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The bacterial sodium-coupled leucine/alanine transporter LeuT is broadly used as a model system for studying the transport mechanism of neurotransmitters because of its structural and functional homology to mammalian transporters such as serotonin, dopamine, or norepinephrine transporters, and because of the resolution of its structure in different states. Although the binding sites (S1 for substrate, and Na1 and Na2 for two co-transported sodium ions) have been resolved, we still lack a mechanistic understanding of coupled Na+- and substrate-binding events. We present here results from extensive (>20 μs) unbiased molecular dynamics simulations generated using the latest computing technology. Simulations show that sodium binds initially the Na1 site, but not Na2, and, consistently, sodium unbinding/escape to the extracellular (EC) region first takes place at Na2, succeeded by Na1. Na2 diffusion back to the EC medium requires prior dissociation of substrate from S1. Significantly, Na+ binding (and unbinding) consistently involves a transient binding to a newly discovered site, Na1″, near S1, as an intermediate state. A robust sequence of substrate uptake events coupled to sodium bindings and translocations between those sites assisted by hydration emerges from the simulations: (i) bindings of a first Na+ to Na1″, translocation to Na1, a second Na+ to vacated Na1″ and then to Na2, and substrate to S1; (ii) rotation of Phe253 aromatic group to seclude the substrate from the EC region; and (iii) concerted tilting of TM1b and TM6a toward TM3 and TM8 to close the EC vestibule.  相似文献   

A general method is outlined that determines quantitatively the extent to which tight ligand binding to an enzyme active site is facilitated by the adoption of a stabler macromolecular conformation in the complex. The method therefore rejects the general assumption that competitive inhibitor binding to enzyme active sites involves only local (active site) interactions. The procedure involves comparing the unfolding transition state free energies of the free and complexed enzyme from physiological conditions. For the interaction of the transition state analog coformycin with bovine adenosine deaminase we observed that the binding free energy by the physiological enzyme was ~92% due to the assumption of a stabler enzyme conformation in the complex. The significance of these findings in terms of general enzyme catalysis is discussed.  相似文献   

In sessile organisms such as plants, interactions occur locally so that important ecological aspects like frequency dependence are manifest within local neighborhoods. Using probabilistic cellular automata models, we investigated how local frequency-dependent competition influenced whether two species could coexist. Individuals of the two species were randomly placed on a grid and allowed to interact according to local frequency-dependent rules. For four different frequency-dependent scenarios, the results indicated that over a broad parameter range the two species could coexist. Comparisons between explicit spatial simulations and the mean-field approximation indicate that coexistence occurs over a broader region in the explicit spatial simulation.  相似文献   

ClpP is a self-compartmentalized protease, which has very limited degradation activity unless it associates with ClpX to form ClpXP or with ClpA to form ClpAP. Here, we show that ClpX binding stimulates ClpP cleavage of peptides larger than a few amino acids and enhances ClpP active-site modification. Stimulation requires ATP binding but not hydrolysis by ClpX. The magnitude of this enhancement correlates with increasing molecular weight of the molecule entering ClpP. Amino-acid substitutions in the channel loop or helix A of ClpP enhance entry of larger substrates into the free enzyme, eliminate ClpX binding in some cases, and are not further stimulated by ClpX binding in other instances. These results support a model in which the channel residues of free ClpP exclude efficient entry of all but the smallest peptides into the degradation chamber, with ClpX binding serving to relieve these inhibitory interactions. Specific ClpP channel variants also prevent ClpXP translocation of certain amino-acid sequences, suggesting that the wild-type channel plays an important role in facilitating broad translocation specificity. In combination with previous studies, our results indicate that collaboration between ClpP and its partner ATPases opens a gate that functions to exclude larger substrates from isolated ClpP.  相似文献   

Contingency analysis of r × c-tables is systematized as follows: Global contingency testing based on the total chisquare under H0 of independent row and column variables is least favorable to exhaustive interpretation. Local contingency testing based on chi-square components of the individual cells of an r × c-table and realized in Configural frequency analysis (KRAUTH and LIENERT, 1973) is more favourable to substantive interpretation. Compromising between global and local contingency testing leads to so-called generalized local and regional contingency testing. Every contingency testing (local, regional and naturally global) is including all N individuals of a sample supposed to have been drawn randomly from a defined population. Extension to 3-and t-dimensional contingency analysis is outlined, and biomedical applications are discussed.  相似文献   

Hexameric helicases are molecular motor proteins that utilize energy obtained from ATP hydrolysis to translocate along and/or unwind nucleic acids. In this study, we investigate the dynamic behavior of the Simian Virus 40 hexameric helicase bound to DNA by performing molecular dynamics simulations employing a coarse-grained model. Our results elucidate the two most important molecular features of the helicase motion. First, the attractive interactions between the DNA-binding domain of the helicase and the DNA backbone are essential for the helicase to exhibit a unidirectional motion along the DNA strand. Second, the sequence of ATP binding at multiple binding pockets affects the helicase motion. Specifically, concerted ATP binding does not generate a unidirectional motion of the helicase. It is only when the binding of ATP occurs sequentially from one pocket to the next that the helicase moves unidirectionally along the DNA. Interestingly, in the reverse order of sequential ATP binding, the helicase also moves unidirectionally but in the opposite direction. These observations suggest that in nature ATP molecules must distinguish between different available ATP binding pockets of the hexameric helicase in order to function efficiently. To this end, simulations reveal that the binding of ATP in one pocket induces an opening of the next ATP-binding pocket and such an asymmetric deformation may coordinate the sequential ATP binding in a unidirectional manner. Overall, these findings may provide clues toward understanding the mechanism of substrate translocation in other motor proteins.  相似文献   

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