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The 1985 introduction into the European North of Russia resulted in the formation of a large stock of pink salmon of the odd-year broodline. To assess the divergence of the new population and the role of various microevolutionary factors, variation of four microsatellite loci and fifteen genes encoding proteins (allozymes) in samples of fish, running for spawning in rivers of the new area, and in samples from the donor population of the Ola River (Magadan region). In the generations 8 and 9 of the introduced pink salmon of the odd-year line, the genetic diversity (the number of alleles and the mean heterozygosity) both at allozyme and at microsatellite loci was significantly lower, than that in the donor population. The explanations of the decline in diversity are discussed. The first evidence for spatial genetic divergence in transplanted fish within the new area has been obtained; the divergence level may be comparable with that characteristic of native populations.  相似文献   

The 1985 introduction into the European North of Russia resulted in the formation of a large stock of pink salmon of the odd-year breeding line. To assess the divergence of the new population and the role of various microevolutionary factors, variation of four microsatellite loci and fifteen genes encoding proteins (allozymes) in samples of fish, running for spawning in rivers of the new area, and in samples from the donor population of the Ola River (Magadan oblast). In the generations 8 and 9 of the introduced pink salmon of the odd-year line, the genetic diversity (the number of alleles and the mean heterozygosity) both at allozyme and at microsatellite loci was significantly lower, than that in the donor population. The explanations of the decline in diversity are discussed. The first evidence for spatial genetic divergence in transplanted fish within the new area has been obtained; the divergence level may be comparable with that characteristic of native populations.  相似文献   

Pink salmon transplanted to the north Atlantic coast from the Soviet Union reached a peak in 1973, both in the Soviet Union and in Finnmark. Pink salmon catch statistics were compiled in 1977 for the inshore coastal and fjord areas of Finnmark from the atlantic salmon fisheries conducted locally and outside the coastal limits of Finnmark. The survey indicated a total sea catch of 12 800 specimens or 18 450 kg in Finnmark in 1977. The pink salmon reached the coast in the western regions of Finnmark during the first half of July, after which the main migration continued eastwards along the coast. The migrations into the western fjords were few, with half the total inshore catch captured in the most eastern fjord, Varangerfjord.  相似文献   

Historical trends in commercial fishery yields were examined for evidence of structural changes in the North Channel fish community. Significant declines in the abundance of indigenous species occurred primarily as a result of man's activities. Lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens Rafinesque) were harvested down to low levels by 1900. Introductions of exotics to the fish community were associated with major changes. Rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax Mitchill) and sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus Linnaeus) colonized the channel in the late 1930s. Concurrently, lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush Walbaum) and burbot (Lota lota Linnaeus), the top deepwater predators, declined to near extinction. Lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis Mitchill) and shallow-water cisco (Coregonus artedii Lesueur) also declined. Without predation pressure, smelt abundance increased to high levels in the 1950s and alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus Wilson), another exotic, peaked during the 1960s. Both species equilibrated at lower levels in the 1970s, perhaps favouring colonization by pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Walbaum). Pink salmon which are larger and more fecund in Lake Huron than in Lake Superior, are increasing rapidly in numbers and are expanding their range in the channel. Certain whitefish stocks have increased sufficiently to support fishery yields greater than those of the 1930s, despite considerable exploitation pressure. This success is partially in response to the control of sea lamprey since 1961. However both lake whitefish and walleye (Stizostedion vitreum Mitchill) are now rare in the east end of the channel, possibly due to environmental factors such as acid precipitation and metal contaminants. Community stability will not likely be attained until a suitable climax predator becomes reestablished.  相似文献   

The growth rates of naturally sympatric juvenile pink Oncorhynchus gorbuscha and sockeye Oncorhynchus nerka salmon were compared in a common lacustrine environment in south‐west Alsaka, an unusual opportunity given the normal disparity in freshwater residence time of these two species. Fork length ( L F) frequency distributions of juvenile pink salmon caught in the lake during the summer in 1991 and 1999–2003 indicated a growth rate of 0·54 mm day−1, 54% greater than the estimated growth rate of juvenile sockeye salmon sampled from 1958 to 2003 (0·35 mm day−1). Examination of daily growth rings on otoliths indicated that pink salmon in Lake Aleknagik grew an average of 1·34 mm day−1 in 2003 but sockeye salmon grew only 0·63 mm day−1(average specific growth rates were 3·0 and 1·8% day−1, respectively). Pink salmon increased from c . 32 mm L F and 0·2 g at emergence to 78 mm L F and 3·0 g within 3–4 weeks. After experiencing these rapid growth rates, the pink salmon appeared to leave the lake by late July in most years. The diets of pink and sockeye salmon in the littoral zone of the lake were very similar; >80% of the stomach contents consisted of adult and pupal insects and the remainder was zooplankton. This high degree of diet overlap suggested that the observed differences in growth rate were not attributable to variation in prey composition.  相似文献   

