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An analysis of trabecular bone in the head of the femur of 33 males and 40 females from a prehistoric X-Group population from Sudanese Nubia indicates that as age increases from 17 to 50+ years loss of trabecular bone in males (16.01%) is greater than loss in females (13.47%). These results differ from previous studies of cortical bone and ash density of femoral head trabeculae which demonstrate a greater loss in females. An analysis of the differential reaction in the two trabecular systems reveals that principal tensile group trabeculae decrease in thickness with age while principal compressive group trabeculae show an increase with age.  相似文献   

This study analyzes and compares the dental size variation and sexual dimorphism of the Highland Beach Mound people, a late southeastern prehistoric aboriginal Florida population (ca. 800-1200 AD) with a somewhat earlier midwestern group (ca. 200-800 AD) and an Archaic sample (ca. 4160-2558 BC). The lengths and breadths of maxillary and mandibular permanent teeth of 99 individuals were measured, and crown surface areas were calculated for the molars. Results indicated that there was little sexual dimorphism. Only the mesiodistal dimensions of the upper P2 and lower C were significantly different at the P less than 0.05 level. In terms of dental size, what appears to be a chronologically based reduction in most points of comparison was seen in all three groups, with the exception of the molars, which were larger in the Highland Beach sample than in the earlier Schultz Mound.  相似文献   

Clinical studies of the relationship between developmental enamel defects and caries susceptibility have often produced conflicting results. This has been due in part to a failure to distinguish between different types of defects. Studies of this association in prehistoric populations have been rare. The complete deciduous dentitions of 57 subadults from the Libben site, a large Late Woodland cemetery in Ottawa County, Ohio, were selected for analysis. Defects were classified as either hypoplasias (deficiencies in matrix apposition) or hypocalcifications (deficiencies in mineralization) and were graded for severity. The presence or absence of carious lesions was recorded for each tooth. Results indicate a strong positive relationship between hypocalcifications and caries susceptibility. The elevated caries susceptibility of hypocalcified teeth may be related to high levels of magnesium or altered enamel microcrystallite orientation within these teeth. Variations in the frequency of hypocalcifications may partially explain differences in caries rates that have been observed in different prehistoric populations.  相似文献   

Skeletal trauma was investigated in a large collection of human remains from central California (N = 162 aged and sexed adults). Lesions investigated included cranial and long bone fractures, projectile wounds, and dislocation. Long bone fractures were found in 10.5% of individuals; overall, incidence by element was 2.3%. In addition, cranial injuries were found in 4.4% of complete adult crania. Projectile wounds were seen unambiguously in four individuals (with embedded obsidian fragments) and strongly suggested in two other individuals with partially healed lesions. Finally, one case of traumatic hip dislocation was also observed. In both incidence and patterning of injuries, this population is similar to other archeological groups from California. This evidence further supports earlier reports indicating that interpersonal aggression was quite common in prehistoric California.  相似文献   



Genes and culture are believed to interact, but it has been difficult to find direct evidence for the process. One candidate example that has been put forward is lactase persistence in adulthood, i.e. the ability to continue digesting the milk sugar lactose after childhood, facilitating the consumption of raw milk. This genetic trait is believed to have evolved within a short time period and to be related with the emergence of sedentary agriculture.  相似文献   

Although the population history and social organization of the prehistoric Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest have received attention in the archaeological literature, little research on this topic has been conducted by biological anthropologists. Here, we examine postmarital residence at two ancestral Tewa Indian pueblos located in north-central New Mexico using determinant ratio analysis. In addition, we examine genetic relationships among pueblos, as well as levels of within-pueblo heterogeneity due to gene flow from extraregional sources, or regional aggregation. Results from determinant ratio analysis indicate greater within-pueblo male variation, consistent with matrilocal residence for at least one Tewa pueblo. Less than expected heterogeneity at two pueblos suggests that endogamy might have been practiced among some prehistoric Tewa pueblos. Gene flow from extraregional sources is indicated for two different pueblos by greater than expected within-group heterogeneity. Distance matrix correlation analyses indicate little if any relationship between phenotypic and geographic distances, suggesting that geography was not the primary basis of gene flow or mate exchange. The weak relationship between phenotypic and geographic distances may be the combined effects of endogamy at some pueblos, nonrandom extraregional gene flow or migration at other pueblos, and limited nonproximity-dependent regional gene flow or migration among pueblos, possibly structured on ritual exchange networks based on medicine society affiliation.  相似文献   

