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Theory defines conditions under which sympatric speciation may occur, and several possible examples of the process in action have been identified. In most cases, organisms specialize onto habitats that fall into discrete categories, such as host species used by herbivores and parasites. Ecological specialization within a continuous habitat gradient is theoretically possible, but becomes less likely with increasing gene flow among clinal habitat types. Here, I show that habitat race formation is underway in a frog, Rana temporaria, along a continuous and spatially mosaic habitat gradient. Tadpoles from 23 populations raised in an outdoor mesocosm experiment showed adaptive phenotypic variation correlated with the predator density in their pond of origin. A survey of microsatellite markers in 48 populations found that neutral genetic divergence was enhanced between ponds with very different densities of predators. This represents a new example of habitat specialization along a continuous habitat gradient with no spatial autocorrelation in habitat.  相似文献   

Mammalian herbivores can have pronounced effects on plant diversity but are currently declining in many productive ecosystems through direct extirpation, habitat loss and fragmentation, while being simultaneously introduced as livestock in other, often unproductive, ecosystems that lacked such species during recent evolutionary times. The biodiversity consequences of these changes are still poorly understood. We experimentally separated the effects of primary productivity and herbivores of different body size on plant species richness across a 10-fold productivity gradient using a 7-year field experiment at seven grassland sites in North America and Europe. We show that assemblages including large herbivores increased plant diversity at higher productivity but decreased diversity at low productivity, while small herbivores did not have consistent effects along the productivity gradient. The recognition of these large-scale, cross-site patterns in herbivore effects is important for the development of appropriate biodiversity conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Common birds facing global changes: what makes a species at risk?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Climate change, habitat degradation, and direct exploitation are thought to threaten biodiversity. But what makes some species more sensitive to global change than others? Approaches to this question have relied on comparing the fate of contrasting groups of species. However, if some ecological parameter affects the fate of species faced with global change, species response should vary smoothly along the parameter gradient. Thus, grouping species into few, often two, discrete classes weakens the approach. Using data from the common breeding bird survey in France – a large set of species with much variability with respect to the variables considered – we show that a quantitative measure of habitat specialization and of latitudinal distribution both predict recent 13 year trends of population abundance among 77 terrestrial species: the more northerly distributed and the more specialized a species is, the sharper its decline. On the other hand, neither hunting status, migrating strategy nor body mass predicted population growth rate variation among common bird species. Overall, these results are qualitatively very similar to the equivalent relationships found among the British butterfly populations. This constitutes additional evidence that biodiversity in Western Europe is under the double negative influence of climate change and land use change.  相似文献   

Studies of the North American columbines (Aquilegia, Ranunculaceae) have supported the view that adaptive radiations in animal-pollinated plants proceed through pollinator specialisation and floral differentiation. However, although the diversity of pollinators and floral morphology is much lower in Europe and Asia than in North America, the number of columbine species is similar in the three continents. This supports the hypothesis that habitat and pollinator specialisation have contributed differently to the radiation of columbines in different continents. To establish the basic background to test this hypothesis, we expanded the molecular phylogeny of the genus to include a representative set of species from each continent. Our results suggest that the diversity of the genus is the result of two independent events of radiation, one involving Asiatic and North American species and the other involving Asiatic and European species. The ancestors of both lineages probably occupied the mountains of south-central Siberia. North American and European columbines are monophyletic within their respective lineages. The genus originated between 6.18 and 6.57 million years (Myr) ago, with the main pulses of diversification starting around 3 Myr ago both in Europe (1.25–3.96 Myr ago) and North America (1.42–5.01 Myr ago). The type of habitat occupied shifted more often in the Euroasiatic lineage, while pollination vectors shifted more often in the Asiatic-North American lineage. Moreover, while allopatric speciation predominated in the European lineage, sympatric speciation acted in the North American one. In conclusion, the radiation of columbines in Europe and North America involved similar rates of diversification and took place simultaneously and independently. However, the ecological drivers of radiation were different: geographic isolation and shifts in habitat use were more important in Europe while reproductive isolation linked to shifts in pollinator specialisation additionally acted in North America.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity is one of the most important criteria to identify unique populations for conservation purposes. In this study we analyze the genetic population structure of the endangered montane mayfly Ameletus inopinatus in its European range. The species is restricted to unpolluted cold-water streams, and exhibits an insular distribution across highlands of Central Europe and a more continuous distribution across Fennoscandia and Northern Euro-Siberia. We genotyped 389 individuals from 31 populations for eight highly polymorphic microsatellite loci to investigate genetic diversity and population structure within and among European mountain ranges. Genetic diversity of A. inopinatus decreases along an east?Cwest gradient in Central Europe and along a north?Csouth gradient in Fennoscandia, respectively. Centres of exceptionally high genetic diversity are located in the Eastern Alps (Andertal Moor, Austria), the High Tatra, the Beskides, the Sudety Mountains and the Eastern German Highlands. Species distribution modelling for 2080 projects major regional habitat loss, particularly in Central Europe mountain ranges. By relating these range shifts to our population genetic results, we identify conservation units primarily in Eastern Europe, that if preserved would maintain high levels of the present-day genetic diversity and continue to provide long-term suitable habitat under future climate warming scenarios.  相似文献   

