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Two strains of human foreskin fibroblast cells were incapable of sustained growth in a matrix perfusion culture system, possibly because of their inability to attach to the fiber surfaces. Addition of microcarrier beads to the extracapillary space allowed attaining high cell densities in excess of 10(7) cells per culture unit. Microcarrier beads were tested in hollow fiber culture devices containing membranes of 10(4) or 10(5) D nominal porosities. Best results were obtained when initial cell densities of at least (2-3) x 10(6) cells were used in units with 10(5) D pore size membranes and DEAE-Sephadex or polyacryl-amide microcarrier beads in the extracapillary space. This extension of the matrix perfusion system should be useful for growing other anchorage dependent cells while retaining the advantages of perfusion culture.  相似文献   

The construction of a modified perfusion chamber is presented, which can be used for a prolonged cultivation of mammalian cells and tissues, for observation of the behavior of living cells as well as for the study of different effects on these cells. The chamber is made as non-demountable of optical glass, with a diffusive barrier separating the pericellular zone from that with a perfusion medium. The scheme of the equipment for cultivation of cells and tissues in this diffusion chamber on controlling the composition of nutrient medium and gas phase is given.  相似文献   

The cellular changes in a human cervical squamous-cell-cancer cell line (SKG-IIIb) were investigated after treatment with human recombinant interferon gamma and human fibroblast interferon beta. Cytoplasmic changes characterized by elongation, vacuolization and blurring of cytoplasmic borders appeared relatively early in both treatment groups. After two days of treatment with interferon gamma, the cells began to aggregate and to form pearl-like structures in the center of these aggregates; frequently seen were isolated cells with an eosinophilic cytoplasm and a pyknotic nucleus, similar to keratinizing cells. After six days of treatment with interferon beta, on the other hand, more than 20% of the cells began to show nuclear changes, including remarkable pleomorphism, multilobulation and multinucleation. The differences in biologic activities between the two interferons are discussed on the basis of these observations.  相似文献   

Recombinant human secretory phospholipase A2 (Group II) was expressed in long-term culture of immobilized Chinese hamster ovary cells utilizing a continuous-perfusion airlift bioreactor. The bioreactor was continuously perfused with cell-culture medium supplemented with 5% fetal calf serum at an average flow rate of 5 liters/day for 30 days. Recombinant phospholipase A2, at concentrations ranging from 100 to 500 micrograms/liter, was purified to apparent homogeneity by an efficient two-step procedure involving a silica-based cation-exchange resin and hydrophobic interaction chromatography (greater than 65% recovery of phospholipase A2). The purified recombinant protein has an apparent molecular weight of 16 kDa, identical to that of purified human placental or synovial fluid phospholipase A2, as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Application of the purified protein onto several different gel filtration columns resulted in elution of the protein at molecular weights corresponding to 3.1-4.7 kDa, suggesting an interaction of the protein with the column resins. However, analytical ultracentrifugation experiments revealed that the protein behaves as a monomer (13.8-14.2 kDa) over a protein concentration range of approximately 10 micrograms/ml to 5 mg/ml. With autoclaved Escherichia coli membranes as substrate, the recombinant protein has catalytic properties (pH optimum, effects of bovine serum albumin, sodium chloride concentration, and requirement for calcium) similar to those of the protein purified from human placenta.  相似文献   

