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Identification of Major QTL for Waterlogging Tolerance Using Genome-Wide Association and Linkage Mapping of Maize Seedlings 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Xiaobo Zhang Bin Tang Feng Yu Liu Li Ming Wang Yadong Xue Zuxin Zhang Jianbing Yan Bing Yue Yonglian Zheng Fazhan Qiu 《Plant Molecular Biology Reporter》2013,31(3):594-606
To investigate the genetic basis of maize seedling response to waterlogging, we performed a genome-wide association study in 144 maize inbred lines, measuring length, fresh and dry weight of roots and shoots under normal and waterlogged conditions using 45,868 SNPs. This panel was divided into three subgroups based on the population structure results and the LD decay distance was 180 kb. A biparental advanced backcross (AB) population was also used to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL). In a comparison of 16 different models, principal components analysis (PCA/top PC3)?+?K was found to be best for reduction of false-positive associations for further analysis. A whole-genome scan detected four strong peak signals (P <?2.18?×?10?5) significantly associated with the waterlogging response on chromosomes 5, 6 and 9. SNP4784, SNP200, SNP298, and SNP6314 showed significant association with corresponding traits under waterlogging and explained 14.99–19.36 %, 15.75–17.64 %, 16.08 % and 15.44 % of the phenotypic variation, respectively. The identified SNPs were located in GRMZM2G012046, GRMZM2G009808, GRMZM2G137108 and GRMZM2G369629 (AGPV1). SNP4784 (GRMZM2G012046) was colocalized with the major QTL that was identified with the same traits in the AB population. Forty-seven SNPs significantly associated (P?<?2.18?×?10?4) with six traits in association mapping were identified and, among these, 33 SNPs were already reported in literature as waterlogging-related traits. These results will help elucidate the genetic basis of differential responses and tolerance to waterlogging stress among maize inbred lines, and provide novel loci for improvement of waterlogging tolerance of maize inbred lines using marker-assisted selection. 相似文献
Manuel Arias-Rodil Fernando Castedo-Dorado Asunción Cámara-Obregón Ulises Diéguez-Aranda 《PloS one》2015,10(12)
Stem taper data are usually hierarchical (several measurements per tree, and several trees per plot), making application of a multilevel mixed-effects modelling approach essential. However, correlation between trees in the same plot/stand has often been ignored in previous studies. Fitting and calibration of a variable-exponent stem taper function were conducted using data from 420 trees felled in even-aged maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) stands in NW Spain. In the fitting step, the tree level explained much more variability than the plot level, and therefore calibration at plot level was omitted. Several stem heights were evaluated for measurement of the additional diameter needed for calibration at tree level. Calibration with an additional diameter measured at between 40 and 60% of total tree height showed the greatest improvement in volume and diameter predictions. If additional diameter measurement is not available, the fixed-effects model fitted by the ordinary least squares technique should be used. Finally, we also evaluated how the expansion of parameters with random effects affects the stem taper prediction, as we consider this a key question when applying the mixed-effects modelling approach to taper equations. The results showed that correlation between random effects should be taken into account when assessing the influence of random effects in stem taper prediction. 相似文献
Ezio Portis Fabio Cericola Lorenzo Barchi Laura Toppino Nazzareno Acciarri Laura Pulcini Tea Sala Sergio Lanteri Giuseppe Leonardo Rotino 《PloS one》2015,10(8)
An eggplant (Solanum melongena) association panel of 191 accessions, comprising a mixture of breeding lines, old varieties and landrace selections was SNP genotyped and phenotyped for key breeding fruit and plant traits at two locations over two seasons. A genome-wide association (GWA) analysis was performed using the mixed linear model, which takes into account both a kinship matrix and the sub-population membership of the accessions. Overall, 194 phenotype/genotype associations were uncovered, relating to 30 of the 33 measured traits. These associations involved 79 SNP loci mapping to 39 distinct chromosomal regions distributed over all 12 eggplant chromosomes. A comparison of the map positions of these SNPs with those of loci derived from conventional linkage mapping showed that GWA analysis both validated many of the known controlling loci and detected a large number of new marker/trait associations. Exploiting established syntenic relationships between eggplant chromosomes and those of tomato and pepper recognized orthologous regions in ten eggplant chromosomes harbouring genes influencing breeders’ traits. 相似文献
