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Using an original high-salt extraction protocol, we observed a novel chromosome substructure, referred to as the peripheral chromosome scaffold. This chromosome domain contained the perichromosomal layer proteins pKi-67, B23/nucleophosmin and fibrillarin, but no DNA fragments (i.e., the loop domain bases were not associated with the peripheral scaffold). Modern models of chromosome organization do not predict the existence of a peripheral chromosome scaffold domain, and thus our observations have conceptual implications for understanding chromosome architecture.  相似文献   

Topoisomerase II is nonfunctional in polyamine-depleted cells.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The polyamines-putrescine, spermidine, and spermine-are essential for normal cell proliferation. Polyamine depletion affects DNA structure and synthesis. Topoisomerase II (topo II) is also necessary for normal cell proliferation, and it has been shown in vitro that polyamines may affect topo II activity. In order to investigate the effect of polyamine depletion on topo II activity, we treated Chinese hamster ovary cells with either alpha-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) or 4-amidinoindan-1-one-2'-amidinohydrazone (CGP 48664), which are polyamine biosynthesis inhibitors. Treatment with the topo II inhibitor etoposide results in DNA strand breaks only if there is active topo II in the cells. By quantitating DNA strand breaks after etoposide treatment using single cell gel electrophoresis, we were able to estimate intracellular topo II activity. We also quantitated topo II activity in crude nuclear extracts from control and polyamine biosynthesis inhibitor-treated cells. Using single cell gel electrophoresis, we noted a clear decrease in the function of topo II in polyamine biosynthesis inhibitor-treated cells, as compared with untreated control cells. However, the topo II activity in crude nuclear extracts did not differ significantly in control versus polyamine biosynthesis inhibitor-treated cells. Taken together, these results indicate that although the function of topo II in polyamine-depleted cells was impaired, topo II remained functional in an in vitro assay. Using the single cell gel electrophoresis assay, we also found that spermine depletion itself caused DNA strand breaks.  相似文献   

NuMA associates with microtubule motors during mitosis to perform an essential role in organizing microtubule minus ends at spindle poles. Using immunogold electron microscopy, we show that NuMA is a component of an electron-dense material concentrated at both mitotic spindle poles in PtK1 cells and the core of microtubule asters formed through a centrosome-independent mechanism in cell-free mitotic extracts. This NuMA-containing material is distinct from the peri-centriolar material and forms a matrix that appears to anchor microtubule ends at the spindle pole. In stark contrast to conventional microtubule-associated proteins whose solubility is directly dependent on microtubules, we find that once NuMA is incorporated into this matrix either in vivo or in vitro, it becomes insoluble and this insolubility is no longer dependent on microtubules. NuMA is essential for the formation of this insoluble matrix at the core of mitotic asters assembled in vitro because the matrix is absent from mitotic asters assembled in a cell-free mitotic extract that is specifically depleted of NuMA. These physical properties are consistent with NuMA being a component of the putative mitotic spindle matrix in vertebrate cells. Furthermore, given that NuMA is essential for spindle pole organization in vertebrate systems, it is likely that this insoluble matrix plays an essential structural function in anchoring and/or stabilizing microtubule minus ends at spindle poles in mitotic cells.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that phospho-Thr56 Bcl-2 colocalizes with Ki-67 and nucleolin in nuclear structures in prophase cells and is detected on mitotic chromosomes in later mitotic phases. To gain insight into the fine localization of Bcl-2 on mitotic chromosomes, we further investigated Bcl-2 localization by immunostaining of Bcl-2 with known components of metaphase chromosomes and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry. Immunofluorescence analysis on HeLa mitotic cells together with chromatin immunoprecipitation assays showed that Bcl-2 is associated with the condensed chromatin. Co-immunostaining experiments performed on mitotic chromosome spreads demonstrated that Bcl-2 is not localized on the longitudinal axis of chromatids with the condensin complex, but partially colocalizes with histone H3 on some regions of the mitotic chromosome. Finally, most of the Bcl-2 staining overlaps with Ki-67 staining at the chromosome periphery. Bcl-2 localization at the periphery and over the mitotic chromosome was confirmed by immunoelectron microscopy on mitotic cells.Our results indicate that Bcl-2 is an integral component of the mitotic chromosome.  相似文献   

