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《Current biology : CB》2014,24(22):R1074-R1076

巢湖微囊藻和浮游甲壳动物昼夜垂直迁移的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓道贵  谢平  周琼  杨华 《生态科学》2006,25(1):8-12
2002年10月进行了巢湖微囊藻和几种优势浮游甲壳动物的昼夜垂直变化的研究,结果表明:微囊藻具有明显的昼夜垂直变化现象。白天上层水中的微囊藻密度显著高于下层水中,夜晚逐渐下沉使得下层水中的密度相对高于上层水。微囊藻与叶绿素a、水温、溶解氧和pH等均呈显著的正相关(p<0.01)。几种优势浮游甲壳动物的昼夜垂直迁移存在较大的差异。短尾秀体溞和角突网纹溞白天在下层水(1.5m和2.5m)中的密度较高,夜晚则倾向于在上层水(0m和0.5m)中活动。相反,卵形盘肠溞白天在上层水中密度较高,象鼻溞则在11:00和15:00时各水层中的密度显著高于夜晚。汤匙华哲水蚤和广布中剑水蚤白天倾向于在下层水中活动,夜晚则逐渐迁移到上层水中。许水蚤在夜晚和凌晨3:00时各水层中的密度显著高于白天。中华窄腹剑水蚤昼夜垂直变化不明显。微囊藻与短尾秀体溞密度呈显著的负相关,而与象鼻溞和卵形盘肠溞呈显著的正相关(p<0.01)。  相似文献   

The zooplankton community of Lake Victoria was studied between March 1990 and February 1991 with the aim of identifying its constituent groups/species, their distribution, abundance, and long term changes in community structure. Zooplankton samples were taken from four stations using plankton nets (75–300 m mesh size) hauled vertically through the water column. The plankton comprised mainly Crustacea and to a lesser extent early stages of aquatic insects. Cyclopoid copepods, their nauplii and copepodites constituted the most frequent group at all stations. Calanoid copepods, Cladocera and Caridina nilotica (Roux), though widely distributed, contributed a small proportion. Chaoborus larvae and pupae and mites were occasionally present. A comparison of the relative proportions of the main zooplanktonic groups from three sources revealed remarkable changes in community structure since 1931. These changes are discussed with respect to predation, eutrophication and other changes in the food web structure of the lake.  相似文献   

History and timing of human impact on Lake Victoria, East Africa   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Lake Victoria, the largest tropical lake in the world, suffers from severe eutrophication and the probable extinction of up to half of its 500+ species of endemic cichlid fishes. The continuing degradation of Lake Victoria's ecological functions has serious long-term consequences for the ecosystem services it provides, and may threaten social welfare in the countries bordering its shores. Evaluation of recent ecological changes in the context of aquatic food-web alterations, catchment disturbance and natural ecosystem variability has been hampered by the scarcity of historical monitoring data. Here, we present high-resolution palaeolimnological data, which show that increases in phytoplankton production developed from the 1930s onwards, which parallels human-population growth and agricultural activity in the Lake Victoria drainage basin. Dominance of bloom-forming cyanobacteria since the late 1980s coincided with a relative decline in diatom growth, which can be attributed to the seasonal depletion of dissolved silica resulting from 50 years of enhanced diatom growth and burial. Eutrophication-induced loss of deep-water oxygen started in the early 1960s, and may have contributed to the 1980s collapse of indigenous fish stocks by eliminating suitable habitat for certain deep-water cichlids. Conservation of Lake Victoria as a functioning ecosystem is contingent upon large-scale implementation of improved land-use practices.  相似文献   

Caridina nilotica (Decapoda: Atyidae) in offshore waters of Lake Victoria were investigated with both day and night sampling over a period of two years. Offshore populations are mainly planktonic rather than benthic, and the animals exhibit diel vertical migrations into near-surface waters at night. These changes in diel abundance as well as the size-frequency distribution of the migrating shrimp suggest that the migratory behavior is in response to visual planktivory, because only the very smallest individuals (2–4 mm) remain in surface waters during the day. During October 1992, abundances were estimated both by vertical net sampling and by underwater video transect methods. Concordance was established between abundances estimated by the two methods. Only about 9% (night) to 14% (day) of the Caridina population appeared to be epibenthic. We suggest that the behavior of the animal is consistent with the hypothesis that it is not a strict detritivore as previously reported; rather it may engage in facultative planktivory, especially at night.  相似文献   

