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To understand microtubule function the factors regulating their spatial organization and their interaction with cellular organelles, including other microtubules, must be elucidated. Many proteins are implicated in these organizational events and the known consequences of their actions within the cell are increasing. For example, the function of microtubule bundles at the surfaces of polarized cells has recently received attention, as has the action in cortical rotation of a transient arrangement of microtubules found beneath the vegetal surface of fertilized frog eggs. The in vivo association of microtubules during early Xenopus oogenesis has added interest as microtubules bundled in cell-free extracts are protected against the action of a severing protein found in this animal. A 52 kDa F-actin bundling protein purified from Physarum polycephalum organizes microtubules and causes the cobundling of microtubules and microfilaments. These observations, in concert with others that are presented, emphasize the diversity within the family of microtubule cross-linking proteins. The challenge is to determine which proteins are relevant from a physiological perspective, to ascertain their molecular mechanisms of action and to describe how they affect cytoplasmic organization and cell function. To realize this objective, the proteins which cross-link and bundle microtubules must be investigated by techniques which reveal different but related aspects of their properties. Cloning and sequencing of genes for cross-linking proteins, their subcellular localization especially as microtubule-related changes in cell morphology are occurring and the application of genetic studies are necessary. Study of the neural MAP provides the best example of just how powerful current experimental approaches are and at the same time shows their limits. The neural MAP have long been noted for their enhancement of tubulin assembly and microtubule stability. Their spatial distribution has been studied during the morphogenesis of neural cells. Sequencing of cloned genes has revealed the functional domains of neural MAP including carboxy-terminal microtubule-binding sites. Similarities to microtubule binding proteins from other cell types stimulate interest in the neural MAP and further suggest their importance in microtubule organization. For example, MAP4 enjoys a wide cellular distribution and has microtubule-binding sequences very similar to those in the neural MAP. Moreover, the nontubulin proteins of marginal bands are immunologically related to neural MAP, indicating shared structural/functional domains. Even with these findings the mechanism by which neural MAP cross-link microtubules remains uncertain. Indeed, some researchers express doubt that microtubule cross-linking is actually a function of neural MAP in vivo.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Chloride intracellular channel (CLIC) proteins are small proteins distantly related to the omega family of glutathione S-transferases (GSTs). CLIC proteins are expressed in a wide variety of tissues in multicellular organisms and are targeted to specific cellular membranes. Members of this family are capable in vitro of changing conformation from a globular, soluble state to a membrane-inserted state in which they provide chloride conductance. The structural basis for in vivo CLIC protein function, however, is not well understood. We have mapped the functional domains of CLIC family members using an in vivo assay for membrane localization and function of CLIC proteins in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. A<70 amino acid N-terminal domain is a key determinant of membrane localization and function of invertebrate CLIC proteins. This domain, which we term the 'PTM' domain, named after an amphipathic putative transmembrane helix contained within it, directs distinct C. elegans CLIC homologs to distinct subcellular membranes. We find that within the PTM region, the cysteine residues required for GST-type activity are unnecessary for invertebrate CLIC function, but that specific residues within the proposed transmembrane helix are necessary for correct targeting and protein function. We find that among all tested invertebrate CLIC proteins, function appears to be completely conserved despite striking differences in the charged residues contained within the amphipathic helix. This indicates that these residues do not contribute to anion selectivity as previously suggested. We find that outside the PTM region, the remaining three-quarters of CLIC protein sequence is functionally equivalent not only among vertebrate and invertebrate CLIC proteins, but also among the more distantly related GST-omega and GST-sigma proteins. The PTM region thus provides both targeting information and CLIC functional specificity, possibly adapting GST-type proteins to function as ion channels.  相似文献   

