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猪源肠道乳酸菌的分离与生物学特性研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的分离猪消化道中的乳酸菌。方法无菌采集健康猪的新鲜粪便,接种MRS培养基,厌氧培养分离乳酸菌。并对分离菌形态学,生化特性,产酸性,耐酸性,耐胆汁性,高温耐受性,抑菌性等方面进行研究。结果分离到5株嗜酸乳杆菌,分离的细菌对2株致病菌明显具有抑制性。结论为研制高效专一的猪用微生态制剂奠定基础。 相似文献
几株乳酸菌的分离鉴定 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
通过厌氧分离技术,从鸡肠道和西红柿花面分离得到五株产乳酸细菌,根据《伯杰细菌鉴定手册》(第八版)[1]鉴定SB1、SB2451、SB3151均为干酪乳杆菌(L.casei),A、SA则可能是乳酸菌的一个新种。五株菌均为同型发酵,乳酸产量均达到96%以上.对抗生素等药物及低pH有一定耐受性,是益生素饲料添加剂的优良菌种[2]。 相似文献
目的 筛选出安全无毒可食用的乳酸菌。 方法 以仔猪粪便为样品,分离筛选出1株乳酸菌,经理化鉴定和16S测序,鉴定为乳酸片球菌,对其进行生长曲线、产酸能力测定,抗逆性、黏附性和抑菌能力等特性分析。 结果 该菌株在8 h达到稳定期,12 h菌液pH值为4.51,抗逆性、黏附性和抑菌能力等特性较为优秀。 结论 该菌株具有很好的生物学特性,可作为优秀的食用菌种应用于动物微生态制剂以及猪饲料添加剂中。 相似文献
牙鲆肠道乳酸菌的分离和鉴定 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
目的:根据微生态学原理,从健康牙鲆的肠道固有菌群中分离乳酸菌。方法:需氧与厌氧培养法。结果:两种方法获得了不同的结果,用LBS(pH6.5)直接分离,从19株分离菌中只获得6株乳酸菌,其中1株P15为乳杆菌;而用LBS(pH5.4)和SL(pH5.4)先富集后分离得到了许多单一的乳杆菌菌落。对所分离的乳杆菌进行生化鉴定,均符合该菌的生化特征。牛津杯抑菌试验显示,乳酸菌对弧菌均有抑制作用,其中乳杆菌P15在pH6.8和pH7.5生长良好,并对弧菌有强力的抑制作用;而在pH8.0和pH8.5时该菌生长不良且无抑菌活性。 相似文献
商品鸡盲肠内容物乳酸菌的分离与鉴定 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
实验以健康商品鸡盲肠为菌源,对附着其上的乳酸菌进行分离与鉴定,就所获得的菌株的耐酸耐胆汁、黏附特性、抑菌性进行初步研究。实验结果表明,从商品鸡盲肠中分离出6株乳酸菌,根据耐酸耐胆汁试验,病原菌生长抑制试验以及肠道黏膜粘附试验,筛选出2株优势菌株CX001和CX005,经乳杆菌属的生化鉴定,初步确定为短乳杆菌。 相似文献
【背景】乳酸菌和芽孢杆菌是应用于生产最多的益生菌,但不同菌株间的生长特性均不相同,因此了解菌株的生物学特性具有重要意义。【目的】研究菌株的生物学特性,能合理地开发和利用菌株,以保证菌株生产应用的安全性。【方法】活化后鉴定5株乳酸菌和3株芽孢杆菌并对其形态进行观察,探究菌株的生长曲线、产酸能力及最适生长条件,测定菌株的抑菌活性和产酶性能,同时探究菌株的益生性和安全性。【结果】五株乳酸菌分别编号鉴定为干酪乳杆菌R1、副干酪乳杆菌R2、香肠乳杆菌R3、福莱乳杆菌R4和唾液乳杆菌R5;3株芽孢杆菌分别编号命名为贝莱斯芽孢杆菌Y1、枯草芽孢杆菌Y2和地衣芽孢杆菌Y3。八株菌形态结构均不相同但都为杆状,均在2–10 h为对数生长期,18–24 h为稳定期,培养24 h时乳酸菌和芽孢杆菌的活菌数均保持在109和108 CFU/mL,最适生长温度为37.0℃。乳酸菌具有较强的产酸能力和抑菌活性,芽孢杆菌有较强的产酶性,在人工胃液中都有较强的耐受性。八株菌都无溶血活性、无毒力基因、对抗生素都保持中度敏感以上;其中唾液乳杆菌有四环素耐药基因,但对四环素抗性为中度敏感。【结论】八株菌生长繁殖速度快,乳酸菌产酸能力和抑菌活性较强,芽孢杆菌具有较强的产酶性能,在体外具有较好的益生性和安全性,可应用于生产实践。 相似文献
【背景】泡梨是云南省常见的一种腌渍水果,在云南加工食用已经有一百多年的历史,因其味道酸甜可口、风味独特而深受人们喜爱,而目前对泡梨中微生物种群的系统分析和发酵原理的研究尚未见报道。【目的】研究乳酸菌在云南泡梨中的分布及应用,阐明乳酸菌种类对泡梨发酵中风味物质的影响。【方法】从云南省4个不同地区采集12份泡梨样品,经菌落菌体形态、生理生化特性和16SrRNA基因序列分析进行菌种分离与鉴定。利用分离的乳酸菌为菌种进行泡梨的制备,采用GC-MS技术对人工接种的复合乳酸菌发酵与自然发酵泡梨进行风味物质的分析与感官评价。【结果】分离鉴定出79株植物乳杆菌(Lactobacillus plantarum)、 3株类植物乳杆菌(Lactobacillus paraplantarum)、1株戊糖乳杆菌(Lactobacillus pentosus)、1株干酪乳杆菌(Lactobacillus casei)、2株副干酪乳杆菌(Lactobacillus paracasei)和1株短乳杆菌(Lactobacillus brevis),植物乳杆菌为泡梨发酵中的优势菌。将分离所得乳酸菌用于泡梨制备的结果表明,... 相似文献
【背景】次氯酸水具有杀菌性,当其作为饮用水可能会对畜禽肠道内有益菌造成负面影响。【目的】筛选出具有耐受微酸性次氯酸水(slightly acidic hypochlorous acid water, SAHW)能力的乳酸菌并研究其益生特性。【方法】从内蒙古地区传统自然发酵制品中分离筛选出8株乳酸菌菌株,经16SrRNA基因测序进行鉴定。进一步通过耐受SAHW、耐酸、耐胆盐、疏水性及自凝聚能力试验进行耐受特性和益生特性研究。【结果】菌株MBH3-2为副干酪乳杆菌,其经过质量浓度为20mg/L的SAHW处理2h,菌落对数值仅下降0.3lg(CFU/mL),存活率为50.10%;而且在酸性(pH 2.0、2.5和3.0)、胆盐环境下均可存活;疏水率达62.12%,属于高度疏水性;自凝聚能力在2 h达到97.29%。【结论】最终确定一株具有优良耐受SAHW及基本满足作为微生态制剂要求的菌株,MBH3-2具有作为新型微生态制剂菌株的潜力。 相似文献
