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Nepi M  Bini L  Bianchi L  Puglia M  Abate M  Cai G 《Annals of botany》2011,108(3):521-527

Background and Aims

Nectar is a very complex mixture of substances. Some components (sugars and amino acids) are considered primary alimentary rewards for animals and have been investigated and characterized in numerous species for many years. In contrast, nectar proteins have been the subject of few studies and little is known of their function. Only very recently have detailed studies and characterization of nectar proteins been undertaken, and then for only a very few species. This current work represents a first step in the identification of a protein profile for the floral nectar of Cucurbita pepo. In this regard, the species studied is of particular interest in that it is monoecious with unisexual flowers and, consequently, it is possible that nectar proteins derived from male and female flowers may differ.


Manually excised spots from two-dimensional (2-D) electrophoresis were subjected to in-gel protein digestion. The resulting peptides were sequenced using nanoscale LC–ESI/MS-MS (liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization/tandem mass spectrometry). An MS/MS ions search was carried out in Swiss-Prot and NCBInr databases using MASCOT software.

Key Results

Two-dimensional electrophoresis revealed a total of 24 spots and a different protein profile for male and female flower nectar. Four main proteins recognized by 2-D electrophoresis most closely resemble β-d-xylosidases from Arabidopsis thaliana and have some homology to a β-d-xylosidase from Medicago varia. They were present in similar quantities in male and female flowers and had the same molecular weight, but with slightly different isoelectric points.


A putative function for xylosidases in floral nectar of C. pepo is proposed, namely that they may be involved in degrading the oligosaccharides released by the nectary cell walls in response to hydrolytic enzymes produced by invading micro-organisms. Several types of oligosaccharides have been reported to increase the pathogenic potential of micro-organisms. Thus, it is possible that such a mechanism may reduce the virulence of pathogens present in nectar.  相似文献   

Ethylene is the key regulator of sex determination in monoecious species of the family Cucurbitaceae. This hormone determines which individual floral meristems develop as female or male flowers and the female flowering transition. The sex determination genes discovered so far code for ethylene biosynthesis enzymes, but little is known about the importance of ethylene signaling components. In this paper we characterize two novel ethylene‐insensitive mutations (etr1a‐1 and etr1b) which block the female flowering transition of Cucurbita pepo; this makes plants produce male flowers indefinitely (androecy). Two missense mutations in the ethylene‐binding domain of the ethylene receptors CpETR1A or CpETR1B were identified as the causal mutations of these phenotypes by using whole‐genome resequencing. The distinctive phenotypes of single and double mutants for four etr mutations have demonstrated that the final level of ethylene insensitivity depends upon the strength and dosage of mutant alleles for at least three cooperating ETR genes, and that the level of ethylene insensitivity determines the final sex phenotype of the plant. The sex phenotype ranges from monoecy in ethylene‐sensitive wild‐type plants to androecy in the strongest ethylene‐insensitive ones, via andromonoecy in partially ethylene‐insensitive plants. The induction of female flowering transition was found to be associated with upregulation of CpACS11, CpACO2 and CpACS27, three ethylene biosynthesis genes required for female flower development. A model is proposed herein, integrating both ethylene biosynthesis and receptor genes into the genetic network which regulates sex determination in C. pepo.  相似文献   

Studies in zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L. spp. pepo) pollen have been limited to the viability and morphology of the mature pollen grain. The enzyme polygalacturonase (PG) is involved in pollen development and pollination in many species. In this work, we study anther and pollen development of C. pepo and present the cloning and characterisation of a putative PG CpPG1 (Accession no. HQ232488 ) from pollen cDNA in C. pepo. The predicted protein for CpPG1 has 416 amino acids, with a high homology to other pollen PGs, such as P22 from Oenothera organensis (76%) and PGA3 from Arabidopsis thaliana (73%). CpPG1 belongs to clade C, which comprises PGs expressed in pollen, and presents a 34 amino acid signal peptide for secretion towards the cell wall. DNA‐blot analysis revealed that there are at least another two genes that code for PGs in C. pepo. The spatial and temporal accumulation of CpPG1 was studied by semi‐quantitative‐ and qRT‐PCR. In addition, mRNA was detected only in anthers, pollen and the rudimentary anthers of bisexual flowers (only present in some zucchini cultivars under certain environmental conditions that trigger anther development in the third whorl of female flowers). However, no expression was detected in cotyledons, stem or fruit. Furthermore, CpPG1 mRNA was accumulated throughout anther development, with the highest expression found in mature pollen. Similarly, exo‐PG activity increased from immature anther stages to mature anthers and mature pollen. Overall, these data support the pollen specificity of this gene and suggest an involvement of CpPG1 in pollen development in C. pepo.  相似文献   

