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Physical mapping of bacterial genomes.   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文

Locating DNA sequences to specific chromosomal segments is essential for associating genes with phenotypes. It is routinely achieved by segregation analysis using meiotic mapping populations that have also been used to collect phenotypic information. However, meiotic mapping is struggling to cope with the shear volume of sequences emerging from high-throughput (HTP) gene-discovery programs. We describe two approaches, Radiation Hybrid and ‘HAPPY’ mapping, which, in conjunction with meiotic mapping, represent valuable HTP tools in the quest to link genes to phenotypes.  相似文献   

We present the complete maps of five Mycoplasma hominis genomes, including a detailed restriction map and the locations of a number of genetic loci. The restriction fragments were resolved by field inversion gel electrophoresis or by the contour-clamped homogeneous-electric-field system of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. All the ApaI, SmaI, BamHI, XhoI, and SalI restriction sites (total of 21 to 33 sites in each strain) were placed on the physical map, yielding an average resolution of 26 kb. The maps were constructed using three different approaches: (i) size determination of DNA fragments partially or completely cleaved with one or two restriction enzymes, (ii) hybridization analysis with purified restriction fragments and specific probes, and (iii) use of linking clones. A genetic map was constructed by hybridization with gene-specific probes for rpoA, rpoC, rrn, tuf, gyrB, hup, ftsY, the unc operon, the genes for two M. hominis-specific antigenic membrane proteins, and one gene encoding a protein with some homology to Escherichia coli alanyl-tRNA synthetase. The positions of mapped loci were partially conserved in the five strains except in one strain in which a 300-kb fragment was inverted. The numbers and order of mapped restriction sites were only partly conserved, and this conservation was restricted to certain regions. The gene order was compared with the gene order established for other bacteria and was found to be identical to that of the phylogenetically related Clostridium perfringens. The genome size of the M. hominis strains varied from 704 to 825 kb.  相似文献   

Neely RK  Deen J  Hofkens J 《Biopolymers》2011,95(5):298-311
The technologies associated with DNA sequencing are rapidly evolving. Indeed, single-molecule DNA sequencing strategies are cheaper and faster than ever before. Despite this progress, every sequencing platform to date relies on reading the genome in small, abstract fragments, typically of less than 1000 bases in length. The overarching aim of the optical map is to complement the information derived from DNA sequencing by providing long-range context on which these short sequence reads can be built. This is typically done using an enzyme to target and modify at short DNA sequences of, say, six bases in length throughout the genome. By accurately placing these short pieces of sequence on long genomic DNA fragments, up to several millions of bases in length, a scaffold for sequence assembly can be obtained. This review focuses on three enzymatic approaches to optical mapping. Optical mapping was first developed using restriction enzymes to sequence-specifically cleave DNA that is immobilized on a surface. More recently, nicking enzymes have found application in the sequence-specific fluorescent labeling of DNA for optical mapping. Such covalent modification allows the DNA to be imaged in solution, and this, in combination with developing nanofluidic technologies, is enabling new high-throughput approaches to mapping. And, finally, this review will discuss the recent development of mapping with subdiffraction-limit precision using methyltransferase enzymes to label the DNA with an ultrahigh density.  相似文献   

The soybean cyst nematode (SCN), Heterodera glycines Ichinohe, is the foremost pest of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.). The rhg1 allele on linkage group (LG) G and the Rhg4 allele on LG A2 are important in conditioning resistance. Markers closely linked to the Rhg4 locus were used previously to screen a library of bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones from susceptible 'Williams 82' and identified a single 150-kb BAC, Gm_ISb001_056_G02 (56G2). End-sequenced subclones positioned onto a restriction map provided landmarks for identifying the corresponding region from a BAC library from accession PI 437654 with broad resistance to SCN. Seventy-three PI 437654 BACs were assigned to contigs based upon HindIII restriction fragment profiles. Four contigs represented the PI 437654 counterpart of the 'Williams 82' BAC, with PCR assays connecting these contigs. Some of the markers on the PI 437654 contigs are separated by a greater physical distance than in the 'Williams 82' BAC and some primers amplify bands from BACs in the mid-portion of the connected PI 437654 BAC contigs that are not amplified from the 'Williams 82' BAC. These observations suggest that there is an insertion in the PI 437654 genome relative to the 'Williams 82' genome in the Rhg4 region.  相似文献   