Hasina Begum Jennifer E. Spindel Antonio Lalusin Teresita Borromeo Glenn Gregorio Jose Hernandez Parminder Virk Bertrand Collard Susan R. McCouch 《PloS one》2015,10(3)
Genome-wide association mapping studies (GWAS) are frequently used to detect QTL in diverse collections of crop germplasm, based on historic recombination events and linkage disequilibrium across the genome. Generally, diversity panels genotyped with high density SNP panels are utilized in order to assay a wide range of alleles and haplotypes and to monitor recombination breakpoints across the genome. By contrast, GWAS have not generally been performed in breeding populations. In this study we performed association mapping for 19 agronomic traits including yield and yield components in a breeding population of elite irrigated tropical rice breeding lines so that the results would be more directly applicable to breeding than those from a diversity panel. The population was genotyped with 71,710 SNPs using genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS), and GWAS performed with the explicit goal of expediting selection in the breeding program. Using this breeding panel we identified 52 QTL for 11 agronomic traits, including large effect QTLs for flowering time and grain length/grain width/grain-length-breadth ratio. We also identified haplotypes that can be used to select plants in our population for short stature (plant height), early flowering time, and high yield, and thus demonstrate the utility of association mapping in breeding populations for informing breeding decisions. We conclude by exploring how the newly identified significant SNPs and insights into the genetic architecture of these quantitative traits can be leveraged to build genomic-assisted selection models. 相似文献
Wen-Jie Zhang Yuan Niu Su-Hong Bu Meng Li Jian-Ying Feng Jin Zhang Sheng-Xian Yang Medrine Mmayi Odinga Shi-Ping Wei Xiao-Feng Liu Yuan-Ming Zhang 《PloS one》2014,9(1)
Soil salinity and alkalinity are important abiotic components that frequently have critical effects on crop growth, productivity and quality. Developing soybean cultivars with high salt tolerance is recognized as an efficient way to maintain sustainable soybean production in a salt stress environment. However, the genetic mechanism of the tolerance must first be elucidated. In this study, 257 soybean cultivars with 135 SSR markers were used to perform epistatic association mapping for salt tolerance. Tolerance was evaluated by assessing the main root length (RL), the fresh and dry weights of roots (FWR and DWR), the biomass of seedlings (BS) and the length of hypocotyls (LH) of healthy seedlings after treatments with control, 100 mM NaCl or 10 mM Na2CO3 solutions for approximately one week under greenhouse conditions. A total of 83 QTL-by-environment (QE) interactions for salt tolerance index were detected: 24 for LR, 12 for FWR, 11 for DWR, 15 for LH and 21 for BS, as well as one epistatic QTL for FWR. Furthermore, 86 QE interactions for alkaline tolerance index were found: 17 for LR, 16 for FWR, 17 for DWR, 18 for LH and 18 for BS. A total of 77 QE interactions for the original trait indicator were detected: 17 for LR, 14 for FWR, 4 for DWR, 21 for LH and 21 for BS, as well as 3 epistatic QTL for BS. Small-effect QTL were frequently observed. Several soybean genes with homology to Arabidopsis thaliana and soybean salt tolerance genes were found in close proximity to the above QTL. Using the novel alleles of the QTL detected above, some elite parental combinations were designed, although these QTL need to be further confirmed. The above results provide a valuable foundation for fine mapping, cloning and molecular breeding by design for soybean alkaline and salt tolerance. 相似文献
Yong-xiang Li Xun Wu Jennifer Jaqueth Dengfeng Zhang Donghui Cui Chunhui Li Guanghui Hu Huaiyu Dong Yan-chun Song Yun-su Shi Tianyu Wang Bailin Li Yu Li 《PloS one》2015,10(12)
