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The neuromuscular junction is a specialized synapse in that every action potential in the presynaptic nerve terminal results in an action potential in the postsynaptic membrane, unlike most interneuronal synapses where a single presynaptic input makes only a small contribution to the population postsynaptic response. The postsynaptic membrane at the neuromuscular junction contains a high density of neurotransmitter (acetylcholine) receptors and a high density of voltage-gated Na+ channels. Thus, the large acetylcholine activated current occurs at the same site where the threshold for action potential generation is low. Acetylcholine receptor inducing activity (ARIA), a 42 kD protein, that stimulates synthesis of acetylcholine receptors and voltage-gated Na+ channels in cultured myotubes, probably plays the same roles at developing and mature motor endplates in vivo. ARIA is synthesized as part of a larger, transmembrane, precursor protein called proARIA. Delivery of ARIA from motor neuron cell bodies in the spinal cord to the target endplates involves several steps, including proteolytic cleavage of proARIA. ARIA is also expressed in the central nervous system and it is abundant in the molecular layer of the cerebellum. In this paper we describe our first experiments on the processing and release of ARIA from subcellular fractions containing synaptosomes from the chick cerebellum as a model system.  相似文献   

The review is presented, analysing the modern state of knowledge about the role of intracellularly stored calcium of nerve terminals in regulation of quantal mediator secretion in synapses. The data are considered, concerning the properties of two Ca(2+)-channels superfamilies, i.e. the ryanodine receptors (RyR) and IP3-receptors, which are incorporated into the membrane of endoplasmic reticulum fragments. The localization of cisternae, containing RyR and IP3-receptors in neurons and nerve terminals are described. The data, demonstrating the pattern of calcium signalization in neurons and terminals after their interaction with specific blockers or activators of RyRs or IP3-receptors are presented. The facts, demonstrating that calcium induced calcium release via RyRs or IP3-receptors takes part in controlling spontaneous secretion of different types of vesicles in synaptic terminals and supports the slow and fast types of regulated exocytosis of synaptic vesicles, in the course of single or repetitive activity of central or peripheral synapses are analysed.  相似文献   

Agmatine (decarboxylated arginine) was originally identified in the CNS as an imidazoline receptor ligand. Further studies demonstrated that agmatine antagonizes NMDA receptors and inhibits nitric oxide synthase. Intrathecally administered agmatine inhibits opioid tolerance and hyperalgesia evoked by inflammation, nerve injury, and intrathecally administered NMDA. These actions suggest an anti-glutamatergic role for agmatine in the spinal cord. We have previously reported that radiolabeled agmatine is transported into spinal synaptosomes in an energy- and temperature-dependent manner. In the present study, we demonstrate that agmatine is releasable from purified spinal nerve terminals upon depolarization. When exposed to either elevated potassium or capsaicin, tritiated agmatine (but not its precursor L-arginine or its metabolite putrescine) is released in a calcium-dependent manner. Control experiments confirmed that the observed release was specific to depolarization and not due to permeabilization of or degradation of synaptosomes. That capsaicin-evoked stimulation results in agmatine release implicates the participation of primary afferent nerve terminals. Radiolabeled agmatine also accumulates in purified spinal synaptosomal vesicles in a temperature-dependent manner, suggesting that the source of releasable agmatine may be vesicular in origin. These results support the proposal that agmatine may serve as a spinal neuromodulator involved in pain processing.  相似文献   

The high abundance of the cholecystokinin octapeptide in various brain regions is expressed by involvement of this neuropeptide in diverse brain functions. This peptide is mostly, if not always, co-localized with classic transmitters in central nerve terminals. Since the functions of the coexisting transmitters are often different, differential regulation of their release is obvious. This differentiation is realized by differences in presynaptic localization, release dynamics, and calcium regulation. In addition, CCK release is locally modulated by receptors, kinases and phosphatases. The regulatory mechanisms of CCK release are placed into physiological perspective.  相似文献   

To asses whether bradykinin influences the release of noradrenaline from the adrenergic varicosities of the vas deferens, tissues were loaded with 3H-noradrenaline. Upon electrical depolarization bradykinin increased in a concentration-dependent fashion, the overflow of tritium from the mouse or rat vas deferens. The 3H-overflow is dependent on the external Ca2+concentration suggesting neuronal release of 3H-noradrenaline. The present results add evidence to the hypothesis that bradykinin modulates the release of noradrenaline from peripheral sympathetic nerve terminals via the activation of a presynaptic mechanism.  相似文献   