Located in the west of the Mediterranean and with high environmental heterogeneity, the Iberian Peninsula represents a challenging region for designing and implementing observation systems for landscape, habitat and species diversity indicators. Within the framework of a project designed to set up a European Biodiversity Observation Network (EBONE), a standardized protocol for field survey was used in pilot sites located across a major gradient in Portugal and Spain. Results are presented and compared to assess the efficiency of the method in detecting patterns along this gradient. These sites represent different types of Iberian landscapes selected using a stratified random procedure implemented in the Madrid province (Spain) and in the north of Portugal. Species and habitat richness and diversity (as well as their components) are compared in their relation to environmental gradients and survey area. Results from spatial analyses of landscape heterogeneity are also presented and discussed in relation to appropriate indicators. The implications for setting up cost-efficient observation schemes that capture the key indicators effectively are discussed. Perspectives for integration with complementary monitoring schemes targeted at key species, habitat and landscape indicators are also discussed in order to optimize the power and efficiency of these observation networks.  相似文献   

Major dimensions of ecological segregation of tree species in cool temperate Europe and E North America appear related to (a) soil pH, (b) large scale ‘succession’ including topographic sequences of changing moisture stress, and (c) intolerance versus tolerance of canopy competition as involved in ‘gap-phase’ dynamics. Genera tend to have similar average positions along these dimensions in the two subcontinents. E North American genera that were probably never present in Europe, and the few opposites, tend to be southern and are concentrated on dry or basic soil. The cause of this trend may involve the isolated expansions of dry climatic areas since the early Tertiary. E North American genera that became extinct in Europe after the mid-Pliocene are typical of habitat intermediate between dry-acid and moist-basic, though generally more moist-acid than dry-basic. These genera also have few species and little overall habitat width. Severe restrictions of their habitats may have occurred. Also, difficulties of migration to and from refugia are suggested by the generally heavier seed of extinet genera and those with strongly southern ranges in Europe or with few species compared to E North America. This relationship is apparent within small winged, medium fleshy and large nutty fruit classes. However, there is little difference in geographic restriction between these classes. Carpinus, Alnus, Corylus, Taxus, Pyrus and Sorbus reach 100–1000% greater height in Europe. There are no opposing differences of this magnitude. These trees may be ecological substitutes for extinct Liriodendron, Liquidambar, Carya, Tsuga + Thuja, Diospyros, and a group with smaller fleshy fruits, respectively. There are other intrageneric differences in height, seed weight, niche width, longevity, etc., that deserve further attention.  相似文献   

