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An isolate of the very small marine dinoflagellate Biecheleriopsis adriatica gen. et sp. nov. (12–15 µm long) has been examined by light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, combined with partial sequencing of nuclear-encoded large subunit rRNA. Biecheleriopsis is a genus of thin-walled dinoflagellates, related to Biecheleria and the taxonomic group of Polarella , Protodinium and Symbiodinium , the latter comprising mainly symbionts of marine invertebrates. The mixotrophic Biecheleriopsis adriatica is characterized by: (i) a special type of apical furrow apparatus; (ii) an eyespot of Type E sensu Moestrup and Daugbjerg; (iii) an unusual type of pyrenoid; and (iv) a spiny resting cyst. Thin sections showed the presence a fibrous connection between the flagellar apparatus and a finger-like extension of the nucleus ('rhizoplast'). It forms a physical connection between the flagella and the nucleus. This unusual structure has previously been considered to characterize the 'true' gymnodinioids, represented by Gymnodinium sensu Daugbjerg et al. and related forms. However, the apical furrow apparatus and the nuclear envelope of Biecheleriopsis are woloszynskioid rather than gymnodinioid. The related genus Biecheleria lacks a rhizoplast, and it also lacks a 51-base pair fragment of domain D2 of the large subunit rRNA, which is present in other woloszynskioids. A physical connection between the flagellar apparatus and the nucleus mediated by a fibrous structure is known in other groups of protists, for example, the 'rhizoplast' of many heterokont flagellates, some green algal flagellates, etc. The phylogenetic significance of a rhizoplast in two groups of dinoflagellates that are only distantly related is presently difficult to assess.  相似文献   

Freshwater woloszynskioid dinoflagellates were collected independently in Scotland and Portugal and found to belong to a previously unknown species of the genus Borghiella, here described as B. andersenii. The new species differs in morphology and nuclear-encoded LSU rDNA and ITS sequences from B. dodgei and B. tenuissima, the two species presently comprising the genus Borghiella. Unusual features of the new species were observed particularly during asexual reproduction, which took place in the motile stage – as in many other dinoflagellates – or in a so-called division cyst, recalling cell division in the family Tovelliaceae. Such diversity in cell division is rarely reported in dinoflagellates. Morphologically Borghiella andersenii differs from B. tenuissima in being only slightly compressed dorsoventrally whereas the latter species is flat. The slight compression is also visible in lateral view. Borghiella andersenii and B. dodgei are more challenging to discriminate but the apical structure complex is only half the length in B. andersenii compared with B. dodgei (3–4 vs 6 µm). This difference can only be accounted for in the scanning electron microscope. At the light microscopy level the epicone in B. andersenii is rounded whereas it is conical in B. dodgei. Sexual reproduction in Borghiella andersenii was homothallic by formation of planozygotes, followed by apparent resting cysts. Phylogenetic studies on woloszynskioids have recently shown that they comprise a polyphyletic assemblage, which has been divided into the three families Borghiellaceae, Tovelliaceae and Suessiaceae. New species of the three families are now being found rapidly in many parts of the world, proving that the techniques required to investigate these small, morphologically similar dinoflagellates are now in place and proving that such ‘gymnodinioids’ or ‘woloszynskioids’ comprise an often overlooked biological entity in both marine and freshwater biotopes. Based on LSU rDNA, B. andersenii is most closely related to B. tenuissima.  相似文献   

A new species of Tovellia, T. aveirensis, is described on the basis of light (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of motile cells and resting cysts, complemented with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of flagellate cells and phylogenetic analysis of partial sequences of the large subunit ribosomal rRNA gene. Both vegetative cells and several stages of a life cycle involving sexual reproduction and the production of resting cysts were examined in cultures established from a tank in the University of Aveiro campus. Vegetative cells were round and little compressed dorsoventrally; planozygotes were longer and had a proportionally larger epicone. Chloroplast lobes were shown by TEM to radiate from a central, branched pyrenoid, although this was difficult to ascertain in LM. The amphiesma of flagellate cells had mainly 5 or 6-sided vesicles with thin plates, arranged in 5–7 latitudinal series on the epicone, 3–5 on the hypocone. The cingulum had 2 rows of plates, the posterior row extending into the hypocone and crossed by a series of small projecting knobs along the lower edge of the cingulum. A line of narrow amphiesmal plates extended over the cell apex, from near the cingulum on the ventral side to the middle of the dorsal side of the epicone. Eight or 9 narrow amphiesmal plates lined each side of this apical line of plates (ALP). Resting cysts differed from any described before in having numerous long, tapering spines with branched tips distributed over most of the surface. Most mature cysts showed an equatorial constriction. Neither cysts nor motile cells were seen to accumulate red cytoplasmic bodies in any stage of the cultures. The phylogenetic analysis placed, with high statistical support, the new species within the genus Tovellia; it formed a clade, with moderate support, with T. sanguinea, a species notable for its reddening cells.  相似文献   

