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Functional traits shape the distribution of taxa across environments. However, it remains unclear whether trait and environmental niche evolution are correlated, and what happened first: trait change facilitating environment shifts (pre-adaptation) or environmental change leading to trait change (adaptation). We focus on a species-rich Neotropical legume radiation to shed light on this enigma.



Time Period


Major Taxa Studied

Fabaceae: Papilionoidae: Swartzia.


We assembled leaflet, fruit and petal size data from monographs and herbarium collections for 86 to 96% of the c. 180 Swartzia species, inferred a dated Swartzia phylogenetic tree from existing DNA sequences covering 38% of the species and integrated these with distribution, soil and climate data. We used phylogenetic linear regression to quantify trait–environment relationships and applied comparative methods to evaluate modes of correlated evolution between traits and environments.


Leaflet and petal size were strongly linked to climate, while fruit size was not associated with climate or soil characteristics. Evolutionary transitions to relatively low rainfall and low temperature environments were conditional on the evolution of small leaflets, whereas transitions to wet and warm environments were preceded by the evolution of larger leaflets. In contrast, transitions to the warmest or coldest environments were followed, rather than preceded, by petal loss.

Main Conclusion

Our results show that the macroevolution of functional traits has influenced the broad-scale distribution of Swartzia across Neotropical rainforest, seasonally dry, montane and inundated habitats. We suggest that trait evolution is conditional on environmental change but both pre-adaptive and adaptive processes may occur. These processes are important to understand the distribution of diversity at both regional (e.g. Amazonia) and global biogeographical scales.  相似文献   

The responses to cold hand test (blood pressure increase and tachycardia) and to a cold face test (blood pressure increase and bradycardia) were used to study the role of the autonomic nevrous system in cold adaptation in humans. The Eskimos (men, women, children) were shown to have a very weak sympathetic response to cold but the vagal response (bradycardia) was identical to that of white people. A group of mailmen from Quebec city living outdoors approximately 30 h/wk throughout the year was also studied. A significant decline in the cold pressor response and an enhanced bradycardia (cold face test) were observed at the end of the winter. Similarly the fall in skin temperature of the cheek was not as pronounced when the measurements were made in May compared to those made in October. A group of soldiers was also studied before and after an Arctic expedition. It was found that the bradycardia of the cold face test was also more pronounced after sojourning in the cold. These results indicate that repeated exposures to severe cold in men activate some adaptive mechanisms characterized by a diminution of the sympathetic response and a concomitant enhancement of the vagal activation normally observed when the extremities and the face are exposed to cold.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper the geographical variability of some morphological, physiological and serological traits of man is discussed with respect to the question, how far this variability can be considered as the result of selective adaptation processes. Though there is already some evidence supporting such an assumption, much more detailed and exactly planned research is necessary to clear the indubitable relations between the distribution patterns of anthropological traits and the various environmental conditions of human biotops. Particularly much more work is required to understand the causative mechanisms on which these relations are based.
Zusammenfassung In dieser zusammenfassenden Untersuchung wird die geographische Variabilität in der Verteilung morphologischer, physiologischer und serologischer Merkmale des Menschen diskutiert und zwar unter dem Aspekt, inwieweit diese Variabilität als Ergebnis selektiver Adaptationsprozesse interpretiert werden kann. Obwohl es bereits eine Reihe von stichhaltigen Gründen für eine solche Annahme gibt, sind weitere, intensive Untersuchungen zur Klärung der zweifellos vorhandenen Beziehungen zwischen dem geographischen Verteilungsmuster teilungsmuster anthropologischer Merkmale und den unterschiedlichen Umweltbedingungen der verschiedenen menschlichen Biotope erforderlich. Insbesondere müssen sich künftige Untersuchungen noch stärker um eine exakte Erfassung der möglichen Ursachen bemühen, die den Beziehungen zwischen Merkmalsverteilung und Umweltgegebenheiten zugrunde liegen.

Based on a lecture at the International Symposium on Human Genetics at Waltair (India), March 2–6, 1971.  相似文献   

This work generalizes the results of studies of calcium metabolism in the participants of long-term space flights of 30 to 438 days on the Salyut and Mir orbital stations during 1978–1998. The results of pre- and postflight examination of 44 cosmonauts (18 subjects participated twice in long-term space flights) were analyzed. After space flights of medium (of 3 to 6 months) and long (of 6 to 14 months) duration, the total blood calcium content was increased, mainly due to its ionized fraction; the blood level of parathyroid hormone was significantly increased and the level of calcitonin was decreased. The content of osteocalcin was increased after space flights. Calcium kinetics was studied using stable isotopes in three cosmonauts before, during, and after the 115-day flight. During the flight, intestinal absorption of calcium and its gastrointestinal excretion were decreased, whereas its renal excretion was increased. Early postflight intestinal absorption was, on average, lower than during the flight, whereas intestinal excretion increased. Both renal and intestinal excretion of calcium were not normalized 3.5 to 4.5 months after the glight. The mathematical models used for evaluating the rates of main calcium flows revealed increased bone tissue resorption that resulted in the negative bone balance during the flight. The conclusion about the decreased rate of bone tissue remodeling and its increased resorption was confirmed by biochemical data, including endocrine markers.  相似文献   

