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Sargochromis codringtonii has always been considered a good candidate for the biological control of snails. However, there is lack of data on the feeding ecology of this species. The diet of S. codringtonii was examined by an analysis of stomach contents. The food of adult S. codringtonii in Lake Kariba is dominated by prosobranch snails. Pulmonate snails form a small insignificant component of the diet of S. codringtonii , and the reasons for this are discussed. Electivity indices were used to investigate prey selection. S. codringtonii does not show a particular preference for any snail species. It feeds on any snail species that is readily available. A morphometrical analysis of the feeding structures of S. codringtonii showed that the fish is well adapted to handling a molluscivorous diet. The daily food consumption of S. codringtonii was estimated over different seasons using the Elliot & Persson (1978 ) model [ J. Anim. Ecol. 47. 977–991]. Estimates of food consumption indicate that the fish consumed 14.0% of their dry body weight per day in summer and this falls to 4.5% in winter. The low consumption of pulmonates means that S. codringtonii cannot be a successful biological control agent against the vectors of schistosomiasis.  相似文献   

Moyo  Ngonidzashe A.G.  Fernando  C. H. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,438(1-3):237-244
Age determination of Sargochromis codringtonii was undertaken using scalimetry. Marginal scale analysis, used for age validation, indicated that annulus formation occurred in October and November. The possible reasons for this are discussed. S. codringtonii is relatively long-lived, surviving up to 8 years. It is sexually dimorphic with males growing at a faster rate and attaining a larger size than females. It is suggested that the mouth brooding habits of the female fish is one possible reason for sexual dimorphism. A higher total mortality rate (Z) was recorded for females as compared to males. S. codringtonii reproduces throughout the year, but with a peak during the hot wet months. The right ovary is atrophied and the possible significance of this is discussed.  相似文献   

From the stomach contents of 28 wild-caught Sargochromis codringtonii from Lake Kariba the size and species of snails consumed were estimated from opercula found. An energetic cost/benefit ratio of the various sizes of the most frequent prey, Bellamya capillata, was calculated. The size of snails consumed increased significantly with fish size, with large fish showing individual size preferences. Ingested snails were of sizes with relatively low energetic cost/benefit ratios.  相似文献   

Four surplus yield models were used to estimate the yield potential of the Kariba inshore fishery. The classical methods gave maximum sustainable yield (MSY) values as high as 1333 t y-1. These values are regarded as over-estimates in view of the present average annual catch of 619.4 t y-1. The Schnute (1978) model gave an MSY of 719t y-1 and a failure index close to 1 indicating that the data do not fit well into the model. Walter's (1986) graphical approach of fitting an approximate equilibrium yield curve to catch and effort predicts an MSY between 550 and 570t y-1. It is suggested that the Kariba inshore fishery on the Zimbabwean side should be managed within this range, in Basins 4 and 5.


Quatre modèles de rendement excédentaire ont été employés pour estimer le rendement potentiel de la pêcherie dans le lac Kariba. Les méthodes classiques donnaient un rendement maximal supportable (RMS) de 1333 ta-1. On considere que ces valeurs sont surestimées au vu de la capture annuelle moyenne de 619 ta-1. Le modèle de Schnute (1978) donnait un RMS de 719 ta-1 et un risque d'erreur proche de 1, indiquant que les données ne s'intègrent pas bien dans le modèle. L'approche graphique de Walter (1986) qui tend à ajuster un niveau de rendement en équilibre approximatif entre I'effort et la prise prévoit un RMS compris entre 550 et 570 ta-1. On suggère que la pêcherie dans le lac Kariba devrait être gérée dans cet ordre-là du côté zimbabwéken.  相似文献   

During a survey of fish ectoparasites in Lake Kariba (Zimbabwe), two crustaceans were often encountered. Dolops ranarum (Branchiura), parasite of the body, mouth and gill chamber, infected mostly cichlids, the catfish Clarias gariepinus, Synodontis zambezensis and two Mormyrids. Among cichlids clear host preferences were shown. No seasonal variations could be detected in the infections. D. ranarum parasitized predominantly fish above 15 cm in standard length. Lamproglena monodi (Copepoda) parasitized only the gills of cichlids with a preference for Serranochromis codringtonii, S. macrocephalus and Tilapia rendalli. Small fish were seldom infected. Seasonal variations of the prevalence occurred, the hot season being the less favourable. Few other crustaceans were found during the survey: a single specimen of Lamproglena hemprichii on the gills of the tigerfish, Hydrocynus vittatus; three specimens of Afrolernaea longicollis, one found on the gills of Hippopotamyrus discorhynchus and two on the gills of Mormyrops deliciosus; a hundred of Ergasilus mirabilis in a specimen of H. discorhynchus.  相似文献   

