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Finding specific RNA motifs: function in a zeptomole world?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
We have developed a new method for estimating the abundance of any modular (piecewise) RNA motif within a longer random region. We have used this method to estimate the size of the active motifs available to modern SELEX experiments (picomoles of unique sequences) and to a plausible RNA World (zeptomoles of unique sequences: 1 zmole = 602 sequences). Unexpectedly, activities such as specific isoleucine binding are almost certainly present in zeptomoles of molecules, and even ribozymes such as self-cleavage motifs may appear (depending on assumptions about the minimal structures). The number of specified nucleotides is not the only important determinant of a motif's rarity: The number of modules into which it is divided, and the details of this division, are also crucial. We propose three maxims for easily isolated motifs: the Maxim of Minimization, the Maxim of Multiplicity, and the Maxim of the Median. These maxims together state that selected motifs should be small and composed of as many separate, equally sized modules as possible. For evenly divided motifs with four modules, the largest accessible activity in picomole scale (1-1000 pmole) pools of length 100 is about 34 nucleotides; while for zeptomole scale (1-1000 zmole) pools it is about 20 specific nucleotides (50% probability of occurrence). This latter figure includes some ribozymes and aptamers. Consequently, an RNA metabolism apparently could have begun with only zeptomoles of RNA molecules.  相似文献   

RNA recognition by Tat-derived peptides: interaction in the major groove?   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
K M Weeks  D M Crothers 《Cell》1991,66(3):577-588
Replication of human immunodeficiency virus requires binding of the viral Tat protein to its RNA target sequence TAR; peptides derived from Tat bind to a TAR "contact site" spanning 5 bp and a trinucleotide pyrimidine bulge. We find that high affinity binding requires a U residue in the bulge loop and 2 specific adjacent base pairs. Other bulged RNAs bind in a lower affinity nonspecific manner; sequence-specific binding requires a bulge loop of more than 1 nucleotide. Reaction with diethyl pyrocarbonate indicates that one effect of the bulge is to make the otherwise deep and narrow RNA major groove accessible. A model consistent with these data involves local distortion of A-form geometry at the bulge, which bends the helix and permits protein binding and interactive access in the RNA major groove.  相似文献   

A code predicting the RNA sequence that will be bound by a certain protein based on its amino acid sequence or its structure would provide a useful tool for the design of RNA binders with desired sequence-specificity. Such de novo designed RNA binders could be of extraordinary use in both medical and basic research applications. Furthermore, a code could help to predict the cellular functions of RNA-binding proteins that have not yet been extensively studied. A comparative analysis of Pumilio homology domains, zinc-containing RNA binders, hnRNP K homology domains and RNA recognition motifs is performed in this review. Based on this, a set of binding rules is proposed that hints towards a code for RNA recognition by these domains. Furthermore, we discuss the intermolecular interactions that are important for RNA binding and summarize their importance in providing affinity and specificity.  相似文献   

Microorganisms from diverse environments actively bore into rocks, contributing significantly to rock weathering. Carbonates are the most common substrate into which they bore, although there are also reports of microbial borings into volcanic glass. One of the most intriguing questions in microbial evolutionary biology is why some microorganisms bore. A variety of possible selection pressures, including nutrient acquisition, protection from UV radiation and predatory grazing could promote boring. None of these pressures is mutually exclusive and many of them could have acted in concert with varying strengths in different environments to favour the development of microorganisms that bore. We suggest that microbial boring might have begun in some environments as a mechanism against entombment by mineralization.  相似文献   

CpG motifs: the active ingredient in bacterial extracts?   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Krieg AM 《Nature medicine》2003,9(7):831-835
The use of bacteria and bacterial extracts for immunotherapy has a checkered past. Recent developments in immunology reveal that these nonspecific immune activators actually work by triggering specific receptors that are expressed by subsets of immune cells. Identification of these receptors and the molecular signaling pathways that they activate has enabled a new era of specific targeted immunotherapy using chemically synthesized mimics of pathogen molecules.  相似文献   

Sequence motifs are becoming increasingly important in the analysis of gene regulation. How do we define sequence motifs, and why should we use sequence logos instead of consensus sequences to represent them? Do they have any relation with binding affinity? How do we search for new instances of a motif in this sea of DNA?  相似文献   

We investigate the role of water molecules in 89 protein–RNA complexes taken from the Protein Data Bank. Those with tRNA and single-stranded RNA are less hydrated than with duplex or ribosomal proteins. Protein–RNA interfaces are hydrated less than protein–DNA interfaces, but more than protein–protein interfaces. Majority of the waters at protein–RNA interfaces makes multiple H-bonds; however, a fraction do not make any. Those making H-bonds have preferences for the polar groups of RNA than its partner protein. The spatial distribution of waters makes interfaces with ribosomal proteins and single-stranded RNA relatively ‘dry’ than interfaces with tRNA and duplex RNA. In contrast to protein–DNA interfaces, mainly due to the presence of the 2′OH, the ribose in protein–RNA interfaces is hydrated more than the phosphate or the bases. The minor groove in protein–RNA interfaces is hydrated more than the major groove, while in protein–DNA interfaces it is reverse. The strands make the highest number of water-mediated H-bonds per unit interface area followed by the helices and the non-regular structures. The preserved waters at protein–RNA interfaces make higher number of H-bonds than the other waters. Preserved waters contribute toward the affinity in protein–RNA recognition and should be carefully treated while engineering protein–RNA interfaces.  相似文献   

