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The conformations adopted by β-casein and the total apoprotein from serum high density lipoprotein when spread at the air-water interface are compared; the monolayer data are consistent with the apoprotein being α-helical and the β-casein being disordered with segments distributed in loops and trains. The penetration of these hydrophobic proteins into phosphatidylcholine monolayers in different physical states was investigated. More protein can penetrate into monolayers when they are in the liquid-expanded state; for penetration at constant total surface area the lateral compressibility of the lipid is an important factor. The charge and conformation of the polar group of the phospholipid does not have a major influence on the interaction. The mixed films of lipid and protein have a mosaic structure; probably the β-casein is in a compressed state whereas the apoprotein is extended as α-helices in the plane of the interface. The chain-length dependences of the interaction of the apoprotein with phosphatidylcholine monolayers and bilayers are different; when the apoprotein binds to bilayers of shorter-chain phosphatidylcholines it alters the shape of the lipid-water interface whereas with monolayers the interface remains planar throughout.  相似文献   

The time-sequential relationship between Ca2+ flux, phospholipid metabolism and platelet activation have been examined. Thrombin-activation caused a marked enhancement in 45Ca2+ influx and a decrease in extracellular Ca2+ concentration measured by murexide dye, which occurred in parallel with the conversion of 1,2-diacylglycerol (DG) to phosphatidic acid (PA). The incorporated 45Ca2+ was located mainly in cytosolic fraction. The influx of Ca2+ was observed to commence prior to the onset of lysophospholipids formation and subsequent liberation of arachidonic acid. These data provide evidence which indicates a coupling between the rapid PI-turnover and the active Ca2+ influx, in which phosphatidic acid (PA) may serve as a Ca2+ ionophore.  相似文献   

Stimulation of washed rabbit platelets with AGEPC (1-O-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glyceryl-3-phosphorylcholine) caused a 15–20% decrease in their phosphatidylinositol level within 15 seconds without affecting other major classes of phospholipids. In the same time frame the level of phosphatidic acid (PA) increased dramatically some four fold. LysoGEPC, which is inactive in stimulating rabbit platelets, did not cause any change in PI or PA. When [32Pi] was present during the stimulation of platelets by AGEPC, the incorporation of radiolabel into PI-4-phosphate (DPI), PI-4,5-bis phosphate (TPI) and PA was enhanced significantly within one minute while the incorporation into PI increased only after one minute. These results clearly established that AGEPC induced stimulation of rabbit platelets was associated with the metabolism of inositol phospholipids and phosphatidic acid. The relevance of these findings to the mode of action of AGEPC and Ca2+ mobilization is also discussed.  相似文献   

The positional distribution of fatty acids in phospholipids was analyzed for human platelet activated by thrombin. At 30 sec after thrombin-activation, when the content of phosphatidylinositol(PI) fell transiently, the 2-position of PI underwent a significant decrease in arachidonate (77.6% → 61.5%) with a compensating increase in oleate and stearate. However, accompanying PI resynthesis, its positional distribution tended to revert to that of non-activated platelets. There was no significant change in the fatty acyl positioning in other phospholipids. In addition, evidence is presented that human platelet lysates acylate 1-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphorylinositol and the acylation rate for arachidonate was 2.5 times higher than for any other unsaturated fatty acids tested. These data indicate that the thrombin-induced alteration in fatty acid pairing of PI is ameliorated by the deacylation-reacylation follwing PI resynthesis.  相似文献   

Na+ channels from lobster nerve membranes stored frozen in sucrose were incorporated into artificial liposomes. Crude soybean phospholipids or mixtures of purified phospholipids were suitable for reconstitution provided the latter included phosphatidylserine or another acidic phospholipid. The 22Na flux into the reconstituted vesicles was increased (2 to 3-fold) by veratridine (0.25 – 1 mM) or grayanotoxin I (50 –150 μM) and the increment was abolished by 10 nM tetrodotoxin (Ki = 2 nM). The reconstituted vesicles were inactivated after incubation for 15 min at 40° and exposure to 20 μM dicyclohexylcardobiimide inhibited by 80% the response to the drugs.  相似文献   