A new marine woloszynskioid dinoflagellate Dactylodinium pterobelotum gen. et sp. nov., collected from a southern Vietnamese estuary, was described on the basis of LM, SEM, and TEM, and molecular phylogeny inferred from rDNA sequences. This species had the smallest number of amphiesmal vesicles (5 latitudinal series) in woloszynskioid dinoflagellates assigned to the Suessiaceae and Borghiellaceae. The eyespot was of type B, composed of osmiophilic globules and brick‐like material, located in‐ and outside of the chloroplast respectively. An apical structure comprised a pair of elongate anterior vesicles (PEV). A large peduncle was conspicuous, located in the sulcal extension in the epicone, and supported by a microtubular strand of ~140 microtubules. Ultrastructural features of trichocysts represent a novel type in the Dinophyceae, bearing lateral hairs besides anterior fibers. The molecular phylogeny based on partial LSU rDNA showed the species in a basal position in the family Suessiaceae; this indicates the eyespot type B and PEV of the Borghiellaceae are ancestral states of the eyespot comprising brick‐like material (type E) and an elongate apical vesicle of the Suessiaceae.  相似文献   

Aphelids are a poorly known group of parasitoids of algae that have raised considerable interest due to their pivotal phylogenetic position. Together with Cryptomycota and the highly derived Microsporidia, they have been recently re‐classified as the Opisthosporidia, which constitute the sister group to the fungi within the Holomycota. Despite their huge diversity, as revealed by molecular environmental studies, and their phylogenetic interest, only three genera have been described (Aphelidium, Amoeboaphelidium, and Pseudaphelidium), from which 18S rRNA gene sequences exist only for Amoeboaphelidium and Aphelidium species. Here, we describe the life cycle and ultrastructure of a new representative of Aphelida, Paraphelidium tribonemae gen. et sp. nov., and provide the first 18S rRNA gene sequence obtained for this genus. Molecular phylogenetic analysis indicates that Paraphelidium is distantly related to both Aphelidium and Amoebaphelidium, highlighting the wide genetic diversity of aphelids. Paraphelidium tribonemae has amoeboflagellate zoospores containing a lipid‐microbody complex, dictyosomes, and mitochondria with rhomboid cristae, which are also present in trophonts and plasmodia. The amoeboid trophont uses pseudopodia to feed from the host cytoplasm. Although genetically distinct, the genus Paraphelidium is morphologically indistinguishable from other aphelid genera and has zoospores able to produce lamellipodia with subfilopodia like those of Amoeboaphelidium.  相似文献   

The genus Balechina (=subgenus Pachydinium) was established for heterotrophic gymnodinioid dinoflagellates with a thick cell covering. The type species, B. pachydermata (=Gymnodinium pachyderm‐atum), showed numerous fine longitudinal striae, whereas B. coerulea (=G. coeruleum) showed ~24 prominent longitudinal surface ridges or furrows and a distinctive blue pigmentation. We have investigated the morphology and molecular phylogeny of these taxa and the species Gymnodinium cucumis, G. lira and G. amphora from the western Mediterranean, Brazil and Japan. Sudden contractions at the cingulum level were seen in B. pachydermata, which also showed a high morphological variability which included morphotypes that have been described as Amphidinium vasculum, G. amphora, G. dogielii and G. gracile sensu Kofoid and Swezy. Molecular phylogeny based on small subunit rRNA gene sequences revealed that Balechina coerulea, G. cucumis and G. lira formed a clade distantly related to the clade of the type species, B. pachydermata, and G. amphora. We propose the new genus Cucumeridinium for the species with longitudinal ridges and a circular apical groove (Cucumeridinium coeruleum comb. nov., C. lira comb. nov. and C. cucumis comb. nov.), and Gymnodinium canus and G. costatum are considered synonyms of C. coeruleum. The genus Balechina remains for the species with a double‐layer cell covering, bossed surface with fine striae, and an elongated elliptical apical groove. At present, the genus is monotypic containing only B. pachydermata.  相似文献   

