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The diel migration patterns of Mesocyclops edax and its preyin a small lake were followed in two studies separated by approximatelyone year. Gut contents of the predators were examined and selectivityindices calculated at each depth at 0100 h during 1980. Thethree principal zooplankton prey found in the guts of M. edaxwere Keratella, Kellicottia, and Bosmina. The predator and allthree major prey species exhibited unique and different dielvertical distribution and migration patterns. The complex natureof the spatio-temporal variation in prey density to which M.edax is exposed, demonstrates the dangers of using selectivityindices without knowledge of the distribution patterns of bothpredator and prey. An increase in vertebrate predation pressurefrom one year to the next is thought to be responsible for anincrease in the abundance of small zooplankton species, thedisappearance of two out of three of the large zooplankton species,and the onset of a pronounced nocturnal migration pattern inthe third large species. 1Present address: Biology Department, Williams Hall #31, LehighUniversity, Bethlehem, PA 18015, USA  相似文献   

Behavioral interactions between a cyclopoid copepod predator and its prey   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Behavioral observations on the predatory interactions betweenMesocyclops edax and several different types and sizes of preyrevealed that prey size alone was less important than otherspecific morphological and behavioral characteristics of theprey in deterring successful predation by the copepod. The behavioralresponses of Bosmina and Asplanchna to an attacking copepodwere passive and consisted of a simple retraction of vulnerableswimming appendages which made the prey more difficult to grasp.Daphnia and Diaphanosoma on the other hand exhibited very activeswimming escape responses. Tropocyclops usually avoided M. edaxby fleeing before the larger predator could detect them. Thehard carapaces of Daphnia, Bosmina and Keratella were effectiveat reducing ingestion following capture by M. edax. The resultsof these behavioral observations were supported by enclosureexperiments in which the predator was offered a choice betweentwo prey simultaneously. Cyclopoid copepods are capable of successfullyattacking, capturing and ingesting prey organisms several timestheir own body length. Although size alone may influence thepreference of cyclopoid copepods on large and small individualsof the same or similar prey species, it is not a dependabledeterminant of the preference of cyclopoids on multispecificprey assemblages. 1Present address: Department of Biology, Williams Hall No. 31,Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015, USA  相似文献   

Consumption rate and feeding success of newly hatched paralarvaeof the cephalopod Octopus vulgaris preying on Artemia larvaewere investigated in relation to visual conditions and preydensity. Each paralarva was tested individually using a small-scaleexperimental setup; consumption over one day was measured at20°C. A factorial experiment was designed to investigatethe effects on the consumption rate of two predictor variables:illumination/background (three levels: 7.5 Wm–2 whitelight + white background, 7.5 Wm–2 white light +blue background, darkness) and prey density (four levels: 2.35,4.70, 9.40 and 14.10 Artemia metanauplii ml–1). Consumptionrate varied significantly between different conditions of illuminationand prey density. Light enhanced consumption rate, but differentbackgrounds yielded similar rates. The maximal consumption rateunder illumination was close to 16 Artemia paralarva–1day–1, and it was around 5 Artemia paralarva–1 day–1for assays in darkness. The predatory efficiency, measured asthe proportion of prey consumed, was significantly affectedby prey density, pointing to a type III functional response.The number of nonfeeding paralarvae was significantly higherin darkness and at low prey density. (Received 14 February 2006; accepted 23 December 2006)  相似文献   

The predatory copepod Mesocyclops edax is an important componentof many zooplankton communities where it typically makes extensivedid vertical migrations. To describe the effect of light onadults we measured their photoresponses in the laboratory. Theresponse spectrum is characterized by a wide plateau of greatestsensitivity from about 480 – 580 nm. These animals areadapted to perceive light during the day since their regionof maximum sensitivity overlaps the spectral region of highestquantal intensity underwater (575 – 700 nm). The thresholdintensity for positive phototaxis by dark adapted animals wasabout 5 x 10–1 Wm–2 at 540 nm, and they were positivelyphototactic up to an intensity of 5 x 10–1 Wm–2.Above this intensity phototaxis is no longer observed. Light-adaptedanimals were less sensitive than dark-adapted, but their generalpattern of response to light intensity did not differ. Thereis no rhythm in phototaxis. Their photoresponses may providea mechanism for controlling vertical migration so as to minimizeexposure to planktivorous fish. 1Contribution No. 1375-AEL from UM-CEES, Appalachian EnvironmentalLaboratory.  相似文献   