Auditory exostoses are bone anomalies located in the external auditory canal. The bulk of clinical observations and some experimental data support the idea that their development depends on prolonged exposure to cold water. This study was performed in order to analyze the prevalence of auditory exostoses among the prehispanic population of Gran Canaria, comparing it between men and women and between individuals buried in coastal regions and central highlands. We analyzed 323 crania, 41 of which showed auditory exostoses. Marked differences in prevalence were observed between the individuals buried in the central highlands (0.88%) and those buried in coastal regions (40.21%). Among the latter, the prevalence was similar in men (41.67%) and in women (38.89%). These data support the hypothesis that individuals buried in coastal regions performed economic activities related to exploitation of marine resources, whereas those living in the central highlands did not; however, diachronic variation cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Previous studies of population structure among prehistoric groups in the Ohio valley region have shown that hunting-gathering populations exhibited a different structure than horticultural populations. Among both Late Archaic hunter-gatherers and Late Prehistoric horticulturists, covariance structures for cranial metrics were found to be homogenous within the populations, but the Late Archaic subpopulations showed little differentiation while the Late Prehistoric subpopulations exhibited a marked differentiation. Biodistance based on cranial discrete trait frequency showed similar patterns, but in the Late Archaic discrete trait distance was associated significantly with the geographical distance separating populations. The present investigation is an extension of the previous studies increasing the Late Prehistoric sample (n = 8 samples and n = 341 individuals) and using the Harpending-Ward model, modified for use with multivariate quantitative data, to estimate the effects of differential gene flow and the amount of differentiation within populations. Results of the present analyses indicate that differentiation among subpopulations, measured by minimum F(ST), was greater in the Late Prehistoric compared to the Late Archaic period. However, for both periods the minimum F(ST) is comparable to values found for historic native populations of the northeast woodlands. Analysis of differential gene flow in the Late Archaic period indicates that geographically peripheral populations were affected more by external gene flow than more central populations. Late Prehistoric populations exhibit a very complex pattern of differential gene flow. We discuss the latter pattern in terms of proposed culture change in the Late Prehistoric period of Ohio.  相似文献   

Ala-329 is a prehistoric central California site located on the southeastern margin of San Francisco Bay, dating from approximately 500 AD up to pre-European contact. A large earth mound, Ala-329, has yielded many well preserved burials, approximately 300 of which are included in this study. The most common pathological lesions seen in this population are in the dentition. Advanced attrition is pervasive, affecting all individuals with teeth in occlusion for 2 years or more. Deciduous teeth are involved even in very young children and often show severe wear before replacement. In the permanent dentition, all elements are involved by the second decade; in the oldest age category (41+ years), all individuals show severe wear throughout their dentitions. In fact, by the end of the third decade, the majority of individuals have no enamel remaining. Mild periodontal involvement is found in 74% of adults, socket resorption in 53%, and abscesses in 31% of the relevant sample. Interestingly, although dental abscesses are found more than twice as often among males, socket resorption is seen more often among females. Dental caries are seen in only 10 individuals. The high incidence of periodontal remodeling, socket resorption, and dental abscesses is probably a secondary result of severe dental attrition. It is hypothesized that a large quantity of abrasives in the diet is responsible for the extreme degree of attrition, in fact, among the most severe for any population yet described.  相似文献   

Gradual diminution of direct responses of various cortical areas was studied in acute experiments on cats under barbiturate anesthesia. During repetitive stimulation of the surface of cortical association areas these responses underwent all changes characteristic of the habituation phenomenon. Direct cortical responses in primary projection areas were distinguished by great stability, and habituation was absent in this case. After neuronal isolation of an island of projection cortex, habituation of responses began to develop there just as in the cortical association areas. The possible causes of differences between changes in direct cortical responses in different areas are discussed. It is suggested that projection areas receive strong activating influences from deep brain structures, which exert a sensitizing effect on the direct responses.I. S. Beritashvili Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, Tbilisi. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 241–246, May–June, 1981.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of cortical bone are determined by a combination bone tissue composition, and structure at several hierarchical length scales. In this study the spatial distribution of tissue level properties within a human femoral shaft has been investigated. Cylindrically shaped samples (diameter: 4.4mm, N=56) were prepared from cortical regions along the entire length (20-85% of the total femur length), and around the periphery (anterior, medial, posterior and lateral quadrants). The samples were analyzed using scanning acoustic microscopy (SAM) at 50MHz and synchrotron radiation micro computed tomography (SRμCT). For all samples the average cortical porosity (Ct.Po), tissue elastic coefficients (c(ij)) and the average tissue degree of mineralization (DMB) were determined. The smallest coefficient of variation was observed for DMB (1.8%), followed by BV/TV (5.4%), c(ij) (8.2-45.5%), and Ct.Po (47.5%). Different variations with respect to the anatomical position were found for DMB, Ct.Po and c(ij). These data address the anatomical variations in anisotropic elastic properties and link them to tissue mineralization and porosity, which are important input parameters for numerical multi-scale bone models.  相似文献   

