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Calcium transport in membrane vesicles of Streptococcus cremoris   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rightside-out membrane vesicles of Streptococcus cremoris were fused with proteoliposomes containing the light-driven proton pump bacteriorhodopsin by a low-pH fusion procedure reported earlier [Driessen, A.J.M., Hellingwerf, K.J. & Konings, W.N. (1985) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 808, 1-12]. In these fused membranes a proton motive force, interior positive and acid, can be generated in the light and this proton motive force can drive the uptake of Ca2+. Collapsing delta psi with a concomitant increase in delta pH stimulates Ca2+ uptake while dissipation of the delta pH results in a reduced rate of Ca2+ uptake. Also an artificially generated delta pH, interior acid, can drive Ca2+ uptake in S. cremoris membrane vesicles. Ca2+ uptake depends strongly on the presence of external phosphate while Ca2+-efflux-induced proton flux is independent of the presence of external phosphate. Ca2+ accumulation is abolished by the divalent cation ionophore A23187. Calcium extrusion from intact cells is accelerated by lactose. Collapse of the proton motive force by the uncoupler carbonylcyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone or inhibition of the membrane-bound ATPase by N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide strongly inhibits Ca2+ release. Further studies on Ca2+ efflux at different external pH values in the presence of either valinomycin or nigericin suggested that Ca2+ exit from intact cells is an electrogenic process. It is concluded that Ca2+ efflux in S. cremoris is mediated by a secondary transport system catalyzing exchange of calcium ions and protons.  相似文献   

The kinetics, specificity, and mechanism of branched-chain amino acid transport in Streptococcus cremoris were studied in a membrane system of S. cremoris in which beef heart mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase was incorporated as a proton motive force (delta p)-generating system. Influx of L-leucine, L-isoleucine, and L-valine can occur via a common transport system which is highly selective for the L-isomers of branched chain amino acids and analogs. The pH dependency of the kinetic constants of delta p-driven L-leucine transport and exchange (counterflow) was determined. The maximal rate of delta p-driven transport of L-leucine (Vmax) increased with increasing internal pH, whereas the affinity constant increased with increasing external pH. The affinity constant for exchange (counterflow) varied in a similar fashion with pH, whereas Vmax was pH independent. Further analysis of the pH dependency of various modes of facilitated diffusion, i.e., efflux, exchange, influx, and counterflow, suggests that H+ and L-leucine binding and release to and from the carrier proceed by an ordered mechanism. A kinetic scheme of the translocation cycle of H+-L-leucine cotransport is suggested.  相似文献   

The maximum specific growth rate of Streptococcus lactis and Streptococcus cremoris on synthetic medium containing glutamate but no glutamine decreases rapidly above pH 7. Growth of these organisms is extended to pH values in excess of 8 in the presence of glutamine. These results can be explained by the kinetic properties of glutamate and glutamine transport (B. Poolman, E. J. Smid, and W. N. Konings, J. Bacteriol. 169:2755-2761, 1987). At alkaline pH the rate of growth in the absence of glutamine is limited by the capacity to accumulate glutamate due to the decreased availability of glutamic acid, the transported species of the glutamate-glutamine transport system. Kinetic analysis of leucine and valine transport shows that the maximal rate of uptake of these amino acids by the branched-chain amino acid transport system is 10 times higher in S. lactis cells grown on synthetic medium containing amino acids than in cells grown in complex broth. For cells grown on synthetic medium, the maximal rate of transport exceeds by about 5 times the requirements at maximum specific growth rates for leucine, isoleucine, and valine (on the basis of the amino acid composition of the cell). The maximal rate of phenylalanine uptake by the aromatic amino acid transport system is in small excess of the requirement for this amino acid at maximum specific growth rates. Analysis of the internal amino acid pools of chemostat-grown cells indicates that passive influx of (some) aromatic amino acids may contribute to the net uptake at high dilution rates.  相似文献   

