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One liter of rumen fluid containing 4.7 x 10(4) ciliates/ml, representing four genera including nine species of ciliates from a Japanese sika deer was inoculated into two unfaunated Japanese shorthorn calves. Two weeks after inoculation, all species originally present in the inoculum were subsequently detected in the rumen fluid of one or both calves. Ciliate densities ranged from 10(5)-10(6) cells/ml over the remainder of the 33-wk experiment. The inoculum contained Diplodinium rangiferi. which lacks caudal appendages, as is characteristic for the species. However, three weeks later, the rumen fluid of both calves contained D. rangiferi, which possesses caudal appendages varying from a single spine to multiple spines with a complicated furcate appearance. The caudal spines of D. rangiferi did not disappear during the experiment, even when the diet of the calves was switched to the ration of sika deer from which the inoculum was obtained.  相似文献   

Species composition and distribution of ciliates were investigated in the rumen contents of 25 domestic cattle (Bos taurus taurus L.) living in Kastamonu, Turkey. Forty-seven species and 37 morphotypes representing 15 genera were identified. Of them, a new species of Ostracodinium was recognized and described as Ostracodinium anatolicum n. sp. This new species has two caudal lobes. The dorsal lobe is small and rounded and the ventral lobe is triangular shaped and bent toward the dorsal side like a thick hook. Furthermore, the anterior end of the macronucleus (1/5 of the length) is bent toward the left like a hook. The density of rumen ciliates in cattle was 96.8 ± 43.3 × 104 cells mL−1 and the mean number of ciliate species per host was 14.2 ± 4.4. Entodinium longinucleatum, E. nanellum, E. simulans and Isotricha prostoma were the most abundant species, each with a prevalence of 88%. Entodinium chatterjeei, E. bifidum m. monospinosum, Hsiungia triciliata, Oligoisotricha bubali, Ostracodinium dogieli, O. mammosum and O. munham are new host records for cattle from Turkey.  相似文献   

Physical mapping of genes by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) seems to be out of fashion in species whose assembled genome sequences are available. However, in this work we evidence the existence of errors in gene location in the Btau_4.0 assembly. We show thatDFNA5 andCHCHD6 genes are located on BTA4 and BTA22, respectively, instead of BTA10 and BTA3, as displayed by Btau_4.0. This report emphasizes the need to verify the data on physical localization of genes in the cattle genome (at least by taking into account comparative data reported in available papers) and the need to improve the cattle genome assembly. Our results indicate that FISH mapping in cattle is still useful.  相似文献   

The composition of the fauna of rumen ciliates in zebu cattle in Kenya was surveyed and 13 genera containing 51 species with 19 formae were identified. Four new species were recognized, then described as Diplodinium africanum n. sp., Diplodinium namum n. sp., Eudiplodinium kenyensis n. sp., and Ostracodinium iwawoi n. sp. In addition, Buetschlia triciliata and Ostracodinium stokyi were found for the second and third times and described as Hsiungia triciliata n. comb. and Enoploplaston stokyi n. stat., with two formae, respectively. The species composition was similar to that of Indian zebu but several species were considered to originate from African native ruminants. In the percentage composition of genera, the numbers of Entodinium, which normally predominate in rumens in other areas, were very low.  相似文献   

The number of oocytes recovered from Bos taurus indicus females subjected to ovum pick-up averaged two to four times greater compared to Bos taurus taurus females. The objective of the present study was to test the hypothesis that this difference in oocyte yield was due to more preantral follicles in the ovaries of Bos indicus females. Ovaries (n = 64) from Nelore (Bos indicus) fetuses (n = 10), heifers (n = 12), and cows (n = 10), and Aberdeen Angus (Bos taurus) fetuses (n = 10), heifers (n = 12), and cows (n = 10) were cut longitudinally into halves, fixed, and processed for histological evaluation. The number of preantral follicles was estimated by counting them in each histological section, using the oocyte nucleus as a marker and employing a correction factor. The average number of preantral follicles in the ovaries of Bos indicus vs Bos taurus was (mean ± SD) 143,929 ± 64,028 vs 285,155 ± 325,195 for fetuses, 76,851 ± 78,605 vs 109,673 ± 86,078 for heifers, and 39,438 ± 31,017 vs 89,577 ± 86,315 for cows (P > 0.05). The number of preantral follicles varied greatly among individual animals within the same category, as well as between breeds. In conclusion, we inferred that the higher oocyte yield from Bos indicus females was not due to a greater ovarian reserve of preantral follicles. Therefore, mechanisms controlling follicle development after the preantral stage likely accounted for differences between Bos indicus and Bos taurus females in number of oocytes retrieved at ovum pick-up.  相似文献   