The consequences of high (735 copepodids fish-1) and low (243 copepodids fish-1) level exposures of size-matched juvenile pink and chum salmon to Lepeophtheirus salmonis copepodids were examined. At both levels of exposure the prevalence and abundance of L. salmonis was significantly higher on chum salmon. In addition, the weight of exposed chum salmon following the high exposure was significantly less than that of unexposed chum salmon. At both exposures, the haematocrit of exposed chum salmon was significantly less than that of unexposed chum. Neither weight nor haematocrit of pink salmon was affected by exposures at these levels. Despite the presence of microscopic inflammatory lesions associated with attachment of L. salmonis on the epithelium of gill and fin of both salmon species, there were no mortalities following either exposure. A transient cortisol response was observed in chum salmon 21 d after low exposure. An earlier and quantitatively higher expression of the proinflammatory genes interleukin-8 (IL-8), tumour necrosis factor alpha-1 (TNFalpha-1) and interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) in fin and head kidney of pink salmon suggested a mechanism of more rapid louse rejection in this species. Together, these observations indicate a relatively enhanced innate resistance to L. salmonis in the juvenile pink salmon compared with the juvenile chum salmon.  相似文献   

Inheritance of nuclear DNA markers in gynogenetic haploid pink salmon   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We describe the inheritance of 460 PCR-based loci in the polyploid-derived pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) genome using gynogenetic haploid embryos. We detected a length polymorphism in a growth hormone gene (GH-2) intron that is caused by an 81 bp insertion homologous to the 3' end of the salmonid short interspersed repetitive element (SINE) SmaI. Such insertion polymorphisms within species bring into question the use of SINEs as phylogenetic markers. We confirmed that a microsatellite locus encodes a PCR-null allele that is responsible for an apparent deficit of heterozygotes in a population sample from Prince William Sound. Another set of microsatellite primers amplified alleles of the same molecular weight from both loci of a duplicated pair. In our analysis of several PCR-based multilocus techniques, we failed to detect evidence of comigrating fragments produced by duplicated loci. Segregation analysis of PCR-based markers using gynogenetic haploid embryos ensures that the interpretation of molecular variation is not complicated by heterozygosity, diploidy, or gene duplication. We urge investigators to test the inheritance of polymorphisms in salmonids prior to using them to measure genetic variation.  相似文献   

Driven by competition and mate choice, size-assortative mating has been seen in many organisms. The breeding system of salmonid fish, Oncorhynchus spp., has been extensively investigated and many examples of size-assortative mating have been found. However, assortative mating is not always observed and many reported examples involved cases with a large dichotomy in size classes or were conducted in artificial arenas where other factors influencing mate choice and competition were controlled. This study investigated size-assortative mating in a population of naturally reproducing pink salmon, O. gorbuscha. We made direct observations of courtship behaviour over 3 years on fish of known sizes. To determine the extent to which these observations corresponded to reproductive success, we assessed the parentage of the offspring produced by the fish in the first 2 years of the study using DNA fingerprinting. Size-assortative mating was not seen in the behavioural observations. Parentage results showed that our measure of dominance (proximity of males to ripe females) corresponded with successful matings, suggesting that the fish that we observed as dominant were in fact involved in more matings or more successful matings. We also saw no size-assortative mating in male and female pairs that produced adult offspring. We are not suggesting that the processes that can lead to size-assortative mating are not occurring, but that many other factors, such as female ripeness, male availability, predation threat and changing environmental conditions, may minimize the importance or mask the occurrence of size-assortative mating under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Phenological shifts are the most widely reported ecological responses to climate change, but the requirements to distinguish their causes (i.e. phenotypic plasticity vs. microevolution) are rarely met. To do so, we analysed almost two decades of parturition data from a wild population of North American red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus). Although an observed advance in parturition date during the first decade provided putative support for climate change‐driven microevolution, a closer look revealed a more complex pattern. Parturition date was heritable [h2 = 0.14 (0.07–0.21 (HPD interval)] and under phenotypic selection [β = ?0.14 ± 0.06 (SE)] across the full study duration. However, the early advance reversed in the second decade. Further, selection did not act on the genetic contribution to variation in parturition date, and observed changes in predicted breeding values did not exceed those expected due to genetic drift. Instead, individuals responded plastically to environmental variation, and high food [white spruce (Picea glauca) seed] production in the first decade appears to have produced a plastic advance. In addition, there was little evidence of climate change affecting the advance, as there was neither a significant influence of spring temperature on parturition date or evidence of a change in spring temperatures across the study duration. Heritable traits not responding to selection in accordance with quantitative genetic predictions have long presented a puzzle to evolutionary ecologists. Our results on red squirrels provide empirical support for one potential solution: phenotypic selection arising from an environmental, as opposed to genetic, covariance between the phenotypic trait and annual fitness.  相似文献   

