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Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNts) pose a biological hazard to humans and a serious potential bioweapon threat. Given the safety concern regarding the currently used equine antitoxin therapy for botulism, it is imperative to develop agents that are effective binding inhibitors. The aim of this study was to identify a novel neutralizing antibody against botulinum neurotoxin B (BoNtb) that recognizes the protein receptor binding sites for synaptotagmins II. This antibody showed significant dose-dependent protection against lethal toxin challenge in vivo at an intraperitoneal (i.p.) dose 10 times the half lethal dose (LD50). We proved that the efficacy of SC12 was based on its counteraction on the recognition and binding of BoNtb to target cells, resulting from the combination of antibody with the high affinity (KD: 1.34 nM) to protein receptor binding sites of BoNt by targeting a 25-mer dominant antigenic site on Hcc region (residues 1253–1277). The structure of the site targeted by this antibody overlaps the pocket-like protein receptor binding sites located at the distal tip of toxin molecule. Information gained from this study will facilitate the development of potent inhibitors that prevent the binding of BoNts with its receptors.  相似文献   

Zhou Y  Foss S  Lindo P  Sarkar H  Singh BR 《The FEBS journal》2005,272(11):2717-2726
Botulinum neurotoxin type A (BoNT/A), the most toxic substance known to mankind, is produced by Clostridium botulinum type A as a complex with a group of neurotoxin-associated proteins (NAPs) through polycistronic expression of a clustered group of genes. NAPs are known to protect BoNT against adverse environmental conditions and proteolytic digestion. Hemagglutinin-33 (Hn-33) is a 33 kDa subcomponent of NAPs that is resistant to protease digestion, a feature likely to be involved in the protection of the botulinum neurotoxin from proteolysis. However, it is not known whether Hn-33 plays any role other than the protection of BoNT. Using immunoaffinity column chromatography and pull-down assays, we have now discovered that Hn-33 binds to synaptotagmin II, the putative receptor of botulinum neurotoxin. This finding provides important information relevant to the design of novel anti-botulism therapeutic agents targeted to block the entry of botulinum neurotoxin into nerve cells.  相似文献   

A peptide-based immunoassay for antibodies against botulinum neurotoxin A   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cervical dystonia (CD) is due to neck-muscle spasms that cause pain and involuntary contractions resulting in abnormal neck movements and posture. Symptoms can be relieved by injecting the affected muscle with a botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT, usually type A or type B). The therapeutic benefits are impermanent and toxin injections need to be repeated every 3-6 months. In a very small percentage of patients (less with BoNT/A than with BoNT/B) the treatment elicits blocking anti-toxin antibodies (Abs), which reduce or terminate the patient's responsiveness to further treatment. We have recently mapped (Dolimbek et al., 2006) the CD sera Ab-binding profile using a panel of 60, 19-residue peptides that encompassed the entire H chain sequence 449-1296 and overlapped consecutively by 5 residues. Abs in CD sera bound to one or more of the peptides N25, C10, C15, C20, and C31. This suggested the possibility that binding to these peptides could be used for assay of Abs in CD sera. Data analysis reported here found that Ab binding to these regions showed very significant deviations from the control responses. Of these four peptides, C10 showed the most significant level of separation between patient and control groups (p = 5 x 10(-7)) and the theoretical resolution (i.e., ability to distinguish CD patients from control, see full definition under 'Statistical analysis' in Methods), 84%, was about 4% higher than the least resolved response, C31 (p = 6 x 10(-6), resolution 80%). Since the amounts of Abs bound to a given peptide varied with the patient and not all the patients necessarily recognized all four peptides, there was the possibility that binding to combinations of two or more peptides might give a better discriminatory capability. Using two peptides, C10 plus C31, the resolution improved to 87% (p = 4 x 10(-8)). These two peptides appeared to compliment each other and negate the lower resolution of C31. Combination of three peptides gave resolutions that ranged from 85 (N25 + C15 + C31; p = 2 x 10(-7)) to 88% (C10 + C15 + C31; p = 1 x 10(-8)). Finally, using the data of all four peptides, N25 + C10 + C15 + C31, gave a resolution of 86% (p = 1 x 10(-7)). Although these levels of resolution are somewhat lower than that obtained with whole BoNT/A (resolution 97%; p = 6 x 10(-12)), it may be concluded that the two-peptide combination C10 + C31, or the three-peptide combination C10 + C15 + C31 (affording resolutions of 87 and 88%, respectively) provide a good diagnostic, toxin-free procedure for assay of total specific anti-toxin Abs in BoNT/A-treated CD patients.  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs, serotypes A-G), elaborated by Clostridium botulinum, can induce lethal paralysis and are classified as Category A bioterrorism agents. However, how BoNTs translocate from endosomes into the cytosol of neurons to gain access to their intracellular targets remains enigmatic. We discovered that binding to the ganglioside GT1b, a toxin coreceptor, enables BoNT/B to sense low pH, undergo a significant change in secondary structure, and transform into a hydrophobic oligomeric membrane protein. Imaging of the toxin on lipid bilayers using atomic force microscopy revealed donut-shaped channel-like structures that resemble other protein translocation assemblies. Toosendanin, a drug with therapeutic effects against botulism, inhibited GT1b-dependent BoNT/B oligomerization and in parallel truncated BoNT/B single-channel conductance, suggesting that oligomerization plays a role in the translocation reaction. Thus, BoNT/B functions as a coincidence detector for receptor and low pH to ensure spatial and temporal accuracy for toxin conversion into a translocation channel.  相似文献   