An D  Dong X  Dong Z 《Anaerobe》2005,11(4):207-215
Prokaryote diversity in the rumen of yak (Bos grunniens) and Jinnan cattle (Bos taurus) was estimated by 16S rDNA homology analysis. Two rumen 16S rDNA libraries were constructed. Of the 194 clones in the library of yak rumen, the sequences were mainly clustered to two phyla, low G+C Gram-positive bacteria (LGCGPB, 54.12% total clones) and Bacteroidetes (30.93%), respectively. While in the 197 clone-library of the cattle rumen, the sequences were mainly related to three phyla, Bacteroidetes (39.59%), gamma-Proteobacteria (26.9%) and LGCGPB (22.34%), respectively. The sequence analysis indicated that more than half of the species harbored in yak rumen belonged to the not-yet-cultured groups at <90% 16S rDNA similarity levels with cultured species, while 36% 16S rDNA sequences amplified from the rumen of Jinnan cattle fell in these catalogues. By comparing the uncultured sequences in yak rumen with those in Jinnan cattle and cow, the former formed distinct clusters loosely related to the later, implying that yak rumen could harbor some special prokaryote phyla. 10.8% sequences retrieved in yak rumen were related to the known rumen fibrolytic bacterial species; however none was related to the known amylolysis species. While 4% and 17.8% sequences retrieved from Jinnan cattle rumen were related to cultured fibrolytic and amylolysis species, respectively. The bacterial structures seemed to be in accordance with the feed of the two kinds of animals. In both rumens, retrieved methanogenic Archaea-related 16S rDNA sequences were at an unreasonable low level; in addition, none sequence was related to Ruminococcus albus, a classical rumen fibrolytic species. The reason can be due to the experimental biases.  相似文献   

Advanced reproductive technologies, incuding IVF and interspecies embryo transfer, are becoming increasingly important for the preservation of endangered species. Previous attempts at interspecies transfers between Bos gaurus and Bos taurus have yielded compromised offspring. The goal of this investigation was to characterize the effects of interspecies transfer of IVF-derived embryos on subsequent neonatal outcome. To achieve this goal, fresh Bos gaurus IVF-derived embryos were transferred into Holstein (Bos taurus) recipients. Four fetuses were carried to term. Calf weight, temperature, heart rate, and respiration rate were recorded after birth. Blood samples also were obtained for determination of blood glucose, pH, packed cell volume (PCV), total hemoglobin (tHB), PO2, and PCO2. After parturition, milk production and health status of the recipients were recorded. Two calves were alive at birth, and two calves were stillborn. One of the calves that was born alive died within minutes after birth, while the other lived until approximately 26 h of age. Blood samples obtained from the calf that lived for 26 h showed it to be extremely acidotic and hypoglycemic; this calf also had marked difficulty thermoregulating. At necropsy, all calves showed evidence of in utero gasping and hypoxia, suggestive of premature placental separation. None of the recipient cows showed typical signs of impending parturition. After parturition, lactogenesis in all recipient cows was markedly decreased. On gross examination, placentae resulting from the interspecies transfers had fewer cotyledons that were also much larger in size compared to cotyledons from normal gaur placentae. Calves in this study had abnormalities consistent with those noted from previous interspecies transfers and with IVF and nuclear transfer (cloned) calves. Due to the design of this study, it is not possible to differentiate between problems resulting from the IVF process and those resulting from potential interspecies incompatibilities. However, interspecies transfers of in vitro-produced gaur embryos into Bos taurus are strongly discouraged.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to survey ciliated intestinal protozoa of the black rhinoceros ( Diceros bicornis michaeli ) and white rhinoceros ( Ceratotherium simum simum ) in Kenyan National Parks. Faecal samples from 28 rhinoceroses that were chemically immobilized for translocation were opportunistically collected. Presence of ciliates was assessed using faecal floatation and sedimentation techniques. The ciliates were identified using cellular morphological features. Ophryoscoleciidae, Cycloposthiidae and Blepharocrythiidae were the three ciliate families represented. Ophryoscoleciidae had nine genera, Cycloposthiidae six genera and Blepharocorythiidae 1 genus. The dominant ciliate genus in all the rhinoceroses that were sampled was entodinium . It was found that the nutrient composition of the diet influences the diversity and numbers of intestinal ciliates, which in turn regulates the nutrient available to the animal. This interplay of nutrient composition of diet, ciliate diversity and nutritional benefits to the host has been used as an index to assess the nutritional state of ruminants. Because of the occurrence of rumenal ciliates in the hindgut fermentative chamber of the rhinoceros, such an index can be used to guide the formulation of feed mixtures for rhinoceros in captivity and remote nutritional assessments of rhinoceros both in free-range and in captivity.  相似文献   

