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Species of the diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia are common in the marine phytoplankton world-wide. Some species of this genus have been proved to be source of domoic acid (DA), a powerful toxin causing Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP) in humans and probably mass mortality in sea birds and mammals. Net plankton samples obtained during several cruises and seasons from the Pacific coasts of Mexico: western coasts of Baja California, Gulf of California, coasts of the tropical Pacific of Mexico (including the Gulf of Tehuantepec), were analyzed to study the species of the diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia. Four species ( P. australis, a presumed toxic species, P. fraudulenta, P. lineola, P. pungens) and one former species of the genus, Nitzschia americana were recorded and studied by light and electron microscopy. The most common species was P. pungens, widely distributed along the Pacific coasts of Mexico. All other species appeared occasionally and in low relative abundances. The probable misidentification of P. australis as P. seriata is discussed, as well as the presence of another potentially toxic species, P. delicatissima, in the Gulf of California. No case of toxicity (ASP) has been fully documented and therefore related to toxic Pseudo-nitzschia species in the Gulf of California. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A multimetric fish Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) was composed to assess the biotic integrity of Flandrian water bodies. As fish communities differ substantially between standing waters, running waters of the bream zone and running waters of the barbel zone, eight candidate metrics for each of these water types or zones were identified, representing three major classes of biological attributes. These are species richness and composition, fish condition and abundance, trophic composition. The metrics were tested and modified where needed. The IBI was applied throughout Flanders on 104 locations in standing waters, 500 locations in waters of the bream zone and 257 locations in waters of the barbel zone. Standing waters scored substantially different from running waters. Standing waters rarely contained no fish at all, but their fish communities were very often poor to very poor. Waters of the bream and barbel zone were often fishless (respectively 40% and 35% of all locations contain no fish), but the locations with fish usually scored reasonable to poor. Only 18.5% of all locations were classified as reasonable to excellent (IBI classes 4 or lower on a scale from 1 to 9) and were considered to satisfy the basic ecological quality demands. The Leie-, Dijle-, Dender- and Schelde-basins had a very poor quality (more than 50% of the locations contained no fish). The Maas-, Grote and Kleine Nete-basins scored rather well, with respectively, 44%, 48% and 68% of the locations achieving an IBI of 4 or lower. The IBI is a valuable and complementary tool to assess the ecological quality of water bodies as suggested in the proposal for a Water Framework Directive by the European Commission.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the feeding habits of the Red snapper (Lutjanus peru) in the southern coast of Guerrero state, Mexico. This data could be relevant to local fisheries management. In total 385 full stomachs (206 from females and 179 from males) were collected monthly in 1993 and 1994, from commercial catches. Stomach contents were identified to species level when possible. Food items were grouped into taxonomically coherent groups, and their numbers, weight and frequency of occurrence obtained. The index of relative importance (IRI) was calculated for the total sample, by month, sex and size class. In 1993, a total of 42 different food items were obtained, and 43 in 1994. Food items consisted of fishes, crustaceans, and mollusks. The grouping of prey species, genera, or families rendered 14 food groups, as follows: Mollusks, Amphipods, Copepods, Stomatopods, Penaeus vannamei, Brachiuran Larvae, Stomatopods Larvae, Family Albuneidae Larvae, Other crustaceans, Anchoa ischana, Anchoa lucida, Other fishes, Salps and Unidentified organic matter. Anchoa ischana dominated the trophic spectrum in both years. Although, Amphipods, Anchoa lucida and Other fishes had important indexes in 1994. There was high variability in the diet composition by month. Nevertheless, in 1993, from February to August, crustaceans as a whole dominated the diet. In 1994, crustaceans only dominated in March and August. No differences in food habits were found between immature fish, males and females. The diet of the Red snapper varies as they grow, although the same food groups are found always. At the adult phase, in length classes over 261 mm FL, there is some degree of specialization, as they consume more fish, particularly engraulids.  相似文献   

