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The proteins of the mitochondrial intermembrane space (IMS) are encoded by nuclear genes and synthesized on cytosolic ribosomes. While some IMS proteins are imported by the classical presequence pathway that involves the membrane potential deltapsi across the inner mitochondrial membrane and proteolytic processing to release the mature protein to the IMS, the import of numerous small IMS proteins is independent of a deltapsi and does not include proteolytic processing. The biogenesis of small IMS proteins requires an essential mitochondrial IMS import and assembly protein, termed Mia40. Here, we show that Erv1, a further essential IMS protein that has been reported to function as a sulfhydryl oxidase and participate in biogenesis of Fe/S proteins, is also required for the biogenesis of small IMS proteins. We generated a temperature-sensitive yeast mutant of Erv1 and observed a strong reduction of the levels of small IMS proteins upon shift of the cells to non-permissive temperature. Isolated erv1-2 mitochondria were selectively impaired in import of small IMS proteins while protein import pathways to other mitochondrial subcompartments were not affected. Small IMS precursor proteins remained associated with Mia40 in erv1-2 mitochondria and were not assembled into mature oligomeric complexes. Moreover, Erv1 associated with Mia40 in a reductant-sensitive manner. We conclude that two essential proteins, Mia40 and Erv1, cooperate in the assembly pathway of small proteins of the mitochondrial IMS.  相似文献   

The Gef1 protein of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Gef1p) has amino acid homology to the voltage-gated CLC chloride channel family. It has been postulated that it provides the compensatory transport of Cl- anions to the lumen of the Golgi thereby regulating the pH of this compartment. Using GEF1 fusion with heterologous promoter we obtained a yeast strain highly overproducing Gef1p. The electrophysiological properties of the microsomal fraction obtained from this strain were measured using lipid bilayer system. Our data indicate that Gef1p is associated with the chloride channel activity. This anion-selective channel has a unitary conductance of 42 pS when measured in symmetrical 600/600 mM TEA-Cl solutions, is voltage-dependent, and closes at high negative voltages.  相似文献   

Proteins belonging to the CAP superfamily are present in all kingdoms of life and have been implicated in different physiological processes. Their molecular mode of action, however, is poorly understood. Saccharomyces cerevisiae expresses three members of this superfamily, pathogen-related yeast (Pry)1, -2, and -3. We have recently shown that Pry function is required for the secretion of cholesteryl acetate and that Pry proteins bind cholesterol and cholesteryl acetate, suggesting that CAP superfamily members may generally act to bind sterols or related small hydrophobic compounds. Here, we analyzed the mode of sterol binding by Pry1. Computational modeling indicates that ligand binding could occur through displacement of a relatively poorly conserved flexible loop, which in some CAP family members displays homology to the caveolin-binding motif. Point mutations within this motif abrogated export of cholesteryl acetate but did not affect binding of cholesterol. Mutations of residues located outside the caveolin-binding motif, or mutations in highly conserved putative catalytic residues had no effect on export of cholesteryl acetate or on lipid binding. These results indicate that the caveolin-binding motif of Pry1, and possibly of other CAP family members, is crucial for selective lipid binding and that lipid binding may occur through displacement of the loop containing this motif.  相似文献   

We report the discovery and characterisation of a novel nucleolar protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We identified this protein encoded by ORF YIL019w, designated in SGD base as Faf1p, in a two hybrid interaction screen using the known nucleolar protein Krr1 as bait. The presented data indicate that depletion of the Faf1 protein has an impact on the 40S ribosomal subunit biogenesis resulting from a decrease in the production of 18S rRNA. The primary defect is apparently due to inefficient processing of 35S rRNA at the A(0), A(1), and A(2) cleavage sites.  相似文献   

