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本文报道了我国斑痣盘菌科(Rhytismataceae)的新记录属——舟皮盘菌属(Ploiode-rma Daker)及其一新种,即华山松舟皮盘菌(Ploioderma pini-armandi C.L.Hou et S.Q.Liu sp.nov.)。对新种作了拉丁文和汉文的描述,并与该属的其他5个种进行了比较。  相似文献   

紫盘菌属Smardaea是Svrcek(1969)在Ascobolus amethystinusPhill.基础上建立的。其主要特征为:子囊非淀粉质,孢子椭圆形,具纹饰,囊盘被组织明显紫色,2层,内层交错丝组织型,外层球胞组织型至角胞组织型。本属成员以前在我国未见报道。作者近年来在研究中国盘菌区系过程中发现本属2个种,一个为紫色紫盘菌S.purpurea Dissing;另一个为新种,命名为小孢紫盘菌S.microspora sp.nov。本新种与本属其它3个种的区别主要在于较小的子囊孢子,低的表面纹饰。  相似文献   

报道了一个采自天目杜鹃Rhododendron fortunei落叶上的斑痣盘菌科一新种——坛状散斑壳Lophodermium urniforme。它区别于近似种的主要特征为成熟子囊果呈坛状、具发达且外翻的唇、分生孢子器为不规则下皮下生。研中提供了该种的描述、子实体的外表与内部结构的照片及形态图和讨研。模式标本保藏于安徽农业大学森林菌物标本室(AAUF)。  相似文献   

拟细羽束梗孢(新组合)--拟细虫草的无性型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李春如  明亮  樊美珍  李增智 《菌物学报》2004,23(1):165-166,T003

本文报道了寄生在云杉上的中国新记录种顶裂盘菌(Lophophacidium hyperboreumLagerb.);首次发现了这个种的无性型座壳梭孢属(Apostrasseria sp.),证实了融雪前病株针叶上有表生的菌丝和小菌核;查清了它是新疆云杉林中的广布种,引致云杉雪枯病;发现了新分布区,地理分布范围在75°—94°E,37°40′—49°N;发现了新寄主,多土的西伯利亚云杉(Picea obovata Ledeb.)和引进的青海云杉(P.crassifolia Kom.)、川西云杉(P.balfourianaRehd.et Wils.)。  相似文献   

报道采自安徽省万佛山自然保护区的一种寄生在蜘蛛上的虫草标本,经鉴定为莲状虫草Cordycepsnelumboides。经多批次利用子囊孢子分离得到其刺束梗孢无性型Akanthomyces,属首次报道,并在人工固体培养基上得到了与野生标本一致的子实体,从丽确证了有性型与元性型之间的对应关系。经研究发现,KOBAYASI和SHIMIZU对莲状虫草次生子囊孢子的原始描述可能有误。  相似文献   

报道了毛壳菌属和梭孢壳属5个新记录种,同丝毛壳Chaetomiumhomopilatum,刺毛壳C.spinosum,变绿毛壳C.virescens,小孢梭孢壳Thielaviamicrospora,栖土梭孢壳T.terricola。根据所采集的标本和菌种对这些种进行了描述和照像。干制培养物标本和菌种保藏在西北农林科技大学真菌标本室(HMUABO)。  相似文献   

从我国海南省三亚市棕榈根际土样中分离到一金孢属新种——三亚金孢,对其进行了形态描述和基于ITS-5.8S rDNA序列的核苷酸序列分析。它的主要鉴别特征:具有球拍状的菌丝细胞和椭圆至桶状的间生孢子;顶生和侧生孢子着生在短突起或侧分枝上;具有近球形至卵圆形的分生孢子。  相似文献   

从El Avila国家公园热带云雾森林中发现了绿散胞盘菌属的一个新种。它以其小型的子囊和子囊孢子、椭圆-S型-棒状的子囊孢子以及覆盖于外囊盘被菌丝表面的绿褐色胶化层为显著特征,并与该属已知种相区别。  相似文献   

C. L. Fergus 《Mycopathologia》1971,45(3-4):211-216
Conidia ofPeziza ostracoderma Korf, washed by centrifugation and decantation, germinated in a high percentage in glass-distilled water and various nutrient solutions. They also germinated on a wide variety of agar media and in citratephosphate buffers from pH 3 through 8. The conidia first swell to twice their original size, and then emit one cylindrical germ tube. The cardinal temperatures for germination were: minimum, below 3° C; optimum, 20°–33° C; maximum, between 38° and 42° C. A liquid film of water was required for germination.  相似文献   

Two species in the genusPeziza are described and illustrated as new to Japan:Peziza limnaea andPeziza rifaii. These species were collected in the broad-leaved forest mainly withCastanopsis cuspidata in Chiba Pref.  相似文献   

Sequence variation in the ITS1 locus of the nuclear ribosomal DNA in beets has previously been used to reconstruct phylogeny of the species in the genus Beta. We have developed protocols that allow the identification of Beta taxa by use of taxon-specific primers. Beta sections, species and subspecies can be identified. Differences within the ITS1 region of a single base can be exploited for species identification. The results from this study not only provide effective methods for wild beet identification, but also indicate the potential use of the techniques in other crops.  相似文献   