In his study of a kin selection model for the evolution of workers' behavior in an incipiently social insect, Craig (1979) found that the haplodiploid mode of sex determination, combined with a female-biased sex ratio, cannot accelerate an evolutionary trend toward eusociality. This seems to contradict to Hamilton's (1964) theory. It is my intention to prove that Craig's result is due to the dependence of relative reproductive success in each sex on the sex ratio of a population. The oviposition of unfertilized eggs by workers is indispensable, in primitive stages in the evolution of eusociality, for maintaining the relative reproductive success of a female. Assuming that workers control the sex ratios, we can distinguish the following three evolutionary phases in accordance with the ratio N2N10 (the ratio of the number of the queen's second brood to that of the progeny laid by workers derived from the same nest). During Phase 1 in which N2N10 < 12, the reproductive successes of a male and a female are equal, and Hamilton's rule holds. In Phase 2 in which 12 <N2N10 < 32, the queen produces females, and workers oviposit males. As N2N10 increases, the sex ratio in the whole population becomes female-biased and relative reproductive success of a male increases. In Phase 3 in which N2/N10 >32, the queen lays some male eggs in addition to female eggs. The sociality threshold (BC)crit the minimum value of the benefit/cost ratio leading to the evolution of altruism, is 23on Phase 1. It rises threefold as N2/N10 increases in Phase 2, and, in Phase 3, it is twice as high as that in a diploid species. The anatomical and physiological characteristics of workers must have been so developed that they are efficient in helping activities after the beginning of eusociality. The evolutionary process before the beginning of helping behavior is also discussed. The egg laying by unmated females, which stay their mother's nest, seems to have been an important preadaptation for the evolution of eusociality in Hymenoptera.  相似文献   

Voltage-sensitive dyes were used to record by optical means membrane potential changes from nerve terminals in the isolated frog neurohypophysis. Following the block of voltage-sensitive Na+ channels by tetrodotoxin (TTX) and K+ channels by tetraethylammonium (TEA), direct electric field stimulation of the nerve terminals still evoked large active responses. These responses were reversibly blocked by the addition of 0.5 mM CdCl2. At both normal and low [Na+]o, the regenerative response appeared to increase with increasing [Ca++]o (0.1-10 mM). There was a marked decrease in the size of the response, as well as in its rate of rise, at low [Ca++]o (0.2 mM) when [Na+]o was reduced from 120 to 8 mM (replaced by sucrose), but little if any effect of this reduction of [Na+]o at normal [Ca++]o. In normal [Ca++]o, these local responses most probably arise from an inward Ca++ current associated with hormone release from these nerve terminals. At low [Ca++]o, Na+ appears to contribute to the TTX-insensitive inward current.  相似文献   

Experiments on isolated frog nerve-muscle preparations showed that manganese ions (0.4–5.0 mM) inhibit evoked transmitter release by reducing the quantum composition of the end-plate potentials, and they intensify spontaneous transmitter release to a certain extent by increasing the frequency of miniature potentials. Verapamil (1 · 10–6–5·10–5 g/ml) and D-600 (2.5·10–5 g/ml), by contrast with manganese ions, do not inhibit evoked release, but also intensify spontaneous release of the transmitter. All the agents tested prevent the potentiating effect of imidazole (3 mM). During repetitive stimulation, verapamil disturbs action potential generation in the motor nerve. Manganese ions had no such action. It is concluded that between the calcium channels of motor nerve endings and the calcium channels of heart muscle or the neuron soma there are molecular differences, expressed as sensitivity to the blocking action of verapamil and D-600.I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 415–422, July–August, 1977.  相似文献   

Neurotransmitter release from preganglionic parasympathetic neurons is resistant to inhibition by selective antagonists of L-, N-, P/Q-, R-, and T-type calcium channels. In this study, the effects of different omega-conotoxins from genus Conus were investigated on current flow-through cloned voltage-sensitive calcium channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes and nerve-evoked transmitter release from the intact preganglionic cholinergic nerves innervating the rat submandibular ganglia. Our results indicate that omega-conotoxin CVID from Conus catus inhibits a pharmacologically distinct voltage-sensitive calcium channel involved in neurotransmitter release, whereas omega-conotoxin MVIIA had no effect. omega-Conotoxin CVID and MVIIA inhibited depolarization-activated Ba(2+) currents recorded from oocytes expressing N-type but not L- or R-type calcium channels. High affinity inhibition of the CVID-sensitive calcium channel was enhanced when position 10 of the omega-conotoxin was occupied by the smaller residue lysine as found in CVID instead of an arginine as found in MVIIA. Given that relatively small differences in the sequence of the N-type calcium channel alpha(1B) subunit can influence omega-conotoxin access (Feng, Z. P., Hamid, J., Doering, C., Bosey, G. M., Snutch, T. P., and Zamponi, G. W. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 15728-15735), it is likely that the calcium channel in preganglionic nerve terminals targeted by CVID is a N-type (Ca(v)2.2) calcium channel variant.  相似文献   

