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Hybrids formed by the fusion of mouse hepatoma (BWTG3) and rat fibroblast (JF1) cells exhibit the extinction of mouse albumin and alpha-fetoprotein synthesis. Karyotype analyses suggest that all parental chromosomes are present in the hybrids. The extinction, therefore, of mouse hepatocyte genes is attributed to the inhibitory action of the rat genome. In these studies, we show that these hybrids possess and express the mouse beta-glucuronidase gene (which is encoded on the same chromosome as the mouse albumin and alpha-fetoprotein gene), and we present data of Southern blot analysis which demonstrate that such hybrids have indeed retained both mouse and rat albumin DNA sequences. In addition, using mouse albumin cDNA, we have shown by cDNA-RNA reassociation kinetics that albumin mRNA is virtually absent in these hybrids. We conclude from these studies that the extinction of albumin synthesis involves a mechanism which results in the loss of cytoplasmic albumin mRNA.  相似文献   

A cross has been performed between dedifferentiated rat hepatoma cells and the differentiated cells from which they were derived. 10 hybrid clones, containing the complete chromosome sets of both parents, show extinction of 4 liver-specific enzymes: tyrosine aminotransferase (E.C., alanine aminotransferase (E.C., and the liver-specific isozymes of alcohol dehydrogenase (E.C. and aldolase (E.C. Moreover, the 4 hybrid clones examined do not produce albumin . The only function of the differentiated parent which is not extinguished in the hybrid cells is inducibility of the aminotransferases. For 3 of the hybrid clones, extinction of 3 of the 4 enzymes is incomplete, but these clones do not differ in modal chromosome number from those which show more complete extinction of the enzymes. Subcloning of several of the hybrids revealed that the phenotype of the hybrids is very stable; 4 subclones showing reexpression of intermediate levels of the enzymes are characterized. These results show that dedifferentiation of the parental cells is not due to the simple loss of some factor required for the maintenance of expression of differentiated functions, and suggest that dedifferentiation is due to the activation of some control mechanism, whose final effect is negative, and which may be a part of the epigenotype of the embryonic hepatocyte.  相似文献   

A study of aldolases in rat hepatoma clones and subclones has revealed that they synthesize all three forms of aldolase monomers: A (the ubiquitous glycolytic isozyme), B (the form characteristic of the liver) and C, and that in vitro–in vivo passage results in a reversible modulation in aldolase A activity. Three kinds of somatic hybrids, between rat hepatoma cells and either mouse fibroblasts or rat epithelial cells, have been studied. In each case, aldolase B, found only in the hepatoma parent, was absent in the hybrid cells. The absence of aldolase B in the somatic hybrids seems not to be due to trivial factors (species differences, inactivation of all hepatoma aldolase genes, increase in ploidy or loss of chromosomes); it is concluded that extinction of this differentiated function of the hepatoma parent reflects a genetic regulatory phenomenon.  相似文献   

Selective glucose-free media have been used to study the reexpression of liver-specific gluconeogenic enzymes in rat hepatoma X mouse lymphoblastoma somatic hybrids. The utilization for gluconeogenesis of dihydroxyacetone or oxaloacetate requires two enzymes: fructose diphosphatase as well as either triokinase for the former or phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase for the latter. By sequential selection with these substrates, the reexpression of the three gluconeogenic enzymes has been dissociated. The reexpression of these enzymes is correlated with the loss of mouse chromosomes. In addition, the characterization of the parental forms of aldolase B, another liver-specific enzyme, shows that reexpression corresponds to the simultaneous production of the rat and mouse enzymes. These results demonstrate the chromosomal origin of extinction and suggest that activation of mouse silent genes which accompanies reexpression can occur without loss of the parental determinations. The hypothesis that determination involves regulatory rather than structural genes is discussed.  相似文献   

The expression of liver-specific functions of different dexamethasone-resistant variants derived from a well-differentiated dexamethasone-sensitive Reuber H35 rat hepatoma cell line (Faza 967) was examined during long-term cultivation. The dexamethasone-sensitive Faza 967 cells are characterized by the activity of tyrosine aminotransferase (TAT) and gluconeogenic enzymes, secretion of serum albumin, and the presence of liver isozymes of alcohol dehydrogenase (L-ADH), aldolase (aldolase-B), and five isoenzymes of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). The hormone-resistant cells undergo a very dramatic change in expression of most liver-specific functions (dedifferentiation) during long-term culture, in contrast to the sensitive cells in which only certain functions (TAT activity, inducibility, and synthesis of serum albumin) exhibit considerable changes. The hormone-dependent growth sensitivity and the expression of other differentiated functions is not controlled in coordinated way in Faza 967 cells. The time course of the expression of liver-specific functions shows that the cells are resistant before they became 'dedifferentiated', i.e., loss of these liver-specific functions is not a prerequisite of the establishment of the hormone-resistant state.  相似文献   