Head smut, caused by the fungus Sphacelotheca reiliana (Kühn) Clint, is a devastating threat to maize production. In this study, QTL mapping of head smut resistance was performed using a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population from a cross between a resistant line “QI319” and a susceptible line “Huangzaosi” (HZS) with a genetic map constructed from genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) data and composed of 1638 bin markers. Two head smut resistance QTL were identified, located on Chromosome 2 (q2.09HR) and Chromosome 5 (q5.03HR), q2.09HR is co-localized with a previously reported QTL for head smut resistance, and the effect of q5.03HR has been validated in backcross populations. It was also observed that pyramiding the resistant alleles of both QTL enhanced the level of resistance to head smut. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) using 277 diverse inbred lines was processed to validate the mapped QTL and to identify additional head smut resistance associations. A total of 58 associated SNPs were detected, which were distributed in 31 independent regions. SNPs with significant association to head smut resistance were detected within the q2.09HR and q5.03HR regions, confirming the linkage mapping results. It was also observed that both additive and epistastic effects determine the genetic architecture of head smut resistance in maize. As shown in this study, the combined strategy of linkage mapping and association analysis is a powerful approach in QTL dissection for disease resistance in maize. 相似文献
RFLP Mapping in Soybean: Association between Marker Loci and Variation in Quantitative Traits 总被引:58,自引:4,他引:58

Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) have been mapped to small intervals along the chromosomes of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), by a method we call substitution mapping. The size of the interval to which a QTL can be mapped is determined primarily by the number and spacing of previously mapped genetic markers in the region surrounding the QTL. We demonstrate the method using tomato genotypes carrying chromosomal segments from Lycopersicon chmielewskii, a wild relative of tomato with high soluble solids concentration but small fruit and low yield. Different L. chmielewskii chromosomal segments carrying a common restriction fragment length polymorphism were identified, and their regions of overlap determined using all available genetic markers. The effect of these chromosomal segments on soluble solids concentration, fruit mass, yield, and pH, was determined in the field. Many overlapping chromosomal segments had very different phenotypic effects, indicating QTLs affecting the phenotype(s) to lie in intervals of as little as 3 cM by which the segments differed. Some associations between different traits were attributed to close linkage between two or more QTLs, rather than pleiotropic effects of a single QTL: in such cases, recombination should separate desirable QTLs from genes with undesirable effects. The prominence of such trait associations in wide crosses appears partly due to infrequent reciprocal recombination between heterozygous chromosomal segments flanked by homozygous regions. Substitution mapping is particularly applicable to gene introgression from wild to domestic species, and generally useful in narrowing the gap between linkage mapping and physical mapping of QTLs. 相似文献
梨分子遗传图谱构建及生长性状的QTL分析 总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10
利用鸭梨和京白梨杂交得到的F1(145株)实生苗为作图群体,通过对AFLP和SSR两种分子标记的遗传连锁分析,应用Joinmap 3.0作图软件,368个AFLP标记、34个SSR标记构建了分属18个连锁群的梨分子遗传连锁图谱,各连锁群的LOD值在4.0~7.0范围之间,图谱总长度覆盖梨基因组1395.9cM,平均图距为3.8cM.采用区间作图法,对该群体与生长性状相关的调查数据进行QTL分析,检测到与新梢生长量、新梢茎粗、节间长度、节间数量、树干径、树高及皮孔密度7个农艺性状连锁的QTL位点35个,其中主效QTL位点11个(LOD≥3.5).与生长性状相关的农艺性状QTL位点多集中在LG16连锁群上. 相似文献
Bhattacharya TK Chatterjee RN Sharma RP Niranjan M Rajkumar U Reddy BL 《Biochemical genetics》2011,49(5-6):385-394
The pituitary hormone prolactin has a wide variety of functions involving growth, behavioral, and ovarian activities in chickens. The objectives of the present study were to identify polymorphisms in the prolactin promoter and estimate their effects on growth traits in White Leghorn chickens. Among 28 haplotypes found, the h1 haplotype was predominant. Body weight at 16 and 64 weeks and age at sexual maturity were significantly associated with haplotype combinations (P < 0.05). The h1/h1 haplogroup showed the highest body weight at 16 weeks of age, and h1/h7 was the highest at 64 weeks. The lowest age at sexual maturity was found in birds with the h1/h6 haplotype combination, and mRNA expression of prolactin was lowest in h1/h4 birds and highest in h1/h5 birds. The prolactin promoter was highly polymorphic and had significant associations with growth traits in White Leghorn chickens. 相似文献
本研究以秦川牛及其与利木赞牛、德国黄牛以及红安格斯牛的杂交F_1代(4月龄)共4个牛群体总计164个个体为研究对象,以体尺性状作为衡量牛生长发育性状的指标,运用最小二乘线性模型,分析了10个SSR座位与生长发育性状的相关性.结果表明,10个多态SSR座位基因型对秦川牛及其杂交后代的生长发育性状效果不一:在ETH225座位,CH基因型(152/172)在4个群体内的体高、十字部高、尻长均显著低于其它基因型;BM1500座位,BC基因型(150/164)在十字部高、胸围、体重指标上高于BD型(150/170);HEL5座位,BD基因型(160/170)、EH基因型(172/180)在多项指标上大于其他基因型;BM2113座位,CG基因型(144/164)在体高、体长、腰角宽、胸围和体重指标上大于CF(144/160)、BF(142/160)基因型;CSSM66座位,BG基因型(183/211)在体高、十字部高、胸围指标高于AE基因型(181/207);HEL9座位BG基因型(158/178)在体高,十字部高、胸围、尻长和体重指标上大于EJ基因型(166/186).本研究的结果旨在为科学评价秦川牛的遗传资源价值和良种选育提供理论依据. 相似文献