Concentrations of total mercury were determined in Hydrocynus vittatus (Castelnau), Sargochromis codringtonii (Boulenger), and Limnothrissa miodon (Boulenger) from two localities in Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe.
The mean concentrations of total mercury in H. vittatus from Basin 5 and Basin 2 were 0.08 mg kg−1 and 0.094 mg kg−1, respectively. In S. codringtonii, mean concentrations were 0.004 mg kg−1 and 0.026 mg kg−1 for Basins 5 and 2, respectively. No mercury was detected in L. miodon from Basin 2 while samples from Basin 5 had a mean concentration of 0.069 mg kg−1 (wet weight). Total mercury concentrations were also determined on a dry weight basis.
Within each sampling area, total mercury concentrations were significantly different among species ( P  < 0.05). For H. vittatus and S. codringtonii, total mercury concentrations (in the same species) were not significantly different between the two localities ( P  < 0.05).
The factors causing the observed differences in total mercury between similar species from different localities and among different species in the same locality (sampling area) are discussed. From the observed low levels of mercury in all three species, it was concluded that the mercury constituted 'background levels'. These levels are below the maximum concentrations permissible in human fish foods.  相似文献   

The submerged vegetation of Lake Kariba is described in relation to degree of slope (lake morphometry), depth and light transparency. The direct gradient analysis technique — canonical correspondence analysis and the TWINSPAN classification programs were used to analyse the data set. The western end of the lake with low transparency has a low species diversity (with Vallisneria aethiopica dominating). Species diversity increases with increased transparency in the other parts of the lake. The classification revealed monospecific communities for all species as well as mixed communities with Lagarosiphon as the associate species with the broadest distribution. The ordination revealed a first axis strongly related to depth and transparency gradients and the second axis related to slope. Vallisneria aethiopica has a growth form adapted to grow in shallow areas subjected to wave action. Potamogeton octandrus also growing in shallow areas is restricted to sheltered areas. Lagarosiphon ilicifolius precluded from the shallow exposed areas grows at medium depth but has a growth form adapted to tap light at the surface. Najas pectinata and Ceratophyllum demersum are adapted to grow in deep water.Abbreviations CCA Canonical correspondence analysis  相似文献   

Lake Kariba is thermally stratified for about 9 months of the year. The Tanganyika sardine, Limnothrissa miodon (Boulenger), thrives very well when the water is in circulation and when its food (zooplankton) is abundant due to increased nutrients in the water column. There is a fall in the sardine yields as the water column gets partitioned into a nutrient-poor epilimnion and a nutrient-rich hypolimnion during thermal stratification. A very high negative correlation ( r 2= 0.94, n = 32) was found between thermal stratification and the monthly yields of the sardines. This uneven annual distribution of sardine yields creates problems for the local fishery.  相似文献   

Masundire  Hillary M. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,243(1):167-173
The population dynamics of Bosmina longirostris in a large tropical reservoir, Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe, are described. Population density showed two peaks associated with periods of high nutrient fluxes. Fecundity was always low. Two eggs per female was the maximum ever recorded. Instantaneous rates of birth, death and population growth calculated from field data using the egg ratio method are discussed. The rate of biomass change fluctuated in a regular pattern, probably linked to food availability or predation by a clupeid, Limnothrissa miodon.  相似文献   

Abundance and size distribution of inshore fish populations was assessed by fishing with standard Lundgren survey gill-nets in areas open to fishing and reserved areas that are protected from fishing activities.The direct gradient analysis technique — Detrended Canonical Correspondence Analysis — revealed that fish abundance and their composition in Lake Kariba are strongly structured by lake morphometry.The comparison between fished and reserve areas showed that there was a significant reduction in mean length of commercially fished species in the fished areas and the size distribution curves were skewed, lacking small and large length classes. There was a higher abundance of non-commercial species in the fished areas. It was also revealed that the mochokid Synodontis zambezensis Peters 1852, was the most abundant species and was present at all depths sampled in all the stations.There were indications that non-commercial species were important in terms of abundance in the fished areas. These included S. zambezenzis, Schilbe intermedius (Ruppell, 1832) and other smaller species. This was attributed to them being selected against in the gill-nets.  相似文献   