Abstract. The expression of liver-specific functions of different dexamethasone-resistant variants derived from a well-differentiated dexamethasone-sensitive Reuber H35 rat hepatoma cell line (Faza 967) was examined during long-term cultivation. The dexamethasone-sensitive Faza 967 cells are characterized by the activity of tyrosine aminotransferase (TAT) and gluconeogenic enzymes, secretion of serum albumin, and the presence of liver isozymes of alcohol dehydrogenase (L-ADH), aldolase (aldolase-B), and five isoenzymes of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). The hormone-resistant cells undergo a very dramatic change in expression of most liver-specific functions (dedifferentiation) during long-term culture, in contrast to the sensitive cells in which only certain functions (TAT activity, inducibility, and synthesis of serum albumin) exhibit considerable changes. The hormone-dependent growth sensitivity and the expression of other differentiated functions is not controlled in coordinated way in Faza 967 cells. The time course of the expression of liver-specific functions shows that the cells are resistant before they became 'dedifferentiated', i.e., loss of these liver-specific functions is not a prerequisite of the establishment of the hormone-resistant state.  相似文献   

We have used a combination of a sensitive immunocytochemical stain for intracellular albumin, and Hoechst 33258 dye for identification of parental nuclei to investigate the time-course of extinction, reexpression, and activation of albumin production in fusion products of 1s (hyperdiploid) or 2s (hypertetradiploid) rat hepatoma cells with mouse fibroblasts (L cells or embryonic cells). In all combinations, the initial event is extinction of albumin production. Extinction occurs immediately after fusion when the mouse fibroblast is a normal embryonic (senescent?) cell. In the case of an L cell, rat albumin is synthesized and secreted during the first 12 h after fusion; no production of mouse albumin occurs. Thereafter, albumin production ceases. 8-12 d after fusion, young hybrid colonies are found to resume the synthesis of rat albumin (reexpression), and several days later the production of mouse albumin begins (activation). The patterns of reexpression and activation indicate (a) that chromosome loss is not necessary for either event to occur and (b) that the cells active in the synthesis of mouse albumin are a subpopulation of those cells already engaged in the production of rat albumin. We conclude that (a) extinction is mediated by diffusible factor(s) from the L-cell parent that act in the hepatoma nucleus to prevent the formation of new albumin messenger RNA; (b) reexpression and activation are gene dosage- dependent but extinction is not; and (c) previously active genes are more rapidly expressed than previously silent ones.  相似文献   

Neonatal hepatic functions are selectively extinguished in hybrids between mouse hepatoma cells, that express only fetal hepatic functions, and rat hepatoma cells expressing neonatal as well as fetal functions. A search for hybrid cells reexpressing these neonatal functions was undertaken to determine; (1) whether the selective extinction of neonatal functions is reversible and at what frequency, and (2) whether the re-expression of neonatal functions would be accompanied by modifications in the expression of fetal functions. The criterion used to obtain hybrids showing re-expression was glucose-free medium (G) where growth requires the presence of the extinguished gluconeogenic enzymes. Even though the parental cells are of the same histotype it proved difficult to obtain re-expression. Survivors in G- were obtained only from hybrids containing a greater than 1s complement of rat chromosomes; they reexpress not only gluconeogenic enzymes but also basal tyrosine aminotransferase activity, and the fetal hepatic function alpha-fetoprotein continues to be expressed in most of the clones. All survivors in G- display a significant loss of chromosomes and this loss concerns essentially mouse chromosomes.  相似文献   

Abstract. Neonatal hepatic functions are selectively extinguished in hybrids between mouse hepatoma cells, that express only fetal hepatic functions, and rat hepatoma cells expressing neonatal as well as fetal functions. A search for hybrid cells reexpressing these neonatal functions was undertaken to determine; (1) whether the selective extinction of neonatal functions is reversible and at what frequency, and (2) whether the reexpression of neonatal functions would be accompanied by modifications in the expression of fetal functions. The criterion used to obtain hybrids showing reexpression was glucose-free medium (G-) where growth requires the presence of the extinguished gluconeogenic enzymes. Even though the parental cells are of the same histotype it proved difficult to obtain re-expression. Survivors in G- were obtained only from hybrids containing a greater than Is complement of rat chromosomes; they reexpress not only gluconeogenic enzymes but also basal tyrosine aminotransferase activity, and the fetal hepatic function a-fetoprotein continues to be expressed in most of the clones. All survivors in G- display a significant loss of chromosomes and this loss concerns essentially mouse chromosomes.  相似文献   