Transfected CV1 cells were used to compare the in vivo effects of various domains of villin and gelsolin. These two homologous actin modulating proteins both contain a duplicated severin-like sequence. Villin has in addition a carboxy-terminal domain, the headpiece, which accounts for its bundling activity. The effects of the villin-deleted mutants were compared with those of native villin. Our results show that essential domains of villin required to induce the growth of microvilli and F-actin redistribution are present in the first half of the core and in the headpiece. We also show that the second half of the villin core cannot be exchanged by its homolog in gelsolin. When expressed at high levels of CV1 cells, full length gelsolin completely disrupted stress fibers without change of the cell shape. Addition of the villin headpiece to gelsolin had no effect on the phenotype induced by gelsolin alone. Expression of the first half of gelsolin induced similar modifications as capping proteins and rapid cell mortality; this deleterious effect on the cell structure was also observed when the headpiece was linked to the first half of gelsolin. In cells expressing the second half of gelsolin, a dotted F-actin staining was often seen. Moreover elongated dorsal F-actin structures were observed when the headpiece was linked to the second gelsolin domain. These studies illustrate the patent in vivo severing activity of gelsolin as well as the distinct functional properties of villin core in contrast to gelsolin.  相似文献   

Eidenmüller J  Fath T  Hellwig A  Reed J  Sontag E  Brandt R 《Biochemistry》2000,39(43):13166-13175
Abnormal tau-immunoreactive filaments are a hallmark of tauopathies, including Alzheimer's disease (AD). A higher phosphorylation ("hyperphosphorylation") state of tau protein may represent a critical event. To determine the potential role of tau hyperphosphorylation in these disorders, mutated tau proteins were produced where serine/threonine residues known to be highly phosphorylated in tau filaments isolated from AD patients were substituted for glutamate to simulate a paired helical filament (PHF)-like tau hyperphosphorylation. We demonstrate that, like hyperphosphorylation, glutamate substitutions induce compact structure elements and SDS-resistant conformational domains in tau protein. Hyperphosphorylation-mimicking glutamate-mutated tau proteins display a complete functional loss in its ability to promote microtubule nucleation which can partially be overcome by addition of the osmolyte trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), which is similar to phosphorylated tau. In addition, glutamate-mutated tau proteins fail to interact with the dominant brain protein phosphatase 2A isoform ABalphaC, and exhibit a reduced ability to assemble into filaments. Interestingly, wild-type tau and phosphorylation-mimicking tau similarly bind to microtubules when added alone, but the mutated tau is almost completely displaced from the microtubule surface by equimolar concentrations of wild-type tau. The data indicate that glutamate-mutated tau proteins provide a useful model for analyzing the functional consequences of tau hyperphosphorylation. They suggest that several mechanisms contribute to the abnormal tau accumulation observed during tauopathies, in particular a selective displacement of hyperphosphorylated tau from microtubules, a functional loss in promoting microtubule nucleation, and a failure to interact with phosphatases.  相似文献   

The tau and gamma proteins of the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme DnaX complex are products of the dnaX gene with gamma being a truncated version of tau arising from ribosomal frameshifting. tau is comprised of five structural domains, the first three of which are shared by gamma (Gao, D., and McHenry, C. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 4433-4453). In the absence of the other holoenzyme subunits, DnaX exists as a tetramer. Association of delta, delta', chi, and psi with domain III of DnaX(4) results in a DnaX complex with a stoichiometry of DnaX(3)deltadelta'chipsi. To identify which domain facilitates DnaX self-association, we examined the properties of purified biotin-tagged DnaX fusion proteins containing domains I-II or III-V. Unlike domain I-II, treatment of domain III-V, gamma, and tau with the chemical cross-linking reagent BS3 resulted in the appearance of high molecular weight intramolecular cross-linked protein. Gel filtration of domains I-II and III-V demonstrated that domain I-II was monomeric, and domain III-V was an oligomer. Biotin-tagged domain III-V, and not domain I-II, was able to form a mixed DnaX complex by recruiting tau, delta, delta', chi, and psi onto streptavidin-agarose beads. Thus, domain III not only contains the delta, delta', chi, and psi binding interface, but also the region that enables DnaX to oligomerize.  相似文献   

