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The N-(2-deoxy-beta3-D-erythro-pentofuranosyl) formamide residue results from a ring fragmentation product of thymine or cytosine. The presence of a formamide-adenine base pair in the sequence 5'd(AGGAACCACG).d(CGTGGFTCCT) has been studied by 1H and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and molecular dynamics. There are two possible isomers for the formamide side chain, either cis or trans. For each isomer, we observed an equilibrium in solution between two forms. First, a species where the formamide is intrahelical and paired with the facing adenine. For the cis isomer, the formamide is in a syn conformation and two hydrogen bonds with adenine are formed. The trans isomer is in an anti conformation and a single hydrogen bond is observed. In the second form, whatever the isomer, the formamide is rejected outside the helix, whereas the adenine remains inside.  相似文献   

Deoxyguanosine residues are hydroxylated by reactive oxygen species at the C-8 position to form 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OG), one of the most important mutagenic lesions in DNA. Though the spontaneous G:C to C:G transversions are rare events, the pathways leading to this mutation are not established. An 8-OG:G mispair, if not corrected by DNA repair enzymes, could lead to G:C to C:G transversions. NMR spectroscopy and restrained molecular dynamics calculations are used to refine the solution structure of the base mismatch formed by the 8-OG:G pair on a self complementary DNA dodecamer duplex d(CGCGAATT(8-O)GGCG)(2). The results reveal that the 8-OG base is inserted into the helix and forms Hoogsteen base-pairing with the G on the opposite strand. The 8-OG:G base-pairs are seen to be stabilized by two hydrogen bonding interactions, one between the H7 of the 8-OG and the O6 of the G, and a three-center hydrogen bonding between the O8 of the 8-OG and the imino and amino protons of the G. The 8-OG:G base-pairs are very well stacked between the Watson-Crick base-paired flanking bases. Both strands of the DNA duplex adopt right-handed conformations. All of the unmodified bases, including the G at the lesion site, adopt anti glycosidic torsion angles and form Watson-Crick base-pairs. At the lesion site, the 8-OG residues adopt syn conformations. The structural studies demonstrate that 8-OG(syn):G(anti) forms a stable pair in the interior of the duplex, providing a basis for the in vivo incorporation of G opposite 8-OG. Calculated helical parameters and backbone torsional angles, and the observed 31P chemical shifts, indicate that the structure of the duplex is perturbed near lesion sites, with the local unwinding of the double helix. The melting temperature of the 8-OG:G containing duplex is only 2.6 deg. C less than the t(m) of the unmodified duplex.  相似文献   

S G Kim  B R Reid 《Biochemistry》1992,31(48):12103-12116
The solution structure of the self-complementary DNA duplex [d(GCCGTTAACGGC)]2, which contains the HpaI restriction site GTTAAC, has been elucidated by two-dimensional NMR, distance geometry (DG), and NOE back-calculation methods. Initial distance constraints were determined by polynomial fitting the two-spin initial NOE rates; backbone constraints from NOE and J-coupling observations (Kim et al., 1992) were included. RMSDs between initial-distance-refined structures derived from random-embedded DG, A-DNA, and B-DNA starting structures were all in the range 0.5-1.0 A, indicating good convergence properties of the algorithm, regardless of the starting structure. A semiautomatic back-calculation refinement procedure was developed and used to generate more refined structures for which the BKCALC-simulated NOE volumes matched the experimental data. The six final structures refined from various starting structures exhibit very good agreement with the experimental data (R values = 0.18) and converge well to within 0.8-A RMSD differences for the central 8 base pairs. The torsion and pseudorotation phase angles were found to be well determined by the data, and the local helical parameters for each base step converged quite well. The final structures show that the central T6-A7 step is somewhat underwound (twist angle ca. 29 degrees), with a large negative cup and a normal (wide) minor groove width, while the T5-T6 and A7-A8 steps have a partially narrowed minor groove.  相似文献   