Bolinopsis vitrea is a warm water lobate ctenophore which doesnot overlap in its distribution with Mnemiopsis mccradyi incontiguous waters. We examined its feeding ecology on a seriesof cruises. B. virrea ingested increasingly more prey at higherfood concentrations (2–100 prey l–1) but feedingeffort (clearance rate) decreased with increasing food availability.On a dry weight basis, smaller tentaculate Bolinopsis ingestedseveral times more than larger lobates, but based on carbonweight, specific ingestion was fairly uniform over the entiresize range investigated (6–60 mm total length). Bolinopsiscollected during the daytime in the Bahamas rarely had morethan three prey items in their guts. These results and laboratorymeasurements of digestion times (av. = 1.9 h) allowed computationof daily rations, which could not account for the metabolicrequirement as measured on the same cruises. Results of feedingexperiments, however, implied that prey densities in excessof 11–1 were sufficient to sustain a growing populationof Bolinopsis. Prey concentrations about an order of magnitudehigher were required for M. mccradyi based on similar experiments.These results were in general agreement with observed densitiesand distributions of ctenophores and their zooplankton preyin the Bahamas and coastal South Florida.  相似文献   

The swimming and feeding behavior of Mesocyclops   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The swimming and feeding behaviors of Mesocyclops are described from a review of the literature and personal observations. Mesocyclops exhibits considerable behavioral flexibility in response to environmental stimuli. Mesocyclops edax exhibits an increase in horizontal looping behavior at high prey densities, and performs a tight vertical looping behavior in response to the loss of captured prey. Ingestion rates by Mesocyclops are a complex function of prey density, morphology, and behavior in addition to prey size. Vertebrate predators induce a rapid escape response in Mesocyclops and may be responsible at least in part for their extensive diel vertical migrations. The complex behavioral patterns of Mesocyclops suggest that its distribution and abundance in nature will be distinctly nonrandom and influenced as much by its own behavioral responses as by other external physical factors such as water circulation patterns.  相似文献   

Clear diel periodicity in the timing of egg laying was observedin the tropical cyclopoid cope-pods Oithona plumifera, Oithonanana, Oithona simplex and Corycaeus amazomcus, and the harpacti-coidEuterpina acutifrons in waters surrounding Jamaica, West Indies.Individual females incubated under ambient food conditions formultiple clutches displayed remarkable constancy in their clutchdurations (= egg or embryonic development time). All speciesexhibited clutch durations of 20–23 h and cycle durations(= sum of clutch and inter-clutch durations) of 24 h, exceptfor the offshore species O.plumifera where the clutch durationwas 36 h and the cycle duration 48 or 72 h. Egg laying appearedto be synchronized by photoperiod, occurring around dawn formost species. In order to avoid biases, diel periodicity mustbe accounted for in estimates of egg production rates, and futureefforts should concentrate on the responses of clutch size andinterclutch durations to natural food climates.  相似文献   

The effects of a population of the boring gastropod Natica tectaon the bivalve Choromytilus meridionalis were investigated atBailey's Cottage, False Bay, South Africa. In July 1979 theN. tecta density on the mussel bed averaged 69 m–2 andthe population consisted mainly of reproductively mature individualsbetween 20–33 mm shell width. Laboratory experiments on N. tecta showed that prey size selectionis an increasing function of predator size. The prey size rangetaken by large N. tecta is also greater than that taken by smallindividuals. The position of the borehole on the mussel shellis a function of the way in which the shell is held by the footduring the boring process. Consumption rates measured in thelaboratory showed an increase from approximately 1 kJ per weekin 18 mm N. tecta to 4.5 kJ per week in 28 mm individuals. Populationconsumption in the field was calculated as 663 kJ m–2month–1. It was estimated that at this rate the standingcrop of mussels in the pool would be eliminated within 10 months.Field measurements showed significant depletion after 6 months. New spat settlement of mussels occur every 4–6 years.The growth curve shows that after one year the population meansize exceeds 30 mm shell length, which is beyond the prey selectionsize range of small N. tecta. It was concluded that at the timeof a new mussel settlement a niche is provided for the simultaneoussettlement and growth of juvenile N. tecta in high densities.However, within one year the increase in prey size, togetherwith depletion due to over-exploitation, limits population growthand density in N. tecta. (Received 14 March 1980;  相似文献   