Topoisomerase II is a cellular target for a number of clinically relevant antitumor drugs. To elucidate the possible cellular target for the antiproliferation activity of cobalt salicylaldoxime (CoSAL), which inhibits 50% of leukemic cell proliferation at a concentration of 60 microM, DNA binding studies and studies of the action of this complex on topoisomerase II catalytic activities were carried out. The results from DNA binding studies show that CoSAL binds DNA strongly with a stoichiometric ratio of two drug molecules for five nucleotide bases and shows a mode of interaction similar to that of DNA groove binding agents. The results from topoisomerase II inhibition studies show that the complex inhibits the relaxation activity of topoisomerase II in a dose-dependent manner and poisons its activity through cleavage complex formation. To see if the hydroxyl group present on imine nitrogen is involved in topoisomerase II poisoning, we synthesized an analogue of CoSAL in which the hydroxyl group was replaced with semicarbazone. This complex too binds DNA with an affinity similar to that of CoSAL, but with a small difference in the mode of interaction; however, it marginally inhibits leukemic cell proliferation and does not inhibit topoisomerase II activity, which suggests the involvement of a hydroxyl group. An immunoprecipitation assay was conducted which showed that the cleavage complex formed in the presence of CoSAL contained 75% of the complex, while the other complex shows only 7. 65%. Cyclic voltametric spectra of the complexes in the presence of DNA show that they do not oxidize DNA. These results suggest that CoSAL shows a bidirectional mode of interaction with enzyme and DNA and inhibits topoisomerase II activity by forming a drug-mediated cleavage complex. Our data strongly suggest that topoisomerase II may be one of the cellular targets for antiproliferation activity of CoSAL.  相似文献   

A reduction of chromosome number in meiosis is essential for genome transmission in diploid organisms. Reduction depends on a change in kinetochore configuration.1 A recent study2 connects changes in kinetochores with other changes in chromosome structure and raises the intriguing possibility that topoisomerase II, the DNA untangling enzyme, is involved.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Prior to chromosome segregation, the mitotic spindle bi-orients and aligns sister chromatids along the metaphase plate. During metaphase, spindle length remains constant, which suggests that spindle forces (inward and outward) are balanced. The contribution of microtubule motors, regulators of microtubule dynamics, and cohesin to spindle stability has been previously studied. In this study, we examine the contribution of chromatin structure on kinetochore positioning and spindle-length control. After nucleosome depletion, by either histone H3 or H4 repression, spindle organization was examined by live-cell fluorescence microscopy. RESULTS: Histone repression led to a 2-fold increase in sister-centromere separation and an equal increase in metaphase spindle length. Histone H3 repression does not impair kinetochores, whereas H4 repression disrupts proper kinetochore function. Deletion of outward force generators, kinesins Cin8p and Kip1p, shortens the long spindles observed in histone-repressed cells. Oscillatory movements of individual sister chromatid pairs are not altered after histone repression. CONCLUSIONS: The increase in spindle length upon histone repression and restoration of wild-type spindle length by the loss of plus-end-directed motors suggests that during metaphase, centromere separation and spindle length are governed in part by the stretching of pericentric chromatin. Chromatin is an elastic molecule that is stretched in direct opposition to the outward force generators Cin8p and Kip1p. Thus, we assign a new role to chromatin packaging as an integral biophysical component of the mitotic apparatus.  相似文献   

It is generally believed that plants "evolved a strategy of defending themselves from a phytopathogen attack" during evolution. This metaphor is used frequently, but it does not facilitate understanding of the mechanisms providing plant resistance to the invasion of foreign organisms and to other unfavorable external factors, as well as the role of these mechanisms in plant growth and development. Information on processes involving one of the plant resistance factors--polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein (PGIP)--is considered in this review. The data presented here indicate that PGIP, being an extracellular leucine-rich repeat-containing protein, performs important functions in the structure of plant cell wall. Amino acid residues participating in PGIP binding to homogalacturonan in the cell wall have been determined. The degree of methylation and the mode of distribution of homogalacturonan methyl groups are responsible for the formation of a complex structure, which perhaps determines the specificity of PGIP binding to pectin. PGIP is apparently one of the components of plant cell wall determining some of its mechanical properties; it is involved in biochemical processes related to growth, expansion, and maceration, and it influences plant morphology. Polygalacturonase (PG) is present within practically all plant tissues, but the manifestation of its activity varies significantly depending on physiological conditions in the tissue. Apparently, the regulation of PG functioning in apoplast significantly affects the development of processes associated with the modification of the structure of plant cell wall. PGIP can regulate PG activity through binding to homogalacturonan. The genetically determined structure of PGIP in plants determines the mode of its interaction with an invader and perhaps is one of the factors responsible for the set of pathogens causing diseases in a given plant species.  相似文献   