The guts of lower termites are inhabited by host‐specific consortia of cellulose‐digesting flagellate protists. In this first investigation of the symbionts of the family Serritermitidae, we found that Glossotermes oculatus and Serritermes serrifer each harbor similar parabasalid morphotypes: large Pseudotrichonympha‐like cells, medium‐sized Leptospironympha‐like cells with spiraled bands of flagella, and small Hexamastix‐like cells; oxymonadid flagellates were absent. Despite their morphological resemblance to Pseudotrichonympha and Leptospironympha, a SSU rRNA‐based phylogenetic analysis identified the two larger, trichonymphid flagellates as deep‐branching sister groups of Teranymphidae, with Leptospironympha sp. (the only spirotrichosomid with sequence data) in a moderately supported basal position. Only the Hexamastix‐like flagellates are closely related to trichomonadid flagellates from Rhinotermitidae. The presence of two deep‐branching lineages of trichonymphid flagellates in Serritermitidae and the absence of all taxa characteristic of the ancestral rhinotermitids underscores that the flagellate assemblages in the hindguts of lower termites were shaped not only by a progressive loss of flagellates during vertical inheritance but also by occasional transfaunation events, where flagellates were transferred horizontally between members of different termite families. In addition to the molecular phylogenetic analyses, we present a detailed morphological characterization of the new spirotrichosomid genus Heliconympha using light and electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Red snow caused by dinoflagellates is a phenomenon rarely reported, described from the European Alps from 1914 onwards, and subsequently observed outside Europe on several occasions in Ontario, Canada. Considerable taxonomic confusion exists regarding the identity of the organism(s) causing red snow, but the most recent occurrence in 2016 in Ontario has now allowed detailed studies, including LM, SEM, TEM and molecular sequencing of the causative species. We conclude that the two species originally described as the cause of red snow, Glenodinium pascheri and Gyrodinium nivale, are synonymous and that the appropriate name for the organism is Borghiella pascheri (syn. Woloszynskia pascheri) as suggested by Moestrup & Calado in the recent volume of the Süsswasserflora. The central part of Borghiella pascheri cells is tomato red and filled with numerous organelles, whose ultrastructure indicates modified chloroplasts. Lack of cultures has prevented chemical characterization of the red pigment. Formation of temporary cysts was common in the samples. Transformation of the motile cells into temporary cysts was followed in detail, and the cysts were shown to be surrounded by the fused inner membranes of the amphiesmal vesicles, which became the cell membrane of the cysts, covered by the fused pellicle precursors. The cell membrane from the motile cell was discarded together with the outer amphiesmal vesicle membrane and the thin thecal plates, and the temporary cysts were therefore not surrounded by any pattern of vesicles. Sexual reproduction resulted in the formation of hypnozygotes. Although the species possessed several unusual features, DNA sequencing showed it to belong to Borghiella. The culture established in 1965 from the Botanical Garden in Göttingen, Germany and generally identified as Woloszynskia pascheri belongs to a separate species of Borghiella, to be described separately.The occurrence of red snow caused by dinoflagellates is discussed.  相似文献   

A new genus of sand‐dwelling photosynthetic dinoflagellate, Testudodinium Horiguchi, Tamura, Katsumata et A. Yamaguchi is proposed based on Testudodinium testudo (Herdman) Horiguchi, Tamura, Katsumata, et A. Yamaguchi comb. nov. (Basionym: Amphidinium testudo Herdman) and a new species in this new genus, Testudodinium maedaense Katsumata et Horiguchi sp. nov. is described. Amphidinium corrugatum is also transferred to this genus, making a new combination T. corrugatum (Larsen et Patterson) Horiguchi, Tamura et A. Yamaguchi. These three species are similar to the members of the genus Amphidinium in having an extremely small episome and a dorsoventrally flattened cell body. They are, however, distinguished from the genus Amphidinium seusu stricto by the possession of a distinct longitudinal furrow in the middle of ventral side of the episome. Phylogenetic trees based on small subunit (SSU) rDNA revealed that all three of these Testudodinium species formed a robust clade and, although statistical support is not high, the tree suggests Testudodinium clade is not closely related to Amphidinium seusu stricto clade. The morphological differences together with molecular data support the establishment of a new genus for A. testudo and its related species.  相似文献   

