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This study presents first hand data on the cloning and heterologous expression of Anabaena PCC 7120 all3940 (a dps family gene) in combating nutrients limitation and multiple abiotic stresses. The Escherichia coli transformed with pGEX-5X-2-all3940 construct when subjected to iron, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus limitation and carbofuron, copper, UV-B, heat, salt and cadmium stress registered significant increase in growth over the cells transformed with empty vector under iron (0%), carbon (0.05%), nitrogen (3.7 mM) and phosphorus (2 mM) limitation and carbofuron (0.025 mg ml−1), CuCl2 (1 mM), UV-B (10 min), heat (47 °C), NaCl (6% w/v) and CdCl2 (4 mM) stress. Enhanced expression of all3940 gene measured by semi-quantitative RT-PCR at different time points under above mentioned treatments clearly demonstrates its role in tolerance against aforesaid abiotic stresses. This study opens the gate for developing transgenic cyanobacteria capable of growing successfully under above mentioned stresses.  相似文献   

Phytochelatins (PCs) are well known as the heavy metal-detoxifying peptides in higher plants, eukaryotic algae, fungi, and nematode. In contrast, neither PCs nor PC synthase genes have ever been identified in any prokaryotes. The genome sequences for the cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. PCC 7120 were recently completed and allowed us to identify a gene encoding a PC synthase-like protein, termed alr0975. The predicted product of alr0975 contains the conserved N-terminal domain but not the variable C-terminal domain found in eukaryotic PC synthases. The recombinant alr0975 protein strongly catalyzed the first step of PC synthesis, in which glutathione (GSH) is converted to gamma-glutamylcysteine (gamma-EC), although the protein only weakly catalyzed the second step of PC synthesis, namely the transfer of gamma-EC moiety to an acceptor GSH molecule to form PC(2). These results suggest alr0975 protein may be a more primitive form of the PC synthases found in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 ManR and a homologous protein of MntH were identified by BLAST search. Recombinant ManR protein was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and purified by an immobilized metal (Ni) affinity chromatography. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays revealed that ManR specifically bound to the promoter region of the mntH gene. Site-directed mutagenesis experiments demonstrated that the specific recognition site for ManR is TATGAAAAGAATATGAGAA, which is composed of two direct repeats of the consensus sequence (T/A)ATGA(G/A)A(A/G). This is a novel regulatory DNA motif in cyanobacteria, indicating that the expression of mntH was regulated by a two-component Mn(2+)-Sensing System containing ManR in Anabaena sp. PCC 7120. To date, this specific pathway of regulating mntH expression has only been found in cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

NtcA是鱼腥蓝细菌中一种重要的氮代谢调控蛋白质,参与异形胞的分化。许多受NtcA调控的基因都至少有一个保守的NtcA结合位点GTA-N8-TAC。经生物信息学分析,鱼腥蓝细菌PCC7120基因alr1390可能的转录起始位点的上游有一个保守的NtcA结合位点GTA-TAGTTTTC-TAC。【目的】为了鉴定alr1390和NtcA之间的关系,【方法】采用实时定量反转录PCR实验(Real-time RT-PCR)和电泳迁移率实验(Electrophoretic mobility shift assays,EMSA)对alr1390和NtcA之间的关系进行了分析。【结果】Real-timeRT-PCR结果显示,alr1390的转录水平在野生型鱼腥蓝细菌PCC7120中缺氮诱导后和诱导前持平,而在ntcA突变体中缺氮诱导12h后呈现上调趋势。但是EMSA实验中没有检测到明显的NtcA和alr1390启动子区片段结合的滞后带,却观察到一条拖带。【结论】这说明alr1390受到NtcA的调控。  相似文献   

生物反应器培养转基因鱼腥藻的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在反应器中研究了转人TNF-α基因鱼腥藻7120(Anabaena sp.PCC7120,pDC-TNF)的培养。结果表明气升式反应器适合于转基因鱼腥藻的培养。气升式反应器中通气量和光照是主要的影响因素,观察到1L罐中最适通气量为60~75L/h,最适光照强度为1200lx,此时在25℃混养,光照时间/黑暗时间为12h/12h,15d生物量干重大于3g/L,TNF表达水平约占总可溶蛋白的22%,达到了摇瓶培养水平。实验发现添加维生素B1 300μg/L、B12 200μg/L和生物素4μg/L时,生产周期为12d,缩短20%,表达水平相同。培养过程通入含有5%CO2的空气,能促进生长,缩短生产周期,但收获生物量不受影响。从添加维生素和通入CO2的培养结果证明反应器中培养时,光照是限制性因素,当反应器系统一定时,最终生物量有一个最大值,如需进一步提高产量,必须设法改变光照系统。  相似文献   

