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Mean preferred temperature and light were determined in groups of 20 Lymea auricularia (several hundreds of them altogether) placed in gradients of temperature and of light. The preferred temperature, 19.4 °C and light, 300 lx, were independent of the steepness of the gradients.The snails were placed in situations where a light of 300 lx was located over the various loci in water temperature gradients. In the reverse situation a water temperature of 20 °C was produced over the various loci of light gradients. The results of these conflict experiments showed that the shape of the histogram of loci selected by the snails around their preferendum, reflects the magnitude of their need for that variable. In a situation of conflict between two needs, the variable producing the narrower spatial distribution should be chosen over another variable with a broader tolerance range.  相似文献   

In this study, we re‐examine two species of freshwater gastropods of the genus Radix Montfort, 1810 (family Lymnaeidae), endemic to the geothermal springs in the Lake Baikal region in the southern part of eastern Siberia — Lymnaea (Radix) hakusyensis Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1989, and Lymnaea (Radix) thermobaicalica Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1989. The alleged species status of these endemics has been re‐assessed by means of an integrative approach combining molecular genetic taxonomy techniques with the traditional methods based on shell and soft body morphology. Phylogenetic reconstructions were made using both mitochondrial (COI) and nuclear (ITS2) DNA markers. We used topotypic samples of both species and specimens sampled from other sites around Lake Baikal. The results demonstrate that the two endemic species are only synonyms of a widespread Holarctic species, Radix auricularia (Linnaeus, 1758), and represent its intraspecific morph (ecotype) adapted to living in thermal springs. A new synonymy is proposed: Thermoradix Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1989 = Radix Montfort, 1810 (syn. n.).  相似文献   


The occurrence in New Zealand of Lymnaea auricularia (L.) is recorded for the first time, and its status world-wide is briefly discussed, with particular reference to its role in economic parasitology. The lymnaeid fauna of New Zealand is briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

Lake Baikal, in Siberia, Russia, contains the highest biodiversity of any extant lake, including an impressive radiation of gammaroidean amphipods that are often cited as a classic case of adaptive radiation. However, relationships among Baikal's amphipods remain poorly understood. The phylogenetic history of 32 Lake Baikal amphipod species, representing most major lineages of the endemic fauna, was examined using three genes (COI, 16S rRNA, and 18S rRNA), and 152 morphological characters. Results support monophyly of the largest and most diverse of the Baikalian families, the Acanthogammaridae. Analyses suggest that a second Baikalian family, the fossorial Micruropodidae, is paraphyletic and composed of two divergent clades, one of which includes Macrohectopus branickii, a morphologically specialized pelagic planktivore traditionally assigned its own family. The extreme morphological and ecological divergence of Macrohectopus from its close genetic relatives, and conversely, the large genetic distances among other morphologically similar micruropodids, suggest that morphological and molecular evolution have often been uncoupled during the radiation of Baikal's amphipods. This study suggests that the amphipod fauna of Lake Baikal is polyphyletic; originating from two independent invasions of the lake.  相似文献   

Baikal endemic Benedictia fragilis gastropods distributed in a wide range of depths (from sublittoral to abyssal) of three lake basins are studied. The analysis of the nucleotide sequence of the COI mitochondrial gene fragment and internal transcribed nuclear DNA spacer (ITS1) demonstrates that the studied gastropods are represented in Lake Baikal by three genetic groups. The results of the studies on genetic diversity, phenotypic traits, and distribution allow us to assume that the detected groups are incipient allopatric (geographical) species. On the basis of the data obtained and geological and climatic history of Baikal, possible pathways of the B. fragilis resettlement in the lake and the emergence of three genetic groups are hypothesized.  相似文献   

Hannaea baicalensis is a benthic pennate diatom that predominantly grows at depths of less than a metre attached to rocks and filamentous algae in Lake Baikal, Russia. This narrow zone at the edge of the lake is subject to frequent wave action and lake level fluctuations, which combine with other factors to affect seasonal abundance. During ice cover from January to May in 2008, when lake levels decreased from 42 to 14 cm above datum, H. baicalensis cell abundance remained low (0.39 × 106 cells cm–2). The main period of net cell increase occurred in autumn, when there was a period of stable lake level (±10 cm changes in water depth) that coincided with the return of nutrients during autumn overturn. Cell abundance reached 1.52 × 106 cells cm–2 on 31 October. Alongside the changes in abundance, cyclic size changes in cell apical lengths were found (40 to 144 µm), which were associated with timing of the length of the life cycle. Size decline occurred in both spring and autumn, with an average decrease in apical length of 36 µm per year. It took two years for the mean apical length of a single cohort to decrease from 128 µm to 56 µm, which was then below the threshold (< 65 µm) for initiation of size regeneration.  相似文献   