Analysis of the functional specificity of RS domains in vivo.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
B Dauwalder  W Mattox 《The EMBO journal》1998,17(20):6049-6060
A number of splicing factors contain extensive regions that are rich in arginine and serine (RS domains). These domains are thought to facilitate protein-protein interactions that are critical in the regulation of alternative splicing. Using a domain swap strategy, we have tested the ability of RS domains from several proteins to substitute in vivo for an essential RS domain in the Drosophila splicing regulator TRA-2. By several criteria, RS domains were found to vary significantly in their ability to support the splicing regulation functions of TRA-2. The RS domain of dU2AF50 functioned efficiently, while that of the dSRp55 protein did not. Moreover, we find similar differences in the ability of RS domains to direct fusion proteins to discrete subnuclear sites at which TRA-2 associates with spermatocyte chromosomes. These results indicate that RS domains are not all functionally equivalent in vivo.  相似文献   

We present a unified algorithm to analyze distances between short oligomers in large collections of nucleic acids and protein sequences (DISTANP). This extended version of DISTAN methodology not only permits analysis of distances between selected pairs of oligomers, but also allows a user to analyze distances between groups of residues (such as acidic and hydrophobic amino acids). This capacity allows differentiation of sequence properties of known functional domains in nucleic acids and proteins.  相似文献   

Interactions among the three structural domains of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1 toxins were investigated by functional analysis of chimeric proteins. Hybrid genes were prepared by exchanging the regions coding for either domain I or domain III among Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac, Cry1C, and Cry1E. The activity of the purified trypsin-activated chimeric toxins was evaluated by testing their effects on the viability and plasma membrane permeability of Sf9 cells. Among the parental toxins, only Cry1C was active against these cells and only chimeras possessing domain II from Cry1C were functional. Combination of domain I from Cry1E with domains II and III from Cry1C, however, resulted in an inactive toxin, indicating that domain II from an active toxin is necessary, but not sufficient, for activity. Pores formed by chimeric toxins in which domain I was from Cry1Ab or Cry1Ac were slightly smaller than those formed by toxins in which domain I was from Cry1C. The properties of the pores formed by the chimeras are therefore likely to result from an interaction between domain I and domain II or III. Domain III appears to modulate the activity of the chimeric toxins: combination of domain III from Cry1Ab with domains I and II of Cry1C gave a protein which was more strongly active than Cry1C.  相似文献   

The control of chlorophyll (Chl) synthesis in angiosperms depends on the light-operating enzyme protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (POR). The interruption of Chl synthesis during darkness requires suppression of the synthesis of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), the first precursor molecule specific for Chl synthesis. The inactivation of glutamyl-tRNA reductase (GluTR), the first enzyme in tetrapyrrole biosynthesis, accomplished the decreased ALA synthesis by the membrane-bound protein FLUORESCENT (FLU) and prevents overaccumulation of protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) in the dark. We set out to elucidate the molecular mechanism of FLU-mediated inhibition of ALA synthesis, and explored the role of each of the three structural domains of mature FLU, the transmembrane, coiled-coil and tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domains, in this process. Efforts to rescue the FLU knock-out mutant with truncated FLU peptides revealed that, on its own, the TPR domain is insufficient to inactivate GluTR, although tight binding of the TPR domain to GluTR was detected. A truncated FLU peptide consisting of transmembrane and TPR domains also failed to inactivate GluTR in the dark. Similarly, suppression of ALA synthesis could not be achieved by combining the coiled-coil and TPR domains. Interaction studies revealed that binding of GluTR and POR to FLU is essential for inhibiting ALA synthesis. These results imply that all three FLU domains are required for the repression of ALA synthesis, in order to avoid the overaccumulation of Pchlide in the dark. Only complete FLU ensures the formation of a membrane-bound ternary complex consisting at least of FLU, GluTR and POR to repress ALA synthesis.  相似文献   