The fission yeast plo1(+) gene encodes a polo-like kinase, a member of a conserved family of kinases which play multiple roles during the cell cycle. We show that Plo1 kinase physically interacts with the anaphase-promoting complex (APC)/cyclosome through the noncatalytic domain of Plo1 and the tetratricopeptide repeat domain of the subunit, Cut23. A new cut23 mutation, which specifically disrupts the interaction with Plo1, results in a metaphase arrest. This arrest can be rescued by high expression of Plo1 kinase. We suggest that this physical interaction is crucial for mitotic progression by targeting polo kinase activity toward the APC.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae Gup1p is a membrane-bound O-acyltransferase. Previous works involved GUP1 in a wide range of crucial processes for cell preservation and functioning. These include cytoskeleton polarization and secretory/endocytic pathway, GPI-anchor remodelling, wall composition and integrity, and membrane lipids, with a reduction in phospholipids and an increase in acylglycerols. DRM fractions were found in considerably lower amounts in gup1Δ than in wt strain. Additionally, the proteins presumably associated with lipid micro domains, Gas1p and Pma1p, were present in much smaller amounts in the mutant DRMs. Pma1p is also found in minor quantities in the whole cells extracts of the gup1Δ mutant. Accordingly, H+-ATPase activity was reduced in about 40%. Deletion of GUP1 resulted in higher sensibility to specific sphingolipid biosynthesis inhibitors and a notorious resistance to ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitors. Furthermore, the majority of mutant cells displayed an even (less punctuated) sterol distribution. The present work presents improvements to DRMs extraction methodology and filipin-sterol staining, provides evidence supporting that Gup1p is involved in lipid metabolism and shows the direct consequences of its absence on the plasma membrane sphingolipid-sterol-ordered domains integrity/assembly.  相似文献   

The CCZ1 (YBR131w) gene encodes a protein required for fusion of various transport intermediates with the vacuole. Ccz1p, in a complex with Mon1p, is a close partner of Ypt7p in the processes of fusion of endosomes to vacuoles and homotypic vacuole fusion. In this work, we exploited the Ca(2+)-sensitivity of the ccz1Delta mutant to identify genes specifically interacting with CCZ1, basing on functional multicopy suppression of calcium toxicity. The presented results indicate that Ccz1p functions in the cell either in association with Mon1p and Ypt7p in fusion at the vacuolar membrane, or--separately--with Arl1p at early steps of vacuolar transport. We also show that suppression of calcium toxicity by the calcium pumps Pmr1p and Pmc1p is restricted only to the subset of mutants defective in vacuole morphology. The mechanisms of Ca(2+)-pump-mediated suppression also differ from each other, since the action of Pmr1p, but not Pmc1p, appears to require Arl1p function.  相似文献   

Ribonuclease (RNase) P and RNase MRP are closely related catalytic ribonucleoproteins involved in the metabolism of a wide range of RNA molecules, including tRNA, rRNA, and some mRNAs. The catalytic RNA component of eukaryotic RNase P retains the core elements of the bacterial RNase P ribozyme; however, the peripheral RNA elements responsible for the stabilization of the global architecture are largely absent in the eukaryotic enzyme. At the same time, the protein makeup of eukaryotic RNase P is considerably more complex than that of the bacterial RNase P. RNase MRP, an essential and ubiquitous eukaryotic enzyme, has a structural organization resembling that of eukaryotic RNase P, and the two enzymes share most of their protein components. Here, we present the results of the analysis of interactions between the largest protein component of yeast RNases P/MRP, Pop1, and the RNA moieties of the enzymes, discuss structural implications of the results, and suggest that Pop1 plays the role of a scaffold for the stabilization of the global architecture of eukaryotic RNase P RNA, substituting for the network of RNA–RNA tertiary interactions that maintain the global RNA structure in bacterial RNase P.  相似文献   

Coenzyme Q is a redox active lipid essential for aerobic respiration. The Coq4 polypeptide is required for Q biosynthesis and growth on non-fermentable carbon sources, however its exact function in this pathway is not known. Here we probe the functional roles of Coq4p in a yeast Q biosynthetic polypeptide complex. A yeast coq4-1 mutant harboring an E226K substitution is unable to grow on nonfermentable carbon sources. The coq4-1 yeast mutant retains significant Coq3p O-methyltransferase activity, and mitochondria isolated from coq4-1 and coq4-2 (E121K) yeast point mutants contain normal steady state levels of Coq polypeptides, unlike the decreased levels of Coq polypeptides generally found in strains harboring coq gene deletions. Digitonin-solubilized mitochondrial extracts prepared from yeast coq4 point mutants show that Coq3p and Coq4 polypeptides no longer co-migrate as high molecular mass complexes by one- and two-dimensional Blue Native-PAGE. Similarly, gel filtration chromatography confirms that O-methyltransferase activity, Coq3p, Coq4p, and Coq7p migration are disorganized in the coq4-1 mutant mitochondria. The data suggest that Coq4p plays an essential role in organizing a Coq enzyme complex required for Q biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Many intracellular vesicle transport pathways involve GTP hydrolysis by the ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) type of monomeric G proteins, under the control of ArfGAP proteins. Here we show that the structurally related yeast proteins Gcs1 and Age2 form an essential ArfGAP pair that provides overlapping function for TGN transport. Mutant cells lacking the Age2 and Gcs1 proteins cease proliferation, accumulate membranous structures resembling Berkeley bodies, and are unable to properly process and localize the vacuolar hydrolase carboxypeptidase (CPY) and the vacuolar membrane protein alkaline phosphatase (ALP), which are transported from the TGN to the vacuole by distinct transport routes. Immunofluorescence studies localizing the proteins ALP, Kex2 (a TGN resident protein), and Vps10 (the CPY receptor for transport from the TGN to the vacuole) suggest that inadequate function of this ArfGAP pair leads to a fragmentation of TGN, with effects on secretion and endosomal transport. Our results demonstrate that the Gcs1 + Age2 ArfGAP pair provides overlapping function for transport from the TGN, and also indicate that multiple activities at the TGN can be maintained with the aid of a single ArfGAP.  相似文献   

