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Phytochelatin (PC), a class of heavy metal-binding peptides, is synthesized from the tripeptide glutathione (GSH) and/or previously synthesized PC in a reaction mediated by PC synthase (PCS). In the present study, the PC production rate catalyzed by recombinant Arabidopsis PCS1 (rAtPCS1) in the presence of a constant free Cd(II) level increased steadily and the kinetic parameters were approximated using a substituted-enzyme mechanism in which GSH and bis(glutathionato)cadmium acted as co-substrates. In contrast, the PC production rate as a function of GSH concentration at a constant total Cd(II) concentration reached a maximum, which shifted toward higher GSH concentrations as the concentration of Cd(II) was increased. These observations are consistent with the suggestion that rAtPCS1 possesses a Cd(II) binding site where Cd(II) binds to activate the enzyme. The affinity constant, optimized using a one-site mathematical model, successfully simulated the experimental data for the assay system using lower concentrations of Cd(II) (5 or 10 μM) but not for the assay using higher concentrations (50 or 500 μM), where a sigmoidal increase in PCS activity was evident. Furthermore, the PCS activity determined at a constant GSH concentration as a function of Cd(II) concentration also reached a maximum. These findings demonstrate that rAtPCS1 also possesses a second Cd(II) binding site where Cd(II) binds to induce an inhibitory effect. A two-site mathematical model was applied successfully to account for the observed phenomena, supporting the suggestion that rAtPCS1 possesses two Cd(II) binding sites.  相似文献   

Phytochelatins play an important role in heavy metal detoxification in plants as well as in other organisms. The Arabidopsis thaliana mutant cad1-3 does not produce detectable levels of phytochelatins in response to cadmium stress. The hypersensitivity of cad1-3 to cadmium stress is attributed to a mutation in the phytochelatin synthase 1 (AtPCS1) gene. However, A. thaliana also contains a functional phytochelatin synthase 2 (AtPCS2). In this study, we investigated why the cad1-3 mutant is hypersensitive to cadmium stress despite the presence of AtPCS2. Northern and Western blot analyses showed that expression of AtPCS2 is weak compared to AtPCS1 in both roots and shoots of transgenic Arabidopsis. The lower level of AtPCS2 expression was confirmed by RT-PCR analysis of wild type Arabidopsis. Moreover, no tissue-specific expression of AtPCS2 was observed. Even when AtPCS2 was under the control of the AtPCS1 promoter or of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter (CaMV 35S) it was not capable of fully complementing the cad1-3 mutant for cadmium resistance.  相似文献   

Phytochelatin synthase (PCS) catalyzes the final step in the biosynthesis of phytochelatins, which are a family of cysteine-rich thiol-reactive peptides believed to play important roles in processing many thiol-reactive toxicants. A modified Arabidopsis thaliana PCS sequence (AtPCS1) was active in Escherichia coli. When AtPCS1 was overexpressed in Arabidopsis from a strong constitutive Arabidopsis actin regulatory sequence (A2), the A2::AtPCS1 plants were highly resistant to arsenic, accumulating 20-100 times more biomass on 250 and 300 microM arsenate than wild type (WT); however, they were hypersensitive to Cd(II). After exposure to cadmium and arsenic, the overall accumulation of thiol-peptides increased to 10-fold higher levels in the A2::AtPCS1 plants compared with WT, as determined by fluorescent HPLC. Whereas cadmium induced greater increases in traditional PCs (PC2, PC3, PC4), arsenic exposure resulted in the expression of many unknown thiol products. Unexpectedly, after arsenate or cadmium exposure, levels of the dipeptide substrate for PC synthesis, gamma-glutamyl cysteine (gamma-EC), were also dramatically increased. Despite these high thiol-peptide concentrations, there were no significant increases in concentrations of arsenic and cadmium in above-ground tissues in the AtPCS1 plants relative to WT plants. The potential for AtPCS1 overexpression to be useful in strategies for phytoremediating arsenic and to compound the negative effects of cadmium are discussed.  相似文献   

