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Human urinary erythropoietin was adsorbed to phytohaemagglutinin coupled to agarose or porous glass and quantitatively eluted by a saturated solution of MgCl2. This method provides a means of separating erythropoietin from several of its contaminants, presumably on the basis of its carbohydrate side chains. Erythropoietin which had been purified by chromatography on insolubilized phytohaemagglutinin was sufficiently free of toxicity to be assayable in tissue culture even when crude urine was used as a starting material.  相似文献   

Sixteen combinations of 5 treatments at 4 levels were designed in a L16(45) orthogonal experimental design to evaluate associative effects of five methanogenesis inhibitors at four dose levels: nitroethane (NE, 0 mM, 5 mM, 10 mM and 15 mM), 2-nitroethanol (NEOH, 0 mM, 5 mM, 10 mM and 15 mM), 2-nitro-1-propanol (NPOH, 0 mM, 5 mM, 10 mM and 15 mM), pyromellitic diimide (PMDI, 0 mM, 0.02 mM, 0.05 mM and 0.07 mM) and 2-bromoethanesulphonate (BES, 0 mM, 0.01 mM, 0.03 mM and 0.05 mM) on in vitro ruminal methane production of the mixed substrate (Chinese wildrye hay:maize meal = 4:1) using a cumulative gas production technique. After 48 h incubation, in vitro dry matter disappearance (IVDMD), total gas production (GP48, ml/g DM) and total volatile fatty acids (VFA) production in various combinations of these inhibitors were decreased by 10.6-56.0, 26.5-44.5 and 20.3-47.6%, respectively (P<0.05). The molar proportion of acetate in the inhibitor combination groups was decreased by 6.6-12.5% while those of propionate and butyrate were increased by 7.0-19.2 and 21.9-56.5% (P<0.01), respectively. Methane proportion (MP) in total gas production was reduced by 79.4-98.5% (P<0.01), and the highest inhibition occurred in the combination of 10 mM NE, 10 mM NPOH, 0.07 mM PMDI and 0.01 mM BES in cultures. The partial correlation coefficients between NE, NEOH, NPOH, PMDI or BES and CH4 proportion were −0.465 (P<0.01), −0.417 (P<0.01), −0.355 (P<0.05), −0.408 (P<0.01) and −0.345 (P<0.05), respectively, indicating that NE was the most potent inhibitor, followed by NEOH and PMDI, and finally NPOH and BES. In general, VFA production in the inhibitor combinations was substantially shifted to produce much more butyrate and propionate and less acetate. The combination of 15 mM NE, 10 mM NEOH, 5 mM NPOH, 0.07 mM PMDI and 0.01 mM BES in cultures, leading to >95% methane inhibition, may be the optimal application of these inhibitors with less depression of total VFA production. Further feeding trials to validate these combinations is still required on rumen function, methane production, growth performance and milk production.  相似文献   

Hookworms are hematophagous nematodes capable of growth, development and subsistence in living host systems such as humans and other mammals. Approximately one billion, or one in six, people worldwide are infected by hookworms causing gastrointestinal blood loss and iron deficiency anemia. The hematophagous hookworm Ancylostoma caninum produces a family of small, disulfide-linked protein anticoagulants (75-84 amino acid residues). One of these nematode anticoagulant proteins, NAP5, inhibits the amidolytic activity of factor Xa (fXa) with K(i)=43 pM, and is the most potent natural fXa inhibitor identified thus far. The crystal structure of NAP5 bound at the active site of gamma-carboxyglutamic acid domainless factor Xa (des-fXa) has been determined at 3.1 A resolution, which indicates that Asp189 (fXa, S1 subsite) binds to Arg40 (NAP5, P1 site) in a mode similar to that of the BPTI/trypsin interaction. However, the hydroxyl group of Ser39 of NAP5 additionally forms a hydrogen bond (2.5 A) with His57 NE2 of the catalytic triad, replacing the hydrogen bond of Ser195 OG to the latter in the native structure, resulting in an interaction that has not been observed before. Furthermore, the C-terminal extension of NAP5 surprisingly interacts with the fXa exosite of a symmetry-equivalent molecule forming a short intermolecular beta-strand as observed in the structure of the NAPc2/fXa complex. This indicates that NAP5 can bind to fXa at the active site, or the exosite, and to fX at the exosite. However, unlike NAPc2, NAP5 does not inhibit fVIIa of the fVIIa/TF complex.  相似文献   

