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In optometry of binocular vision, the question may arise whether prisms should be included in eyeglasses to compensate an oculomotor and/or sensory imbalance between the two eyes. The corresponding measures of objective and subjective fixation disparity may be reduced by the prisms, or the adaptability of the binocular vergence system may diminish effects of the prisms over time. This study investigates effects of wearing prisms constantly for about 5 weeks in daily life. Two groups of 12 participants received eyeglasses with prisms having either a base-in direction or a base-out direction with an amount up to 8 prism diopters. Prisms were prescribed based on clinical fixation disparity test plates at 6 m. Two dependent variables were used: (1) subjective fixation disparity was indicated by a perceived offset of dichoptic nonius lines that were superimposed on the fusion stimuli and (2) objective fixation disparity was measured with a video based eye tracker relative to monocular calibration. Stimuli were presented at 6 m and included either central or more peripheral fusion stimuli. Repeated measurements were made without the prisms and with the prisms after about 5 weeks of wearing these prisms. Objective and subjective fixation disparity were correlated, but the type of fusion stimulus and the direction of the required prism may play a role. The prisms did not reduce the fixation disparity to zero, but induced significant changes in fixation disparity with large effect sizes. Participants receiving base-out prisms showed hypothesized effects, which were concurrent in both types of fixation disparity. In participants receiving base-in prisms, the individual effects of subjective and objective effects were negatively correlated: the larger the subjective (sensory) effect, the smaller the objective (motor) effect. This response pattern was related to the vergence adaptability, i.e. the individual fusional vergence reserves.  相似文献   

Estimating depth from binocular disparity is extremely precise, and the cue does not depend on statistical regularities in the environment. Thus, disparity is commonly regarded as the best visual cue for determining 3D layout. But depth from disparity is only precise near where one is looking; it is quite imprecise elsewhere. Away from fixation, vision resorts to using other depth cues-e.g., linear perspective, familiar size, aerial perspective. But those cues depend on statistical regularities in the environment and are therefore not always reliable. Depth from defocus blur relies on fewer assumptions and has the same geometric constraints as disparity but different physiological constraints. Blur could in principle fill in the parts of visual space where disparity is imprecise. We tested this possibility with a depth-discrimination experiment. Disparity was more precise near fixation and blur was indeed more precise away from fixation. When both cues were available, observers relied on the more informative one. Blur appears to play an important, previously unrecognized role in depth perception. Our findings lead to a new hypothesis about the evolution of slit-shaped pupils and have implications for the design and implementation of stereo 3D displays.  相似文献   

The present study employs a stereoscopic manipulation to present sentences in three dimensions to subjects as they read for comprehension. Subjects read sentences with (a) no depth cues, (b) a monocular depth cue that implied the sentence loomed out of the screen (i.e., increasing retinal size), (c) congruent monocular and binocular (retinal disparity) depth cues (i.e., both implied the sentence loomed out of the screen) and (d) incongruent monocular and binocular depth cues (i.e., the monocular cue implied the sentence loomed out of the screen and the binocular cue implied it receded behind the screen). Reading efficiency was mostly unaffected, suggesting that reading in three dimensions is similar to reading in two dimensions. Importantly, fixation disparity was driven by retinal disparity; fixations were significantly more crossed as readers progressed through the sentence in the congruent condition and significantly more uncrossed in the incongruent condition. We conclude that disparity depth cues are used on-line to drive binocular coordination during reading.  相似文献   

Children with developmental dyslexia show reading impairment compared to their peers, despite being matched on IQ, socio-economic background, and educational opportunities. The neurological and cognitive basis of dyslexia remains a highly debated topic. Proponents of the magnocellular theory, which postulates abnormalities in the M-stream of the visual pathway cause developmental dyslexia, claim that children with dyslexia have deficient binocular coordination, and this is the underlying cause of developmental dyslexia. We measured binocular coordination during reading and a non-linguistic scanning task in three participant groups: adults, typically developing children, and children with dyslexia. A significant increase in fixation disparity was observed for dyslexic children solely when reading. Our study casts serious doubts on the claims of the magnocellular theory. The exclusivity of increased fixation disparity in dyslexics during reading might be a result of the allocation of inadequate attentional and/or cognitive resources to the reading process, or suboptimal linguistic processing per se.  相似文献   

