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Hematuria in rabbits has been associated with uterine adenocarcinoma, uterine polyps, renal infarction, urolithiasis, cystitis, bladder polyps, and pyelonephritis. Three adult female New Zealand White rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) developed apparent hematuria, as suggested by blood in their excreta pans. They had been immunized with antigen-adjuvant emulsions, but had uneventful clinical histories. Physical examination disclosed no abnormalities, and laboratory tests, including hematology, serum chemistries, urinalyses, urine cultures, ultrasonography, and intravenous pyelography disclosed mild anemia, hematuria, and proteinuria in two of the rabbits. Antibiotic therapy failed to alleviate clinical signs. Two rabbits were euthanized because of persistent urogenital bleeding and the third rabbit underwent exploratory laparotomy and ovariohysterectomy. Multiple endometrial venous aneurysms were present in the uteri of all rabbits and urogenital bleeding was attributed to episodic bleeding from these lesions. Varices and aneurysms of uterine subserosal and myometrial venous plexuses, but not of endometrial vessels in women have been reported. To our knowledge, endometrial venous aneurysms have not been reported in animals previously. Our findings indicate that the differential diagnoses for sporadic apparent hematuria in female rabbits should include endometrial aneurysms.  相似文献   

Induction and evaluation of atherosclerosis in New Zealand white rabbits   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Atherosclerosis was experimentally induced in New Zealand white rabbits by feeding a high cholesterol diet for 12 weeks for screening of drugs against atherosclerosis. After 12 weeks, blood was collected from ear vein for evaluation of total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), low density lipoprotein (LDL) and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) levels, then the animals were sacrificed to collect the livers for estimation of cholesterol, and aorta for gross and histopathological evaluations. The elevated levels of serum and liver parameters accompanied by gross and histopathological changes like accumulation of foam cells, atheromatous plaque formation and replacement fibrosis supported the successful induction of atherosclerosis in New Zealand white rabbits.  相似文献   

The natural history for inhalational Bacillus anthracis (Ames strain) exposure in New Zealand white rabbits was investigated to better identify potential, early biomarkers of anthrax. Twelve SPF Bordetella-free rabbits were exposed to 150 LD(50) aerosolized B. anthracis spores, and clinical signs, body temperature, complete blood count, bacteremia, and presence of protective antigen in the blood (that is, antigenemia) were examined. The development of antigenemia and bacteremia coincided and preceded both pyrexia and inversion of the heterophil:lymphocyte ratio, an indicator of infection. Antigenemia was determined within 1 h by electrochemiluminescence immunoassay, compared with the 24-h traditional culture needed for bacteremia determination. Rabbits appeared clinically normal until shortly before succumbing to anthrax approximately 47 h after challenge or approximately 22 h after antigenemia, which suggests a relatively narrow therapeutic window of opportunity. To evaluate the therapeutic rabbit model, B. anthracis-exposed rabbits were treated (after determination of antigenemia and later confirmed to be bacteremic) intravenously with the fluoroquinolone antibiotic levofloxacin for 5 d at a total daily dose of 25 or 12.5 mg/kg, resulting in nearly 90% and 70% survival, respectively, to the study end (28 d after challenge). The peak level for 12.5 mg/kg was equivalent to that observed for a 500-mg daily levofloxacin dose in humans. These results suggest that intravenous levofloxacin is an effective therapeutic against inhalational anthrax. Taken together, our findings indicate that antigenemia is a viable and early biomarker for B. anthracis infection that can be used as a treatment trigger to allow for timely intervention against this highly pathogenic disease.  相似文献   