The ingestion rates of the copepod, Diacyclops thomasi, on thesoft-bodied rotifer, Synchaeta pectinata, increased 10-fold(0.07–0.77 Synchaeta h–1) over the range 50–250prey l–1. The saturating functional response curve appearedsigmoid but was statistically indistinguishable from a parabola.The response curve was more linear and 10 times lower over thesame range of density when Diacyclops was offered Kerarellacochleans, a species having a stiffened lorica. Diacyclops maximizedits ingestion rate on Synchaeta as a function of the availablegut space. Predation effort, measured as clearance rates, waslinked tentatively to changes in swimming speed of Diacyclopsand was a function of hunger level. Diacyclops, which were starvedfor varying periods of time, increased their ingestion rateson Synchaeta up to a maximum (-3.0 h–1) after 7–10h of food deprivation. The gut passage time of Diacyclops wasestimated to be 7–8 h. Therefore, ingestion rates (andclearance rates) appeared to be strongly correlated to the volumeof food in the gut.  相似文献   

The heterotrophic dinoflagellate Noctiluca scintillans has anegligible swimming ability and feeds predominantly on immobileprey. How, then, does it encounter prey? Noctiluca scintillansis positively buoyant and, therefore, we hypothesized that itintercepts prey particles during ascent and/or that microscaleshear brings it into contact with prey. Noctiluca scintillanshas a specific carbon content 1–2 orders of magnitudeless than that typical for protists and, thus, an inflated volume.It also has a density slightly less than that of the ambientwater and therefore ascends at high velocities (-1 m h–1).In stagnant water, clearance rates of latex spheres (5–80µm) increased approximately with prey particle size squared.This scaling is consistent with N.scintillans being an interceptionfeeder. However, absolute clearance rates were substantiallylower than those predicted by modeling N.scintillans both asa spherical and as a cylindrical collector. The latter modelassumes that prey particles are collected on the string of mucusthat may form at the tip of the tentacle. Feeding, growth andprey selection experiments all demonstrated that diatoms arecleared at substantially higher rates than latex beads and otherphytoplankters, particularly dinoflagellates. We propose thatdiatoms stick more efficiently than latex beads to the mucusof N.scintillans and that dinoflagellates reduce fatal contactbehaviorally. We conclude that N.scintillans is an interceptionfeeder and that the high ascent velocity accounts for encounterswith prey. However, the flow field around the cell-mucus complexis too complicated to be described accurately by simple geometricmodels. Fluid shear (0.7–1.8 s–1 had a negativeimpact on feeding rates, which were much less than predictedby models. Noctiluca scintillans can survive starvation forlong periods (>3 weeks), it can grow at low concentrationsof prey (-15 µg C l–1), but growth saturates onlyat very high prey concentrations of 500–1000 µgC l–1 or more. We demonstrate how the functional biologyof N.scintillans is consistent with its spatial and seasonaldistribution, which is characterized by persistence in the plankton,blooms in association with high concentrations of diatoms, andsurface accumulation during quiescent periods or exponentialdecline in abundance with depth during periods of turbulentmixing.  相似文献   

