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This study addressed the hypothesis that cardiac Sirtuin 1 (Sirt1) deficiency alters cardiomyocyte Ca2+ and Na+ regulation, leading to cardiac dysfunction and arrhythmogenesis. We used mice with cardiac‐specific Sirt1 knockout (Sirt1?/?). Sirt1flox/flox mice were served as control. Sirt1?/? mice showed impaired cardiac ejection fraction with increased ventricular spontaneous activity and burst firing compared with those in control mice. The arrhythmic events were suppressed by KN93 and ranolazine. Reduction in Ca2+ transient amplitudes and sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ stores, and increased SR Ca2+ leak were shown in the Sirt1?/? mice. Electrophysiological measurements were performed using patch‐clamp method. While L‐type Ca2+ current (ICa, L) was smaller in Sirt1?/? myocytes, reverse‐mode Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) current was larger compared with those in control myocytes. Late Na+ current (INa, L) was enhanced in the Sirt1?/? mice, alongside with elevated cytosolic Na+ level. Increased cytosolic and mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) were shown in Sirt1?/? mice. Sirt1?/? cardiomyocytes showed down‐regulation of L‐type Ca2+ channel α1c subunit (Cav1.2) and sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase 2a (SERCA2a), but up‐regulation of Ca2+/calmodulin‐dependent protein kinase II and NCX. In conclusions, these findings suggest that deficiency of Sirt1 impairs the regulation of intracellular Ca2+ and Na+ in cardiomyocytes, thereby provoking cardiac dysfunction and arrhythmogenesis.  相似文献   

The neurotransmitter glutamate increases cerebral blood flow by activating postsynaptic neurons and presynaptic glial cells within the neurovascular unit. Glutamate does so by causing an increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in the target cells, which activates the Ca2+/Calmodulin-dependent nitric oxide (NO) synthase to release NO. It is unclear whether brain endothelial cells also sense glutamate through an elevation in [Ca2+]i and NO production. The current study assessed whether and how glutamate drives Ca2+-dependent NO release in bEND5 cells, an established model of brain endothelial cells. We found that glutamate induced a dose-dependent oscillatory increase in [Ca2+]i, which was maximally activated at 200 μM and inhibited by α-methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine, a selective blocker of Group 1 metabotropic glutamate receptors. Glutamate-induced intracellular Ca2+ oscillations were triggered by rhythmic endogenous Ca2+ mobilization and maintained over time by extracellular Ca2+ entry. Pharmacological manipulation revealed that glutamate-induced endogenous Ca2+ release was mediated by InsP3-sensitive receptors and nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP) gated two-pore channel 1. Constitutive store-operated Ca2+ entry mediated Ca2+ entry during ongoing Ca2+ oscillations. Finally, glutamate evoked a robust, although delayed increase in NO levels, which was blocked by pharmacologically inhibition of the accompanying intracellular Ca2+ signals. Of note, glutamate induced Ca2+-dependent NO release also in hCMEC/D3 cells, an established model of human brain microvascular endothelial cells. This investigation demonstrates for the first time that metabotropic glutamate-induced intracellular Ca2+ oscillations and NO release have the potential to impact on neurovascular coupling in the brain.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the effects of K+ depolarization on neurite elongation of identified Helisoma neurons isolated into culture. Application of K+ to the external medium caused a dose-dependent suppression of neurite elongation. Lower concentrations of K+ were associated with a slowing in the rate of neurite elongation, whereas higher concentrations produced neurite retraction. Surprisingly, the effects of K+ depolarization were transient, and neurite elongation rates recovered towards control levels within 90 min even though the neurons remained in high-K+ solution. Identified neurons differed in the magnitude of their response to K+ depolarization; neurite elongation of buccal neuron B4 was inhibited at 5 mM K+, but elongation in B5 and B19 was not affected until concentrations of 25 mM. Electrophysiologically, K+ application evoked a brief period (5–10 s) of action potential activity that was followed by a steady-state membrane depolarization lasting 2 h or more. The changes in neurite elongation induced by K+ depolarization occurred in isolated growth cones severed from their neurites and were blocked by application of calcium antagonists. Intracellular free Ca2+ levels in growth cones of B4 and B19 increased and then decreased during the 90-min depolarization, corresponding to the changes in elongation. B4 and B19 showed differences in the magnitude, time course, and spatial distribution of the Ca2+ change during depolarization, reflecting their different sensitivities to depolarization.  相似文献   

