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Numerous studies have shown that stretching routines can induce strength and force deficits, although the amount of stretching needed to cause these deficits remains unclear. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between varying amounts of acute static stretching on jumping performance. By systematically increasing the amount of stretching, possible differences in jump height may be discovered, defining a line where acute static stretching becomes detrimental to performance. Ten collegiate athletes and 10 recreational athletes completed 3 different stretching treatments and 1 control treatment on different days in a within-treatment design. Stretching treatments consisted of 2, 4, or 6 sets of stretches, with each stretch held for 15 seconds with a 15-second rest. Stretches were done to the quadriceps, hamstrings, and plantar flexors. Upon arrival, each subject performed a 5-minute warm-up on a stationary upright cycle. After a brief rest period, participants performed 3 trials of a vertical jump test, followed by one of the treatment protocols. After another rest period, a second set of vertical jump trials was performed. Post-6 sets was significantly lower than Pre-6 sets (p < or = 0.05). Additionally, Post-6 sets was significantly lower than Pre-4 sets, Pre-2 sets, and Pre-control (p < or = 0.05). No other conditions were significantly different. In conclusion, 6 sets of stretches, or 90 seconds per muscle group, should not be performed before power activities such as jumping where optimal performance is desired.  相似文献   

Traditionally stretching has been included as part of a warm-up that precedes athletic participation. However, there is mixed evidence as to whether stretching actually enhances or hinders athletic performance. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the acute effects of static (SS) and ballistic stretching (BS) on vertical jump (VJ) performance and to investigate whether power was altered at 15 and 30 minutes after stretching. Sixteen actively trained women performed a series of vertical jumps (countermovement and drop jumps) after an initial nonstretching (NS) session and after participating in BS and SS sessions that were conducted in a balanced and randomized order. The results indicated that there was no significant difference (p < 0.05) in VJ scores as a result of static or ballistic stretching, elapsed time, or initial flexibility scores. This suggests that stretching prior to competition may not negatively affect the performance of trained women.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the acute effects of different modes of stretching on vertical jump performance. Eighteen male university students (age, 24.3 +/- 3.2 years; height, 181.5 +/- 11.4 cm; body mass, 78.1 +/- 6.4 kg; mean +/- SD) completed 4 different conditions in a randomized order, on different days, interspersed by a minimum of 72 hours of rest. Each session consisted of a standard 5-minute cycle warm-up, accompanied by one of the subsequent conditions: (a) control, (b) 10-minute static stretching, (c) 10-minute ballistic stretching, or (d) 10-minute proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretching. The subjects performed 3 trials of static and countermovement jumps prior to stretching and poststretching at 5, 15, 30, 45, and 60 minutes. Vertical jump height decreased after static and PNF stretching (4.0% and 5.1%, p < 0.05) and there was a smaller decrease after ballistic stretching (2.7%, p > 0.05). However, jumping performance had fully recovered 15 minutes after all stretching conditions. In conclusion, vertical jump performance is diminished for 15 minutes if performed after static or PNF stretching, whereas ballistic stretching has little effect on jumping performance. Consequently, PNF or static stretching should not be performed immediately prior to an explosive athletic movement.