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S Sinharay  Z Ali    D P Burma 《Nucleic acids research》1977,4(11):3829-3838
The binding of the nonintercalating dye berenil to the 70S ribosome of Escherichia coli has been demonstrated by spectrophotometric measurements and gel filtration through Biogel P100 column. The berenil spectrum is gradually shifted towards the red region with the increasing amount of ribosome added, the isosbestic point being at 375 nm. There is positive cooperativity in the binding of berenil to the ribosome as demonstrated by the equilibrium dialysis. On binding with berenil, the ribosome is degraded faster by RNase I especially at low Mg++ concentration and its capacity to inhibit RNase I catalysed hydrolysis of ribopolymers is decreased. These indicate the unfolding of the structure of the ribosome.  相似文献   

During translational initiation in prokaryotes, the 3' end of the 16S rRNA binds to a region just upstream of the initiation codon. The relationship between this Shine-Dalgarno (SD) region and the binding of ribosomes to translation start-points has been well studied, but a unified mathematical connection between the SD, the initiation codon and the spacing between them has been lacking. Using information theory, we constructed a model that treats these three components uniformly by assigning to the SD and the initiation region (IR) conservations in bits of information, and by assigning to the spacing an uncertainty, also in bits. To build the model, we first aligned the SD region by maximizing the information content there. The ease of this process confirmed the existence of the SD pattern within a set of 4122 reviewed and revised Escherichia coli gene starts. This large data set allowed us to show graphically, by sequence logos, that the spacing between the SD and the initiation region affects both the SD site conservation and its pattern. We used the aligned SD, the spacing, and the initiation region to model ribosome binding and to identify gene starts that do not conform to the ribosome binding site model. A total of 569 experimentally proven starts are more conserved (have higher information content) than the full set of revised starts, which probably reflects an experimental bias against the detection of gene products that have inefficient ribosome binding sites. Models were refined cyclically by removing non-conforming weak sites. After this procedure, models derived from either the original or the revised gene start annotation were similar. Therefore, this information theory-based technique provides a method for easily constructing biologically sensible ribosome binding site models. Such models should be useful for refining gene-start predictions of any sequenced bacterial genome.  相似文献   

SsrA is a tmRNA involved in tagging polypeptides on stalled ribosomes. The resulting fusion proteins are then degraded. We purified endogenous SsrA-tagged proteins by means of a genetically engineered SsrA and identified some of them. Analysis of the proteins suggested that they are tagged at their C-terminal extremities. One of them, ribokinase, is expressed from a messenger with a poorly efficient stop codon, leading to translational recoding events. A change in the ribokinase coding sequence from a weak to a strong translational stop sequence (UGAc to UAAu) annihilated SsrA tagging. Translational termination by UGA recruits the translational release factor (RF) 2. We observed that SsrA tagging of ribokinase was inversely correlated with RF2 activity, revealing a dynamic competition between translational termination and SsrA tagging.  相似文献   

D Y Thomas  G Dubuc  S Narang 《Gene》1982,19(2):211-219
The construction of a series of Escherichia coli plasmid vectors suitable for assaying the effects of gene control signals fused with the E. coli lacZ gene is reported. A synthetic deoxyoligonucleotide dodecamer 5'-CATGAATTCATG GTACTTAAGTAC-5' containing two translation initiation codons (ATG) separated by an EcoRI site was ligated with a lacZ gene derivative which lacks the codons for the first eight amino acids in plasmid pMC1403 (Casadaban et al., 1980). Two ribosome-binding sequences were synthesised and inserted into the EcoRI site before an ATG, and the effects of these sequences on lacZ gene expression in vivo measured by assaying beta-galactosidase activity. The E. coli ribosomal RNA gene (rrnB) promoter, the tetracycline resistance gene promoter, and a lambda phage promoter were cloned using these plasmids. The plasmids are 9.9 kb in size, have ampicillin resistance as a selectable marker and are generally useful for the detection and in vivo assay of gene control regions.  相似文献   

Multiple SecA protein isoforms in Escherichia coli.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
To define the anti-SecA-LacZ antiserum, immunoprecipitates produced with either whole anti-SecA-LacZ rabbit antiserum or affinity-purified antibodies were used to analyze nondenatured lysates of Escherichia coli. The antiserum contains antibodies that recognize different proteins. Antibody purified by preadsorption to the SecA-LacZ hybrid protein precipitated only the SecA protein from extracts. In contrast, antibody purified from the intact SecA protein precipitated several additional proteins with SecA protein. Ribosomal protein L7L12 is one of the polypeptides coprecipitated with SecA protein by antibody purified by immunoadsorption to the intact SecA protein as well as by unfractionated anti-SecA-LacZ antiserum. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of the SecA protein immunoprecipitated by either antiserum or purified antibody indicated that the SecA protein exists in at least two, and probably four, isoforms. Only one of the SecA isoforms is present in a ribosomal preparation.  相似文献   