Intracellular Ca2+ is an important regulator of many cellular processes. Besides ion channels and transporters in the plasmalemma, changes in [Ca]i can be mediated by uptake and release mechanisms of internal organelles. Theoretical and experimental procedures are developed aiming to reveal the distribution of internal Ca2+ pools and their role in generating complicated spatial patterns of [Ca]i gradients. Cultured pyramidal neurons from rat hippocampus were loaded with Ca2+-sensitive fluorescent dyes, fura-2 and fluo-3. Cell images were partitioned according to pixel amplitude and highlighted pictures were characterized by their intensity, relative area and connectivity. This approach facilitates the localization of the sites of Ca2+ release from internal stores induced by application of different agents. After each trial, neurons were stained with dyes, acridine orange or DiOC6, which bind preferentially to nucleus and endoplasmic reticulum. A correlation between images confirmed the spatial localization of Ca2+ release sites. Application of the partition procedure also gave a clear evidence for the importance of Ca2+ influx in the mechanism of [Ca]i oscillations.  相似文献   

The neuromodulator histamine is able to vasorelax in human cerebral, meningeal and temporal arteries via endothelial histamine 1 receptors (H1Rs) which result in the downstream production of nitric oxide (NO), the most powerful vasodilator transmitter in the brain. Although endothelial Ca 2+ signals drive histamine-induced NO release throughout the peripheral circulation, the mechanism by which histamine evokes NO production in human cerebrovascular endothelial cells is still unknown. Herein, we exploited the human cerebral microvascular endothelial cell line, hCMEC/D3, to assess the role of intracellular Ca 2+ signaling in histamine-induced NO release. To achieve this goal, hCMEC/D3 cells were loaded with the Ca 2+- and NO-sensitive dyes, Fura-2/AM and DAF-FM/AM, respectively. Histamine elicited repetitive oscillations in intracellular Ca 2+ concentration in hCMEC/D3 cells throughout a concentration range spanning from 1 pM up to 300 μM. The oscillatory Ca 2+ response was suppressed by the inhibition of H 1Rs with pyrilamine, whereas H 1R was abundantly expressed at the protein level. We further found that histamine-induced intracellular Ca 2+ oscillations were initiated by endogenous Ca 2+ mobilization through inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate- and nicotinic acid dinucleotide phosphate-sensitive channels and maintained over time by store-operated Ca 2+ entry. In addition, histamine evoked robust NO release that was prevented by interfering with the accompanying intracellular Ca 2+ oscillations, thereby confirming that the endothelial NO synthase is recruited by Ca 2+ spikes also in hCMEC/D3 cells. These data provide the first evidence that histamine evokes NO production from human cerebrovascular endothelial cells through intracellular Ca 2+ oscillations, thereby shedding novel light on the mechanisms by which this neuromodulator controls cerebral blood flow.  相似文献   

Ca2+ sparks are the elementary events of intracellular Ca2+ release from the sar-coplasmic reticulum in cardiac myocytes. In order to investigate whether spontaneous L-type Ca2+ channel activation contributes to the genesis of spontaneous Ca2+ sparks, we used confocal laser scanning microscopy and fluo-4 to visualize local Ca2+ sparks in intact rat ventricular myocytes. In the presence of 0.2 mmol/L CdCI2 which inhibits spontaneous L-type Ca2+ channel activation, the rate of occurrence of spontaneous Ca2+ sparks was halved from 4.20 to 2.04 events/(100 μm·s), with temporal and spatial properties of individual Ca2+ sparks unchanged. Analysis of the Cd2+-sensitive spark production revealed an open probability of-10-5 for L-type channels at the rest membrane potentials (-80 mV). Thus, infrequent and stochastic openings of sarcolemmal L-type Ca2+ channels in resting heart cells contribute significantly to the production of spontaneous Ca2+ sparks.  相似文献   