The cationic β-sheet cyclic tetradecapeptide cyclo[VKLdKVdYPLKVKLdYP] (GS14dK4) is a diastereomeric lysine ring-size analog of the potent naturally occurring antimicrobial peptide gramicidin S (GS) which exhibits enhanced antimicrobial but markedly reduced hemolytic activity compared to GS itself. We have previously studied the binding of GS14dK4 to various phospholipid bilayer model membranes using isothermal titration calorimetry [Abraham, T. et al. (2005) Biochemistry 44, 2103-2112]. In the present study, we compare the ability of GS14dK4 to bind to and disrupt these same phospholipid model membranes by employing a fluorescent dye leakage assay to determine the ability of this peptide to permeabilize large unilamellar vesicles. We find that in general, the ability of GS14dK4 to bind to and to permeabilize phospholipid bilayers of different compositions are not well correlated. In particular, the binding affinity of GS14dK4 varies markedly with the charge and to some extent with the polar headgroup structure of the phospholipid and with the cholesterol content of the model membrane. Specifically, this peptide binds much more tightly to anionic than to zwitterionic phospholipids and much less tightly to cholesterol-containing than to cholesterol-free model membranes. In addition, the maximum extent of binding of GS14dK4 can also vary considerably with phospholipid composition in a parallel fashion. In contrast, the ability of this peptide to permeabilize phospholipid vesicles is only weakly dependent on phospholipid charge, polar headgroup structure or cholesterol content. We provide tentative explanations for the observed lack of a correlation between the affinity and extent of GS14dK4 binding to, and degree of disruption of the structure and integrity of, phospholipid bilayers membranes. We also present evidence that the lack of correlation between these two parameters may be a general phenomenon among antimicrobial peptides. Finally, we demonstrate that the affinity of binding of GS14dK4 to various phospholipid bilayer membranes is much more strongly correlated with the antimicrobial and hemolytic activities of this peptide than with its effect on the rate and extent of dye leakage in these model membrane systems.  相似文献   