Todorov SD Botes M Guigas C Schillinger U Wiid I Wachsman MB Holzapfel WH Dicks LM 《Journal of applied microbiology》2008,104(2):465-477
Aims: To evaluate the probiotic properties of strains isolated from boza, a traditional beverage produced from cereals. Methods and Results: The strains survived low pH conditions (pH 3·0), grew well at pH 9·0 and were not inhibited by the presence of 0·3% (w/v) oxbile. Cytotoxicity levels of the bacteriocins, expressed as CC50, ranged from 38 to 3776 μg ml?1. Bacteriocin bacST284BZ revealed high activity (EC50 = 735 μg ml?1) against herpes simplex virus type 1. Growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis was 69% repressed after 5 days in the presence of bacST194BZ. Various levels of auto‐cell aggregation and co‐aggregation with Listeria innocua LMG 13568 were observed. Adhesion of the probiotic strains to HT‐29 cells ranged from 18 to 22%. Conclusions: Boza is a rich source of probiotic lactic acid bacteria. All strains survived conditions simulating the gastrointestinal tract and produced bacteriocins active against a number of pathogens. Adherence to HT‐29 and Caco‐2 cells was within the range reported for Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, a well‐known probiotic. In addition, the high hydrophobicity readings recorded define the strains as good probiotics. Significance and Impact of the Study: Boza contains a number of different probiotic lactic acid bacteria and could be marketed as a functional food product. 相似文献
【背景】大熊猫数量稀少、繁殖困难,在其生长过程中极易感染消化系统疾病甚至死亡。【目的】分析圈养大熊猫肠道可培养乳酸菌的群落结构与功能,筛选具有益生特性的乳酸菌菌株,为大熊猫消化系统疾病的预防和肠道微生物研究提供理论参考及菌种资源。【方法】采用3种培养基分离大熊猫粪便中的乳酸菌,通过革兰氏染色镜检和过氧化氢试验对分离的菌株进行初步鉴定,基于BOXA1R-PCR图谱遗传多样性选取代表菌株进行16S rRNA基因测序分析并进行主成分分析(principal component analysis, PCA),同时分析乳酸菌菌株安全性和益生特性。【结果】通过初步鉴定共分离获得58株乳酸菌,根据BOXA1R-PCR结果挑选20株菌进行测序,结果显示20株菌分属于明串珠菌属(Leuconostoc)、肠球菌属(Enterococcus)、魏斯氏菌属(Weissella)和链球菌属(Streptococcus)这4个属,主成分分析结果表明不同年龄段的大熊猫肠道乳酸菌群落结构存在差异。20株乳酸菌均不溶血,17株乳酸菌对11种抗生素均敏感;11株菌耐pH值2.0酸性条件,14株菌对0.3%的胆盐具有良好... 相似文献
大熊猫作为国家保护动物,其健康问题备受瞩目。为了维护大熊猫的肠道健康,本研究从大熊猫肠道内分离出适宜于大熊猫肠道环境的乳酸菌菌株,有望将其制成熊猫肠道微生物制剂,从而改善大熊猫肠道菌群环境。从雅安市宝兴县蜂桶寨自然保护区选取圈养与野生大熊猫的粪便,通过体外培养分离出9个菌株。分离菌株经过革兰氏染色镜检、过氧化氢产气、菌落形态观察等方法与技术初步鉴定为乳酸菌。对这9株乳酸菌进行耐酸试验、耐胆盐试验、抑菌能力试验和产酸能力等测试,筛选出了3个适应性较强,有望制成调节大熊猫肠道内环境平衡作用的微生态菌剂的菌株。16S rRNA基因序列分析表明:分离菌株J1、J2和J4分别为融合魏斯氏菌(Weissella confusa),海氏肠球菌(Enterococcus heynei)和非解乳糖链球菌(Streptococcus alactolyticus),有望被应用于大熊猫肠道微生态制剂的研究。 相似文献
Aims: Considering the effect of natural fermentation on the textural improvement of fermented rice noodles in China and South Asia, and given the lack of reports concerning microbial populations and structure in the fermentation process, this study aims to determine the number of viable micro-organisms and identify the species isolated from the local factories, and to assess their potential use as a starter culture from their enzymatic profiles.