Jainta S  Kapoula Z 《PloS one》2011,6(4):e18694
Reading requires three-dimensional motor control: saccades bring the eyes from left to right, fixating word after word; and oblique saccades bring the eyes to the next line of the text. The angle of vergence of the two optic axes should be adjusted to the depth of the book or screen and--most importantly--should be maintained in a sustained manner during saccades and fixations. Maintenance of vergence is important as it is a prerequisite for a single clear image of each word to be projected onto the fovea of the eyes. Deficits in the binocular control of saccades and of vergence in dyslexics have been reported previously but only for tasks using single targets. This study examines saccades and vergence control during real text reading. Thirteen dyslexic and seven non-dyslexic children read the French text "L'Allouette" in two viewing distances (40 cm vs. 100 cm), while binocular eye movements were measured with the Chronos Eye-tracking system. We found that the binocular yoking of reading saccades was poor in dyslexic children (relative to non-dyslexics) resulting in vergence errors; their disconjugate drift during fixations was not correlated with the disconjugacy during their saccades, causing considerable variability of vergence angle from fixation to fixation. Due to such poor oculomotor adjustments during reading, the overall fixation disparity was larger for dyslexic children, putting larger demand on their sensory fusion processes. Moreover, for dyslexics the standard deviation of fixation disparity was larger particularly when reading at near distance. We conclude that besides documented phoneme processing disorders, visual/ocular motor imperfections may exist in dyslexics that lead to fixation instability and thus, to instability of the letters or words during reading; such instability may perturb fusional processes and might--in part--complicate letter/word identification.  相似文献   

Binocular correspondence must be determined if disparity is to be used to provide information about three-dimensional shape. The current study investigated whether knowledge of the statistical distribution of disparities in the natural environment is employed in this process. A simple model, which produces distributions of distances similar to those found in the natural environment, was used to predict the distribution of disparities in natural images. This model predicts that crossed disparities will be more likely as (i) stimulus elevation decreases below fixation and (ii) fixation distance increases. To determine whether these factors influence binocular correspondence for human observers, ambiguous stereograms were presented to observers, as stimulus elevation and fixation distance were manipulated. Clear biases were observed in the depth perceived in these stereograms, which were more likely to be seen as closer than fixation (i) for stimuli presented below fixation and (ii) as fixation distance increased. These results suggest that binocular correspondence is determined in a manner consistent with the distributions of disparities expected in natural scenes.  相似文献   

Neurons in the macaque Anterior Intraparietal area (AIP) encode depth structure in random-dot stimuli defined by gradients of binocular disparity, but the importance of binocular disparity in real-world objects for AIP neurons is unknown. We investigated the effect of binocular disparity on the responses of AIP neurons to images of real-world objects during passive fixation. We presented stereoscopic images of natural and man-made objects in which the disparity information was congruent or incongruent with disparity gradients present in the real-world objects, and images of the same objects where such gradients were absent. Although more than half of the AIP neurons were significantly affected by binocular disparity, the great majority of AIP neurons remained image selective even in the absence of binocular disparity. AIP neurons tended to prefer stimuli in which the depth information derived from binocular disparity was congruent with the depth information signaled by monocular depth cues, indicating that these monocular depth cues have an influence upon AIP neurons. Finally, in contrast to neurons in the inferior temporal cortex, AIP neurons do not represent images of objects in terms of categories such as animate-inanimate, but utilize representations based upon simple shape features including aspect ratio.  相似文献   

