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新疆野苹果(Malus sieversii)是珍贵的第三纪残遗植物,现仅残存于我国新疆及哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、乌孜别克斯坦等国。在我国新疆现分布于伊犁的天山山区和塔城的塔尔巴哈台山、巴尔鲁克山山地,呈不连续分布。新疆野苹果已被列为国家具有生物多样性国际意义的优先保护物种,并被载入《中国植物红皮书》中。笔者近年在从事“新疆野苹果种群保护生态学、遗传多样性”的研究工作中,对分布在中国新疆及哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦等地的野苹果进行了考察。在考察中发现,在新疆伊犁地区新源县南山有一株树龄约为580年的新…  相似文献   

红豆树(Ormosia hosiei)为中国特有种,兼具材用、药用、园艺观赏及科学研究等价值,但是日益严重的干扰对红豆树种群造成了极大影响。本文基于红豆树胸径与年龄之间的关系,初步分析了受干扰程度不同的3个红豆树种群的年龄结构、种群静态生命表、存活曲线及死亡率和消失率曲线。结果显示:受严重干扰的种群幼苗严重不足,种群表现出明显的衰退趋势;近年来受中度干扰的种群幼苗个体数占绝对优势,为各级数量的7877%;长期受轻微干扰的种群年龄级结构表现出为稳定的特征。这3个种群生命表最大的差异在于受干扰最严重种群的第Ⅰ龄级和第Ⅱ龄级的死亡率为负,这说明其幼苗库不足。存活曲线都存在波动,长期受轻微干扰的种群死亡率变幅最小。研究认为,红豆树种质资源和分布面积都有所减少,应加强科学研究和保护,进行适度干扰,使种群朝着进展演替的方向发展。  相似文献   

新疆野苹果(Malus sieversii)属国家二级保护植物, 是栽培苹果的主要祖先之一。它呈片段化残遗分布于亚洲中部干旱区山地。为了探究影响该物种种群遗传变异的主要环境因子及其适应机制, 该研究选取中国新疆伊犁地区、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦分布的10个种群为研究对象, 通过SLAF-seq简化基因组测序获取单核苷酸多态性(SNP)数据。利用ADMIXTURE软件和主成分分析对种群遗传结构进行分型; 利用梯度森林分析和冗余分析评估影响种群遗传变异的主要环境因子; 运用潜在因素混合模型来检测新疆野苹果种群适应局部环境的基因组位点。结果显示: 10个种群可以区分出2个遗传谱系; 谱系A主导东部种群, 谱系B主导西部种群, 而中部种群则出现了两个谱系的交汇; 种群空间遗传结构呈现出沿经度方向上的地理替代格局。气温年较差(bio 07)和气温季节性变化(bio 04)是影响新疆野苹果种群等位基因频率变化的两个最重要环境因子。经注释发现15个环境关联基因位点与植物响应干旱、高盐、冷热等非生物胁迫的很多生理过程相关。综上所述, 新疆野苹果对环境适应的主要压力来自气温条件的变化, 生理适应可能是其响应环境胁迫的主要机制。  相似文献   

对新疆野苹果伊犁霍城县大西沟、巩留县莫合乡库尔德宁和新源县交吾托海等3个种下居群果实形态多样性及生存现状进行了调查研究并结合香味物质、矿质元素含量等测定结果筛选出4株特异性状单株,旨在为探讨栽培苹果的起源演化提供基本资料,并为新疆野苹果保护利用提供科学依据。结果表明,①新疆野苹果的果实形状、大小、颜色和果柄长度等形态性状的变异系数均在10%以上,表现出较丰富的遗传多样性,3个居群的变异趋势基本一致。尤其是本文首次对巩留县莫合乡库尔德宁居群果实形态性状进行调查研究,其中单果重的变异幅度为9.95~47.47g,变异系数29.71%,形状有扁圆形、近圆形、圆形和圆锥形等,果皮颜色有绿、黄、橘黄、粉红、红和深红等,具有栽培苹果的典型特征。上述结果支持“新疆野苹果可能是栽培苹果祖先种”的结论;②对巩留县莫舍乡的新疆野苹果78个实生株系果肉组织Ca、Mg、Fe、Zn、Cu、Mn6种矿质营养元素进行测定的结果表明,每种矿质元素含量单株间差异显著,变异系数在24.2%~54.0%,遗传多样性丰富,进一步选择的潜力很大;③根据新疆野苹果果实形态、香味物质和矿质元素含量等的测定结果,初步筛选出了大果型、高钙型、高锌型和大马酮型等4个特异性状单株;④调查发现,由于农田开垦、过度放牧以及苹果小吉丁虫的蔓延危害,目前伊犁野果林面积逐年减少,野苹果固有的繁育体系和遗传多样性受到不同程度的破坏。为此,本文提出了建立新疆野苹果原生境保存、异地保存、离体保存和利用保存等多层次保护保存体系的建议。  相似文献   

