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Polyploids are defined as either autopolyploids or allopolyploids, depending on their mode of origin and/or chromosome pairing behaviour. Autopolyploids have chromosome sets that are the result of the duplication or combination of related genomes (e.g., AAAA), while allopolyploids result from the combination of sets of chromosomes from two or more different taxa (e.g., AABB, AABBCC). Allopolyploids are expected to show preferential pairing of homologous chromosomes from within each parental sub-genome, leading to disomic inheritance. In contrast, autopolyploids are expected to show random pairing of chromosomes (non-preferential pairing), potentially leading to polysomic inheritance. The two main cultivated taxa of Actinidia (kiwifruit) are A. chinensis (2x and 4x) and A. chinensis var. deliciosa (6x). There is debate whether A. chinensis var. deliciosa is an autopolyploid derived solely from A. chinensis or whether it is an allopolyploid derived from A. chinensis and one or two other Actinidia taxa. To investigate whether preferential or non-preferential chromosome pairing occurs in A. chinensis var. deliciosa, the inheritance of microsatellite alleles was analysed in the tetraploid progeny of a cross between A. chinensis var. deliciosa and the distantly related Actinidia eriantha Benth. (2x). The frequencies of inherited microsatellite allelic combinations in the hybrids suggested that non-preferential chromosome pairing had occurred in the A. chinensis var. deliciosa parent. Meiotic chromosome analysis showed predominantly bivalent formation in A. chinensis var. deliciosa, but a low frequency of quadrivalent chromosome formations was observed (1 observed in 20 pollen mother cells).  相似文献   

WHITE  JULIE 《Annals of botany》1990,65(3):231-239
The development of the microspore mother cell walls in Actinidiadeliciosa (kiwifruit) has been studied using light and electronmicroscopy. The microspore mother cell wall is similar, histochemically,and structurally in anthers from both functionally staminateand functionally pistillate flowers. Deposition, which beginsduring early prophase I, produces an electron-dense multilaminatedwall layer (layer a) and by the end of meiosis I a thick electron-lucentlayer (layer b) to the inside of this multilayered wall. Thereasons for histochemical differences and similarities betweenthese layers are discussed. The original primary wall persistsuntil the late uninucleate microspore stage. Layer (b), whichis probably mainly callose, dissolves at the late tetrad/earlymicrospore stage while layer (a), which probably also containsother polysaccharides, persists and dissolves concurrently withthe primary wall. Actinidia deliciosa, kiwifruit, microspore mother cell wall, callose, histochemistry, light microscopy, electron microscopy, male sterility  相似文献   

Summary Six members of a family of moderately repetitive DNA sequences from kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa var. deliciosa) have been cloned and characterized. The repeat family is composed of elements that have a unit length of 463 bp, are highly methylated, occur in tandem arrays of at least 50 kb in length, and constitute about 0.5% of the kiwifruit genome. Individual elements diverge in nucleotide sequence by up to 5%, which suggests that the repeat sequence is evolving rapidly. Homologous sequences were found in A. deliciosa var. chlorocarpa. The repeat sequence was not found under low stringency hybridization conditions in the diploid A. chinensis, the species most closely related to the hexaploid kiwifruit, or in eight other Actinidia species. However, homologous repeats were detected in a tetraploid species, A. chrysantha. The results provide the first molecular evidence to suggest that kiwifruit may be an allopolyploid species.  相似文献   