We investigated the neural mechanisms underlying visual localization in 3-D space in area V1 of behaving monkeys. Three different sources of information, retinal disparity, viewing distance and gaze direction, that participate in these neural mechanisms are being reviewed. The way they interact with each other is studied by combining retinal and extraretinal signals. Interactions between retinal disparity and viewing distance have been shown in foveal V1; we have observed a strong modulation of the spontaneous activity and of the visual response of most V1 cells that was highly correlated with the vergence angle. As a consequence of these gain effects, neural horizontal disparity coding is favoured or refined for particular distances of fixation. Changing the gaze direction in the fronto-parallel plane also produces strong gains in the visual response of half of the cells in foveal V1. Cells tested for horizontal disparity and orientation selectivities show gain effects that occur coherently for the same spatial coordinates of the eyes. Shifts in preferred disparity also occurred in several neurons. Cells tested in calcarine V1 at retinal eccentricities larger than 10 degrees , show that horizontal disparity is encoded at least up to 20 degrees around both the horizontal and vertical meridians. At these large retinal eccentricities we found that vertical disparity is also encoded with tuning profiles similar to those of horizontal disparity coding. Combinations of horizontal and vertical disparity signals show that most cells encode both properties. In fact the expression of horizontal disparity coding depends on the vertical disparity signals that produce strong gain effects and frequent changes in peak selectivities. We conclude that the vertical disparity signal and the eye position signal serve to disambiguate the horizontal disparity signal to provide information on 3-D spatial coordinates in terms of distance, gaze direction and retinal eccentricity. We suggest that the relative weight among these different signals is the determining factor involved in the neural processing that gives information on 3-D spatial localization.  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that the processing of binocular disparity in complex cells may be described with an energy formalism. The energy formalism allows for a representation of disparity by differences in the position or in the phase of monocular receptive subfields of binocular cells, or by combination of these two types. We studied the coding of disparities with an approach complementary to previous algorithmic investigations. Since realization of these representations is probably not genetically determined but learned during ontogeny, we used backpropagation networks to study which of these three possibilities were realized within neural nets. Three types of networks were trained with noise patterns in analogy to the three types of energy models. The networks learned the task and generalized to untrained correlated noise pattern input. Outputs were broadly tuned to spatial frequency and did not respond to anti-correlated noise patterns. Although the energy model was not explicitly implemented, we could analyze the outputs of the networks using predictions of the energy formalism. After learning was completed, the model neurons preferred position shifts over phase shifts in representing disparity. We discuss the general meaning of these findings and the correspondences and deviations between the energy model, V1 neurons, and our networks. Received: 6 August 1999 / Accepted in revised form: 26 January 2000  相似文献   

Chowdhury SA  DeAngelis GC 《Neuron》2008,60(2):367-377
When a new perceptual task is learned, plasticity occurs in the brain to mediate improvements in performance with training. How do these changes affect the neural substrates of previously learned tasks? We addressed this question by examining the effect of fine discrimination training on the causal contribution of area MT to coarse depth discrimination. When monkeys are trained to discriminate between two coarse absolute disparities (near versus far) embedded in noise, reversible inactivation of area MT devastates performance. In contrast, after animals are trained to discriminate fine differences in relative disparity, MT inactivation no longer impairs coarse depth discrimination. This effect does not result from changes in the disparity tuning of MT neurons, suggesting plasticity in the flow of disparity signals to decision circuitry. These findings show that the contribution of particular brain area to task performance can change dramatically as a result of learning new tasks.  相似文献   

If a binocular observer looks at surfaces, the disparity is a continuous vector field defined on the manifold of cyclopean visual directions. We derive this field for the general case that the observer is presented with a curved surface and fixates an arbitrary point. We expand the disparity field in the neighbourhood of a visual direction. The first order approximation can be decomposed into congruences, similarities and deformations. The deformation component is described by the traceless part of the symmetric part of the gradient of the disparity. The deformation component carries all information concerning the slant of a surface element that is contained in the disparity field itself; it is invariant for changes of fixation, differential cyclotorsion and uniform aniseikonia. The deformation component can be found from a comparison of the orientation of surface details in the left and right retinal images. The theory provides a geometric explanation of the percepts obtained with uniform and oblique meridional aniseikonia. We utilize the geometric theory to construct a mechanistic model of stereopsis that obviates the need for internal zooming mechanisms, but nevertheless is insensitive to differential cyclotorsion or uniform aniseikonia.  相似文献   