We have determined by two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance studies and molecular mechanics calculations the three dimensional solution structure of the non-selfcomplementary oligonucleotide, d(GAGGAGGCACG). d(CGTGCGTCCTC) in which the central base pair is G.G. This is the first structural determination of a G.G mismatch in a oligonucleotide. Two dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectra show that the bases of the mismatched pair are stacked into the helix and that the helix adopts a classical B-DNA form. Spectra of the exchangeable protons show that the two guanosines are base paired via their imino protons. For the non-exchangeable protons and for some of the exchangeable protons nuclear Overhauser enhancement build up curves at short mixing times have been measured. These give 84 proton-proton distances which are sensitive to the helix conformation. One of the guanosines adopts a normal anti conformation while the other is syn or close to syn. All non-terminal sugars are C2' endo. These data sets were incorporated into the refinement of the oligonucleotide structure by molecular mechanics calculations. The G.G mismatch shows a symmetrical base pairing structure. Although the mismatch is very bulky many of its features are close to that of normal B-DNA. The mismatch induces a small lateral shift in the helix axis and the sum of the helical twist above and below the mismatch is close to that of B-DNA.  相似文献   

Solution structures of DNA duplexes containing oxanine (Oxa, O) opposite a cytosine (O:C duplex) and opposite a thymine (O:T duplex) have been solved by the combined use of (1)H NMR and restrained molecular dynamics calculation. One mismatch pair was introduced into the center of the 11-mer duplex of [d(GTGACO(6)CACTG)/d(CAGTGX(17)GTCAC), X = C or T]. (1)H NMR chemical shifts and nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) intensities indicate that both the duplexes adopt an overall right-handed B-type conformation. Exchangeable resonances of C(17) 4-amino proton of the O:C duplex and of T(17) imino proton of O:T duplex showed unusual chemical shifts, and disappeared with temperature increasing up to 30 °C, although the melting temperatures were >50 °C. The O:C mismatch takes a wobble geometry with positive shear parameter where the Oxa ring shifted toward the major groove and the paired C(17) toward the minor groove, while, in the O:T mismatch pair with the negative shear, the Oxa ring slightly shifted toward the minor groove and the paired T(17) toward the major groove. The Oxa mismatch pairs can be wobbled largely because of no hydrogen bond to the O1 position of the Oxa base, and may occupy positions in the strands that optimize the stacking with adjacent bases.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic alpha anomer of adenosine, generated in situ by radicals, must be recognized and repaired to maintain genomic stability. Endonuclease IV (Endo IV), a member of the base excision repair (BER) enzyme family, in addition to acting on abasic sites, has the auxiliary function of removing this mutagenic nucleotide in Escherichia coli. We have employed enzymatic, thermodynamic, and structural studies on DNA duplexes containing a central alpha-anomeric adenosine residue to characterize the role of DNA structure on recognition and catalysis by Endo IV. The enzyme recognizes and cleaves our alphaA-containing DNA duplexes at the site of the modification. The NMR solution structure of the DNA decamer duplex establishes that the single alpha-anomeric adenosine residue is intrahelical and stacks in a reverse Watson-Crick fashion consistent with the slight decrease in thermostability. However, the presence of this lesion confers significant changes to the global duplex conformation, resulting from a kink of the helical axis into the major groove and an opening of the minor groove emanating from the alpha-anomeric site. Interestingly, the conformation of the flanking base-paired segments is not greatly altered from a B-type conformation. The global structural changes caused by this lesion place the DNA along the conformational path leading to the DNA structure observed in the complex. Thus, it appears that the alpha-anomeric lesion facilitates recognition by Endo IV.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional solution structure of a DNA molecule of the sequence 5'-d(GCATCGAAAAAGCTACG)-3' paired with 5'-d(CGTAGCCGATGC)-3' containing a five-adenine bulge loop (dA(5)-bulge) between two double helical stems was determined by 2D (1)H and (31)P NMR, infrared, and Raman spectroscopy. The DNA in both stems adopt a classical B-form double helical structure with Watson-Crick base pairing and C2'-endo sugar conformation. In addition, the two dG/dC base pairs framing the dA(5)-bulge loop are formed and are stable at least up to 30 degrees C. The five adenine bases of the bulge loop are localized at intrahelical positions within the double helical stems. Stacking on the double helical stem is continued for the first four 5'-adenines in the bulge loop. The total rise (the height) of these four stacked adenines roughly equals the diameter of the double helical stem. The stacking interactions are broken between the last of these four 5'-adenines and the fifth loop adenine at the 3'-end. This 3'-adenine partially stacks on the other stem. The angle between the base planes of the two nonstacking adenines (A10 and A11) in the bulge loop reflects the kinking angle of the global DNA structure. The neighboring cytosines opposite the dA(5)-bulge (being parts of the bulge flanking base pairs) do not stack on one another. This disruption of stacking is characterized by a partial shearing of these bases, such that certain sequential NOEs for this base step are preserved. In the base step opposite the loop, an extraordinary hydrogen bond is observed between the phosphate backbone of the 5'-dC and the amino proton of the 3'-dC in about two-thirds of the conformers. This hydrogen bond probably contributes to stabilizing the global DNA structure. The dA(5)-bulge induces a local kink into the DNA molecule of about 73 degrees (+/-11 degrees ). This kinking angle and the mutual orientation of the two double helical stems agree well with results from fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurements of single- and double-bulge DNA molecules.  相似文献   