Pancsa R  Fuxreiter M 《IUBMB life》2012,64(6):513-520
Proteins containing intrinsically disordered (ID) regions are widespread in eukaryotic organisms and are mostly utilized in regulatory processes. ID regions can mediate binary interactions of proteins or promote organization of large assemblies. Post-translational modifications of ID regions often serve as decision points in signaling pathways. Why Nature distinguished ID proteins in molecular recognition functions? In a simple view, binding of ID regions is accompanied by a large entropic penalty as compared to folded proteins. Even in complexes however, ID regions can preserve their conformational freedom, thereby recruit further partners and perform various functions. What sort of benefits ID regions offer for molecular interactions and which properties are exploited in the corresponding complexes? Here, we review models explaining the recognition mechanisms of ID proteins. Motif-based interactions are central to all proposed scenarios, including prestructured elements, anchoring sites and linear motifs. We aim to extract consensus features of the models, which could be used to predict ID-binding sites for a variety of partners.  相似文献   

Do protein motifs read the histone code?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The existence of different patterns of chemical modifications (acetylation, methylation, phosphorylation, ubiquitination and ADP-ribosylation) of the histone tails led, some years ago, to the histone code hypothesis. According to this hypothesis, these modifications would provide binding sites for proteins that can change the chromatin state to either active or repressed. Interestingly, some protein domains present in histone-modifying enzymes are known to interact with these covalent marks in the histone tails. This was first shown for the bromodomain, which was found to interact selectively with acetylated lysines at the histone tails. More recently, it has been described that the chromodomain can be targeted to methylation marks in histone N-terminal domains. Finally, the interaction between the SANT domain and histones is also well documented. Overall, experimental evidence suggests that these domains could be involved in the recruitment of histone-modifying enzymes to discrete chromosomal locations, and/or in the regulation their enzymatic activity. Within this context, we review the distribution of bromodomains, chromodomains and SANT domains among chromatin-modifying enzymes and discuss how they can contribute to the translation of the histone code.  相似文献   

Klemens JA 《Biology letters》2008,4(1):67-8; discussion 69-70

Endotoxin recognition: in fish or not in fish?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The interaction between pathogens and their multicellular hosts is initiated by activation of pathogen recognition receptors (PRRs). These receptors, that include most notably members of the toll-like receptor (TLR) family, recognize specific pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). TLR4 is a central part of the receptor complex that is involved in the activation of the immune system by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) through the specific recognition of its endotoxic moiety (Lipid A). This is a critical event that is essential for the immune response to Gram-negative bacteria as well as the etiology of endotoxic shock. Interestingly, compared to mammals, fish are resistant to endotoxic shock. This in vivo resistance concurs with in vitro studies demonstrating significantly lowered sensitivity of fish leukocytes to LPS activation. Further, our in vitro analyses demonstrate that in trout mononuclear phagocytes, LPS fails to induce antiviral genes, an event that occurs downstream of TLR4 and is required for the development of endotoxic shock. Finally, an in silico approach that includes mining of different piscine genomic and EST databases, reveals the presence in fish of all of the major TLR signaling elements except for the molecules specifically involved in TLR4-mediated endotoxin recognition and signaling in mammals. Collectively, our analysis questions the existence of TLR4-mediated cellular responses to LPS in fish. We further speculate that other receptors, in particular beta-2 integrins, may play a primary role in the activation of piscine leukocytes by LPS.  相似文献   

The sequence of silent DNA in the human genome (intergenic spacers, introns and synonymous codon positions of protein-coding genes) was found here to have the higher thermostability of corresponding RNA/RNA and RNA/DNA duplexes as compared with randomized sequence. This difference increased with elevation of GC content. The revealed effect was not due to correlation of RNA/RNA and RNA/DNA thermostabilities with thermostability of the DNA/DNA duplex, which, on the contrary, was lower than in the randomized sequence and lagged behind the elevation of GC content. The same picture was observed in the genomes of other warm-blooded vertebrates but not in the lower organisms. This finding suggests that RNA-RNA and RNA-DNA interactions could be involved in the putative function of silent DNA.  相似文献   

Cells of multicellular organisms are surrounded by and attached to a matrix of fibrous polysaccharides and proteins known as the extracellular matrix. This fibrous network not only serves as a structural support to cells and tissues but also plays an integral part in the process as important as proliferation, differentiation, or defense. While at first sight, the extracellular matrices of plant and animals do not have much in common, a closer look reveals remarkable similarities. In particular, the proteins involved in the adhesion of the cell to the extracellular matrix share many functional properties. At the sequence level, however, a surprising lack of homology is found between adhesion-related proteins of plants and animals. Both protein machineries only reveal similarities between small subdomains and motifs, which further underlines their functional relationship. In this review, we provide an overview on the similarities between motifs in proteins known to be located at the plant cell wall—plasma membrane—cytoskeleton interface to proteins of the animal adhesome. We also show that by comparing the proteome of both adhesion machineries at the level of motifs, we are also able to identify potentially new candidate proteins that functionally contribute to the adhesion of the plant plasma membrane to the cell wall.  相似文献   

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