Rat liver 60-kDa lysophospholipase-transacylase catalyzes not only the hydrolysis of 1-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, but also the transfer of its acyl chain to a second molecule of 1-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine to form phosphatidylcholine (H. Sugimoto, S. Yamashita, J. Biol. Chem. 269 (1994) 6252–6258). Here we report the detailed characterization of the transacylase activity of the enzyme. The enzyme mediated three types of acyl transfer between donor and acceptor lipids, transferring acyl residues from: (1) the sn-1 to -1(3); (2) sn-1 to -2; and (3) sn-2 to -1 positions. In the sn-1 to -1(3) transfer, the sn-1 acyl residue of 1-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine was transferred to the sn-1(3) positions of glycerol and 2-acyl-sn-glycerol, producing 1(3)-acyl-sn-glycerol and 1,2-diacyl-sn-glycerol, respectively. In the sn-1 to -2 transfer, the sn-1 acyl residue of 1-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine was transferred to not only the sn-2 positions of 1-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, but also 1-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine, producing phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine, respectively. 1-Acyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-myo-inositol and 1-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoserine were much less effectively transacylated by the enzyme. In the sn-2 to -1 transfer, the sn-2 acyl residue of 2-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine was transferred to the sn-1 position of 2-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine and 2-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine, producing phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine, respectively. Consistently, the enzyme hydrolyzed the sn-2 acyl residue from 2-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine. By the sn-2 to -1 transfer activity, arachidonic acid was transferred from the sn-2 position of donor lipids to the sn-1 position of acceptor lipids, thus producing 1-arachidonoyl phosphatidylcholine. When 2-arachidonoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine was used as the sole substrate, diarachidonoyl phosphatidylcholine was synthesized at a rate of 0.23 μmol/min/mg protein. Thus, 60-kDa lysophospholipase-transacylase may play a role in the synthesis of 1-arachidonoyl phosphatidylcholine needed for important cell functions, such as anandamide synthesis.  相似文献   

Effect of ethanol on cholesterol and phospholipid composition of HeLa cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chronic exposure of animals to ethanol leads to changes in membrane lipid composition which may be related to the development of tolerance and physical dependence. The object of the present study was to investigate this phenomenon at a cellular level. HeLa cells were grown in the presence of ethanol (86 mM) for periods of up to 9 days. Both the cholesterol and phospholipid concentration of these cells increased during this period but the cholesterol:phospholipid ratio remained unchanged. Among the phospholipid classes phosphatidic acid decreased while phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine increased rapidly, returning toward control values by 9 days. Significant decreases were observed in saturated (14:0, 16:0) and monoenoic (16:1, 18:1) fatty acids while the major polyenoic fatty acid (20:4) increased. It is concluded that cultured mammalian cells represent a useful model for investigation of the direct effects of ethanol on membrane lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

Rabbit platelets rapidly incorporated methyl groups of [3H] methionine to phosphatidylcholine (PC). Rabbit platelets also incorporated [3H]choline to PC, but the rate of incorporation was far lower than that of [3H]methionine. Further fractionation of labeled PC revealed that a considerable amount of arachidonyl PC was synthesized via the N-methylation pathway. Thrombin stimulation resulted in a release of arachidonic acid from PC, and not from phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). These observations suggest that the N-methylation pathway plays an important role in the intracellular mobilization of arachidonic acid from the PE fraction to the PC fraction, this fraction being more sensitive to the hydrolysis with phospholipase A2 during platelet activation.  相似文献   