Three of the five major species of catfishes in Lake Victoria displayed continuous, protracted (fractional) spawning activity with half or more of the population in gonadal stages IV–VI. Pulses in reproductive activity occurred in all species and were generally positioned between the established, rainy seasons for East Africa. Although highly variable, relative fecundity was positively correlated with body length and weight of fish in all species. All five species matured sexually between their first and third year of life.  相似文献   

The atmospheric deposition of phosphorus in Lake Victoria (East Africa)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wet and dry atmospheric fluxes of total phosphorus (TP) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) measured at four sites over a 12-month period were used to estimate lake-wide atmospheric phosphorus (P) deposition to Lake Victoria, East Africa. Atmospheric samples were collected in plastic buckets with top diameter of 25.5 cm by 30 cm deep. The highest P loading rates of 2.7 (TP) and 0.8 (SRP) kg ha–2 year–1 were measured at Mwanza compared to less than 1.9 (TP) and 0.65 (SRP) kg ha–2 year–1 measured in other three sites. By applying these loading rates to the lake surface, it was estimated that 13.5 ktons (13.5 × 103 kg) of TP were deposited annually into the lake from the atmosphere. Thirty-two percent of the total was found to be in the SRP form. Dryfall, a component ignored in previous studies exceeded wet deposition by contributing 75% of the total P input. However, materials deposited by dryfall made a lesser contribution to soluble form of phosphorus, as SRP concentrations in the wet samples were 2–3 times higher than SRP concentrations in dry samples. The annual fluxes of phosphorus measured on the south and western shores of Lake Victoria (1.8–2.7 kg ha–2 year–1) are near the upper range of similar fluxes measured in the tropics. In comparison with the existing estimates of municipal and runoff P inputs from other studies, it is estimated that atmospheric deposition represent 55% of the total phosphorus input to the Lake Victoria. The four sampling sites were fairly clustered and wet and dry P deposition data were collected from shore/land stations and applied to open lake areas to estimate lake-wide P deposition. In this regard, the estimates determined here should be viewed as a first order approximation of actual P load deposited into the lake.  相似文献   

Diurnal and diel vertical distribution of limnetic zooplankton species in relation to temperature and dissolved oxygen profiles was examined at a central station in Lake Naivasha. During calm days thermal stratification developed gradually from late morning to reach maximum formation at mid-day. Dissolved oxygen concentrations showed similar vertical profiles to temperature. These stratifications were, however, short lived and were broken up in late afternoons by the wind induced poly-holomictic nature of the lake. During the day most zooplankters aggregate at the top 3–4 metre zone of the water column coincident with maximum photosynthetic activity. The pattern of diel vertical distribution of zooplankton in Lake Naivasha is undefinedly even. The absence of significant diel changes in the distribution of the limnetic zooplankton may be related to the absence of permanent physico-chemical boundaries and lack of predation pressure in the open water.  相似文献   

Although the introduction of Nile perch, Lates niloticus , to Lake Victoria has received intense global attention, especially in relation to its impact on endemic cichlid species and on fishery yields, fundamental information on its taxonomy and population genetics is lacking. Most importantly, the introduced fish originated from two lakes (Lakes Albert and Turkana) containing three Lates species, and it has never been entirely clear which of these became established in Lake Victoria, or indeed whether the Lake Victoria population is derived from hybridization between Lates species. In addition, genetic drift caused by the relatively small founder population (≈ 400), the initially slow population increase followed by a period of explosive population growth, and selection pressures in the new environment may have resulted in substantial genetic changes. Allozyme data indicated that the introduced Nile perch of Lake Victoria were mainly L. niloticus from Lake Albert, although maximum likelihood estimates of stock contributions (GSI) suggested the presence of L. macrophthalmus. In contrast, introduced Nile perch in adjacent smaller lakes (Lakes Kyoga and Nabugabo) appeared to be entirely L. niloticus . The effect of the introductions on allozyme diversity varied among lakes and appeared to be uncorrelated to the number of fish introduced.  相似文献   