The real-time observation of cell movement in acute cerebellar slices reveals that granule cells alter their shape concomitantly with changes in the mode and rate of migration as they traverse different cortical layers. Although the origin of local environmental cues responsible for these position-specific changes in migratory behavior remains unclear, several signaling mechanisms involved in controlling granule cell movement have emerged. The onset of one such mechanism is marked by the expression of voltage-gated ion channels and neurotransmitter receptors in postmitotic cells prior to the initiation of their migration. Granule cells start their radial migration after the expression of N-type Ca2+ channels and the N-methyl-D -aspartate subtype of glutamate receptors on the plasmalemmal surface. Blockade of the channel or receptor activity significantly decreases the rate of cell movement, indicating that the activation of these membrane constituents provides an essential signal for the translocation of granule cells. Another signal that controls the rate of cell migration is embedded in the combined amplitude and frequency components of Ca2+ fluctuations in the somata of migrating granule cells. Interestingly, each phase of Ca2+ fluctuation controls a separate phase of saltatory movement in the granule cells: The cells move forward during the phase of transient Ca2+ elevation and remain stationary during the troughs. Consequently, the changes in the amplitude and frequency components of Ca2+ fluctuations directly affect granule cell movement: Reducing the amplitude or frequency of Ca2+ fluctuations slows down the speed of cell movement, while the enhancement of these components accelerates migration. These findings suggest that signaling molecules present in the local cellular milieu encountered on the migratory route control the shape and motility of granule cells by modifying Ca2+ fluctuations in the soma through the activation of specific ion channels and neurotransmitter receptors. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 37: 110–130, 1998  相似文献   

Intraneuronal calcium ([Ca(2+)](i)) regulation is altered in aging brain, possibly because of the changes in critical Ca(2+) transporters. We previously reported that the levels of the plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase (PMCA) and the V(max) for enzyme activity are significantly reduced in synaptic membranes in aging rat brain. The goal of these studies was to use RNA(i) techniques to suppress expression of a major neuronal isoform, PMCA2, in neurons in culture to determine the potential functional consequences of a decrease in PMCA activity. Embryonic rat brain neurons and SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells were transfected with in vitro--transcribed short interfering RNA or a short hairpin RNA expressing vector, respectively, leading to 80% suppression of PMCA2 expression within 48 h. Fluorescence ratio imaging of free [Ca(2+)](i) revealed that primary neurons with reduced PMCA2 expression had higher basal [Ca(2+)](i), slower recovery from KCl-induced Ca(2+) transients, and incomplete return to pre-stimulation Ca(2+) levels. Primary neurons and SH-SY5Y cells with PMCA2 suppression both exhibited significantly greater vulnerability to the toxicity of various stresses. Our results indicate that a loss of PMCA such as occurs in aging brain likely leads to subtle disruptions in normal Ca(2+) signaling and enhanced susceptibility to stresses that can alter the regulation of Ca(2+) homeostasis.  相似文献   

This study investigated the underlying mechanisms of oxytocin (OT)-induced increases in intracellular Ca2+ concentrations ([Ca2+]i) in acutely dispersed myometrial cells from prepartum sows. A dosedependent increase in [Ca2+]i was induced by OT (0.1 nM to 1 μM) in the presence and absence of extracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]e). [Ca2+]i was elevated by OT in a biphasic pattern, with a spike followed by a sustained plateau in the presence of [Ca2+]e. However, in the absence of [Ca2+]e, the [Ca2+]i response to OT became monophasic with a lower amplitude and no plateau, and this monophasic increase was abolished by pretreatment with ionomycin, a Ca2+ ionophore. Administration of OT (1 μM) for 15 sec increased inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) formation by 61%. Pretreatment with pertussis toxin (PTX, 1 μg/ml) for 2 hr failed to alter the OT-induced increase in [Ca2+]i and IP3 formation. U-73122 (30 nM to 3 μM), a phospholipase C (PLC) inhibitor, depressed the rise in [Ca2+]i by OT dose dependently. U-73122 (3 μM) also abolished the OT-induced IP3 formation. Thapsigargin (2 μM), an inhibitor of Ca2+-ATPase in the endoplasmic reticulum, did not increase [Ca2+]i. However, it did time-dependently inhibit the OT-induced increase in [Ca2+]i. Nimodipine (1 μM), a Voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel (VDCC) blocker, inhibited the OT-induced plateau by 26%. La3+ (1 μM), a nonspecific Ca2+ channel blocker, abrogated the OT-induced plateau. In whole-cell patch-clamp studies used to evaluate VDCC activities, OT (0.1 μM) increased Ca2+ Current (Ica) by 40% with no apparent changes in the current-voltage relationship. The OT-induced increase in Ica reached the maximum in 5 min, and the increase was abolished by nimodipine (1 μM). These results suggested that (1) activation of OT receptors in porcine myometrium evokes a cascade in the PTX-insensitive G-protein–PLC-IP3 signal transduction, resulting in an increase in [Ca2+]i; (2) the OT-induced increase in [Ca2+]i is characterized by a biphasic pattern, in which the spike is predominately contributed by the intracellular Ca2+ release from the IP3-sensitive pool, and to a lesser extent by Ca2+ influx, whereas the plateau is from increased Ca2+ influx; and (3) the influx is via VDCC and receptor-operated Ca2+ channels. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The correct spatial and temporal control of Ca2+ signaling is essential for such cellular activities as fertilization, secretion, motility, and cell division. There has been a long-standing interest in the role of caveolae in regulating intracellular Ca2+ concentration. In this review we provide an updated view of how caveolae may regulate both Ca2+ entry into cells and Ca2+-dependent signal transduction  相似文献   