Studying the effect of similar environments on diverse genetic backgrounds has long been a goal of evolutionary biologists with studies typically relying on experimental approaches. Pink salmon, a highly abundant and widely ranging salmonid, provide a naturally occurring opportunity to study the effects of similar environments on divergent genetic backgrounds due to a strict two‐year semelparous life history. The species is composed of two reproductively isolated lineages with overlapping ranges that share the same spawning and rearing environments in alternate years. We used restriction‐site‐associated DNA (RAD) sequencing to discover and genotype approximately 8000 SNP loci in three population pairs of even‐ and odd‐year pink salmon along a latitudinal gradient in North America. We found greater differentiation within the odd‐year than within the even‐year lineage and greater differentiation in the southern pair from Puget Sound than in the northern Alaskan population pairs. We identified 15 SNPs reflecting signatures of parallel selection using both a differentiation‐based method (BAYESCAN) and an environmental correlation method (BAYENV). These SNPs represent genomic regions that may be particularly informative in understanding adaptive evolution in pink salmon and exploring how differing genetic backgrounds within a species respond to selection from the same natural environment.  相似文献   

In spring 2022, pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha smolts were recorded in the UK. Fish were caught in the Rivers Thurso and Oykel in Scotland between 13 and 17 March. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first observation of O. gorbuscha smolts in Europe outside the Scandinavian and Kola peninsulas, including other tributaries of the White and Barents Seas. It also provides evidence of successful spawning in 2021 and completion of the freshwater phase of the life cycle, and indicates the possibility for potential establishment of an O. gorbuscha population in Great Britain.  相似文献   

Pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha from odd and even year generations in rivers of Sakhalin Island, Kuril Island, Kamchatka Peninsula, and Alaska were investigated with five informative restriction endonucleases for mtDNA variation. The odd and even generations from the same rivers of South Sakhalin differed greatly. The time of divergence between the two broodlines was estimated at 0.9-1.1 Myr. The variability of mtDNA in odd year generations was higher than in even year generations and may have been due to' founder' and/or' bottleneck' effects. The differences among river populations within the Sakhalin region in 1991-1993 were not significant and this confirms the highly migratory nature of pink compared with other Pacific salmon. The mtDNA samples revealed statistically significant differences between regions. The northern populations (Kamchatka, Alaska) were less diverse in number and frequency of haplotypes than the southern populations (Sakhalin). This suggests that pink salmon originated in the Sakhalin-Kuril region and that a founder effect during the spread of this species may have restricted the mtDNA variability in other regions.  相似文献   

Plasma insulin concentration was measured by homologous radioimmunoassay in male and female pink salmon. Oncorhynchus gorbuscha , during spawning migration in the Fraser and Thompson Rivers, British Columbia. Although the fish ceased feeding prior to entering fresh water, plasma levels of insulin remained stable (males) or even elevated (females) during the final stages of oogenesis and spermatogenesis, decreasing thereafter. Mean concentrations ranged from 0–69 to 1.24 ng ml−1 in males and from 0.33 to 0.88 ng ml−1 in females. At all stages in the anadromous migration where a significant difference in plasma insulin levels between the sexes was observed, males had higher concentrations than females.  相似文献   

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