The seven botulinum neurotoxins (BoNT) cause muscle paralysis by selectively cleaving core components of the vesicular fusion machinery. Their extraordinary activity primarily relies on highly specific entry into neurons. Data on BoNT/A, B, E, F and G suggest that entry follows a dual receptor interaction with complex gangliosides via an established ganglioside binding region and a synaptic vesicle protein. Here, we report high resolution crystal structures of the BoNT/C cell binding fragment alone and in complex with sialic acid. The WY-motif characteristic of the established ganglioside binding region was located on an exposed loop. Sialic acid was co-ordinated at a novel position neighbouring the binding pocket for synaptotagmin in BoNT/B and G and the sialic acid binding site in BoNT/D and TeNT respectively. Employing synaptosomes and immobilized gangliosides binding studies with BoNT/C mutants showed that the ganglioside binding WY-loop, the newly identified sialic acid-co-ordinating pocket and the area corresponding to the established ganglioside binding region of other BoNTs are involved in ganglioside interaction. Phrenic nerve hemidiaphragm activity tests employing ganglioside deficient mice furthermore evidenced that the biological activity of BoNT/C depends on ganglioside interaction with at least two binding sites. These data suggest a unique cell binding and entry mechanism for BoNT/C among clostridial neurotoxins.  相似文献   