The secA gene product is an autoregulated, membrane-associated ATPase which catalyzes protein export across the Escherichia coli plasma membrane. Previous genetic selective strategies have yielded secA mutations at a limited number of sites. In order to define additional regions of the SecA protein that are important in its biological function, we mutagenized a plasmid-encoded copy of the secA gene to create small internal deletions or duplications marked by an oligonucleotide linker. The mutagenized plasmids were screened in an E. coli strain that allowed the ready detection of dominant secA mutations by their ability to derepress a secA-lacZ protein fusion when protein export is compromised. Twelve new secA mutations were found to cluster into four regions corresponding to amino acid residues 196 to 252, 352 to 367, 626 to 653, and 783 to 808. Analysis of these alleles in wild-type and secA mutant strains indicated that three of them still maintained the essential functions of SecA, albeit at a reduced level, while the remainder abolished SecA translocation activity and caused dominant protein export defects accompanied by secA depression. Three secA alleles caused dominant, conditional-lethal, cold-sensitive phenotypes and resulted in some of the strongest defects in protein export characterized to date. The abundance of dominant secA mutations strongly favors certain biochemical models defining the function of SecA in protein translocation. These new dominant secA mutants should be useful in biochemical studies designed to elucidate SecA protein's functional sites and its precise role in catalyzing protein export across the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

B Epe  P Woolley  H Hornig 《FEBS letters》1987,213(2):443-447
Fluorescence anisotropy studies performed on 6-demethylchlortetracycline, binding to the ribosome of E. coli in competition with tRNA at the P site or at both P and A sites, have provided a quantitative assessment in situ of the interaction of this antibiotic with the A site and have demonstrated that there is also an interaction between tetracycline and the P site.  相似文献   

This study investigated the use of neural networks in the identification of Escherichia coli ribosome binding sites. The recognition of these sites based on primary sequence data is difficult due to the multiple determinants that define them. Additionally, secondary structure plays a significant role in the determination of the site and this information is difficult to include in the models. Efforts to solve this problem have so far yielded poor results. A new compilation of E. coli ribosome binding sites was generated for this study. Feedforward backpropagation networks were applied to their identification. Perceptrons were also applied, since they have been the previous best method since 1982. Evaluation of performance for all the neural networks and perceptrons was determined by ROC analysis. The neural network provided significant improvement in the recognition of these sites when compared with the previous best method, finding less than half the number of false positives when both models were adjusted to find an equal number of actual sites. The best neural network used an input window of 101 nucleotides and a single hidden layer of 9 units. Both the neural network and the perceptron trained on the new compilation performed better than the original perceptron published by Stormo et al. in 1982.  相似文献   

SecA is a motor protein that drives protein translocation at the Escherichia coli translocon. SecA membrane binding has been shown to occur with high affinity at SecYE and low affinity at anionic phospholipids. To dissect SecA-membrane interaction with reference to SecA structure, the membrane binding properties of N- and C-terminal SecA domains, denoted SecA-N664 and SecA-619C, respectively, were characterized. Remarkably, only SecA-N664 bound to the membrane with high affinity, whereas SecA-619C bound with low affinity in a nonsaturable manner through partitioning with phospholipids. Moreover, SecA-N664 and SecA-619C associated with each other to reconstitute wild type binding affinity. Corroborative results were also obtained from membrane binding competition and subcellular fractionation studies along with binding studies to membranes prepared from strains overproducing SecYE protein. Together, these findings indicate that the specific interaction of SecA with SecYE occurs through its N-terminal domain and that the C-terminal domain, although important in SecA membrane cycling at a later stage of translocation, appears to initially assist SecA membrane binding by interaction with phospholipids. These results provide the first evidence for distinct membrane binding characteristics of the two SecA primary domains and their importance for optimal binding activity, and they are significant for understanding SecA dynamics at the translocon.  相似文献   

Like prokaryotic Sec-dependent protein transport, chloroplasts utilize SecA. However, we observe distinctive requirements for the stimulation of chloroplast SecA ATPase activity; it is optimally stimulated in the presence of galactolipid and only a small fraction of anionic lipid and by Sec-dependent thylakoid signal peptides but not Escherichia coli signal peptides.  相似文献   



RNase III is a dsRNA specific endoribonuclease which is involved in the primary processing of rRNA and several mRNA species in bacteria. Both primary structural elements and the secondary structure of the substrate RNA play a role in cleavage specificity.  相似文献   