中华猕猴桃和美味猕猴桃的倍性变异及地理分布研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据已有的猕猴桃自然地理分布资料,通过对中华猕猴桃(Actinidia chinensis)和美味猕猴桃(A.deliciosa)野外分布居群的详细调查,利用流式细胞技术对我国西部高原台地向中东部丘陵平原过渡地带6个纯中华猕猴桃、1个纯美味猕猴桃和5个中华/美味猕猴桃同域分布居群共276个个体的倍性进行了检测。结果表明:(1)中华猕猴桃存在二倍体和四倍体,美味猕猴桃存在四倍体、五倍体和六倍体;(2)中华猕猴桃和美昧猕猴桃在经度和纬度的分布上存在显著差异(P〈0.05),中华猕猴桃在经度上偏东分布而美味猕猴桃偏西,纬度分布上中华猕猴桃偏南而美味猕猴桃偏北;而且不同倍性小种在经、纬度分布上呈现显著差异(P〈0.05),二倍体、四倍体、六倍体的分布在经度上依次从东到西、纬度上从南到北;(3)中华猕猴桃和美味猕猴桃不同倍性小种的海拔分布存在显著性差异(P〈0.05),二倍体小种分布海拔最低,四倍体小种次之,六倍体小种海拔分布最高,但通过LSD分析四倍体个体和六倍体个体在海拔分布上不存在显著差异(P〉0.05)。通过对中华/美味猕猴桃这两种具有重要经济价值的果树的倍性变异及地理分布的探讨,提出了猕猴桃倍性小种分布的上述规律并给猕猴桃种质资源收集、评价、创新和可持续利用方面提供了初步的研究基础,尤其是为我国猕猴桃新品种选育提供了基础数据和科学依据。  相似文献   

The kiwifruit vine is a species which has been newly introducedinto cultivation and little is known of its comparative physiologyand anatomy. In this study we found that fibrous, 'magnolioid'roots, which have undergone secondary vascular development butwhich retain the cortex and develop a suberized epidermis, comprisethe greater part of the root system (95% of total length). Newlyinitiated roots with primary development conform to norms establishedin other woody plant species. However, the structural roots,like the fibrous roots, also retain a cortex and phellodermwhich is initiated by hypodermal cells within the cortex andnot by the pericycle which is the common progenitor tissue inother species. This phellogen produces new cells centrifugallyonly. The cortex is a relatively small component of the structuralroot and the bulk of the tissue is vascular in origin, as inthe roots of other plant species. The endodermis is retainedand continues to divide periclinally to accommodate the increasein circumference with growth.Copyright 1993, 1999 Academic Press Actinidia deliciosa, root anatomy, ontogony, histochemistry, exodermis, endodermis  相似文献   

Summary The obtention of embryogenic competence in Actinidia deliciosa var. deliciosa cv. Hayward is reported. Axillary buds from shoots submitted to cold (4°C) and starvation for 1.5 months, developed leaves with embryogenic competence. These leaves, cultured in darkness for 1.5 months on a medium containing zeatin as a sole growth regulator, originated compact structures from which embryos developed. The plating orientation and sectioning of leaves strongly affected the expression of the embryogenic potential. A selected fraction of the protoplasts isolated from these leaves was able to develop in an embryogenic way. The germination of the embryos is still only occasional.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - 2-iP 6-dimethylallyl aminopurine - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - NOA naphthoxyacetic acid - SEM Scanning Electron Microscopy  相似文献   

1植物名称中华猕猴桃变种(Actinidia chinensis var.rufopulpa)"红阳"猕猴桃×美味猕猴桃(Actinidia deliciosa)两性品种.  相似文献   

This paper deals with early embryogenesis of Actinidia chinensis var. chinensis. 1. Ovary superior consists of 34—45 carpels. Each carpel contains 11–45 ovules. The ovule is uni-integument and tenuinucellar. The ovule is anatropous. The archesporium is formed by a single cell, and directly develops into megaspore mother cell. Sometimes the archesporium consists of 2–3 cells, but only one of them develops into megaspore mother cell and the others are degenerated. 2. The mature pollen grain is two-celled and the embryo sac belongs to olygonum type. In most embryo sacs two polar nuclei are fused before fertilization. One of the synergids was destroyed as the pollen tube penetrated into embryo sac the other one disappeared after fertilization. In most cases the antipodal cells became degenerated in fertilization process, only some remained until the first division of primary endosperm nucleus. 3. In Beijing area the double fertilization of Actinidia chinensis occurred 30–72 hours after pollination. In the fertilization one sperm fused with egg nucleus and the other sperm fused with the secondary nucleus as usual. The fusion of the secondary nucleus with sperm was in advance of the fusion of the egg nudeus. 4. The endosperm is cellular type.  相似文献   