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of static stretching of the gastrocnemius muscle on maximal vertical jump performance using electromyographic activity (EMG) of the gastrocnemius musculature to record muscle activation during vertical jump performance. Fourteen healthy adults (8 men and 6 women) aged 18-34 years, who were familiar with the vertical jumping task and had no lower extremity injuries or any bone or joint disorders within the past year, served as participants for this study. After a brief warm-up, participants performed the following sequence: (a) three baseline maximal vertical jump trials, (b) 15 minutes of quiet sitting and three 30-second bilateral static stretches of the gastrocnemius muscles, and (c) 3 maximal vertical jump trials. Jump height data were collected using the Kistler force plate, while muscle activity was recorded during the jumping and stretching trials using a Noraxon telemetry EMG unit. Vertical jump height data as well as EMG values were averaged for the 3 trials and analyzed using paired t-tests for pre- and poststretching (alpha = 0.05). Vertical jump height was 5.6% lower when poststretch heights were compared with prestretch heights (t = -4.930, p < 0.005). Gastrocnemius EMG was 17.9% greater when the EMG during poststretch jumps was compared with prestretch jumps (t = 2.805, p < 0.02). The results from this study imply that, despite increased gastrocnemius muscle activity, static stretching of the gastrocnemius muscles had a negative effect on maximal jumping performance. The practical importance concerns coaches and athletes, who may want to consider the potential adverse effects of performing static stretching of the gastrocnemius muscles only before a jumping event, as jump height may be negatively affected. Future research is required to identify the mechanisms that affect vertical jump performance.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether duration of static stretching could affect the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). Volunteer male subjects (n = 10) underwent 2 different durations of static stretching of their hamstring muscles in the dominant leg: 30 and 60 seconds. No static stretching condition was used as a control condition. Before and after each stretching trial, hamstring flexibility was measured by a sit and reach test. MVC was then measured using the maximal effort of knee flexion. The hamstring flexibility was significantly increased by 30 and 60 seconds of static stretching (control: 0.5 +/- 1.1 cm; 30 seconds: 2.1 +/- 1.8 cm; 60 seconds: 3.0 +/- 1.6 cm); however, there was no significant difference between 30 and 60 seconds of static stretching conditions. The MVC was significantly lowered with 60 seconds of static stretching compared to the control and 30 seconds of the stretching conditions (control: 287.6 +/- 24.0 N; 30 seconds: 281.8 +/- 24.2 N; 60 seconds: 262.4 +/- 36.2 N). However, there was no significant difference between control and 30 seconds of static stretching conditions. Therefore, it was concluded that the short duration (30 seconds) of static stretching did not have a negative effect on the muscle force production.  相似文献   

This study examined the acute and long-term effects of two static stretching protocols of equal duration, performed either as a single stretch or multiple shorter duration repetitions on hip hyperextension range of motion (ROM) and single leg countermovement jump height (CMJ). Thirty female gymnasts were randomly assigned to stretching (SG) or control groups (CG). The SG performed two different protocols of static stretching, three times per week for 9 weeks. One leg performed repeated stretching (3 × 30 s with 30 s rest) while the other leg performed a single stretch (90 s). The CG continued regular training. ROM and CMJ were measured pre- and 2 min post-stretching on weeks 0, 3, 6, 9, and 3 weeks into detraining. CMJ height increased over time irrespective of group (main effect time, p = 0.001), with no statistical difference between groups (main effect group, p = 0.272). Three-way ANOVA showed that, CMJ height after stretching was not affected by either stretching protocol at any time point (p = 0.503 to 0.996). Both stretching protocols equally increased ROM on weeks 6 (10.9 ± 13.4%, p < 0.001, d = 0.42), and 9 (21.5 ± 13.4%, p < 0.001, d = 0.78), and this increase was maintained during detraining (17.0 ± 15.0%, p < 0.001, d = 0.68). No increase in ROM was observed in the CG (p > 0.874). Static stretching of long duration applied either as single or multiple bouts of equal duration, results in similar acute and long-term improvements in ROM. Furthermore, both stretching protocols do not acutely affect subsequent CMJ performance, and this effect is not influenced by the large increase in ROM and CMJ overtime.