The determination of the history and causes of recent eutrophication and intensified thermal stratification in Lake Victoria is still hampered by the sparsity of paleolimnologic coverage of the enormous lake. Five new diatom records from Ugandan waters now show that a transition from Aulacoseira-dominated planktonic assemblages to those dominated by long Nitzschia spp., occurred in northern coastal sites from the mid-1970s to mid-1980s. Similar transitions developed from the late 1960s to early 1970s offshore and from the 1940s to early 1950s along the Kenyan coast, suggesting a time-transgressive process. These changes are not readily attributable to the trophic effects of Nile perch population growth during the early 1980s, but more likely reflect responses to long-term nutrient enrichment and climatic instability in the region. The diversity of planktonic diatom communities has declined dramatically, and a namesake variety of Aulacoseira nyassensis may now be nearly extirpated. Although local phytoplankton communities varied considerably in the past, the current domination of diatom assemblages by Nitzschia is apparently unprecedented in the 15,000-year history of Lake Victoria.  相似文献   

Light is generally regarded as the most likely cue used by zooplanktonto regulate their vertical movements through the water column.However, the way in which light is used by zooplankton as acue is not well understood. In this paper we present a mathematicalmodel of diel vertical migration which produces vertical distributionsof zooplankton that vary in space and time. The model is usedto predict the patterns of vertical distribution which resultwhen animals are assumed to adopt one of three commonly proposedmechanisms for vertical swimming. First, we assume zooplanktontend to swim towards a preferred intensity of light. We thenassume zooplankton swim in response to either the rate of changein light intensity or the relative rate of change in light intensity.The model predicts that for all three mechanisms movement isfastest at sunset and sunrise and populations are primarilyinfluenced by eddy diffusion at night in the absence of a lightstimulus. Daytime patterns of vertical distribution differ betweenthe three mechanisms and the reasons for the predicted differencesare discussed. Swimming responses to properties of the lightfield are shown to be adequate for describing did vertical migrationwhere animals congregate in near surface waters during the eveningand reside at deeper depths during the day. However, the modelis unable to explain how some populations halt their ascentbefore reaching surface waters or how populations re-congregatein surface waters a few hours before sunrise, a phenomenon whichis sometimes observed in the field. The model results indicatethat other exogenous or endogenous factors besides light mayplay important roles in regulating vertical movement.  相似文献   

Movement of the introduced Tilupiu spp. in the Nyanza Gulf of Lake Victoria is largely random, however, mobility has a strong correlation with dry and rainy seasons. The seasonal pattern of movement may be attributed to the response of the species to spawning and feeding drives and favourable living areas. Tilupia movements were typically short (< 1 km) and there were no systematic shifts in centres of gravity of populations.  相似文献   

Six genera of Clad ocera (Diaphanosoma, Daphnia, Ceriodaphnia, Moina, Bosmina, Bosminopsis), each of them usually with only one species were found in Lake D. Helvecio, a natural valley lake located in the eastern part of Brazil. Diurnal migratory movements of the organisms observed in this lake showed a different pattern in different species. Closely related species, which explore the same food source, live in different layers, thus avoiding interspecific competition. The migratory behaviour of the species was studied mainly in relation to temperature and oxygen distribution in the lake. Thus, analyses were made in the summer (January, 1978) when a strong stratification occurs with the establishment of a thermocline and an oxycline. Comparisons were made also with the data obtained in winter (July, 1978), when a complete mixing of water occurs.  相似文献   