新疆野苹果挥发性化合物组分的遗传多样性研究   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:28  
以中国新疆伊犁地区巩留县莫合镇的新疆野苹果(Malussieversii(Lebed.)Roem.)30个实生株系及国光、元帅、富士、金冠等苹果(MaluspumilaMill.)品种的成熟果实为试材,采用顶空固相微萃取和气相色谱质谱联用技术,分析香气成分,旨在为探讨新疆野苹果与栽培苹果的亲缘关系及为新疆野苹果资源保护利用提供基本资料。结果表明,①根据新疆野苹果与栽培苹果共有挥发性化合物种类数计算相似系数,其大小与苹果品种(类型)的演化历史相吻合;②新疆野苹果各实生株系挥发性化合物总含量、各类挥发性化合物种类数及其含量以及主要挥发性化合物分离比率与含量等存在广泛的遗传变异,参试的30个实生株系间差异明显,遗传多样性极为丰富;进一步与4个栽培苹果品种挥发性化合物组分进行比较,结果发现,新疆野苹果与栽培苹果品种化合物种类数在5以上、含量在0.04mg/L的化合物均属于酯类、醇类、醛类和酮类,说明新疆野苹果与栽培苹果的主要挥发性化合物组分基本一致,上述研究结果支持“新疆野苹果可能是栽培苹果的祖先种”的结论,但有48种成分为栽培苹果特有的挥发性化合物成分,在新疆野苹果检测不到,其中乙酸丙酯及苯乙醛等6种成分为特征香气成分。因此,栽培苹果可能是杂种起源;③从新疆野苹果30个实生株系中共检测到包括酯类、醇类、酮类、醛类、酸类、苯衍生物、杂环类、萜类、烃类、缩醛类和内酯类等11类化合物177种,其中缩醛类和内酯类化合物在栽培苹果品种中没有检测到,90种成分为新疆野苹果特有成分,1-丁醇及大马酮等7种成分为香气值大于1的特征香气成分。因此,新疆野苹果作为栽培苹果遗传改良的珍贵资源,进行“利用保存”的潜力很大。  相似文献   

新疆野苹果是我国重要的野生果树资源,在栽培苹果起源研究和砧木利用方面有重要价值。本文在收集整理近年来有关新疆野苹果大量文献的基础上,从苹果砧木利用角度,就新疆野苹果对主要生物逆境、非生物逆境的抗性以及与主栽品种的嫁接亲和性进行了综述,以期为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

2012年11月至2013年7月间研究了独龙江乡区域羚牛指名亚种Budorcas taxicolor taxicolor(后文简称羚牛)的种群分布、数量和保护现状的问题。研究采用了改良的访问调查和实地调查相结合的方法。其中实地调查独龙江乡羚牛种群一群,调查面积35.70 km2,目测羚牛种群数量58头,适宜生境面积24.46 km2。计算羚牛适宜生境种群密度为2.4头/km2。种群数量和访查信息相符合,说明采用访问调查的方法是可靠的。本研究共计访问调查了独龙江乡的25个村庄,发现共有12个羚牛种群分布在独龙江乡,分布区羚牛适宜生境面积总和为167 km2。综合羚牛分布区面积和访查结果,本研究估算当前独龙江羚牛种群数量为400~450头。根据实地调查中羚牛利用的生境类型,利用GIS分析获得全独龙江羚牛适宜生境面积为1726 km2,可承载超过4000头,因此独龙江区域应为羚牛指名亚种的主要分布区。基于访查结果本研究还分析了羚牛的垂直分布和保护现状,提出降低人为干扰和保护羚牛生境廊道是独龙江羚牛保护的关键。  相似文献   

