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Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of immunoglobulin G (IgG) light chain dimer using particle mesh Ewald (PME) and cutoff methods of treating electrostatic interactions were performed. The results indicate that structural parameters (RMSD, radius of gyration, solvent accessible surface) are very similar for both schemes; however, PME simulation shows increased mobility of side chains. This leads to larger fluctuations in the distance between the monomers in the dimer molecule, and, as a consequence, results in decreased number of interactions across the dimer interface. The wall clock time of the simulations was also compared. It was shown that the PME method is approximately 30% faster than the cutoff method for the system studied on a single processor.Figure Backbone order parameters for PME (red) and cutoff (green) calculations. Thick, horizontal lines show stable secondary structures  相似文献   

Five long-timescale (10 ns) explicit-solvent molecular dynamics simulations of a DNA tetradecanucleotide dimer are performed using the GROMOS 45A4 force field and the simple-point-charge water model, in order to investigate the effect of the treatment of long-range electrostatic interactions as well as of the box shape and size on the structure and dynamics of the molecule (starting from an idealised B-DNA conformation). Long-range electrostatic interactions are handled using either a lattice-sum (LS) method (particle–particle–particle–mesh; one simulation performed within a cubic box) or a cutoff-based reaction-field (RF) method (four simulations, with long-range cutoff distances of 1.4 or 2.0 nm and performed within cubic or truncated octahedral periodic boxes). The overall double-helical structure, including Watson–Crick (WC) base-pairing, is well conserved in the simulation employing the LS scheme. In contrast, the WC base-pairing is nearly completely disrupted in the four simulations employing the RF scheme. These four simulations result in highly distorted compact (cutoff distance of 1.4 nm) or extended (cutoff distance of 2 nm) structures, irrespective of the shape and size of the computational box. These differences observed between the two schemes seem correlated with large differences in the radial distribution function between charged entities (backbone phosphate groups and sodium counterions) within the system.  相似文献   

The stability and dynamics of a double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) is affected by the preferential occupancy of small monovalent molecular ions. Small metal and molecular ions such as sodium and alkyl ammonium have crucial biological functions in human body, affect the thermodynamic stability of the duplex DNA and exhibit preferential binding. Here, using atomistic molecular dynamics simulations, we investigate the preferential binding of metal ion such as Na+ and molecular ions such as tetramethyl ammonium (TMA+) and 2-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethylethanaminium (CHO+) to double-stranded DNA. The thermodynamic driving force for a particular molecular ion-DNA interaction is determined by decomposing the free energy of binding into its entropic and enthalpic contributions. Our simulations show that each of these molecular ions preferentially binds to the minor groove of the DNA and the extent of binding is highest for CHO+. The ion binding processes are found to be entropically favourable. In addition, the contribution of hydrophobic effects towards the entropic stabilisation (in case of TMA+) and the effect of hydrogen bonding contributing to enthalpic stabilisation (in case of CHO+) have also been investigated.  相似文献   

Hsc70与auxilin蛋白组成的系统是Hsp70/Hsp40分子伴侣系统家族的一员,在热休克反应中发挥重要作用。本文为得出auxilin蛋白J结构域的关键氨基酸,首先采用由二硫键交联的Hsc70 R171C与auxilin D876C的复合物结晶结构作为初始模型,进行分子动力学模拟,通过比较平衡后的结合部位发现,将形成二硫键的氨基酸突变为原来的氨基酸结构在结合位点上与生化结果较为相近,之后利用此结构通过拉伸动力学模拟分析了auxilin蛋白J结构域与Hsc70的ATPase功能域的解离过程,并探讨了Hsc70与auxilin蛋白之间的相互作用力。结果表明位于HPD loop上的His874,Asp876,Thr879,螺旋Ⅲ上的Glu884,Asn895,Asp896,Ser899,Glu902,Asn903为关键氨基酸,这些数据符合之前核磁共振实验证实的T抗原J结构域的HPD基序和螺旋Ⅲ与Hsc70的ATPase功能域之间的相互作用。  相似文献   

