to differences in DNA specificity; c) the shapes of fluorescence distributions and their interpretation are very dependent on the dye being used and on its binding mechanism.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from ten normal donors were labeled with a monoclonal antibody specific for monocytes and analyzed using a fluorescence activated cell sorter (FACS). Forward and 90 degrees light scatter parameters were studied in order to apply optimal computerized gating to identify and exclude monocytes from lymphocyte populations. An average of 9.45% versus 1.22% of cells, within chosen lymphocyte gates established by forward angle and 90 degrees scatter, respectively, were identified as monocytes. In samples from ten donors, the exclusion of monocytes from the lymphocyte population was more efficient using 90 degrees scatter than forward scatter. Simultaneous use of forward and 90 degrees scatter did not significantly improve the ability to accurately exclude monocytes, but did result in a significant increase in the improper exclusion of lymphocytes. Use of 90 degrees scatter alone, forward scatter alone, and forward and 90 degrees scatter simultaneously to identify lymphoid cells resulted in the exclusion of 12, 17, and 23% of lymphocytes from further analysis. The 90 degrees scatter alone appears to be the optimal method to eliminate monocytes electronically from mononuclear cell populations in which lymphocytes are being studied.  相似文献   

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