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The importance to in vivo translation of sequences immediately upstream of the Drosophila alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) start codon was examined at two developmental stages. Mutations were introduced into the Adh gene in vitro, and the mutant gene was inserted into the genome via germ line transformation. An A-to-T substitution at the -3 position did not affect relative translation rates of the ADH protein at the second-instar larval stage but resulted in a 2.4-fold drop in translation of ADH at the adult stage. A second mutant gene, containing five mutations in the region -1 to -9, was designed to completely block translation initiation. However, transformant lines bearing these mutations still exhibit detectable ADH, albeit at substantially reduced levels. The average fold reduction at the second-instar larval stage was 5.9, while at the adult stage a 12.5-fold reduction was observed.  相似文献   

Glutaredoxins belong to a family of small proteins with glutathione-dependent disulfide oxidoreductase activity involved in cellular defense against oxidative stress. The product of the yeast GRX2 gene is a protein that is localized both in the cytosol and mitochondria. To throw light onto the mechanism responsible for the dual subcellular distribution of Grx2 we analyzed mutant constructs containing different targeting information. By altering amino acid residues around the two in-frame translation initiation start sites of the GRX2 gene, we could demonstrate that the cytosolic isoform of Grx2 was synthesized from the second AUG, lacking an N-terminal extension. Translation from the first AUG resulted in a long isoform carrying a mitochondrial targeting presequence. The mitochondrial targeting properties of the presequence and the influence of the mature part of Grx2 were analyzed by the characterization of the import kinetics of specific fusion proteins. Import of the mitochondrial isoform is relatively inefficient and results in the accumulation of a substantial amount of unprocessed form in the mitochondrial outer membrane. Substitution of Met(35), the second translation start site, to Val resulted in an exclusive targeting to the mitochondrial matrix. Our results show that a plethora of Grx2 subcellular localizations could spread its antioxidant functions all over the cell, but one single A to G [corrected] mutation converts Grx2 into a typical protein of the mitochondrial matrix. The "A" denotes adenine, rather than alanine, and the "G" refers to guanine, not glycine [corrected]  相似文献   

The selection of the site for initiation of translation for the Saccharomyces cerevisiae NFS1 gene was examined using mutated AUG1, AUG2 and AUG3 codons. When AUG1 of the yeast NFS1 gene was mutated to UUG and the resulting mRNA was translated in vitro using a reticulocyte system, initiation from the mutated codon was abolished and occurred instead at downstream codons at increased rates. When the same mRNA was translated using a yeast extract, translation initiated at the mutated codon, albeit at a reduced rate, and there was no increased translation at downstream AUG codons. The NFS1 gene in which AUG1 was replaced by UUG was also able to substitute for the wild-type gene in vivo in yeast. Western blots confirmed that the encoded protein was the same size as that encoded by the wild-type gene and that both the wild-type and mutated proteins localized to mitochondria. This is apparently the first example of a yeast protein where mutagenesis of AUG1 does not lead to alternate use of a downstream AUG.  相似文献   

A B Sachs  J A Deardorff 《Cell》1992,70(6):961-973
Messenger RNA translation initiation and cytoplasmic poly(A) tail shortening require the poly(A)-binding protein (PAB) in yeast. The PAB-dependent poly(A) ribonuclease (PAN) has been purified to near homogeneity from S. cerevisiae based upon its PAB requirement, and its gene has been cloned. The essential PAN1 gene encodes a 161 kd protein organized into distinct domains containing repeated sequence elements. Deletion analysis of the gene revealed that only one-third of the protein is needed to maintain cell viability. Conditional mutations in PAN1 lead to an arrest of translation initiation and alterations in mRNA poly(A) tail lengths. These data suggest that PAN could mediate each of the PAB-dependent reactions within the cell, and they provide evidence for a direct relationship between translation initiation and mRNA metabolism.  相似文献   