The crystal structure for an antibody-antigen system, that of the anti-hen egg lysozyme monoclonal antibody HyHEL-5 complexed to lysozyme, is used as the starting point for computer simulations of diffusional encounters between the two proteins. The investigation consists of two parts: first, the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann equation is solved to determine the long-range electrostatic forces between antibody and antigen, and then, the relative motion as influenced by these forces is modeled within Brownian motion theory. The effects of various point mutations on the calculated reaction rate are considered. It is found that charged residues close to the binding site exert the greatest influence in steering the proteins into a configuration favorable for their binding, while more distant mutations are qualitatively described by the Smoluchowski model for the mutual diffusion of two uniformly charged spheres. The antibody residues involved in forming salt links with the lysozyme, Glu-H35 and Glu-H50, appear to be particularly important in electrostatic steering, as neutralization of both of them yields reaction rates that are two to three orders of magnitude below those of wild-type rates. The relative rates obtained from the simulations can be tested through kinetic measurements on mutant protein complexes. Kinetically efficient partners can also be designed and constructed through directed mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Lin Shen  Hua Wan 《Biopolymers》2015,103(10):597-608
Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) are known as the most toxic natural substances. Synaptic vesicle protein 2 (SV2) has been proposed to be a protein receptor for BoNT/A. Recently, two short peptides (BoNT/A‐A2 and SV2C‐A3) were designed to inhibit complex formation between the BoNT/A receptor‐binding domain (BoNT/A‐RBD) and the synaptic vesicle protein 2C luminal domain (SV2C‐LD). In this article, the two peptide complex systems are studied by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The structural stability analysis indicates that BoNT/A‐A2 system is more stable than SV2C‐A3 system. The conformational analysis implies that the β‐sheet in BoNT/A‐A2 system maintains its secondary structure but the two β‐strands in SV2C‐A3 system have remarkable conformational changes. Based on the calculation of hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic interactions and cation‐π interactions, it is found that the internal hydrogen bonds play crucial roles in the structural stability of the peptides. Because of the stable secondary structure, the β‐sheet in BoNT/A‐A2 system establishes effective interactions at the interface and inhibits BoNT/A‐RBD binding to SV2C‐LD. In contrast, without other β‐strands forming internal hydrogen bonds, the two isolated β‐strands in SV2C‐A3 system become the random coil. This conformational change breaks important hydrogen bonds and weakens cation‐π interaction in the interface, so the complex formation is only partially inhibited by the two β‐strands. These results are consistent with experimental studies and may be helpful in understanding the inhibition mechanisms of peptide inhibitors. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 103: 597–608, 2015.  相似文献   

Membrane protein function and stability has been shown to be dependent on the lipid environment. Recently, we developed a high-throughput computational approach for the prediction of membrane protein/lipid interactions. In the current study, we enhanced this approach with the addition of a new measure of the distortion caused by membrane proteins on a lipid bilayer. This is illustrated by considering the effect of lipid tail length and headgroup charge on the distortion caused by the integral membrane proteins MscS and FLAP, and by the voltage sensing domain from the channel KvAP. Changing the chain length of lipids alters the extent but not the pattern of distortion caused by MscS and FLAP; lipid headgroups distort in order to interact with very similar but not identical regions in these proteins for all bilayer widths investigated. Introducing anionic lipids into a DPPC bilayer containing the KvAP voltage sensor does not affect the extent of bilayer distortion.  相似文献   