Populations of the Calafia pearl oyster Pinctada mazatlanica ofthe American Pacific coasts have been considered endangeredbecause of overfishing and/or alteration to coastal areas. Weassessed genetic variability and the pattern of populationstructure among 9 samples collected from Mexico to Panama, usingmtDNA RFLP analysis of two genes: 12S rRNA and subunit one ofCytochrome oxydase (COI). Haplotype diversity varied from 0.000to 0.856. The Panama population appeared to be monomorphic, whilethe other samples exhibited a level of haplotypic variabilitysimilar to those reported in the literature for the same kind ofanalysis on other bivalves species. A test for the impact ofdemographic history on genetic diversity was applied on thesequence data, and the results were congruent with a recentdecline of population sizes. Genetic differentiation was shown tofollow a scheme of isolation by distance, with low levels ofdifferentiation at the scales of ten to one hundred kilometres,whereas stronger and significant genetic structure was detectedat a larger scale. Three significantly distinct groups could thenbe defined, which correspond to Northern Mexico, Southern Mexico,and Panama.  相似文献   

 Eighteen species of gastropods were encountered living near and within the large coastal swamps, mangrove forests, intertidal flats and the rocky shore of the Cameroonian coast of the Atlantic Ocean. These represent members of the subclasses Neritimorpha, Caenogastropoda, and Heterostropha. Within the Neritimorpha, representatives of the genera Nerita, Neritina, and Neritilia could be distinguished by their radula anatomy and ecology. Within the Caenogastropoda, representatives of the families Potamididae with Tympano-tonos and Planaxidae with Angiola are characterized by their early ontogeny and ecology. The Pachymelaniidae are recognized as an independent group and are introduced as a new family within the Cerithioidea. Littorinimorpha with Littorina, Assiminea and Potamopyrgus as well as Neogastropoda (Thais) and Heterostropha (Melampus and Onchidium) are described and compared with representatives of the Caribbean and Indo-Pacific province. Received: 15 January 1999 / Accepted: 26 July 1999  相似文献   

A total of ten red seaweed species are recognized as introduced into the North Sea from other parts of the world. These areAsparagopsis armata andBonnemaisonia hamifera (Bonnemaisoniales),Grateloupia doryphora (Halymeniales),Antithamnionella spirographidis, Antithamnionella ternifolia, Anotrichium furcellatum, Dasya baillouviana, ?Dasysiphonia sp.,Polysiphonia harveyi andPolysiphonia senticulosa (Ceramiales). The oldest of these isB. hamifera, introduced prior to 1890, while the most recent,?Dasysiphonia sp., was first found in 1994 and still requires taxonomic investigation. A variety of distribution patterns is seen, with geographical ranges varying from general within the North Sea to very restricted. The diversity of introduced red algae on eastern coasts of the North Sea is much greater than in the west. The most likely explanation for this pattern is that French coasts were the initial site of introduction for many of the seaweeds, which were then distributed northwards by the residual surface currents. Their increasing success in the Netherlands has probably been promoted by the drastically changed local hydrodynamic conditions which have also permitted the recent introduction of many native European species. Of the biological features of species that may favour their success as introductions, clonal vegetative propagation, often with specialized propagules or fragmentation mechanisms, is almost ubiquitous. Low-temperature tolerances can be inferred, but data are sparse. Many of the alien red algae in the North Sea contain anti-grazing compounds such as bromophenols, which may contribute to their invasive potential by deterring grazing sufficiently to permit establishment of an inoculum.  相似文献   

About 80 non-indigenous species are assumed to have been introduced into the North Sea by transoceanic shipping and aquaculture. The number is certainly underestimated as most small organisms received insufficient attention at the species level. Also, the seafaring tradition of the North Sea countries is much longer than our biological surveys are. Most exotic invertebrates originate from the western Atlantic and were introduced by shipping, while most algae stem from the Pacific and came with the introduced oysters. A peak of newcomers was observed in the 1970s. Most of the arrivals became established in brackish environments, at harbor sites and in the vicinity of oyster farms, fouling on hard substrates or living as epibionts. A few live in sediments, are holoplanktonic or are parasites. At the open coast, approximately 6% of the macrobenthic species are exotics, while in estuaries their share is up to 20%. Most exotics have been encountered in the southern North Sea first, and many did not spread further north. About 25% of the established non-natives are widespread and attain locally high abundances. As a consequence, some inshore habitats are entirely dominated by exotics. The overall effect on the ecosystem seems to be more additive than one of displacement. This suggests that the coastal biota of the North Sea are quite capable of accommodating newcomers. However, this is no guarantee that the next introduced species may not cause severe ecological change or economic harm. There is a need to minimize the risk of unintentional introductions by ballast water treatment and by adhering to quarantine procedures in aquaculture. Current research on exotics in the North Sea is regarded as inadequate for proper evaluation and management requirements.  相似文献   