Using cDNA microarray analysis, we found that the mRNA of YJL217W and several other genes related to cell wall organization and biogenesis were up-regulated by galactose in Saccharomyces cerevisiae early during the induction process. YJL217W is also known as REE1 (Regulation of Enolase I). Both the Gal4 regulatory region and the Mac1 binding domain were found on the upstream region of REE1, and the expression of REE1 was up-regulated by galactose but not by glucose. The up-regulation of REE1 by galactose was not observed in the Δgal4 strain. From the two-hybrid analysis, we found that Ree1 physically interacted with Gal83. Furthermore, from 2-D gel electrophoresis we found that the deletion of REE1 resulted in the up-regulation of Eno1. From Western blotting, we learned that the expression of Eno1 in the Δree1 strain was different from that in wild-type strains and that Eno1 expression was not changed by glucose stimulation. Taken together, these results suggest that Ree1p functions in the galactose metabolic pathway via the Gal83 protein and that it may control the level of Eno1p, which is also affected by the Snf1 complex, in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Genetic expression versus plasmidic overexpression of a functional recombinant fusion protein combining the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier (Anc2p) and the iso-1-cytochrome c (Cyc1p) has been investigated, with the main aim of increasing the polar surface of the carrier to improve its crystallization properties. The gene encoding the his6-tagged fusion protein was expressed in yeast under the control of the regulatory sequences of ScANC2 or under the control of the strong yeast PMA1 promoter. In both cases, the chimeric carrier, Anc2-Cyc1(His6)p, was able to restore growth on a non-fermentable carbon source of a yeast strain devoid of functional ADP/ATP carrier, demonstrating its transport activity. Nevertheless, when the expression vector was used, the level of expression of Anc2-Cyc1(His6)p was no greater than that of the chimeric carrier obtained in yeast mitochondria after homologous recombination. Optimal conditions to extract and to purify Anc2-Cyc1(His6)p were determined. A series of detergents was screened for their ability to extract and to preserve in vitro the chimeric carrier. A rapid, single step purification of Anc2-Cyc1(His6)p was developed, using n-dodecyl-beta-d-maltoside (DoDM) as the best detergent to solubilize the chimeric protein. Carboxyatractyloside- (CATR-) and nucleotide-binding sites were preserved in the purified protein. Moreover, the Cyc1p moiety of Anc2-Cyc1(His6)p-CATR complex solubilized in DoDM was still able to interact in vitro with the cytochrome c oxidase (COX), with the same affinity as yeast Cyc1p. Improved production and purification of Anc2-Cyc1(His6)p-CATR complex opens up new possibilities for the use of this protein in crystallographic approaches to the yeast ADP/ATP carrier. Furthermore, Anc2-Cyc1(His6)p may be an useful molecular tool to investigate in vivo interactions between components of the respiratory chain complexes such as COX and the proteins implicated in ATP biogenesis, such as the ATP/ADP carrier.  相似文献   

We report that a null rnq1 mutation in the yeast RNQ1 (YCL028w) prion-like gene of so far unknown function produces the doubling of spores in the asci. This phenotype is possibly due to the lack of inhibition by Rnq1p of an additional mitotic division during ascus formation. This novel phenotype termed "octopus asci" could be similar to prion [PIN+] phenotype.  相似文献   