Factors released from injured dopaminergic (DA) neurons may trigger microglial activation and set in motion a vicious cycle of neuronal injury and inflammation that fuels progressive DA neurodegeneration in Parkinson's disease. In this study, using proteomic and immunoblotting analysis, we detected elevated levels of cystatin C in conditioned media (CM) from 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium and dieldrin-injured rat DA neuronal cells. Immunodepletion of cystatin C significantly reduced the ability of DA neuronal CM to induce activation of rat microglial cells as determined by up-regulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase, production of free radicals and release of proinflammatory cytokines as well as activated microglia-mediated DA neurotoxicity. Treatment of the cystatin C-containing CM with enzymes that remove O- and sialic acid-, but not N-linked carbohydrate moieties markedly reduced the ability of the DA neuronal CM to activate microglia. Taken together, these results suggest that DA neuronal cystatin C plays a role in the neuronal injury-induced microglial activation and neurotoxicity. These findings from the rat DA neuron-microglia in vitro model may help guide continued investigation to define the precise role of cystatin C in the complex interplay among neurons and glia in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Neurotransmitters affect neuronal development by regulating intracellular Ca2+ concentrations. We studied spatiotemporal pattern of the development of glutamate-induced intracellular Ca2+ rise in the embryonic chick retina, where developmental changes in mitotic activity, cell death, and synapse formation have been well established. Glutamate was bath-applied to the central part of the retina dissected at embryonic day 3 (E3) to E13, and changes in intracellular Ca2+ concentration were measured with Fura-2 fluorescence. The Ca2+ rise to glutamate first appeared at E6, reached a maximum at E9–10, and then declined before the appearance of synaptic structures (E12). Ca2+ rises to kainate (KA) and α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) appeared earlier and were larger in amplitude than those to N-methyl-D -aspartic acid. The KA/AMPA receptor of the E9 chick retina was permeable for Ca2+, suggesting the functional expression of Ca2+-permeable KA/AMPA receptors at the stage of retinal cell death. The Ca2+rise to glutamate and KA occurred intensely at the inner plexiform layer, the inner part of inner nuclear layer, and the ganglion cell layer, where the cell death occurs. The Ca2+ rise to high K2+, in contrast, occurred intensely at the nerve fiber layer and the ganglion cell layer, developing continuously from E3 until E11. Our study shows that the Ca2+ rise to glutamate develops with the decline of the mitotic activity of the retinal cells and is transiently enhanced during the period of cell death in the embryonic chick retina. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 34: 113–125, 1998  相似文献   

The role of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) as the main pathway for Ca2+ extrusion from ventricular myocytes is well established. However, both the role of the Ca2+ entry mode of NCX in regulating local Ca2+ dynamics and the role of the Ca2+ exit mode during the majority of the physiological action potential (AP) are subjects of controversy. The functional significance of NCXs location in T-tubules and potential co-localization with ryanodine receptors was examined using a local Ca2+ control model of low computational cost. Our simulations demonstrate that under physiological conditions local Ca2+ and Na+ gradients are critical in calculating the driving force for NCX and hence in predicting the effect of NCX on AP. Under physiological conditions when 60% of NCXs are located on T-tubules, NCX may be transiently inward within the first 100 ms of an AP and then transiently outward during the AP plateau phase. Thus, during an AP NCX current (INCX) has three reversal points rather than just one. This provides a resolution to experimental observations where Ca2+ entry via NCX during an AP is inconsistent with the time at which INCX is thought to become inward. A more complex than previously believed dynamic regulation of INCX during AP under physiological conditions allows us to interpret apparently contradictory experimental data in a consistent conceptual framework. Our modelling results support the claim that NCX regulates the local control of Ca2+ and provide a powerful tool for future investigations of the control of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ release under pathological conditions.  相似文献   