The seven antigenically distinct serotypes of Clostridium botulinum neurotoxins, the causative agents of botulism, block the neurotransmitter release by specifically cleaving one of the three SNARE proteins and induce flaccid paralysis. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has declared them as Category A biowarfare agents. The most potent among them, botulinum neurotoxin type A (BoNT/A), cleaves its substrate synaptosome-associated protein of 25 kDa (SNAP-25). An efficient drug for botulism can be developed only with the knowledge of interactions between the substrate and enzyme at the active site. Here, we report the crystal structures of the catalytic domain of BoNT/A with its uncleavable SNAP-25 peptide (197)QRATKM(202) and its variant (197)RRATKM(202) to 1.5 A and 1.6 A, respectively. This is the first time the structure of an uncleavable substrate bound to an active botulinum neurotoxin is reported and it has helped in unequivocally defining S1 to S5' sites. These substrate peptides make interactions with the enzyme predominantly by the residues from 160, 200, 250 and 370 loops. Most notably, the amino nitrogen and carbonyl oxygen of P1 residue (Gln197) chelate the zinc ion and replace the nucleophilic water. The P1'-Arg198, occupies the S1' site formed by Arg363, Thr220, Asp370, Thr215, Ile161, Phe163 and Phe194. The S2' subsite is formed by Arg363, Asn368 and Asp370, while S3' subsite is formed by Tyr251, Leu256, Val258, Tyr366, Phe369 and Asn388. P4'-Lys201 makes hydrogen bond with Gln162. P5'-Met202 binds in the hydrophobic pocket formed by the residues from the 250 and 200 loop. Knowledge of interactions between the enzyme and substrate peptide from these complex structures should form the basis for design of potent inhibitors for this neurotoxin.  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT; serotypes A-G) and tetanus neurotoxin elicit flaccid and spastic paralysis, respectively. These neurotoxins are zinc proteases that cleave SNARE proteins to inhibit synaptic vesicle fusion to the plasma membrane. Although BoNT/B and tetanus neurotoxin (TeNT) cleave VAMP-2 at the same scissile bond, their mechanism(s) of VAMP-2 recognition is not clear. Mapping experiments showed that residues 60-87 of VAMP-2 were sufficient for efficient cleavage by BoNT/B and that residues 40-87 of VAMP-2 were sufficient for efficient TeNT cleavage. Alanine-scanning mutagenesis and kinetic analysis identified three regions within VAMP-2 that were recognized by BoNT/B and TeNT: residues adjacent to the site of scissile bond cleavage (cleavage region) and residues located within N-terminal and C-terminal regions relative to the cleavage region. Analysis of residues within the cleavage region showed that mutations at the P7, P4, P2, and P1' residues of VAMP-2 had the greatest inhibition of LC/B cleavage (> or =32-fold), whereas mutations at P7, P4, P1', and P2' residues of VAMP-2 had the greatest inhibition of LC/TeNT cleavage (> or =64-fold). Residues within the cleavage region influenced catalysis, whereas residues N-terminal and C-terminal to the cleavage region influenced binding affinity. Thus, BoNT/B and TeNT possess similar organization but have unique residues to recognize and cleave VAMP-2. These studies provide new insights into how the clostridial neurotoxins recognize their substrates.  相似文献   

The regions of botulinum neurotoxin B (BoNT/B) involved in binding to mouse brain synaptosomes (snps) were localized. Sixty 19-residue overlapping peptides (peptide C31 consisted of 24 residues) encompassing BoNT/B H chain (residues 442-1291) were synthesized and used to inhibit binding of (125)I-labeled BoNT/B to snps. Synaptosome-binding regions were noncompeting and existed on both H(N) and H(C) domains of neurotoxin. At 37 °C, inhibitory activities on H(N) resided, in decreasing order, in peptides 638-656 (26.7%), 596-614 (18.2%), 512-530 (13.9%), 778-796 (13.8%), and 526-544 (11.6%). On H(C), activity resided in decreasing order in peptides 1170-1188 (44.6%), 1128-1146 (21.6%), 1184-1202 (18.6%), 1156-1174 (13.0%), 946-964 (11.8%), 1114-1132 (11.2%), 1100-1118 (6.2%), 876-894 (6.1%), 1268-1291 (4.6%), and 1226-1244 (4.3%). The 45 remaining H(N) and H(C) peptides had no activity. At 4 °C, peptide C24 (1170-1188) remained quite active (inhibiting, 31.2%), while activities of peptides N15, C21, and C25 were little under 10%. The snp-binding regions contained sites that bind synaptotagmin II and gangliosides. Despite the low degree of sequence homology, BoNT/B and BoNT/A display significant structural homology and appeared to bind in part to the same snp-binding regions. Binding of each labeled toxin to snps was inhibited ~50% by the other toxin, 70-72% by its correlate H(C), and by the H(C) of the other toxin [29% (BoNT/A by H(C) of B) or 32% (BoNT/B by H(C) of A)]. In the three-dimensional structure of BoNT/B, the greater part of H(C), one H(N) face, and part of the belt on the same side interact with snps. Thus, BoNT/B binds to snps through the H(C) head and employs regions on one H(N) face and the belt, reserving flexibility for the belt's unbound part to release the light chain. Most snp-binding regions coincide or overlap with blocking antibody (Ab)-binding regions explaining how such Abs prevent BoNT/B toxicity.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Varnum SM 《Biochimie》2012,94(3):920-923
Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) are the most toxic proteins known for humans and animals with an extremely low LD50 of ∼1 ng/kg. BoNTs generally require a protein and a ganglioside on the cell membrane surface for binding, which is known as a “dual receptor” mechanism for host intoxication. Recent studies have suggested that in addition to gangliosides, other membrane lipids such as phosphoinositides may be involved in the interactions with the receptor binding domain (HCR) of BoNTs for better membrane penetration. Using two independent lipid-binding assays, we tested the interactions of BoNT/C-HCR with lipids in vitro domain. BoNT/C-HCR was found to bind negatively charged phospholipids, preferentially phosphoinositides in both assays. Interactions with phosphoinositides may facilitate tighter binding between neuronal membranes and BoNT/C.  相似文献   