Emulsion adjuvants have been used for production of polyclonal antisera in rabbits (Oryctolagus cunniculi) for decades. Complete Freund's adjuvant has a reputation as a very effective immunoenhancer, but adverse physiological effects, including fever, inflammation and sterile abscess formation, have prompted a search for alternatives to complete Freund's. In this study, we quantitatively compared five adjuvant regimens: (a) a primary inoculation with complete Freund's followed by three boosts with incomplete Freund's; (b) four serial inoculations of incomplete Freund's adjuvant augmented with 6-bromoguanisine; (c) four serial inoculations with RIBI's MPL + TDM + CWS adjuvant emulsion; (d) four serial inoculations with Montanide ISA 50 emulsion; and (e) four serial inoculations with Montanide ISA 70 emulsion. We chose a small (12 amino acid) chain polypeptide coupled to bovine serum albumin as our test antigen. When compared, no system could be seen to be significantly better than a regimen of a primary immunization with complete Freund's adjuvant followed by serial reimmunization with incomplete Freund's adjuvant. The commercially available RIBI adjuvant produced significantly lower antibody levels, while other systems produced essentially equivalent levels. With all five adjuvants, antibody quantities plateaued after the second injection and further immunization did not increase titers significantly. Boost injections did yield greater intradermal tissue reaction than primary inoculations, and intramuscular inoculum volumes of 0.4 cc caused chronic lesions still detectable by the gross necropsy 2 weeks after the final injection.  相似文献   

Herpesvirus saimiri is a primate tumor virus that induces acute T-cell lymphomas in New World monkeys. Strains of this virus have been previously classified into three groups on the basis of extreme DNA variability of the rightmost region of unique L-DNA. To compare the oncogenic potentials of various strains, we inoculated New Zealand White rabbits with viruses representing groups A, B, and C of herpesvirus saimiri. The results showed that a group C strain were highly oncogenic in New Zealand White rabbits; however, group A or B viruses were not oncogenic in these rabbits. Analysis of DNAs of tumor tissues and lymphoid cell lines established from tumors showed that the viral genome exists in circular episomal form. To identify which part of the genome of the group C strain is responsible for the highly oncogenic phenotype, group B-C recombinant strains were constructed by an efficient drug selection technique. Two group B recombinant strains in which the right-end 9.2 kilobase pairs of unique DNA is replaced by group C virus DNA were oncogenic in rabbits, indicating that the rightmost sequences contribute to the oncogenic properties of the group C strain. Oncogenicity of herpesvirus saimiri has been traditionally evaluated in New World monkeys; infection of rabbits with group C strain 484-77 offers a much more accessible animal model to study the mechanism of oncogenicity of this virus.  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty-four patients who had had recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) for two to 53 years took part in three studies to assess the effectiveness of levamisole and determine an adequate regimen. In study 1 and the first half of study 2 both of which were double-blind, levamisole 150 mg/day (or placebo) was given on three consecutive days in every fortnight. In the second two months of study 2 and in the open trial (study 3) three-day courses were given only when an episode of RAS occurred. The drug was well tolerated. The signs and symptoms of RAS improved gradually and significantly in those treated with levamisole but not in those on placebo, and intergroup differences were also significantly in favour of the active drug. Improvement occurred earlier in study 3 than in the other two studies. Hence levamisole may prevent new episodes of RAS.  相似文献   

Tiletamine and zolazepam, the two constituents of Telazol, were evaluated independently to determine which agent was responsible for the nephrotoxicity caused by Telazol in New Zealand White rabbits. Five rabbits were injected i.m. with 32 mg/kg of tiletamine, four animals received 7.5 mg/kg of tiletamine, and five rabbits received 32 mg/kg of zolazepam. Urinalysis was performed and blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine were monitored for 7 days postinjection. In all five rabbits injected with the high dose of tiletamine, blood urea nitrogen and creatinine rose by 3 days postinjection and increased steadily throughout the week. By 4 days postinjection, urine protein and glucose were elevated and cellular and protein casts were present. No serum chemistry or urine abnormalities were detected in rabbits receiving low doses of tiletamine, zolazepam, or in the four control rabbits. All animals were euthanized and necropsied at 7 days postinjection. Histopathology showed severe renal tubular necrosis in all five rabbits injected with 32 mg/kg tiletamine. Mild nephrosis was present in three of four rabbits injected with 7.5 mg/kg of tiletamine. No lesions were present in the zolazepam-injected or control rabbits. The results of this study show that tiletamine is the constituent responsible for the nephrotoxicity of Telazol in rabbits. They further demonstrate that doses commonly used for anesthetic induction or restraint can produce renal lesions in rabbits.  相似文献   