Heat-inducible mutants of temperate cornebacteriophage beta and gamma, called temperature-sensitive repression (tsr) mutants, were isolated and characterized. Lysogens carrying these mutants were induced at 38 degrees C, produced a normal or slightly increased yield of phage, and underwent extensive lysis at this temperature. In some cases mutation to heat inducibility had altered the UV inducibility of the phage, the changes ranging from loss to enhancement of this trait. Complementation tests showed that all five beta-tsr strains had mutated in the same cistron and suggested that these mutations were in the gene responsible for repressor production.  相似文献   

Anchored physical maps represent essential frameworks for map-based cloning, comparative genomics studies, and genome sequencing projects. High throughput anchoring can be achieved by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) screening of bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library pools with molecular markers. However, for large genomes such as wheat, the development of high dimension pools and the number of reactions that need to be performed can be extremely large making the screening laborious and costly. To improve the cost efficiency of anchoring in such large genomes, we have developed a new software named Elephant (electronic physical map anchoring tool) that combines BAC contig information generated by FingerPrinted Contig with results of BAC library pools screening to identify BAC addresses with a minimal amount of PCR reactions. Elephant was evaluated during the construction of a physical map of chromosome 3B of hexaploid wheat. Results show that a one dimensional pool screening can be sufficient to anchor a BAC contig while reducing the number of PCR by 384-fold thereby demonstrating that Elephant is an efficient and cost-effective tool to support physical mapping in large genomes. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. E. Paux and F. Legeai contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The chromosomal locations of the 18S-26S (45S) and 5S rDNA loci in cytotypes AA, BB, and AABB ofScilla scilloides Complex from Korea were physically mapped using multicolor fluorescencein situ hybridization (McFISH). Genomicin situ hybridization (GISH) was also performed to distinguish between the AA and BB genomes in allotetraploid AABB plants. One 18S-26S rDNA locus was detected in both AA (a2) and BB (b1 ); one locus also was found in the allopolyploid AABB (b1 ). This demon-strated the loss of that locus in genome A. GISH with biotin-labeled DNA from the BB genome and digoxigenin-labeled 18S-26S rDNA probes revealed that the 18S-26S rDNA in AABB plants was localized in the nucleolus organizer region (NOR) of genome B. One and two 5S rDNA loci were found in diploids AA and BB, respectively. As expected, all three 5S rDNA loci were detected in the AABB plants. The sequence identities of the 5S rDNA genes among cytotypes AA and BB, AA and AABB, and BB and AABB were 99%, 95%, and 95%, respectively. These authors contributed equally to this paper  相似文献   

New approaches for physical mapping of small genomes.   总被引:26,自引:12,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文

The chicken genome sequence facilitates comparative genomics within other avian species. We performed cross-species hybridizations using overgo probes designed from chicken genomic and zebra finch expressed sequence tags (ESTs) to turkey and zebra finch BAC libraries. As a result, 3772 turkey BACs were assigned to 336 markers or genes, and 1662 zebra finch BACs were assigned to 164 genes. As expected, cross-hybridization was more successful with overgos within coding sequences than within untranslated region, intron or flanking sequences and between chicken and turkey, when compared with chicken-zebra finch or zebra finch-turkey cross-hybridization. These data contribute to the comparative alignment of avian genome maps using a 'one sequence, multiple genomes' strategy.  相似文献   