Esposito D  Hicks AJ  Stern DB 《The Plant cell》2001,13(10):2373-2384
To study the role of initiation codon context in chloroplast protein synthesis, we mutated the three nucleotides immediately upstream of the initiation codon (the -1 triplet) of two chloroplast genes in the alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. In prokaryotes, the -1 triplet has been proposed to base pair with either the 530 loop of 16S rRNA or the extended anticodon of fMet-tRNA. We found that in vivo, none of the chloroplast mutations affected mRNA stability. However, certain mutations did cause a temperature-sensitive decrease in translation and a more dramatic decrease at room temperature when combined with an AUU initiation codon. These mutations disrupt the proposed extended base pairing interaction with the fMet-tRNA anticodon loop, suggesting that this interaction may be important in vivo. Mutations that would still permit base pairing with the 530 loop of the 16S rRNA also had a negative effect on translation, suggesting that this interaction does not occur in vivo. Extended base pairing surrounding the initiation codon may be part of a mechanism to compensate for the lack of a classic Shine-Dalgarno rRNA interaction in the translation of some chloroplast mRNAs.  相似文献   

In a lacZ expression vector (pMC1403Plac), all 64 codons were introduced immediately 3' from the AUG initiation codon. The expression of the second codon variants was measured by immunoprecipitation of the plasmid-coded fusion proteins. A 15-fold difference in expression was found among the codon variants. No distinct correlation could be made with the level of tRNA corresponding to the codons and large differences were observed between synonymous codons that use the same tRNA. Therefore the effect of the second codon is likely to be due to the influence of its composing nucleotides, presumably on the structure of the ribosomal binding site. An analysis of the known sequences of a large number of Escherichia coli genes shows that the use of codons in the second position deviates strongly from the overall codon usage in E. coli. It is proposed that codon selection at the second position is not based on requirements of the gene product (a protein) but is determined by factors governing gene regulation at the initiation step of translation.  相似文献   

The size of poly (A) +-mRNA in different classes of yeast polysomes is estimated. The average molecular weight of long-term labelled polysomal poly (A) +-mRNA is about 0,65 x 10(6) daltons. Approximately 60% of the poly (A) +-mRNA polynucleotide chains located at the 5' end, are unprotected by ribosomes and degraded by nucleases upon incubation of cell lysates, to yield a population of poly (A) +-mRNA with an average molecular weight of 0,25 x 10(6) daltons.  相似文献   

Poly(A) polymerase was purified 22,000-fold to homogeneity from a whole cell extract of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with a yield of 22%. The enzyme is a monomeric polypeptide with a denatured molecular weight of 63,000. Incorporation of labeled ATP into acid-precipitable material by the purified enzyme proceeds faster with manganese than with magnesium ions. Various RNA homopolymers as well as Escherichia coli tRNA or rRNA can serve as primers. An RNA that terminates at the natural poly(A) site of the CYC1 gene is not more efficiently elongated than several nonspecific substrates, indicating the requirement for additional factors to provide specificity. Elongation of the primer is distributive. Covering of a poly(A) primer with poly(A)-binding protein reduces the enzyme's activity more than 10-fold.  相似文献   

The coding sequence for human poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase was expressed inducibly in Saccharomyces cerevisiae from a low-copy-number plasmid vector. Cell free extracts of induced cells had poly(ADPribose) polymerase activity when assayed under standard conditions; activity could not be detected in non-induced cell extracts. Induced cells formed poly(ADP-ribose) in vivo, and levels of these polymers increased when cells were treated with the alkylating agent N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG). The cytotoxicity of this agent was increased in induced cells, and in vivo labelling with [3H]adenine further decreased their viability. Increased levels of poly(ADP-ribose) found in cells treated with the alkylating agent were not accompanied by lowering of the NAD concentration.  相似文献   