The villin headpiece helical subdomain (HP36) is one of the best known model systems for computational studies of fast‐folding all‐α miniproteins. HP21 is a peptide fragment—derived from HP36—comprising only the first and second helices of the full domain. Experimental studies showed that although HP21 is mostly unfolded in solution, it does maintain some persistent native‐like structure as indicated by the analysis of NMR‐derived chemical shifts. Here we compare the experimental data for HP21 with the results obtained from a 15‐μs long folding molecular dynamics simulation performed in explicit water and with full electrostatics. We find that the simulation is in good agreement with the experiment and faithfully reproduces the major experimental findings, namely that (a) HP21 is disordered in solution with <10% of the trajectory corresponding to transiently stable structures, (b) the most highly populated conformer is a native‐like structure with an RMSD from the corresponding portion of the HP36 crystal structure of <1 Å, (c) the simulation‐derived chemical shifts—over the whole length of the trajectory—are in reasonable agreement with the experiment giving reduced χ2 values of 1.6, 1.4, and 0.8 for the Δδ13Cα, Δδ13CO, and Δδ13Cβ secondary shifts, respectively (becoming 0.8, 0.7, and 0.3 when only the major peptide conformer is considered), and finally, (d) the secondary structure propensity scores are in very good agreement with the experiment and clearly indicate the higher stability of the first helix. We conclude that folding molecular dynamics simulations can be a useful tool for the structural characterization of even marginally stable peptides.  相似文献   

The stability and structure of several beta-hairpin peptide variants derived from the C-terminus of the B1 domain of protein G were investigated by a number of experimental and computational techniques. Our analysis shows that the structure and stability of this hairpin can be greatly affected by one or a few simple mutations. For example, removing an unfavorable charge near the N-terminus of the peptide (Glu42 to Gln or Thr) or optimization of the N-terminal charge-charge interactions (Gly41 to Lys) both stabilize the peptide, even in water. Furthermore, a simple replacement of a charged residue in the turn (Asp47 to Ala) changes the beta-turn conformation. Finally, we show that the effects of combining these single mutations are additive, suggesting that independent stabilizing interactions can be isolated and evaluated in a simple model system. Our results indicate that the structure and stability of this beta-hairpin peptide can be modulated in numerous ways and thus contributes toward a more complete understanding of this important model beta-hairpin as well as to the folding and stability of larger peptides and proteins.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were employed to investigate the structure, dynamics, and local base-pair step deformability of the free 16S ribosomal helix 44 from Thermus thermophilus and of a canonical A-RNA double helix. While helix 44 is bent in the crystal structure of the small ribosomal subunit, the simulated helix 44 is intrinsically straight. It shows, however, substantial instantaneous bends that are isotropic. The spontaneous motions seen in simulations achieve large degrees of bending seen in the X-ray structure and would be entirely sufficient to allow the dynamics of the upper part of helix 44 evidenced by cryo-electron microscopic studies. Analysis of local base-pair step deformability reveals a patch of flexible steps in the upper part of helix 44 and in the area proximal to the bulge bases, suggesting that the upper part of helix 44 has enhanced flexibility. The simulations identify two conformational substates of the second bulge area (bottom part of the helix) with distinct base pairing. In agreement with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and X-ray studies, a flipped out conformational substate of conserved 1492A is seen in the first bulge area. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations reveal a number of reversible alpha-gamma backbone flips that correspond to transitions between two known A-RNA backbone families. The flipped substates do not cumulate along the trajectory and lead to a modest transient reduction of helical twist with no significant influence on the overall geometry of the duplexes. Despite their considerable flexibility, the simulated structures are very stable with no indication of substantial force field inaccuracies.  相似文献   

Some ingredients from herbal medicine can significantly affect the activity of CYP2D6, thus leading to serious interactions between herbs and drugs. Quercetin and hyperoside are active ingredients widely found in vegetables, fruits, and herbal medicines. Quercetin and hyperoside have many biological activities. In this work, the characteristic bindings of CYP2D6 with quercetin/hyperoside are revealed by multi-spectroscopy analysis, molecular docking, and molecular dynamics simulations. The fluorescence of CYP2D6 is statically quenched by quercetin and hyperoside. The binding constant (Ka) values of CYP2D6–quercetin/hyperoside range from 104 L mol−1, which indicates that these two flavonoids bind moderately to CYP2D6. Meanwhile, quercetin has a stronger quenching ability to CYP2D6 than that of hyperoside. The secondary structure of CYP2D6 is obviously changed by binding with quercetin/hyperoside. The docking results reveal that the quercetin/hyperoside enters the active site of CYP2D6 near heme and binds to CYP2D6 by hydrogen bonds and van der Waals forces. The molecular dynamics simulation results indicate that the binding of quercetin/hyperoside can stabilize the two complexes, enhance the flexibility of CYP2D6 backbone atoms, and make a more unfolded and looser structure of CYP2D6.  相似文献   