Translesional DNA synthesis past abasic sites proceeds with the preferential incorporation of dAMP opposite the lesion and, depending on the sequence context, one or two base deletions. High-resolution NMR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations were used to determine the three-dimensional structure of a DNA heteroduplex containing a synthetic abasic site (tetrahydrofuran) residue positioned in a sequence that promotes one base deletions. Analysis of NMR spectra indicates that the stem region of the duplex adopts a right-handed helical structure and the glycosidic torsion angle is in anti orientation for all residues. NOE interactions establish Watson-Crick alignments for all canonical base pairs of the duplex. Measurement of distance interactions at the lesion site shows the abasic residue excluded from the helix. Restrained molecular dynamics simulations generated three-dimensional models in excellent agreement with the spectroscopic data. These structures show a regular duplex region and a slight bend at the lesion site. The tetrahydrofuran residue extrudes from the helix and is highly flexible. The model reported here, in conjunction with a previous study performed on abasic sites, explains the structural bias of one-base deletion mutations.  相似文献   

The synthetic dodecanucleotide d(CGCAAATTGGCG) has been analysed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction techniques and the structure refined to R = 0.16 and 2.25 A resolution, with the location of 94 solvent molecules. The sequence crystallizes as a full turn of a B-DNA helix with ten Watson-Crick base-pairs and two adenine-guanine mispairs. The analysis clearly shows that the mismatches are of the form A(anti).G(syn). Thermal denaturation studies indicate that the stability of the duplex is strongly pH dependent, with a maximum at pH 5.0, suggesting that the base-pair is stabilized by protonation. Three different arrangements have been observed for base-pairs between guanine and adenine and it is likely that A.G mismatch conformation is strongly influenced by dipole-dipole interactions with adjacent base-pairs.  相似文献   

