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Trapping is central to the integrated control programme to deter brown tree snakes from entering the outbound cargo flow from Guam. Trapping brown tree snakes is effective, but labour intensive. Increasing inter-trap spacings without loss of efficacy could substantially increase the efficiency of efforts to prevent dispersal of this species. Inter-trap spacings of 20, 30 and 40 m along perimeter trap lines were compared using recaptures of tagged brown tree snakes. No differences were found among the different spacing distances for the distribution of recapture times. The results indicate that for some situations, snake trapping may be extended or made more efficient by increasing the distances between traps.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The accidental introduction of the brown treesnake (BTS; Boiga irregularis) to the island of Guam after World War II set off a chain of bird, bat, and lizard extirpations. Fortunately, many of the eliminated species have the potential to be restored following population reduction or eradication of the snake. The primary operational tool for population reduction is an effective snake trap, but areas subjected to long-term trapping continue to support BTS, suggesting that some adult snakes are refractory to trapping. We closed a 5-ha area to BTS emigration and immigration and surveyed the population using trapping and visual surveys to determine whether a refractory stratum of adult snakes existed and if trapping was effective for snakes of all sizes. Our surveys included 101 trapping occasions and 109 visual surveys over 309 days, resulting in 2,522 detections of 122 individuals. We detected 44 of 45 supplemented snakes by this intensive sampling effort, which also revealed that trapping was fully effective for snakes >900 mm in snout—vent length (SVL), partially effective for snakes 700–900 mm SVL, and totally ineffective for smaller juveniles (350–700 mm SVL). Visual searching was effective for snakes of all sizes. As BTS mature at approximately 950-1, 050 mm SVL, continuous trapping should suffice to eliminate recruitment in the absence of immigration. Immigration or inadequate effort is most likely responsible for the persistence of BTS in areas subject to long-term trapping. Thus, current efforts to capture trap-refractory adult snakes with alternate control tools are less likely to be successful than immigration barriers alone or in combination with elevated capture effort.  相似文献   

Aerially delivered toxic baits have proven effective for landscape-level control of numerous invasive vertebrate populations with major benefits for conservation and ecosystem function, but this technique has not been broadly adapted for control of invasive reptiles. Nonnative brown treesnakes (Boiga irregularis) on the Pacific island of Guam have caused severe ecological and economic damage and pose an invasion risk on other islands, making them a high-profile candidate for application of aerial baiting methods. Although terrestrial applications of traps, toxicants, and hand-removal are standard brown treesnake management practices, these methods are not cost-effective for control in the island's large tracts of remote, rugged forest. In 2016, the first major in situ evaluation of a helicopter-borne automated aerial bait delivery system applied snake-targeted toxic baits at an effective rate of approximately 120 baits/ha over a 110-ha forested test plot on Guam. We evaluated the extent and duration of the suppressive effect of this toxic bait application on brown treesnakes by measuring nontoxic bait take rates as a proxy index of relative snake abundance before and after toxic bait application in a treatment plot and surrounding reference area. We placed 4,420 nontoxic baits in random transects at georeferenced locations, from 1 month before until nearly 12 months after toxic bait application, allowing temporal analysis of the suppressive effect and spatial analysis of treatment plot reinvasion. Over the first 30 days after toxic bait application, average nontoxic bait take rate in the treatment plot was 41.2% lower than the pre-application rate, and there was no immediate decrease in bait take in the reference area. Reduced snake activity was still evident nearly 12 months after bait application. Roads forming a portion of the treatment boundary appeared to slow snake movement between treated area and surrounding untreated area. Trail cameras monitoring a subset of bait tubes showed that 97.5% of baits removed were taken by snakes rather than nontarget species. We indexed rodent abundance in the treatment plot and reference area, and found no indication of a rodent population increase following toxic bait application. Our results show that automated aerial bait applications can suppress brown treesnake abundance over a large area and that reinvasion from surrounding untreated habitat occurs over several months. We anticipate that repeated bait applications could achieve and maintain greatly reduced brown treesnake abundance on a landscape scale, potentially improving biosecurity and enabling experimental reintroduction of native birds extirpated by brown treesnake predation. Published 2019. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA. The Journal of Wildlife Management published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Trapping brown treesnakes (Boiga irregularis; BTS) with live-mouse (Mus domesticus) lures is the principal control technique for this invasive species on Guam. Lure-based trapping is also used on other islands as a precaution against undetected arrivals and in response to verified BTS sightings. However, the effectiveness of lure-based trapping on other islands is questionable, as it has yielded no BTS despite other evidence of their presence. Some evidence suggests that high rodent numbers may interfere with BTS control. To test the relationship between rodent abundance and snake trappability, we conducted a controlled, replicated field experiment incorporating a rodenticide treatment during a BTS mark-recapture study. Using open population modeling in Program MARK, we estimated BTS apparent survival and recapture probabilities. Rodent reduction increased BTS recapture probabilities by 52–65% in 2002 and 22–36% in 2003, and it decreased apparent survival by < 1% both years. This appears to be the first published instance of manipulating wild prey to influence snake behavior. Rodent reduction may enhance detection and control of BTS with traps on Guam and other islands. It may also amplify the effectiveness of oral toxicants against BTS.  相似文献   

