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HIV infection is characterized by a gradual deterioration of immune function, mainly in the CD4 compartment. To better understand the dynamics of HIV-specific T cells, we analyzed the kinetics and polyfunctional profiles of Gag-specific CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell responses in 12 subtype C-infected individuals with different disease-progression profiles, ranging from acute to chronic HIV infection. The frequencies of Gag-responsive CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells showed distinct temporal kinetics. The peak frequency of Gag-responsive IFN-γ(+)CD4(+) T cells was observed at a median of 28 d (interquartile range: 21-81 d) post-Fiebig I/II staging, whereas Gag-specific IFN-γ(+)CD8(+) T cell responses peaked at a median of 253 d (interquartile range: 136-401 d) and showed a significant biphasic expansion. The proportion of TNF-α-expressing cells within the IFN-γ(+)CD4(+) T cell population increased (p = 0.001) over time, whereas TNF-α-expressing cells within IFN-γ(+)CD8(+) T cells declined (p = 0.005). Both Gag-responsive CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells showed decreased Ki67 expression within the first 120 d post-Fiebig I/II staging. Prior to the disappearance of Gag-responsive Ki67(+)CD4(+) T cells, these cells positively correlated (p = 0.00038) with viremia, indicating that early Gag-responsive CD4 events are shaped by viral burden. No such associations were observed in the Gag-specific CD8(+) T cell compartment. Overall, these observations indicated that circulating Gag-responsive CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell frequencies and functions are not synchronous, and properties change rapidly at different tempos during early HIV infection.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that CD4(+) T cell help is required for the generation of memory CD8(+) T cells that can proliferate and differentiate into effector cells on Ag restimulation. The importance of help for primary CD8(+) T cell responses remains controversial. It has been suggested that help is not required for the initial proliferation and differentiation of CD8(+) T cells in vivo and that classical models of helper-dependent responses describe impaired secondary responses to Ag in vitro. We have measured primary CD8(+) T cell responses to peptide-pulsed dendritic cells in mice by cytokine ELISPOT and tetramer staining. No responses were detected in the absence of help, either when normal dendritic cells were injected into MHC II-deficient mice or when MHC II-deficient dendritic cells were injected into normal mice. Thus, the primary in vivo CD8(+) T cell response depends absolutely on help from CD4(+) T cells in our experimental system.  相似文献   

Negative costimulatory signals mediated via cell surface molecules such as CTLA-4 and programmed death 1 (PD-1) play a critical role in down-modulating immune responses and maintaining peripheral tolerance. However, their role in alloimmune responses remains unclear. This study examined the role of these inhibitory pathways in regulating CD28-dependent and CD28-independent CD4 and CD8 alloreactive T cells in vivo. CTLA-4 blockade accelerated graft rejection in C57BL/6 wild-type recipients and in a proportion of CD4(-/-) but not CD8(-/-) recipients of BALB/c hearts. The same treatment led to prompt rejection in CD28(-/-) and a smaller proportion of CD4(-/-)CD28(-/-) mice with no effect in CD8(-/-)CD28(-/-) recipients. These results indicate that the CTLA-4:B7 pathway provides a negative signal to alloreactive CD8(+) T cells, particularly in the presence of CD28 costimulation. In contrast, PD-1 blockade led to accelerated rejection of heart allografts only in CD28(-/-) and CD8(-/-)CD28(-/-) recipients. Interestingly, PD-1 ligand (PD-L1) blockade led to accelerated rejection in wild-type mice and in all recipients lacking CD28 costimulation. This effect was accompanied by expansion of IFN-gamma-producing alloreactive T cells and enhanced generation of effector T cells in rejecting allograft recipients. Thus, the PD-1:PD-L1 pathway down-regulates alloreactive CD4 T cells, particularly in the absence of CD28 costimulation. The differential effects of PD-1 vs PD-L1 blockade support the possible existence of a new receptor other than PD-1 for negative signaling through PD-L1. Furthermore, PD-1:PD-L1 pathway can regulate alloimmune responses independent of an intact CD28/CTLA-4:B7 pathway. Harnessing physiological mechanisms that regulate alloimmunity should lead to development of novel strategies to induce durable and reproducible transplantation tolerance.  相似文献   