Genetic Mapping and QTL Analysis of Growth Traits in the Large Yellow Croaker Larimichthys crocea 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Hua Ye Yang Liu Xiande Liu Xiaoqing Wang Zhiyong Wang 《Marine biotechnology (New York, N.Y.)》2014,16(6):729-738
Large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea) is an important maricultured species in China. A genetic linkage map of the large yellow croaker was constructed using type II microsatellites and expressed sequence tag (EST)-derived microsatellites in two half-sib families (two females and one male). A total of 289 microsatellite markers (contained 93 EST-SSRs) were integrated into 24 linkage groups, which agreed with the haploid chromosome number. The map spanned a length of 1,430.8 cm with an average interval of 5.4 cm, covering 83.9 % of the estimated genome size (1,704.8 cm). A total of seven quantitative trait locis (QTLs) were detected for growth traits on five linkage groups, including two 1 % and five 5 % chromosome-wide significant QTLs, and explained from 2.33 to 5.31 % of the trait variation. The identified QTLs can be applied in marker-assisted selection programs to improve the growth traits. 相似文献
Linkage Disequilibrium for Two X-Linked Genes in Sardinia and Its Bearing on the Statistical Mapping of the Human X Chromosome

The distribution of four X-linked mutants (G6PD, Deutan, Protan and Xg) among lowland and once highly malarial populations of Sardinia discloses a clear-cut example of linkage disequiligrium between two of them (G6PD and Protan). In the same populations the distribution of G6PD-deficiency versus colorblindness of the Deutan type and the Xg blood-group is not significantly different from that expected at equilibrium. These data suggest indirectly that the loci for G6PD and Protan may be nearer to one another than those for G6PD and Deutan. 相似文献
A field experiment with a 2 x2 factorial block design (WxSx)was conducted in northern Sweden where the mechanical loadsin the crowns of sixteen 2.5m high Scots pine (Pinus sylvestrisL.)trees were increased during one winter (W1, dormant period)and (or) summer (S1, growth period). Trees treated were loadedwith five 2kg bags hung over mid-crown branches close to thestem, i.e. 10kg per tree. After treatment, all trees were leftto grow untreated for one additional year. Trees were then cutat ground level and annual ring widths for the last 5 yearswere measured on stem discs taken at 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 and50% of tree height. Differences between treatments were analysedwith two-way factorial ANOVA. Accumulated treatment responsewas positive for winter loading (W1Sx) at all levels, and statisticallysignificant at 1, 15 and 20% of tree height. Summer loading(WxS1) had positive effects at the lowest and middle parts ofthe stem, and negative in between. No statistically significanttwo-way interaction (W xS) was observed. Results support thehypothesis that Scots pine trees can retain information aboutmechanical forces acting on their stems during winter, and respondto this during the following growth period. The results alsosuggest that stem form of trees in boreal forests may be stronglyaffected by winter conditions. Stem form; mechanical perturbation; Scots pine; Pinus sylvestris; dendrometer; diameter; growth; dormancy; thigmomorphogenesis; wind; sway 相似文献
Local Phylogeny Mapping of Quantitative Traits: Higher Accuracy and Better Ranking Than Single-Marker Association in Genomewide Scans

We present a new method, termed QBlossoc, for linkage disequilibrium (LD) mapping of genetic variants underlying a quantitative trait. The method uses principles similar to a previously published method, Blossoc, for LD mapping of case/control studies. The method builds local genealogies along the genome and looks for a significant clustering of quantitative trait values in these trees. We analyze its efficiency in terms of localization and ranking of true positives among a large number of negatives and compare the results with single-marker approaches. Simulation results of markers at densities comparable to contemporary genotype chips show that QBlossoc is more accurate in localization of true positives as expected since it uses the additional information of LD between markers simultaneously. More importantly, however, for genomewide surveys, QBlossoc places regions with true positives higher on a ranked list than single-marker approaches, again suggesting that a true signal displays itself more strongly in a set of adjacent markers than a spurious (false) signal. The method is both memory and central processing unit (CPU) efficient. It has been tested on a real data set of height data for 5000 individuals measured at ~317,000 markers and completed analysis within 5 CPU days. 相似文献
Elder S. P. Batista Richard A. Redak Antonio Carlos Busoli Mariane B. Camargo Jeremy Dean Allison 《Journal of Insect Behavior》2018,31(2):210-221