Sommaire Dans le présent travail, sont examinées les associations des plantes ammophiles qui se rencontrent sur les côtes d'ouest du Péloponnèse (voir la carte du texte).Ces côtes sont les plus favorables à la formation des dunes de sable, car, d'une part elles sont plus ou moins escarpées et par suite plus exposées aux vents sud-ouests qui régnent à cette région, et, d'autre part, on rencontre dans cette région les trois facteurs qui sont nécessaires pour la formation des dunes, le vent, le sable et les plantes, qui constituent, d'après Kühnholtz-Lordat (1923) le trinôme dynamique. Les géophytes à rhizome, Ammophila arenaria, Agropyrum junceum ssp. mediterraneum, Galilea mucronata, et Sporobolus pungens, qui sont considérées comme espèces à grand géodynamisme positif sont très abondantes tout le long du cordon littoral de la plage (Tableaux I–III).La classe Cakiletea maritimae est représentée dans cette région par les associations Salsola Kali — Xanthium strumarium Oberd. et Tx. 1950, et Anthemis Muenteriana —Salsola Kali. La première a été trouvée pour la première fois par Oberdorfer (1952) sur les côtes de la Grèce du Nord et a été classifiée par Oberdorfer et Tüxen (1950), tandis que, la seconde, qui n'a pas été trouvée ailleurs, peut-être considérée comme une nouvelle association des plantes.Les associations de la classe ci-dessus sont rencontrées sur les côtes ou les baies abritées du vent et particulièrement aux endroits où il existe une quantité suffisante d'humus et des débris végétales. L'association des plantes Salsola Kali — Xanthium strumarium est plus nitrophile que la seconde et se rencontre sur les régions les plus basses du rivage, où s'est accumulée une quantité suffisante d'humus et des débris végétaux. Ces derniers proviennent, le plus souvent, des espèces Zostera marina, Posidonia oceanica, Arundo Donax et d'autres. L'association des plantes Anthemis Muenteriana — Salsola Kali est moins nitrophile que la précédente et se rencontre sur les dunes basses d'une hauteur de 0.50–1.50 m qu'elle recouvre; ces dunes sont parallèles au rivage. Cette association apparaît le plus souvent dans sa phase optimale. Aux endroits où la quantité d'humus et des débris végétaux est moindre, apparaît l'association Agropyretum mediterraneum dans sa phase initiale (Tableau I et Photos 9–10).L'association Agropyretum mediterraneum apparaît principalement sur les dunes d'une hauteur de 1 à 2 m, sauf dans très peu de cas (Tableau II). La phase optimale de l'association Agropyretum mediterraneum se rencontre sur les dunes d'une hauteur de 1.50 à 2 m. Ces dunes se trouvent aux endroits où la côte est plus escarpée et par suite plus exposée aux vents sudouests, comme sont, par exemple, les côtes de la région Kaïafa (Photos 15–17). La phase optimale de cette association se caractérise par une abondance des espèces caractéristiques et par l'abondance des représentants des géophytes à rhizome, comme les espèces Agropyrum junceum ssp. mediterraneum, Galilea mucronata, et Sporobolus pungens (Tableau II, nos 1–6).L'association des plantes Ammophiletum arundinaceae se rencontre sur les dunes dont la hauteur dépasse les 2 mètres. Ces dunes se trouvent aux endroits où la côte est plus exposée aux vents sud-ouests, comme sont les côtes de Petrochori et de la région Zacharo. Cette association apparaît dans sa phase optimale, et sur des dunes qui sont bien développées et dont la hauteur, est à partir de 2.5 m et peut atteindre les 15 m (Tableau III et Photos 19–23).L'association bien connue Crucianelletum maritimae qui se rencontre sur les dunes stabilisées des côtes ouests de la Mediterranée, est représentée dans cette région par l'association des plantes Euphorbia terracina — Silene nicaeensis. Cette association représentative se devéloppe sur les dunes stabilisées de la région explorée. Leur hauteur varie, entre 4 et 11 mètres. Elle apparaît comme une association des plantes typiques avec 2 variantes, celle de Rumex bucephalophorus et celle de Centaurea sphaerocephala, et aussi comme les sous-associations Chondrilla juncea — Scolymus hispanicus et Trifolium scabrum —Nigella aristata (Tableau IV et Photos 24–26).En général les associations des plantes ammophiles se rencontrent sur les côtes ouests du Péloponnèse dont le sol est constitué, dans sa plus grande partie, par du sable d'un gros moyen ou moyennement fin.Les associations de la classe Cakiletea maritimae et l'association des plantes Agropyretum mediterraneum se développent sur des endroits où le sol est constitué d'une grande partie, en sable gros (Fig. 4 et 5). Entre eux, les plantes de la classe Cakiletea maritimae se développent sur un sol qui contient, en outre, une assez grande quantité d'humus et des débris végétaux, tandis que, pour l'association Agropyretum mediterraneum, les élements ci-dessus peuvent exister en une très petite quantité ou ne pas s'y trouver.Le sol, sur lequel se développent les associations des plantes Agropyretum mediterraneum et Ammophiletum arundinaceae est différent du sol propre à l'association Euphorbia terracina — Silene nicaeensis, car, dans le premier cas, celui-ci se constitue, en principal d'un sable d'un gros moyen, tandis que, dans le second cas, d'un sable moyennement fin (Fig. 5).Pour tous les sols, propres au développement des associations ammophiles des côtes du Péloponnèse, ou a une abondance de CaCO3. Malgré le fait que l'analogie de CaCO3 varie, a partir d'un pourcentage moyen jusqu'à une grande quantité, l'evolution de la végétation dans ces différentes phases, ne dépend pas de cette quantité.La réaction de ces sols varie, pour la plupart, entre 6.65 et 8.20 (Tableaux 10–14).  相似文献   