hGM-CSF基因穿梭表达载体的构建及其在鱼腥藻7120中的克隆   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
人粒-巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(hGM-CSF)作为一种造血生长因子,能够刺激T细胞和巨噬细胞增殖、成熟和分化,具有极其重要的免疫调解功能.本研究运用PCR方法,从质粒pAG-MT-8中克隆该基因,并在其5′端添加有利于在蓝藻细胞中高效表达的SD序列,然后插入到表达载体(pRL-439)强启动子PpsbA的下游,进一步与穿梭表达载体pDC-08相连构建成穿梭表达载体pDC-GM.利用三亲接合转移方法将该穿梭表达载体(pDC-GM)转入丝状鱼腥藻7120,通过相应抗生素筛选后得到能稳定遗传的转基因藻.以该转基因藻的基因组DNA为模板进行PCR检测,结果表明hGM-CSF基因已转入鱼腥藻7120.这是首次尝试把蓝藻作为制备重组hGM-CSF的新宿主,具有潜在的经济价值和社会效益.  相似文献   

Huang W  Wu QY 《Biotechnology letters》2004,26(18):1397-1401
A computational search was carried out to identify additional binding sites for the manganese response regulator, ManR, in the genome of Anabaena sp. PCC 7120. This approach predicted ManR binding sites: the promoter regions of the genes of all3575-alr3576 and the gene of alr5134 from Anabaena sp. PCC 7120. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays confirmed that the ManR of Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 specifically bound to the promoter regions of all3575-alr3576 and alr5134.  相似文献   

A heterocyst is a terminally differentiated cell of cyanobacteria which is specialized in dinitrogen fixation. Heterocyst differentiation in Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120 is triggered by deprivation of combined nitrogen in the medium. Although various genes that are upregulated during heterocyst differentiation have been reported, most studies to date were limited to individual or a small number of genes. We prepared microarrays in collaboration with other members of the Anabaena Genome Project. Here we report on the genome-wide expression analysis of the responses to nitrogen deprivation in Anabaena. Many unidentified genes, as well as previously known genes, were found to be upregulated by nitrogen deprivation at various time points. Three main profiles of gene expression were found: genes expressed transiently at an early stage (1-3 hr) of nitrogen deprivation, genes expressed transiently at a later stage (8 hr), and genes expressed when heterocysts are formed (24 hr). We also noted that many of the upregulated genes were physically clustered to form 'expressed islands' on the chromosome. Namely, large, continuous genomic regions containing many genes were upregulated in a coordinated manner. This suggests a mechanism of global regulation of gene expression that involves chromosomal structure, which is reminiscent of eukaryotic chromatin remodelling. The possible implications of this global regulation are discussed.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria are oxygenic photosynthetic prokaryotes and play a crucial role in the Earth's carbon and nitrogen cycles. The photoautotrophic cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 has the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen in heterocysts and produce hydrogen as a byproduct through a nitrogenase. In order to improve hydrogen production, mutants from Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 are constructed by inactivation of the uptake hydrogenase (ΔhupL) and the bidirectional hydrogenase (ΔhoxH) in previous studies. Here the proteomic differences of enriched heterocysts between these mutants cultured in N2‐fixing conditions are investigated. Using a label‐free quantitative proteomics approach, a total of 2728 proteins are identified and it is found that 79 proteins are differentially expressed in the ΔhupL and 117 proteins in the ΔhoxH variant. The results provide for the first time comprehensive information on proteome regulation of the uptake hydrogenase and the bidirectional hydrogenase, as well as systematic data on the hydrogen related metabolism in Anabaena sp. PCC 7120.  相似文献   

The clones generated in a sequencing project represent a resource for subsequent analysis of the organism whose genome has been sequenced. We describe an interrelated group of cloning vectors that either integrate into the genome or replicate, and that enhance the utility, for developmental and other studies, of the clones used to determine the genomic sequence of the cyanobacterium, Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120. One integrating vector is a mobilizable BAC vector that was used both to generate bridging clones and to complement transposon mutations. Upon addition of a cassette that permits mobilization and selection, pUC-based sequencing clones can also integrate into the genome and thereupon complement transposon mutations. The replicating vectors are based on cyanobacterial plasmid pDU1, whose sequence we report, and on broad-host-range plasmid RSF1010. The RSF1010- and pDU1-based vectors provide the opportunity to express different genes from either cell-type-specific or -generalist promoters, simultaneously from different plasmids in the same cyanobacterial cells. We show that pDU1 ORF4 and its upstream region play an essential role in the replication and copy number of pDU1, and that ORFs alr2887 and alr3546 (hetF A ) of Anabaena sp. are required specifically for fixation of dinitrogen under oxic conditions.  相似文献   