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of dynamic activity and dynamic activity/static stretching of the gastrocnemius muscle on vertical jump (VJ) performance. Additionally, muscle activity was recorded using electromyography. Thirteen healthy adults (7 men and 6 women) with a mean age of 26 +/- 4 years served as subjects. The average jump height and muscle activity from 3 separate maximal VJ attempts were performed at the start of each session to be used as baseline measures using the Kistler force plate and the Noraxon telemetry EMG unit. Subjects then performed 1 of 2 protocols: dynamic activity only or dynamic activity with static stretching. Each protocol was followed by 3 maximal VJ trials. Average VJ height was analyzed using a 2 (time: pre, post) x 2 (prejump protocol: dynamic activity, dynamic activity + stretching) analysis of variance with repeated measures on both factors. A paired-samples t-test was used to compare the intraday difference scores for EMG activity between the 2 conditions. Jump height was not influenced by the interaction of pre-post and protocol (p = 0.0146. There was no difference for the main effects of time (p = 0.274) and pre-jump protocol (p = 0.595). Gastrocnemius muscle activity was likewise not different for the 2 prejump protocols (p = 0.413). The results from this study imply that the use of static stretching in combination with dynamic activity of the gastrocnemius muscle does not appear to have an adverse affect on VJ height performance. The practical importance concerns the warm-up routine that coaches and athletes employ; that is, they may want to consider including an aerobic component when statically stretching the gastrocnemius immediately prior to a vertical jumping event.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 3 different warm-ups on vertical jump performance. The warm-ups included a 600-m jog, a 600-m jog followed by a dynamic stretching routine, and a 600-m jog followed by a proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) routine. A second purpose was to determine whether the effects of the warm-ups on vertical jump performance varied by gender. Sixty-eight men and women NCAA Division I athletes from North Dakota State University performed 3 vertical jumps on a Just Jump pad after each of the 3 warm-up routines. The subjects were split into 6 groups and rotated between 3 warm-up routines, completing 1 routine each day in a random order. The results of the 1-way repeated measures analysis of variance showed no significant differences in the combined (p = 0.927), men's (p = 0.798), or women's (p = 0.978) results. The results of this study showed that 3 different warm-ups did not have a significant affect on vertical jumping. The results also showed there were no gender differences between the 3 different warm-ups.  相似文献   

The current literature recommends dynamic rather than static stretching for the athletic warm-up. Dynamic stretching and various conditioning stimuli are used to induce potentiation in subsequent athletic performance. However, it is unknown as to which type of activity in conjunction with dynamic stretching within a warm-up provides the optimal potentiation of vertical jump performance. It was the objective of the study to examine the possible potentiating effect of various types of conditioning stimuli with dynamic stretching. Twenty athletes participated in 6 protocols. All the experimental protocols included 10 minutes of dynamic stretching. After the dynamic stretching, the subjects performed a (a) concentric (DS/CON): 3 sets of 3 repetition maximum deadlift exercise; (b) isometric (DS/ISOM): 3 sets of 3-second maximum voluntary contraction back squats; (c) plyometric (DS/PLYO): 3 sets of 3 tuck jumps; (d) eccentric (DS/ECC): 3 modified drop jumps; (e) dynamic stretching only (DS), and (f) control protocol (CON). Before the intervention and at recovery periods of 15 seconds, 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20 minutes, the participants performed 1-2 maximal countermovement jumps. The DS and DS/CON protocols generally had a 95-99% likelihood of exceeding the smallest worthwhile change for vertical jump height, peak power, velocity and force. However, the addition of the deadlift to the DS did not augment the potentiating effect. Time-to-peak potentiation was variable between individuals but was most consistent between 3 and 5 minutes. Thus, the volume and the intensity associated with 10 minutes of dynamic stretching were sufficient to provide the potentiation of vertical jump characteristics. Additional conditioning activities may promote fatigue processes, which do not permit further potentiation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a significant difference in static stretching (SS), dynamic stretching (DS), and no stretching (NS) on maximal strength (one-repetition maximum [1RM]) in the bench and leg presses using free weights on 19 college-aged men and 32 women. Most of the participants were moderately to very