The inhibition of the binding of 125I-labeled Clostridium botulinum type C neurotoxin to synaptosomes by unlabeled toxin indicated that there were two kinds of receptors on the synaptosomal membrane. The dissociation constants (Kd) were calculated as 79 pM and 35 nM from the concentration of unlabeled toxin that induced half-displacement of bound 125I-toxin. These values agree satisfactorily with the values obtained from direct binding experiments (Agui, T, Syuto, B., Oguma, K., Iida, H., & Kubo, S. (1983) J. Biochem. 94, 521-527). The inhibition of the binding of 125I-toxin to synaptosomes and N-acetylneuraminyl(alpha 2-3)galactosyl(beta 1-3)N-acetylgalactosaminyl(beta 1-4) [N-acetylneuraminyl(alpha 2-8) N-acetylneuraminyl(alpha 2-3)]galactosyl(beta 1-4)glucosyl(beta 1-1)ceramide (GT1b) by unlabeled heavy chain indicated that heavy chain facilitates the binding of toxin to synaptosomes and GT1b. The synaptosomal and heavy chain complex Kd values were estimated as 12 nM and 24 microM. Monoclonal antibodies C-9 and CA-12 recognized the binding sites to GT1b and synaptosomes, respectively. Antigenic determinants against the two antibodies are presumably partially overlapping, and the overlapping area seems to be essential to the reaction between toxin and C-9 antibody.  相似文献   

A rapid immunochromatographic assay was developed to detect botulinum neurotoxin type B (BoNT/B). The assay was based on the sandwich format using polyclonal antibody (Pab). The thiophilic gel purified anti-BoNT/B Pab was immobilized to a defined detection zone on a porous nitrocellulose membrane and conjugated to colloidal gold particles that served as a detection reagent. The BoNT/B-containing sample was added to the membrane and allowed to react with Pab-coated particles. The mixture was then passed along the porous membrane by capillary action past the Pab in the detection zone, which will bind the particles that had BoNT/B bound to their surface, giving a red colour within this detection zone with an intensity proportional to BoNT/B concentration. In the absence of BoNT/B, no immunogold was bound to the solid-phase antibody. With this method, 50 ng/ml of BoNT/B was detected in less than 10 min. The assay sensitivity can be increased by silver enhancement to 50 pg/ml. The developed BoNT/B assay also showed no cross reaction to type A neurotoxin (BoNT/A) and type E neurotoxin (BoNT/E).  相似文献   

Type E botulinum neurotoxin is produced byClostridium botulinum along with a neurotoxin binding protein which helps protect the neurotoxin from adversepH, temperature, and proteolytic conditions. The neurotoxin binding protein has been purified as a 118-kDa protein. Secondary structure content of the neurotoxin binding protein as revealed by far-UV circular dichroism spectroscopy was 19% α-helix, 50%β-sheets, 28% random coils, and 3%β-turns. This compared to 22% α-helix, 44%β-sheets, 34% random coils, and noβ-turns of the type E botulinum neurotoxin. The complex of the two proteins revealed 25%α-helix, 45%β-sheets, 27% random coils, and 3%β-turns, suggesting a significant alteration at least in theα-helical folding of the two proteins upon their interaction. Tyrosine topography is altered considerably (28%) when the neurotoxin and its binding protein are separated, indicating strong interaction between the two proteins. Gel filtration results suggested that type E neurotoxin binding protein clearly complexes with type E neurotoxin. The interaction is favored at lowpH as indicated by an initial binding rate of 8.4 min?1 atpH 5.7 compared to 4.0 min?1 atpH 7.5 as determined using a fiber optic-based biosensor. The neurotoxin and its binding protein apparently are of equivalent antigenicity, as both reacted equally on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to polyclonal antibodies raised against the toxoid of their complex.  相似文献   

C Chen  S Wang  H Wang  X Mao  T Zhang  G Ji  X Shi  T Xia  W Lu  D Zhang  J Dai  Y Guo 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e43845


Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs), the causative agents for life-threatening human disease botulism, have been recognized as biological warfare agents. Monoclonal antibody (mAb) therapeutics hold considerable promise as BoNT therapeutics, but the potencies of mAbs against BoNTs are usually less than that of polyclonal antibodies (or oligoclonal antibodies). The confirmation of key epitopes with development of effective mAb is urgently needed.