In most of the western world where industrial hemp, Cannabis sativa, is licensed for cultivation, the plants must not exceed a level of 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the principal intoxicating constituent of the species. Because there are no publicly available germplasm hemp collections in North America and only a very few, recent North American cultivars have been bred, the future breeding of cultivars suitable for North America is heavily dependent on European cultivars and European germplasm collections. Based mostly on material from Europe, this study surveyed THC levels of 167 accessions grown in southern Ontario, making this the largest survey to date of germplasm intended for breeding in North America. Forty-three percent of these had THC levels ≥0.3% and, therefore, are unsuitable for hemp development in North America. Discrepancies were found between THC levels reported for some germplasm holdings in Europe when they were grown in Canada and, accordingly, verification of THC levels developed in North America is necessary.  相似文献   

Expansion and intensification of human land use represents the major cause of habitat fragmentation. Such fragmentation can have dramatic consequences on species richness and trophic interactions within food webs. Although the associated ecological consequences have been studied by several authors, the evolutionary effects on interacting species have received little research attention. Using a genetic algorithm, we quantified how habitat fragmentation and environmental variability affect the optimal reproductive strategies of parasitic wasps foraging for hosts. As observed in real animal species, the model is based on the existence of a negative trade-off between survival and reproduction resulting from competitive allocation of resources to either somatic maintenance or egg production. We also asked to what degree plasticity along this trade-off would be optimal, when plasticity is costly. We found that habitat fragmentation can indeed have strong effects on the reproductive strategies adopted by parasitoids. With increasing habitat fragmentation animals should invest in greater longevity with lower fecundity; yet, especially in unpredictable environments, some level of phenotypic plasticity should be selected for. Other consequences in terms of learning ability of foraging animals were also observed. The evolutionary consequences of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Phylogeography and historical ecology of the North Atlantic intertidal   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Abstract Recent glaciation covered the full extent of rocky intertidal habitat along the coasts of New England and the Canadian Maritimes. To test whether this glaciation in fact caused wholesale extinction of obligate rocky intertidal invertebrates, and thus required a recolonization from Europe, we compared American and European populations using allelic diversity and techniques adapted from coalescent theory. Mitochondrial DNA sequences were collected from amphi-Atlantic populations of three cold-temperate obligate rocky intertidal species (a barnacle, Semibalanus balanoides , and two gastropods, Nucella lapillus and Littorina obtusata ) and three cold-temperate habitat generalist species (a seastar, Asterias rubens ; a mussel, Mytilus edulis , and an isopod, Idotea balthica ). For many of these species we were able to estimate the lineage-specific mutation rate based on trans-Arctic divergences between Pacific and Atlantic taxa. These data indicate that some obligate rocky intertidal taxa have colonized New England from European populations. However, the patterns of persistence in North America indicate that other life-history traits, including mechanisms of dispersal, may be more important for surviving dramatic environmental and climatic change.  相似文献   

We combine evidence from small-scale experiments with a large-scale field survey to clarify the roles of biotic resistance and pre-adapted habitat niche segregation to the invasion success of the North American brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in North European streams previously dominated by brown trout (Salmo trutta). Interspecific aggressions among the two species were negligible, yet there was distinct habitat niche segregation between them: brook trout occupied mainly pool habitats while brown trout tended to reside in fast-flowing riffles. Habitat niche segregation among brook trout and brown trout prevailed across a wide array of scales from experimental flumes to entire drainage systems, although the segregation pattern was weaker in the field. Habitat differentiation among the two species reflected their differential habitat requirements, suggesting that a match between a species’ niche requirements in its native range and habitat availability in the new environment is a prerequisite for understanding invasion success.  相似文献   