Galactokinase and galactose 1-phosphate uridyl transferase activities have been studied in several Chinese hamster ovary clonal lines following hybridization of two glycine-requiring mutants. Initially, the hybrids have about twice the parental activity of both enzymes. However, with time, there is a further increase beyond this activity, especially for the transferase enzyme, followed by a decline and a leveling off. The final average kinase activity in the hybrids is about 1.2 times the parental kinase, while the final average transferase is about 1.9 times the parental amount. The cultures lose about 10% of their chromosomes during the period under study; however, there is no obvious correlation between gross chromosome loss and enzyme activity. Protein calculated on a per chromosome basis (to correct for chromosome loss) behaves in a manner similar to the enzyme activities. One possible interpretation of the results is that, following hybridization, there is a derepression of some activities followed by repression during which time new levels of cellular parameters become established. This investigation was aided in part by U.S. Public Health Service Grant 1RO1 GM18481-01. Paper no. 476 from the Department of Biophysics and Genetics, University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado.  相似文献   

Rat glioma cells of clone C6 were hybridized in vitro with mouse L cells of clone A9 or with freshly isolated mouse macrophages, and the hybrids were assayed for glial cell functions. C6 cells expressed high levels of 2′,3′-cyclic nucleotide 3′-phosphohydrolase (CNP; EC, β-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (HBDH; EC, glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH; EC, and inducibility of GPDH by hydrocortisone (HC). A9 cells and macrophages had very low activities of these functions. Hybrids between C6 and A9 or between C6 and macrophages had greatly reduced activities of these functions, but the hybrids expressed significantly higher activities than the non-glial parent. This incomplete extinction was not due to fusion of two glioma cells with one L cell or macrophage. The difference in GPDH activity in the hybrids as compared with the non-glial parent was due to incomplete shut-off of GPDH of the glial parent, and not to an increase in GPDH production by the non-glial genome.  相似文献   

In order to analyze the mechanisms implicated in the expression of differentiated functions during development, we have studied ten hybrid clones arising from fusion of cells of a mouse hepatoma characterized by the expression of only fetal hepatic functions with those of a rat hepatoma which express, like adult hepatocytes, a set of neonatal as well as fetal hepatic functions. The cells of most hybrid clones contain one set of chromosomes of each parent and coexpress the hepatic functions common to both parents. Among the hepatic proteins characteristic of only one parental line, some continue to be expressed while others are extinguished. The three functions out of the eight examined which are subject to extinction are expressed uniquely by the rat parental cells and appear only near or at birth during normal liver development. These results suggest that regulatory mechanisms (whose final effect is negative) operate in fetal cells to inhibit the expression of differentiated functions limited to a later stage of development.  相似文献   

We have produced somatic cell hybrids between totipotent mouse teratocarcinoma cells and rat hepatoma cells. These hybrids were tested for the expression of liver specific functions expressed in the hepatoma cell parent and for their ability to differentiate when injected into nude mice. The results of this study indicate that hybrid cell clones do not resemble either of the parental cells, since they do not produce albumin and tyrosine aminotransferase that are expressed in the rat hepatoma parent, and are incapable of forming either teratocarcinomas or hepatomas when injected in experimental animals.  相似文献   

Rat glioma cells (clone C6TK) were hybridized with mouse neuroblastoma cells (clone NA), and 18 primary and secondary hybrid clones containing one chromosome set from each parent were isolated. The hybrids were assayed for the glial marker enzymes 2′,3′-cyclic nucleotide 3′-phosphohydrolase (CNP) and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH). In many of the hybrid clones, the levels of CNP and GPDH were reduced to 5–20% of the activity of C6TK, as has been observed in other classes of glial X non-glial cell hybrids. In some hybrid clones, however, GPDH and CNP were expressed at high activity. Rat (glial) GPDH activity was not reduced in these clones, but mouse GPDH activity remained low, and was not “de-repressed” or “activated”. This suggests that the controls governing differentiation in neuroblastoma cells and extinction in hybrids may differ in some important details. There was a strong positive correlation between the specific activities of CNP and GPDH in the hybrid clones, suggesting that a mechanism regulates the activity of these two glial enzymes coordinately.  相似文献   

Although peroxisomes are ubiquitous, differences in the number of organelles and in the expression of associated metabolic activities are observed, depending on the cell type. To investigate the control of peroxisomal activity in connection with cell differentiation, we constructed hybrids between two types of cells whose histogenetic origins dictate significant differences in peroxisomal activities: hepatoma cells and fibroblasts, with high and low expression, respectively, of peroxisomal functions. In these hybrids, extinction of the elevated activities that characterize liver cells is observed, in parallel with the well-documented extinction of differentiated functions. This suggests the existence in fibroblasts of a negative trans-acting regulation.  相似文献   

A line of murine fetal liver cells is described and characterized. Hybrids between these differentiated cells and a non-differentiated fibroblast line were isolated and studied for the expression of the differentiated characteristics of the parent liver line. These include expression and inducibility for the enzyme tryptophan pyrrolase, ability to accumulate glycogen granules, and a characteristic morphology and growth rate, all of which were suppressed in the hybrid. The results obtained from sequential chromosome counts of the hybrid indicate that the modal number drops from about 100 to about 72 in 5 months, a fact that may be related to the extreme differences in generation times of the two parents.  相似文献   

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