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A mutation in the mitochondrial DNA at nt 11,778 has recently been found in Leber hereditary optic neuroretinopathy (LHON), a maternally inherited ocular disease. The mutation is located in the ND4 gene encoding subunit 4 of the respiratory chain enzyme NADH dehydrogenase. The mutation was subsequently not found in 9 of the 20 known Finnish families with LHON, implying that there are at least two different mutations associated with the disease. Using direct sequencing of PCR-amplified mtDNA, we have now sequenced the entire ND4 region in the families without the nt 11,778 mutation to find the other mutations. No new mutations in the ND4 region were found, suggesting that the putative mtDNA mutation in these families may be in the coding regions for other subunits of NADH dehydrogenase enzyme. The sequence of ND4 gene as found to be highly homogeneous.  相似文献   

Leber's hereditary optic neuroretinopathy (LHON) is manifested as a bilateral acute or subacute loss of central vision due to optic atrophy. It is linked to point mutations of mitochondrial DNA, which is inherited maternally. The most common mitochondrial DNA point mutations associated with LHON are G3460A, G11778A and T14484C. These mutations are linked with the defects of subunits of the complex I (NADH-dehydrogenase-ubiquinone reductase) in mitochondria. The G11778A mitochondrial DNA point mutation is manifested by a severe visual impairment. In this paper two Croatian families with the LHON G11778A mutation are presented. Three LHON patients from two families were younger males which had the visual acuity of 0.1 or below, the ophthalmoscopy revealed telangiectatic microangiopathy and papilloedema, while Goldmann kinetic perimetry showed a central scotoma. The mothers and female relatives were LHON mutants without symptoms, whereas their sons suffered from a severe visual impairment. Molecular diagnosis helps to explain the cause of LHON disease.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial complex I genes were sequenced in seven Leber hereditary optic neuroretinopathy (LHON) families without the ND4/11778 and ND1/3460 mutations. Four replacement mutations restricted only to LHON families were found, one in the ND1 gene at nt 4025, and three in the ND5 gene at nt 12811, 13637, and 13967. The mutations did not change evolutionarily conserved amino acids suggesting that they are not primary LHON mutations in these families. They may be considered as secondary LHON mutations serving as exacerbating factors in an appropriate genetic background. A complex III mutation, cyt b/15257, has been suggested to be one of the primary mutations causing LHON. Its presence was determined for 23 Finnish LHON families, and it was detected in two families harboring the ND4/11778 mutation. Similarly, complex IV mutation COI/7444 was screened in Finnish LHON families, and it was found in one family carrying the ND1/3460 mutation.  相似文献   

The presence or absence of a recently observed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutation associated with Leber hereditary optic neuroretinopathy (LHON) was tested in 19 Finnish families with cases of LHON. Leukocyte and muscle DNA from individuals with optic atrophy, microangiopathy, or normal fundi from maternal lineages were studied by Southern blot analysis, using mouse mtDNA as a hybridization probe. The mtDNA mutation, detected as SfaNI site polymorphism, was seen in 10 of the 19 families. In one family, the mutation was seen only in the two affected individuals, indicating recent origin for the mutation. Nine families and 28 maternally unrelated controls did not show the mutation. The results imply that alternative mtDNA mutations are associated with LHON and that this genetic heterogeneity may be the cause of the interfamilial variation in the clinical expression of LHON. In the families showing the SfaNI site mutation, the mutation was homoplasmic in all individuals irrespective of their disease status, suggesting that the intrafamilial variation in the clinical expression is not due to different ratios of mutant versus normal mtDNA.  相似文献   