外源基因的表达效率低是蓝藻基因工程发展的瓶颈之一,T7 RNA聚合酶表达系统实现了大肠杆菌中外源基因的高效表达,蓝藻与大肠杆菌同为革兰氏阴性菌,具有较高的遗传同源性,在蓝藻中构建T7 RNA聚合酶表达系统有可能提高外源基因在蓝藻中的表达效率。为了在鱼腥藻7120中构建T7 RNA聚合酶表达系统,采用重叠延伸PCR技术和酶切连接等方法构建能够表达T7 RNA聚合酶的定点整合载体pEASY-T1-F1-TacT7RNAPCmR-F2以及由T7启动子驱动hG-CSF基因表达的穿梭表达载体pRL-T7-hG-CSF;采用电击转化法将定点整合载体导入野生型鱼腥藻中,通过三亲接合的方法将穿梭表达载体转入已定点整合T7 RNA聚合酶的转基因鱼腥藻中。利用PCR技术鉴定外源基因在蓝藻中的存在;RT-PCR方法检测外源基因在蓝藻中的转录情况;Western blotting实验检测外源基因在蓝藻中的蛋白表达情况。结果表明两种载体构建成功,T7 RNA聚合酶基因和hG-CSF基因被转入鱼腥藻中,两个基因均在藻中表达,T7 RNA聚合酶表达系统在鱼腥藻中构建成功,与传统蓝藻表达系统相比,文中在鱼腥藻中构建的T7表达系统使hG-CSF基因的表达量提高2倍。该表达系统将为蓝藻基因工程的应用提供更优的工具,将促进蓝藻作为底盘细胞在合成生物学等领域的发展。  相似文献   

为了提高小鼠金属硫蛋白-I(mMT-I)在鱼腥藻7120(Anabaena sp.PCC 7120)中的表达量、便于表达产物的分离纯化,构建了新的穿梭融合表达载体pKG-MT。通过pKG-MT,mMT-I cDNA在tac启动子的调控下,以与谷胱甘肽转硫酶(GST)C-末端相融合(GST-MT)的形式在鱼藻中表达。SDS-PAGE结果显示在异丙基硫代-β-D-半乳糖苷(IPTG)诱导下GST-MT在鱼腥藻中表达。经谷胱甘肽亲合层析,从转基因藻中分离、纯化得到GST-MT,利用GSTC-末端的凝血酶酶切位点,用凝血酶对GST-MT进行柱上酶切,经Sephadex G50除去凝血酶得到mMT-I。SDS-PAGE表明纯化得到所要的目标产物;ELISA测定结果显示从每克转基因藻(鲜重)中可纯化得到0.9 mg mMT-I;原子吸收测定表明纯化得到的mMT-I的镉离子结合能力接近于天然MT。  相似文献   

AIMS: The aim of the present investigation was to study the effects of different inorganic carbon and nitrogen sources on nitrate uptake and heterocyst differentiation in the culture of cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120. METHODS AND RESULTS: Anabaena was cultivated in media BG11 containing combined nitrogen and supplementary NaHCO3 or CO2. Cell growth, heterocyst differentiation, nitrate reductase (NR, EC, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH, EC and NO uptake were analysed. The cells cultivated in BG11(0) medium with aeration were taken as reference. Experimental results showed that the differentiation frequency of heterocysts when the cells were cultivated with elevated CO2 was higher than that of the cells grown with air or bicarbonate. Heterocysts appeared unexpectedly when CO2 was introduced into the medium containing nitrate. However, no heterocysts emerged when CO2 was added to medium containing NH or urea, or when NaHCO3 was supplied to the medium with nitrate. Both nitrate uptake rate and nitrate reduction enzyme activity were depressed by the supplement of CO2 to the culture. The activity of G6PDH was enhanced with the increase in heterocyst differentiation frequency. CONCLUSION: CO2 might compete with NO for energy and electrons in the uptake process and CO2 appears favoured. This led to a high intracellular C/N ratio and a relative N limitation. So the process of heterocyst differentiation was activated to supplement nitrogen uptake. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study provided an attractive possibility to form more heterocysts by rapid growth of Anabaena cells cultivated in the medium containing nitrate in order to increase nitrogen fixation and hydrogen production.  相似文献   