active and had previous experience with weight training. The design was repeated measures, with each treatment being randomly assigned. Each testing session was separated by 72 hours. Moderate-intensity stretching was defined as stretching as far as possible without any assistance, and subjects were encouraged to do their best. For the SS routine, the chest, shoulder, triceps, quadriceps, and hamstrings were stretched. Three repetitions were performed for 15 seconds, each separated by a 10-second rest. For DS, the upper-body stretch was swinging each arm, one at a time, as far forward and then as far backward as possible in a diagonal plane. For the legs, the same movement was done for each leg, except performed in a sagittal plane. Each forward and backward movement took about 2 seconds. Three 30-second sets were administered, and a 10-second rest was allowed between sets. Next, 1RM was determined for the bench and leg presses in random order. Two warm-up sets were given, followed by several 1RM attempts. The last successful lift was recorded as the 1RM. Data were reported using means +/- SD. A one-way ANOVA with repeated measures was used with alpha set at 0.05. There was no significant difference among the treatments. Moderate-intensity stretching does not seem to adversely affect 1RM in the bench and leg presses.  相似文献   

Stretching is often included as part of a warm-up procedure for basketball activity. However, the efficacy of stretching with respect to sport performance has come into question. We determined the effects of 4 different warm-up protocols followed by 20 minutes of basketball activity on flexibility and vertical jump height. Subjects participated in 6 weeks (2 times per week) of warm-up and basketball activity. The warm-up groups participated in ballistic stretching, static stretching, sprinting, or basketball shooting (control group). We asked 3 questions. First, what effect does 6 weeks of warm-up exercise and basketball play have on both flexibility and vertical jump height? We measured sit and reach and vertical jump height before (week -1) and after (week 7) the 6 weeks. Flexibility increased for the ballistic, static, and sprint groups compared to the control group (p < 0.0001), while vertical jump height did not change for any of the groups. Our second question was what is the acute effect of each warm-up on vertical jump height? We measured vertical jump immediately after the warm-up on 4 separate occasions during the 6 weeks (at weeks 0, 2, 4, and 6). Vertical jump height was not different for any group. Finally, our third question was what is the acute effect of each warm-up on vertical jump height following 20 minutes of basketball play? We measured vertical jump height immediately following 20 minutes of basketball play at weeks 0, 2, 4, and 6. Only the ballistic stretching group demonstrated an acute increase in vertical jump 20 minutes after basketball play (p < 0.05). Coaches should consider using ballistic stretching as a warm-up for basketball play, as it is beneficial to vertical jump performance.  相似文献   

Position stands from the American College of Sports Medicine and the Surgeon General site a need for strategies capable of enhancing the effectiveness of stretching on flexibility and joint range of motion. One strategy for enhancing flexibility that has received anecdotal support but lacks substantial experimental evidence is the impact of prior exercise. This study compared 5 minutes of static stretching and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) on hamstring flexibility performed with and without exercise. Forty undergraduate student-athletes participated in a repeated measure, counterbalanced experimental design. Within-group comparisons indicated that PNF resulted in a significant (p < 0.05) increase in flexibility after 60 minutes of exercise when compared with baseline (9.6%) and without exercise (7.8%). No differences were observed with static stretching across time. In addition, no differences were observed between the groups at any time point. Results demonstrated that PNF performed after exercise enhanced acute hamstring flexibility, and implementing a PNF stretching routine following exercise may augment current stretching practices among athletes.  相似文献   

