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Résumé Les auteurs présentent une analyse de la dynamique des populations de pucerons réalisée dans un verger expérimental de Pêchers dont les conditions de milieu sont précisées (climat, sol, pratiques culturales). La méthode d'estimation des effectifs a permis de suivre l'évolution des populations deMyzus persicae et des autres Aphides en rapport avec l'aetivité de leurs principaux ennemis naturels. Les conditions dans lesquelles se développe le phénomène de résistance deMyzus persicae aux esters phosphoriques ont été abordées. Des seuils de tolérance provisoires sont proposés pour les deux espèces les plus dangereuses:Myzus persicae etHyalopterus pruni.
Summary The sampling method adopted for the survey of populations of the Peach tree Aphids, consists in estimating, for each Aphid species, the total number of aphids per tree and in classifying the degree of infestation according to the power of five (degree 0=no aphids; degree 1∶1 to 5 aphids; degree 2∶6 to 25 aphids etc.). Each sample has been taken from 50 trees. By this method it was possible to estimate the highest degrees of infestation tolerated by the trees without apparent damage. The following economic thresholds are provisionally considered: degree 5 in May forMyzus persicae, degree 4 at the beginning of June forHyalopterus pruni. Experiments on artificial contamination of peach trees byMyzus persicae indicate that resistance of this species to organophosphates appears and is maintained on peach trees without any immigration of winged individuals of anholocyclic clones from secondary host plants. The biology and trends in populations on Peach trees of the following species:Hyalopterus pruni Geoff.,Brachycandus prunicola Kltb.,B. amygdalinus Schout.,B. persicae Pass.,Myzus varians Davids are discussed. The current research on Aphids is reconsidered within the larger framework of integrated control in Peach orchards.

Acute dyspnea often leads to an emergency room visit. B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) and its N-terminal fragment (NT-proBNP) are natriuretic peptide factors secreted by ventricular myocytes when pressure is exerted on the ventricular wall. BNP fights against the activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, while NT-proBNP exhibits no activity in this regard. Elevated blood levels of these factors correlate with a variety of functional indices for left-sided heart failure. Several studies have demonstrated their usefulness as markers of left-sided heart failure, the main cause of acute dyspnea seen in emergency rooms. The diagnostic performance of BNP and NT-proBNP appears to be identical; it is, however, greater than that of the emergency room physician. BNP and NT-proBNP have high sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of acute heart failure. Briefly, when BNP is less than 100 pg/ml, heart failure is very unlikely (NT-proBNP <500 pg/ml); when it is greater than 400 pg/ml (NT-proBNP >2000 pg/ml); when it is greater than 400 pg/ml (NT-proBNP >2000 pg/ml), it is very likely. The early measurement of BNP in emergency room situations improves the care of patients presenting with acute dyspnea and makes it possible to reduce hospitalisation costs.  相似文献   

This study aimed at comparing the role of serum chromogranine A (CGA) over 24-h urinary total normetanephrine (NTU) and plasma concentration total normetanephrine (NTP) in the recurrence of phaeochromocytomas. A new approach focusing on the increase rate over time of CGA was studied on 24 patients with abdominal phaeochromocytoma after surgery. In the first group, 15 had a benign sporadic disease without any sign of recurrence during follow-up. In the second group, nine had recurrence from a benign or a malignant, intra- or extra-adrenal phaeochromocytoma. The evolution of CGA rates was significantly different within the two groups during follow-up (p = 0.025). A new approach of the CGA values, based on its evolution over time, showed an excellent ability to identify recurrence with an excellent accuracy. This new parameter enabled to correctly diagnose all patients with recurrence, whereas NTU and NTP failed in four patients. Finally, CGA, but above all its increase rate, may be an early marker of recurrence. CGA should be associated to NTU and NTP during follow-up as its assay is less prone to interference and easier to perform.  相似文献   