Methods and Findings

We selected 3 neutralizing mAbs which recognize different non-overlapping epitopes of BoNT/B from a panel of neutralizing antibodies against BoNT/B. By comparing the neutralizing effects among different combination groups, we found that 8E10, response to ganglioside receptor binding site, could synergy with 5G10 and 2F4, recognizing non-overlapping epitopes within Syt II binding sites. However, the combination of 5G10 with 2F4 blocking protein receptor binding sites did not achieve synergistical effects. Moreover, we found that the binding epitope of 8E10 was conserved among BoNT A, B, E, and F, which might cross-protect the challenge of different serotypes of BoNTs in vivo.


The combination of two mAbs recognizing different receptors'' binding domain in BoNTs has a synergistic effect. 8E10 is a potential universal partner for the synergistical combination with other mAb against protein receptor binding domain in BoNTs of other serotypes.  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) are among the most toxic substances known. Surveillance and diagnostics require methods for rapid detection of BoNTs in complex media such as foodstuffs and human serum. We have developed in vitro assays to specifically detect the protease activity of botulinum neurotoxin B (BoNT/B) on a time scale of minutes. Cleavage of the BoNT/B substrate VAMP2, a membrane SNARE protein associated with synaptic vesicles, was monitored using real-time surface plasmon resonance to measure vesicle capture by specific antibodies coupled to microchips. The assay is functional in low-ionic-strength buffers and stable over a wide range of pH values (5.5–9.0). Endoproteolytic cleavage of VAMP2 was detected in 10 min with 2 pM native BoNT/B holotoxin. Contamination of liquid food products such as carrot juice, apple juice, and milk with low picomolar amounts of BoNT/B was revealed within 3 h. BoNT/B activity was detected in sera from patients with type B botulism but not in healthy controls or patients with other neurological diseases. This robust, sensitive, and rapid protein chip assay is appropriate for monitoring BoNT/B in food products and diagnostic tests for type B botulism and could replace the current in vivo mouse bioassay.  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxins are responsible for botulism, a flaccid muscular paralysis caused by inhibition of acetylcholine release at the neuromuscular junction. This occurs by cleavage of conserved proteins involved in exocytosis such as synaptobrevin by the zinc metallopeptidase activity of the light chain of some botulinum neurotoxins. Botulism, for which there is presently no therapy available, is a relatively widespread disease that may result in death. Consequently, the development of drugs able to inhibit the hydrolytic activity of these neurotoxins is of great interest. Design and screening of such inhibitors could be largely facilitated by using high-throughput assays. With this aim, a novel in vitro test for quantifying the proteolytic activity of botulinum type B neurotoxin was developed. The substrate is the 60--94 fragment of human synaptobrevin-1 which was modified by introduction of the fluorescent amino acid l-pyrenylalanine in position 74 and a p-nitrophenylalanyl residue as quenching group in position 77. The cleavage of Syb 60-94 [Pya(74), Nop(77)] by the toxin active chain occurs selectively between residues 76 and 77 as in the case of the unmodified synaptobrevin and is directly quantified by measuring the strong fluorescence of the formed metabolite Syb 60-76 [Pya(74)]. This is the easiest, quickest, and cheapest assay described to date for measuring the proteolytic activity of botulinum type B neurotoxin. It can be easily automated for high-throughput screening. Moreover, amounts of about 3.5 pg/ml of botulinum type B neurotoxin could be detected by this method.  