We have identified a new homologue of protein phosphatase type 1 from Plasmodium falciparum, designated PfPP1, which shows 83-87% sequence identity with yeast and mammalian PP1s at the amino acid level. The PfPP1 sequence is strikingly different from all other P. falciparum Ser/Thr phosphatases cloned so far. The deduced 304 amino acid sequence revealed the signature sequence of Ser/Thr phosphatase LRGNHE, and two putative protein kinase C and five putative casein kinase II phosphorylation sites. Calyculin A, a potent inhibitor of Ser/Thr phosphatase 1 and 2A showed hyperphosphorylation of a 51kDa protein among other parasite proteins. Okadaic acid on the other hand, was without any effect suggesting that PP1 activity might predominate over PP2A activity in intra-erythrocytic P. falciparum. Complementation studies showed that PfPP1 could rescue low glycogen phenotype of Saccharomyces cerevisiae glc7 (PP1) mutant, strongly suggesting functional interaction of PfPP1 and yeast proteins involved in glycogen metabolism.  相似文献   

Protein kinase CK2 is a heterotetramer composed of two catalytic and two regulatory subunits. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae the catalytic subunits (alpha and alpha') are encoded by the CKA1, CKA2 genes. cka1Deltacka2(ts) mutants arrest cell cycle in both G1 and G2/M at 37 degrees C. Hence, it has been proposed that CK2 plays an important role in cell-cycle progression and several cell-cycle proteins have been reported to be CK2 substrates. We have previously shown that Sic1, the inhibitor of Clb5-Cdc28 complexes required for the G1/S transition, is a physiologically relevant CK2 substrate. Here we show that CK2 inactivation up-regulates Sic1 level resulting in severe down-regulation of Clb5-Cdc28 kinase activity. Concurrent inactivation of Sic1 and CK2 leads to accumulation of cells with a post-synthetic DNA content and short/elongated spindles, typical of cells arrested in mitosis. These findings indicate that Sic1 plays a major role during G1 arrest of CK2-inactivated cells.  相似文献   

Nitrosative stress has various pathophysiological implications. We here present a detailed characterization on the effect of nitrosative stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae wild-type (Y190) and its isogenic flavohemoglobin mutant (Δyhb1) strain grown in presence of non fermentable carbon source. On addition of sub-toxic dose of nitrosating agent both the strains showed microbiostatic effect. Cellular respiration was found to be significantly affected in both the strains in presence sodium nitroprusside. Although there was no alteration in mitochondrial permeability potential changes and reactive oxygen species production in both the strains but the cellular redox status is differentially regulated in Δyhb1 strain both in cytosol and in mitochondria indicating cellular glutathione is the major player in absence of flavohemoglobin. We also found important role(s) of various redox active enzymes like glutathione reductase and catalase in protection against nitrosative stress. This is the first report of its kind where the effect of nitrosative stress has been evaluated in S. cerevisiae cytosol as well as in mitochondria under respiratory proficient conditions.  相似文献   

A considerable amount of evidence supports the idea that lipid rafts are involved in many cellular processes, including protein sorting and trafficking. We show that, in this process, also a non-raft lipid, phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), has an indispensable function. The depletion of this phospholipid results in an accumulation of a typical raft-resident, the arginine transporter Can1p, in the membranes of Golgi, while the trafficking of another plasma membrane transporter, Pma1p, is interrupted at the level of the ER. Both these transporters associate with a Triton (TX-100) resistant membrane fraction before their intracellular transport is arrested in the respective organelles. The Can1p undelivered to the plasma membrane is fully active when reconstituted to a PE-containing vesicle system in vitro. We further demonstrate that, in addition to the TX-100 resistance at 4 °C, Can1p and Pma1pa exhibit different accessibility to nonyl glucoside (NG), which points to distinct intimate lipid surroundings of these two proteins. Also, at 20 °C, these two proteins are extracted by TX-100 differentially. The features above suggest that Pma1p and Can1p are associated with different compartments. This is independently supported by the observations made by confocal microscopy. In addition we show that PE is involved in the stability of Can1p-raft association.  相似文献   

NifU-like proteins are a highly conserved protein that serves as the scaffold for assembly of Fe-S clusters. Chloroplastic NifU-like proteins have tandem NifU like domains, named domain I and domain II. Although the amino acid sequences of these domains are very similar to each other, the predicted functional region for the Fe-S cluster assembly, the CXXC motif, exists only in domain I. The structure of the domain II of chloroplastic NifU-like protein OsNifU1A has an α-β sandwich structure containing two α helices located on one side of the β-sheet. The electrostatic surface potential of OsNifU1A domain II is predominantly positively charged. Chloroplastic NifU-like proteins are targeted to ferredoxin for transferring the Fe-S cluster. The ferredoxin presents an overall negatively charged surface, which may evoke an electrostatic association with OsNifU1A domain II.  相似文献   

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