The present paper studies the evolutionary process operating on prehistoric groups from the Azapa valley and coast (northern Chile). The sample consists of 237 crania from the Archaic Late, Early Intermediate, Middle, Late Intermediate, and Late periods. Six metric variables were used, which were transformed to eliminate the special environmental component and to increase the proportion of genetic variance. Population structure was assessed using a method based on quantitative genetic theory, which predicts a lineal relationship between average within-group phenotypic variance and group distance to the population centroid. Results indicate that 17.5% of the total variance accounts for special environmental variance. An excess in extraregional genetic flow is observed in the population corresponding to the Early Intermediate period in the valley. A reduced differentiation is observed between Archaic and Early Intermediate coastal groups, as well as between the latter and the inhabitants of the valley in the same period. Genetic differences between both areas increased substantially since the Middle period. Evidence indicates that long-range gene flow was lower on the coast than in the valley, the lowest estimated Fst being 0.0199 for the total population (coast and valley), 0.0111 for the coastal population, and 0.0057 for the valley. Results are discussed in terms of regional archeological and ethnohistorical evidence, and a microevolutionary model is presented to account for the biological history of the population.  相似文献   

This study describes the in vivo measurement of pressure drop and flow during the cardiac cycle in the femoral artery of a dog, and the computer simulation of the experiment based on the use of the measured flow, vessel dimensions and blood viscosity. In view of the experimental uncertainty in obtaining the accurate velocity profile at the wall region, the velocity pulse at the center was measured and numerical calculations were performed for the center Une instantaneous velocity and within the two limits of spatial distribution of inlet flow conditions: uniform and parabolic. Temporal and spatial variations of flow parameters, i.e., velocity profile, shear rate, non-Newtonian viscosity, wall shear stress, and pressure drop were calculated. There existed both positive and negative shear rates during a pulse cycle, i.e., the arterial wall experiences zero shear three times during a cardiac cycle. For the parabolic inlet condition, the taper of the artery not only increased the magnitude of the positive and negative shear rates, but caused a steep gradient in shear rate, a phenomenon which in turn affects wall shear stress and pressure. In contrast, for the uniform inlet condition, the flow through the tapered artery was predominantly the developing type, which resulted in reduction in magnitude of wall shear rate along the axial direction.  相似文献   

Multi-scale experimental work was carried out to characterize cortical bone as a heterogeneous material with hierarchical structure, which spans from nanoscale (mineralized collagen fibril), sub-microscale (single lamella), microscale (lamellar structures), to mesoscale (cortical bone) levels. Sections from femoral cortical bone from 6, 12, and 42 months old swine were studied to quantify the age-related changes in bone structure, chemical composition, and mechanical properties. The structural changes with age from sub-microscale to mesoscale levels were investigated with scanning electron microscopy and micro-computed tomography. The chemical compositions at mesoscale were studied by ash content method and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, and at microscale by Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy. The mechanical properties at mesoscale were measured by tensile testing, and elastic modulus and hardness at sub-microscale were obtained using nanoindentation. The experimental results showed age-related changes in the structure and chemical composition of cortical bone. Lamellar bone was a prevalent structure in 6 months and 12 months old animals, resorption sites were most pronounced in 6 months old animals, while secondary osteons were the dominant features in 42 months old animals. Mineral content and mineral-to-organic ratio increased with age. The structural and chemical changes with age corresponded to an increase in local elastic modulus, and overall elastic modulus and ultimate tensile strength as bone matured.  相似文献   

