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A fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS)-based competitive binding assay to screen fragment-size compounds that weakly and slowly inhibit protein-peptide interactions was established. The interactions were detected by the increased diffusion time of a fluorescently labeled peptide probe after binding to its interacting protein. We analyzed the interactions between the c-Cbl TKB domain and phosphopeptides derived from ZAP-70, APS, and EGFR with the FCS assay and obtained 6 hit fragments that bound to the c-Cbl interaction sites. The binding amounts of the fragments were measured by direct binding measurements using surface plasmon resonance, and 5 fragments were found to bind selectively. The effect of 2 of the 5 fragments on the interaction with c-Cbl and the peptide exhibited strong time dependency. Furthermore, the inhibition by the selected 5 fragments on the protein-peptide interaction was confirmed by their effect on pull-down assays of c-Cbl with the biotin-conjugated interaction peptides. These results indicate the advantage of our FCS-based assay to study the time-dependent binding of compounds to their target protein.  相似文献   

The de novo purine biosynthesis pathway is an attractive target for antibacterial drug design, and PurE from this pathway has been identified to be crucial for Bacillus anthracis survival in serum. In this study we adopted a fragment-based hit discovery approach, using three screening methods—saturation transfer difference nucleus magnetic resonance (STD-NMR), water-ligand observed via gradient spectroscopy (WaterLOGSY) NMR, and surface plasmon resonance (SPR), against B. anthracis PurE (BaPurE) to identify active site binding fragments by initially testing 352 compounds in a Zenobia fragment library. Competition STD NMR with the BaPurE product effectively eliminated non-active site binding hits from the primary hits, selecting active site binders only. Binding affinities (dissociation constant, KD) of these compounds varied between 234 and 301 μM. Based on test results from the Zenobia compounds, we subsequently developed and applied a streamlined fragment screening strategy to screen a much larger library consisting of 3000 computationally pre-selected fragments. Thirteen final fragment hits were confirmed to exhibit binding affinities varying from 14 μM to 700 μM, which were categorized into five different basic scaffolds. All thirteen fragment hits have ligand efficiencies higher than 0.30. We demonstrated that at least two fragments from two different scaffolds exhibit inhibitory activity against the BaPurE enzyme.  相似文献   

We study the aggregation of a fragment of the neuronal protein Tau that contains part of the proline rich domain and of the microtubule binding repeats. When incubated at 37 °C with heparin, the fragment readily forms fibers as witnessed by Thioflavin T fluorescence. Electron microscopy and NMR spectroscopy show bundled ribbon like structures with most residues rigidly incorporated in the fibril. Without its cysteines, this fragment still forms fibers of a similar morphology, but with lesser Thioflavin T binding sites and more mobility for the C-terminal residues.  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) is one of the most toxic substances known to produce severe neuromuscular paralysis. The currently used vaccine is prepared mainly from biohazardous toxins. Thus, we studied an alternative method and demonstrated that DNA immunization provided sufficient protection against botulism in a murine model. A plasmid of pBoNT/A-Hc, which encodes the fragment C gene of type A botulinum neurotoxin, was constructed and fused with an Igkappa leader sequence under the control of a human cytomegalovirus promoter. After 10 cycles of DNA inoculation with this plasmid, mice survived lethal doses of type A botulinum neurotoxin challenges. Immunized mice also elicited cross-protection to the challenges of type E botulinum neurotoxin. This is the first study demonstrating the potential use of DNA vaccination for botulinum neurotoxins.  相似文献   

The HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp41 fusion intermediate is a promising drug target for inhibiting viral entry. However, drug development has been impeded by challenges inherent in mediating the underlying protein–protein interaction. Here we report on the identification of fragments that bind to a C-terminal sub-pocket adjacent to the well-known hydrophobic pocket on the NHR coiled coil. Using a specifically designed assay and ligand-based NMR screening of a fragment library, we identified a thioenylaminopyrazole compound with a dissociation constant of ~500 μM. Interaction with the C-terminal sub-pocket was confirmed by paramagnetic relaxation enhancement NMR experiments, which also yielded the binding mode. Shape-based similarity searching detected additional phenylpyrazole and phenyltriazole fragments within the library, enriching the hit rate over random screening, and revealing molecular features required for activity. Discovery of the novel scaffolds and binding mechanism suggests avenues for extending the interaction surface and improving the potency of a hydrophobic pocket binding inhibitor.  相似文献   

1H NMR is now a standard method to determine de novo primary sequence of all sorts of glycans. These last 30 years, tens of thousands of oligosaccharide sequences have been elucidated by NMR spectroscopy in conjunction with other physico-chemical methods including mass spectrometry and gas chromatography. Most of these sequences are now compiled and available in several web databases recently unified in publicly available GlycomeDB, along with sets of experimental data. However, because the search for an exact sequence exclusively based on proton chemical shifts is sometimes delicate for NMR non-specialists, we worked out a new type of query, named SOACS, which allows the easy retrieval of existing sequences. This query is based on the readily distinguished 1H chemical shifts from any 1H NMR spectrum, and was designed to be usable to the widest scientist community.  相似文献   