R. J. DOUTHWAITE 《Ibis》1992,134(3):250-258
Twenty clutches were collected from nests of Fish Eagles Haliaeetus vocifer at Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe, and a small dam nearby in 1989-90. Unaltered DDT, and metabolites DDD and DDE, were found in every egg. Mean levels of σDDT(= DDT + DDD + DDE) generally varied from 14 to 49 mg/kg dry weight per clutch, but 113–223 mg/kg dry weight were found in clutches from the eastern end of the lake and the mouth of the Sengwa River. SDDT and DDE levels were significantly correlated with the Ratcliffe Index of eggshell thickness. Comparison with museum specimens showed that the Ratcliffe Index has declined by 11% since 1936-41 due to a significant fall in shell weight. Eggshell thinning exceeded 20% at the eastern end of the lake.
Aerial surveys in 1987 and 1990 found that hatching success along the southern lakeshore exceeded 72%, but chicks were seen in fewer than half the nests at the eastern end. However, the density of breeding pairs was greatest here.
Residue levels have increased by about 8% since 1980, rising more steeply in areas recently sprayed for tsetse fly control and falling in others. The threat from DDT may now be receding as regional use has declined and will end, for tsetse fly control, by 1995. None was used for this purpose in 1991. Mercury levels in adult birds were very high and may pose a significant risk.
The breeding population may be limited by availability of safe nest sites. Chicks are sometimes eaten by people. Settlement along the lakeshore is increasing and safe sites are becoming scarcer as dead trees in the lake collapse and large trees onshore are destroyed by elephants.  相似文献   

Synopsis Revised total and available production, yield and mean biomass per ha were calculated for each species in Lake Kariba, and for the whole lake. The revision was undertaken because (1) the original value 1 g for W0 for each species was too high, (2) Bi+1 was occasionally used instead of Bi in the calculation of mean biomass for an interval i to i + 1, and (3) species' contributions to mean parameter values for the whole lake were not weighted according to their mean standing crop. Revised values are, A = 1224, P = 720, YA = 400, YPp, = 202 and B = 827 kg ha–1y–1. These correspond to 38.2%, 66.7%, 107.1% and 25.8% respectively of the values calculated initially.  相似文献   

The effect of variations in the density of a submerged macrophyte, Lagarosiphon ilicifolius, on epiphytic macroinvertebrate community structure in the shallow waters of a sheltered bay of Lake Kariba were investigated. The body size class distributions of a mayfly, Cloeon (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae), and the damselfly family, Coenagrionidae, were also assessed with respect to variation in vegetation density. Macroinvertebrates were sampled from low-, moderate- and high-density beds of L. ilicifolius. There were no significant differences in individual taxon and total macroinvertebrate abundances, macroinvertebrate richness and diversity with respect to vegetation density. In all three density categories the functional feeding group (FFG) composition was dominated by collector-gatherers and collector-filterers. The abundance of the two FFGs did not change significantly within each, as well as among, the three vegetation-density categories (ANOVA, p > 0.05). The largest size class of Cloeon occurred only in high-density beds, whereas the largest coenagrionid individuals were obtained from low- and moderate-density beds and were absent from high-density beds. The results suggest that variation in the density of Lagarosiphon does not affect epiphytic macroinvertebrate community structure, but does affect body-size distributions of macroinvertebrate taxa, probably by affecting predator-prey interactions.  相似文献   

The extent to which Sargochromis codringtonii (a known predator of snails) can control snail numbers was investigated in cementlined ponds in order further to evaluate the fish's potential as an agent for the biological control of fresh water snails, especially Bulinus globosus which is the intermediate host for Schistosoma haematobium in Zimbabwe. Bulinus tropicus of all sizes were vulnerable to predation by fish, but both Melanoides tuberculata and Bulinus globosus with shell heights greater than 10mm seemed to be less so. Surprisingly, the density of B. globosus was lower in ponds without fish than in ponds with fish, while the density of B. tropicus was very high in ponds without fish. It was not possible to conclude whether B. globosus benefited by the presence of fish, or was less palatable to the fish than B. tropicus, or whether the high density of B. tropicus in ponds without fish exerted competitive effects on B. globosus. Consequently, further experiments are required to determine whether S. codringtonii can reduce populations of B. globosus in the absence of B. tropicus.  相似文献   