The assembly of a reference genome sequence of bread wheat is challenging due to its specific features such as the genome size of 17 Gbp, polyploid nature and prevalence of repetitive sequences. BAC‐by‐BAC sequencing based on chromosomal physical maps, adopted by the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium as the key strategy, reduces problems caused by the genome complexity and polyploidy, but the repeat content still hampers the sequence assembly. Availability of a high‐resolution genomic map to guide sequence scaffolding and validate physical map and sequence assemblies would be highly beneficial to obtaining an accurate and complete genome sequence. Here, we chose the short arm of chromosome 7D (7DS) as a model to demonstrate for the first time that it is possible to couple chromosome flow sorting with genome mapping in nanochannel arrays and create a de novo genome map of a wheat chromosome. We constructed a high‐resolution chromosome map composed of 371 contigs with an N50 of 1.3 Mb. Long DNA molecules achieved by our approach facilitated chromosome‐scale analysis of repetitive sequences and revealed a ~800‐kb array of tandem repeats intractable to current DNA sequencing technologies. Anchoring 7DS sequence assemblies obtained by clone‐by‐clone sequencing to the 7DS genome map provided a valuable tool to improve the BAC‐contig physical map and validate sequence assembly on a chromosome‐arm scale. Our results indicate that creating genome maps for the whole wheat genome in a chromosome‐by‐chromosome manner is feasible and that they will be an affordable tool to support the production of improved pseudomolecules.  相似文献   

Quartet mapping and the extent of lateral transfer in bacterial genomes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Several recent analyses have used quartet-based methods to assess the congruence among phylogenies derived for large sets of genes from prokaryotic genomes. The principal conclusion from these studies is that lateral gene transfer (LGT) has blurred prokaryotic phylogenies to such a degree that the darwinian scheme of treelike evolution might be abandoned in favor of a net or web. Here, we focus on one of these methods, quartet mapping, and show that its application can lead to overestimation of the extent of inferred LGT in prokaryotes, particularly when applied to distantly related taxa.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Next-Generation Sequencing has revolutionized our approach to ancient DNA (aDNA) research, by providing complete genomic sequences of ancient individuals and extinct species. However, the recovery of genetic material from long-dead organisms is still complicated by a number of issues, including post-mortem DNA damage and high levels of environmental contamination. Together with error profiles specific to the type of sequencing platforms used, these specificities could limit our ability to map sequencing reads against modern reference genomes and therefore limit our ability to identify endogenous ancient reads, reducing the efficiency of shotgun sequencing aDNA. RESULTS: In this study, we compare different computational methods for improving the accuracy and sensitivity of aDNA sequence identification, based on shotgun sequencing reads recovered from Pleistocene horse extracts using Illumina GAIIx and Helicos Heliscope platforms. We show that the performance of the Burrows Wheeler Aligner (BWA), that has been developed for mapping of undamaged sequencing reads using platforms with low rates of indel-types of sequencing errors, can be employed at acceptable run-times by modifying default parameters in a platform-specific manner. We also examine if trimming likely damaged positions at read ends can increase the recovery of genuine aDNA fragments and if accurate identification of human contamination can be achieved using a strategy previously suggested based on best hit filtering. We show that combining our different mapping and filtering approaches can increase the number of high-quality endogenous hits recovered by up to 33%. CONCLUSIONS: We have shown that Illumina and Helicos sequences recovered from aDNA extracts could not be aligned to modern reference genomes with the same efficiency unless mapping parameters are optimized for the specific types of errors generated by these platforms and by post-mortem DNA damage. Our findings have important implications for future aDNA research, as we define mapping guidelines that improve our ability to identify genuine aDNA sequences, which in turn could improve the genotyping accuracy of ancient specimens. Our framework provides a significant improvement to the standard procedures used for characterizing ancient genomes, which is challenged by contamination and often low amounts of DNA material.  相似文献   