We have investigated the structure and dynamics of three cavitand-based four-helix bundles (caviteins) by computer simulation. In these systems, designed de novo, each of the four helices contain the identical basis sequence EELLKKLEELLKKG (N1). Each cavitein consists of a rigid macrocycle (cavitand) with four aryl linkages, to each of which is connected an N1 peptide by means of a linker peptide. The three caviteins studied here differ only in the linker peptide, which consist of one, two, or three glycine residues. Previous experimental work has shown that these systems exhibit very different behavior in terms of stability and oligomerization states despite the small differences in the linker peptide. Given that to date no three-dimensional structure is available for these caviteins, we have undertaken a series of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in explicit water to try to rationalize the large differences in the experimentally observed behavior of these systems. Our results provide insight, for the first time, into why and how the cavitein with a single glycine linker forms dimers. In addition, our results indicate why although the two- and three-glycine-linked caviteins have similar stabilities, they have different native-like characteristics: the cavitein with three glycines can form a supercoiled helix, whereas the one with two glycines cannot. These findings may provide a useful guide in the rational de novo design of novel proteins with finely tunable structures and functions in the future.  相似文献   

Tobi D  Elber R  Thirumalai D 《Biopolymers》2003,68(3):359-369
The conformational equilibrium of a blocked valine peptide in water and aqueous urea solution is studied using molecular dynamics simulations. Pair correlation functions indicate enhanced concentration of urea near the peptide. Stronger hydrogen bonding of urea-peptide compared to water-peptide is observed with preference for helical conformation. The potential of mean force, computed using umbrella sampling, shows only small differences between urea and water solvation that are difficult to quantify. The changes in solvent structure around the peptide are explained by favorable electrostatic interactions (hydrogen bonds) of urea with the peptide backbone. There is no evidence for significant changes in hydrophobic interactions in the two conformations of the peptide in urea solution. Our simulations suggest that urea denatures proteins by preferentially forming hydrogen bonds to the peptide backbone, reducing the barrier for exposing protein residues to the solvent, and reaching the unfolded state.  相似文献   

Recently Bekker et al. [Bekker G‐J et al. Protein Sci. 2019;28:429–438.] described a computational strategy of applying molecular‐dynamics simulations to estimate the relative stabilities of single‐domain antibodies, and utilized their method to design changes with the aim of increasing the stability of a single‐domain antibody with a known crystal structure. The structure from which they generated potentially stabilizing mutations is an anti‐cholera toxin single domain antibody selected from a naïve library which has relatively low thermal stability, reflected by a melting point of 48°C. Their work was purely theoretical, so to examine their predictions, we prepared the parental and predicted stabilizing mutant single domain antibodies and examined their thermal stability, ability to refold and affinity. We found that the mutation that improved stability the most (~7°C) was one which changed an amino acid in CDR1 from an asparagine to an aspartic acid. This change unfortunately was also accompanied by a reduction in affinity. Thus, while their modeling did appear to successfully predict stabilizing mutations, introducing mutations in the binding regions is problematic. Of further interest, the mutations selected via their high temperature simulations, did improve refolding, suggesting that they were successful in stabilizing the structure at high temperatures and thereby decrease aggregation. Our result should permit them to reassess and refine their model and may one day lead to a usefulin silico approach to protein stabilization.  相似文献   