Cladoceran composition and diel horizontal migration were studiedin 2, 10 and 25 m diameter macrophyte exclosures establishedin the littoral zone of shallow Lake Stigsholm, Denmark. Theexclosures were protected from waterfowl grazing, but open tofish. The macrophyte community cornprized Potwnogeton pectinatus,Potamogeton pusillus and Callitriche hemaphroditica. Cladoceranswere sampled randomly every third hour inside and outside themacrophyte exclosures during a 24 h period. In the 2m exclosure,the pelagic species Ceriodaphnia spp. and Bosmina spp. dominatedduring the day, mean density being as high as 3430 indiv. l–1During the night, density decreased to 10–20% of the daytimedensity thus indicating diel horizontal migration. In the 10and 25 m exciosures, the daytime mean density of Ceriodaphniaspp. was 865 and 202 indiv. l–1, respectively, and didnot decrease at night. In contrast to the pelagic species, thedensity of macrophyte-associated species tended to be higherin the 10 and 25 m exclosure than in the 2 m exclosure. In thedaytime, Eurycercus lamellatus density in the 2, 10 and 25 rnmacrophyte exclosures was 7, 28 and 16 indiv. l–1 respectively,while that of Simocephalus vetulus was 11, 171 and 92 mdiv.l–1, respectively. There was no thy-night difference inthe density of macrophyte-associated species. We conclude thatcladoceran community composition varies with macrophyte bedsize, and that the edge zone between the bed and open wateris an important daytime refuge for potentially migrating pelagiccladocerans.  相似文献   

Few studies have documented the activity patterns of both predators and their common prey over 24 h diel cycles. This study documents the temporal periodicity of two common resident predators of juvenile reef fishes, Cephalopholis cyanostigma (rockcod) and Pseudochromis fuscus (dottyback) and compares these to the activity and foraging pattern of a common prey species, juvenile Pomacentrus moluccensis (lemon damselfish). Detailed observations of activity in the field and using 24 h infrared video in the laboratory revealed that the two predators had very different activity patterns. C. cyanostigma was active over the whole 24 h period, with a peak in feeding strikes at dusk and increased activity at both dawn and dusk, while P. fuscus was not active at night and had its highest strike rates at midday. The activity and foraging pattern of P. moluccensis directly opposes that of C. cyanostigma with individuals reducing strike rate and intraspecific aggression at both dawn and dusk, and reducing distance from shelter and boldness at dusk only. Juveniles examined were just outside the size-selection window of P. fuscus. We suggest that the relatively predictable diel behaviour of coral reef predators results from physiological factors such as visual sensory abilities, circadian rhythmicity, variation in hunting profitability, and predation risk at different times of the day. Our study suggests that the diel periodicity of P. moluccensis behaviour may represent a response to increased predation risk at times when both the ability to efficiently capture food and visually detect predators is reduced.  相似文献   

Fine scale spatial distributions of planktonic ciliates whichprey on dinoflagellates were investigated in a small estuary.The horizontal distributions of Favella sp., Balanion sp. andStrobilidium sp. were positively correlated with the patchydistribution of dinoflagellates. The vertical distribution ofFavella was positively corrdated with the distribution of dinoflagellates.Throughout the diel cycle, the vertical distribution of Faveilawas similar to the vertical distribution of dinoflagellates.We speculate that behavioral responses are responsible for theassociation of diliates with their prey in the water column.Vertically coincident ciliate and algal populations should respondsimilarly to turbulent mixing and water displacement causedby wind stress, bathymetry, or frontal convergences. This wouldresult in horizontal patches in which the ciliates and algaeremain associated. This fine scale spatial coupling betweenciliates and their prey should result in higher ciliate growthrates and greater impact of ciliate grazing on phytoplanktonpopulations than would be predicted from average ciliate oralgal densities. Coincident patches of algae and ciliates mayalso provide higher food concentrations for larger grazers whichcan use both resources. Contribution No. 5532, W.H.O.I.  相似文献   

In a small temperate lake of the southern Andes, Bosmina longirostrisand Ceriodaphnia dubia coexist with the predaceous water miteLimnesia patagonica. Sampling of natural populations and laboratoryexperiments were carried out. The field population of Limnesiadid not show a numerical response to the density or biomassof its prey. Laboratory experiments showed that the water miterejected C.dubia adults and juveniles as prey, but consumedBosmina. The maximum predation rate was 40 prey predator–1day–1 and a linear relationship between predation rateand prey density was obtained (R2 = 66%). The contribution ofmortality due to predation and the predation risk are too lowto provoke a prey suppression. By means of computer modelling,the densities of predator necessary to explain half of the totalprey mortality were calculated. These densities were one ortwo orders of magnitude higher than those in the field. It isconcluded that Limnesia could really be a suppressor, but thepotential depends greatly on its density.  相似文献   