极小种群野生植物坡垒(Hopea hainanensis)曾经是热带低地雨林的优势种, 但由于商业采伐和刀耕火种等严重人类干扰及自然更新困难, 致使其种群数量急剧下降到最小可存活的界限, 急需开展种群的拯救恢复工作。而对于坡垒生境适宜性及更新限制的了解, 是进行种群保护及恢复的基础。本文在对野生坡垒种群及其生境因子调查测定的基础上, 分析了生物与非生物生境特征及其对坡垒种群更新幼苗多度的影响。结果表明: 坡垒种群从幼苗至幼树阶段存在着严重的增补限制。坡度小、土壤含水量和有效磷含量高、母株胸径和冠幅较大、伴生种胸高断面积中等的环境是坡垒幼苗较为适宜的生境, 且坡垒幼苗多度与坡度及土壤pH值显著负相关, 与土壤含水量及土壤全磷含量显著正相关。这些研究结果为极小种群野生植物坡垒的就地保护与种群复壮提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

群落演替对夏蜡梅种群分布和数量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对夏蜡梅(Sinocalycanthus chinensis(Cheng et S.Y.Chang)Cheng et S.Y.Chang)所有分布地(浙江临安、天台和安徽绩溪)进行了详细调查,分析夏蜡梅种群面积、密度、结构和群落特征等,并与前人调查结果对比,阐明群落演替对夏蜡梅种群的影响。10余年来,由于国家相关政策的实施(退耕还林、天然林保护以及自然保护区的建立等)以及夏蜡梅分布地林地经营模式的改变,不同夏蜡梅群落呈现发展演替的不同状态,从而对夏蜡梅种群产生了显著影响。从群落类型来看,较为稳定的种群为大明山、西坑、白水坞、捣臼孔种群,种群结构为增长型或稳定型,群落处于乔木或顶级乔木阶段,原生植被保存较好,生境相对稳定,各物种在长期竞争中趋于稳定;直源种群为严重衰退的种群,群落经历了从灌丛阶段向灌乔阶段演化,原来同层次的常绿乔木逐渐形成密集的乔木层,郁闭度高,造成夏蜡梅生长不良甚至死亡,幼苗缺少或数量少,更新困难,此区域的夏蜡梅呈逐渐退化消亡趋势;而溪古坪、龙塘山种群所处群落正是属于这种群落演替的早期阶段,处于衰退过程中种群,不加人工干预也会逐渐退化;而双石边、经过坪等种群虽目前数量多,分布集中,更新良好,但变数最大,一旦人工干扰加剧或消除,则种群结构将快速发生变化,走向消亡的几率极大。该研究结果可为夏蜡梅保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

为了解珍稀濒危植物黄杉种群的生存现状和更新机制,对贵州省威宁县黄杉自然保护区内天然分布的黄杉(Pseudotsuga sinensis)群落的结构特征和空间分布格局进行了研究。结果表明,黄杉种群的中龄级个体数较多,幼龄级和老龄级个体相对较少,呈典型的“∩”型结构。种群结构动态指数V_(pi)(13.49%)和V′_(pi)(0.05%)均大于0,种群属于增长型,但增长幅度逐渐降低,对外界干扰敏感度较高。种群存活曲线趋于Deevey-II型,生命期望值单调下降,死亡率呈“V”型,有2个死亡高峰,第1个出现在I龄级,第2个出现在IX龄级。黄杉种群除部分样地(Q2和Q7)呈均匀分布外,大部分样地呈集群分布;随龄级的增加,空间分布格局由集群分布逐渐趋向于均匀分布。因此,黄杉种群濒危的主要因素是幼树个体无法及时补充种群,建议加强对幼苗的抚育和通过适度干扰,促进黄杉种群的更新。  相似文献   