This study investigated mass transfer and water state changes promoted by osmotic dehydration on two kiwifruit species, Actinidia deliciosa and Actinidia chinensis. Osmotic treatment was performed in a 61.5% w/v sucrose solution at three different temperatures (25, 35 and 45 °C), with treatment time from 0 to 300 min. Treatment time positively influenced kiwifruit water loss and solid gain while temperature significantly affected only water loss. Peleg’s model highlighted that the main response differences between the two species occurred during the initial phase of the osmotic treatment. Thermal properties and relaxation time measurements offered a complementary view concerning the effects of osmotic dehydration on kiwifruit. DSC parameters appeared to be sensitive to water and solid exchange between fruit and osmotic solution. LF-NMR proton T2 revealed the consequences of the water–solid exchange on the cell compartments, namely vacuole, cytoplasm plus extracellular space and cell wall. During the osmotic treatment, the initial freezing temperature and the freezable water content decrease was dependent on time and treatment temperature, showing a similar tendency for both the kiwifruit species. They evidenced the same treatment response also concerning the reduction of vacuole and the increase of cytoplasm plus extracellular space T2 values.  相似文献   

Plant regeneration of Actinidia deliciosa var. deliciosa cv. Hayword was obtained from protoplasts isolated from petiole derived long-term callus cultures. Protoplasts were cultured in liquid medium over agarose gelled medium. Regenerated green callus, plated on solid medium, could develop shoots that rooted spontaneously in hormone-less medium. The plants obtained are growing fast in soil and present a normal phenotype.Abbreviations BAP benzylaminopurine - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - DTT dithiotreitol - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - Kin kinetin - MES 2-(N-morpholino) ethanesulphonic acid - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium - NAA naphthalene-1-acetic acid - SH Schenk and Hildebrandt (1972) medium This Research was supported by JNICT and INIC  相似文献   

A comparative observations of the morphology on the stem, winter bud, fruit, pollen grains of A. chinensis Planch. var. chinensis and A. chinensis Planch. var. hispida C. F. Liang have been made and the obvious differences in these aspects are obvious. In stem tissue culture, the frequency of calli induced and plantlets produced of A. chinensis Planch. var. hispida is also higher than that of A. chinensis Planch. chinensis. For this reason we suggest to raise A. chinensis Planch. var. hispida as a newspecies.  相似文献   

红肉猕猴桃DFR基因的克隆及表达分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用葡萄(Vitis vinifera)果实的DFR-cDNA序列搜索猕猴桃(Actinidia Lindl.)EST数据库,拼接所有与该cDNA相似片段成contig并借此设计引物,分离出红肉猕猴桃(A.chinensis var.rufopulpa)中DFR的两个克隆(AcDFR1和AcDFR2)的片段。在此基础上利用5′RACE和3′RACE技术,分别克隆到具有完整阅读框的AcDFR1(1264 bp)和靠近3′端的部分AcDFR2序列(880 bp)。AcDFR1与茶DFR-cDNA(Camellia sinensis)相似达84%,且AcDFR1与非洲菊变种(Gerbera hybrida var.regina)的氨基酸序列相似达80%。据DFR聚类分析,AcDFR1与AcDFR2蛋白类型上差异显著。实时定量PCR分析表明,AcDFR1在‘金魁'(A.chinensis var.deliciosa‘Jinkui')中表达很高,AcDFR1和AcDFR2在‘金农'(A.chinensis var.chinensis‘Jinnong')与‘红阳'(A.chinensis var.chinensis‘Hongyang')中较低,且在果实发育后期(大约花后90~120 d)均有所升高,二者可能参与了红肉猕猴桃中花青素的积累,而在绿肉猕猴桃‘金魁'与黄肉猕猴桃‘金农'中,AcDFR1可能还参与了类黄酮代谢过程中的上游分支途径。  相似文献   

Five cDNAs for genes differentially expressed during fruit development of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa var.deliciosa cv. Hayward) were isolated from a library made from young fruit, 8–10 days after anthesis. One gene (pKIWI503) has low levels of expression in young fruit but is induced late in fruit development and during fruit ripening, and has some homology to plant metallothionein-like proteins. The other four genes are highly expressed in young fruit with reduced expression in the later stages of fruit development. pKIWI504 has strong homology to plant metallothionein-like proteins and pKIWI505 exhibits homology to the -subunit of the mitochondrial ATP synthase gene. The two other genes (pKIWI501 and 502) encode proteins with no significant homology to other known sequences.  相似文献   