The ascigerous teleomorph of Candida lipolytica (Harrison) Diddens et Lodder, previously classified as Endomycopsis lipolytica Wickerham et al. and as Saccharomycopsis lipolytica (Wickerham et al.) Yarrow, has been assigned to the new genus Yarrowia. Yarrowia lipolytica (Wickerham et al.) comb. nov. is the type species for the genus.The remaining species of Saccharomycopsis are revised.  相似文献   

Type material of Navicula kotschyi was studied, and this species was transferred to Dorofeyukea gen. nov. as D. kotschyi comb. nov. Dorofeyukea was described on the basis of DNA sequence and morphological data. Additional species assigned to this genus that were previously included in Navicula include: D. ancisa comb. nov., D. grimmei comb. nov., D. ivatoensis comb. nov., D. orangiana comb. nov., D. rostellata comb. nov. & stat. nov., D. savannahiana comb. nov., D. tenuipunctata comb. nov., and D. texana comb. nov. All Dorofeyukea species share the same morphological features, including having a narrow stauroid fascia surrounded by 1–3 irregularly shortened striae, uniseriate, and weakly radiate striae, circular, or rectangular puncta in the striae that are covered internally by dome‐shaped hymenes, presence of a pseudoseptum at each apex and absence of septa. Partial DNA sequences of SSU and rbcL loci show Dorofeuykae belongs to the clade of stauroneioid diatoms together with Stauroneis, Prestauroneis, Craticula, Karayevia, Madinithidium, Fistulifera, Parlibellus, and, possibly, Schizostauron. A new species from the monoraphid genus Madinithidium, M. vietnamica sp. nov., was described based on valve and chloroplast morphology as well as DNA sequence data.  相似文献   

Syndinean dinoflagellates of the genus Euduboscquella infect marine ciliates and dinoflagellates. Euduboscquella species infecting dinoflagellates are understudied relative to congeners infecting ciliates and their molecular phylogeny remains uncertain. Morphology, development, and rRNA gene sequences of intracellular parasites infecting heterotrophic dinoflagellates from coastal waters of Busan, Republic of Korea in summer to fall of 2019–2021 indicate that Cucumeridinium coeruleum, Gyrodinium cf. ochraceum, and two unidentified species of Gyrodinium were each infected by a different Euduboscquella species. Morphological features including shield structure, shape and color of the mature trophont, and sporogenic process distinguished each of the four parasites from the 10 previously described species of Euduboscquella. Our molecular and phylogenetic analyses showed considerably greater genetic distance of SSU and ITS-LSU rRNA gene regions among Euduboscquella species infecting dinoflagellates than among those infecting ciliates. Rather than clustering as a group with Euduboscquella species infecting ciliates, SSU rRNA sequences of the four novel parasites spread out across the syndinean Group I phylogeny, occurring in two different clades and a new lineage. Placement of our novel parasites in multiple clades that encompass Ichythyodinium chabelardi strongly indicates that the genus Euduboscquella is paraphyletic.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the green dinoflagellate Lepididodinium viride M. M. Watanabe, S. Suda, I. Inouye Sawaguchi et Chihara was studied in detail. The nuclear envelope possessed numerous chambers each furnished with a nuclear pore, a similar arrangement to that found in other gymnodinioids. The flagellar apparatus was essentially identical to Gymnodinium chlorophorum Elbrächter et Schnepf, a species also containing chloroplasts of chlorophyte origin. Of particular interest was the connection of the flagellar apparatus to the nuclear envelope by means of both a fiber and a microtubular extension of the R3 flagellar root. This feature has not been found in other dinoflagellates and suggests a close relationship between these two species. This was confirmed by phylogenetic analysis based on partial sequences of the large subunit (LSU) rDNA gene of L. viride, G. chlorophorum and 16 other unarmoured dinoflagellates, including both the ‘type’ culture and a new Tasmanian isolate of G. chlorophorum. These two isolates had identical sequences and differed from L. viride by only 3.75% of their partial LSU sequences, considerably less than the difference between other Gymnodinium species. Therefore, based on ultrastructure, pigments and partial LSU rDNA sequences, the genus Lepidodinium was emended to encompass L. chlorophorum comb. nov.  相似文献   

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