Stretching before performance is a common practice among athletes in hopes of increasing performance and reducing the risk of injury. However, cumulative results indicate a negative impact of static stretching and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) on performance; thus, there is a need for evaluating other stretching strategies for effective warm-up. The purpose of this study was to compare the differences between two sets of ballistic stretching and two sets of a dynamic stretching routine on vertical jump performance. Twenty healthy male and female college students between the ages of 22 and 34 (24.8 +/- 3 years) volunteered to participate in this study. All subjects completed three individual testing sessions on three nonconsecutive days. On each day, the subjects completed one of three treatments (no stretch, ballistic stretch, and dynamic stretch). Intraclass reliability was determined using the data obtained from each subject. A paired samples t-test revealed no significant difference in jump height, force, or power when comparing no stretch with ballistic stretch. A significant difference was found on jump power when comparing no stretch with dynamic stretch, but no significant difference was found for jump height or force. Statistics showed a very high reliability when measuring jump height, force, and power using the Kistler Quattro Jump force plate. It seems that neither dynamic stretching nor ballistic stretching will result in an increase in vertical jump height or force. However, dynamic stretching elicited gains in jump power poststretch.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the acute effects of 3 different stretching methods combined with a warm-up protocol on vertical jump performance. Sixteen young tennis players (14.5 ± 2.8 years; 175 ± 5.6 cm; 64.0 ± 11.1 kg) were randomly assigned to 4 different experimental conditions on 4 successive days. Each session consisted of a general and specific warm-up, with 5 minutes of running followed by 10 jumps, accompanied by one of the subsequent conditions: (a) Control Condition (CC)-5 minutes of passive rest; (b) Passive Stretching Condition (PSC)-5 minutes of passive static stretching; (c) Active Stretching Condition (ASC)-5 minutes of active static stretching; and (d) Dynamic Stretching Condition (DC)-5 minutes of dynamic stretching. After each intervention, the subjects performed 3 squat jumps (SJs) and 3 countermovement jumps (CMJs), which were measured electronically. For the SJ, 1-way repeated measures analysis of variance (CC × PSC × ASC × DC) revealed significant decreases for ASC (28.7 ± 4.7 cm; p = 0.01) and PSC (28.7 ± 4.3 cm; p = 0.02) conditions when compared with CC (29.9 ± 5.0 cm). For CMJs, there were no significant decreases (p > 0.05) when all stretching conditions were compared with the CC. Significant increases in SJ performance were observed when comparing the DC (29.6 ± 4.9 cm; p = 0.02) with PSC (28.7 ± 4.3 cm). Significant increases in CMJ performance were observed when comparing the conditions ASC (34.0 ± 6.0 cm; p = 0.04) and DC (33.7 ± 5.5 cm; p = 0.03) with PSC (32.6 ± 5.5 cm). A dynamic stretching intervention appears to be more suitable for use as part of a warm-up in young athletes.  相似文献   

Cell cycle regulation is essential for proper homeostasis of hematopoietic cells. Cdk2 is a major regulator of S phase entry, is activated by mitogenic cytokines, and has been suggested to be involved in antigen-induced apoptosis of T lymphocytes. The role of Cdk2 in hematopoietic cells and apoptosis in vivo has not yet been addressed. To determine whether Cdk2 plays a role in these cells, we performed multiple analyses of bone marrow cells, thymocytes, and splenocytes from Cdk2 knockout mice. We found that Cdk2 is not required in vivo to induce apoptosis in lymphocytes, a result that differs from previous pharmacological in vitro studies. Furthermore, thymocyte maturation was not affected by the lack of Cdk2. We then analyzed the hematopoietic stem cell compartment and found similar proportions of stem cells and progenitors in Cdk2(-)(/)(-) and wild-type animals. Knockouts of Cdk2 inhibitors (p21, p27) affect stem cell renewal, but a competitive graft experiment indicated that renewal and multilineage differentiation are normal in the absence of Cdk2. Finally, we stimulated T lymphocytes or macrophages to induce proliferation and observed normal reactivation of Cdk2(-)(/)(-) quiescent cells. Our results indicate that Cdk2 is not required for proliferation and differentiation of hematopoietic cells in vivo, although in vitro analyses consider Cdk2 to be a major player in proliferation and apoptosis in these cells and a potential target for therapy.