A zooplankton community in the Polar Frontal Zone north of SouthGeorgia was sampled for 5 days in February 1994. Feeding ofvarious copepodite stages of six copepod species was assessedby a series of gut fluorescence/gut evacuation experiments.Feeding periodicity was compared to vertical distribution andmigration patterns, as revealed by Longhurst Hardy PlanktonRecorder (LHPR) and ring net catches. Despite chlorophyll alevels reaching only 0.8 mg m–3 and daily carbon rationsbased on phytoplankton intake being low, feeding of all thecopepods was restricted mainly to the 8 h night-time perid.During the daytime, the epipelagic community was verticallydispersed within the top 100 m. At night, upward migration bymost species led to a convergence of almost all zooplanktersin the upper half of the surface mixed layer. However, large-amplitudevertical migrations which crossed the thermocline were performedonly by Metridia lucens and Pleuromamma robusta. Although feedingby both migrants and non-migrants was mainly at night, therewas no diel signal in gut evacuation rate. The gut evacuationrates of the nine copepod species and stages differed significantly(5-fold) and were negatively related to the extent of theirdiel vertical migration. The long gut-passage times of the migratoryspecies, M.lucens and P.robusta, would have allowed them timeto defaecate some of the food eaten near the surface at depth,contributing to an active carbon transfer out of the mixed layer.However, their scarcity at this site meant that their grazingcomprised only -<1.4% of total copepod ingestion, so theircombined gut flux is likely to have been negligible (-0.4 mgcarbon day–1).  相似文献   

Feeding and metabolism of the siphonophore Sphaeronectes gracilis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The in situ predation rate of the siphonophore Sphaeronectesgracilis was estimated from gut content analysis of hand-collectedsiphonophores and from laboratory data on digestion rates ofprey organisms. At daytime prey densities of 0.25 copepods 1–1,S. gracilis was estimated to consume 8.1 – 15.4 prey day–1siphonophore–1. From data on abundances of siphonophoresand copepods, S. gracilis was estimated to consume 2–4%of the copepods daily. In laboratory experiments, ingestionrates averaged 13.8 prey day–1 siphonophore–1 atprey densities of 5 copepods 1–1 and 36.9 at 20 copeods1–1. This was equivalent to a specific ingestion rate(for both carbon and nitrogen) of –17% day–1 and45% day–1, respectively, while specific ingestion in situwas only 2% day–1. Ammonium excretion averaged 0.095 µg-atsiphonophore–1 day–1 at 5 prey 1–1, and 0.162at 20 prey 1–1. The specific respiration (carbon) andspecific excretion (nitrogen as ammonium) were calculated tobe 3% day–1 at the lower experimental food level, and5% day–1 at the higher food level. 1Contribution from the Catalina Marine Science Center No. 66. 2Present address: Dept. of Biology, University of Victoria,Victoria, B.C., Canada V8W 2Y2.  相似文献   

Cannibalistic feeding behavior of the brackish-water copepodSinocalanus tenellus was examined in the laboratory using CI-II,CIII-IV and CVI female as predators and NI-II, NIII-IV, NV-VIand CI-II as prey. In each prey-predator combination, the ingestionrate increased with increasing prey density to an asymptoticvalue. Cannibalism took place even when phytoplankton was availableas an alternative food supply. Based on a daily ration, theoptimal prey stages for CVI females, CIII-IV and CI-II are NI-VI,NI-IV and NI-II respectively. Under average, natural prey density(10 nauplii l–1), S tenellus can achieve only a smallfraction (max 9%) of the daily minimum food requirement by cannibalisticfeeding. However, the impact of cannibalism on naupliar survivorshipcan be significant. When adult females occur at a density of10 l–1, the mortality due to cannibalism attains 99.2%during the naupliar stages.  相似文献   