The Survival of Motor Neurons (SMN) is the disease gene of spinal muscular atrophy. We have previously established a genetic system based on the chicken pre-B cell line DT40, in which expression of SMN protein is regulated by tetracycline, to study the function of SMN in vivo. Depletion of SMN protein is lethal to these cells. Here we tested the functionality of mutant SMN proteins by determining their capacity to rescue the cells after depletion of wild-type SMN. Surprisingly, all of the spinal muscular atrophy-associated missense mutations tested were able to support cell viability and proliferation. Deletion of the amino acids encoded by exon 7 of the SMN gene resulted in a partial loss of function. A mutant SMN protein lacking both the tyrosine/glycine repeat (in exon 6) and exon 7 failed to sustain viability, indicating that the C terminus of the protein is critical for SMN activity. Interestingly, the Tudor domain of SMN, encoded by exon 3, does not appear to be essential for SMN function since a mutant deleted of this domain restored cell viability. Unexpectedly, a chicken SMN mutant (DeltaN39) lacking the N-terminal 39 amino acids that encompass the Gemin2-binding domain also rescued the lethal phenotype. Moreover, the level of Gemin2 in DeltaN39-rescued cells was significantly reduced, indicating that Gemin2 is not required for DeltaN39 to perform the essential function of SMN in DT40 cells. These findings suggest that SMN may perform a novel function in DT40 cells.  相似文献   

The structural-functional aspects of the tubulin binding domain on the microtubule-associated protein MAP-2, and its relationship with the tubulin binding domain on tau, were studied using anti-idiotypic antibodies that react specifically with the epitope(s) on MAPs involved in their interaction with tubulin in addition to other tau and MAP-2 specific antibodies. Previous studies showed that MAP-2 and tau share common binding sites on tubulin defined by the peptide sequences alpha (430-441) and beta (422-434) of tubulin subunits. Furthermore, binding experiments revealed the existence of multiple sites for the interaction of the alpha- and beta-tubulin peptides with MAP-2 and tau. Most recent studies showed that the synthetic tau peptide Val187-Gly204 (VRSKIGSTENLKHQPGGG) from the repetitive sequence on tau defines a tubulin binding site on tau. Our present immunological studies using anti-idiotypic antibodies which interact with the synthetic tau peptide and antibodies against the Val187-Gly204 tau peptide indicate that MAP-2 and tau share common antigenic determinants at the level of their respective tubulin binding domains. These antigenic determinants appear to be present in the 35 kDa tubulin binding fragment of MAP-2 and in 18-20 kDa chymotryptic fragments containing the tubulin binding site(s) on MAP-2. These findings, along with structural information on these proteins, provide strong evidence in favor of the hypothesis that tubulin binding domains on MAP-2 and tau share similar structural features.  相似文献   

The domain is a fundamental unit of protein structure. Numerous studies have analyzed folding patterns in protein domains of known structure to gain insight into the underlying protein folding process. Are such patterns a haphazard assortment or are they similar to sentences in a language, which can be generated by an underlying grammar? Specifically, can a small number of intuitively sensible rules generate a large class of folds, including feasible new folds? In this paper, we explore the extent to which four simple rules can generate the known all‐β folds, using tools from graph theory. As a control, an exhaustive set of β‐sandwiches was tested and found to be largely incompatible with such a grammar. The existence of a protein grammar has potential implications for both the mechanism of folding and the evolution of domains.  相似文献   