North American field crickets (genus Gryllus) exhibit a diversity of life cycles, habitat associations, and calling songs. However, patterns of evolution for these ecological and behavioral traits remain uncertain in the absence of a robust phylogenetic framework. Analyses of morphological variation have provided few clues about species relationships in the genus Gryllus. Here we use comparisons of mitochondrial DNA restriction site maps for 29 individuals representing 11 species (including potential outgroups) to examine relationships among eastern North American field crickets. Initially chosen as likely outgroup taxa, the two European species of Gryllus do not obviously fall outside of an exclusively North American clade and (based on amount of sequence divergence) appear to have diverged from North American lineages at about the same time that major North American lineages diverged from each other. The egg-overwintering crickets comprise a strongly supported monophyletic group, but relationships among these three closely related species cannot be resolved. The mtDNA data are consistent with a single origin of egg diapause and do not support a model of recent life cycle divergence and allochronic speciation for Gryllus pennsylvanicus and G. veletis. The two crickets are not sister species, despite remarkable similarity in morphology, habitat, and calling song. This conclusion is consistent with published data on allozyme variation in North American field crickets. The habitat associations of eastern North American field crickets have been labile, but calling songs sometimes have remained virtually unchanged across multiple speciation events.  相似文献   

Aquatic and semi-aquatic plants comprise few species worldwide, yet the introduction of non-indigenous plants represents one of the most severe examples of biological invasions. My goal is to compare the distribution and the biology of aquatic and semi-aquatic plants in their introduced ranges and in their native ranges. The primary objective of this study is to test the hypothesis that invasive species have evolved traits likely to increase their success in the new range. I made two reciprocal comparisons, i.e. I compared European species in France and in North America, and North American species in France and in North America. Twenty-seven species were classified according to their invasiveness in their introduced area. I␣found six invasive macrophyte species in France native to North America and 17 invasive species in North America native to Europe. Four species are invasive in both areas. There is no general tendency for macrophytes to be more vigorous in their introduced ranges. Most non-indigenous aquatic and semi-aquatic species are potentially invasive or widespread and well-established in their introduced country, while few species seem to be restricted in their distribution.  相似文献   

The water fleas of the Daphnia pulex complex play a key role in freshwater ecosystems throughout the northern hemisphere. Despite the fact that they have been the subject of study for numerous biological disciplines, their phylogeny and species delimitation remain controversial. We used DNA sequence variation of the mitochondrial ND5 gene to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships of D. pulicaria Forbes, a widespread member of this complex from North America and Europe. Populations from the two continents respectively split into two evolutionary lineages, Eastern Nearctic and European, which each belong to another main clade within the D. pulex complex (the pulicaria and tenebrosa groups, respectively). Unexpectedly, melanin and carotenoid pigmented D. pulicaria populations from European high-mountain lakes were not allied with the transparent populations inhabiting the same lakes and the lowland ponds and reservoirs throughout Europe, but were included with the samples from Canada and Greenland in the Eastern Nearctic lineage. Until now populations belonging to this lineage were known only from Canada and North Atlantic islands, but not from mainland Europe. Independent data from microsatellite markers supported the genetic distinctiveness of the sympatric carotenoid pigmented and transparent populations and suggested that they may have undergone transition to obligate parthenogenesis, possibly as a consequence of past introgressive hybridization. Two different taxa are therefore confused under the name D. pulicaria in Europe. The close phylogenetic relationships of European populations with those from Canada and Greenland suggest that the Nearctic lineage is of recent origin in Europe via intercontinental dispersal from the North America. It has evolved melanin and carotenoid pigmentation as adaptations against the UV light stress, which enable it to share habitat occupied by the transparent European species. The Nearctic D. pulicaria thus provides a new model for studying successful intercontinental invasion. In general, our study demonstrates that a considerable part of the diversity among widespread taxa of cladoceran crustaceans has been overlooked in morphological taxonomies.  相似文献   