This paper describes the preparation of lung acellular alveolar matrix fragments and culture of rat type II pneumocytes directly on the alveolar epithelial basement membrane, thereby permitting study of the effect of lung basement membrane on the morphology and function of type II cells. Collagen types I, III, IV and V, laminin and fibronectin were located by immunofluorescence in the lung matrix with the same patterns as those described for the normal human lung. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of the fragments revealed intact epithelial and endothelial basement membranes. The matrix maintained the normal three-dimensional alveolar architecture. Glycosaminoglycans were still present by Alcian Blue staining. Isolated adult rat type II pneumocytes cultured on 150 micron thick fragments of acellular human alveolar extracellular matrix undergo gradual cytoplasmic flattening, with loss of lamellar bodies, mitochondria, and surface microvilli. These changes are similar to the in vivo differentiation of type II pneumocytes into type I pneumocytes. The type II pneumocyte behaviour on the lung epithelial basement membrane contrasted sharply with that of the same cell type cultured on a human amnionic basement membrane. On the latter surface the cells retained their cuboidal shape, lamellar bodies and surface microvilli for up to 8 days. These observations suggest that the basement membranes from different organ systems exert differing influences on the morphology and function of type II pneumocytes and that the alveolar and amnionic basement membranes may have differing three-dimensional organizations. The technique of direct culture of type II cells on the lung basement membrane provides a useful tool for studying the modulating effect of the basement membrane on alveolar epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Osteoclasts, which are derived from hemopoietic stem cells, play important roles in bone remodeling and resorption. Osteoclast development is critically dependent on the bone microenvironment. We have developed a novel human ex vivo bone marrow model that mimics bone marrow both structurally and functionally by providing artificial scaffolding, thus obtaining a three-dimensional growth configuration with high cell density and intimate physical contact between hemopoietic and stromal cells. In this study, we utilized the 3-D culture system to produce multinucleated cells (MNCs) from human bone marrow cells cultured in the presence of Vitamin D3 and the absence of hydrocortisone and any exogenous growth factors. These multinucleated cells had the phenotypic and functional characteristics of osteoclasts as determined by their morphology, expression of tartarate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP), and the ability to resorb bone. Scoring of the resorption pits revealed a dose response to Vitamin D3 stimulation with 10−7 M being the optimal concentration. Furthermore, addition of parathyroid hormone (10−8 M) resulted in an up-to three-fold enhancement of bone resorption. These findings suggest that the 3-D culture system represent a physiologically relevant model to study osteoclastogenesis and elucidate the molecular and cellular signals associated with this process.  相似文献   

We investigated the binding of 125I-labeled beta interferon (IFN-beta Ser17), a nonglycosylated recombinant human fibroblast interferon in which cysteine at position 17 is replaced by serine by site-specific mutagenesis. An optimized chloramine T radiolabeling method produced a highly labeled, fully active 125I-IFN suitable for these studies. Unlike the case with the chloramine T method, incorporation of a single mole of Bolton-Hunter reagent into a mole of IFN-beta Ser17 led to nearly complete loss of biological activity. 125I-IFN-beta Ser17, prepared by the chloramine T method, bound specifically to human lymphoblastoid cells (Daudi) with a dissociation constant of 0.24 nM. The number of binding sites per cell was 4,000. In competition assays, unlabeled beta interferons (native, recombinant IFN-beta Cys17, and various preparations of IFN-beta Ser17) equally displaced labeled IFN-beta Ser17 on Daudi cells. Recombinant IFN-alpha-1 displaced 125I-IFN-beta binding to Daudi cells less efficiently than did unlabeled native or recombinant beta interferon. However, at the concentrations tested, native gamma interferon showed no competition with 125I-IFN. Our results indicate that IFN-beta Ser17 and native IFN-beta posses similar binding properties.  相似文献   

A highly effective cell-free system for protein synthesis was obtained from rabbit reticulocytes and for the first time used for synthesis of biologically active chicken interferon. The optimal conditions for translation of its mRNA were developed. The translation efficacy in the cell-free system was 10-50 times higher than that in the culture of heterologous cells. The higher the purity level of RNA, the higher the translation level. With respect to poly (A+) RNA sedimenting in the sucrose gradient 9S the efficacy reached 2560 units per 1 microgram of RNA. By the content of poly (A), sequences and rate of the sedimentation, mRNA of the chicken interferon was similar to that of the human fibroblast cell interferon. The possible translation of mRNA of the chicken interferon at low concentrations of exogenic potassium ions in the cell-free system is explained by production of interferon in infected cells where the concentration of the intracellular potassium significantly decreases which is indicative of the mRNA interferon similarity with virus templates. It was found that only albino New Zealand rabbits, but also chinchilla may be used for preparation of the cell-free protein synthesizing system. Various exogenic templates in the mRNA-dependent cell-free system prepared from reticulocyte nonfractionated lysate by treatment with micrococcal nuclease stimulated the protein synthesis by 7-15 times.  相似文献   