The enzymatically synthesized thiol peptide phytochelatin (PC) plays a central role in heavy metal tolerance and detoxification in plants. In response to heavy metal exposure, the constitutively expressed phytochelatin synthase enzyme (PCS) is activated leading to synthesis of PCs in the cytosol. Recent attempts to increase plant metal accumulation and tolerance reported that PCS over-expression in transgenic plants paradoxically induced cadmium hypersensitivity. In the present paper, we investigate the possibility of synthesizing PCs in plastids by over-expressing a plastid targeted phytochelatin synthase (PCS). Plastids represent a relatively important cellular volume and offer the advantage of containing glutathione, the precursor of PC synthesis. Using a constitutive CaMV 35S promoter and a RbcS transit peptide, we successfully addressed AtPCS1 to chloroplasts, significant PCS activity being measured in this compartment in two independent transgenic lines. A substantial increase in the PC content and a decrease in the glutathione pool were observed in response to cadmium exposure, when compared to wild-type plants. While over-expressing AtPCS1 in the cytosol importantly decreased cadmium tolerance, both cadmium tolerance and accumulation of plants expressing plastidial AtPCS1 were not significantly affected compared to wild-type. Interestingly, targeting AtPCS1 to chloroplasts induced a marked sensitivity to arsenic while plants over-expressing AtPCS1 in the cytoplasm were more tolerant to this metalloid. These results are discussed in relation to heavy metal trafficking pathways in higher plants and to the interest of using plastid expression of PCS for biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

Rice plants were treated with 50 microM copper sulfate to induce the synthesis of phytochelatins by means of a series of enzymatic reactions, including that of photochelatin synthase. Phytochelatin synthase extracted from 3-week-old rice seedlings was purified through a series of steps including precipitation with ice-chilled acetone, QAE A-50 anion exchange column, Amicon XM-50 ultrafiltration and Polybuffer Exchange (PBE) 94 chromato-focusing. This enzyme had a molecular mass of about 100 kDa with an isoelectric point of 4.0. The temperature and pH optima of this enzyme were 55 degrees C and pH 7.5, respectively. The enzyme was thermal tolerable and unstable under refrigeration at 4 or -20 degrees C. Cadmium was the most effective stimulator, followed by lead, copper, silver, cobalt and other divalent cations. Calcium and magnesium had no effect.  相似文献   

Phytochelatins, heavy-metal-binding polypeptides, are synthesized by phytochelatin synthase (PCS) (EC Previous studies on plants overexpressing PCS genes yielded contrasting phenotypes, ranging from enhanced cadmium tolerance and accumulation to cadmium hypersensitivity. This paper compares the effects of overexpression of AtPCS1 and CePCS in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum var. Xanthi), and demonstrates how the introduction of single homologous genes affects to a different extent cellular metabolic pathways leading to the opposite of the desired effect. In contrast to WT and CePCS transformants, plants overexpressing AtPCS1 were Cd-hypersensitive although there was no substantial difference in cadmium accumulation between studied lines. Plants exposed to cadmium (5 and 25 muM CdCl2) differed, however, in the concentration of non-protein thiols (NPT). In addition, PCS activity in AtPCS1 transformants was around 5-fold higher than in CePCS and WT plants. AtPCS1 expressing plants displayed a dramatic accumulation of gamma-glutamylcysteine and concomitant strong depletion of glutathione. By contrast, in CePCS transformants, a smaller reduction of the level of glutathione was noticed, and a less pronounced change in gamma-glutamylcysteine concentration. There was only a moderate and temporary increase in phytochelatin levels due to AtPCS1 and CePCS expression. Marked changes in NPT composition due to AtPCS1 expression led to moderately decreased Cd-detoxification capacity reflected by lower SH:Cd ratios, and to higher oxidative stress (assessed by DAB staining), which possibly explains the increase in Cd-sensitivity. The results indicate that contrasting responses to cadmium of plants overexpressing PCS genes might result from species-dependent differences in the activity of phytochelatin synthase produced by the transgenes.  相似文献   