Recent introduction of Synanthedon myopaeformis (Borkhausen) (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) into organic apple‐growing areas of Canada has stimulated research on semiochemical‐based management of this European pest. Replicated, small‐plot (0.16 ha) experiments were conducted to compare sex pheromone, 3Z,13Z‐octadecadienyl acetate (10 mg), Concord grape juice (300 ml), or their combination, as mass‐trapping lures at trap densities equivalent to 12.5, 25, 50, and 100 traps ha?1. Total numbers of male and female moths removed from test plots increased significantly with trap density in all juice‐based mass‐trapping experiments. In pheromone mass‐trapping experiments, however, total catches of males did not increase significantly as trap densities were increased and catches appeared to plateau with 25–50 traps ha?1. With pheromone‐based mass‐trapping, significantly fewer males were caught in pheromone‐baited assessment traps at the centre of each mass‐trapping plot than in identical traps in untreated plots. This reduction is indicative of significant trap interference or trap ‘shut‐down’. Increasing the density of juice‐based mass‐trapping had no effect on catches of male or female moths in juice‐baited assessment traps, indicating a short range of attraction and lack of interference between juice traps. Pheromone‐ and juice‐based mass trapping removed similar numbers of males at each trap density tested, respectively, but summed catches of males and females were greatest with juice baits. Combining pheromone and juice into a single mass‐trapping treatment (50 traps ha?1) did not significantly increase catches of males or females relative to either treatment alone. If a practical bisexual mass‐trapping system is going to be developed for S. myopaeformis, then identification of volatile kairomones in Concord grape juice may be useful.  相似文献   

Pheromones play a central role in coordinating the events leading up to copulation in snakes. We report here a novel pheromone system in the brown tree snake in which females release a pheromone that inhibits male courtship behaviour. In a previous study, we made observations of female brown tree snakes releasing cloacal secretions (CS) during courtship that appeared to cause courting males to cease courtship. All snakes have glands that release CS through ducts located along the cloacal orifice. Although CS have been studied for many years, their function in the mediation of snake behaviour has not been experimentally well determined. We examined the role of CS in the reproductive behaviour of male and female brown tree snakes. We conducted four experiments to test the effect of both male and female CS on brown tree snake behaviour under two behavioural contexts, courtship and male-male ritualized combat. Within each experiment, we compared the effects of CS to a control. Female CS caused a decrease in the time that males spent courting females and a decrease in the intensity of courtship compared with the control treatment. Male CS did not, however, affect the time that males spent displaying courtship or the intensity of that courtship. Neither male nor female CS had significant effects on male ritualized combat behaviour, including time that males spent in combat or the intensity of combat behaviours displayed. Furthermore, neither female nor male CS had an effect on female courtship versus controls. The inhibition of brown tree snake reproductive behaviours is specific to female CS inhibiting male courtship behaviour. This pheromone acts in concert with the female sex pheromone to regulate the events leading to copulation.Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

