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The rap1A gene encodes a 21-kDa, ras-related GTP-binding protein (p21rap1A) of unknown function. A close structural homolog of p21rap1A (65% identity in the amino-terminal two-thirds) is the RSR1 gene product (Rsr1p) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Although Rsr1p is not essential for growth, its presence is required for nonrandom selection of bud sites. To assess the similarity of these proteins at the functional level, wild-type and mutant forms of p21rap1A were tested for complementation of activities known to be fulfilled by Rsr1p. Expression of p21rap1A, like multicopy expression of RSR1, suppressed the conditional lethality of a temperature-sensitive cdc24 mutation. Point mutations predicted to affect the localization of p21rap1A or its ability to cycle between GDP and GTP-bound states disrupted suppression of cdc24ts, while other mutations in the 61-65 loop region improved suppression. Expression of p21rap1A could not, however, suppress the random budding phenotype of rsr1 cells. p21rap1A also apparently interfered with the normal activity of Rsrlp, causing random budding in diploid wild-type cells, suggesting an inability of p21rap1A to interact appropriately with Rsr1p regulatory proteins. Consistent with this hypothesis, we found an Rsr1p-specific GTPase-activating protein (GAP) activity in yeast membranes which was not active toward p21rap1A, indicating that p21rap1A may be predominantly GTP bound in yeast cells. Coexpression of human Rap1-specific GAP suppressed the random budding due to expression of p21rap1A or its derivatives, including Rap1AVal-12. Although Rap1-specific GAP stimulated the GTPase of Rsr1p in vitro, it did not dominantly interfere with Rsr1p function in vivo. A chimera consisting of Rap1A1-165::Rsr1p166-272 did not exhibit normal Rsr1p function in the budding pathway. These results indicated that p21rap1A and Rsr1p share at least partial functional homology, which may have implications for p21rap1A function in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Microinjection of either Ki-rasVal-12 p21 or the GDP-bound form of Ki-ras p21 plus smg GDP dissociation stimulator (GDS), a stimulatory GDP/GTP exchange protein for Ki-ras p21, smg/rap1/Krev-1 p21, and rho p21, into quiescent Swiss 3T3 cells induced DNA synthesis irrespective of the presence or absence of insulin. The guanosine 5'-(3-O-thio)triphosphate (GTP gamma S)-bound form of smg p21B or the GDP-bound form of smg p21B plus smg GDS also induced DNA synthesis but only in the presence of insulin. Either the GDP-bound form of Ki-ras p21 or the same form of smg p21B alone was inactive, but smg GDS alone was slightly active only in the presence of insulin. The morphology of the cells was analyzed by scanning electron, phase-contrast, and confocal laser scanning microscopies. Ki-rasVal-12 p21 induced membrane ruffling irrespective of the presence or absence of insulin. The GTP gamma S-bound form of smg p21B showed the same effect only in the presence of insulin. Either the GDP-bound form of Ki-ras p21, the same form of smg p21B, or smg GDS alone was inactive. Upon microinjection of Ki-rasVal-12 p21, stress fibers markedly decreased and the cells became round and piled up. In contrast, upon microinjection of the GTP gamma S-bound form of smg p21B, stress fibers did not markedly decrease and the cells neither became round nor piled up. These results indicate that both ras p21 and smg p21 are mitogenic in Swiss 3T3 cells but that their actions are slightly different.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1993,120(5):1203-1215
STE6 gene product is required for secretion of the lipopeptide mating pheromone a-factor by Saccharomyces cerevisiae MATa cells. Radiolabeling and immunoprecipitation, either with specific polyclonal antibodies raised against a TrpE-Ste6 fusion protein or with mAbs that recognize c-myc epitopes in fully functional epitope-tagged Ste6 derivatives, demonstrated that Ste6 is a 145-kD phosphoprotein. Subcellular fractionation, various extraction procedures, and immunoblotting showed that Ste6 is an intrinsic plasma membrane- associated protein. The apparent molecular weight of Ste6 was unaffected by tunicamycin treatment, and the radiolabeled protein did not bind to concanavalin A, indicating that Ste6 is not glycosylated and that glycosylation is not required either for its membrane delivery or its function. The amino acid sequence of Ste6 predicts two ATP- binding folds; correspondingly, Ste6 was photoaffinity-labeled specifically with 8-azido-[alpha-32P]ATP. Indirect immunofluorescence revealed that in exponentially growing MATa cells, the majority of Ste6 showed a patchy distribution within the plasma membrane, but a significant fraction was found concentrated in a number of vesicle-like bodies subtending the plasma membrane. In contrast, in MATa cells exposed to the mating pheromone alpha-factor, which markedly induced Ste6 production, the majority of Ste6 was incorporated into the plasma membrane within the growing tip of the elongating cells. The highly localized insertion of this transporter may establish pronounced anisotropy in a-factor secretion from the MATa cell, and thereby may contribute to the establishment of the cell polarity which restricts partner selection and cell fusion during mating to one MAT alpha cell.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae CDC42 gene product is involved in the morphogenetic events of the cell division cycle; temperature-sensitive cdc42 mutants are unable to form buds and display delocalized cell-surface deposition at the restrictive temperature (Adams, A. E. M., D. I. Johnson, R. M. Longnecker, B. F. Sloat, and J. R. Pringle. 1990. J. Cell Biol. 111:131-142). To begin a molecular analysis of CDC42 function, we have isolated the CDC42 gene from a yeast genomic DNA library. The use of the cloned DNA to create a deletion of CDC42 confirmed that the gene is essential. Overexpression of CDC42 under control of the GAL10 promoter was not grossly deleterious to cell growth but did perturb the normal pattern of selection of budding sites. Determination of the DNA and predicted amino acid sequences of CDC42 revealed a high degree of similarity in amino acid sequence to the ras and rho (Madaule, P., R. Axel, and A. M. Myers. 1987. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 84:779-783) families of gene products. The similarities to ras proteins (approximately 40% identical or related amino acids overall) were most pronounced in the regions that have been implicated in GTP binding and hydrolysis and in the COOH-terminal modifications leading to membrane association, suggesting that CDC42 function also involves these biochemical properties. The similarities to the rho proteins (approximately 60% identical or related amino acids overall) were more widely distributed through the coding region, suggesting more extensive similarities in as yet undefined biochemical properties and functions.  相似文献   