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxin B (BoNT/B) produces muscle paralysis by cleaving synaptobrevin/vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP), an 18-kDa membrane-associated protein located on the surface of small synaptic vesicles. A capillary electrophoresis (CE) assay was developed to evaluate inhibitors of the proteolytic activity of BoNT/B with the objective of identifying suitable candidates for treatment of botulism. The assay was based on monitoring the cleavage of a peptide that corresponds to residues 44-94 of human VAMP-2 (V51) following reaction with the catalytic light chain (LC) of BoNT/B. Cleavage of V51 generated peptide fragments of 18 and 33 amino acids by scission of the bond between Q76 and F77. The fragments and parent peptide were clearly resolved by CE, allowing accurate quantification of the BoNT/B LC-mediated reaction rates. The results indicate that CE is suitable for assessing the enzymatic activity of BoNT/B LC.  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) target presynaptic nerve terminals by recognizing specific neuronal surface receptors. Two homologous synaptic vesicle membrane proteins, synaptotagmins (Syts) I and II, bind toxins BoNT/B and G. However, a direct demonstration that Syts I/II mediate toxin binding and entry into neurons is lacking. We report that BoNT/B and G fail to bind and enter hippocampal neurons cultured from Syt I knockout mice. Wild-type Syts I and II (but not Syt I loss-of-function toxin-binding domain mutants) restored binding and entry of BoNT/B and G in Syt I–null neurons, thus demonstrating that Syts I/II are protein receptors for BoNT/B and G. Furthermore, mice lacking complex gangliosides exhibit reduced sensitivity to BoNT/G, and binding and entry of BoNT/A, B, and G into hippocampal neurons lacking gangliosides is diminished. These data suggest that gangliosides are the shared coreceptor for BoNT/A, B, and G, supporting a double-receptor model for these three BoNTs for which the protein receptors are known.  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxin B (BoNT-B) mediates proteolytic cleavage of VAMP I/II (synaptobrevins I/II), which prevents vesicle-membrane fusion and blocks neurotransmitter release. In the present study, we investigated the effects of BoNT-B on neurotransmitter release in vivo from spinal primary afferent sensory fibers and the effects of this blockade on nociception. With intrathecally (IT) delivered BoNT-B in C57B/l6 mice, we characterized the effects of such block on the release of substance P (SP) from spinal afferent nociceptors (as measured by neurokinin-1 receptor, NK1-R, internalization), spinal neuronal activation (as indicated by spinal C-Fos expression) and nociceptive behavior after intraplantar (IPLT) formalin. In addition, we investigated the effect of IT BoNT-B on spinal nerve ligation-induced tactile allodynia. A single percutaneous IT injection of BoNT-B 0.5 U at 2 or 5 days prior to IPLT formalin reduced NK1-R internalization and C-Fos expression. These effects correlated with BoNT-B cleavage of VAMPI/II protein in tissue lysate. IT BoNT-B also produced a corresponding reduction in phase 2 of formalin-evoked flinching behavior for over 30 days after IT injection. In mice with spinal nerve ligation (SNL), tactile allodynia was observed, which was attenuated by IT BoNT-B 0.5 U over the next 15 days, as compared to vehicle animals. These effects were observed without effects upon motor function. The specificity of the IT BoNT-B effect is indicated by: i) IT co-injection of BoNT-B and anti-BoNTB antibody prevented effects on SP release, and ii) IT BoNT-B 50 U in the Sprague Dawley rats showed no effect on formalin-evoked flinching or SNL-induced tactile allodynia, which is consistent with rat resistance to BoNT-B. IT BoNT-B blocks transmitter release from spinal primary afferents, and attenuates inflammatory nociceptive response and spinal nerve injury-induced neuropathic pain, in the absence of motor impairment. These observations provide an initial assessment of the ability of IT BoNT-B to regulate spinal nociceptive processing.  相似文献   

The method for obtaining the neurotoxin, or alpha-fraction of the toxin, of Cl. botulinum, type B, is described. In accordance with this method, the toxin was precipitated three times with hydrochloric acid in the isoelectric zone with subsequent extraction with phosphate (pH 6.8) and citrate-phosphate (pH 5.6) buffers, then fractionated in columns with DEAE cellulose (pH 5.6), DEAE Sephadex A-50 (pH 7.2) and Sephadex G-200 (pH 7.2). The homogeneous neurotoxin preparations with molecular weights ranging from 145,000 to 160,000 and having the isoelectric point at pH 5.5 and toxicity 5.0--10.0 x 10(7) Dlm per 1 mg protein were obtained.  相似文献   

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