We investigated canine teams (dogs and their handlers) on Guam as a potential tool for finding invasive brown treesnakes (Boiga irregularis) in the wild. Canine teams searched a 40 × 40 m forested area for a snake that had consumed a dead mouse containing a radio-transmitter. To avoid tainting the target or target area with human scent, no snake was handled or closely approached prior to searches. Trials were conducted during the morning when these nocturnal snakes were usually hidden in refugia. A radiotracker knew the snake's location, but dog handlers and search navigators did not. Of 85 trials conducted over four months, the two canine teams had an average success rate of 35% of correctly defining an area ≤ 5 × 5 m that contained the transmittered snake; the team with more experience prior to the trials had a success rate of 44% compared with 26% for the less experienced team. Canine teams also found 11 shed skins from wild snakes. Although dogs alerted outside the vicinity of transmittered snakes, only one wild, non-transmittered snake was found during the trials, possibly reflecting the difficulty humans have in locating non-transmittered brown treesnakes in refugia. We evaluated success at finding snakes as a function of canine team, number of prior trials (i.e. experience gained during the trials), recent canine success at finding a target snake, various environmental conditions, snake perch height, and snake characteristics (snout-vent length and sex). Success rate increased over the course of the trials. Canine team success also increased with increasing average humidity and decreased with increasing average wind speed. Our results suggest dogs could be useful at detecting brown treesnakes in refugia, particularly when compared to daytime visual searches by humans, but techniques are needed to help humans find and extract snakes once a dog has alerted.  相似文献   

Delta and wing traps baited with synthetic female sex pheromone of Leucinodes orbonalis Guenée were found to catch and retain ten times more moths than either Spodoptera or uni-trap designs. Locally-produced water and funnel traps were as effective as delta traps, although 'windows' cut in the side panels of delta traps significantly increased trap catch from 0.4 to 2.3 moths per trap per night. Trap catch was found to be proportional to the radius of sticky disc traps in the range 5-20 cm radius, discs with a 2.5 cm radius caught no moths. Wing traps placed at crop height caught significantly more moths than traps placed 0.5 m above or below the crop canopy. Replicated integrated pest management (IPM) trials (3 x 0.5 ha per treatment) were conducted in farmers fields with young and mature eggplant crops. Farmers applied insecticides at least three times a week in all check and IPM plots. In addition pheromone traps were placed out at a density of 100 per ha and infested shoots removed weekly in the 0.5 ha IPM plots. Pheromone trap catches were reduced significantly from 2.0 to 0.4 moths per trap per night respectively in check and IPM plots in a young crop and 1.1 to 0.3 moths per trap per night in check and IPM plots respectively in a mature crop. Fruit damage was significantly reduced from an average of 41.8% and 51.2% in check plots of young and mature crops respectively to 22% and 26.4 respectively in the associated IPM plots. Significant differences in pheromone trap catches and fruit damage were attained four and two weeks respectively after IPM treatments began in the mature crop whereas in the immature crop significant differences were not observed for the first eight to nine weeks respectively. The relative impact of removing infested shoots and mass trapping on L. orbonalis larval populations was not established in these trials but in both cases there was an estimated increase of approximately 50% in marketable fruit obtained by the combination of control techniques compared to insecticide treatment alone.  相似文献   

We are investigating canine teams (dogs and their handlers) on Guam as a potential tool for finding brown treesnakes (BTS) (Boiga iregularis), especially incipient populations on other islands. Canine teams have demonstrated proficiency at finding captive snakes in hidden tubes. Teams also find free-ranging BTS in various habitats, but detection rates for the latter are unknown. Dog handlers usually rely on visual searchers to locate BTS once a dog has signalled snake presence. At times, dogs signal but the visual search team cannot locate the snake; this complicates attempts to quantify detection rates. Our research aimed to estimate detection rate of free-ranging BTS by canine teams as a function of snake attributes, characteristics of snake refugia, and environmental conditions. Canine teams searched a defined 40m × 40m forested area with a snake that had consumed a dead mouse containing a radio-transmitter. Trials were conducted during the morning, when snakes were usually hidden in refugia. A tracker knew the snake’s location, but dog handlers and data recorders did not. We recorded data on dog alerts and on-scent behaviour during trials. Out of 86 trials, the two canine teams had an average success rate of 36%. This study provides initial estimates of canine team efficacy when searching in complex habitats in information on optimizing visual search strategy after dog signals snake presence (defining size of area to search, identifying preferred refugia, etc.). We discuss experimental design, challenges and initial results.  相似文献   

One of the major constraints for banana production in Uganda is the banana weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar), (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Investigations were carried out to evaluate the efficacy of maize, soil-based and oil formulations of an indigenous isolate of Beauveria bassiana for the control of the banana weevil. Weekly trapping of weevils over a 9-month monitoring period showed significant reduction in unmarked and marked weevil population in B. bassiana treated plots. Application of maize formulation at 2 ×10 15 conidia ha -1 proved most effective, reducing the weevil populations by 63-72% within 8 weeks after a single application. The soil based formulation at 2 ×10 14 conidia ha -1 was intermediate while the oil formulation at 6 ×10 15 conidial ha -1 was least effective. Trapping efficiency declined in B. bassiana treated and untreated banana plots but was greatest in the latter.  相似文献   