Diatom associations from the aufwuchs of inundated trees and under-water leaves of Salvinia communities in open and in enclosed transitional and semi-riverine water of the drowned upper Mwenda river area, lake Kariba were examined in relation to seasonal changes in lake and river, to species of host plant and to decreasing light quality to a depth of 3 m. The flora remained fairly stable in the summer months, changes in the relative percentage composition of the major and minor associations occurred from scouring floodwaters to stagnation in the semi-riverine areas from limited flow and extensive growth of Salvinia. The percentage frequency of occurrence remained high. The flora was less stable in the winter; some species were slow to recolonise tree areas exposed during down-draw of lake water in summer, especially at the lake face. A few species increased in relative percentage value in winter but the percentage frequency of occurrence in the minor association was poor. Achnanthes minutissima dominated particularly in the enclosed water where it was the cause of serious space competition especially to the larger species of diatom. Highest values throughout were obtained from the area of greatest change viz. the transitional water between riverine and lake conditions.Local environment was of greater significance in relative percentage abundance of diatoms than was the species of host plant. A few species showed ambivalency, becoming planktonic or epiphytic with changes in the environment. Epiphytes taken at increasing depth of water showed that 50% of them occurred in the first 1.5 m, some increased with depth, notably Rhopalodia rhopala and a few appeared to be tolerant of light changes.  相似文献   

The ecology of vascular hydrophytes on Lake Kariba   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
D. S. Mitchell 《Hydrobiologia》1969,34(3-4):448-464
Summary The main events in the development of the vascular hydrophyte flora of Lake Kariba are reviewed on the basis of the growth forms present in the Lake.The habitats occupied by free floating plants are still dominated by Salvinia auriculata and here the situation appears ho have reached a measure of stability.The colonies of sudd plants Salvinia mats have similarly reached an apparently stable state.The emergent vegetation of the shores of the lake is shown to be affected by a number of factors, the most important probably being the fluctuations in lake level.Attached hydrophytes with floating leaves are present in such small quantity as to be a relatively unimportant constituent of the present vascular hydrophyte flora of Lake Kariba.The significance to the productivity of Lake Kariba of the establishment of indigenous aquatic and semi-aquatic plants is stated. The detrimental effect of Salvinia mats in retarding the establishment of these plants is pointed out.The development of the submerged aquatic flora is briefly described.Finally these separate events are reviewed in the chronological order in which they occurred.
Résumé Les principaux stages dans le développement de la flore vasculaire hydrophyte du Lac Kariba sont examinés selon l'échelle de croissance des plantes qui se recontrent actuellement dans le lac.Les habitats des plantes flottantes sans attache sont toujours dominés par la Salvinia auriculata; dans ces aires la situation semble avoir atteint, dans une certaine mesure, un état stable.Les colonies de plantes su sedd sur les radeaux de Salvinia paraissent aussi avoir atteint un état stable.Preuve est fournie que la végétation émergeant sur les rives du lac est influencée par un certain nombre de facteurs, dont les plus importantts. sont les variations dans le niveau du lac.Les hydrophytes á pédoncule et á feuilles rencontrent en quantité tellement réduite qu'elles ne constituent qu'un élément relativement sans importance de la flore vasculaire hydrophyte actuelle du Lac Kariba.En termes de productivité du Lac Kariba, les conséquences de l'établissement de plantes aquatiques ou semi-aquatiques est mise en lumiére. L'effet préjudiciable des radeaux de Salvinia en tant qu'ils retardent l'établissement de ces plantes est souligné.Le développement de la flore aquatique sumergée est esquissé. dans l'ordre chronologique de leur apparition.