Diel vertical migration (DVM) and diel feeding rhythm of two cladocerans, Daphnia longispina and Bosmina coregoni were investigated at the pelagic area of Lake Toya (Hokkaido, Japan) in May, August and October 1992. Both species performed nocturnal DVM. The amplitude of DVM, however, became smaller from May to October. Such seasonal variations in DVM could not be explained by light penetration and/or water temperature. The two species had a clear feeding rhythm; they fed at night in May and October but also after sunrise in August. These feeding rhythms appeared to be related to the light-dark cycle, but were not necessarily associated with their DVM. We suggest that the diel feeding rhythm and DVM are regulated independently by light cues.  相似文献   

Lake Victoria in East Africa is a major ecosystem, whose size and importance has warranted the exploration of MODIS imagery to provide continuous and accurate water quality information. To this effect, two sea expeditions (in November 2014 and February 2015) were carried out to collect in situ lake surface temperature (LST), chlorophyll a (Chl) and Secchi disk depth (SDD) to compare with the corresponding satellite derived variables. Comparisons were made based on the following error matrices: coefficient of correlation (r), mean square error (MSE), root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute deviation (MAD) and mean absolute percent error (MAPE). In general the results showed that satellite derived LST gives a good estimate of in situ LST. Conversely, the error matrices indicated that satellite derived Chl yielded more uncertainty when compared with in situ Chl. This could be because of the fact that the MODIS Chl product algorithm was designed for oceans and may not be appropriate for inland lakes. Satellite derived SDD compared fairly well with in situ SDD. From these results it is evident that with more in situ observations and improved algorithms, MODIS can be useful to improve how water quality is monitored on Lake Victoria.  相似文献   

Diel vertical migration of zooplankton in the Northeast Atlantic   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) data collected duringAugust–September 1991 reveal the diel migration of zooplanktonin the northeast Atlantic (50–60  相似文献   

Diel vertical migration arising in a habitat selection game   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Predator and prey react to each other, adjusting their behavior to maximize their fitness and optimizing their food intake while keeping their predation risk as low as possible. In a pelagic environment, prey reduce their predation mortality by adopting a diel vertical migration (DVM) strategy, avoiding their predator during their peak performance by finding refuge in deep layers during daylight hours and feeding at the surface during the night. Due to the duality of the interaction between prey and predator, we used a game theory approach to investigate whether DVM can be a suitable strategy for the predator as well as the prey. We formulated three scenarios in plankton ecology in order to address this question. A novel finding is that mixed strategies emerge as optimal over a range of the parameter space, where part of the predator or prey population adopts a DVM while the rest adopt one or other “sit and wait” strategies.  相似文献   

We studied the Diel Vertical Migration (DVM) of several zooplankton taxa and an important zooplanktivore Rastrineobola argentea in a eutrophic bay of Lake Victoria for a total of 3 months during wet and dry seasons. Zooplankton were sampled twice a month at full moon and new moon. The zooplankton community of this lake was numerically dominated by cyclopoid copepods (>80%) of which 80% were juveniles. The composition of zooplankton was not significantly different (P > 0.05) for the different sampling months (November 2000, March 2001 and July 2001), but total zooplankton abundance was significantly lower (P < 0.05) in July (dry season) than during March or November (wet seasons). DVM behaviour was observed in some of the zooplankton groups including Tropocyclops spp., Thermocyclops spp., Thermodiaptomus galeboides and Diaphanosoma excisum. In these groups, we also observed that they were significantly (P < 0.05) more abundant at full moon than at new moon in some months, a pattern not seen in non-DVM groups. The amplitude of migration tended to be higher at new moon than full moon for all DVM zooplankton but not significantly so (P > 0.05). The zooplanktivore R. argentea exhibits typical DVM behaviour, perhaps to avoid visual predation itself, but it also increases the predation pressure on zooplankton in deeper waters. Feeding times for R. argentea peak just after dusk and dawn. For the copepod calanoid T. galeboides, there was a strong relationship (P < 0.05) between the amplitude of migration and midday (12:00) water transparency, suggesting that these zooplankton may have descended deeper on days with higher water transparency. In the absence of temperature and food gradients but with predation pressure from a migrating zooplanktivore, the depth of descent of zooplankton may be well associated with water transparency.  相似文献   

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