Curcumin, the major active component of the spice turmeric, is recognised as a safe compound with great potential for cancer chemoprevention and cancer therapy. It induces apoptosis, but its initiation mechanism remains poorly understood. Curcumin has been assessed on the human cancer cell lines, TK-10, MCF-7 and UACC-62, and their IC50 values were 12.16, 3.63, 4.28?μM respectively. The possibility of this compound being a topoisomerase II poison has also been studied and it was found that 50?μM of curcumin is active in a similar fashion to the antineoplastic agent etoposide. These results point to DNA damage induced by topoisomerase II poisoning as a possible mechanism by which curcumin initiates apoptosis, and increase the evidence suggesting its possible use in cancer therapy.  相似文献   

We describe the generation of 11 monoclonal antibodies that bind to the centromere/kinetochore region of human mitotic chromosomes. These antibodies were raised against mitotic chromosome scaffolds and screened for centromere/kinetochore binding by indirect immunofluorescence against purified chromosomes. Immunoblot analyses with these antibodies revealed that all of the antigens are greater than 200 kD and are components of nuclei, chromosomes, and/or chromosome scaffolds. Comparison of the immunolocalization of the antigens with that observed for the centromere-associated protein CENP-B revealed that each of these centromere/kinetochore proteins lies more peripherally to the DNA than does CENP-B. In cells normally progressing through the cell cycle, these antigens displayed four distinct patterns of centromere/kinetochore association, corresponding to a minimum of four novel centromere/kinetochore-associated proteins.  相似文献   

A protease-resistant protein is a structural component of the scrapie prion   总被引:67,自引:0,他引:67  
Fractions purified from scrapie-infected hamster brain contain a unique protein, designated PrP. It was labeled with N-succinimidyl 3-(4-hydroxy-5-[125I]-iodophenyl) propionate, which did not alter the titer of the scrapie prion. The concentration of PrP was found to be directly proportional to the titer of the infectious prion. Both PrP and prion infectivity were resistant for 2 hr at 37 degrees C to hydrolysis by proteinase K under nondenaturing conditions. Prolonging the digestion resulted in a concomitant decrease in both PrP and the scrapie prion. When the amino-acid-specific proteases trypsin or SV-8 protease were used instead of proteinase K, no change in either PrP or the prion was detected. The parallel changes between PrP and the prion provide evidence that PrP is a structural component of the infectious prion. Our findings also suggest that the prion contains only one major protein, namely PrP.  相似文献   

Type VII collagen is a major structural component of anchoring fibrils   总被引:44,自引:16,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
Anchoring fibrils are specialized fibrous structures found in the subbasal lamina underlying epithelia of several external tissues. Based upon their sensitivity to collagenase and the similarity in banding pattern to artificially created segment-long spacing crystallites (SLS) of collagens, several authors have suggested that anchoring fibrils are lateral aggregates of collagenous macromolecules. We recently reported the similarity in length and banding pattern of anchoring fibrils to type VII collagen SLS crystallites. We now report the construction and characterization of a murine monoclonal antibody specific for type VII collagen. The epitope identified by this antibody has been mapped to the carboxyl terminus of the major helical domain of this molecule. The presence of type VII collagen as detected by indirect immunofluorescence in a variety of tissues corresponds exactly with ultrastructural observations of anchoring fibrils. Ultrastructural immunolocalization of type VII collagen using a 5-nm colloidal gold-conjugated second antibody demonstrates metal deposition upon anchoring fibrils at both ends of these structures, as predicted by the location of the epitope on type VII collagen. Type VII collagen is synthesized by primary cultures of amniotic epithelial cells. It is also produced by KB cells (an epidermoid carcinoma cell line) and WISH (a transformed amniotic cell line).  相似文献   

TopoisomeraseII (Topo II) is a major component of chromosomal scaffolds and essential for mitotic chromosome condensation, but the mechanism of this action remains unknown. Here, we used an in vitro chromatin reconstitution system in combination with atomic force and fluorescence microscopic analyses to determine how Topo II affects chromosomal structure. Topo II bound to bare DNA and clamped the two DNA strands together, even in the absence of ATP. In addition, Topo II promoted chromatin compaction in a manner dependent on histone H1 but independent of ATP. Histone H1-induced 30-nm chromatin fibers were converted into a large complex by Topo II. Fluorescence microscopic analysis of the Brownian motion of chromatin stained with 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole showed that the reconstituted chromatin became larger following the addition of Topo II in the presence but not the absence of histone H1. Based on these findings, we propose that chromatin packing is triggered by histone H1-dependent, Topo II-mediated clamping of DNA strands.  相似文献   