We have made a specific antiserum recognizing both smg p21A (the rap1A/Krev-1 protein) and -B (the rap1B protein), ras p21-like GTP-binding proteins having the same putative effector domain as ras p21s and have used this antiserum to study the tissue and subcellular distributions of smg p21s by immunoblot and immunocytochemical analyses. By immunoblot analysis, smg p21s were detected in various rat tissues and at the highest level in brain. By light microscopic immunocytochemical analysis, smg p21s were also detected in various rat tissues. Particularly, smg p21s in brain were found abundantly in the cytoplasmic region of most types of neuronal cell bodies and moderately in neuropil, whereas c-ras p21s were found more abundantly in neuropil than in the cytoplasmic region of most types of neuronal cell bodies. smg p21s in testis were found in spermatogenic cells, in which c-ras p21s were not significantly detected. By subcellular fractionation analysis of cerebrum, smg p21s were detected in all of the particulate fractions but not in the cytosol fraction. Among the particulate fractions, approximately 70% of smg p21s was recovered with the highest specific content in the fraction containing mainly synaptosomes, mitochondria, and myelin. In further fractionation of this fraction, approximately 40% of smg p21s was recovered in each of the synaptosome fraction and the mitochondrial fraction. This subcellular distribution of smg p21s in cerebrum was partly distinct from that of c-ras p21s, which were mainly recovered in the synaptosome and microsome fractions but present at very low levels in the mitochondrial fraction. These tissue and subcellular distributions of smg p 21s together with the fact that smg p21s have the same putative effector domain as ras p21s exert their own specific actions in addition to the actions similar or antagonistic to those of c-ras p21s.  相似文献   

M Ito  A Yasui  A Komamine 《FEBS letters》1992,301(1):29-33
Previously we reported the isolation and characterization of the gene, cyc07, which was specifically expressed in the S phase during the cell cycle in synchronous cell division cultures of the higher plant, Catharanthus roseus. We found that the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains two closely related genes which show a high degree of similarity (about 64% at the amino acid level) to cyc07 of C. roseus. Site-directed disruption mutations demonstrated that the two yeast genes, homologous to cyc07, constitute an essential gene family for cell proliferation in yeast cells. Furthermore, the rate of cell proliferation varied with the gene copy number.  相似文献   

The CDC25 gene product is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Ras proteins in yeast. Recently it has been suggested that the intracellular levels of guanine nucleotides may influence the exchange reaction. To test this hypothesis we measured the levels of nucleotides in yeast cells under different growth conditions and the relative amount of Ras2-GTP. The intracellular GTP/GDP ratio was found to be very sensitive to growth conditions: the ratio is high, close to that of ATP/ADP during exponential growth, but it decreases rapidly before the beginning of stationary phase, and it drops further under starvation conditions. The addition of glucose to glucose-starved cells causes a fast increase of the GTP/GDP ratio. The relative amount of Ras2-GTP changes in a parallel way suggesting that there is a correlation with the cytosolic GTP/GDP ratio. In addition 'in vitro' mixed-nucleotide exchange experiments done on purified Ras2 protein demonstrated that the GTP and GDP concentrations influence the extent of Ras2-GTP loading giving further support to their possible regulatory role.  相似文献   