The pine processionary moth, Thaumetopoea pityocampa, causes serious defoliation to Cedrus, Pinus and Pseudotsuga trees, as well as health problems in humans, pets and farm animals due to their urticating hairs. Environmentally friendly strategies for the management of T. pityocampa include: removal of egg batches, removal of nests, trapping of migrant larvae, spraying microbial or Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) insecticides and biocontrol, as well as pheromone‐based adult trapping and mating‐disruption. In the present paper, results on innovative technology for the control of T. pityocampa infestation using pheromone mass‐trapping are reported. Two 1‐ha plots were identified in the study area (central‐south Italy), a pine woodland recreational site growing Pinus halepensis. In the experimental plot (MT‐plot), 10 G‐traps (funnel trap type) baited with (Z)‐13‐hexadecen‐11‐ynyl acetate sex pheromone component were placed for mass‐trapping of adults; the other plot was used as a control‐plot (C‐plot). The T. pityocampa population was monitored using the two central traps in the MT‐plot and two traps positioned in the C‐plot. In addition, the winter nests made by T. pityocampa larvae overwintering on pine trees were counted. After 2 years of mass‐trapping, the number of adults trapped by the monitoring pheromone traps decreased in the MT‐plot, but not in the C‐plot, whereas the number of nests decreased in both plots. Statistical results highlighted significant differences in trap catches between the two plots but not between years. In the case of nests, differences among plots were not significant before the mass‐trapping, but significant after 1‐year treatment. According to our results, the mass‐trapping technique is able to reduce T. pityocampa infestations. This pheromone method can be applied in combination with other control systems in the context of integrated pest management in recreational areas.  相似文献   

One of the key findings of the Grey-winged Francolin Research Project conducted on the Stormberg Plateau, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa during 1988–1992 was that predation, particularly by small mammals on incubating female Greywinged Francolin Scleroptila africanus and their nests, was a major cause of mortality. To assess the response to this predation, small mammal predators were trapped intensively during the francolin breeding season in two 500ha plots, one on the farm Buffels Fontein and one on the farm Boschoff's Kraal. Trapping was not simultaneous on the two plots, but rather during 1992–1994 on Buffels Fontein and during 1995 and 1996 on Boschoff's Kraal. The Yellow Mongoose Cynictis penicillata was the most commonly trapped predator species (83%) in both plots. Grey-winged Francolin numbers during trapping in the plot at Buffels Fontein declined less during a drought than those in the untrapped control plot at Boschoff's Kraal. This suggests that the control of predators may buffer the negative effects of drought on Grey-winged Francolin reproductive success. However, the increases of populations in both plots during a period of higher-than-average rainfall indicate that Grey-winged Francolin can withstand predation during normal rainfall years.  相似文献   

The moth Prays nephelomima (Meirick) (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) is a significant pest of citrus (Citrus spp.), and the recent identification of the female sex pheromone has enabled new direct control tactics to be considered. Six trap designs were compared for suitability in mass trapping, and Pherocon III delta traps were chosen to further evaluate mass trapping. A mass trapping field trial was carried out at five lemon, Citrus limon L., orchards to determine the effect of trap density on catch and rind spot damage on fruit. One plot (0.33-1.0 ha) of each of the five trap density treatments (3, 10, 30, 100, and 300 traps/ha) were operated at each orchard over 12 wk. Catch per trap was reduced as trap density increased and a mean of 12,000 and 16,000 males per ha were killed at the trap densities of 100 and 300 traps per ha, respectively. Increased trap density reduced the percentage of flowers infested with P. nephelomima larvae and reduced the number of moths emerging from flowers. The incidence of rindspot damage on fruit decreased from 45 to 16% as the density of traps increased from 3 to 100 traps per ha. Incidence (percentage of fruit with rindspot) and severity (number of rindspots per fruit) was similar at 100 and 300 traps per ha, indicating that the optimal trap density for reducing rindspot damage is likely to be between 30 and 100 traps per ha. Prospects for converting mass trapping to a lure and kill system are discussed.  相似文献   