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of active static stretching on the maximal isometric muscle strength (maximal voluntary contraction [MVC]) and rate of force development (RFD) determined within time intervals of 30, 50, 100, and 200 milliseconds relative to the onset of muscle contraction. Fifteen men (aged 21.3 ± 2.4 years) were submitted on different days to the following tests: (a) familiarization session to the isokinetic dynamometer; (b) 2 maximal isometric contractions for knee extensors in the isokinetic dynamometer to determine MVC and RFD (control); and (c) 2 active static stretching exercises for the dominant leg extensors (10 × 30 seconds for each exercise with a 20-second rest interval between bouts). After stretching, the isokinetic test was repeated (poststretching). Conditions 2 and 3 were performed in random order. The RFD was considered as the mean slope of the moment-time curve at time intervals of 0-30, 0-50, 0-100; 0-150; and 0200 milliseconds relative to the onset of muscle contraction. The MVC was reduced after stretching (285 ± 59 vs. 271 ± 56 N · m, p < 0.01). The RFD at intervals of 0-30, 0-50, and 0-100 milliseconds was unchanged after stretching (p > 0.05). However, the RFD measured at intervals of 0-150 and 0-200 milliseconds was significantly lower after stretching (p < 0.01). It can be concluded that explosive muscular actions of a very short duration (<100 milliseconds) seem less affected by active static stretching when compared with actions using maximal muscle strength.  相似文献   

The genetically modified (GM) maize MON 88017 facilitates weed management owing to its tolerance to glyphosate, and resists western corn rootworm (WCR), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, owing to the expression of Cry3Bb1 toxin. MON 88017 could therefore contribute to the solution of two major problems of European agriculture: continuous WCR spreading and high use of herbicides. To assess possible unwanted environmental impacts of MON 88017, we compared communities of spiders in plots planted in three successive years with this maize, its near isogenic non‐GM cultivar treated or not treated with an insecticide and two unrelated maize cultivars. Each of the five treatments was applied on five 0.5 ha plots in a 14 ha field. Spiders were collected in five pitfall traps per plot five times per year. Upon reaching the waxy ripening stage, all plants of first‐year cultivation were shredded to small pieces and ploughed into the soil in the respective plot, whereas in the 2nd and 3rd year the harvest was used for biogas production and only digestate was returned to the field. Out of 79 spider species, Pardosa agrestis, Pachygnatha degeeri and Oedothorax apicatus made up 28%, 25% and 23% of the total spider count in the 1st year of study; 2%, 8% and 84% in the 2nd; and 40%, 8% and 35% in the 3rd year. Statistical analysis did not reveal any influence of GM maize on the spider abundance and biodiversity. The abundance, and in two years also the species diversity, was insignificantly higher on the plots with GM maize than on plots with the insecticide‐treated non‐GM maize. The composition and size of spider community varied year to year, probably reflecting weather conditions and differences in field fertilization with organic matter.  相似文献   

Recognition of conspecifics and mates is based on a variety of sensory cues that are specific to the species, sex and social status of each individual. The courtship and mating activity of Drosophila melanogaster flies is thought to depend on the olfactory perception of a male-specific volatile pheromone, cis-vaccenyl acetate (cVA), and the gustatory perception of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHs), some of which are sexually dimorphic. Using two complementary sampling methods (headspace Solid Phase Micro-Extraction [SPME] and solvent extraction) coupled with GC-MS analysis, we measured the dispersion of pheromonal CHs in the air and on the substrate around the fly. We also followed the variations in CHs that were induced by social and sexual interactions. We found that all CHs present on the fly body were deposited as a thin layer on the substrate, whereas only a few of these molecules were also detected in the air. Moreover, social experience during early adult development and in mature flies strongly affected male volatile CHs but not cVA, whereas sexual interaction only had a moderate influence on dispersed CHs. Our study suggests that, in addition to their role as contact cues, CHs can influence fly behavior at a distance and that volatile, deposited and body pheromonal CHs participate in a three-step recognition of the chemical identity and social status of insects.  相似文献   

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