Dugarov ZhN 《Parazitologiia》2000,34(4):315-322
The host variability of adults of Phyllodistomum umblae and P. folium in fishes of the Baikal region has been studied. The absence of considerable geographical variability of P. umblae in Coregonus lavaretus (Lake Baikal, Lake Storsj?n in Sweden) has been shown. The complexes of most stable (the size of acetabulum and eggs, location of acetabulum, ovary and vitelline bodies) and variable (the distance from oral sucker to intestinal bifurcation, distance from intestinal back edge to body end, width of seminal vesicle) features of trematodes of the genus Phyllodistomum have been determined.  相似文献   

The oak gallwasp Andricus coriarius is distributed across the Western Palaearctic from Morocco to Iran. It belongs to a clade of host-alternating Andricus species that requires host oaks in two sections of Quercus subgenus Quercus to complete its lifecycle, a requirement that has restricted the historic distribution and dispersal of members of this clade. Here we present nuclear and mitochondrial sequence evidence from the entire geographic range of A. coriarius to investigate the genetic legacy of longitudinal range expansion. We show A. coriarius as currently understood to be para- or polyphyletic, with three evolutionarily independent (but partially sympatric) lineages that diverged c. 10 million years ago (mya). The similarities in gall structure that have justified recognition of single species to date thus represent either strong conservation of an ancestral state or striking convergence. All three lineages originated in areas to the east of Europe, underlining the significance of Turkey, Iran and the Levant as 'cradles' of gallwasp evolution. One of the three lineages gave rise to all European populations, and range expansion from a putative Eastern origin to the present distribution is predicted to have occurred around 1.6 mya.  相似文献   

Aim The distribution range of Lactuca serriola, a species native to the summer‐dry mediterranean climate, has expanded northwards during the last 250 years. This paper assesses the influence of climate on the range expansion of this species and highlights the importance of anthropogenic disturbance to its spread. Location Central and Northern Europe. Methods Data on the geographic distribution of L. serriola were assembled through a literature search as well as through floristic and herbarium surveys. Maps of the spread of L. serriola in Central and Northern Europe were prepared based on herbarium data. The spread was assessed more precisely in Germany, Austria and Great Britain by pooling herbarium and literature data. We modelled the bioclimatic niche of the species using occurrence and climatic data covering the last century to generate projections of suitable habitats under the climatic conditions of five time periods. We tested whether the observed distribution of L. serriola could be explained for each time period, assuming that the climatic niche of the species was conserved across time. Results The species has spread northwards since the beginning of the 19th century. We show that climate warming in Europe increased the number of sites suitable for the species at northern latitudes. Until the late 1970s, the distribution of the species corresponded to the climatically suitable sites available. For the last two decades, however, we could not show any significant relationship between the increase in suitable sites and the distributional range change of L. serriola. However, we highlight potential areas the species could spread to in the future (Great Britain, southern Scandinavia and the Swedish coast). It is predominantly non‐climatic influences of global change that have contributed to its rapid spread. Main conclusions The observation that colonizing species are not filling their climatically suitable range might imply that, potentially, other ruderal species could expand far beyond their current range. Our work highlights the importance of historical floristic and herbarium data for understanding the expansion of a species. Such historical distributional data can provide valuable information for those planning the management of contemporary environmental problems, such as species responses to environmental change.  相似文献   

Phenotypic differentiation is often interpreted as a result of local adaptation of individuals to their environment. Here, we investigated the skull morphological differentiation in 11 populations of the white‐footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus). These populations were sampled in an agricultural landscape in the Montérégie region (Québec, Canada), at the northern edge of the distribution of the white‐footed mouse. We found a strong pattern of phenotypic differentiation matching the genetic structure across these populations. Landscape fragmentation and the presence of geographic barriers, in particular north–south oriented rivers, contribute to this differentiation and modulate the pattern of rapid ongoing northward range expansion of the white‐footed mouse in response to climate warming. We conclude that while large rivers and postglacial recolonization routes have shaped the current pattern of distribution and differentiation of white‐footed mouse populations, further local differentiation is occurring, at the scale of the landscape. We posit that the northern expansion of the white‐footed mouse is achieved through successive independent founder events in a fragmented landscape at the northern range edge of the species. The phenotypic differentiation we observe is thus a result of a number of mechanisms operating at different spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of the nine Lake Baikal endemic caddisfly species with the representatives of the genus Apatania (Apataniidae) were reconstructed on the basis on nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial COI gene. The results of Bayesian analysis pointed to the relationships of the endemics with the North American Apatania incerta (Banks, 1897) and A. sorex (Ross, 1941). The divergence of the genetic lineages of the Baikalian and Nearctic apataniids occurred in the Late Oligocene–Early Miocene. On the dendrogram, endemic species formed two monophyletic clades corresponding to the tribes Thamastini and Baicalinini. It was also found that the genus Protobaicalina was polyphyletic, while the genus Baicalina was a species flock. Our analysis showed that the nearest common ancestor of the studied Baikal caddisfly species existed about 21 Mya, while the modern species composition of endemic fauna dates back to Pliocene–Pleistocene age (2.5–0.7 million years).  相似文献   