Low testosterone and estradiol concentrations are predictive for the development of the metabolic syndrome in men and women, respectively. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of sex hormone deficiency on food intake, body weight, body composition and glucose metabolism in male Göttingen minipigs.Five adult male Göttingen minipigs were studied before castration (pre-cast), 10-18 days (post-cast 1) and 10-11 weeks (post-cast 2) after castration. Parameters of interest were food intake, body weight, body fat percentage and sex hormone concentrations. Furthermore glucose tolerance, glucagon suppression, insulin resistance, beta cell function and disposition index were evaluated by oral and intravenous glucose tolerance tests.Castration led to almost complete disappearance of circulating testosterone and estradiol and secondarily to increased food intake, body weight and body fat percentage. Ten-eighteen days sex hormone deficiency (post-cast 1) did not significantly change any of the investigated metabolic parameters compared to pre-cast levels. Ten weeks after castration (post-cast 2) significant insulin resistance, glucose intolerance and hyperglucagonemia was found, and the beta cell function and the disposition index both were decreased.In conclusion, castration-induced sex hormone deficiency in male Göttingen minipigs results in hyperphagia, obesity and disturbed glucose metabolism, which are some of the features typical for the human metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to assess effects of harvest date (i.e., 40 and 60 d after planting) and N fertilization rate (i.e., 120, 180, 240 kg N/ha) on the nutritive value of amaranth forage (Amaranthus hypochondriacus) using a factorial experiment with a randomized complete block design. The content of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), true protein (TP), ether extract (EE), water soluble carbohydrates (WSC), ash-free neutral detergent fiber (NDFom), ash-free acid detergent fiber (ADFom), lignin(sa), ash, Ca, P, Na, K, oxalic acid and nitrate were determined. Soluble CP (SP) and protein fractions non-protein N (A), true protein rapidly degraded in the rumen (B1), true protein degraded in the rumen at a moderate rate (B2), true protein associated with the cell wall and slowly degraded in the rumen (B3) and acid detergent insoluble CP (C) were measured according to the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System. In vitro gas production (IVGP), OM disappearance (OMD) and NDFom disappearance (NDFD) were determined using a gas production technique. Results showed that the later harvest date increased (P<0.05) DM, EE, WSC, NDFom, ADFom, lignin(sa), B3 and C; while CP, TP, ash, Ca, P, K, SP, A, B1, B2, nitrate, total and soluble oxalic acid, IVGP, b (i.e., gas production from the insoluble fermentable fractions at 120 h), c (i.e., rate of gas production during incubation), OMD and NDFD decreased (P<0.05). With increasing N fertilization rate, CP, TP, EE, P, nitrate, oxalic acid, SP, A, b, OMD and NDFD increased (P<0.05), however B2 declined (P<0.05). Increasing N fertilization increased yield, CP concentration and nutrient digestibility. At 40 d after planting use of amaranth forage as a ruminant feed is limited due to its high nitrate content. However, at 60 d, although a depression in digestibility and CP content occurred, this forage has the potential as a ruminant feed due to the much lower nitrate levels.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic histone heterodimer H2A-H2B folds through an obligatory dimeric intermediate that forms in a nearly diffusion-limited association reaction in the stopped-flow dead time. It is unclear whether there is partial folding of the isolated monomers before association. To address the possible contributions of structure in the monomers to the rapid association, we characterized H2A and H2B monomers in the absence of their heterodimeric partner. By far-UV circular dichroism, the H2A and H2B monomers are 15% and 31% helical, respectively—significantly less than observed in X-ray crystal structures. Acrylamide quenching of the intrinsic Tyr fluorescence was indicative of tertiary structure. The H2A and H2B monomers exhibit free energies of unfolding of 2.5 and 2.9 kcal mol− 1, respectively; at 10 μM, the sum of the stability of the monomers is ∼ 60% of the stability of the native dimer. The helical content, stability, and m values indicate that H2B has a more stable, compact structure than H2A. The monomer m values are larger than expected for the extended histone fold motif, suggesting that the monomers adopt an overly collapsed structure. Stopped-flow refolding—initiated from urea-denatured monomers or the partially folded monomers populated at low denaturant concentrations—yielded essentially identical rates, indicating that monomer folding is productive in the rapid association and folding of the heterodimer. A series of Ala and Gly mutations were introduced into H2A and H2B to probe the importance of helix propensity on the structure and stability of the monomers. The mutational studies show that the central α-helix of the histone fold, which makes extensive intermonomer contacts, is structured in H2B but only partially folded in H2A.  相似文献   

SlyD, the sensitive-to-lysis protein from Escherichia coli, consists of two domains. They are not arranged successively along the protein chain, but one domain, the “insert-in-flap” (IF) domain, is inserted internally as a guest into a surface loop of the host domain, which is a prolyl isomerase of the FK506 binding protein (FKBP) type. We used SlyD as a model to elucidate how such a domain insertion affects the stability and folding mechanism of the host and the guest domain. For these studies, the two-domain protein was compared with a single-domain variant SlyDΔIF, SlyD* without the chaperone domain (residues 1-69 and 130-165) in which the IF domain was removed and replaced by a short loop, as present in human FKBP12. Equilibrium unfolding and folding kinetics followed an apparent two-state mechanism in the absence and in the presence of the IF domain. The inserted domain decreased, however, the stability of the host domain in the transition region and decelerated its refolding reaction by about 10-fold. This originates from the interruption of the chain connectivity by the IF domain and its inherent instability. To monitor folding processes in this domain selectively, a Trp residue was introduced as fluorescent probe. Kinetic double-mixing experiments revealed that, in intact SlyD, the IF domain folds and unfolds about 1000-fold more rapidly than the FKBP domain, and that it is strongly stabilized when linked with the folded FKBP domain. The unfolding limbs of the kinetic chevrons of SlyD show a strong downward curvature. This deviation from linearity is not caused by a transition-state movement, as often assumed, but by the accumulation of a silent unfolding intermediate at high denaturant concentrations. In this kinetic intermediate, the FKBP domain is still folded, whereas the IF domain is already unfolded.  相似文献   