Restriction endonucleases for pulsed field mapping of bacterial genomes.   总被引:67,自引:17,他引:67  
Fundamental to many bacterial genome mapping strategies currently under development is the need to cleave the genome into a few large DNA fragments that can be resolved by pulsed field gel electrophoresis. Identification of endonucleases that infrequently cut a genome is of key importance in this process. We show that the tetranucleotide CTAG is extremely rare in most bacterial genomes with G+C contents above 45%. As a consequence, most of the sixteen bacterial genomes we have tested are cleaved less than once every 100,000 base pairs by one or more endonucleases that have CTAG in their recognition sequences: Xba I (TCTAGA), Spe I (ACTAGT), Avr II (CCTAGG) and Nhe I (GCTAGC). Similarly, CCG and CGG are the rarest trinucleotides in many genomes with G+C content of less than 45%. Thus, Sma I (CCCGGG), Rsr II (CGGWCCG), Nae I (GCCGGC) and Sac II (CCGCGG) are often suitable endonucleases for producing fragments that average over 100,000 base pairs from such genomes. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis of the fragments that result from cleavage with endonucleases that cleave only a few times per genome should assist in the physical mapping of many prokaryotic genomes.  相似文献   

Physical organization of subgroup B human adenovirus genomes.   总被引:21,自引:13,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Cleavage sites of nine bacterial restriction endonucleases were mapped in the DNA of adenovirus type 3 (Ad3) and Ad7, representative serotypes of the "weakly oncogenic" subgroup B human adenoviruses. Of 94 sites mapped, 82 were common to both serotypes, in accord with the high overall sequence homology of DNA among members of the same subgroups. Of the sites in Ad3 and Ad7 DNA, fewer than 20% corresponded to mapped restriction sites in the DNA of Ad2 or Ad5. The latter serotypes represent the "nononcogenic" subgroup C, having only 10 to 20% overall sequence homology with the DNA of subgroup B adenoviruses. Hybridization mapping of viral mRNA from Ad7-infected cells resulted in a complex physical map that was nearly identical to the map of early and late gene clusters in Ad2 DNA. Thus the DNA sequences of human adenoviruses of subgroups B and C have significantly diverged in the course of viral evolution, but the complex organization of the adenovirus genome has been rigidly conserved.  相似文献   

D Schlessinger 《Trends in genetics : TIG》1990,6(8):248, 255-248, 258
Libraries of yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) are representative of complex genomes, and typical YACs contain single fragments of DNA that are up to a megabase or more in size, are stable during growth, and are faithful to genomic DNA. Such YACs may permit (1) the use of complete gene units for a number of research and medical purposes; and (2) the assembly of chromosome-sized contigs in a single map that unifies genetic and physical data.  相似文献   

Analysis of the barley and rice genomes by comparative RFLP linkage mapping   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Comparative genetic mapping of rice and barley, both major crop species with extensive genetic resources, offers the possibility of uniting two well-established and characterized genetic systems. In the present study, we screened 229 molecular markers and utilized 110 polymorphic orthologous loci to construct comparative maps of the rice and barley genomes. While extensive chromosomal rearrangements, including inversions and intrachromosomal translocations, differentiate the rice and barley genomes, several syntenous chromosomes are evident. Indeed, several chromosomes and chromosome arms appear to share nearly identical gene content and gene order. Seventeen regions of conserved organization were detected, spanning 287 cM (24%) and 321 cM (31%) of the rice and barley genomes, respectively. The results also indicate that most (72%) of the single-copy sequences in barley are also single copy in rice, suggesting that the large barley genome arose by unequal crossing over and amplification of repetitive DNA sequences and not by the duplication of single-copy sequences. Combining these results with those previously reported for comparative analyses of rice and wheat identified nine putatively syntenous chromosomes among barley, wheat and rice. The high degree of gene-order conservation as detected by comparative mapping has astonishing implications for interpreting genetic information among species and for elucidating chromosome evolution and speciation.  相似文献   

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