Membrane transport carrier function, its regulation and coupling to metabolism, can be selectively investigated dissociated from metabolism and in the presence of a defined electrochemical ion gradient driving force, using the single internal compartment system provided by vesiculated surface membranes. Vesicles isolated from nontransformed and Simian virus 40-transformed mouse fibroblast cultures catalyzed carrier-mediated transport of several neutral amino acids into an osmotically-sensitive intravesicular space without detectable metabolic conversion of substrate. When a Na+ gradient, external Na+ > internal Na+, was artifically imposed across vesicle membranes, accumulation of several neutral amino acids achieved apparent intravesicular concentrations 6- to 9-fold above their external concentrations. Na+-stimulated alanine transport activity accompanied plasma membrane material during subcellular fractionation procedures. Competitive interactions among several neutral amino acids for Na+-stimulated transport into vesicles and inactivation studies indicated that at least 3 separate transport systems with specificity properties previously defined for neutral amino acid transport in Ehrlich ascites cells were functional in vesicles from mouse fibroblasts: the A system, the L system and a glycine transport system. The pH profiles and apparent Km values for alanine and 2-aminoisobutyric acid transport into vesicles were those expected of components of the corresponding cellular uptake system. Several observations indicated that both a Na+ chemical concentration gradient and an electrical membrane potential contribute to the total driving force for active amino acid transport via the A system and the glycine system. Both the initial rate and quasi-steady-state of accumulation were stimulated as a function of increasing concentrations of Na+ applied as a gradient (external > internal) across the membrane. This stimulation was independent of endogenous Na+, K+-ATPase activity in vesicles and was diminished by monensin or by preincubation of vesicles with Na+. The apparent Km for transport of alanine and 2-aminoisobutyric acid was decreased as a function of Na+ concentration. Similarly, in the presence of a standard initial Na+ gradient, quasi-steady-state alanine accumulation in vesicles increased as a function of increasing magnitudes of interior-negative membrane potential imposed across the membrane by means of K+ diffusion potentials (internal > external) in the presence of valinomycin; the magnitude of this electrical component was estimated by the apparent distributions of the freely permeant lipophilic cation triphenylme thylphosphonium ion. Alanine transport stimulation by charge asymmetry required Na+ and was blocked by the further addition of either nigericin or external K+. As a corollary, Na+-stimulated alanine transport was associated with an apparent depolarization, detectable as an increased labeled thiocyanate accumulation. Permeant anions stimulated Na+-coupled active transport of these amino acids but did not affect Na+-independent transport. Translocation of K+, H+, or anions did not appear to be directly involved in this transport mechanism. These characteristics support an electrogenic mechanism in which amino acid translocation is coupled t o an electrochemical Na+ gradient by formation of a positively charged complex, stoichiometry unspecified, of Na+, amino acid, and membrane component. Functional changes expressed in isolated membranes were observed t o accompany a change in cellular proliferative state or viral transformation. Vesicles from Simian virus 40-transformed cells exhibited an increased Vmax of Na+-stimulated 2-aminoisobutyric acid transport, as well as an increased capacity for steady-state accumulation of amino acids in response t o a standard Na+ gradient, relative t o vesicles from nontransformed cells. Density-inhibition of nontransformed cells was associated with a marked decrease in these parameters assayed in vesicles. Several possibilities for regulatory interactions involving gradient-coupled transport systems are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of cholesterol on the activity of the branched-chain amino acid transport system of Streptococcus cremoris was studied in membrane vesicles of S. cremoris fused with liposomes made of egg yolk phosphatidylcholine, soybean phosphatidylethanolamine, and various amounts of cholesterol. Cholesterol reduced both counterflow and proton motive force-driven leucine transport. Kinetic analysis of proton motive force-driven leucine uptake revealed that the Vmax decreased with an increasing cholesterol/phospholipid ratio while the Kt remained unchanged. The leucine transport activity decreased with the membrane fluidity, as determined by steady-state fluorescence polarization of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene incorporated into the fused membranes, suggesting that the membrane fluidity controls the activity of the branched-chain amino acid carrier.  相似文献   

We developed a procedure for isolating membrane vesicles from the homolactic fermentative bacterium Streptococcus cremoris. The membrane vesicles were shown to have a right-side-out orientation by freeze-etch electron microscopy and to be free of cytoplasmic constituents. The membrane vesicles retained their functional properties and accumulated the amino acids L-leucine, L-histidine, and L-alanine in response to a valinomycin-induced potassium diffusion gradient. Studies with these membrane vesicles strongly supported the possibility that there was a proton motive force-generating mechanism by end product efflux (Michels et al., FEMS Lett. 5:357-364, 1979). Lactate efflux from membrane vesicles which were loaded with L-lactate and diluted in a lactate-free medium led to the generation of an electrical potential across the membrane. The results indicate that lactate efflux is an electrogenic process by which L-lactate is translocated with more than one proton.  相似文献   