Robert Turgeon  J. A. Webb 《Planta》1975,123(1):53-62
Summary Net photosynthesis, dark respiration and growth for leaf 5 of Cucurbita pepo L. plants grown under controlled conditions were measured and the data used for an assessment of the changes in carbon balance during growth of the leaf through expansion to maturity. The blade is first capable of net CO2 fixation when ca. 8% expanded but the initial rapid growth during this period is sustained almost entirely through imported nutrients. When the growth rate starts to decline rapidly the net photosynthetic capacity of the blade begins to increase. This increase is accompanied by an expansion of the intercellular spaces and by decreasing dark respiration measured at night and in dark periods during the day. The blade becomes completely independent of phloem imported nutrients and begins to export excess photosynthate when the phase of rapid decrease in relative growth rate is almost complete at about 45% expansion. Maximum net photosynthesis of ca. 11 mg CO2 h-1 dm-2 is achieved at 70% expansion. The first detectable synthesis of the transport sugars stachyose and raffinose in the blade coincides with the beginning of intralaminar phloem transport from the tip to the base of the leaf. The synthesis of sucrose, the other major transport sugar, is detectable at all stages of leaf development.  相似文献   

Cucurbita pepo L. cv. Trailing Marrow is monoecious, bearing separate male and female flowers and the first functional flowers are usually male. Treatment with 300 ppm ethephon delayed and greatly reduced male flower production and also increased female flower numbers. When plants were sprayed with aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) no female flowers were produced but male flower production was unaffected. Even when ethephon was applied to AVG-treated plants there was still complete inhibition of female flower production. Similarly, AVG-treated plants subsequently exposed to 4000 ppm ethylene for two days never produced female flowers. AVG inhibits the penultimate stage in ethylene biosynthesis i.e. immediately before 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC). Although spraying AVG-treated plants with ACC did not reverse the inhibition, application of ACC via a cut petiole for a 72 h period following AVG application did cause female flowers to form. The evidence indicates that ACC and not ethylene is the factor controlling female flower production in C. pepo .  相似文献   

Summary Cortex cells of the root meristem of Cucurbita pepo (0.0–0.5 mm from the cap junction), in the 3–4, 5–6 and 7–8 mm segments above the root tip, and the cells of the first three layers of lateral part of root cap were the object of the present study. The volume of cortex cells increases more than 20 times in the 7–8 mm segment as compared with meristematic cells, and the volume of cytoplasm about sevenfold. The largest increment of the cytoplasmic volume occurs between 0.5–6.0 mm. In consecutive root segments the sustained increase of the volume of nuclei takes place. By applying autoradiography the following processess have been investigated: DNA synthesis (3H thymidine uptake), template activity of DNA (3H actinomycin D(3H AMD)-binding), RNA synthesis (3H uridine incorporation), and protein synthesis (3H leucine). In the root cap cells and in segments where meristematic activity is over, DNA is replicated by endomitosis. On the basis of nuclear labelling it appears that nuclei in the 3–4 mm segment reach 4C ploidy state, but in the 7–8 mm segment half of the nuclei reach the 8C ploidy state. Most of the root cap cells are 4C, the remaining cells are 8C. Considering the uptake of 3H thymidine into nucleoli one may suppose that in the root cap cells nucleolar DNA is underreplicated, and to a lesser degree in 5–6 and 7–8 mm segments, while in 3–4 mm segment DNA is overreplicated as compared to meristem cells. Measurements of nucleolar volume, 3H uridine uptake, 3H AMD binding and quantity of granular component, indicate that the most noticeable nucleolar activity takes place in meristematic zone and in root parts showing the highest increase of cytoplasmic volume (3–4 and 5–6 mm segments). 3H leucine is still incorporated intensely into 7–8 mm segment, in which the concentration of ribosomes is low, however they are present in the form of polysomes. Comparison of 3H thymidine uptake into nuclear DNA with 3H AMD binding and 3H uridine incorporation into nuclei indicates that endomitotic DNA replication results in an increase of DNA template activity in root cap cells as well as in 3–4 and 5–6 mm segments; in the 7–8 mm segment binding of 3H AMD slightly decreases, while 3H uridine incorporation is considerably reduced. Divergence between the ploidy state, 3H AMD binding and 3H uridine incorporation can be due to the increment of the condensed chromatin area in differentiated cells. Plastids and mitochondria reach full maturity in 3–4 mm segment. The increasing volume density of ER and diminishing volume density of Golgi structures is accompanied by differentiation of cortex cells.This work was partly supported by Polish Academy of Sciences, Botanical Committee, Grant 217/II  相似文献   