Addition of poly(A) to the 3' ends of cleaved pre-mRNA is essential for mRNA maturation and is catalyzed by Pap1 in yeast. We have previously shown that a non-viable Pap1 mutant lacking the first 18 amino acids is fully active for polyadenylation of oligoA, but defective for pre-mRNA polyadenylation, suggesting that interactions at the N-terminus are important for enzyme function in the processing complex. We have now identified proteins that interact specifically with this region. Cft1 and Pta1 are subunits of the cleavage/polyadenylation factor, in which Pap1 resides, and Nab6 and Sub1 are nucleic-acid binding proteins with known links to 3' end processing. Our results suggest a novel mechanism for controlling Pap1 activity, and possible models invoking these newly-discovered interactions are discussed.  相似文献   

Polyphosphates of different chain lengths (P3, P4, P15, P35), (1 μM) inhibited 10, 60, 90 and 100%, respectively, the primer (tRNA) dependent synthesis of poly(A) catalyzed poly(A) polymerase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The relative inhibition evoked by p4A and P4 (1 μM) was 40 and 60%, respectively, whereas 1 μM Ap4A was not inhibitory. P4 and P15 were assayed as inhibitors of the enzyme in the presence of (a) saturating tRNA and variable concentrations of ATP and (b) saturating ATP and variable concentrations of tRNA. In (a), P4 and P15 behaved as competitive inhibitors, with Ki values of 0.5 μM and 0.2 μM, respectively. In addition, P4 (at 1 μM) and P15 (at 0.3 μM) changed the Hill coefficient (nH) from 1 (control) to about 1.3 and 1.6, respectively. In (b), the inhibition by P4 and P15 decreased V and modified only slightly the Km values of the enzyme towards tRNA.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic ribosomal proteins constituting the binding site for the initiator codon AUG on the ribosome at the translation initiation step were investigated by UV-induced cross-linking between protein and mRNA. The 80S-initiation complex was formed in a rabbit reticulocyte cell-free system in the presence of sparsomycin with radiolabeled Omega-fragment as a template, which was a 73-base 5'-leader sequence of tobacco mosaic virus RNA having AUG at the extreme 3'-terminal end and extended with 32pCp. Two radioactive peaks were sedimented by sucrose gradient centrifugation, one being the 80S initiation complex formed at the 3'-terminal AUG codon, and the other presumably a "disome" with an additional 80S ribosome bound at an upstream AUU codon, formed when Omega-fragment was incubated with sparsomycin [Filipowicz and Henni (1979) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 76, 3111-3115]. Cross-links between ribosomal proteins and the radiolabeled Omega-fragment were induced in situ by UV-irradiation at 254 nm. After extensive nuclease digestion of the complexes, ribosomal proteins were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Autoradiography identified the proteins S7, S10, S25, S29, and L5 of the 80S initiation complex and S7, S25, S29 and L5 of that in the disome as 32P-labeled proteins. Together with the results of cross-linking experiments of other investigators and recently solved crystal structures of prokaryotic ribosomes, the spatial arrangement of eukaryotic ribosomal proteins at the AUG-binding domain is discussed.  相似文献   

Existing machine-readable resources for large-scale gene regulatory networks usually do not provide context information characterizing the activating conditions for a regulation and how targeted genes are affected. Although this information is essentially required for data interpretation, available networks are often restricted to not condition-dependent, non-quantitative, plain binary interactions as derived from high-throughput screens. In this article, we present a comprehensive Petri net based regulatory network that controls the diauxic shift in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. For 100 specific enzymatic genes, we collected regulations from public databases as well as identified and manually curated >400 relevant scientific articles. The resulting network consists of >300 multi-input regulatory interactions providing (i) activating conditions for the regulators; (ii) semi-quantitative effects on their targets; and (iii) classification of the experimental evidence. The diauxic shift network compiles widespread distributed regulatory information and is available in an easy-to-use machine-readable form. Additionally, we developed a browsable system organizing the network into pathway maps, which allows to inspect and trace the evidence for each annotated regulation in the model.  相似文献   

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