Imatinib mesylate (IM) is effective at inducing complete cytogenetic remission in patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia. Because its influence on CD8 T cell responsiveness in vivo is unknown, we investigated the effects of IM by analyzing the response of OT-1 CD8 T cells to Listeria monocytogenes (LM) that express the cognate epitope OVA(257-264) (LM-OVA). In vitro, IM had no effect on Ag-specific expansion, cell division, cell cycle progression, or IFN-gamma expression in naive or memory OT-1 T cells. However, IM induced apoptosis of naive and memory OT-1 T cells at doses of >5 microM. At 15 microM IM, OT-1 T cells did not survive in in vitro cultures. The primary response of OT-1 T cells in vivo to LM-OVA infection was unaltered. In contrast, continuous IM treatment resulted in a diminished memory OT-1 response. The expression of IL-7Ralpha, a receptor required for memory cell survival, was lower (on OT-1 cells) in animals receiving IM. These results indicate that IM treatment affects the ability of the CD8 memory pool to respond to Ag and has the potential to increase susceptibility to infection.  相似文献   

The T cell coreceptor, CD8, enhances T cell-APC interactions. Because soluble CD8alpha homodimers can antagonize CD8 T cell activation in vitro, we asked whether secretion of soluble CD8 would effect cytotoxic T cell responses in vivo. Production of soluble CD8 by a replication-defective adenovirus vector allowed persistent virus expression for up to 5 mo in C57BL/6 mice and protected a second foreign transgene from rapid deletion. Soluble CD8 selectively inhibited CD8 T cell proliferation and IFN-gamma production and could also attenuate peptide-specific CD8 T cell responses in vivo. These finding suggest that gene vector delivery of soluble CD8 may have therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

Infection of mice with Listeria monocytogenes induces a strong CD8+ T cell response, which is critical for the control of bacteria and for protection against re-infection. We analyzed the CD8+ T cell response in different intestinal tissues following oral and intravenous (i.v.) L. monocytogenes infection. After oral infection, bacterial titers in small intestine and large intestine, and the listeria-specific CD8+ T cell response in the mucosa of both parts of the intestine, were highly correlated. Oral infection of CD28-deficient mice revealed that this response was strictly dependent on CD28 costimulation. Significant listeria-specific CD8+ T cell responses also occurred in all intestinal tissues analyzed after i.v. infection or after DNA vaccination, indicating that the accumulation of listeria-specific CD8+ T cells in these tissues only partially depends on local antigen presentation and inflammation.  相似文献   

Activation of naive T cells by quiescent APCs results in tolerance through deletion and anergy. The underlying basis for these distinct fates is unclear. Using clone 4 TCR transgenic animals as a source of naive CD8 T cells, we examined the requirements for peripheral deletion in vivo. Our results demonstrate that independent of the amount of Ag used for stimulation, a single dose was insufficient to achieve complete clonal deletion. Instead, further antigenic exposure was required to completely eliminate all of the activated T cells. Additionally, consecutive stimulations with low doses of Ag were highly effective in promoting deletion. In contrast, although stimulation with high doses of Ag initially led to the apoptosis of many of the activated T cells, it induced hyporesponsiveness in a portion of the responding cells, thereby sparing them from further activation and deletion. These data explain why some conditions promote tolerance through clonal deletion whereas others promote anergy. Furthermore, these data provide a framework to devise protocols for effective deletion of potentially autoreactive T cells.  相似文献   

CD4 T cells are known to assist the CD8 T cell response by activating APC via CD40-CD40 ligand (L) interactions. However, recent data have shown that bacterial products can directly activate APC through Toll-like receptors, resulting in up-regulation of costimulatory molecules necessary for the efficient priming of naive T cells. It remains unclear what role CD4 T cell help and various costimulation pathways play in the development of CD8 T cell responses during bacterial infection. In this study, we examined these questions using an intracellular bacterium, Listeria monocytogenes, as a model of infection. In CD4 T cell-depleted, CD4(-/-), and MHC class II(-/-) mice, L. monocytogenes infection induced CD8 T cell activation and primed epitope-specific CD8 T cells to levels commensurate with those in normal C57BL/6 mice. Furthermore, these epitope-specific CD8 T cells established long-term memory in CD4(-/-) mice that was capable of mounting a protective recall response. In vitro analysis showed that L. monocytogenes directly stimulated the activation and maturation of murine dendritic cells. The CD8 T cell response to L. monocytogenes was normal in CD40L(-/-) mice but defective in CD28(-/-) and CD137L(-/-) mice. These data show that in situations where infectious agents or immunogens can directly activate APC, CD8 T cell responses are less dependent on CD4 T cell help via the CD40-CD40L pathway but involve costimulation through CD137-CD137L and B7-CD28 interactions.  相似文献   