M A Rosen  L Shapiro  D J Patel 《Biochemistry》1992,31(16):4015-4026
We have synthesized an oligodeoxynucleotide duplex, d(G-C-A-T-C-G-A-T-A-G-C-T-A-C-G).d(C-G-T-A-G-C-C-G-A-T-C-G), with a three-base bulge loop (A-T-A) at a central site in the first strand. Nuclear Overhauser experiments (NOESY) in H2O indicate that the GC base pairs flanking the bulge loop are intact between 0 and 25 degrees C. Nuclear Overhauser effects in both H2O and D2O indicate that all bases within the bulge loop are stacked into the helix. These unpaired bases retain an anti conformation about their glycosidic bonds as they stack within the duplex. The absence of normal sequential connectivities between the two cytosine residues flanking the bulge site on the opposite strand indicates a disruption in the geometry of this base step upon insertion of the bulged bases into the helix. This conformational perturbation is more akin to a shearing apart of the bases, which laterally separates the two halves of the molecule, rather than the "wedge" model often invoked for single-base bulges. Using molecular dynamics calculations, with both NOE-derived proton-proton distances and relaxation matrix-calculated NOESY cross peak volumes as restraints, we have determined the solution structure of an A-T-A bulge loop within a DNA duplex. The bulged bases are stacked among themselves and with the guanine bases on either side of the loop. All three of the bulged bases are displaced by 2-3 A into the major groove, increasing the solvent accessibility of these residues. The ATA-bulge duplex is significantly kinked at the site of the lesion, in agreement with previously reported electron microscopy and gel retardation studies on bulge-containing duplexes [Hsieh, C.-H., & Griffith, J. D. (1989) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A 86, 4833-4837; Bhattacharyya, A., & Lilley, D. M. J. (1989) Nucleic Acids Res. 17, 6821-6840]. Bending occurs in a direction away from the bulge-containing strand, and we find a significant twist difference of 84 degrees between the two base pairs flanking the bulge loop site. This value represents 58% of the twist difference for base pairs four steps apart in B-DNA. These results suggest a structural mechanism for the bending of DNA induced by unpaired bases, as well as accounting for the effect bulge loops may have on the secondary and tertiary structures of nucleic acids.  相似文献   

The solution structure of an interstrand cross-linked self-complementary oligodeoxynucleotide containing directly opposed alkylated N(4)C-ethyl-N(4)C cytosine bases was determined by molecular dynamics calculations guided by NMR-derived restraints. The undecamer d(CGAAACTTTCG)(2), where C represents directly opposed alkylated N(4)C-ethyl-N(4)C cytosine bases, serves as model for the cytotoxic cross-links formed by bifunctional alkylating agents used in cancer therapy. The structure of the duplex shows the cross-link protruding into the major groove. An increase in the diameter of the DNA at the pseudoplatform formed by the cross-linked residues creates an A-DNA characteristic hole in the central portion of the DNA. This results in a centrally underwound base step and a number of subsequent overwinding steps leading to an overall axis bend toward the major groove. The structure shows narrowing of both minor and major grooves in the proximity of the cross-link. The perturbation leads to preferential intrastrand base stacking, disruption of adjacent canonical (A.T) base pairing, and buckling of base pairs, the extent of which diminishes with progression away from the lesion site. Overall, the distortion induced by the cross-link spreads over three base pairs on the 5'- and 3'-sides of the cross-link.  相似文献   

Solution structure of a DNA duplex with a chiral alkyl phosphonate moiety   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The solution structures of two DNA decamers of sequence d(CCACCpxGGAAC)·(GTTCCGGTGG) with a chiral alkyl phosphonate moiety (px) have been determined using NMR and restrained molecular dynamics simulations and compared with the solution structure of the unmodified duplex. The 1H NMR spectra of two samples with pure stereochemistry in the modified phosphate have been assigned. The structures of both diastereoisomers, as well as the unmodified control duplex, have been determined from NMR-derived distance and torsion angle constraints. Accurate distance constraints were obtained from a complete relaxation matrix analysis of the NOE intensities. The structures have been refined with state of the art molecular dynamics methods, including explicit solvent and applying the particle mesh Ewald method to properly evaluate the long-range electrostatic interactions. In both cases, the calculations converge to well-defined structures, with RMSDs of ~1 Å. The resulting structures belong to the general B family of DNA structures, even though the presence of the alkyl phosphonate moiety induces some slight displacement to the A-form in the neighborhood of the modified phosphate. Partial neutralization of this phosphate and the steric effect of the alkyl moiety provoke moderate bending in the DNA. This effect is more pronounced in the S diastereoisomer, where the alkyl group points inwards to the double helix.  相似文献   