The observation that denatured proteins yield scaling exponents, ν, consistent with random-coil behavior and yet can also have pockets of residual or nonrandom structure has been termed the “reconciliation problem”. To provide greater insight into the denatured state of a foldable sequence, we have measured histidine-heme loop formation equilibria in the denatured state of a class II c-type cytochrome, cytochrome c′ from Rhodopseudomonas palustris. We have prepared a series of variants that provide His-heme loop stabilities, pKloop(His), for loop sizes ranging from 10 to 111 residues at intervals of 7 to 11 residues along the sequence of the protein. We observe a scaling exponent for loop formation, ν3, of 2.5 ± 0.3. Theoretical values for ν3 range from 1.8 to 2.4; thus, the observed ν3 is consistent with random-coil behavior. However, in contrast to data for loop formation as a function of loop size obtained with peptides of homogeneous sequence, we observe considerable scatter about the linear dependence of loop stability on loop size. Thus, foldable sequences behave very differently from homogeneous peptide sequences. The observed scatter suggests that there is considerable variation in the conformational properties along the backbone of a foldable sequence, consistent with alternating compact and extended regions. With regard to the reconciliation problem, it is evident that a scaling exponent consistent with a random coil is necessary but not sufficient to demonstrate random-coil behavior.  相似文献   

For decades, studies have been focusing on the neuronal abnormalities that accompany neurodegenerative disorders. Yet, glial cells are emerging as important players in numerous neurological diseases. Astrocytes, the main type of glia in the central nervous system , form extensive networks that physically and functionally connect neuronal synapses with cerebral blood vessels. Normal brain functioning strictly depends on highly specialized cellular cross-talk between these different partners to which Ca2 +, as a signaling ion, largely contributes. Altered intracellular Ca2 + levels are associated with neurodegenerative disorders and play a crucial role in the glial responses to injury. Intracellular Ca2 + increases in single astrocytes can be propagated toward neighboring cells as intercellular Ca2 + waves, thereby recruiting a larger group of cells. Intercellular Ca2+ wave propagation depends on two, parallel, connexin (Cx) channel-based mechanisms: i) the diffusion of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate through gap junction channels that directly connect the cytoplasm of neighboring cells, and ii) the release of paracrine messengers such as glutamate and ATP through hemichannels (‘half of a gap junction channel’). This review gives an overview of the current knowledge on Cx-mediated Ca2 + communication among astrocytes as well as between astrocytes and other brain cell types in physiology and pathology, with a focus on the processes of neurodegeneration and reactive gliosis. Research on Cx-mediated astroglial Ca2 + communication may ultimately shed light on the development of targeted therapies for neurodegenerative disorders in which astrocytes participate. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Calcium signaling in health and disease. Guest Editors: Geert Bultynck, Jacques Haiech, Claus W. Heizmann, Joachim Krebs, and Marc Moreau.  相似文献   

In grassland ecosystems, spatial and temporal variability in precipitation is a key driver of species distributions and population dynamics. We experimentally manipulated precipitation to understand the physiological basis for differences in responses of species to water availability in a southern mixed grass prairie. We focused on the performance of two dominant C4 grasses, Andropogon gerardii Vitman and Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash, in treatments that received ambient rainfall, half of ambient rainfall (“drought” treatment), or approximately double ambient rainfall (“irrigated” treatment). Water potentials of S. scoparium were lower than A. gerardii, suggesting superior ability to adjust to water deficit in S. scoparium. Additionally, drought reduced photosynthesis to a greater extent in A. gerardii compared to S. scoparium. Leaf-level photosynthesis rates were similar in ambient and irrigated treatments, but were significantly lower in the drought treatment. Although stomatal conductance was reduced by drought, this was not limiting for photosynthesis. Leaf δ13C values were decreased by drought, caused by an increase in Ci/Ca. Chlorophyll fluorescence measures indicated light-harvesting rates were highest in irrigated treatments, and were lower in ambient and drought treatments. Moreover, drought resulted in a greater proportion of absorbed photon energy being lost via thermal pathways. Reductions in photosynthesis came as a result of non-stomatal limitations in the C4 cycle. Our results provide mechanistic support for the hypothesis that S. scoparium is more drought tolerant than A. gerardii.  相似文献   