In this report, the effects of C(6)-ceramide on the voltage-gated inward Na(+) currents (I(Na)), two types of main K(+) current [outward rectifier delayed K(+) current (I(K)) and outward transient K(+) current (I(A))], and cell death in cultured rat cerebellar granule cells were investigated. At concentrations of 0.01-100 microM, ceramide produced a dose-dependent and reversible inhibition of I(Na) without alteration of the steady-state activation and inactivation properties. Treatment with C(2)-ceramide caused a similar inhibitory effect on I(Na). However, dihydro-C(6)-ceramide failed to modulate I(Na). The effect of C(6)-ceramide on I(Na) was abolished by intracellular infusion of the Ca(2+)-chelating agent, 1,2-bis (2-aminophenoxy) ethane-N, N, N9, N9-tetraacetic acid, but was mimicked by application of caffeine. Blocking the release of Ca(2+) from the sarcoplasmic reticulum with ryanodine receptor blocker induced a gradual increase in I(Na) amplitude and eliminated the effect of ceramide on I(Na). In contrast, the blocker of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive Ca(2+) receptor did not affect the action of C(6)-ceramide. Intracellular application of GTPgammaS also induced a gradual decrease in I(Na) amplitude, while GDPbetaS eliminated the effect of C(6)-ceramide on I(Na). Furthermore, the C(6)-ceramide effect on I(Na) was abolished after application of the phospholipase C (PLC) blockers and was greatly reduced by the calmodulin inhibitors. Fluorescence staining showed that C(6)-ceramide decreased cell viability and blocking I(Na) by tetrodotoxin did not mimic the effect of C(6)-ceramide, and inhibiting intracellular Ca(2+) release by dantrolene could not decrease the C(6)-ceramide-induced cell death. We therefore suggest that increased PLC-dependent Ca(2+) release through the ryanodine-sensitive Ca(2+) receptor may be responsible for the C(6)-ceramide-induced inhibition of I(Na), which does not seem to be associated with C(6)-ceramide-induced granule neuron death.  相似文献   

The Na+/Ca2+ exchanger provides a major Ca2+ extrusion pathway in excitable cells and plays a key role in the control of intracellular Ca2+ concentrations. In Canis familiaris, Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) activity is regulated by the binding of Ca2+ to two cytosolic Ca2+‐binding domains, CBD1 and CBD2, such that Ca2+‐binding activates the exchanger. Despite its physiological importance, little is known about the exchanger's global structure, and the mechanism of allosteric Ca2+‐regulation remains unclear. It was found previously that for NCX in the absence of Ca2+ the two domains CBD1 and CBD2 of the cytosolic loop are flexibly linked, while after Ca2+‐binding they adopt a rigid arrangement that is slightly tilted. A realistic model for the mechanism of the exchanger's allosteric regulation should not only address this property, but also it should explain the distinctive behavior of Drosophila melanogaster's sodium/calcium exchanger, CALX, for which Ca2+‐binding to CBD1 inhibits Ca2+ exchange. Here, NMR spin relaxation and residual dipolar couplings were used to show that Ca2+ modulates CBD1 and CBD2 interdomain flexibility of CALX in an analogous way as for NCX. A mechanistic model for the allosteric Ca2+ regulation of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger is proposed. In this model, the intracellular loop acts as an entropic spring whose strength is modulated by Ca2+‐binding to CBD1 controlling ion transport across the plasma membrane. Proteins 2016; 84:580–590. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The 20K dalton fragment of Ca2+ + Mg2+-ATPase obtained from the tryptically digested sarcoplasmic reticulum has been further purified using Bio-Gel P-100. This removed low-molecular-weight UV-absorbing and positive Lowry-reacting contaminants. The ionophoric activity of the 20K fragment in both oxidized cholesterol and phosphatidylcholine: cholesterol membranes is unaltered by this further purification. The 20K selectivity sequence in phosphatidylcholine: cholesterol membranes is Ba2+ > Ca2+ > Sr2+ > Mn2+ Mg2+. Digestion of intact sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles with trypsin, which results in the dissection of the hydrolytic site (30K) from the ionophoric site (20K), is shown to disrupt energy transduction between ATP hydrolysis and calcium transport. This further implicates the 20K dalton fragment as a calcium transport site. These data and previous evidence are discussed in terms of a proposed model for the ATPase molecular structure and the mechanism of cation transport in sarcoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