Mitotic chromosome movements are orchestrated by interactions between spindle microtubules and chromosomes. It is well known that kinetochore is the major site where microtubule-chromosome attachment occurs. However, the functions of other domains of chromosome such as chromosome periphery have remained elusive. Our previous studies show that PinX1 distributes to chromosome periphery and kinetochore during mitosis, and harbors the microtubule binding activity. Here we report that PinX1 interacts with Nucleolin, a chromosome periphery protein, through its C-termini. Deconvolution microscopic analyses show PinX1 mainly co-localizes with Nucleolin at chromosome periphery in prometaphase. Moreover, depletion of Nucleolin abolishes chromosome periphery localizations of PinX1, suggesting a functional interrelationship between PinX1 and Nucleolin. Importantly, repression of PinX1 and Nucleolin abrogates chromosome segregation in real-time mitosis, validating the functional importance of PinX1-Nucleolin interaction. We propose PinX1 is recruited to chromosome periphery by Nucleolin and a complex of PinX1 and Nucleolin is essential for faithful chromosome congression.  相似文献   

Oh M  Choi IS  Park SD 《Nucleic acids research》2002,30(18):4022-4031
The deletion of the top3+ gene leads to defective nuclear division and lethality in Schizosaccharo myces pombe. This lethality is suppressed by concomitant loss of rqh1+, the RecQ helicase. Despite extensive investigation, topoisomerase III function and its relationship with RecQ helicase remain poorly understood. We generated top3 temperature-sensitive (top3-ts) mutants and found these to be defective in nuclear division and cytokinesis and to be sensitive to DNA-damaging agents. A temperature shift of top3-ts cells to 37°C, or treatment with hydroxyurea at the permissive temperature, caused an increase in ‘cut’ (cell untimely torn) cells and elevated rates of minichromosome loss. The viability of top3-ts cells was decreased by a temperature shift during S-phase when compared with a similar treatment in other cell cycle stages. Furthermore, the top3-ts mutant was not sensitive to M-phase specific drugs. These results indicate that topoisomerase III may play an important role in DNA metabolism during DNA replication to ensure proper chromosome segregation. Our data are consistent with Top3 acting downstream of Rqh1 to process the toxic DNA structure produced by Rqh1.  相似文献   

Annexin II is a major component of fusogenic endosomal vesicles   总被引:27,自引:9,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
《The Journal of cell biology》1993,120(6):1357-1369
We have used an in vitro assay to follow the proteins transferred from a donor to an acceptor upon fusion of early endosomes. The acceptor was a purified early endosomal fraction immunoisolated on beads and the donor was a metabolically-labeled early endosomal fraction in suspension. In the assay, both fractions were mixed in the presence of unlabeled cytosol, and then the beads were retrieved and washed. The donor proteins transferred to the acceptor were identified by two- dimensional gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. Approximately 50 major proteins were transferred and this transfer fulfilled all criteria established for endosome fusion in vitro. However, only a small subset of proteins was efficiently transferred, if donor endosomes were briefly sonicated to generate small (0.1 micron diam) vesicles before the assay. These include two acidic membrane proteins, and three alkaline peripheral proteins exposed on the cytoplasmic face of the membrane. Partial sequencing and Western blotting indicated that one of the latter components is annexin II, a protein known to mediate membrane-membrane interactions. Immunogold labeling of cryosections confirmed that annexin II is present on early endosomes in vivo. These data demonstrate that annexin II, together with the other four proteins we have identified, is a major component of fusogenic endosomal vesicles, suggesting that these proteins are involved in the binding and/or fusion process.  相似文献   

During cell division, eukaryotic cells assemble dynamic microtubule-based spindles to segregate replicated chromosomes. Rapid spindle microtubule turnover, likely derived from dynamic instability, has been documented in yeasts, plants and vertebrates. Less studied is concerted spindle microtubule poleward translocation (flux) coupled to depolymerization at spindle poles. Microtubule flux has been observed only in vertebrates, although there is indirect evidence for it in insect spermatocytes and higher plants. Here we use fluorescent speckle microscopy (FSM) to demonstrate that mitotic spindles of syncytial Drosophila embryos exhibit poleward microtubule flux, indicating that flux is a widely conserved property of spindles. By simultaneously imaging chromosomes (or kinetochores) and flux, we provide evidence that flux is the dominant mechanism driving chromosome-to-pole movement (anaphase A) in these spindles. At 18 degrees C and 24 degrees C, separated sister chromatids moved poleward at average rates (3.6 and 6.6 microm/min, respectively) slightly greater than the mean rates of poleward flux (3.2 and 5.2 microm/min, respectively). However, at 24 degrees C the rate of kinetochore-to-pole movement varied from slower than to twice the mean rate of flux, suggesting that although flux is the dominant mechanism, kinetochore-associated microtubule depolymerization contributes to anaphase A.  相似文献   

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