Alexander disease (AxD) is a rare and fatal neurodegenerative disorder caused by mutations in the gene encoding glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). In this report, a mouse model of AxD (GFAPTg;Gfap+/R236H) was analyzed that contains a heterozygous R236H point mutation in murine Gfap as well as a transgene with a GFAP promoter to overexpress human GFAP. Using label-free quantitative proteomic comparisons of brain tissue from GFAPTg;Gfap+/R236H versus wild-type mice confirmed upregulation of the glutathione metabolism pathway and indicated proteins were elevated in the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) signaling pathway, which had not been reported previously in AxD. Relative protein-level differences were confirmed by a targeted proteomics assay, including proteins related to astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. Of particular interest was the decreased level of the oligodendrocyte protein, 2-hydroxyacylsphingosine 1-beta-galactosyltransferase (Ugt8), since Ugt8-deficient mice exhibit a phenotype similar to GFAPTg;Gfap+/R236H mice (e.g., tremors, ataxia, hind-limb paralysis). In addition, decreased levels of myelin-associated proteins were found in the GFAPTg;Gfap+/R236H mice, consistent with the role of Ugt8 in myelin synthesis. Fabp7 upregulation in GFAPTg;Gfap+/R236H mice was also selected for further investigation due to its uncharacterized association to AxD, critical function in astrocyte proliferation, and functional ability to inhibit the anti-inflammatory PPAR signaling pathway in models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Within Gfap+ astrocytes, Fabp7 was markedly increased in the hippocampus, a brain region subjected to extensive pathology and chronic reactive gliosis in GFAPTg;Gfap+/R236H mice. Last, to determine whether the findings in GFAPTg;Gfap+/R236H mice are present in the human condition, AxD patient and control samples were analyzed by Western blot, which indicated that Type I AxD patients have a significant fourfold upregulation of FABP7. However, immunohistochemistry analysis showed that UGT8 accumulates in AxD patient subpial brain regions where abundant amounts of Rosenthal fibers are located, which was not observed in the GFAPTg;Gfap+/R236H mice.  相似文献   



Ferritin exhibits complex behavior in the ultracentrifuge due to variability in iron core size among molecules. A comprehensive study was undertaken to develop procedures for obtaining more uniform cores and assessing their homogeneity.


Analytical ultracentrifugation was used to measure the mineral core size distributions obtained by adding iron under high- and low-flux conditions to horse spleen (apoHoSF) and human H-chain (apoHuHF) apoferritins.


More uniform core sizes are obtained with the homopolymer human H-chain ferritin than with the heteropolymer horse spleen HoSF protein in which subpopulations of HoSF molecules with varying iron content are observed. A binomial probability distribution of H- and L-subunits among protein shells qualitatively accounts for the observed subpopulations. The addition of Fe2+ to apoHuHF produces iron core particle size diameters from 3.8 ± 0.3 to 6.2 ± 0.3 nm. Diameters from 3.4 ± 0.6 to 6.5 ± 0.6 nm are obtained with natural HoSF after sucrose gradient fractionation. The change in the sedimentation coefficient as iron accumulates in ferritin suggests that the protein shell contracts ∼ 10% to a more compact structure, a finding consistent with published electron micrographs. The physicochemical parameters for apoHoSF (15%/85% H/L subunits) are M = 484,120 g/mol, ν? = 0.735 mL/g, s20,w = 17.0 S and D20,w = 3.21 × 107 cm2/s; and for apoHuHF M = 506,266 g/mol, ν? = 0.724 mL/g, s20,w = 18.3 S and D20,w = 3.18 × 107 cm2/s.


The methods presented here should prove useful in the synthesis of size controlled nanoparticles of other minerals.  相似文献   

The increase of chlorophyll fluorescence yield in chloroplasts in a 12.5 Hz train of saturating single turnover flashes and the kinetics of fluorescence yield decay after the last flash have been analyzed. The approximate twofold increase in Fm relative to Fo, reached after 30-40 flashes, is associated with a proportional change in the slow (1-20 s) component of the multiphasic decay. This component reflects the accumulation of a sizeable fraction of QB-nonreducing centers. It is hypothesized that the generation of these centers occurs in association with proton transport across the thylakoid membrane. The data are quantitatively consistent with a model in which the fluorescence quenching of QB-nonreducing centers is reversibly released after second excitation and electron trapping on the acceptor side of Photosystem II.  相似文献   

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