The tripeptide 1,2-dihydro-(3 H )-pyrrolo[3,2- e ]indole-7-carboxylate (CDPI3) binds to the minor groove of DNA with high affinity. When this minor groove binder is conjugated to the 5'-end of short oligonucleotides the conjugates form unusually stable hybrids with complementary DNA and thus may have useful diagnostic and/or therapeutic applications. In order to gain an understanding of the structural interactions between the CDPI3minor groove binding moiety and the DNA, we have determined and compared the solution structure of a duplex consisting of oligodeoxyribonucleotide 5'-TGATTATCTG-3' conjugated at the 5'-end to CDPI3 and its complementary strand to an unmodified control duplex of the same sequence using nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. Thermal denaturation studies indicated that the hybrid of this conjugate with its complementary strand had a melting temperature that was 30 degrees C higher compared with the unmodified control duplex. Following restrained molecular dynamics and relaxation matrix refinement, the solution structure of the CDPI3-conjugated DNA duplex demonstrated that the overall shape of the duplex was that of a straight B-type helix and that the CDPI3moiety was bound snugly in the minor groove, where it was stabilized by extensive van der Waal's interactions.  相似文献   

The formation of the C-U base pair in a duplex was observed in solution by means of the temperature profile of (15)N chemical shifts, and the precise geometry of the C-U base pair was also determined by NOE-based structure calculation. From the solution structure of the RNA oligomer, r[CGACUCAGG].r[CCUGCGUCG], it was found that a single C-U mismatch preferred being stacked in the duplex rather than being flipped-out even in solution. Moreover, it adopts an irregular geometry, where the amino nitrogen (N4) of the cytidine and keto-oxygen (O4) of the uridine are within hydrogen-bonding distance, as seen in crystals. To further prove the presence of a hydrogen bond in the C-U pair, we employed a point-labeled cytidine at the exocyclic amino nitrogen of the cytidine in the C-U pair. The temperature profile of its (15)N chemical shift showed a sigmoidal transition curve, indicating the presence of a hydrogen bond in the C-U pair in the duplex.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the RNA octamer, 5'-GGCGUGCC-3' has been determined from x-ray diffraction data to 1.5 angstroms resolution. In the crystal, this oligonucleotide forms five self-complementary double-helices in the asymmetric unit. Tandem 5'GU/3'UG basepairs comprise an internal loop in the middle of each duplex. The NMR structure of this octameric RNA sequence is also known, allowing comparison of the variation among the five crystallographic duplexes and the solution structure. The G.U pairs in the five duplexes of the crystal form two direct hydrogen bonds and are stabilized by water molecules that bridge between the base of guanine (N2) and the sugar (O2') of uracil. This contrasts with the NMR structure in which only one direct hydrogen bond is observed for the G.U pairs. The reduced stability of the r(CGUG)2 motif relative to the r(GGUC)2 motif may be explained by the lack of stacking of the uracil bases between the Watson-Crick and G.U pairs as observed in the crystal structure.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional solution structure of the self-complementary DNA dodecamer (CGT_GACGT_TACG above GCAT_TGCAG_TGC] which contains the thermodynamically destabilizing [TG_A above AT_T] motif was determined using two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy and simulated annealing protocols. Relaxation matrix analysis methods were used to yield accurate NOE derived distance restraints. Scalar coupling constants for the sugar protons were determined by quantitative simulations of DQF-COSY cross-peaks and used to determine sugar pucker populations. Twenty refined structures starting from random geometries converged to an average pairwise root mean square deviation of 0.49 A. Back calculated NOEs give Rc and Rx factors of 0.38 and 0.088, respectively. The final structure shows that each of the single G@T mismatches form a wobble pair with two hydrogen bonds where the guanine projects into the minor groove and the thymine projects into the major groove. The incorporation of the destabilizing [TG_A above AT_T] motif has little effect on the backbone torsion angles and helical parameters compared to standard B-form duplexes, which may explain why G.T mismatches are among the most commonly observed in DNA. The structure shows that perturbations caused by a G.T mismatch extend only to its neighboring Watson-Crick base pair, thus providing a structural basis for the applicability of the nearest-neighbor model to the thermodynamics of internal G.T mismatches.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional solution structure of two DNA decamers of sequence d(CCACXGGAAC)-(GTTCCGGTGG) with a modified nucleotide containing a cholesterol derivative (X) in its C1 '(chol)alpha or C1 '(chol)beta diastereoisomer form has been determined by using NMR and restrained molecular dynamics. This DNA derivative is recognized with high efficiency by the UvrB protein, which is part of the bacterial nucleotide excision repair, and the alpha anomer is repaired more efficiently than the beta one. The structures of the two decamers have been determined from accurate distance constraints obtained from a complete relaxation matrix analysis of the NOE intensities and torsion angle constraints derived from J-coupling constants. The structures have been refined with molecular dynamics methods, including explicit solvent and applying the particle mesh Ewald method to properly evaluate the long range electrostatic interactions. These calculations converge to well defined structures whose conformation is intermediate between the A- and B-DNA families as judged by the root mean square deviation but with sugar puckerings and groove shapes corresponding to a distorted B-conformation. Both duplex adducts exhibit intercalation of the cholesterol group from the major groove of the helix and displacement of the guanine base opposite the modified nucleotide. Based on these structures and molecular dynamics calculations, we propose a tentative model for the recognition of damaged DNA substrates by the UvrB protein.  相似文献   