The interaction between like-charged amino acid residues has been proposed to stabilize the folded state of peptides and proteins, and to modulate the substrate binding and the action mechanism of enzymes. We have used an alanine- and lysine-based peptide as a model system to study the interaction between like charges, and we have performed a 16-nsec molecular dynamics simulation in solution. The calculated potential of mean force for the approach of the lysine's Nzeta atoms showed a minimum at a distance of 0.7 nm, in agreement with the separation probabilities obtained from analysis of protein crystal structures. The analysis of the individual energy components showed that the solvent polarization pays for the approach of the like charges and that the van der Waals energies do not contribute significantly. The entropic contributions have been divided in conformational and desolvation terms. Both terms favor the formation of the charge pair. A 10-fold increase in counterion concentration was observed-with respect to its bulk concentration-next to the peptide charges, which helps to stabilize the peptide charges at a close distance.  相似文献   

The transient opening of a backdoor in the active‐site wall of acetylcholinesterase, one of nature's most rapid enzymes, has been suggested to contribute to the efficient traffic of substrates and products. A crystal structure of Torpedo californica acetylcholinesterase in complex with the peripheral‐site inhibitor aflatoxin is now presented, in which a tyrosine at the bottom of the active‐site gorge rotates to create a 3.4‐Å wide exit channel. Molecular dynamics simulations show that the opening can be further enlarged by movement of Trp84. The crystallographic and molecular dynamics simulation data thus point to the interface between Tyr442 and Trp84 as the key element of a backdoor, whose opening permits rapid clearance of catalysis products from the active site. Furthermore, the crystal structure presented provides a novel template for rational design of inhibitors and reactivators, including anti‐Alzheimer drugs and antidotes against organophosphate poisoning.  相似文献   

Lai YT  Cheng CS  Liu YN  Liu YJ  Lyu PC 《Proteins》2008,72(4):1189-1198
Plant nonspecific lipid transfer proteins (nsLTPs) are small, basic proteins constituted mainly of alpha-helices and stabilized by four conserved disulfide bridges. They are characterized by the presence of a tunnel-like hydrophobic cavity, capable of transferring various lipid molecules between lipid bilayers in vitro. In this study, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed at room temperature to investigate the effects of lipid binding on the dynamic properties of rice nsLTP1. Rice nsLTP1, either in the free form or complexed with one or two lipids was subjected to MD simulations. The C-terminal loop was very flexible both before and after lipid binding, as revealed by calculating the root-mean-square fluctuation. After lipid binding, the flexibility of some residues that were not in direct contact with lipid molecules increased significantly, indicating an increase of entropy in the region distal from the binding site. Essential dynamics analysis revealed clear differences in motion between unliganded and liganded rice nsLTP1s. In the free form of rice nsLTP1, loop1 exhibited the largest directional motion. This specific essential motion mode diminished after binding one or two lipid molecules. To verify the origin of the essential motion observed in the free form of rice nsLTP1, we performed multiple sequence alignments to probe the intrinsic motion encoded in the primary sequence. We found that the amino acid sequence of loop1 is highly conserved among plant nsLTP1s, thus revealing its functional importance during evolution. Furthermore, the sequence of loop1 is composed mainly of amino acids with short side chains. In this study, we show that MD simulations, together with essential dynamics analysis, can be used to determine structural and dynamic differences of rice nsLTP1 upon lipid binding.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the activation domain of porcine procarboxypeptidase B (ADBp) were performed to examine the effect of using the particle-particle particle-mesh (P3M) or the reaction field (RF) method for calculating electrostatic interactions in simulations of highly charged proteins. Several structural, thermodynamic, and dynamic observables were derived from the MD trajectories, including estimated entropies and solvation free energies and essential dynamics (ED). The P3M method leads to slightly higher atomic positional fluctuations and deviations from the crystallographic structure, along with somewhat lower values of the total energy and solvation free energy. However, the ED analysis of the system leads to nearly identical results for both simulations. Because of the strong similarity between the results, both methods appear well suited for the simulation of highly charged globular proteins in explicit solvent. However, the lower computational demand of the RF method in the present implementation represents a clear advantage over the P3M method.  相似文献   

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