Accurate estimates of inbreeding depression are necessary in order to predict the evolutionary dynamics of a population, but many studies estimate inbreeding depression based solely on components of female function such as fruit set, seed set, and seed quality. Because total fitness is achieved through both male and female functions in hermaphroditic plants, estimates of both male and female fitness are needed to estimate accurately the magnitude of inbreeding depression. Seedlings of a wild gourd, Cucurbita pepo subsp. texana, with coefficients of inbreeding of 0 and 0.75 were planted in an experimental garden, and several components of male and female fitness were measured over the course of the growing season. Fitness in inbred plants was confounded by both maternal and genetic inbreeding effects. Inbred individuals produced significantly fewer fruits than outcrossed individuals, and percentage germination of seeds from inbred individuals was significantly lower than seeds from outcrossed individuals. Inbred plants also produced significantly fewer staminate flowers and marginally fewer and smaller pollen grains per flower. Pollen from inbred plants also grew significantly more slowly in vitro than pollen from outcrossed plants. Multiplicative estimates of inbreeding depression revealed inbreeding depression for both male and female functions in wild gourd, but inbreeding depression through female function was stronger than inbreeding depression through male function.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal distribution of expression of two cytosolic members of the AtHsp90 gene family was assessed during early development. In stressed transgenic plants bearing the AtHsp90-3 promoter, beta-glucuronidase (GUS) activity was strong in meristematic tissues. Expression was also detected in vascular tissues, leaf veins, siliques, and in pollen sacs. The promoter induced gene expression after heat shock in a time-course dependent manner. AtHsp90-1 promoter activity was low throughout the early stages of embryo development but high just before embryo maturation, with expression most prominent in cotyledons. AtHsp90-3 promoter activity was almost constant and restricted to the root and the cotyledon tips of the embryo. This highly specific spatial distribution of GUS activity changed when the tissues were heat-stressed. Both promoters were also active in unstressed mature pollen grains and during pollen germination. The results shown here indicate that different regulatory and developmental mechanisms control and differentiate the expression of the two cytosolic members of the Arabidopsis AtHsp90 gene family under normal conditions. The developmental and restricted pattern of expression of the AtHsp90-1 and -3 gene promoters in unstressed transgenic plants suggest prominent and distinctive roles of these two genes during different developmental processes.  相似文献   

Two properties of phytotropins, their ability to bind to 1-N-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) receptors located on microsomal vesicles isolated from Cucurbita pepo L. hypocotyls, and to stimulate auxin (indol-3-yl acetic acid, IAA) accumulation into such vesicles by blocking its efflux from them, were assessed in double labelling experiments using [2,3,4,5-3H]1-N-naphthylphthalamic acid and 3-indolyl-[2-14C]acetic acid. Two sites of differing affinities and activities on IAA accumulation were found. 1-N-Naphthylphthalamic acid was found to have high affinity (KD at 10-8mol·l-1) for one site and low affinity (KD at 10-6 mol·l-1) for the other, whereas 2-(1-pyrenoyl)benzoic acid displaced NPA with high efficiency (KD below 10-8 mol·l-1) from both sites. Other phytotropins had intermediate affinities for either site. Occupation of the site with low affinity for NPA stimulated auxin accumulation, while occupation of the high-affinity site with a phytotropin did not interfere with auxin accumulation into vesicles.Abbreviations IAA Indol-3-yl acetic acid - NPA 1-N-naphthylphthalamic acid - PBA 2-(1-pyrenoyl)benzoic acid - TIBA 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid W.M. was supported in part by an allowance from CSIRO and in part by a fellowship of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; he acknowledges the friendly hospitality of the CSIRO Division of Plant Industry. The authors thank R. Hertel (Freiburg) for valuable discussion.  相似文献   

Robert Turgeon  J. A. Webb 《Planta》1976,129(3):265-269
Summary Young leaves of Cucurbita pepo L. were examined by whole-leaf autoradiography and serial paradermal sections were examined by light microscopy to determine whether commencement of sugar export depends upon the minor vein phloem achieving structural maturity. Maturation of these veins develops progressively from the largest toward the smallest elements with the minor veins in the distal region of the leaf maturing before those in the proximal region. Commencement of sugar export is coincident with maturation of the abaxial phloem of the minor veins delimiting the areoles. The abaxial phloem elements of the larger minor veins, which are probably capable of vein loading too but border only relatively few areoles, mature before export starts. The adaxial phloem surrounding the areoles and the xylem elements, mature in advance of the abaxial phloem and well before the beginning of sugar export. It is therefore considered unlikely that structural development alone directly governs the initiation of export. The results suggest that some other rate controlling step is involved.  相似文献   

Robert Turgeon  J. A. Webb 《Planta》1973,113(2):179-191
Summary The capacity of a growing leaf blade of Cucurbita pepo L. to import 14C-labelled photoassimilate is lost in a basipetal direction. Import into the lamina tip stops when the blade is 10% expanded. Development of the leaf progresses linearly with time and the lamina base stops importing when the blade is 45% expanded. Export capacity also develops basipetally and follows immediately the loss of import capacity, at least in the lamina base. The small amount of material initially exported from the leaf tip is redistributed to the still-importing leaf base, delaying export from the lamina until the blade is 35% expanded. Loss of import capacity by the petiole is both basipetal and dorsoventral. The proximal, adaxial portion of the petiole is the last region to cease importing 14C. Leaves of Beta vulgaris L. and Nicotiana tabacum L. also lose import capacity in a basipetal direction.  相似文献   

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