The site of synthesis of the higher molecular weight precursor of mAAT has been determined by separation of free and membrane-bound polysomes. Free and bound polysomes were isolated from rat liver and the polyA+RNA was extracted. Protein synthesis was carried out for two hours by using a reticulocyte lysate system in the presence of 35S-methionine. The samples were subjected to immunoprecipitation with specific antiserum. The precipitates were analyzed by Na-DodSO4/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and fluorography. The results clearly demonstrate that the enzyme is synthesized by free polysomes.  相似文献   

Thirty-four monoclonal antibodies directed against human high molecular weight (HMW) and low molecular weight (LMW) kininogens and their derivatives were obtained, and the specificities of the antibodies were assayed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). By use of HMW kininogen, kinin-free HMW kininogen, kinin-free and fragment 1.2 (fr 1.2) free HMW kininogen, fr 1.2-light chain of HMW kininogen, LMW kininogen, kinin-free LMW kininogen, heavy chain of LMW kininogen, and light chain of LMW kininogen, the monoclonal antibodies were characterized and classified into four groups: (A) 20 monoclonal antibodies reacting with only the heavy chain, a common region of HMW and LMW kininogens; each of these monoclonal antibodies possessed the specificity to domain 1 (2 monoclonal antibodies), domain 2 (2 monoclonal antibodies), domain 3 (7 monoclonal antibodies), and both domains 2 and 3 (7 monoclonal antibodies) of the heavy chain; (B) 7 monoclonal antibodies reacting with fr 1.2, a unique histidine-rich region; (C) 5 monoclonal antibodies reacting with the light chain of HMW kininogen; (D) 2 monoclonal antibodies reacting with the light chain of LMW kininogen. Two monoclonal antibodies in the first group (group A), designated HKG H7 and H12, effectively suppressed the thiol proteinase inhibitor activity of HMW kininogen to papain and calpains and of LMW kininogen to papain, but the others did not affect it. Further, all the monoclonal antibodies which recognized the fr 1.2 or light chain of HMW kininogen (groups B and C) suppressed the clotting activity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Protein docking algorithms can be used to study the driving forces and reaction mechanisms of docking processes. They are also able to speed up the lengthy process of experimental structure elucidation of protein complexes by proposing potential structures. In this paper, we are discussing a variant of the protein-protein docking problem, where the input consists of the tertiary structures of proteins A and B plus an unassigned one-dimensional 1H-NMR spectrum of the complex AB. We present a new scoring function for evaluating and ranking potential complex structures produced by a docking algorithm. The scoring function computes a `theoretical' 1H-NMR spectrum for each tentative complex structure and subtracts the calculated spectrum from the experimental one. The absolute areas of the difference spectra are then used to rank the potential complex structures. In contrast to formerly published approaches (e.g. [Morelli et al. (2000) Biochemistry, 39, 2530–2537]) we do not use distance constraints (intermolecular NOE constraints). We have tested the approach with four protein complexes whose three-dimensional structures are stored in the PDB data bank [Bernstein et al. (1977)] and whose 1H-NMR shift assignments are available from the BMRB database. The best result was obtained for an example, where all standard scoring functions failed completely. Here, our new scoring function achieved an almost perfect separation between good approximations of the true complex structure and false positives.  相似文献   

The function of the protein is primarily dictated by its structure. Therefore it is far more logical to find the functional clues of the protein in its overall 3-dimensional fold or its global structure. In this paper, we have developed a novel Support Vector Machines (SVM) based prediction model for functional classification and prediction of proteins using features extracted from its global structure based on fragment libraries. Fragment libraries have been previously used for abintio modelling of proteins and protein structure comparisons. The query protein structure is broken down into a collection of short contiguous backbone fragments and this collection is discretized using a library of fragments. The input feature vector is frequency vector that counts the number of each library fragment in the collection of fragments by all-to-all fragment comparisons. SVM models were trained and optimised for obtaining the best 10-fold Cross validation accuracy for classification. As an example, this method was applied for prediction and classification of Cell Adhesion molecules (CAMs). Thirty-four different fragment libraries with sizes ranging from 4 to 400 and fragment lengths ranging from 4 to 12 were used for obtaining the best prediction model. The best 10-fold CV accuracy of 95.25% was obtained for library of 400 fragments of length 10. An accuracy of 87.5% was obtained on an unseen test dataset consisting of 20 CAMs and 20 NonCAMs. This shows that protein structure can be accurately and uniquely described using 400 representative fragments of length 10.  相似文献   