Neuffer B  Hurka H 《Molecular ecology》1999,8(10):1667-1681
Multilocus isozyme genotypic composition for aspartate aminotransferase (AAT), leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) was studied for Capsella in the source continent, Europe (9000 plants from 593 populations), and in the colonized continent, North America (2700 plants from 88 populations). North America was depauperate in the number of genotypes (by approximately 50%), but in terms of frequencies, a few genotypes were common and shared by both continents. Although some, very rare, genotypes were, however, unique for North America, our data provided no evidence to indicate that the introduced gene pools were reconstructed on a multilocus genetic basis after introduction. Instead, they argued for a considerable number of independent introduction events. Geographical distribution patterns of multilocus genotypes in Europe and North America were pronounced and enabled us to trace the colonization history of Californian Capsella back to Spanish ancestral populations and those of temperate North America back to temperate European gene pools. A random-block field experiment with 14 Californian populations from different climatic regions revealed that variation patterns of quantitative traits reflect ecotypic variation, and the ecological amplitude of Capsella in North America is similar to that in Europe, which can be traced back to the introduction of preadapted genotypes. It appears that certain multilocus isozyme genotypes are associated with certain ecotypes. The variable European gene pool of Capsella was essentially introduced into North America without major genetic changes.  相似文献   

The greater part of the literature on European fishes reports the widespread occurrence of an introduced North American catfish and identifies it as Ictalurus nebulosus. Study of the literature reporting critical determinations and of specimens from Europe and Great Britain reveals the presence of two species, I nebulosus and I melas. These fishes are widely used in experimental studies, usually being obtained through aquarium-fish dealers indirectly from continental Europe. Mostly they are incorrectly identified as I nebulosus. There is reason to believe that I melas is the more commonly imported catfish in Britain; both species occur feral in mainland Europe.  相似文献   

The rapid and extensive destruction of mangrove forests and adjacent peritidal ecosystems in the Indo-Pacific region requires the development of efficient management and conservation actions. Mudskippers (Gobiidae: Oxudercinae) are amphibious gobies that are strictly linked to mangrove forests and tropical mudflats. I recorded the presence and habitat distribution of mudskipper species in four mangrove ecosystems along the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Different localities host different mudskipper communities, while in each locality species are differentially distributed along the intertidal gradient. At the ecosystem level, I found a significant exponential correlation between sampled area and the species richness of these communities, consistent with the SAR hypothesis. At the habitat level, the presence of a vertical zonation along the intertidal gradient suggests the possibility of using the species living exclusively in higher or lower levels as bioindicators for habitat anthropogenic impact, respectively from the land and from the sea.  相似文献   

The latitudinal species richness gradient (LRG) has been the subject of intense interest and many hypotheses but much less consideration has been given to longitudinal richness differences. The effect of postglacial dispersal, determined by connectivity and vagility, on richness was evaluated for the species‐poor European and North American Pacific and species‐rich Atlantic regional freshwater fish faunas. The numbers of species, by habitat, migration and distributional range categories, were determined from regional species lists for these three realms. The current orientation and past connections of drainage channels indicate that connectivity is greatest in the Atlantic and least in the Pacific. With increasing connectivity across realms, endemism decreased and postglacial recolonization increased, as did the LRG slope, with the greatest richness difference occurring between southern Atlantic and Pacific regions. Recolonizing species tended to be migratory, habitat generalists and from families of marine origin. Diversification, as indicated by species/genus ratios, probability of diversification, taxonomic distinctness and endemicity, declined with increasing latitude in all realms and was least in Europe. Richness patterns are consistent with an LRG driven by the time available for postglacial recolonization and by differences in dispersal ability, with richness differences across realms reflecting differences in dispersal and diversification.  相似文献   

Davidson RL  Rykken J 《ZooKeys》2011,(147):487-496
Bembidion (Lymnaeum) nigropiceum (Marsham) (=puritanum Hayward), a European species introduced into Massachusetts but presumed not to have become established, has been rediscovered during the Boston Harbor Islands All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory undertaken by the Museum of Comparative Zoology and the National Park Service. A summary is presented of treatment of this species in North America. Data on specimens collected are presented, along with observations on habitat and biology. Some speculations are presented about its highly specialized habitat in the gravel pushed up by high tide, which may act as a food-trapping sieve. A few words are included about future actions needed to resolve questions of distribution and behavior.  相似文献   

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