Philippe Hameau 《L'Anthropologie》2011,115(3-4):522-548
The parietal painted sign keeps on the memory of gesture that produces it. It is one of the distinctive features of this particular artefact. However, it is not possible to reconstruct this gesture if we do not give the context of the sign, if we do not present the numerous physical and cultural parameters which are in charge of their production. About schematic paintings of Neolithic age, we must take the union of criterions into account such as the parietal and site topography, the cultural constraints that appoint the location of figures and the ritual practices originally of the graphical expression, etc. The painter perceives, adapts and behaves according to this spatial and social environment. We refer here to several strategies: the attention for the parietal microtopography in accordance with the signs to draw, the respect of some criterions that specify the choice of the site like the hygrophilie of places and the rubefaction of rock walls, the need to paint at the limits of the accessibility of site and wall, the use of drawing tools for increase the capacities of the body. The efficiency of the gesture consists in realizing a sign bearing a meaning because in harmony with the features of its support.  相似文献   

Is serum non-sex hormone binding globulin-bound (non-SHBG-bound) testosterone more sensitive than total testosterone (T) in men presenting érectile dysfonction? Non-SHBG-bound testosterone level has been shown to undergo decrease whereas SHBG level increases in middle-aged men without érectile dysfonction. Serum SHBG increase has been found in secondary organic etiology of érectile dysfonction. The aim of this work was to study hormonal status in men presenting érectile dysfonction. Serum SHBG, T, bioavailable T, luteinizing hormone (LH) and folliculin stimulating hormone (FSH) levels were measured in 40 men presenting érectile dysfonction. They were divided into four groups according to their etiology: psychogenic, vasculogenic, iatrogenic, and unknown etiologies. In order to consider the effect of the age, each group was compared with age-related healthy controls without any érectile dysfonction. Non-SHBG-bound-T decreased with age and SHBG increased, while serum T was similar in young and elderly control subjects. In the vasculogenic subjects, SHBG was higher than in the controls, but not significantly. In the patients with érectile dysfonction of unknown etiologies, non-SHBG-bound-T was lower than in the controls without increase of SHBG. In the psychogenic patients, SHBG was higher than in the controls while total T was similar in both groups. This study allowed to investigate androgen status of men suffering of érectile dysfonction according to their etiology. The following step would be to study the rate of success of appropriate hormonal therapy in patients in which peripheral hypogonadism occurs.  相似文献   

Résumé Le programme biogaz au Burundi a démarré par la création d'un Département chargé de la mise au point de stratégies de vulgarisation de nouvelles sources d'énergie. Au sein de ce Département on a établi les constats suivants: (1) la nécessité de former des cadres et d'établir un inventaire de la biomasse biodégradable au Burundi; (2) un problème de collecte des déchets et de distribution du gaz et des effluents dû à l'habitat dispersé; (3) l'existence de collectivités (écoles, hôpitaux, casernes); et (4) l'évacuation dans le lac Tanganyka des déchets des usines agro-alimentaires. En conséquence le Burundi a fait appel à trois formes de coopération. Un financement de l'Administration Belge de la Coopération au Développement a permis l'éstablissement d'un centre de démonstration et d'un laboratoire responsables de recherches, cours de formation, démonstration et suivis scientifiques et techniques. Un financement du Gouvernement Burundais permet à trois experts chinois la réalisation de digesteurs pilotes à raison de cinq à six par province. Un financement de la GTZ permet la diffusion de la technologie par le biais de la mise en place d'une structure (bureaux régionaux, formation de techniciens maçons et de multiplicateurs potentiels) et la construction d'installations.
Summary The Burundi biogas programme started with the setting up of a new Department with the overall responsibility for the popularization of new sources of energy. The biogas programme started because : (1) it was felt necessary to train staff and to establish an inventory of the biodegradable biomass in Burundi; (2) a largely scattered habitat complicated both the collection of domestic waste and the distribution of gas; (3) there existed large communities like schools, hospitals, etc.; and (4) the fact that Lake Tanganyka was more and more used as a dumping area for the wastes of the agro-industrial industry. Thus three cooperation programmes were started. From Belgium a funding by BADC allowed setting up of a demonstration centre and laboratory to promote research on biomethanation, to train personnel and permit scientific and technical follow-up of biomethanation projects. Three Chinese experts were recruited to help realize pilot digesters in all the provinces. And finally a programme funded by West Germany realized the dissemination of the technology through the country with the training of peasants via local training centres.