Ablation of CD8 and CD4 T cell responses by high viral loads   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
To evaluate the impact of sustained viral loads on anti-viral T cell responses we compared responses that cleared acute lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection with those that were elicited but could not resolve chronic infection. During acute infection, as replicating virus was cleared, CD8 T cell responses were down-regulated, and a pool of resting memory cells developed. In chronically infected hosts, the failure to control the infection was associated with pronounced and prolonged activation of virus-specific CD8 T cells. Nevertheless, there was a progressive diminution of their effector activities as their capacity to produce first IL-2, then TNF-alpha, and finally IFN-gamma was lost. Chronic lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection was also associated with differential contraction of certain CD8 T cell responses, resulting in altered immunodominance. However, this altered immunodominance was not due to selective expansion of T cells expressing particular TCR Vbeta segments during chronic infection. High viral loads were not only associated with the ablation of CD8 T cell responses, but also with impaired production of IL-2 by virus-specific CD4 T cells. Taken together, our data show that sustained exposure to high viral loads results in the progressive functional inactivation of virus-specific T cell responses, which may further promote virus persistence.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms that help promote protective immune responses to pathogens is a major challenge in biomedical research and an important goal for the design of innovative therapeutic or vaccination strategies. While natural killer (NK) cells can directly contribute to the control of viral replication, whether, and how, they may help orchestrate global antiviral defense is largely unknown. To address this question, we took advantage of the well-defined molecular interactions involved in the recognition of mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV) by NK cells. By using congenic or mutant mice and wild-type versus genetically engineered viruses, we examined the consequences on antiviral CD8 T cell responses of specific defects in the ability of the NK cells to control MCMV. This system allowed us to demonstrate, to our knowledge for the first time, that NK cells accelerate CD8 T cell responses against a viral infection in vivo. Moreover, we identify the underlying mechanism as the ability of NK cells to limit IFN-alpha/beta production to levels not immunosuppressive to the host. This is achieved through the early control of cytomegalovirus, which dramatically reduces the activation of plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) for cytokine production, preserves the conventional dendritic cell (cDC) compartment, and accelerates antiviral CD8 T cell responses. Conversely, exogenous IFN-alpha administration in resistant animals ablates cDCs and delays CD8 T cell activation in the face of NK cell control of viral replication. Collectively, our data demonstrate that the ability of NK cells to respond very early to cytomegalovirus infection critically contributes to balance the intensity of other innate immune responses, which dampens early immunopathology and promotes optimal initiation of antiviral CD8 T cell responses. Thus, the extent to which NK cell responses benefit the host goes beyond their direct antiviral effects and extends to the prevention of innate cytokine shock and to the promotion of adaptive immunity.  相似文献   

CD4 T cell-dependent CD8 T cell maturation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We have investigated the contribution of CD4 T cells to the optimal priming of functionally robust memory CD8 T cell subsets. Intranasal infection of CD4 T cell-deficient (CD4(-/-)) mice with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus resulted in the elaboration of virus-specific CD8 T cell responses that cleared the infection. However, by comparison with normal mice, the virus-specific CD8 T cells in CD4(-/-) mice were quantitatively and qualitatively different. In normal mice, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus-specific memory CD8 T cells are CD44(high), many are CD122(high), and a majority of these cells regain expression of CD62L overtime. These cells produce IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha, and a subset also produces IL-2. In the absence of CD4 T cell help, a distinct subset of memory CD8 T cells develops that remains CD62L(low) up to 1 year after infection and exhibits a CD44(int)CD122(low) phenotype. These cells are qualitatively different from their counterparts in normal hosts, as their capacity to produce TNF-alpha and IL-2 is diminished. In addition, although CD4-independent CD8 T cells can contain the infection following secondary viral challenge, their ability to expand is impaired. These findings suggest that CD4 T cell responses not only contribute to the optimal priming of CD8 T cells in chronically infected hosts, but are also critical for the phenotypic and functional maturation of CD8 T cell responses to Ags that are more rapidly cleared. Moreover, these data imply that the development of CD62L(high) central memory CD8 T cells is arrested in the absence of CD4 T cell help.  相似文献   