Two phosphorylase kinase activities were resolved by DEAE-cellulose chromatography. The main activity peak was enriched 2800-fold, the minor appeared to be an aggregate of the enzyme. Phosphorylase kinase also phosphorylated histone and casein with no changes in phosphorylation ratios throughout the preparation steps but was most active on yeast phosphorylase. The molecular weight was 29000 +/- 2000. ATP, UTP, GTP served as substrates while CTP was inactive. Mg-ions activated the kinase without inhibition at high concentrations (30 mM). In addition to this cAMP-independent kinase, cAMP-dependent protein kinase also phosphorylated phosphorylase. The catalytic subunit and phosphorylase kinase were not identical since the latter was not inhibited by yeast cAMP binding protein.  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition of constituent phospholipids and the cholesterol content of rat liver plasma membranes were determined subsequent to maternal alcohol ingestion during pregnancy and lactation. The alcoholic group was given a liquid Metrecal diet containing 37% ethanol-derived calories. The control group was pair-fed an isocaloric sucrose/Metrecal diet. Litters were killed for lipid analyses at days 5, 15 and 25 after birth. These studies revealed that the total phospholipid phosphorus was similar and increased significantly with age in both groups. Cholesterol also increased significantly with age in both groups but was greater in the alcoholic pups, resulting in a higher cholesterol/phospholipid molar ratio. While the phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) content increased with age in both groups, that of sphingomyelin decreased. Phosphatidylserine + phosphatidylinositol (PS + PI) was significantly higher in the control group at all ages studied. A consistent increase of C22:6 in phosphatidylcholine (PC), sphingomyelin, PS + PI and in the total phospholipid fraction from alcoholic pups was observed. Although other fatty acid changes were found in PC, PS + PI and sphingomyelin, PE was not affected. These results suggest that specific adaptive changes were induced in the liver plasma membrane lipids of the progeny from alcoholic rats.  相似文献   

The regulation of human platelet responses by cyclic AMP (cAMP) has been investigated by measuring thrombin-stimulated serotonin release, Ca2+ uptake and phospholipase activity. Thrombin-induced 1,2-diacylglycerol (DG) formation as a result of phospholipase C activation was inhibited by pretreatment with dibutyryl cAMP (dbcAMP) in a dose-dependent manner. Subsequent failure to produce phosphatidic acid (PA), which is converted from 1,2-DG by phosphorylation and would serve as intracellular Ca2+ ionophore, appeared to parallel the decrease in Ca2+ uptake activity. Phospholipase A2 activity, monitored by the production of [3H]lysophosphatidylcholine and [3H]lysophosphatidylethanolamine, was also suppressed by dbcAMP. These data indicate that the intracellular cAMP level may be closely associated with Ca2+ uptake and phospholipases activation. In addition, it is suggested that alteration of intracellular cAMP regulates phospholipase activation and consequently platelet responses, perhaps by controlling available Ca2+ content.  相似文献   

Cultured endothelial cells from human umbilical vein were incubated with (3H)arachidonic acid for 24 hours. The label was incorporated into phospholipids (79.3 %), neutral lipids (15.6 %) and non-esterified fatty acids (4.7 %). Upon challenge with the calcium ionophore A 23187, 5.3 % of the total radioactivity were found in supernatant and corresponded to 6-keto-prostaglandin F (1.6 %) and free arachidonic acid (3.7 %). This release was accompanied by a concomitant and selective decrease of phosphatidylcholine. It is concluded that the entry of calcium promoted by A 23187 activates a phospholipase A2 regulating the availability of arachidonic acid to the prostacyclin synthetase.  相似文献   