Abstract. Four species of Trichomyiinae are recorded from the Palaearctic region and a key to them is provided. Trichomyia urbica Haliday, T.parvula Szabo and the genitalia of T.itocoae Tokunaga & Komyo are redescribed. T.malkkyi sp.n., from Greece, is described. Detailed information is given on the structure of the sclerotized parts of the abdomen and on the internal genitalia of some Palaearctic, Nearctic and South American Trichomyiinae. The monophyly of some species-groups is briefly discussed, but the interrelationships of these groups remain obscure.  相似文献   

Winter climate change is expected to lead to the tropicalization of temperate ecosystems, where tropical species expand poleward in response to a decrease in the intensity and duration of winter temperature extremes (i.e., freeze events). In the southeastern United States, freezing temperatures control the northern range limits of many invasive nonnative species. Here, we examine the influence of freezing temperatures and winter climate change on the northern range limits of an invasive nonnative tree—Schinus terebinthifolius (Brazilian pepper). Since introduction in the 1800s, Brazilian pepper has invaded ecosystems throughout south and central Florida to become the state's most widespread nonnative plant species. Although Brazilian pepper is sensitive to freezing temperatures, temperature controls on its northern distribution have not been adequately quantified. We used temperature and plant occurrence data to quantify the sensitivity of Brazilian pepper to freezing temperatures. Then, we examined the potential for range expansion under three alternative future climate scenarios (+2°C, +4°C, and +6°C). Our analyses identify a strong nonlinear sigmoidal relationship between minimum temperature and Brazilian pepper presence, with a discrete threshold temperature occurring near ?11°C. Our future scenario analyses indicate that, in response to warming winter temperatures, Brazilian pepper is expected to expand northward and transform ecosystems in north Florida and across much of the Gulf of Mexico and south Atlantic coasts of the United States. These results underscore the importance of early detection and rapid response efforts to identify and manage the northward invasion of Brazilian pepper in response to climate change. Looking more broadly, our work highlights the need to anticipate and prepare for the tropicalization of temperate ecosystems by tropical invasive species.  相似文献   

In the southern Lake Baikal area, in the region of the Khamar-Daban ridge, which borders the banks of Lake Baikal, there was found in abundant population the tick I. trianguliceps. Data on the ecology of the tick in this particular part of its distribution area and on its ecological links revealed by factor analysis of the tick's habitat of the first and second order by means of electronic computers are given.  相似文献   

Diatoms in Lake Baikal exhibit significant spatial variation, related to prevailing climate, lake morphology and fluvial input into the lake. Here we have assessed the threats to endemic planktonic diatom species (through the development of empirical models), which form a major component of primary production within the lake. Multivariate techniques employed include redundancy analysis (RDA) and Huisman–Olff–Fresco (HOF) models. Our analyses suggest that eight environmental variables were significant in explaining diatom distribution across the lake, and in order of importance these are snow thickness on the ice, water depth, duration of days with white ice, suspended matter in the lake, days of total ice duration, temperature of the water surface in July, concentration of zooplankton and suspended organic matter. Impacts on dominant phytoplankton diatom species are highlighted using t‐value biplots. Predictions of future climate change on Lake Baikal are likely to result in shorter periods of ice cover, decreased snow cover across the lake in spring, increased fluvial input into the lake, and an increase in the intensification of surface water stratification during summer months. All these factors are likely to impact negatively on the slow‐growing, cold‐water endemics such as Aulacoseira baicalensis and Cyclotella minuta, which currently dominate diatom assemblages. Instead, taxa that are only intermittently abundant, at present, in offshore areas (e.g. Stephanodiscus meyerii) are likely to become more frequent. However, given the climatic gradient across the lake, the timing and extent of changes in community structure are likely to vary. Moreover, palaeolimnological records show that Lake Baikal diatom assemblages have been dynamic throughout the Holocene, with both endemic and cosmopolitan species exhibiting periods of dominance. Effects of climate change on the entire lake ecosystem may yet be profound as the structure of the pelagic food web may change from one based on endemic diatom taxa to one dominated by nondiatom picoplankton, and as limnological functioning (e.g. stratification and mixing) affects deepwater oxygen availability, nutrient cycling and trophic linkages.  相似文献   

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