The conventional method for the derivation of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) involves inner cell mass (ICM) co-culture with a feeder layer of inactivated mouse or human embryonic fibroblasts in an in vitro fertilisation culture dish. Growth factors potentially involved in primary derivation of hESCs may be lost or diluted in such a system. We established a microdrop method which maintained feeder cells and efficiently generated hESCs. Embryos were donated for stem cell research after fully informed patient consent. A feeder cell layer was made by incubating inactivated mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) feeder cells in a 50 μl drop of medium (DMEM/10% foetal calf serum) under mineral oil in a small tissue culture dish. MEFs formed a confluent layer and medium was replaced with human embryonic stem medium supplemented with 10% Plasmanate (Bayer) and incubated overnight. Cryopreserved embryos were thawed and cultured until the blastocyst stage and the zona pellucida removed with pronase (2 mg/ml; Calbiochem). A zona-free intact blastocyst was placed in the feeder microdrop and monitored for ES derivation with medium changed every 2-3 d. Proliferating hESCs were passaged into other feeder drops and standard feeder preparation by manual dissection until a stable cell line was established. Six hESC lines (Shef 3-8) were derived. From a total of 46 blastocysts (early to expanded), five hESC lines were generated (Shef 3-7). Shef 3-6 were generated on MEFs from 25 blastocysts. Shef7 was generated on human foetal gonadal embryonic fibroblasts from a further 21 blastocysts. From our experience, microdrop technique is more efficient than conventional method for derivation of hESCs and it is much easier to monitor early hESC derivation. The microdrop method lends itself to good manufacturing practice derivation of hESCs.  相似文献   

Continuous upstream processing in mammalian cell culture for recombinant protein production holds promise to increase product yield and quality. To facilitate the design and optimization of large-scale perfusion cultures, suitable scale-down mimics are needed which allow high-throughput experiments to be performed with minimal raw material requirements. Automated microbioreactors are available that mimic batch and fed-batch processes effectively but these have not yet been adapted for perfusion cell culture. This article describes how an automated microbioreactor system (ambr15) can be used to scale-down perfusion cell cultures using cell sedimentation as the method for cell retention. The approach accurately predicts the viable cell concentration, in the range of about 1 × 107 cells/mL for a human cell line, and cell viability of larger scale cultures using a hollow fiber based cell retention system. While it was found to underpredict cell line productivity, the method accurately predicts product quality attributes, including glycosylation profiles, from cultures performed in bioreactors with working volumes between 1 L and 1,000 L. The spent media exchange method using the ambr15 was found to predict the influence of different media formulations on large-scale perfusion cultures in contrast to batch and chemostat experiments performed in the microbioreactor system. The described experimental setup in the microbioreactor allowed an 80-fold reduction in cell culture media requirements, half the daily operator time, which can translate into a cost reduction of approximately 2.5-fold compared to a similar experimental setup at bench scale.  相似文献   

Plasminogen activators are a group of enzymes which play a crucial role in the breakdown of blood clots. The plasminogen activators currently used in medicine to remove clots from veins and arteries suffer from several disadvantages, but new cell culture techniques or cloned genes could make available safer and cheaper enzymes.  相似文献   

A method for isolation of interferon beta1b (Serl7) from inclusion bodies, comprising the steps of solution and reduction of protein from the inclusion bodies, refolding, chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose, chromatography on SP-Sepharose, concentrating, desalting and addition of stabilizers. The solution of reduced protein was diluted with pH 8.0 buffer of 50 mM Tris-HCl, 25 microM CuCl2 and 0.5% Twin 20 for refolding. We used gradient of pH (from 9.3 upto 11.3) for elution of interferon-beta from cation-exchange column. We concentrated of eluate and then desalted on the Sephadex G-50 column with 1 mM NaOH. Then the protein solution was neutralized with mannitol and Na-phosphate. Obtained preparation of interferon-beta was pure by gel-electrophoresis and by HPLC analysis, and had practically indentical level of antiproliferative activity with well-known preparation of Betaferone. Thus we show the possibility of isolation and obtaining of pure and active interferone-beta by ion-exchange chromatography in the presence of non-ion detergent Twin 20. We believe this method for interferon betalb preparation is perspective for scaling and using in the develop of industrial technology for production of this preparation.  相似文献   

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