The hemoglobin binding sites on the inner surface of the erythrocyte membrane were identified by measuring the fraction of hemoglobin released following selective proteolytic or lipolytic enzyme digestion. In addition, binding stoichiometry to and fractional hemoglobin release from inside-out vesicle preparations of human and rabbit membranes were compared since rabbit membranes differ significantly from human membranes only in that they lack glycophorin. Our results show that rabbit inside-out vesicles bind about 65% less human or rabbit hemoglobin under conditions of optimal and stoichiometric binding, despite being otherwise similar in composition. We suggest that this difference is either directly or indirectly due to the absence of glycophorin in rabbit membranes. Further supportive evidence includes demonstrating (a) that neuraminidase treatment of human membranes did not affect hemoglobin binding and (b) that reconstitution of isolated glycophorin into phospholipid vesicles increased the hemoglobin binding capacity in a manner proportional to the fraction of glycophorin molecules oriented with their cytoplasmic sides exposed to the exterior of the vesicle. Proteolysis of human inside-out vesicles either before or after addition of hemoglobin reduced the binding capacity by about 25%. This is consistent with the known proportion of total hemoglobin binding sites involving band 3 protein and the selective lability of the cytoplasmic aspect of band 3 protein to proteolysis. Phospholipid involvement in hemoglobin binding was determined using various phospholipase C preparations which differ in their reactivity profiles. Approximately 38% of the bound hemoglobin was released upon cleavage of phospholipid headgroups. These results suggest that the predominant sites of binding for hemoglobin on the inner surface of the red cell membrane are the two major integral membrane glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) alters phospholipid and heme metabolisms in the liver and Harderian gland. The effects of HCB on phospholipid metabolism, in an organ considered to be non-responsive to its porphyrinogenic effects, remain to be studied. Therefore, as the brain is an organ with this feature, this paper analyzes the effects of HCB on brain phospholipid composition in order to investigate if there is any relationship between HCB-induced porphyrin metabolism disruption and phospholipid alterations. For this purpose, a time-course study of HCB effects on brain phospholipids was performed in two strains of rats differing in their susceptibility to acquire hepatic porphyria: Chbb THOM (low); and Wistar (high). This paper shows for the first time that rat brain phospholipids are affected by HCB exposure. Comparative studies show that HCB-induced disturbances in brain phospholipid patterns are time and strain-dependent. Thus, whereas major phospholipids, phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine were more altered in Wistar rats, minor phospholipids, phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylserine were more affected in Chbb THOM rats. HCB intoxication led to a sphingomyelin/phosphatidylcholine molar ratio lower than the normal, in both strains. As was expected, brain porphyrin content was not altered by HCB intoxication in either strain. It can be concluded that HCB is able to alter brain phospholipid metabolism in a strain-dependent fashion, and in the absence of alterations in brain heme metabolism. In addition, HCB-induced disturbances in brain phospholipids were not related to the degree of hepatic porphyria achieved by the rats.  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae three pathways lead to the formation of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), namely decarboxylation of phosphatidylserine (PS) (i) by Psd1p in mitochondria, and (ii) by Psd2p in a Golgi/vacuolar compartment; and (iii) synthesis via CDP–ethanolamine pathway in the endoplasmic reticulum. To determine the contribution of these pathways to the supply of PE to peroxisomes, we subjected mutants bearing defects in the respective metabolic routes to biochemical and cell biological analysis. Despite these defects in PE formation mutants were able to grow on oleic acid indicating induction of peroxisome proliferation. Biochemical analysis revealed that PE formed through all three pathways was supplied to peroxisomes. These analyses also demonstrated that selective as well as equilibrium interorganelle flux of PE appear to be equally important for cellular homeostasis of this phospholipid. Electron microscopic inspection confirmed that defects in PE synthesis still allowed formation of peroxisomes, although these organelles from strains lacking PSD1 were significantly smaller than wild type. The fact that peroxisomes were always found in close vicinity to mitochondria, ER and lipid particles supported the view that membrane contact may play a role in lipid traffic between these organelles.  相似文献   

The destabilization of vesicles caused by interactions between lipid bilayers and proteins was studied by direct, real-time observation using high-intensity dark-field microscopy. We previously reported that talin, a cytoskeletal submembranous protein, can reversibly open stable large holes in giant liposomes made of neutral and acidic phospholipids. Talin and other proteins belonging to the band 4.1 superfamily have the FERM domain at their N-terminal and interact with lipid membranes via that domain. Here, we observed that band 4.1, ezrin and moesin, members of the band 4.1 superfamily, are also able to open stable holes in liposomes. However, truncation of their C-terminal domains, which can interact with the N-terminal FERM domain, impaired their hole opening activities. Oligomeric states of ezrin affected the capability of the membrane hole formation. Phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate (PIP2), which binds to the FERM domain and disrupts the interaction between the N and C termini of the band 4.1 superfamily, down-regulates their membrane opening activity. These results suggest that the intermolecular interaction plays a key role in the observed membrane hole formation.  相似文献   

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