We report here the clinical, genetic, and molecular characterization of three Chinese families (WZ4, WZ5, and WZ6) with Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON). Clinical and genetic evaluations revealed the variable severity and age-of-onset in visual impairment in these families. Penetrances of visual impairment in these Chinese families were 33.3%, 35.7%, and 35.5%, respectively, with an average 34.8%. Furthermore, the average age-at-onset in those Chinese families was 17, 20, and 18 years. In addition, the ratios between affected male and female matrilineal relatives in these Chinese families were 3:0, 1:1, and 1.2:1, respectively. Sequence analysis of the complete mitochondrial genomes in these pedigrees showed the distinct sets of mtDNA polymorphism, in addition to the identical G11778A mutation associated with LHON in many families. The fact that mtDNA of those pedigrees belonged to different haplogroups F1, D4, and M10 suggested that the G11778A mutation occurred sporadically and multiplied through evolution of the mtDNA in China. However, there was the absence of functionally significant mutations in tRNA and rRNAs or secondary LHON mutations in these Chinese families. The I187T mutation in the ND1, the S99A mutation in the A6, the V254I in CO3, and I58V in ND6 mutation, showing high evolutional conservation, may contribute to the phenotypic expression of the G11778A mutation in the WZ6 pedigree. By contrast, none of mtDNA variants are evolutionarily conserved and implicated to have significantly functional consequence in WZ4 and WZ5 pedigrees. Apparently, these variants do not have a potential modifying role in the development of visual impairment associated with G11778A mutation in those two families. Thus, nuclear modifier gene(s) or environmental factor(s) seem to account for the penetrance and expressivity of LHON in these three Chinese families carrying the G11778A mutation.  相似文献   

Leber's hereditary optic neuroretinopathy (LHON) was the first human disease for which mitochondrial inheritance was demonstrated. Analysis of genealogies, however, suggests the existence of an interacting X-linked factor, and linkage to DXS7 was recently described. We tested this location in four LHON families, with DXS7 and two flanking markers, OTC and DXS426. We found recombinations with DXS7 in two families and with DXS426 in one. The two point lod scores to DXS7 were negative with all the allele frequencies for the X-linked factor tested (q = 0.5; 0.35; 0.05).  相似文献   

Summary Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is characterized by acute or subacute bilateral (usually permanent) loss of central vision, caused by neuroretinal degeneration. The maternal inheritance is explained by the mitochondrial origin of the disease. Recently, a single mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutation, a G to A substitution at position 11778 that converts a highly conserved arginine to histidine, has been associated with LHON. The mutation eliminates an SfaNI restriction enzyme recognition site and thus provides a method for detection of the muation by amplification, enzyme digestion and agarose gel electropheresis of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products. Leukocyte mtDNA from 7 German families with LHON, diagnosed by clinical criteria, was tested for the presence of the G to A mutation at bp 11778. The mtDNa mutation, detected as a loss of the SfaNI site, was seen in one family. The G to A mtDNA mutation is the only known gene alteration associated with LHON so far. It has been identified in patients of different ethnic origin and recent reports strongly support the hypothesis that it represents the most frequent cause of LHON. Identification of the mtDNA replacement mutation using PCR and restriction enzyme digestion requires only a small amount of blood and can be performed rapidly. This method is thus a useful tool in the diagnosis of LHON.  相似文献   

Summary Mitochondrial (mt) DNA from a Southern Italian family with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy was analyzed for the presence of the reported mutation at position 11778 of the ND4 subunit gene. The point mutation was found in mt DNA extracted from peripheral blood in all members of the family with the exclusion of the father, and was present in a homoplasmic fashion, despite the phenotypic heterogeneity of disease presentation among family members.  相似文献   

A single base mutation at nucleotide position 3460 (nt 3460) in the ND1 gene in human mtDNA was found to be associated with Leber hereditary optic neuroretinopathy (LHON). The G-to-A mutation converts an alanine to a threonine at the 52d codon of the gene. The mutation also abolishes an AhaII restriction site and thus can be detected easily by RFLP analysis. The mutation was found in three independent Finnish LHON families but in none of the 60 controls. None of the families with the nt 3460 mutation in ND1 had the previously reported nt 11778 mutation in the ND4 gene. The G-to-A change at nt 3460 is the second mutation so far detected in LHON.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA isolated from white blood cells was investigated in families suffering from Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy. A recently described mutation at nucleotide position 11778 was present in 5 out of 12 families and heteroplasmic mitochondrial DNA was observed in 2 of these 5 families. A rapid shift in genotype was found in one of the families with heteroplasmy: the grandmother had 60 percent mitochondrial DNA mutated at nucleotide position 11778, the mother 55 percent, and the two sons at least 95 percent. These data indicate that the number of mitochondrial DNA molecules transmitted to the progeny passes a developmental bottleneck, as previously proposed to occur in bovine oogenesis.  相似文献   