There are several physiological roles postulated for aqueous humor, a liquid located in the anterior and posterior chamber of the eye, such as maintenance of the intraocular pressure, provision of nutrients, and removal of metabolic waste from neighboring tissues and provision of an immune response and protection during inflammation and infection. To link these function to specific or classes of proteins, identification of the aqueous humor proteome is essential. Aqueous humor obtained from healthy New Zealand white rabbits was analyzed using three synergistic protein separation methods: 1-D gel electrophoresis, 2-DE, and 1-DLC (RPLC) prior to protein identification by MS. As each of these separation methods separates intact proteins based on different physical properties (pIs, molecular weights, hydrophobicity, solubility, etc.) the proteome coverage is expanded. This was confirmed, since overlap between all three separation technologies was only about 8.2% with many proteins found uniquely by a single method. Although the most dominant protein presented in normal aqueous humor is albumin, by using this extensive separation/MS strategy, additional proteins were identified in total amount of 98 nonredundant proteins (plus an additional ten proteins for consideration). This expands the current protein identifications by approximately 65%. The aqueous humor proteome comprises a specific selection of cellular and plasma based proteins and can almost exclusively be divided into four functional groups: cell-cell interactions/wound healing, proteases and protease inhibitors, antioxidant protection, and antibacterial/anti-inflammatory proteins.  相似文献   

Although hypercholesterolemia is a well-known risk factor for atherosclerosis, little is known about the effect of hypercholesterolemia on cardiac contractile function. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of hypercholesterolemia on myocardial contractility. Fifteen New Zealand white rabbits were fed standard chow (control group) and another 15 were fed a cholesterolenriched diet (HC group) for 12 weeks. The contractile response of ventricular muscle strips was measured in various extracellular calcium concentrations and at different pacing rates. The whole-cell calcium current recording, and mRNA and protein levels of cellular calcium-handling proteins were also analyzed. With 2 mM Ca2+ and stimulation at 3 Hz, the contractile force of HC strips was less than that of the controls (3.63±0.20 vs. 4.61±0.50 mN, p<0.05). The time to peak tension was longer for HC strips (93.3±2.16 vs. 82.2±2.81 ms, p < 0.05). The peak L-type calcium inward current density was slightly higher in HC myocytes but did not reach statistical significance (–14.90±0.94 vs. –12.44±0.84 pA/pF, p=0.15). The mRNA level of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA), normalized to GAPDH, was significantly lower in the HC than that in the control group (2.85±0.14 vs. 7.67±0.67, p<0.05), as was the ryanodine receptor (RyR; 0.42±0.06 vs. 0.71±0.13, p<0.05). The mRNA of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) was statistically higher in the HC group (0.90±0.12 vs. 0.48±0.05, p<0.05). Western blot experiments revealed that protein expression of SERCA in the HC strips decreased, but that of the NCX increased. The protein expression of the dihydropyridine receptor was similar between these two groups. We concluded that hypercholesterolemia results in suppression of the maximal contractile function and in a longer systolic contractile time course. These changes may partially be mediated through a decrease in SERCA and RyR but an increase in NCX expression.  相似文献   