Reaction centers of the phototrophic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris were introduced as proton motive force-generating systems in membrane vesicles of two anaerobic bacteria. Liposomes containing reaction center-light-harvesting complex I pigment protein complexes were fused with membrane vesicles of Streptococcus cremoris or Clostridium acetobutylicum by freeze-thawing and sonication. Illumination of these fused membranes resulted in the generation of a proton motive force of approximately -110 mV. The magnitude of the proton motive force in these membranes could be varied by changing the light intensity. As a result of this proton motive force, amino acid transport into the fused membranes could be observed. The initial rate of leucine transport by membrane vesicles of S. cremoris increased exponentially with the proton motive force. An H+/leucine stoichiometry of 0.8 was determined from the steady-state level of leucine accumulation and the proton motive force, and this stoichiometry was found to be independent of the magnitude of the proton motive force. These results indicate that the introduction of bacterial reaction centers in membrane vesicles by the fusion procedure yields very attractive model systems for the study of proton motive force-consuming processes in membrane vesicles of (strict) anaerobic bacteria.  相似文献   

The role of the membrane lipid composition on the transport protein of branched-chain amino acids of the homofermentative lactic acid bacterium Streptococcus cremoris has been investigated. The major membrane lipid species identified in S. cremoris were acidic phospholipids (phosphatidylglycerol and cardiolipin), glycolipids, and glycerophosphoglycolipids. Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) was completely absent. Protonmotive force-driven and counterflow transport of leucine was assayed in fused membranes of S. cremoris membrane vesicles and liposomes composed of different lipids obtained by the freeze/thaw-sonication technique. High transport activities were observed with natural S. cremoris and Escherichia coli lipids, as well as with mixtures of phosphatidylcholine (PC) with PE or phosphatidylserine. High transport activities were also observed with mixtures of PC with monogalactosyl diglyceride, digalactosyl diglyceride, or a neutral glycolipid fraction isolated from S. cremoris. PC or mixtures of PC with phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidic acid, or cardiolipin showed low activities. In mixtures of PC and methylated derivatives of PE, both counterflow and protonmotive force-driven transport activities decreased with increasing degree of methylation of PE. The decreased transport activity in membranes containing PC could be restored by refusion with PE-containing liposomes. These results demonstrate that both aminophospholipids and glycolipids can be activators of the leucine transport system from S. cremoris. It is proposed that aminophospholipids in Gram-negative bacteria and glycolipids in Gram-positive bacteria have similar functions with respect to solute transport.  相似文献   

The activities of several selected Na(+)-dependent amino acid transporters were identified in human liver plasma membrane vesicles by testing for Na(+)-dependent uptake of several naturally occurring neutral amino acids or their analogs. Alanine, 2-(methylamino)isobutyric acid, and 2-aminoisobutyric acid were shown to be almost exclusively transported by the same carrier, system A. Kinetic analysis of 2-(methylamino)isobutyric acid uptake by the human hepatic system A transporter revealed an apparent Km of 0.15 mM and a Vmax of 540 pmol.mg-1 protein.min-1. Human hepatic system A accepts a broad range of neutral amino acids including cysteine, glutamine, and histidine, which have been shown in other species to be transported mainly by disparate carriers. Inhibition analysis of Na(+)-dependent cysteine transport revealed that the portion of uptake not mediated by system A included at least two saturable carriers, system ASC and one other that has yet to be characterized. Most of the glutamine and histidine uptake was Na(+)-dependent, and the component not mediated by system A constituted system N. The largest portion of glycine transport was mediated through system A and the remainder by system ASC with no evidence for system Gly activity. Our examination of Na(+)-dependent amino acid transport documents the presence of several transport systems analogous to those described previously but with some notable differences in their functional activity. Most importantly, the results demonstrate that liver plasma membrane vesicles are a valuable resource for transport analysis of human tissue.  相似文献   