The Chillingham herd of white cattle has been isolated and confined in a park in northern England for several centuries. Blood grouping confirmed the cattle to be remarkably homozygous. Random fixation of harmful alleles and consequent extinction have presumably been prevented by selection, and this paper discusses possible selective processes and the ways in which these have changed over the last hundred years. Herd records from 1862 to 1899 and 1953 to 1985 show that, in the former period, but not the latter, culling and castration took place. In both periods, breeding was not seasonal. Herd fertility (calves born per female) was higher in the latter period. Between 1953 and 1985, calves which survived for at least 12 months had a median date of birth (25 June) a month later than that of calves which did not survive. Conception intervals were rather longer and fecundity lower than those observed in commercial cattle. K-factor analysis showed mortality to differ in its causes between the sexes. A multiple regression model showed January-May rainfall, and population size on 1 January to influence mortality rate of the January-May period. The Chillingham cattle have evidently been, and continue to be, subjected to rigorous selection and this presumably underlies the survival of this herd.  相似文献   


In this study, four species of leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae) are recorded for the first time from Turkey. The material is deposited in the Biology Department of the Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey.  相似文献   

Summary A and B cells in the pancreatic islets of cattle are interlaced with one another. The histochemical characteristics of the islet cells is similar to that of some other mammals. Series of differences are however detected concerning: the positive reaction for glucose-6-phosphatase in the A cells and in the epithelium of the excretory ducts, the simultaneous presence of alkaline phosphatase in the A and B cells, a higher contents of phospholipids in the B cells and a lack of histochemically provable zinc. These differences in the histochemistry of the pancreatic islets of cattle are in authors, opinion an expression of peculiarity of the species.  相似文献   

Paolo Madoni 《Hydrobiologia》1993,264(3):129-135
Ciliated protozoans from sediments of the River Parma (Northern Italy) were collected from 7 stations, selected according to their hydrological, chemical, and physical characteristics, and to river zonation during autumn 1989. Fiftythree species were observed. A saprobic evaluation of the river was made using the taxocenoses observed, and the results were compared with data collected in 1978, when the River Parma still received untreated sewage. In 1989 the hilly section of the stream was found to be more polluted than in 1978, but in the plain section, the saprobic indices were now slightly lower. The marked change in the ciliate community of the hills was accompanied by an increase in organic load, which caused the disappearance of some typical species and dampened the diversifying effects of other environmental factors, producing comparatively similar community structures in that whole zone.  相似文献   

Abstract The contribution of ciliates to rumen fermentation was estimated by determination of overall fibre degradation and cellulase activities (determined as carboxymethylcellulase activity) in faunated and defaunated 'artificial rumen' cultures. Experiments performed at loading rates of 22.5 and 35 g per liter per day of a grass-grain substrate revealed that fibre degradation was significantly lower in the absence of ciliates only at the high loading rate. This effect of defaunation was smaller at dilution rates below 1.7 fermenter volume turnovers per day. Bacterial numbers were higher in all experiments after removal of ciliates. Fractionation studies demonstrated that ciliates accounted for 19–28% of the total cellulase activity in faunated cultures fed on filter paper cellulose.  相似文献   

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