A novel cell cycle gene was identified by a computer search for genes partly homologous to known CDC genes, CDC6 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and CDC18 of Schizosaccharomyces pombe, using the nucleotide sequence data base for S. cerevisiae produced by the Yeast Sequencing Project. The protein sequence coded by the cloned gene was found to be identical to that of purified ORC1 protein. Disruption of the gene and subsequent tetrad analysis revealed that the gene was essential for growth. The function of the gene product was analyzed by depleting the protein from the cell using a mutant haploid strain containing the disrupted ORC1 gene on the chromosome and a galactose-inducible gene coding for HA-tagged ORC1 protein on a single copy plasmid. The HA-tagged protein was expressed during growth in the presence of galactose but began to decrease rapidly upon depletion of galactose. Analysis of the cell cycle progression of the mutant cells by FACS after the removal of galactose from the medium, and microscope observations of cells and their nuclei revealed that the normal progression of 2N cells was immediately impeded as the ORC1 protein started to decrease. This was blocked completely in the cells that had progressed to the S phase under conditions deficient in ORC1 protein followed by cell death. Two-dimensional gel analysis of the replication intermediates after the galactose removal revealed that the depletion of ORC1 protein caused a decrease in the frequency of initiation of chromosomal replication, eventually resulting in the inhibition of replication as a whole. The function of the ORC1 protein in the cell cycle progression of S. cerevisiae is discussed in light of current information on ORC.  相似文献   

Seven haploid strains (four with the MAT alpha mating type and three with the MATa mating type) were selected from the Peterhof genetic collection of yeast. Previous phenotypic analysis assigned six of these strains to a physiological group of strains with a lower activity of the Ras/cAMP signal transduction pathway. The haploids were crossed, and the resulting 12 diploids showed higher glycogen accumulation, tolerance to heat shock and nitrogen starvation, and sporulation in complete media. Ten of the diploids expressed the hypersporulation phenotype (higher sporulation efficiency). The phenotypic characters of these ten diploids suggested a reduced activity of the Ras/cAMP pathway. All 12 diploids were tested for sporulation and production of two groups of asci (those with one or two spores and those with three or four spores) as dependent on culture conditions (21, 30, or 34 degrees C; standard sporulation medium or a complete medium containing potassium acetate or glycerol in place of glucose). Sporulation proved to depend on temperature and medium composition. The results are collated with the data on yeast phenotypes associated with a lower activity of the Ras/cAMP signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

We have purified, characterized, and identified two GTP-binding proteins with Mr of 25,000 (c25KG) and 21,000 (c21KG) from the cytosol fraction of human platelets. These two proteins were not copurified with the beta gamma subunits of heterotrimeric GTP-binding proteins. Amino acid sequences of tryptic fragments of c21KG completely matched with those of rap1 protein (Pizon, V., Chardin, P., Lerosey, I., Olofsson, B., and Tavitian, A. (1988) Oncogene 3, 201-204), smg p21 (Kawata, M., Matsui, Y., Kondo, J., Hishida, T., Teranishi, Y., and Takai, Y. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 18965-18971), and Krev-1 protein (Kitayama, H., Sugimoto, Y., Matsuzaki, T., Ikawa, Y., and Noda, M. (1989) Cell 56, 77-84). The partial amino acid sequence analysis of c25KG revealed that this protein was different from any low Mr GTP-binding proteins already reported. c25KG bound about 1 mol of [35S] guanosine 5'-(3-O-thio)triphosphate (GTP gamma S)/mol of protein, with a Kd value of about 45 nM. [35S]GTP gamma S-binding to c25KG was specifically inhibited by guanine nucleotides, GTP and GDP, but not by adenine nucleotides such as ATP and adenyl-5'-yl beta, gamma-imidodiphosphate. The binding activity was not inhibited by pretreatment with N-ethylmaleimide. c25KG hydrolyzed GTP to librate Pi with the specific activity of 1.8 mmol of Pi/mol of protein/min, which are different from the activities of the already purified low Mr GTP-binding proteins. We conclude that c25KG is a novel GTP-binding protein and c21KG is a rap1/smg p21/Krev-1 product.  相似文献   