Adams PD  Oswald RE 《Biochemistry》2006,45(8):2577-2583
Cdc42Hs(F28L) is a single-point mutant of Cdc42Hs, a member of the Ras superfamily of GTP-binding proteins, that facilitates cellular transformation brought about by an increased rate of cycling between GTP and GDP [Lin, R., et al. (1997) Curr. Biol. 7, 794-797]. Dynamics studies of Cdc42Hs(F28L)-GDP have shown increased flexibility for several residues at the nucleotide-binding site [Adams, P. D., et al. (2004) Biochemistry 43, 9968-9977]. The solution structure of Cdc42Hs-GDP (wild type) has previously been determined by NMR spectroscopy [Feltham, J. L., et al. (1997) Biochemistry 36, 8755-8766]. Here, we describe the solution structure of Cdc42Hs(F28L)-GDP, which provides insight into the structural basis for the change in affinity for GDP. Heteronuclear NMR experiments were performed to assign resonances in the protein, and distance, hydrogen bonding, residual dipolar coupling, and dihedral angle constraints were used to calculate a set of low-energy structures using distance geometry and simulated annealing refinement protocols. The overall structure of Cdc42Hs(F28L)-GDP is very similar to that of wild-type Cdc42Hs, consisting of a centrally located six-stranded beta-sheet structure surrounding the C-terminal alpha-helix [Feltham, J. L., et al. (1997) Biochemistry 36, 8755-8766]. In addition, the same three regions in wild-type Cdc42Hs that show structural disorder (Switch I, Switch II, and the Insert region) are disordered in F28L as well. Although the structure of Cdc42Hs(F28L)-GDP is very similar to that of the wild type, interactions with the nucleotide and hydrogen bonding within the nucleotide binding site are altered, and the region surrounding L28 is substantially more disordered.  相似文献   

The binding of a Co(III) complex to the decanucleotide d(CCGAATGAGG)2 containing two pairs of G:A mismatches was studied by 2D-NMR, UV absorption, and molecular modeling. NMR investigations indicate that racemic [Co(phen)2(HPIP)]Cl3 [HPIP = 2-(2-hydroxyphenyl) imidazo [4,5-f][1,10] phenanthroline] binds the decanucleotide by intercalation: the HPIP ligand selectively inserts between the stacked bases from the minor groove at the terminal regions and from the major groove at the sheared region. Further, molecular modeling revealed that the recognition shows strong enantioselectivity: the Λ-isomer preferentially intercalates into the T6G7:A5A4 region from the DNA major groove, while Δ-isomer favors the terminal C1C2:G10G9 region and intercalates from the minor groove. Detailed energy analysis suggests that the steric interaction, especially the electrostatic effect, is the primary determinants of the recognition event. Melting experiments indicate that binding stabilizes the DNA duplex and increases the melting temperature by 9.5 °C. The intrinsic binding constant of the complex to the mismatched duplex was determined to be 3.5 × 105 M−1.  相似文献   

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