Anchialine caves in coastal locations develop in two ways: by pseudokarst processes that form talus caves, sea caves, tafoni, fissure caves and lava tubes, and by karst dissolutional processes that form stream caves, flank margin caves, and blue holes. Pseudokarst caves are of minor importance in anchialine cave habitat development, with some lava tubes being notable exceptions. Dissolution caves provide the most extensive, variable, and long-term environments for anchialine habitats. The Carbonate Island Karst Model (CIKM) allows dissolutional cave development in carbonate coasts to be understood as the interplay between freshwater and marine water mixing, sea-level change, rock maturity, and interaction with adjacent non-carbonate rocks. Glacioeustatic sea-level changes of the Quaternary have moved all coastal anchialine cave environments repeatedly through a vertical range of over 100 m, and modern anchialine environments could not develop at their current elevations until ~4,000 years ago when sea level reached its present position. Blue holes form by a variety of mechanisms, but the most common is upward stoping and collapse from deep dissolutional voids. As a result, they provide vertical connection between different levels of horizontal cave development produced by a variety of earlier sea-level positions. Blue holes are overprinted by successive sea-level fluctuations; each sea-level event adds complexity to the habitats within blue holes and the cave systems they connect. Blue holes can reach depths below the deepest glacioeustatic sea-level lowstand, and thereby provide a refugia for anchialine species when cave passages above are drained by Quaternary sea-level fall. Blue holes represent the most significant anchialine cave environment in the world, and may provide clues to anchialine cave species colonization and speciation events.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to characterize the large-scale geographical structures of microphytoplankton communities along French coasts. Once the temporal variability component shared by all sampled coastal sites was identified, and seasonal succession of microphytoplankton communities was described. A between-site analysis, using multiable comparison methods (STATIS), allowed the identification of three large areas according to the temporal variability patterns of microphytoplankton populations. The results indicate that the hydrodynamic characteristics of the different areas play a major role in the geographical structure of microalgal populations in mainland French coastal waters.  相似文献   