FtsZ and ZipA are essential components of the septal ring apparatus, which mediates cell division in Escherichia coli. FtsZ is a cytoplasmic tubulin-like GTPase that forms protofilament-like homopolymers in vitro. In the cell, the protein assembles into a ring structure at the prospective division site early in the division cycle, and this marks the first recognized event in the assembly of the septal ring. ZipA is an inner membrane protein which is recruited to the nascent septal ring at a very early stage through a direct interaction with FtsZ. Using affinity blotting and protein localization techniques, we have determined which domain on each protein is both sufficient and required for the interaction between the two proteins in vitro as well as in vivo. The results show that ZipA binds to residues confined to the 20 C-terminal amino acids of FtsZ. The FtsZ binding (FZB) domain of ZipA is significantly larger and encompasses the C-terminal 143 residues of ZipA. Significantly, we find that the FZB domain of ZipA is also required and sufficient to induce dramatic bundling of FtsZ protofilaments in vitro. Consistent with the notion that the ability to bind and bundle FtsZ polymers is essential to the function of ZipA, we find that ZipA derivatives lacking an intact FZB domain fail to support cell division in cells depleted for the native protein. Interestingly, ZipA derivatives which do contain an intact FZB domain but which lack the N-terminal membrane anchor or in which this anchor is replaced with the heterologous anchor of the DjlA protein also fail to rescue ZipA(-) cells. Thus, in addition to the C-terminal FZB domain, the N-terminal domain of ZipA is required for ZipA function. Furthermore, the essential properties of the N domain may be more specific than merely acting as a membrane anchor.  相似文献   

Neurosecretion is critically dependent on the assembly of a macromolecular complex between the SNARE proteins syntaxin, SNAP-25 and synaptobrevin. Evidence indicates that the binding of tomosyn to syntaxin and SNAP-25 interferes with this assembly, thereby negatively regulating both synaptic transmission and peptide release. Tomosyn has two conserved domains: an N-terminal encompassing multiple WD40 repeats predicted to form two β-propeller structures and a C-terminal SNARE-binding motif. To assess the function of each domain, we performed an in vivo analysis of the N- and C- terminal domains of C. elegans tomosyn (TOM-1) in a tom-1 mutant background. We verified that both truncated TOM-1 constructs were transcribed at levels comparable to rescuing full-length TOM-1, were of the predicted size, and localized to synapses. Unlike full-length TOM-1, expression of the N- or C-terminal domains alone was unable to restore inhibitory control of synaptic transmission in tom-1 mutants. Similarly, co-expression of both domains failed to restore TOM-1 function. In addition, neither the N- nor C-terminal domain inhibited release when expressed in a wild-type background. Based on these results, we conclude that the ability of tomosyn to regulate neurotransmitter release in vivo depends on the physical integrity of the protein, indicating that both N- and C-terminal domains are necessary but not sufficient for effective inhibition of release in vivo.  相似文献   

Microtubule plus-end-tracking proteins: mechanisms and functions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Microtubule plus-end-tracking proteins (+TIPs) are a diverse group of molecules that display dynamic accumulation at the distal ends of growing microtubules. Specific binding to the growing microtubule tip coupled with quick detachment from the older lattice, plus-end-directed transport, and association with other +TIPs can all contribute to this protein localisation. +TIPs act mainly as microtubule-stabilising factors and at the same time often link microtubule ends to various cellular structures, such as the cell cortex or kinetochores. Regulation of the activity of +TIPs has profound effects on the shape of the microtubule network and plays an essential role in cell division, motility and morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The catalytic, RNA-binding and oligomerization domains of the RNA-editing terminal uridylyl transferase 1 (RET1) from Leishmania tarentolae mitochondria were characterized by mutational analysis. Significant N- and C-terminal portions of the protein were found to be dispensable for UTP polymerization in vitro. Changes of conserved amino acids in the active site demonstrated a general similarity of sugar-phosphate moiety recognition of the incoming ribonucleotide triphosphate by RET1 and eukaryotic poly(A) polymerases. Overlapping RNA-binding and oligomerization regions were mapped to the C-terminal region, which is conserved only among trypanosomatid RET1 enzymes. In the absence of an RNA primer, RET1 can use UTP itself to initiate nucleotide transfer and produce poly(U) molecules of several hundred nucleotides. An N-terminal zinc finger motif is essential for enzyme activity; deletion of this motif or chelation of zinc inhibits activity.  相似文献   

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