Sun YC  Li Y  Zhang H  Yan HQ  Dowling DN  Wang YP 《FEBS letters》2006,580(5):1521-1527
5-Enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate (EPSP) synthase (AroA) is a key enzyme in the aromatic amino acid biosynthetic pathway in microorganisms and plants, and is the target of the herbicide glyphosate. Glyphosate tolerance activity of the enzyme could be obtained by natural occurrence or by site-directed mutagenesis. A functional Pseudomonas putida AroA was obtained by co-expression of two protein fragments AroA(P. putida)-N210 and AroA(P. putida)-C212 in Escherichia coli aroA mutant strain AB2829. From sequence analysis, the equivalent split site on E. coli AroA was chosen for further study. The result indicated that functional E. coli AroA could also be reconstituted from two protein fragments AroA(E. coli)-N218 and AroA(E. coli)-C219, under both in vivo and in vitro conditions. This result suggested that the fragment complementation property of this family of enzyme may be general. Additional experiments indicated that the glyphosate tolerance property of AroA could also be reconstituted in parallel with its enzyme activity. The implication of this finding is discussed.  相似文献   

A functional assay has been developed to identify cell surface proteins involved in the formation of epithelial tight junctions. Transepithelial electrical resistance was used to measure the presence of intact tight junctions in monolayers of Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells cultured on nitrocellulose filters. The strain I MDCK cells used have a transmonolayer resistance greater than 2,000 ohm . cm2. When the monolayers were incubated at 37 degrees C without Ca2+, the intercellular junctions opened and the transmonolayer resistance dropped to the value of a bare filter, i.e., less than 40 ohm . cm2. When Ca2+ was restored, the cell junctions resealed and the resistance recovered rapidly. Polyclonal antibodies raised against intact MDCK cells inhibited the Ca2+-dependent recovery of electrical resistance when applied to monolayers that had been opened by Ca2+ removal. Cross-linking of cell surface molecules was not required because monovalent Fab' fragments also inhibited. In contrast, a variety of other antibodies that recognize specific proteins on the MDCK cell surface failed to inhibit the recovery of resistance. Monoclonal antibodies have been raised and screened for their ability to inhibit resistance recovery. One such monoclonal antibody has been obtained that stained the lateral surface of MDCK cells. This antibody, rr1, recognized a 118-kD polypeptide in MDCK cell extracts and an 81-kD fragment released from the cell surface by trypsinization in the presence of Ca2+. Sequential immunoprecipitation with antibody rr1 and a monoclonal antibody to uvomorulin showed that this polypeptide is related to uvomorulin. The role of uvomorulin-like and liver cell adhesion molecule (L-CAM)-like polypeptides in the establishment of the epithelial occluding barrier is discussed.  相似文献   

Partially acetylated, high molecular weight glucuronans were produced by a Sinorhizobium meliloti mutant strain. Two native glucuronan samples with various degrees of acetylation were sonicated to obtain lower molecular weight samples and with low viscosity suitable for chemical modification and (13)C NMR experiments. The average degree of substitution (DS) of the polymer was estimated by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and NMR. (13)C NMR spectra were obtained and used to suggest a complete assignment of the signals. The nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY) and heteronuclear multi-bond coherence (HMBC) experiments were used to elucidate connectivities between the various residues and deduce the linkage of these residues within the polysaccharide.  相似文献   



The field of plasmid-based functional proteomics requires the rapid assay of proteins expressed from plasmid libraries. Automation is essential since large sets of mutant open reading frames are being cloned for evaluation. To date no integrated automated platform is available to carry out the entire process including production of plasmid libraries, expression of cloned genes, and functional testing of expressed proteins.  相似文献   

In mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades of budding yeast, pheromone-induced mating signal is transmitted by interactions between the beta-subunit of a G-protein (G-beta) and the G-beta binding (GBB) domain of Ste20 kinase. Previously, mutational analyses of the beta-subunit of G-protein had identified two critical mutations which abrogate binding of the GBB domain of Ste20. In this work, we have identified, by use of NMR spectroscopy, a peptide fragment from the G-beta that shows specific interactions with the isolated GBB domain of Ste20. A model structure of the Ste20/G-beta complex reveals that the interface of the hetero-complex may be sustained by parallel orientation of two potentially interacting helical segments that are further stabilized by ionic, hydrogen bond, and helix macro-dipole interactions.  相似文献   

Functional and structural properties of fibronectin--high molecular weight glyco-protein from human plasma--were studied by monoclonal antibodies against fibronectin. It was shown that monoclonal antibodies against human plasma fibronectin exhibit a certain species specificity. Antigenic determinant for our monoclonal antibody is located in the central part of the protein polypeptide chain--in the structural domain. The monoclonal antibodies studied do not inhibit any tested functions of fibronectin. In contrast, polyclonal antibodies are not species specific and inhibit all fibronectin functions.  相似文献   

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