RNA synthesis was followed during amino acid starvation of strains of Escherichia coli that contained both the relaxed (relA) mutation and a mutation affecting ribosome assembly that results in oversynthesis of RNA. The ribosome mutation did not by itself lead to relaxedness. The relaxed mutation could be expressed in organisms that contained the ribosome mutation.  相似文献   

Recently, a new protein translocation pathway, the twin-arginine translocation (TAT) pathway, has been identified in both bacteria and chloroplasts. To study the possible competition between the TAT- and the well-characterized Sec translocon-dependent pathways in Escherichia coli, we have fused the TorA TAT-targeting signal peptide to the Sec-dependent inner membrane protein leader peptidase (Lep). We find that the soluble, periplasmic P2 domain from Lep is re-routed by the TorA signal peptide into the TAT pathway. In contrast, the full-length TorA-Lep fusion protein is not re-routed into the TAT pathway, suggesting that Sec-targeting signals in Lep can override TAT-targeting information in the TorA signal peptide. We also show that the TorA signal peptide can be converted into a Sec-targeting signal peptide by increasing the hydrophobicity of its h-region. Thus, beyond the twin-arginine motif, the overall hydrophobicity of the signal peptide plays an important role in TAT versus Sec targeting. This is consistent with statistical data showing that TAT-targeting signal peptides in general have less hydrophobic h-regions than Sec-targeting signal peptides.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli secA gene, whose translation is responsive to the proficiency of protein export within the cell, is the second gene in a three-gene operon and is flanked by gene X and mutT. By using gene fusion and oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis techniques, we have localized this translationally regulated site to a region at the end of gene X and the beginning of secA. This region has been shown to bind SecA protein in vitro. These studies open the way for a direct investigation of the mechanism of secA regulation and its coupling to the protein secretion capability of the cell.  相似文献   

The DNA sequence of the secA gene, essential for protein export in Escherichia coli, was determined and found to encode a hydrophilic protein of 901 amino acid residues with a predicted molecular weight of 101,902, consistent with its previously determined size and subcellular location. Sequence analysis of 9 secA(Ts) mutations conferring general protein export and secA regulatory defects revealed that these mutations were clustered in three specific regions within the first 170 amino acid residues of the SecA protein and were the result of single amino acid changes predicted to be severely disruptive of protein structure and function. The DNA sequence immediately upstream of secA was shown to encode a previously inferred gene, gene X. Sequence analysis of a conditionally lethal amber mutation, am109, previously inferred to be located proximally in the secA gene, revealed that it was located distally in gene X and was conditionally lethal due to its polar effect on secA expression. This and additional evidence are presented indicating that gene X and secA are cotranscribed.  相似文献   

Summary It was previously observed that the stability of ribosomal protein (r-protein) mRNA in Escherichia coli decreases under the conditions where its translation is feedback inhibited by repressor r-protein. We have now demonstrated that the stability of mRNA for r-proteins S13, S11 and S4 increases in a strain carrying a mutation in the gene for S4, a translational repressor regulating these r-proteins. The results confirm the previous observations that translational repression increases the decay rate of r-protein mRNA, and in addition, show that the half-life of S13-S4 r-protein mRNA in cells growing under ordinary conditions is significantly shorter than its inherent stability would predict, due to the operation of translational feedback regulation.  相似文献   

R Brimacombe 《Biochimie》1991,73(7-8):927-936
Over the last two decades essentially three different approaches have been used to study the topography of RNA-protein interactions in the ribosome. These are: (a) the analysis of binding sites for individual ribosomal proteins or groups of proteins on the RNA; (b) the determination of protein footprint sites on the RNA by the application of higher order structure analytical techniques; and (c) the localisation of RNA-protein cross-link sites on the RNA. This article compares and contrasts the types of data that the three different approaches provide, and gives a brief and highly simplified summary of the results that have been obtained for both the 16S and 23S ribosomal RNA from E coli.  相似文献   

In order to understand further the autogenous regulation of Escherichia coli secA translation, we have set up a purified system to study the binding of SecA protein to portions of its mRNA. Specific SecA protein-RNA binding was demonstrated by UV cross-linking, filter binding, and gel shift assays. Use of the filter binding assay allowed optimization of binding, which was influenced by Mg2+ and ATP concentrations, and a measurement of the affinity of this interaction. A nested series of RNAs lacking either 5' or 3' portions of geneX-secA sequences were used to localize the SecA protein binding site to sequences around the geneX-secA intergenic region. These studies imply that SecA protein directly regulates its own translation by a specific RNA binding activity that presumably blocks translational initiation.  相似文献   

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