The bagworm, Metisa plana Walker (Lepidoptera: Psychidae), is an important pest of oil palms in Malaysia. A serious infestation cause yield declines of 30–40% over 2 years after attack. Successful mass trapping depends on efficient removal of adults, which reduces the chances of mating, eventually causing a decline in the population. This study was conducted in three smallholder blocks where palm age varied from 6 to 16 years. Sticky vane traps were baited with four receptive females of M. plana and placed in three transects within each trapping plot. The percentage of female bags with eggs (i.e., those pupal bags housing the female with eggs that hatched) determined the effects of trapping on mating and reproduction success. Palm yield was compared between the trapping and control plots. The number of live larvae and the percentage of bags with eggs in the trapping plots were always relatively lower (9.1–28.2%) compared to the control plots (28.6–48.6%). Trapping plots had relatively higher bunch weight (7.8–14.3 kg) compared to the control plots (4.5–9.2 kg). The bunch weight in the trapping plots increased 22% after trapping compared to 15% in the control plot. Damage ratings on the fronds declined between 35–45% in the trapping blocks. Damage ratings declined between 20% and 27% in most control plots but increased 17% in one of the blocks with an increased bagworm population. There, mass trapping reduces the chances of bagworm mating and oviposition, which leads to lower populations and, therefore, lower frond damage and higher yields.  相似文献   

The plum curculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), one of the most important pests of apple (Malus spp.) in eastern and central North America, historically has been managed in New England apple orchards by three full block insecticide applications. Efforts to reduce insecticide inputs against plum curculio include perimeter row sprays, particularly after petal fall, to control immigrating adults. The odor-baited trap tree approach represents a new reduced input strategy for managing plum curculio based on the application of insecticides to a few perimeter-row trap trees rather than the entire perimeter row or full orchard block. Here, we compared the efficacy of a trap tree approach with perimeter row treatments to manage populations after petal fall in commercial apple orchards in 2005 and 2006. Injury was significantly greater in trap trees compared with unbaited perimeter row treated trees in both years of the study. In 2005, heavy rains prevented growers from applying insecticide applications at regular intervals resulting in high injury in nearly all blocks regardless of type of management strategy. In 2006, both the trap-tree and perimeter-row treatments prevented penetration by immigrating populations and resulted in economically acceptable levels of injury. The trap tree management strategy resulted in a reduction of approximately 70% total trees being treated with insecticide compared with perimeter row sprays and 93% compared with standard full block sprays.  相似文献   

Locally-produced clear plastic water traps (12 cm x 14 cm base and 21 cm height) were optimized for use in large-scale mass trapping trials for control of brinjal fruit and shoot borer, Leucinodes orbonalis Guenée. Changing the shape (square and triangular) and number (two and four) of entry holes in the water trap had no significant effect on trap catch. Significantly more male moths were caught in traps treated with water containing powdered detergent than liquid detergent, light gear oil or insecticide. All water traps tested caught significantly higher numbers of moths than sticky delta traps with open sides under farmers' field conditions. Trap catches per 100 m2 were found to increase with increasing number of traps from 3 to 6 but the difference in catch between 4 and 6 traps per 100 m2 was not significant. Two small-scale replicated integrated pest management (IPM) trials were conducted consisting of the optimized water trap placed out with 10 m spacing (4 per 100 m2) and infested shoots pruned and destroyed. The first season trial had two treatments, IPM and farmers' practice in which farmers applied insecticide every two days in the peak harvest period. Overall, the percentage of healthy fruit and yields in both treatments were comparable at 53.8 and 49.6% and 20 and 19.4 tonnes per ha in the IPM and farmers' practice plots respectively. However, the initial infestations in the IPM plots (68%) were significantly higher than in farmers' practice plots (16%) due to the proximity of the nurseries used for the IPM plots to stacks of brinjal crop residues from the previous season that acted as a source of infestation. The second season's trials contained a third treatment in which IPM and farmers' practice were combined. The percent total healthy fruits harvested were 46.1, 58.6 and 69.1% respectively for the farmers' practice, farmers' practice plus IPM and IPM alone. Averaged total fruit yields were approximately 12 tonnes per ha for the farmers' practice plots and 30 tonnes per ha for each of the IPM-treated plots. The IPM plot had significantly fewer infested fruit than the IPM plus farmers practice plots and this was attributed to the activity of the larval parasitoid Trathala flavo-orbitalis (Cameron) that was suppressed in trial plots treated with insecticides.  相似文献   