The predatory behavior of the carnivorous marine copepod, adultfemale Euchaeta elongata Esterly, feeding on eggs and larvaeof the Pacific hake, Merluccius productus, was examined in thelaboratory and in a natural setting. E. elongata did not feedon eggs. Predation on larvae is believed to depend on larvalswimming behavior: (1) predation rates were low on early stageyolk-sac larvae which are inactive swimmers and are relativelyundetected by the predator; (2) rates were high on middle stageyolk-sac larvae which are more active swimmers yet have a poorlydeveloped escape response; and (3) rates were low on largerlarvae which are able to escape the predator effectively. Starvedhake larvae were more vulnerable to predation due to a poorescape ability although they were less active and not easilydetected. The presence of naturally occurring alternative prey,Pseudocalanus sp., depressed the rate of E. elongata predationon hake larvae. In an analysis of field data, hake larvae andE. elongata were found to occupy the same depths in Dabob Bay.A high percentage of E. elongata collected had apparently beenfeeding on hake larvae, as indicated by the presence of pigmentsin their guts. Survival of hake larvae in late spring appearsto be relatively poor compared with early spring; poorer survivalin late spring may be due partly to an increase in the abundanceof invertebrate predators, such as E. elongata. *Current address: Northwest and Alaska Fisheries Center, 2725Montlake Blvd, Seattle, WA 98112, USA.  相似文献   

Age-specific Chaoborus predation on rotifer prey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SUMMARY. 1. This is the first study to examine predator-prey interactions between Chaoborm instars and rotifer prey. The predatory behaviour of instars I–III of Chaoborus pimctipennis and the diet selectivity of instars I—IV feeding on rotifers were examined in the laboratory. Prey used in direct observations of predatory behaviour included a variety of rotifers (Symhacta pectlnata, S. ohUmga, Polyarthra remata, Asplanchna girodi, Keratella crassa, spined and unspined forms of Keratella cochlearis) and two crustaceans (Bosmitia longirostris, Mesocyclops edax nauplii. 2. In general, strike efficiencies (percentage of strikes resulting in inges- tion) increased in successive instars I—III. Early instar (I and II) strike efficiencies were low when compared with other invertebrate predators. For a given instar. mean prey handling times varied among prey species more than strike efficiencies. Mean handling times for small, soft-bodied rotifers were lowest and those for wide, hard-bodied prey were highest. 3. Instar I exhibited significantly greater selectivity for the small, soft- bodied S. obUmga than for the larger S. pectinata, hard-bodied K. crassa, and spined and unspined forms of K. cochlearis. Instars II—IV positively selected both the large and small Symhaeta species over all Keratella species. The relationship between Chaobortts selectivity and prey value (weight of prey per unit handling time) can be described by a power function. Ingestion rates of rotifers by older instars (III and IV) are among the highest reported for invertebrate predators. 4. Rotifer vulnerability to Chaoborus predation probably depended on rotifer cuticle texture, body width, and hydrodynamic disturbances. Spined rotifers were not necessarily protected from Chaoborus predation because Chaohorus can manipulate and swallow them. Giguere et al.'s 1982) encounter rate model must be modified to predict encounter rates of slow-moving rotifer prey with Chaohorus.  相似文献   

Large populations of the phytoflagellates Cryptomonas rostratiformis,Cryptomonas phaseolus, Cryplomonas undulata and the phototrophicbacterium Chromatium cf. okenii have been observed in the oxic/anoxicboundary layer of the slightly eutrophic, dimictic lake Schlachtenseeduring the summer stratification. Vertical distribution of thesepopulations was studied with the help of a new close-intervalsampler and by in Situ fluorescence measurements with fine spatial(cm to dm) and temporal (h) resolution on 4 days in 1991, 1994and 1995. All populations lived close to the chemo dine butshowed a regular diel vertical migration with daytime ascentand night-time descent and a low migration amplitude. At leastfor one species— C. rostratiformis—the pattern ofmigration suggests that this behaviour has an endogenous origin.As a result of diel vertical migration, the population of C.rostratiformiswas spatially separated from the other dominating populationsduring daytime. Ultimate cause of diel vertical migration wasa better light supply of all populations. Another probable advantagewas the reduction in grazing pressure, as large percentagesof all populations moved into the anoxic, hydrogen sulphidecontaining water layers during night-time. 1Present address Department of Lowland Rivers and Shallow Lakes,Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Müggelseedamm260, D-12587 Berlin, FRG  相似文献   

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