Cortical bone distribution of the anthropoid mandibular symphysis has been addressed in relation to mechanical stress generated by mastication. To examine whether or not bone mass and distribution patterns of the human mandibular symphysis could be interpreted as an example of functional adaptation, we compared the skeletal growth series of two populations, prehistoric Jomon, considered to represent a "robust" mandibular morphology associated with a presumed heavier masticatory load, and modern Japanese. Results showed that the adult Jomon symphysis possessed significantly greater bone mass and thicker cortical bone compared to the modern Japanese condition. However, the second moments of area did not differ significantly between the two, indicating comparable rigidity against bending. Furthermore, the Jomon mandibles of the infant to juvenile stages exhibited most of the adult characteristics, in both bone mass/distribution of the symphysis and in mandibular corpus/ramus morphologies. The present study also demonstrated the presence of a growth pattern of symphyseal cortical thickness, common to both the Jomon and the modern Japanese series. In both populations, subsequent to deciduous molar occlusion, cortical bone tends to be thickest at the inferolingual symphysis, at the location where the highest tensile stresses presumably occur during mastication. These findings suggest that the "robust" characteristics of the Jomon mandible are initially manifested early in development, and that the effect of mechanical stimulus to bone mass formation in the human symphysis is largely confined to a regulatory role during growth modeling.  相似文献   

Vertebral lesions have been the main evidence for infection by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC) in paleopathology. Skeletal involvement is expected in a small percentage of infected individuals. Recently, several authors report a correlation between rib lesions and tuberculosis (TB) complex infection. This study tests the hypothesis that rib lesions can serve as a useful marker for MTC infection within the Mississippian Schild skeletal collection from West-Central Illinois. Ribs from 221 adults and juveniles were examined, and affected individuals were tested for TB complex infection. DNA from rib samples of affected individuals was amplified with primers targeting the IS6110 insertion element, which is common to all members of the TB complex. Although it cannot allow discrimination between different species of TB, IS6110 is present in many copies within their genomes, and its presence is thus an indication of MTC infection. The results support the use of rib lesions as a marker for TB infection. Additionally, we demonstrate that MTC DNA can be recovered from ribs that lack lesions in individuals who have lesions of other bones. We recommend that an examination of ribs be incorporated into investigations for TB.  相似文献   

The specific phenotypes and progression to maturity of primary cortical neurons in long-term culture correlate well with neurons in vivo. Utilizing a model of neuronal injury in long-term cultures at 21 days in vitro (DIV), we have identified a distinct population of neurons that translocate into the injury site. 5-bromo-2'-deoxyUridine (BrdU) incorporation studies demonstrated that neurons with the capacity to translocate were 21 days old. However, this motile ability is not consistent with the traditional view of the maturation and structural stability of neurons in long-term culture. Therefore, we examined the neurons' cytoskeletal profile using immunocytochemistry, to establish relative stage of maturation and phenotype. Expression of marker proteins including beta-III-tubulin, alpha-internexin, NF-L and NF-M, tau and L1 indicated the neurons were differentiated, and in some cases polarized. The neurons did not immunolabel with NF-H or MAP2, which might suggest they had not reached the level of maturity of other neurons in culture. They did not express the microtubule-associated migration marker doublecortin (DCX). Cytoskeletal disrupting agents were used to further investigate the role of the microtubule cytoskeleton in translocation, and microtubule destabilization significantly enhanced aspects of their motility. Finally, molecular guidance cues affected their motility in a similar manner to that reported for both axon guidance and early neuron migration. Therefore, this study has identified and characterized a population of motile neurons in vitro that have the capacity to migrate into a site of injury. These studies provide new information on the structurally dynamic features of subsets of neurons.  相似文献   

The relationship between age, sex and histomorphometry in femoral cortical bone was examined in a skeletal population of late Medieval antiquity (AD 1250–1450) from Kulubnarti, in Sudanese Nubia. These skeletal remains are naturally mummified and in an excellent state of preservation. The study sample consisted of femoral cross sections from 24 females and 19 males ranging in age from 20 to 50+ years. Femoral cross sections were examined using an image analysis system. Numbers of secondary osteons and osteon fragments were counted, osteon area and Haversian canal area were measured, and several variables were calculated to assess differences between sexes and among age groups in bone remodeling variables. The results indicate significant differences between the sexes in osteon number and size. Males had significantly more intact osteons than females, whereas females had significantly larger osteons than males. Haversian canal dimensions were not statistically significant between the sexes. Sex differences in activity patterns in which males were involved in more physically strenuous tasks may have contributed to differences in remodeling variables. Interpopulational comparisons suggest that mechanical strain affects the microstructural features examined in this study. In particular, small Haversian canals in some archaeological skeletal populations are associated with higher bone volume, which may result from high levels of mechanical strain. Am J Phys Anthropol 104:133–146, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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