Lee HJ  Lee JH  Park D 《Zoological science》2011,28(8):593-599
To determine the habitat usage and movement patterns of the viviparous aquatic snake Oocatochus rufodorsatus (formerly Elaphe rufodorsata), we radio-tracked 21 snakes on agricultural lands during two active seasons in 2007 and 2008. Male and female snakes stayed close to aquatic habitats such as paddy fields and agricultural ponds during both breeding and non-breeding periods, except when the snakes moved to dry terrestrial areas to hibernate in late fall. The use of different structural features in the habitat, such as ground, tree, underground, and water, varied depending on the air and water temperatures, female's reproductive conditions, and the time of day. Male and female snakes moved about 17 m daily and postpartum females moved farther than antepartum females. The home ranges of males and females were 0.45 ha and 0.47 ha, respectively, and the year-round home range of this species was approximately 1.54 ha (95% fixed kernel). Thus, to conserve a population of O. rufodorsatus in our study area, areas including both aquatic and terrestrial habitats within a radius of 150 m from a core pond habitat must be preserved.  相似文献   

Assessing species richness of small mammal communities is an important research objective for many live-trapping studies designed to assess or monitor biological diversity. We tested the effectiveness and efficiency of various trap densities for determining estimates and counts of small mammal species richness. Trapping was conducted in grassland habitats in northeastern Kansas during spring and fall of 2002 and 2003. Estimates and counts of species richness were higher at increased trap densities. This effect appeared to be primarily due to the higher number of individuals sampled at higher trap densities. At least 3 nights duration was needed to produce a stable estimate of species richness for the range of trap densities tested (9–144 trap stations/ha). Higher trap densities generally reached stable richness estimates in fewer nights than low density trapping arrangements. Given that counts and estimates of species richness were influenced by trap density and sampling duration, it is critical that these parameters are selected to most effectively meet research objectives.  相似文献   

A standardized rapid inventory method providing information on both tree species diversity and aboveground carbon stocks in tropical forests will be an important tool for evaluating efforts to conserve biodiversity and to estimate the carbon emissions that result from deforestation and degradation (REDD). Herein, we contrast five common plot methods differing in shape, size, and effort requirements to estimate tree diversity and aboveground tree biomass (AGB). We simulated the methods across six Neotropical forest sites that represent a broad gradient in forest structure, tree species richness, and floristic composition, and we assessed the relative performance of methods by evaluating the bias and precision of their estimates of AGB and tree diversity. For a given sample of forest area, a ‘several small’ (< 1 ha) sampling strategy led to a smaller coefficient of variation (CV) in the estimate of AGB than a ‘few large’ one. The effort (person‐days) required to achieve an accurate AGB estimate (< 10% CV), however, was greater for the smallest plots (0.1 ha) than for a compromise approach using 0.5 ha modified Gentry plots, which proved to be the most efficient method to estimate AGB across all forest types. Gentry plots were also the most efficient at providing accurate estimates of tree diversity (< 10% CV of Hill number). We recommend the use of the 0.5 ha modified Gentry plot method in future rapid inventories, and we discuss a set of criteria that should inform any choice of inventory method.  相似文献   

Mating disruption and mass trapping for control of lepidopteran pests use synthetic sex pheromone to prevent males from finding and mating with females. Here, we identify the behavioral mechanism underlying mating disruption and mass trapping of American plum borer, Euzophera semifuneralis (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), peachtree borer, Synanthedon exitiosa Say, and lesser peachtree borer, Synanthedon pictipes (Groeten) (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae). In addition, we derive relative dispenser activity (Relative Da) from the competitive attraction equation to compare the disruptive activity of the devices used in mating disruption and mass trapping. Dispensers and traps were deployed in replicated 0.14‐ha cherry or peach plots with E. semifuneralis or the Synanthedon moths, respectively. Dispenser densities were 0, 10, 20, 59, 185, and 371 per ha, whereas trap densities were 0, 10, 20, 40, 79, and 158 per ha. Moth catch in a centrally placed, pheromone‐baited monitoring trap in each plot was used to evaluate the treatments. The profile of moth captures in mating disruption and mass trapping with the three species indicates that competitive attraction is the behavioral mechanism responsible for trap disruption. Relative Da is 0.27, 0.23, and 0.53 with American plum borer, peachtree borer, and lesser peachtree borer, respectively, which indicates that the traps are 1.9–4.4 times more effective in reducing moth catch than the dispensers. Relative Da can be used to compare devices for pheromone‐based behavioral manipulation of these and other species that are competitively attracted to artificial pheromone sources. When the same type of trap is employed for monitoring and mass trapping, Relative Da is the same as dispenser activity Da.  相似文献   

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