Short-term treatment of potato tuber (Solanum tuberosum L.) discs with CdCl2 induced biosynthesis of phytochelatin synthase (PCS). The intensity of this process depended on the concentration of cadmium ions (0.01 – 1 mmol·dm−3), time and cadmium resistance of tissues. In more resistant tissues, PCS activity was much higher and PCS was more resistant to oxidative stress. It seems that these tissues possessed more efficient cadmium detoxification system.  相似文献   

Cysteine synthase [O-acetyl-L-serine(thiol)lyase] catalyzes the final step for L-cysteine biosynthesis in plants. The tolerance of transgenic tobacco plants over-expressing cysteine synthase cDNA in cytosol (3F), chloroplasts (4F) and in both organelles (F1) was investigated towards heavy metals such as Cd, Se, Ni, Pb and Cu. The transgenic plants were significantly more tolerant than wild-type plants in agar medium containing Cd, Se and Ni. The F1 transgenic plants had a higher resistance than other transgenic lines towards these metals and could enhance accumulation of Cd in shoot. These results suggest that the transgenic plants over-expressing cysteine synthase both in cytosol and chloroplasts can be applicable to phyto-remediation of Cd from contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Phytochelatins (PCs) are metal binding peptides involved in heavy metal detoxification. To assess whether enhanced phytochelatin synthesis would increase heavy metal tolerance and accumulation in plants, we overexpressed the Arabidopsis phytochelatin synthase gene (AtPCS1) in the non-accumulator plant Nicotiana tabacum. Wild-type plants and plants harbouring the Agrobacterium rhizogenes rolB oncogene were transformed with a 35S AtPCS1 construct. Root cultures from rolB plants could be easily established and we demonstrated here that they represent a reliable system to study heavy metal tolerance. Cd2+ tolerance in cultured rolB roots was increased as a result of overexpression of AtPCS1, and further enhanced when reduced glutathione (GSH, the substrate of PCS1) was added to the culture medium. Accordingly, HPLC analysis showed that total PC production in PCS1-overexpressing rolB roots was higher than in rolB roots in the presence of GSH. Overexpression of AtPCS1 in whole seedlings led to a twofold increase in Cd2+ accumulation in the roots and shoots of both rolB and wild-type seedlings. Similarly, a significant increase in Cd2+ accumulation linked to a higher production of PCs in both roots and shoots was observed in adult plants. However, the percentage of Cd2+ translocated to the shoots of seedlings and adult overexpressing plants was unaffected. We conclude that the increase in Cd2+ tolerance and accumulation of PCS1 overexpressing plants is directly related to the availability of GSH, while overexpression of phytochelatin synthase does not enhance long distance root-to-shoot Cd2+ transport.  相似文献   

Phytochelatin (PC) plays an important role in heavy metal detoxification in plants and other living organisms. Therefore, we overexpressed an Arabidopsis PC synthase (AtPCS1) in transgenic Arabidopsis with the goal of increasing PC synthesis, metal accumulation, and metal tolerance in these plants. Transgenic Arabidopsis plants were selected, designated pcs lines, and analyzed for tolerance to cadmium (Cd). Transgenic pcs lines showed 12- to 25-fold higher accumulation of AtPCS1 mRNA, and production of PCs increased by 1.3- to 2.1-fold under 85 microM CdCl(2) stress for 3 d when compared with wild-type plants. Cd tolerance was assessed by measuring root length of plants grown on agar medium containing 50 or 85 microM CdCl(2). Pcs lines paradoxically showed hypersensitivity to Cd stress. This hypersensitivity was also observed for zinc (Zn) but not for copper (Cu). The overexpressed AtPCS1 protein itself was not responsible for Cd hypersensitivity as transgenic cad1-3 mutants overexpressing AtPCS1 to similar levels as those of pcs lines were not hypersensitive to Cd. Pcs lines were more sensitive to Cd than a PC-deficient Arabidopsis mutant, cad1-3, grown under low glutathione (GSH) levels. Cd hypersensitivity of pcs lines disappeared under increased GSH levels supplemented in the medium. Therefore, Cd hypersensitivity in pcs lines seems due to the toxicity of PCs as they existed at supraoptimal levels when compared with GSH levels.  相似文献   