Resumen El programa de biogas de Burundi empezó con la creación de un nuevo departamento con la misión de popularizar nuevas fuentes de energía. El programa de biogas empezó porque (1) se creyó necesaria la formación de personal y el establecimiento de un inventario de la biomasa biodegradable en Burundi, (2) el hábitat muy desperdigado complica tanto la recolección de basuras domésticas como la distribución de gas, (3) existen comunidades numerosas como escuelas, hospitales etc. y (4) el lago Tanganika se estaba utilizando cada vez más como un basurero para los desechos de la industria agro-industrial. Así pues se iniciaron tres programas de cooperación: Bélgica mediante la financiación del BADC permitió la creación de un centro de demostración y de un laboratorio para promocionar la investigación en biometanación, formar al personal y permitir un seguimiento científico y técnico de los proyectos de biometanación. Se ha obtenido la colaboración de tres expertos chinos para ayundar a la realización de digestores piloto en todas las provincias. Y finalmente un programa financiado por Alemania Occidental se encarga de la distridución de la tecnología por todo el país formando campesinos a través de centros de formación locales.

There is one decisive gate between the Asian continent and the archipelago of Japan which is the strait of Tsushima that exists between the Korean peninsula and the archipelago. The strait is very narrow; however, the depth is relatively deep. If the sea level did not fall down to at least 130 meters below the present level, the terrestrial bridge would not be formed there. We know the former case concerning the first human population of which crossed this maritime gate of human groups 50,000 years ago. One supposes that the men did not have any means to cross there without the terrestrial bridge previous to 50,000 years. According to the studies of the abyssal drills of the Sea of Japan that one noted several lowering of the sea level according to the marine isotopic stages (MIS): 2, 6, 10, 12, 16, 18 and 20. With regard to the marine isotopic stage 2 that correspond to the Maximum-coldness of the last glacial when the sea dropped in below 125 meters in relation to the present level. According to study of the seismic stratigraphy and according to the obtained ages of seabed sediments by the method of carbon 14 that one concluded the concerned strait remained always like a marine channel and narrow during the last glacial (Park et al., 2000). We notice the typological common points between the lithic industry of the Korean peninsula and the one of the Kyushu island during the marine isotopic stage 2 (MIS-2) which are the tanged point (flake point), the bifacial point to triangular section (point to three retouched faces), etc. However, there are some differences in the composition of tools and the fabrication technique. Regarding the cultural origin and the big human migration, we cannot prove them for now. Such situation showed that some obstacles existed between such two regions. There are no common features on the flaking technique and the typology before 50,000 years in these two regions since we do not have any affirmative overdraft.  相似文献   

Leon Tetreault 《CMAJ》1964,91(2):61-66
The subjective effects of dextroamphetamine, methylphenidate and placebo were evaluated in 16 medical students during the period just prior to their final oral examinations. The subjects served as their own controls. The order of administration of the three medications for each student was randomized, and a double-blind technique was used throughout. A questionnaire method was employed for the collection of results, which proved to be a useful and effective means. It demonstrated that dextroamphetamine, methylphenidate and placebo were statistically different from one another with regard to their effect on efficiency of studying, fatigue, duration of sleep and appetite. There were also significant differences in the number of side effects caused by the three medications. The stimulants, however, did not increase the number of study hours, nor was their use recommended by the students when preparing for important examinations.  相似文献   

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