Monitoring of pest presence and population development in the crop during the season is essential for integrated pest management. Although many tools, for instance coloured sticky traps, have been developed, the full advantage of available information is rarely taken into account in decision‐making. The reasons behind include high workload in practice but also the poorly studied relationships between trap catches and populations in the crop. Here, we investigate whether commercially available coloured sticky traps can be used as tool to monitor population densities of a pest–predator system in glasshouse tomato. The response of Macrolophus pygmaeus (Rambur) (Hemiptera, Miridae) to blue and yellow sticky traps was tested in laboratory and glasshouse experiments. The results indicate that M. pygmaeus can be monitored equally well with both trap colours. The number of trapped insects showed good correlation with the population densities on the crop. Under growing conditions, more M. pygmaeus were trapped on blue compared with yellow sticky traps. However, due to the known preference of Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) (Hemiptera, Aleyrodidae), yellow traps should be used for a combined pest–predator monitoring.  相似文献   

We examined the potential differences in tolerance to hypoxia by two species of apple rootstocks. Stomatal behavior and photosynthesis were compared between Malus sieversii and Malus hupehensis. Plants were hydroponically grown for 15 days in normoxic or hypoxic nutrient solutions. Those of M. sieversii showed much greater sensitivity, with exposure to hypoxia resulting in higher leaf concentrations of abscisic acid (ABA) that prompted stomatal closure. Compared with the control plants of that species, stomatal density was greater in both new and mature leaves under stress conditions. In contrast, stomatal density was significantly decreased in leaves from M. hupehensis, while stomatal length was unaffected. Under stress, the net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and chlorophyll contents were markedly reduced in M. sieversii. The relatively hypoxia‐tolerant genotype M. hupehensis, however, showed only minor changes in net photosynthesis or chlorophyll content, and only a slight decrease in stomatal conductance due to such treatment. Therefore, we conclude that the more tolerant M. hupehensis utilizes a better protective mechanism for retaining higher photosynthetic capacity than does the hypoxia‐sensitive M. sieversii. Moreover, this contrast in tolerance and adaptation to stress is linked to differences in their stomatal behavior, photosynthetic capacity and possibly their patterns of native distribution.  相似文献   

Malus sieversii is a progenitor species of domestic apple M. × domestica. Using population “GMAL 4595” of 188 individuals derived from a cross of Royal Gala × PI 613988 (apple scab resistant, M. sieversii), 287 SSR (simple sequence repeats) loci were mapped. Of these SSRs, 80 are published anchors and 207 are newly developed EST (expressed sequence tag) contig-based SSRs, representing 1,630 Malus EST accessions in GenBank. Putative gene functions of these EST contigs are diverse, including regulating plant growth, development and response to environmental stresses. Among the 80 published SSRs, 18 are PI 613988 specific, 38 are common and 24 are Royal Gala specific. Out of the 207 newly developed EST contig-based SSRs, 79 are PI 613988 specific, 45 are common and 83 are Royal Gala specific. These results led to the construction of a M. sieversii map (1,387.0 cM) of 180 SSR markers and a Royal Gala map (1,283.4 cM) of 190 SSR markers. Mapping of scab resistance was independently conducted in two subsets of population “GMAL 4595” that were inoculated with Ventura inaequalis races (1) and (2), respectively. In combination with the two major resistance reactions Chl (chlorotic lesions) and SN (stellate necrosis) to each race, four subsets of resistance data, i.e., Chl/race (1), SN/race (1), Chl/race (2) and SN/race (2), were constituted and analyzed, leading to four resistance loci mapped to the linkage group 2 of PI 613988; SNR1 (stellate necrosis resistance to race (1)) and SNR2 are tightly linked in a region of known scab resistance genes, and ChlR1 (Chlorotic lesion resistance to race (1)) and ChlR2 are also linked tightly but in a region without known scab resistance genes. The utility of the two linkage maps, the new EST contig-based markers and M. sieversii as sources of apple scab resistance are discussed.  相似文献   