Original material of the 12 taxa described as new by Bertoloni has been examined, and typification of their names is discussed. Lectotypes are designated for 11 of Bertoloni's names, one (O. densiflora Bertol.) had been lectotypified before. Orobanche bicolor Bertol. (non C. A. Mey.) belongs to O. cernua L., O. cruenta Bertol. to O. gracilis Sm., O. stricta Moris ex Bertol. to O. schultzii Mutel, O. thyrsoidea Moris ex Bertol to O. rigens Loisel., O. crithmi Bertol. to O. minor Sm., O. vitalbae Bertol. to O. artemisiae-campestris Gaudin, O. fragrantissima Bertol. to O. lutea Baumg., O. laurina Bertol. to O. hederae Duby, O. yuccae Savi f. ex Bertol. to O. hederae Duby (not to O. minor Sm.), O. centaurina Bertol. to O. litorea Guss. (not to O. artemisiae-campestris Gaudin). O. australis Moris ex Bertol., included by Beck in O. canescens C. Presl, is a good species restricted to Sardinia. O. densiflora Bertol. must not, as is customary, be ascribed to Reuter who republished it later.  相似文献   

Compatibility of phylogenetic trees is the most important concept underlying widely-used methods for assessing the agreement of different phylogenetic trees with overlapping taxa and combining them into common supertrees to reveal the tree of life. The notion of ancestral compatibility of phylogenetic trees with nested taxa was recently introduced. In this paper we analyze in detail the meaning of this compatibility from the points of view of the local structure of the trees, of the existence of embeddings into a common supertree, and of the joint properties of their cluster representations. Our analysis leads to a very simple polynomial-time algorithm for testing this compatibility, which we have implemented and is freely available for download from the BioPerl collection of Perl modules for computational biology.  相似文献   

盘菌属PezizaFr.隶属于真菌界Fungi、子囊菌门Ascomycota、子囊菌纲Ascomycetes、盘菌目Pezizales、盘菌科Pezizaceae,其子实体大至小型,外形为盘状、杯状至钵状,颜色多样,尤以深色者居  相似文献   

在进行黑龙江省药用植物根际土壤真菌多样性的研究中,分离获得了2个中国新记录种:蕨枝顶孢[Acremonium pteridii(J.C.Frankland)W.Gams]和穴形节皮菌的金孢属无性型[Chrysosporium anamorph ofArthro-derma cuniculi(Dawson)C.A.N.van Oorschot]。蕨枝顶孢的主要形态特征为分生孢子梗单生或二次及三次分支,具有1~3个隔膜,顶端着生单个分生孢子;分生孢子以假头状着生,卵形或者近圆形,内含1个油球。穴形节皮菌的金孢属无性型主要形态特征为短的侧分支与可育菌丝呈直角伸出,分生孢子具柄,生于短的突起上或者直立的侧分支上;分生孢子卵形或棍棒形,顶端钝圆,基部平截,大多数单胞,极少数为由2~3个细胞组成。文中对它们进行了详细的形态特征描述,标本保存于大连民族学院菌种保藏中心。  相似文献   

在对黑龙江省东部和南部地区木腐菌调查中,发现两种多孔菌:红斑波氏菌(Postia lateritiaRenvall)和烟曲色干酪菌(Tyromyces fumidicepsG.F.Atk),均为中国新记录种。前者发现于宁安市地下森林公园内的松树倒木上,后者采集自虎林市七虎林林场内的阔叶树上。根据采集的材料对其进行了详细描述和显微结构绘图,并对相似种进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Little is known about the changes in abundance of microbial taxa in relation to the chronosequence of receding glaciers. This study investigated how the abundances of ten bacterial phyla or classes varied along successional gradients in two glaciers, Ödenwinkelkees and Rotmoosferner, in the central Alps. Quantitative PCR was used to estimate the abundance of the different bacterial taxa in extended glacier chronosequences, including 10- to 160-year-old successional stages, the surface of the glacier, and a fully established soil. Actinobacteria (15–30%) was the dominant group within the chronosequences. Several taxa showed significant differences in the number of taxa-specific 16S rRNA gene copies per nanogram of DNA and/or in the ratio of taxa-specific to the total bacterial 16S rRNA gene copies (i.e., the relative abundance of the different taxa within the bacterial community) between the established soils or the glacier surface and the 10- to 160-year-old successional stages. A significantly higher proportion of Βetaproteobacteria (20%) was observed on the surface of both glaciers. However, no differences were observed between the 10- to 160-year-old successional stages in the number of taxa-specific 16S rRNA gene copies per nanogram of DNA or in the ratio of taxa-specific to the total bacterial 16S rRNA gene copies for the different taxa. Nevertheless, when the relative abundance data from all the studied taxa were combined and analyzed altogether, most of the sites could be distinguished from one other. This indicates that the overall composition of the bacterial community was more affected than the abundance of the targeted taxa by changes in environmental conditions along the chronosequences.  相似文献   

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