Several pieces of evidence indicate that Microcoleu chthonoplastes and Phormidium corium, the predominant cyanobacteria in microbial mats on crude oil polluting the Arabian Gulf coasts, contribute to oil degradation by consuming individual n-alkanes. Both cyanobacteria grew phototrophically better in the presence of crude oil or individual n-alkanes than in their absence, indicating that hydrocarbons may have been utilized. This result was true when growth was measured in terms of dry biomass, as well as in terms of the content of biliprotein, the accessory pigment characteristic of cyanobacteria. The phototrophic biomass production by P. corium was directly proportional to the concentration of n-nonadecance (C19) in the medium. The chlorophyll to carotene ratio of hydrocarbon-grown cyanobacteria did not decrease compared to the ratio in the absence of hydrocarbons, indicating that on hydrocarbons the organisms were not stressed. Comparing the fatty acid patterns of total lipids from hydrocarbon-grown cyanobacteria to those of the same organisms grown without hydrocarbons confirms that n-alkanes were taken up and oxidized to fatty acids by both cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

We used the Braun-Blanquet method to study the vegetation of coastal wetlands in South Korea. Three habitat types were found, i.e., salt marshes, salt swamps, and sand dunes. These plant communities were classified as: 1) two groups (five associations each) in the salt marshes that comprised either annual herbaceous halophytes (ClassThero-Salicornietea), or biennial/perennial herbaceous species (ClassAsteretea tripolii); 2) one group in the salt swamps consisting of five hydrophilous halo-tolerant associations (ClassPhragmitetea); and 3) three groups in the sand dunes, including one association of annual herbaceous halophytes (ClassSalsoletea komarovii), seven associations of herbaceous perennial halophytes (ClassGlehnietea littoralis), and one association of shrub perennial halophytes (ClassVrticetea rotundifoliae). These three habitat types accounted for the majority of the six main classifications of coastal vegetation distributed in South Korea.  相似文献   

我国沿海四爿藻的室内培养   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在水产养殖中,四爿藻是一种重要的饵料资源,从我国沿海(包括广东、浙江、山东等省)采集到的海洋单细胞绿藻四爿藻,用毛细管法挑取进行单种培养,然后在固体培养基中稀释划线分离得到无菌纯培养物,利用改良的Guillard &; Ryther(Guillard F)培养基、海洋Ⅲ号培养基和改良的海洋Ⅲ号培养基对四爿藻进行了实验室培养。结果发现,改良的海洋Ⅲ号培养基中四爿藻的生长速率最快,最适pH范围为7.0~8.0,加入维生素B12(10μg·L^-1),也可以适当增加四爿藻的生长速率。这种改良的海洋Ⅲ号培养基配制简单,适合于水产养殖中四爿藻的规模生产。  相似文献   

We surveyed the dinoflagellate genus Prorocentrum Ehrenberg in Mexican Pacific waters, where it is rather common and sometimes causes red tides in coastal areas or shrimp farms. Material collected from Baja California and the Gulf of California was analyzed. Thirteen species were identified, all of them planktonic (although P. mexicanum is also epiphytic). All species are described by light microscopy, and most are also described by scanning electron microscopy; comments on morphology, taxonomy and distribution are made. Red tides were caused by P. dentatum, P. minimum and P. triestinum. Prorocentrum mexicanum and P. minimum were suspected of being toxic. Four species, previously reported in the Gulf of California, were not found. A total of 18 species, including the new records P. dactylum and P. lebourae have been to date reported from the Mexican Pacific.  相似文献   

Aggregations of mussels harbor a variety of associated animals and make it possible for diverse species to coexist at the shore. Species composition and diversity of the associated fauna are controlled by the position of mussel beds or patches, e.g. tidal level, age structure of mussels, quality of ambient water and by mussel species. When patches of mussels were surrounded by algal growth, a difference in the species composition of the associated fauna was recognized between the patches and algal mats. Mechanisms promoting coexistence are discussed. Biodeposit production by mussels may affect the environment both within the bed and the ambient waters. Reducing sediments showing low Eh values caused by the accumulation of biodeposits was observed in calm waters where the polychaete Capitella capitata, an indicator for organic enrichment, occurred both in the intertidal mussel bed and the subtidal sandy bottom communities. In a shallow subtidal sandy bottom of the Gulf of Thailand, where heavy bioturbation by the spatangoid urchin Brissus latecarinatus was occurring, small patches of the mussel Modiolus metcalfi increased species diversity and equitability in this habitat. Species composition was different between mussel patches and pure sandy bottoms. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

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