The uptake of cystine and lysine by rat renal brushborder membrane vesicles was examined at various intravesicular and extravesicular hydrogen ion concentrations to discern whether ionic species are determinants of specificity for the shared transport system and whether hydrogen ion gradients play a role in determining uptake values. When intravesicular and extravesicular pH are identical, the highest uptake of cystine occurred at pH 7.4, with lesser uptake at pH 6.0 and 8.3. Since cystine is electroneutral at pH 6.0 and 90% anionic at pH 8.3, it appears that neither form of the amino acid is a preferred species for transport. A similar relationship between pH and uptake occurs for lysine, which is cationic at pH below 8.5. This suggests that pH affects the functioning of the membrane carrier system independent of ionic species of the substrate. There is no apparent relationship of cystine uptake to hydrogen ion gradients across the membrane. Over the range of extravesicular pH studied, optimal cystine uptake occurred whenever the intravesicular pH was 7.4. Competitive interactions between unlabeled amino acids and labeled cystine were not affected by the extravesicular pH and, therefore, did not seem determined by the ionic species of cystine.  相似文献   

Membrane vesicles were prepared from Micrococcus denitrificans by osmotic shock of lysozyme spheroplasts. These vesicles concentrated 4 amino acids via two systems; one for glycine-alanine and the other for asparagine-glutamine. Amino acid transport was coupled to the membrane-bound electron transport system and involved interactions of the primary dehydrogenases, cytochromes, cytochrome oxidase and oxygen. After transport the amino acids were recovered unchanged from the vesicles. The substrates of the membrane-bound electron transport system d-lactate, l-lactate, formate, succinate, NADH, glucose-6-phosphate and α-glycerolphosphate all stimulated transport at least 2-fold. Both oxygen and nitrate could serve as terminal electron acceptors with vesicles prepared from cells grown anaerobically with nitrate. Anaerobic transport in the presence of nitrate was not inhibited by cyanide but was inhibited by nitrite. A system stimulated by substrates of the electron transport system but independent of added terminal electron acceptors was found also in the vesicles prepared from anaerobically grown cells. Addition of one combination of two substrates for electron transport produced an amino acid uptake 12 to 15% greater than the sum of the rates for each substrate added singly. Additions of other combinations gave rates of transport less than the sum of the rates of each added alone. Both the dehydrogenase activities and the coupling of electron transport to amino acid uptake were modified by changing the growth conditions and differences between the effectiveness of each substrate for each of the two transport systems could be detected. The efficiency of the vesicles per protoheme, the prosthetic group of the membrane-bound cytochrome b, with d-lactate as substrate was 27% for glutamine and 6% for glycine of the rates of transport of these two amino acids in intact cells when driven by endogenous respiration. Assuming one amino acid transported per electron, the transport of glycine utilized 1% of the respiratory capacity with glucose-6-phosphate as substrate. The coupling to the electron transport with the other substrates was less efficient. It appeared that a small portion of the total capacity of the electron transport system was coupled to amino acid transport and the coupling to respiration, as well as the primary dehydrogenase activities and terminal cytochrome oxidase, were modified in response to the conditions of growth.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the basic amino acid permease (system VI) of the filamentous fungus Penicillium chrysogenum were studied in plasma membranes fused with liposomes containing the beef heart mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase. In the presence of reduced cytochrome c, the hybrid membranes accumulated the basic amino acids arginine and lysine. Inhibition studies with analogs revealed a narrow substrate specificity. Within the external pH range of 5.5 to 7.5, the transmembrane electrical potential (delta psi) functions as the main driving force for uphill transport of arginine, although a low level of uptake was observed when only a transmembrane pH gradient was present. It is concluded that the basic amino acid permease is a H+ symporter. Quantitative analysis of the steady-state levels of arginine uptake in relation to the proton motive force suggests a H+-arginine symport stoichiometry of one to one. Efflux studies demonstrated that the basic amino acid permease functions in a reversible manner.  相似文献   