CD4 Th cells play critical roles in stimulating Ab production and in generating primary or maintaining memory CTL. The requirement for CD4 help in generating and maintaining CTL responses has been reported to vary depending on the vector or method used for immunization. In this study, we examined the requirement for CD4 T cell help in generating and maintaining CTL responses to an experimental AIDS vaccine vector based on live recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) expressing HIV Env protein. We found that primary CD8 T cell responses and short-term memory to HIV Env and VSV nucleocapsid (VSV N) proteins were largely intact in CD4 T cell-deficient mice. These responses were efficiently recalled at 30 days postinfection by boosting with vaccinia recombinants expressing HIV Env or VSV N. However, by 60 days postinfection, the memory/recall response to VSV N was lost in CD4-deficient mice, while the recall response HIV Env was partially maintained in the same animals for at least 90 days. This result indicates that there are epitope-specific requirements for CD4 help in the maintenance of memory CD8 T cell responses. Our results also suggest that choice of epitopes might be critical in an AIDS vaccine designed to protect against disease in the context of reduced or declining CD4 T cell help.  相似文献   

Systemic NKG2D down-regulation impairs NK and CD8 T cell responses in vivo   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The immunoreceptor NKG2D stimulates activation of cytotoxic lymphocytes upon engagement with MHC class I-related NKG2D ligands of which at least some are expressed inducibly upon exposure to carcinogens, cell stress, or viruses. In this study, we investigated consequences of a persistent NKG2D ligand expression in vivo by using transgenic mice expressing MHC class I chain-related protein A (MICA) under control of the H2-K(b) promoter. Although MICA functions as a potent activating ligand of mouse NKG2D, H2-K(b)-MICA mice appear healthy without aberrations in lymphocyte subsets. However, NKG2D-mediated cytotoxicity of H2-K(b)-MICA NK cells is severely impaired in vitro and in vivo. This deficiency concurs with a pronounced down-regulation of surface NKG2D that is also seen on activated CD8 T cells. As a consequence, H2-K(b)-MICA mice fail to reject MICA-expressing tumors and to mount normal CD8 T cell responses upon Listeria infection emphasizing the importance of NKG2D in immunity against tumors and intracellular infectious agents.  相似文献   

Induction of T cell responses has become one of the major goals in therapeutic vaccination against viral diseases and cancer. The use of the skin as target organ for vaccine has been spurred by recent implication of epithelial dendritic cells in CD8 cell cross-priming and suggests that vaccination via the transcutaneous (TC) route may be relevant in the induction of cellular immune responses. We have previously shown that TC application of nanoparticles, on human skin explants, allows targeting of epidermal dendritic cells, possibly via hair follicles. In this study, we have investigated cellular immune responses against an influenza protein-based vaccine by TC vaccination, compared with i.m. vaccination in humans. In this study on 11 healthy volunteers, we found that a newly developed protocol based on cyanoacrylate skin surface stripping induced a significant increase in IFN-gamma-producing T cells specific for influenza vaccine by ELISPOT assays. Interestingly, TC vaccination induced both effector CD4 and CD8 T cell responses, whereas i.m. injection induced strong effector CD4 in the absence of CD8 T cells, as assessed by intracellular cytokine staining and tetramer analyses. This study proposes new perspectives for the development of vaccination strategies that trigger T cell immune responses in humans.  相似文献   

DM functions as a peptide editor for MHC class II-bound peptides. We examined the hypothesis that DM peptide editing plays a key role in focusing the in vivo CD4 T cell responses against complex pathogens and protein Ags to only one, or at most a few, immunodominant peptides. Most CD4 T cells elicited in the wild-type BALB/c (H-2d) mice infected with Leishmania major predominantly recognize a single epitope 158-173 within Leishmania homologue of activated receptor for c-kinase (LACK), as is the case when these mice are immunized with rLACK. Using DM-deficient (DM-/-) H-2d mice, we now show that in the absence of DM, the in vivo CD4 T cell responses to rLACK are skewed away from the immunodominant epitopes and are diversified to include two novel epitopes (LACK 33-48 and 261-276). DM-/- B10.BR (H-2k) mice showed similar results. These results constitute the first demonstration of the role of DM peptide editing in sculpting the specificity and immunodominance in in vivo CD4 T cell responses.  相似文献   