Butachlor, a commonly used herbicide adversely affects the nitrogen fixing capability of Anabaena, an acclaimed nitrogen fixer in the Indian paddy fields. The nitrogen fixation in Anabaena is triggered by the excision of nifD element by xisA gene leading to rearrangement of nifD forming nifHDK operon in the heterocyst of Anabaena sp. PCC7120. Functional elucidation adjudged through in-silico analysis revealed that xisA belongs to integrase family of tyrosine recombinase. The predicted functional partners with XisA protein that have shown cooccurence with this protein in a network are mainly hypothetical proteins with unknown functions except psaK1 whose exact function in photosystem I is not yet known. The focus of this study was to find out the relation between XisA and butachlor using in-silico approaches. The XisA protein was modeled and its active sites were identified. Docking studies revealed that butachlor binds at the active site of XisA protein hampering its excision ability vis-à-vis nif genes in Anabaena sp. PCC7120. This study reveals that butachlor is not directly involved in hampering the nitrogen fixing ability of Anabaena sp. PCC7120 but by arresting the excision ability of XisA protein necessary for the functioning of nif gene and nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

碳氮源对转基因鱼腥藻Anabaena sp.PCC7120培养的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
对碳源、氮源种类和用量对转rhTNF-α基因鱼腥藻7120(Anabaena sp.PCC7120)培养的影响进行了研究,发现最适碳源为蔗糖,最适氮源为NaNO3,最佳用量分别为9g/L和2.25g/L,此时生物量远高于自养方式,达2.52g/L,比相同条件下在BG-11培养基培养高71.66%,ATNF-α表达量为16%-22%,生物活性为10^5U/mg。  相似文献   

Non-regulated enzymes in the Calvin cycle are generally presumed to be less important for the regulation of photosynthetic yield. Here, to investigate the relationship between the activity of non-regulated enzymes and photosynthetic yield, two non-regulated enzymes in the Calvin cycle—a rice cytosolic fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase (FBA) and a spinach chloroplast triosephosphate isomerase (TPI)—were cloned and co-expressed in cells of the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120. The activity of FBA and TPI and the photosynthetic yield reflected by photosynthetic O2 evolution and cell dry weight were measured and compared between wild-type and transgenic cells. Our results demonstrated that the activity of FBA and TPI were increased in transgenic cells relative to wild-type cells, and that activity was further increased in a transgenic strain harboring two sets of FBA-TPI tandem genes relative to cells containing one copy of the FBA-TPI tandem gene. The increased activity of FBA and TPI in Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120 increased photosynthetic yield, with increased activity levels correlating closely with the degree of changes in photosynthetic yield. This implies that the photosynthetic yield is limited by the activity of the non-regulated enzymes FBA and TPI, and that the endogenous activity of non-regulated enzymes is not sufficient to increase photosynthetic yield. We discuss the various roles of FBA and TPI, and regulated and non-regulated enzymes, in modulating photosynthetic yield. W. Ma and L. Wei contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

环境因子对转hGM-CSF基因鱼腥藻生长与光合的调节   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以转hGM-CSF基因鱼腥藻7120为对象,分别探讨了温度、pH、光强等环境因子和外加碳、氮等基本营养源对转基因藻生长与光合活性的影响.结果表明:当基本环境因子为30℃、pH9.5和90μmol·m-2·s-1光强时,转基因藻生长最快.添加10mmol·L-1的NaHCO3或5g·L-1的葡萄糖对转基因藻的光合活性促进最大;但外加氮源却抑制了转基因藻的光合活性.  相似文献   

Since pepc gene encoding phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase(PEPCase) has been cloned from Anabaena sp. PCC7120 and other cyanobacteria, the effects of pepc gene expression on photosynthesis have not been reported yet. In this study, we constructed mutants containing either upregulated(forward) or downregulated(reverse) pepc gene in Anabaena sp. PCC 7120. Results from real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction(RT-q PCR), Western blot and enzymatic analysis showed that PEPCase activity was significantly reduced in the reverse mutant compared with the wild type, and that of the forward mutant was obviously increased.Interestingly, the net photosynthesis in both the reverse mutant and the forward mutant were higher than that of the wild type, but dark respiration was decreased only in the reverse mutant. The absorbance changes of P700 upon saturation pulse showed the photosystem I(PSI) activity was inhibited, as reflected by Y(I), and Y(NA) was elevated, and Rdark reduction of P700 t was stimulated, indicating enhanced cyclic electron flow(CEF) around PSI in the reverse mutant.Additionally, the reverse mutant photosynthesis was higher than that of the wild type in low temperature, low and high pH,and high salinity, and this implies increased tolerance in the reverse mutant through downregulated pepc gene.  相似文献   

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