Multiple evolutionary forces contribute to heterogeneous genomic landscapes; however, disentangling their relative contributions is challenging. We sampled nine populations across the distribution of Quercus dentata, a dominant forest tree in East Asia, and used whole-genome sequencing data to investigate mechanisms underlying divergence. We identified two genetic groups (north and south) that diverged ~1.84 million years ago, consistent with the uplift of the Qinling Mountains during the Pleistocene. The north group experienced a bottleneck during the middle–late Pleistocene and expanded from multiple refugia. The south group experienced a more severe bottleneck and showed high population differentiation, probably due to long-term isolation and habitat fragmentation. We detected genomic islands with elevated relative differentiation (FST) scattered across the genome. Among these, 65.9% showed reduced absolute divergence (dXY) consistent with linked selection, while the remaining (34.1%) showed elevated dXY suggestive of divergent sorting of ancient polymorphisms. The recombination rate in genomic islands was lower than background, suggesting the importance of genome structure in shaping the genomic landscape. We detected 108 single nucleotide polymorphisms significantly associated with environmental factors, 12 of which clustered in a region of ~500 kb. This region showed multiple signals of positive selection in the north group, including the enrichment of XP-extended haplotype homozygosity scores, an elevated population branch statistic, and an excess of high-frequency derived alleles. In addition, we found that linkage disequilibrium was low and derived haplotypes declined rapidly in this region, indicating selection on standing variation. Our results clarify the evolutionary processes driving genomic divergence in Q. dentata.  相似文献   

Eleven normal subjects underwent epinephrine perfusions (1.9; 6.1; 11.8 ng/min) during a short (20 min) and mild (50% VO2 max) exercise. VO2 was not modified by epinephrine perfusion, while heart rate ventrilation and plasmatic lactate were increased proportionally to epinephrine doses.  相似文献   

Plasma thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3) and thyrotropin (TSH) levels were monitored in 10 healthy euthyroid male subjects of the age group 20 to 30 years before and during heat and cold acclimatisation schedule in a sequential manner. The subjects were exposed to 45C DB and 30% relative humidity in a hot chamber for 2 hours daily for 8 consecutive days. Subsequently they were exposed to cold for 4 hours daily at 10C for 21 days. The mean plasma T4 and T3 concentration before exposure to heat were 7.87±0.82 ug/dl and 159.8±9.1 ng/dl respectively. A significant decrease in both T4 (p<0.05) and T3 (p<0.01) levels to mean values of 6.4±0.76g/dl and 129±7.9 ng/dl was recorded on day 4 of exposure to heat. Further significant decrease (p<0.05) over the preceding T3 levels was observed on day 8 of heat exposure. Plasma T4 and T3 on day 21 of cold exposure was not significantly different from the levels reckoned after last day of heat exposure but was significantly lower than the pre-exposure values. Throughout the thermal stress schedule there was no change in the TSH levels. These observations suggest that a decrease in thyroid hormone levels during exposure to heat might be an adaptive process which continues even during cold acclimatisation.  相似文献   

Although many land snails exhibit amazingly divergent shell shapes in the tropics, the functions of these remain obscure. Here we show that a modified aperture shape acts as an impediment specifically to predation by a snail-eating snake. Pareas iwasakii (Colubridae: Pareatinae) uses a unique method to feed on land snails: the snake extracts the soft body from the shell through the aperture by alternately retracting its mandibles. The snail Satsuma caliginosa (Camaenidae: Camaeninae) has apertural variation in regard to the presence of snail-eating snakes. Our experiments demonstrated that the distorted aperture mechanically impeded predation by this gape-limited predator, interrupting the mandibular movements. In contrast, congeneric snails with round apertures did not escape predation by snakes. The paleobiogeography of the focal area indicates that the subspecies Satsuma caliginosa picta, which does not have apertural modification, was derived from a defensive ancestor after the extinction of snail-eating snakes. Our study suggests a possibility that snail-eating snakes are responsible for divergent shell shapes in a variety of tropical land snails.  相似文献   

Little is known about how microbial communities shape the expression of plant phenotypes and phenotypic correlations. This is precisely the question that O'Brien et al. addressed using populations of highland teosinte, a wild relative of maize. The authors find that both abiotic conditions and different rhizosphere compositions have a strong effect on teosinte phenotypes and correlations among traits. These results indicate that microbial communities might have a strong effect on plant trait expression.  相似文献   

The external morphology of frog larvae is predicted to vary among habitats, for a variety of functional reasons. I performed a phylogenetic comparative study to test whether correlations between habitat and the shape of the tadpole and its oral disc are adaptive in 82 species from south‐eastern Australia in the families Hylidae and Myobatrachidae. Habitat distributions and phylogenetic relationships were compiled from the literature and shape was quantified using geometric morphometric analysis of published drawings. Results indicate that shape evolved towards different optima in different habitats while also showing appreciable levels of phylogenetic inertia. Within myobatrachids, evolution of terrestrial tadpoles was associated with a short and shallow head/body and a shallow tail. In aquatic species, the use of benthic microhabitats was correlated with a long shallow tail, dorsal eye position, shallow head/body and ventral mouth with robust jaw sheaths. Even traits with evidence for adaptation evolved slowly in response to habitat shifts, usually requiring ≥10 million years to evolve half‐way to a new optimum. Although these findings support adaptive evolution of tadpole body form, they also highlight a strong influence of ancestral character states and indicate that phenotypes in extant species are partly maladaptive.  相似文献   

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