The extent to which the progeny of one primary memory CD8 T cell differs from the progeny of one naive CD8 T cell of the same specificity remains an unresolved question. To explore cell-autonomous functional differences between naive and memory CD8 T cells that are not influenced by differences in the priming environment, an experimental model has been developed in which physiological numbers of both populations of cells were cotransferred into naive hosts before Ag stimulation. Interestingly, naive CD8 T cells undergo greater expansion in numbers than do primary memory CD8 T cells after various infections or immunizations. The intrinsic ability of one naive CD8 T cell to give rise to more effector CD8 T cells than one memory CD8 T cell is independent of the number and quality of primary memory CD8 T cells present in vivo. The sustained proliferation of newly activated naive CD8 T cells contributed to their greater magnitude of expansion. Additionally, longitudinal analyses of primary and secondary CD8 T cell responses revealed that on a per-cell basis naive CD8 T cells generate higher numbers of long-lived memory cells than do primary memory CD8 T cells. This enhanced "memory generation potential" of responding naive CD8 T cells occurred despite the delayed contraction of secondary CD8 T cell responses. Taken together, the data in this study revealed previously unappreciated differences between naive and memory CD8 T cells and will help further define the functional potential for both cell types.  相似文献   



We have previously demonstrated that temporary depletion of CD4 T cells in mice with progressive B16 melanoma, followed by surgical tumor excision, induces protective memory CD8 T cell responses to melanoma/melanocyte antigens. We also showed that persistence of these CD8 T cells is supported, in an antigen-dependent fashion, by concurrent autoimmune melanocyte destruction. Herein we explore the requirement of CD4 T cell help in priming and maintaining this protective CD8 T cell response to melanoma.

Methodology and Principal Findings

To induce melanoma/melanocyte antigen-specific CD8 T cells, B16 tumor bearing mice were depleted of regulatory T cells (Treg) by either temporary, or long-term continuous treatment with anti-CD4 (mAb clone GK1.5). Total depletion of CD4 T cells led to significant priming of IFN-γ-producing CD8 T cell responses to TRP-2 and gp100. Surprisingly, treatment with anti-CD25 (mAb clone PC61), to specifically deplete Treg cells while leaving help intact, was ineffective at priming CD8 T cells. Thirty to sixty days after primary tumors were surgically excised, mice completely lacking CD4 T cell help developed autoimmune vitiligo, and maintained antigen-specific memory CD8 T cell responses that were highly effective at producing cytokines (IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-2). Mice lacking total CD4 T cell help also mounted protection against re-challenge with B16 melanoma sixty days after primary tumor excision.

Conclusions and Significance

This work establishes that CD4 T cell help is dispensable for the generation of protective memory T cell responses to melanoma. Our findings support further use of CD4 T cell depletion therapy for inducing long-lived immunity to cancer.  相似文献   

Identification of the signals required for optimal differentiation of naive CD8(+) T cells into effector and memory cells is critical for the design of effective vaccines. In this study we demonstrate that CD27 stimulation by soluble CD70 considerably enhances the magnitude and quality of the CD8(+) T cell response. Stimulation with soluble CD70 in the presence of Ag significantly enhanced the proliferation of CD8(+) T cells and their ability to produce IL-2 and IFN-gamma in vitro. Administration of Ag and soluble CD70 resulted in a massive (>300-fold) expansion of Ag-specific CD8(+) T cells in vivo, which was due to the enhanced proliferation and survival of activated T cells. In mice that received Ag and soluble CD70, CD8(+) T cells developed into effectors with direct ex vivo cytotoxicity. Furthermore, unlike peptide immunization, which resulted in a diminished response after rechallenge, CD27 stimulation during the primary challenge evoked a strong secondary response upon rechallenge with the antigenic peptide. Thus, in addition to increasing the frequency of primed Ag-specific T cells, CD27 signaling during the primary response instills a program of differentiation that allows CD8(+) T cells to overcome a state of unresponsiveness. Taken together these results demonstrate that soluble CD70 has potent in vivo adjuvant effects for CD8(+) T cell responses.  相似文献   

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