Arsenic is one of the most hazardous pollutants found in aqueous environments and has been shown to be a carcinogen. Phytochelatins (PCs), which are cysteine-rich and thio-reactive peptides, have high binding affinities for various metals including arsenic. Previously, we demonstrated that genetically engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains expressing phytochelatin synthase (AtPCS) produced PCs and accumulated arsenic. In an effort to further improve the overall accumulation of arsenic, cysteine desulfhydrase, an aminotransferase that converts cysteine into hydrogen sulfide under aerobic condition, was co-expressed in order to promote the formation of larger AsS complexes. Yeast cells producing both AtPCS and cysteine desulfhydrase showed a higher level of arsenic accumulation than a simple cumulative effect of expressing both enzymes, confirming the coordinated action of hydrogen sulfide and PCs in the overall bioaccumulation of arsenic.  相似文献   

Phytochelatin synthases (PCS) play key roles in plant metal tolerance. They synthesize small metal‐binding peptides, phytochelatins, under conditions of metal excess. Respective mutants are strongly cadmium and arsenic hypersensitive. However, their ubiquitous presence and constitutive expression had long suggested a more general function of PCS besides metal detoxification. Indeed, phytochelatin synthase1 from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtPCS1) was later implicated in non‐host resistance. The two different physiological functions may be attributable to the two distinct catalytic activities demonstrated for AtPCS1, that is the dipeptidyl transfer onto an acceptor molecule in phytochelatin synthesis, and the proteolytic deglycylation of glutathione conjugates. In order to test this hypothesis and to possibly separate the two biological roles, we expressed a phylogenetically distant PCS from Caenorhabditis elegans in an AtPCS1 mutant. We confirmed the involvement of AtPCS1 in non‐host resistance by showing that plants lacking the functional gene develop a strong cell death phenotype when inoculated with the potato pathogen Phytophthora infestans. Furthermore, we found that the C. elegans gene rescues phytochelatin synthesis and cadmium tolerance, but not the defect in non‐host resistance. This strongly suggests that the second enzymatic function of AtPCS1, which remains to be defined in detail, is underlying the plant immunity function.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis halleri is a well-known zinc (Zn) hyperaccumulator, but its status as a cadmium (Cd) hyperaccumulator is less certain. Here, we investigated whether A. halleri can hyperaccumulate Cd and whether Cd is transported via the Zn pathway. Growth and Cd and Zn uptake were determined in hydroponic experiments with different Cd and Zn concentrations. Short-term uptake and root-to-shoot transport were measured with radioactive 109Cd and 65Zn labelling. A. halleri accumulated > 1000 mg Cd kg(-1) in shoot dry weight at external Cd concentrations >or= 5 microm, but the short-term uptake rate of 109Cd was much lower than that of 65Zn. Zinc inhibited short-term 109Cd uptake kinetics and root-to-shoot translocation, as well as long-term Cd accumulation in shoots. Uptake of 109Cd and 65Zn were up-regulated, respectively, by low iron (Fe) or Zn status. A. halleri was much less tolerant to Cd than to Zn. We conclude that A. halleri is able to hyperaccumulate Cd partly, at least, through the Zn pathway, but the mechanisms responsible for cellular Zn tolerance cannot detoxify Cd effectively.  相似文献   