The Sirex woodwasp, Sirex noctilio (Hymenoptera: Siricidae) is considered a secondary pest of pine in its native range but has caused considerable economic losses in pine plantation forests in the southern hemisphere. In Brazil, trap trees are the primary tool used for early detection purposes but these are costly, labor-intensive to install and require stressing trees by herbicide application. Flight intercept traps baited with synthetic blends of host volatiles are an attractive alternative but have performed poorly in some settings. This study was carried out to look for alternatives to trap trees for use in Brazilian pine plantations for early detection of S. noctilio. Four field experiments were conducted in two consecutive flight seasons (2015–16 and 2016–17), in planted loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) stands, to compare captures among flight intercept traps baited with different lures, deployed at different heights and among different intercept trap designs. Two experiments compared different host volatile lures and a significant treatment effect was observed in one. No effect of trap design or height was observed. 相似文献
Linkage Disequilibrium between Two High-Frequency Deletion Polymorphisms: Implications for Association Studies Involving the glutathione-S transferase (GST) Genes

Copy number variations (CNVs) represent a large source of genetic variation in humans and have been increasingly studied for disease association. A deletion polymorphism of the gene encoding the cytosolic detoxification enzyme glutathione S-transferase theta 1 (GSTT1) has been extensively studied for cancer susceptibility (919 studies, from HuGE navigator, http://www.hugenavigator.net/). However, clear conclusions have not been reached. Since the GSTT1 gene is located within a genomic region of segmental duplications (SD), there may be a confounding effect from another, yet-uncharacterized CNV at the same locus. Here we describe a previously uncharacterized 38-kilo-base (kb) long deletion polymorphism of GSTT2B located within a 61-kb DNA inverted repeat. GSTT2B is a duplicated copy of GSTT2, the only paralogue of GSTT1 in humans. A newly developed PCR assay revealed that a microhomology-mediated breakpoint appears to be shared among individuals at high frequency. The GSTT2B deletion polymorphism was in strong linkage disequilibrium (LD) (D′ = 0.841) with the neighboring GSTT1 deletion polymorphism in the Caucasian population. Alleles harboring a single deletion were significantly overrepresented (p = 2.22×10−16), suggesting a selection against alleles with both deletions. The deletion alleles are almost certainly the derived ones, because the GSTT2B-GSTT2-GSTT1 genes were strictly retained in chimpanzees. Extremely low GSTT2 mRNA expression was associated with the GSTT2B deletion, suggesting an influence of the deletion on the flanking region and loss of GSTT2 function. Genome-wide LD analysis between deletion polymorphisms further points to the uniqueness of two deletions, because strong LD between deletion polymorphisms might be very rare in humans. These results show a complex genomic organization and unexpected biological functions of CNVs within segmental duplications and emphasize the importance of detailed structural characterization for disease association studies. 相似文献
Polymorphism in a Microsatellite of the Acrp30 Gene and Its Association with Growth Traits in Goats 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Fang X Du Y Zhang C Shi X Chen D Sun J Jin Q Lan X Chen H 《Biochemical genetics》2011,49(7-8):533-539
Acrp30 plays a critical role in the regulation of glucose and lipid homeostasis. In this study, polymorphism of the Acrp30 gene was detected by PCR-SSCP and DNA sequencing methods in 321 individuals from three goat breeds, and the association of Acrp30 gene polymorphism with growth traits in the three goat breeds was analyzed. A novel insert/deletion (GT)(5) microsatellite sequence was detected in the 5' flanking region of the gene. Three genotypes (AA, AB, and BB) were found in three breeds. There was moderate genetic diversity in the locus in the analyzed populations. Significant associations were observed between the genotypes of the locus and growth traits in the Boer goat population. The chest circumference of individuals with genotype BB was significantly greater than that of individuals with genotype AA. 相似文献
鉴定畜禽重要生产性状形成的关键遗传因子,揭示其产生的分子遗传机制,对动物新品种的培育及特色遗传资源的开发利用具有重要意义。高通量分析技术诞生前,标记数量性状位点(quantitative trait loci,QTL)连锁分析和候选基因分析法作为鉴定畜禽生产性状QTL和主效基因主要方法,但由于其技术局限性,性状因果基因鉴定的效率并不高。人类基因组计划(human genome project, HGP)开启了以大数据为特征的生命科学研究的序幕,在HGP完成后的20余年间,快速发展的高通量分析技术使人们研究生物学问题的思路和方法发生了巨大改变。本综述就近年来被广泛用于畜禽重要性状的候选基因定位的方法与技术进行了较全面的综述,以期为同行提供参考。 相似文献