The floating fern,Salvinia molesta Mitch., underwent explosive growth following the creation of Lake Kariba in 1958. By 1962 this aquatic weed covered 22% of the Lake's surface but later declined to an apparently stable level of 10–15%. Coverage declined again in 1973 to 5% and by 1980 only about 1% of the lake was covered bySalvinia. This paper discusses the ecological context in which this decline took place and the role of the introduced neotropical grasshopper,Paulinia acuminata De Geer. This insect appears to have made a major contribution towards the decline ofSalvinia, but it is suggested that its effect was greatly enhanced by nutrient stress onSalvinia because of competition for nutrients between the floating weed and other ecosystem components. Nutrient supply to Lake Kariba is limited and the increasing requirements of submerged macrophyte, mussel and fish populations, which are all expanding probably reduced nutrient availability toSalvinia. Mussels and fish, with standing crops of 167 000t and 30 000t, respectively, are seen as particularly important nutrient reservoirs. It is concluded that the decline ofSalvinia in Kariba was part of the lake's maturation process and could possibly have occurred without the introduction ofPaulinia, but at a much slower rate.  相似文献   

The productivity and ecological role of benthos in man-made Lake Kariba was assessed through the use of P/B-ratios and by measuring the metabolism (respiration, N and P excretion) of the most abundant mussel species (Aspatharia wahlbergi, Corbicula africana and Caelatura mossambicensis) in laboratory experiments. For A. wahlbergi also filtration rate was estimated.The annual production of benthos for the populated 0–12 m interval was estimated at 11.0 g m –2 yr–1 (shellfree dry weight) of which mussels contributed for 8.81 g (80%), snails 2.16 g (20%) and insects 0.03 g (0.3%) respectively. The most important mussel species in the lake were Caelatura mossambicensis (4.97 g m–2 yr–1) and Corbicula africana (3.33 g). The dominant snail species was Melanoides tuberculata (1.63 g). For the total lake, also including deeper unpopulated bottoms, the annual production of benthos was 2.70 g m–2 yr–1 (shell-free dry weight).Respiration and excretion varied with temperature displaying a bell-shaped relationship. Metabolic rates in Aspatharia wahlbergi increased about 5× between 16.5 °C and the maximum at 34.0 °C and then decreased again at 39.0 °C, when the mussels showed signs of severe stress. Metabolism in Corbicula africana had a lower optimum with fairly constant activity between 18.6 and 29.2 °C, rapidly decreasing above this temperature.The average respiration, nutrient excretion and water filtration rates for mussels in Lake Kariba at 25.2 °C were estimated to about 0.6 mg O2 85 µg NH4–N, 1.5 µg PO4–P and 0.51 water filtered h–1 g–1 shellfree dry weight. This gives that a volume corresponding to about the total epilimnion of the lake is filtered by the mussels annually. Further, mussels can be estimated to remineralise % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGak0Jf9crFfpeea0xh9v8qiW7rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaGaaGymaiaac+% cacaaI0aaaaa!3A2B!\[1/4\] of the total load of phosphate, and 8 times the total load of nitrogen every year. The population needs 3.5 × 104 tons of organic carbon for its maintainance, which indicates that about 5% of the annual phytoplankton production is channeled through mussels. We conclude that the mussels, rather than being an important food source for fish, seem to play a large role in the nutrient dynamics of Lake Kariba.  相似文献   

The growth and mortality of the small clupeid fish Limnothrissa miodon were studied in Lake Kariba, a large, man-made lake in central Africa. Growth could be described by the von Bertalanffy equation lt = 74.2 (1—e−0.254( t +0.07)) where length ( l ) is expressed in millimetres and time ( t ) in months. The monthly rates of mortality were high and increasing under intensive fishing; in 1983 the total mortality rate Z =1.15 and natural mortality M =0.7. Limnothrissa appears to be stunted in the man-made lakes where it occurs (Kariba and Cahora Bassa) where it grows at a faster rate but to a smaller size than it does in natural lakes (Kivu and Tanganyika). Various hypotheses to account for this are discussed and it was concluded that this is an adaptation to the relatively unstable conditions found in the man-made lakes.  相似文献   

The stomach contents of 1922 Alestes baremose Joannis and 1184 Hydrocynus forskali Cuvier caught in Lake Albert, East Africa were examined. The fish were caught in gill nets in three main different types of habitat; in lagoons, inshore in the main body of the lake and offshore. Zooplankton, ephemeropteran imagines and higher plant species constituted almost the whole diet of A, baremose , although the relative importance of these three items varied with habitat. In the lagoons and inshore Hydrocynus forskali was mainly piscivorous, but offshore where the largest specimens occur it was feeding mainly on Caridina nilotica. The role of Hydrocynus species as predators in Lake Albert is discussed and it is shown that in this lake predation intensity bythis genus must be considered entirely in terms of H.forskali .  相似文献   

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