We report here the clinical, genetic, and molecular characterization of five Chinese families with Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON). Clinical and genetic evaluations revealed the variable severity and age-of-onset in visual impairment in these families. Strikingly, there were extremely low penetrances of visual impairment in these Chinese families. Sequence analysis of the complete mitochondrial genomes in these pedigrees showed the distinct sets of mtDNA polymorphism, in addition to the identical ND4 G11696A mutation associated with LHON. Indeed, this mutation is present in homoplasmy only in the maternal lineage of those pedigrees but not other members of these families. In fact, the occurrence of the G11696A mutation in these several genetically unrelated subjects affected by visual impairment strongly indicates that this mutation is involved in the pathogenesis of visual impairment. Furthermore, the N405D in the ND5 and G5820A in the tRNA(Cys), showing high evolutional conservation, may contribute to the phenotypic expression of G11696A mutation in the WZ10 pedigree. However, there was the absence of functionally significant mtDNA mutations in other four Chinese pedigrees carrying the G11696A mutation. Therefore, nuclear modifier gene(s) or environmental factor(s) may play a role in the phenotypic expression of the LHON-associated G11696A mutation in these Chinese pedigrees.  相似文献   

收集了3个具有典型临床特征的中国汉族Leber遗传性视神经病变(Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy, LHON)家系。通过对先证者和家系其他成员进行眼科临床(如视力损害程度和发病年龄)检查, 发现这些家系成员中视力损害的外显率很低, 经mtDNA测序分析, 在tRNAGlu 上发现了A14693G同质性突变位点, 多态性位点分别属于东亚单体型Y1b、Y1和Y1, 没有发现其他高度保守和有功能意义的突变位点。A14693G突变位于线粒体tRNAGlu高度保守区(通用位点为54位), 可能导致tRNA空间结构和稳定性发生改变, 继而影响tRNA的代谢, 导致线粒体蛋白合成功能受损和ATP障碍, 最终导致视力损害。所以, tRNAGlu A14693G突变可能是与视神经病变相关的致病性线粒体突变位点。  相似文献   

An assay was designed that allows detection, by PCR alone, of the mutation of base pair no. 11,778 in human mitochondrial DNA, causing Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy. This was obtained by using a 20-mer primer with the mutation-specific base in the 3'-position, plus a deliberately introduced C/C-mismatch at base no. four from the 3'-end. The latter mismatch was necessary, and sufficient, to prevent amplification of the normal allele.  相似文献   

We have investigated the presence of a point mutation at position 11778 in the ND4 gene of mitochondrial DNA in 17 Japanese families with Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON), and have identified the mutation in 14 (82.4%) of the 17 families. The prevalence of this mutation appears to be much higher in Japanese patients with LHON than in patients of other ethnic origins, such as Finnish, Dutch, German, and English families.  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about the factors maintaining mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence diversity in humans. A detailed understanding of the transmission genetics of mtDNA has been partly hampered by the lack of evidence for heteroplasmic individuals. Among families with Leber hereditary optic neuroretinopathy, we found a maternal lineage with individuals heteroplasmic for a single nucleotide change, and we were able to follow the segregation of polymorphic mitochondrial genomes over 3 generations. The results show that rapid segregation can occur but also that the level of heteroplasmy can be maintained from one generation to another. In this family the disease phenotype is associated with the mtDNA sequence change, confirming the involvement of the mutation in the disease.  相似文献   

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