How does the brain construct a percept from sensory signals? One approach to this fundamental question is to investigate perceptual learning as induced by exposure to statistical regularities in sensory signals [1-7]. Recent studies showed that exposure to novel correlations between sensory signals can cause a signal to have new perceptual effects [2, 3]. In those studies, however, the signals were clearly visible. The automaticity of the learning was therefore difficult to determine. Here we investigate whether learning of this sort, which causes new effects on appearance, can be low level and automatic by employing a visual signal whose perceptual consequences were made invisible-a vertical disparity gradient masked by other depth cues. This approach excluded high-level influences such as attention or consciousness. Our stimulus for probing perceptual appearance was a rotating cylinder. During exposure, we introduced a new contingency between the invisible signal and the rotation direction of the cylinder. When subsequently presenting an ambiguously rotating version of the cylinder, we found that the invisible signal influenced the perceived rotation direction. This demonstrates that perception can rapidly undergo "structure learning" by automatically picking up novel contingencies between sensory signals, thus automatically recruiting signals for novel uses during the construction of a percept.  相似文献   

When a single object lies in front of or beyond the plane of fixation its retinal image lies on disparate positions in the two eyes. This 'local' retinal disparity is an excellent cue to depth, and retinal disparties of a few seconds of arc are detectable by people and monkeys. However, most visual scenes produce a complex array of contours in each eye and we can detect the disparity in the arrays despite the ambiguous nature of the disparities, i.e. each contour in one eye could be related to any of several similar contours in the other eye. This ability, known as 'global' stereopsis, may be selectively impaired following brain damage in man. Global stereopsis was measured in rhesus monkeys before and after removing a different cortical visual area in different groups of animals. Only removal of the inferotemporal cortex impaired global stereopsis. The result is related to the findings with human patients and to receptive field properties of neurons in the inferotemporal cortex of monkeys.  相似文献   

The relationship between disparity and ocular vergence was investigated under closed-loop as well as under open-loop viewing conditions. First we examined whether vergence responded similarly to disparity presented under open-loop and closed-loop conditions. Similar response were observed in both conditions. The direct relationship between disparity and vergence was examined by presenting constant disparities between 0.2° and 4° under open-loop viewing conditions. Such vergence responses are described as the outputs of first-order low-pass filters with different filter characteristics for each amplitude of disparity. By analyzing the latency of vergence responses induced by constant disparities with help of the transfer function of disparitycontrolled vergence, the time delay of disparity processing in the vergence loop was estimated. We suggested that the time delay was approximately between 80 and 120 ms instead of 160 ms as is generally assumed. The relationship between the rate of disparity change and vergence was examined by comparing responses to ramp and stepwise changes in target vergence. From the similar responses to ramp and staircase changes in disparity we concluded that vergence is not sensitive to the velocity of target vergence as such. On the basis of these findings we developed a model of disparity-controlled vergence. In this model disparity is processed through several parallel, imperfect integrators with slightly different low-pass filter characteristics, each of them susceptible to a limited range of disparities. Gains as well as phase lags of vergence responses to sinusoidal disparities are accurately simulated by this model. As a consequence of the limited working range of the low-pass filters, the model correctly simulates the alterations of fast and slow phases in response to step and ramps of target vergence, which are characteristic of real vergence responses.  相似文献   

Species diversity and morphological disparity are two measures to examine the diversity of life. Evidence based on the fossil record suggests a complex relation between these two parameters of biodiversity including frequent decoupling of their assembly through time. However, rather few studies explored the correlation of these two measurements by studying extant plant species. This study was designed to explore the accumulation of morphological disparity of the derived Neotropical fern genus Pleopeltis. To explore the relationship of species diversity and morphological disparity, we employed several approaches including divergence time estimates based on DNA sequence variation, reconstruction of character state changes based on a morphological matrix comprising 41 discrete characters, and exploration of the phylomorphospace. Accumulation of species diversity and morphological disparity was found to be concordant although the assumption of independence was not rejected for the accumulation of genetic and morphological variation. The phylomorphospace reconstruction provided further evidence for clade‐specific morphospace expansion that imply developmental pathways and competition among clades as major factors shaping the assembly of morphological disparity over time.  相似文献   