A model is proposed for the mechanism of flocculation interactions in yeasts in which flocculent cells have a recognition factor which attaches to alpha-mannan sites on other cells. This factor may be governed by the expression of the single, dominant gene FLO1. Isogenic strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, differing only at FLO1 and the marker genes ade1 and trp1, were developed to examine the components involved in flocculene. Electron microscopy and concanavalin Aferritin labeling of aggregated cells showed that extensive and intense interactions between cell wall mannan layers mediated cell aggregation. The components of the mannan layer essential for flocculence were Ca2+ ions, alpha-mannan carbohydrates, and proteins. By studying the divalent cation dependence at various pH values and in the presence of competing monovalent cations, flocculation was found to be Ca2+ dependent; however, Mg2+ and Mn2+ ions substituted for Ca2+ under certain conditions. Reversible inhibition of flocculation by concanavalin A and succinylated concanavalin A implicated alpha-branched mannan carbohydrates as one essential component which alone did not determine the strain specificity of flocculence, since nonflocculent strains interacted with and competed for binding sites on flocculent cells. FLO1 may govern the expression of a proteinaceous, lectin-like activity, firmly associated with the cell walls of flocculent cells, which bind to the alpha-mannan carbohydrates of adjoining cells. It was selectively and irreversibly inhibited by proteolysis and reduction of disulfide bonds. The potential of this system as a model for the genetic and biochemical control of cell-cell interactions is discussed.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, lack of nutrients triggers a pleiotropic response characterized by accumulation of storage carbohydrates, early G1 arrest, and sporulation of a/alpha diploids. This response is thought to be mediated by RAS proteins, adenylate cyclase, and cyclic AMP (cAMP)-dependent protein kinases. This study shows that expression of the S. cerevisiae gene coding for a cytoplasmic catalase T (CTT1) is controlled by this pathway: it is regulated by the availability of nutrients. Lack of a nitrogen, sulfur, or phosphorus source causes a high-level expression of the gene. Studies with strains with mutations in the RAS-cAMP pathway and supplementation of a rca1 mutant with cAMP show that CTT1 expression is under negative control by a cAMP-dependent protein kinase and that nutrient control of CTT1 gene expression is mediated by this pathway. Strains containing a CTT1-Escherichia coli lacZ fusion gene have been used to isolate mutants with mutations in the pathway. Mutants characterized in this investigation fall into five complementation groups. Both cdc25 and ras2 alleles were identified among these mutants.  相似文献   

The regulation of phosphatidylcholine degradation as a function of the route of phosphatidylcholine (PC) synthesis and changing environmental conditions has been investigated in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In the wild-type strains studied, deacylation of phosphatidylcholine to glycerophosphocholine is induced when choline is supplied to the culture medium and, also, when the culture temperature is raised from 30 to 37 degrees C. In strains bearing mutations in any of the genes encoding enzymes of the CDP-choline pathway for phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis (CKI1, choline kinase; CPT1, 1, 2-diacylglycerol choline phosphotransferase; PCT1, CTP:phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase), no induction of phosphatidylcholine turnover and glycerophosphocholine production is seen in response to choline availability or elevated temperature. In contrast, the induction of phosphatidylcholine deacylation does occur in a strain bearing mutations in genes encoding enzymes of the methylation pathway for phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis (i.e. CHO2/PEM1 and OPI3/PEM2). Whereas the synthesis of PC via CDP-choline is accelerated when shifted from 30 to 37 degrees C, synthesis of PC via the methylation pathway is largely unaffected by the temperature shift. These results suggest that the deacylation of PC to GroPC requires an active CDP-choline pathway for PC biosynthesis but not an active methylation pathway. Furthermore, the data indicate that the synthesis and turnover of CDP-choline-derived PC, but not methylation pathway-derived PC, are accelerated by the stress of elevated temperature.  相似文献   

The structural gene (TMP1) for yeast thymidylate synthetase (thymidylate synthase; EC was isolated from a chimeric plasmid bank by genetic complementation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Retransformation of the dTMP auxotroph GY712 and a temperature-sensitive mutant (cdc21) with purified plasmid (pTL1) yielded Tmp+ transformants at high frequency. In addition, the plasmid was tested for the ability to complement a bacterial thyA mutant that lacks functional thymidylate synthetase. Although it was not possible to select Thy+ transformants directly, it was found that all pTL1 transformants were phenotypically Thy+ after several generations of growth in nonselective conditions. Thus, yeast thymidylate synthetase is biologically active in Escherichia coli. Thymidylate synthetase was assayed in yeast cell lysates by high-pressure liquid chromatography to monitor the conversion of [6-3H]dUMP to [6-3H]dTMP. In protein extracts from the thymidylate auxotroph (tmp1-6) enzymatic conversion of dUMP to dTMP was barely detectable. Lysates of pTL1 transformants of this strain, however, had thymidylate synthetase activity that was comparable to that of the wild-type strain.  相似文献   

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