The operation of capacitative Ca(2+) entry (CCE) in human breast cancer (SKBR3) and non-tumorigenic (HBL100) cell lines was investigated as an alternative Ca(2+) entry route in these cells. Ca(2+) readdition after thapsigargin-induced store depletion showed activation of CCE in both cell lines. SKBR3 cells exhibited retarded store depletion and CCE decay kinetics compared to the non-tumorigenic HBL100 cells, suggesting alterations in Ca(2+) homeostasis. CCE was also highly permeable to Mn(2+) and to a lesser extent to Sr(2+), but not to Ba(2+). In HBL100 cells, CCE is contributed (30%) by a Ca(2+)/Mn(2+) permeable route insensitive to low (1 microM) Gd(3+) and a Ca(2+)/Sr(2+)/Mn(2+) permeable non-selective pathway (70%) sensitive to 1 microM Gd(3+). In SKBR3 cells, the relative contribution to CCE of both routes was opposite to that in non-tumorigenic cells.  相似文献   

Since NO production by NOS-2 made by astrocytes activated by proinflammatory cytokines contributes to the killing of neurons in variously damaged human brains, knowing the mechanisms responsible for NOS-2 expression should contribute to developing effective therapeutics. The expression and activation of NOS-2 in normal adult human cerebral cortical astrocytes treated with three proinflammatory cytokines, IL-1beta, TNF-alpha, and IFN-gamma, are driven by two separable mechanisms. NOS-2 expression requires a burst of p38 MAPK activity, while the activation of the resulting enzyme protein requires MEK/ERK-dependent BH4 (tetrahydrobiopterin) synthesis between 24 and 24.5 h after adding the cytokines to the culture medium. Here we show that NOS-2 expression in the activated astrocytes requires that the culture medium contain 1.8 mM Ca2+, but it is unaffected by inhibiting calcium-sensing receptors (CASRs) with NPS 89636. However, NOS-2 activation is inhibited by NPS 89626 during the MEK/ERK-dependent stage between 24 and 24.5 h after adding the cytokines, and this inhibition can be overridden by exogenous BH4. Therefore, NOS-2 expression and the subsequent BH4-dependent NOS-2-activation in human astrocytes need 1.8 mM Ca2+ to be in the culture medium, while NOS-2 activation also needs functional CASRs between 24 and 24.5 h after cytokine addition. These findings raise the possibility that calcilytic drugs prevent NO-induced damage and death of human neurons.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that there is high Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchange (NCX) activity in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells. In this study, by monitoring the [Ca(2+)](i) change in single cells and in a population of chromaffin cells, when the reverse mode of exchanger activity has been initiated, we have shown that the NCX activity is enhanced by K(+). The K(+)-enhanced activity accounted for a significant proportion of the Na(+)-dependent Ca(2+) uptake activity in the chromaffin cells. The results support the hypothesis that both NCX and Na(+)/Ca(2+)-K(+) exchanger (NCKX) are co-present in chromaffin cells. The expression of NCKX in chromaffin cells was further confirmed using PCR and northern blotting. In addition to the plasma membrane, the exchanger activity, measured by Na(+)-dependent (45)Ca(2+) uptake, was also present in membrane isolated from the chromaffin granules enriched fraction and the mitochondria enriched fraction. The results support that both NCX and NCKX are present in bovine chromaffin cells and that the regulation of [Ca(2+)](i) is probably more efficient with the participation of NCKX.  相似文献   

Microfluorimetric measurements of intracellular calcium ion concentration [Ca(2+)](i) were employed to examine the effects of chronic hypoxia (2.5% O(2), 24 h) on Ca(2+) stores and capacitative Ca(2+) entry in human neuroblastoma (SH-SY5Y) cells. Activation of muscarinic receptors evoked rises in [Ca(2+)](i) which were enhanced in chronically hypoxic cells. Transient rises of [Ca(2+)](i) evoked in Ca(2+)-free solutions were greater and decayed more slowly following exposure to chronic hypoxia. In control cells, these transient rises of [Ca(2+)](i) were also enhanced and slowed by removal of external Na(+), whereas the same manoeuvre did not affect responses in chronically hypoxic cells. Capacitative Ca(2+) entry, observed when re-applying Ca(2+) following depletion of intracellular stores, was suppressed in chronically hypoxic cells. Western blots revealed that presenilin-1 levels were unaffected by chronic hypoxia. Exposure of cells to amyloid beta peptide (1-40) also increased transient [Ca(2+)](i) rises, but did not mimic any other effects of chronic hypoxia. Our results indicate that chronic hypoxia causes increased filling of intracellular Ca(2+) stores, suppressed expression or activity of Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchange and reduced capacitative Ca(2+) entry. These effects are not attributable to increased amyloid beta peptide or presenilin-1 levels, but are likely to be important in adaptive cellular remodelling in response to prolonged hypoxic or ischemic episodes.  相似文献   

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