In vitro growth of Actinidia deliciosa C.F. Liang, cv Hayward and changes in mineral composition of the medium and in the different parts of the explants (callus, stem and leaves), were analyzed after 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days of culturing in each of three successive 60 days subcultures.Fresh (FW) and dry weight (DW) of the explants increased mainly during the first 30 days of culturing, with a predominant increase of FW in leaves and an equal distribution in DW in callus and leaves. Stem FW and DW changes were lower than those observed with callus and leaves. As FW and DW of the explants increased the FW and DW of the medium decreased.The presence of the explants induced a large decrease of medium pH during the first 15 days of culturing followed by a return to the initial level at the end of the culturing.The initial P content of the MS medium was insufficient for the long term culturing, as after 30 days of culturing almost all (94.5%) the P present in the medium was absorbed by the explants and evenly distributed in their different parts. During the first month, 85% of the initial N was absorbed. At the end of the culture only 2% of the initial P and 5% of N remained in the medium. These two elements were equally distributed in callus and leaves during the first month of culturing, while in the last 30 days they increased only in the callus.MS medium initial concentrations of K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu were sufficient for 60 days explants growth. Almost all these elements were absorbed during the first 30 days of culturing. Their distribution in the different parts of the explant was uneven throughout the culture period. Callus tissue was the main site for accumulation of all these mineral elements.  相似文献   

Fraxin and esculin were characterized in stems and fruits of A. deliciosa (kiwifruit) and A. chinensis. These two coumarins were not present in several other Actinidia species belonging to the four sections of the genus Actinidia such as A. callosa, A. eriantha, A. hemsleyana, A. arguta, A. kolomikta, A. melanandra, A. polygama. Our results support the opinion that A. deliciosa and A. chinensis are closely related and likely belonging to the same species.  相似文献   

段林东 《植物研究》2006,26(5):609-609
根据对保存于中国科学院植物研究所植物标本馆(PE)合模式标本的研究,对硬毛猕猴桃(Actinidia chinensis Planch. var. hispida C. F. Liang)的名称作后选模式指定。  相似文献   

中华猕猴桃品种'Hort16A'的果实发育特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To explore the fruit development characteristics of Actinidia chinensis'Hort16A' , fruit shape indexes during 2-154 d after anthesis, contents of soluble sugar and titratable acid in fruit during 30-154 d after anthesis, and contents of organic acid components in fruit during 44-147 d after anthesis were analyzed. The results show that fruit of 'Hort16A' grows rapidly during 30-44 and 58-72 d after anthesis. Content of soluble solid in fruit during 100-140 d after anthesis is slightly higher than that during 2-93 d after anthesis, and increases rapidly during 147-154 d after anthesis. Fruit firmness decreases rapidly during 147-154 d after anthesis. In general, during 30-154 d after anthesis, content of soluble sugar in fruit increases gradually, while content of titratable acid decreases firstly, then increases, and decreases again. In the fruit, tartaric acid is not detected, content of quininic acid is the highest, contents of malic acid and citric acid are higher, and contents of succinic acid and fumaric acid are very low. Total content of organic acids increases firstly and then decreases, and reaches the highest value at 140 d after anthesis. It is suggested that in order to improve fruit quality of'Hort16A' , its cultivation and management plans will be set up based on fruit development characteristics.  相似文献   

报道了江西省武宁县幕阜山地区野生中华猕猴桃开花期与其海拔高度的关系。其开花期随海拔高度增加而延迟。海拔高度每升高100m,开花期约延迟3d。讨论了这种现象的原因及其在引种驯化工作中的意义。  相似文献   

熊治廷  黄仁煌   《广西植物》1999,19(2):180-182
报道了江西省武宁县幕阜山地区野生中华猕猴桃开花期与其海拔高度的关系。其开花期随海拔高度增加而延迟。海拔高度每升高100m,开花期约延迟3d。讨论了这种现象的原因及其在引种驯化工作中的意义。  相似文献   

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