Trains of action potentials evoked rises in presynaptic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) at the squid giant synapse. These increases in [Ca2+]i were spatially nonuniform during the trains, but rapidly equilibrated after the trains and slowly declined over hundreds of seconds. The trains also elicited synaptic depression and augmentation, both of which developed during stimulation and declined within a few seconds afterward. Microinjection of the Ca2+ buffer EGTA into presynaptic terminals had no effect on transmitter release or synaptic depression. However, EGTA injection effectively blocked both the persistent Ca2+ signals and augmentation. These results suggest that transmitter release is triggered by a large, brief, and sharply localized rise in [Ca2+]i, while augmentation is produced by a smaller, slower, and more diffuse rise in [Ca2+]i.  相似文献   

A variety of natural or synthetic calcium phosphate (CaP)-based scaffolds are currently produced for dental and orthopaedic applications. These scaffolds have been shown to stimulate bone formation due to their biocompatibility, osteoconductivity and osteoinductivity. The release of the \(\hbox {Ca}^{2+}\) ions from these scaffolds is of great interest in light of the aforementioned properties. It can depend on a number of biophysicochemical phenomena such as dissolution, diffusion and degradation, which in turn depend on specific scaffold characteristics such as composition and morphology. Achieving an optimal release profile can be challenging when relying on traditional experimental work alone. Mathematical modelling can complement experimentation. In this study, the in vitro dissolution behaviour of four CaP-based scaffold types was investigated experimentally. Subsequently, a mechanistic finite element method model based on biophysicochemical phenomena and specific scaffold characteristics was developed to predict the experimentally observed behaviour. Before the model could be used for local \(\hbox {Ca}^{2+}\) ions release predictions, certain parameters such as dissolution constant (\(k_{\mathrm{dc}}\)) and degradation constant (\(k_\mathrm{sc}\)) for each type of scaffold were determined by calibrating the model to the in vitro dissolution data. The resulting model showed to yield release characteristics in satisfactory agreement with those observed experimentally. This suggests that the mathematical model can be used to investigate the local \(\hbox {Ca}^{2+}\) ions release from CaP-based scaffolds.  相似文献   

Multiple types of voltage-activated calcium (Ca(2+)) channels are present in all nerve cells examined so far; however, the underlying functional consequences of their presence is often unclear. We have examined the contribution of Ca(2+) influx through N- and L- type voltage-activated Ca(2+) channels in sympathetic neurons to the depolarization-induced activation of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate-limiting enzyme in norepinephrine (NE) synthesis, and the depolarization-induced release of NE. Superior cervical ganglia (SCG) were decentralized 4 days prior to their use to eliminate the possibility of indirect effects of depolarization via preganglionic nerve terminals. The presence of both omega-conotoxin GVIA (1 microM), a specific blocker of N-type channels, and nimodipine (1 microM), a specific blocker of L-type Ca(2+) channels, was necessary to inhibit completely the stimulation of TH activity by 55 mM K(+), indicating that Ca(2+) influx through both types of channels contributes to enzyme activation. In contrast, K(+) stimulation of TH activity in nerve fibers and terminals in the iris could be inhibited completely by omega-conotoxin GVIA alone and was unaffected by nimodipine as previously shown. K(+) stimulation of NE release from both ganglia and irises was also blocked completely when omega-conotoxin GVIA was included in the medium, while nimodipine had no significant effect in either tissue. These results indicate that particular cellular processes in specific areas of a neuron are differentially dependent on Ca(2+) influx through N- and L-type Ca(2+) channels.  相似文献   

Summary In vivo experiments carried out in halothane-anaesthetized cats implanted with push-pull cannulae demonstrated that glutamate (GLU) released from corticostriatal fibers triggers the release of dopamine (DA), even in the absence of activity in nigral DA cells. As shown in vitro, using rat striatal slices or synaptosomes or in vivo in the cat, both NMDA and AMPA receptors subtypes are involved in the GLU-induced release of DA. Beside this direct regulation, GLU also exert several indirect facilitatory and inhibitory controls on DA release, particularly through cholinergic and GABAergic striatal neurons. Indeed, as shown by numerous authors, the GLU-evoked release of DA is markedly reduced in the presence of tetrodotoxin, bicuculline or atropine or by previous kainate- or ibotenate-induced lesion of striatum. Differences in the presynaptic regulation of DA release in striosomal and matrix compartments have also been found with NMDA and acetylcholine. The effect of acetylcholine was of shorter duration in the matrix than in the striosomal-enriched areas. Two opposite indirect regulations of DA release could be demonstrated: one is facilitatory and involves nicotinic receptors, the other is inhibitory, involves muscarinic receptors and mediated, at least in the matrix by dynorphin containing neurons. The NMDA-evoked responses are of larger amplitude and more sensitive to tetrodotoxin in the matrix than in the striosomes. In conclusion, GLU released from corticostriatal fibers, is able to control the release of DA from terminals of nigrostriatal neurons through direct facilitatory mechanisms (NMDA and AMPA receptors), but also through indirect facilitatory and inhibitory local circuits involving cholinergic and GABAergic neurons.  相似文献   

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