Sexual exhaustion was studied in hybrid White New Zealand rabbits of different ages, for this purpose six young rabbits from 6 to 12 months of age, and six adult rabbits of 14-20 months of age were selected. Sexually receptive females were taken to the male's cage, for a period of 4 min, if copulation was not performed, the observation was then considered finished. If the male mounted within this period of time, the mounted female was immediately replaced by another female and 4 min of exposure time to the male were reinitiated, and repetitions were conducted until the male that was being studied refused to mount a new female at which time the male was considered to be sexually exhausted. Young rabbits mounted and ejaculated 9-10 times before sexual exhaustion. Adult rabbits showed a fluctuation of between 6 and 8 mounts per ejaculations before refusing another mount. The statistical analysis with a Mann-Whitney U-test, showed that the Rank sum for group A was 57, while for group B was 21. The U-value was 0.0 and the adjusted Z -2.9943. A significant difference was observed between groups with a value of P=0.00275. In the present study it was demonstrated that there is an influence of age on sexual behavior of rabbits.  相似文献   

In this study, we asked the question "does alpha-tocopherol supplementation prevent an increase in total plasma cholesterol (TPC) concentration and reduce the deposition of cholesterol in arterial plaques of rabbits fed atherogenic diets?" Isocaloric diets containing 0.1% cholesterol to induce atherosclerosis were enriched in one of three fats: saturated fats (SAT), monounsaturated fats (MONO), or n-6 polyunsaturated fats (POLY). Half of each of the three diets were supplemented with 2,500 IU alpha-tocopherol/kg-diet. Unsupplemented diets contained 25 IU alpha-tocopherol/kg-diet. Rabbits supplemented with alpha-tocopherol had plasma alpha-tocopherol concentrations 10-fold higher and an average TPC concentration 31% lower, P = 0.017, than rabbits fed unsupplemented diets. Among the three fat-fed groups, the difference was greatest for the POLY fat fed group (54%, P = 0.041). POLY fat-fed rabbits without alpha-tocopherol supplementation had plasma HDL cholesterol concentrations that were less than half that of rabbits fed other fats, P < or = 0.0001. In general, differences in mean esterified artery cholesterol concentrations among the three fat-fed groups, with and without alpha-tocopherol supplementation, paralleled differences in TPC concentration among the groups. This study suggests that for rabbits fed high pharmacological doses of alpha-tocopherol, atherosclerosis can be diminished in situations where the plasma cholesterol concentrations are also significantly lower.  相似文献   

The pathological examination of the rabbit knee joint with antigen-induced arthritis produced by heat-killed Streptococcus faecalis (Str. faec.) as antigen was carried out. Macroscopically, there were findings of acute inflammation about five hours after the injection. Histopathologically, very remarkable acute exudative inflammation was seen 48 hours later. This supported the picture of Arthus reaction. The Arthus reaction disappeared with time, and this supported the view of delayed-type hypersensitivity three weeks later. After that, an obvious chronic inflammation was admitted in 10 weeks. This resembled the histopathological feature of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) when these findings are summarized. It was suggested that arthritis produced by Str. faec. progresses from an acute condition to a one with time. As mentioned above, it thought that Arthus reaction of both immediate hypersensitivity and delayed-type hypersensitivity are necessary in the occurrence of this arthritis.  相似文献   

Telazol was evaluated as an anesthetic for rabbits. Two groups of five rabbits each were injected intramuscularly with 32 or 64 mg/kg of Telazol, and the depth and duration of anesthesia period monitored. At both doses, the righting reflex was lost within 2 minutes postinjection. Animals in both groups responded to noxious stimuli for the duration of the anesthesia. Hematology and urinalyses were performed daily for 7 days postinjection. Hematologic parameters remained unchanged in both groups. In the high-dose group, blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine levels increased 1 day postinjection and continued steadily throughout the week. Elevations in urine protein and the presence of casts correlated with this increase. In the low-dose group, blood urea nitrogen and creatinine levels increased and protein was present in the urine of four of five rabbits beginning approximately 5 days postinjection. Histologically, severe renal tubular necrosis was evident 7 days postinjection in all high-dose rabbits and in three rabbits in the low-dose group. Our results indicate that Telazol does not produce analgesia in rabbits and is nephrotoxic at both 32 and 64 mg/kg. We conclude that Telazol is contraindicated for use in rabbits.  相似文献   

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