Amino acid transport in membrane vesicles of Bacillus stearothermophilus was studied. A relatively high concentration of sodium ions is needed for uptake of L-alanine (Kt = 1.0 mM) and L-leucine (Kt = 0.4 mM). In contrast, the Na(+)-H(+)-L-glutamate transport system has a high affinity for sodium ions (Kt less than 5.5 microM). Lithium ions, but no other cations tested, can replace sodium ions in neutral amino acid transport. The stimulatory effect of monensin on the steady-state accumulation level of these amino acids and the absence of transport in the presence of nonactin indicate that these amino acids are translocated by a Na+ symport mechanism. This is confirmed by the observation that an artificial delta psi and delta mu Na+/F but not a delta pH can act as a driving force for uptake. The transport system for L-alanine is rather specific. L-Serine, but not L-glycine or other amino acids tested, was found to be a competitive inhibitor of L-alanine uptake. On the other hand, the transport carrier for L-leucine also translocates the amino acids L-isoleucine and L-valine. The initial rates of L-glutamate and L-alanine uptake are strongly dependent on the medium pH. The uptake rates of both amino acids are highest at low external pH (5.5 to 6.0) and decline with increasing pH. The pH allosterically affects the L-glutamate and L-alanine transport systems. The maximal rate of L-glutamate uptake (Vmax) is independent of the external pH between pH 5.5 and 8.5, whereas the affinity constant (Kt) increases with increasing pH. A specific transport system for the basic amino acids L-lysine and L-arginine in the membrane vesicles has also been observed. Transport of these amino acids occurs most likely by a uniport mechanism.  相似文献   

Lactococci are fastidious bacteria which require an external source of amino acids and many other nutrients. These compounds have to pass the membrane. However, detailed analysis of transport processes in membrane vesicles has been hampered by the lack of a suitable protonmotive force (pmf)-generating system in these model systems. A membrane-fusion procedure has been developed by which pmf-generating systems can be functionally incorporated into the bacterial membrane. This improved model system has been used to analyze the properties of amino acid transport systems in lactococci. Detailed studies have been made of the specificity and kinetics of amino acid transport and also of the interaction of the transport systems with their lipid environment. The properties of a pmf-independent, arginine-catabolism specific transport system in lactococci will be discussed.Abbreviations pmf protonmotive force - transmembrane electrical potential - pH transmembrane pH gradient - PE phosphatidylethanolamine - PC phosphatidylcholine Paper adapted from a treatise Secondary Transport of Amino Acids by Membrane Vesicles Derived from Lactic Acid Bacteria and awarded the Kluyver Prize 1988 by the Netherlands Society of Microbiology.  相似文献   

Calcium transport was investigated in membrane vesicles prepared from the oral bacterium Streptococcus sanguis. Procedures were devised for the preparation of membrane vesicles capable of accumulating 45Ca2+. Uptake was ATP dependent and did not require a proton motive force. Calcium transport in these vesicles was compared with 45Ca2+ accumulation in membrane vesicles from Streptococcus faecalis and Escherichia coli. The data support the existence of an ATP-driven calcium pump in S. sanguis similar to that in S. faecalis. This pump, which catalyzes uptake into membrane vesicles, would be responsible for extrusion of calcium from intact cells.  相似文献   

The energetics of neutral and branched chain amino acid transport by membrane vesicles from Streptococcus cremoris have been studied with a novel model system in which beef heart mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase functions as a proton-motive force (delta p) generating system. In the presence of reduced cytochrome c, a large delta p was generated with a maximum value at pH 6.0. Apparent H+/amino acid stoichiometries (napp) have been determined at external pH values between 5.5 and 8.0 from the steady state levels of accumulation and the delta p. For L-leucine napp (0.8) was nearly independent of the pH. For L-alanine and L-serine napp decreased from 0.9-1.0 at pH 5.5 to 0-0.2 at pH 8.0. The napp for the different amino acids decreased with increasing external amino acid concentration. At pH 6.0, first order rate constants for amino acid exit (kex) under steady state conditions for L-leucine, L-alanine, and L-serine were 1.1-1.3, 0.084, and 0.053 min-1, respectively. From the pH dependence of kex it is concluded that amino acid exit in steady state is the sum of two processes, pH-dependent carrier-mediated amino acid exit and pH-independent passive diffusion (external leak). The first order rate constant for passive diffusion increased with increasing hydrophobicity of the side chain of the amino acids. As a result of these processes the kinetic steady state attained is less than the amino acid accumulation ratio predicted by thermodynamic equilibrium. The napp determined from the steady state accumulation represents, therefore, a lower limit. It is concluded that the mechanistic stoichiometry (n) for L-leucine, L-alanine, and L-serine transport most likely equals 1.  相似文献   

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