Dynamic visual acuity (DVA) is defined as the ability to discriminate the fine parts of a moving object. DVA is generally better in athletes than in non-athletes, and the better DVA of athletes has been attributed to a better ability to track moving objects. In the present study, we hypothesized that the better DVA of athletes is partly derived from better perception of moving images on the retina through some kind of perceptual learning. To test this hypothesis, we quantitatively measured DVA in baseball players and non-athletes using moving Landolt rings in two conditions. In the first experiment, the participants were allowed to move their eyes (free-eye-movement conditions), whereas in the second they were required to fixate on a fixation target (fixation conditions). The athletes displayed significantly better DVA than the non-athletes in the free-eye-movement conditions. However, there was no significant difference between the groups in the fixation conditions. These results suggest that the better DVA of athletes is primarily due to an improved ability to track moving targets with their eyes, rather than to improved perception of moving images on the retina.  相似文献   

H B Holtfreter  N Cohen 《Cytometry》1990,11(6):676-685
We have examined, by flow cytometry, the apparent DNA content of frog blood cells that had been fixed with either 50% ethanol, 70% ethanol, or 66% methanol, before being stained with either mithramycin, propidium iodide, or Hoechst 33258. After 50% ethanol fixation, regardless of the dye used, the DNA content of the hemopoietic cells appeared unimodal, but after either 70% ethanol or 66% methanol fixation, it appeared bimodal. Cell sorting revealed that the lower and upper modes are represented by erythrocytes (RBCs) and leukocytes (WBCs), respectively. In amphibians, the chromatin of metabolically inactive RBCs is highly condensed relative to the chromatin of metabolically active WBCs. The bimodal distribution of DNA contents seen with 66% methanol and 70% ethanol, but not 50% ethanol, seems to reflect this disparity in the degree of chromatin condensation existing between the RBCs and WBCs. This, in turn, implies that the accessibility of fluorescent DNA dyes to the chromatin of fixed frog hemopoietic cells, especially of RBCs, can be affected by the concentration of alcohol used for their fixation.  相似文献   

In no group of organisms has the link between species richness, morphological disparity, disparity in mechanics and functional or ecological diversification been made explicit. As a step towards integrating these measures of diversity, we examine how the mechanics of the anterior-jaw four-bar linkages of 104 species of Great Barrier Reef (GBR) labrid fishes maps into a scale-independent morphospace. As predicted from theory, no relationship exists between overall size and the mechanics of velocity and force transmission in labrid anterior-jaw linkages. Nonetheless, mechanics associated with the anterior jaw appear to have constrained diversification of labrid anterior-jaw morphology. Furthermore, simulations depict a generally nonlinear relationship between the length of individual links and transmission of motion. In addition, no relationship was found between morphological disparity and mechanical disparity among the most species-rich labrid groups from the GBR. It is also established that regions of morphospace equivalent in morphological disparity differ over nearly an order of magnitude in mechanical disparity. These results illustrate that without an explicit interpretation of the consequences of per unit change in morphology, conclusions about diversification drawn only from morphological disparity may be misleading.  相似文献   

This study measured changes in switches of attention between 1 and 9 months of age in 67 typically developing infants. Remote eye-tracking (Tobii X120) was used to measure saccadic latencies, related to switches of fixation, as a measure of shifts of attention, from a central stimulus to a peripheral visual target, measured in the Fixation Shift Paradigm. Fixation shifts occur later if the central fixation stimulus stays visible when the peripheral target appears (competition condition), than if the central stimulus disappears as the peripheral target appears (non-competition condition). This difference decreases with age. Our results show significantly faster disengagement in infants over 4 months than in the younger group, and provide more precise measures of fixation shifts, than behavioural observation with the same paradigm. Reduced saccadic latencies in the course of a test session indicate a novel learning effect. The Fixation Shift Paradigm combined with remote eye-tracking measures showed improved temporal and spatial accuracy compared to direct observation by a trained observer, and allowed an increased number of trials in a short testing time. This makes it an infant-friendly non-invasive procedure, involving minimal observational training, suitable for use in future studies of clinical populations to detect early attentional abnormalities in the first few months of life.  相似文献   

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