Methods and Results: Fourteen samples from three local factories were analysed for the presence of micro-organisms. A total of 170 lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and 96 yeasts were isolated from the factories. The isolates were phenotypically characterized by using API 50 CHL kits, API 20 Strep kits, API ID 32 C kits and by performing additional biochemical tests. The enzymatic profiles of isolates were assessed by using API ZYM kits. Lactobacillus plantarum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae were identified as predominant species in the fermented supernatants. A majority of the isolates of LAB and yeasts displayed activities of α-glucosidase, β-glucosidase, lipase and trypsin.
Conclusions: The microbial composition and strain characteristics present in the fermentation supernatant demonstrate that a majority of micro-organisms have the ability to digest starch, sugar, protein or lipid. It supports our previous work in which the rice starch was modified and purified by fermentation and thus improves the texture of rice noodles.
Significance and Impact of the Study: The dominant strains would be important in developing a starter culture. The results can form the basis for the improvement of product quality and consistency. 相似文献
Methods and Results: Fourteen samples from three local factories were analysed for the presence of micro-organisms. A total of 170 lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and 96 yeasts were isolated from the factories. The isolates were phenotypically characterized by using API 50 CHL kits, API 20 Strep kits, API ID 32 C kits and by performing additional biochemical tests. The enzymatic profiles of isolates were assessed by using API ZYM kits. Lactobacillus plantarum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae were identified as predominant species in the fermented supernatants. A majority of the isolates of LAB and yeasts displayed activities of α-glucosidase, β-glucosidase, lipase and trypsin.
Conclusions: The microbial composition and strain characteristics present in the fermentation supernatant demonstrate that a majority of micro-organisms have the ability to digest starch, sugar, protein or lipid. It supports our previous work in which the rice starch was modified and purified by fermentation and thus improves the texture of rice noodles.
Significance and Impact of the Study: The dominant strains would be important in developing a starter culture. The results can form the basis for the improvement of product quality and consistency. 相似文献
AIMS: To survey, and identify and classify the ecological distribution of lactic acid bacteria from soil in Japan and Taiwan. METHODS AND RESULTS: Acid-producing bacteria were isolated from 68 soil samples, collected from Japan and Taiwan, in the rhizospheres of fruit trees, from the floor of a henhouse and around a horse farm. All isolates were identified by physiological and genetic tests. Thirty-two of the 54 isolates were identified as lactic acid bacteria (LAB), 16 as spore-forming lactic acid bacteria, five as Clostridium and one as Bacillus. These lactic acid bacteria represent five genera: Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Enterococcus, Leuconostoc and Weissella. CONCLUSIONS: A high rate of isolating lactic acid bacteria was obtained from soil. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study suggests that soil may be a common source for the isolation of lactic acid bacteria. 相似文献
泡菜、传统腊肠中降胆固醇乳酸菌的筛选及鉴定 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
摘要:【目的】筛选具有降胆固醇功能的乳酸菌菌株,为乳酸菌体外、体内的降胆固醇生理特性和机理研究奠定基础。【方法】以碳酸钙-MRS选择性培养基(Calcium Carbonate-Man Rogosa and Sharp Medium)从中国传统食品泡菜、腊肠中筛选乳酸菌,应用改良的胆固醇筛选培养基筛选具有较高降胆固醇能力的乳酸菌菌株,并研究其耐酸性,耐胆盐活性,生长曲线及产酸特性;结合菌落形态学、接触酶反应、革兰氏染色、碳水化合物微量鉴定管及16SrRNA寡核苷酸碱基序列分析鉴定菌株。【结果】筛选得到的两 相似文献