Two allelic Arabidopsis mutants, leaf wilting 2-1 and leaf wilting 2-2 (lew2-1 and lew2-2 ), were isolated in a screen for plants with altered drought stress responses. The mutants were more tolerant to drought stress as well as to NaCl, mannitol and other osmotic stresses. lew2 mutant plants accumulated more abscisic acid (ABA), proline and soluble sugars than the wild type. The expression of a stress-inducible marker gene RD29A, a proline synthesis-related gene P5CS (pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthase) and an ABA synthesis-related gene SDR1 (alcohol dehydrogenase/reductase) was higher in lew2 than in the wild type. Map-based cloning revealed that the lew2 mutants are new alleles of the AtCesA8/IRX1 gene which encodes a subunit of a cellulose synthesis complex. Our results suggest that cellulose synthesis is important for drought and osmotic stress responses including drought induction of gene expression.  相似文献   

Pteris vittata L. is a staggeringly efficient arsenic hyperaccumulator that has been shown to be capable of accumulating up to 23,000 microg arsenic g(-1), and thus represents a species that may fully exploit the adaptive potential of plants to toxic metals. However, the molecular mechanisms of adaptation to toxic metal tolerance and hyperaccumulation remain unknown, and P. vittata genes related to metal detoxification have not yet been identified. Here, we report the isolation of a full-length cDNA sequence encoding a phytochelatin synthase (PCS) from P. vittata. The cDNA, designated PvPCS1, predicts a protein of 512 amino acids with a molecular weight of 56.9 kDa. Homology analysis of the PvPCS1 nucleotide sequence revealed that it has low identity with most known plant PCS genes except AyPCS1, and the homology is largely confined to two highly conserved regions near the 5'-end, where the similarity is as high as 85-95%. The amino acid sequence of PvPCS1 contains two Cys-Cys motifs and 12 single Cys, only 4 of which (Cys-56, Cys-90/91, and Cys-109) in the N-terminal half of the protein are conserved in other known PCS polypeptides. When expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisae, PvPCS1 mediated increased Cd tolerance. Cloning of the PCS gene from an arsenic hyperaccumulator may provide information that will help further our understanding of the genetic basis underlying toxic metal tolerance and hyperaccumulation.  相似文献   


Pteris vittata L. is a staggeringly efficient arsenic hyperaccumulator that has been shown to be capable of accumulating up to 23,000 μg arsenic g−1, and thus represents a species that may fully exploit the adaptive potential of plants to toxic metals. However, the molecular mechanisms of adaptation to toxic metal tolerance and hyperaccumulation remain unknown, and P. vittata genes related to metal detoxification have not yet been identified. Here, we report the isolation of a full-length cDNA sequence encoding a phytochelatin synthase (PCS) from P. vittata. The cDNA, designated PvPCS1, predicts a protein of 512 amino acids with a molecular weight of 56.9 kDa. Homology analysis of the PvPCS1 nucleotide sequence revealed that it has low identity with most known plant PCS genes except AyPCS1, and the homology is largely confined to two highly conserved regions near the 5′-end, where the similarity is as high as 85–95%. The amino acid sequence of PvPCS1 contains two Cys-Cys motifs and 12 single Cys, only 4 of which (Cys-56, Cys-90/91, and Cys-109) in the N-terminal half of the protein are conserved in other known PCS polypeptides. When expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisae, PvPCS1 mediated increased Cd tolerance. Cloning of the PCS gene from an arsenic hyperaccumulator may provide information that will help further our understanding of the genetic basis underlying toxic metal tolerance and hyperaccumulation.


Antibodies have been developed against the first two enzymes of flavonoid biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Chalcone synthase (CHS) and chalcone isomerase (CHI) were overexpressed and purified from Escherichia coli as fusion proteins with glutathione S-transferase from Schistosoma japonicum. The recombinant proteins were then used to immunize chickens and the resulting IgY fraction was purified from egg yolks. Immunoblots of crude protein extracts from Arabidopsis seedlings carrying wild-type and null alleles for CHS and CHI showed that the resulting antibody preparations provide useful tools for characterizing expression of the flavonoid pathway at the protein level. An initial analysis of expression patterns in seedlings shows that CHS and CHI proteins are present at high levels during a brief period of early seedling germination that just precedes the transient accumulation of flavonoid end-products.  相似文献   

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