1 The pine beauty moth, Panolis flammea, has been a serious pest of lodgepole pine plantations in Scotland since 1976. It historically feeds on native Scots pine throughout Europe but population levels of P. flammea on this host have never been high enough to cause tree mortality in the U.K. 2 This paper reviews recent advances in the biology of the pest and documents control programmes from 1976 to 1999. 3 There has been practically uninterrupted population monitoring of P. flammea from 1977 to the present day in Scottish lodgepole pine plantations. Intervention with chemical spraying has often been necessary. 4 The population data suggest that populations of P. flammea may have had a cyclic pattern over the monitoring period, with outbreaks occurring at regular intervals of between 6 and 7 years. 5 The amplitude of population cycles was large during the 1970s and 1980s, but has dampened in recent years. Natural enemies are believed to contribute to this trend. Fungal disease, specifically, appears to have had a greater effect on pest populations in recent years than in the past and is suggested to have contributed significantly to the population dynamics observed since 1990.  相似文献   

Malus sieversii, a wild progenitor of the domesticated apple, is an endangered species and is assigned second conservation priority by the China Plant Red Data Book. It is urgent to carry out in situ conservation of this species, but previous studies have not identified evolutionarily significant units (ESUs) for conservation management. In this study, we investigated the genetic diversity and relationships of six M. sieversii populations from China using integrated analysis of microsatellite (nSSR) data, genome‐wide SNPs and previous results in order to propose a reasonable conservation management. The results showed that levels of genetic diversity were inconsistently reflected by our nSSR and previous studies, suggesting that indices of genetic diversity are not effective to identify priority conservation areas for M. sieversii. Based on the selection criteria of ESUs for endangered species conservation, ESUs should reflect lineage divergence, geographical separation and different adaptive variation. Our phylogenetic tree based on genome‐wide SNPs yielded a clear relationship of divergent lineages among M. sieversii populations, leading to new different from those of previous studies. Three independent lineages, including the pairs of populations Huocheng‐Yining, Gongliu‐Xinyuan and Tuoli‐Emin, were identified. The geographic distances between populations among the different phylogenetic lineages were much greater than those within the same phylogenetic lineage. A cluster analysis on environmental variables showed that the three independent lineages inhabit different environmental conditions, suggesting that they may have adapted to different environments. Based on the results, we propose that three independent ESUs should be recognized as conservation units for M. sieversii in China.  相似文献   

The effects of climate change on pest phenology and population size are highly variable. Understanding the impacts of localized climate change on pest distribution and phenology is helpful for improving integrated pest management strategies. Here, the population dynamics of cotton bollworms (Helicoverpa armigera) from Maigaiti County, south Xinjiang, and Shawan County, north Xinjiang, China, were analyzed using a 29‐year dataset at lower latitudes and a 23‐year dataset at higher latitudes to determine the effects of climate change on the population dynamics of H. armigera. The results showed that all generations of H. armigera at both sites showed increasing trends in population size with climate warming. Abrupt changes in phenology and population number occurred after abrupt temperature changes. Climate change had a greater effect on the phenology of H. armigera at higher latitudes than at lower latitudes and led to a greater increase in population size at lower latitudes than at higher latitudes; the temperature increase at higher latitudes will cause a greater increase in the adult moth population size in the future compared to that at lower latitudes; and abrupt changes in the phenology, temperature increase, and population size at lower latitudes occurred earlier than those at higher latitudes. Thus, it is necessary to develop sustainable management strategies for Helicoverpa armigera at an early stage.  相似文献   

The interactions between plants and insects play an important role in ecosystems. Climate change and cropping patterns can affect herbivorous pest insect dynamics. Understanding the reasons for population fluctuations can help improve integrated pest management strategies. Here, a 25‐year dataset on climate, cropping planting structure, and the population dynamics of cotton bollworms (Helicoverpa armigera) from Bachu County, south Xinjiang, China, was analyzed to assess the effects of changes in climate and crop planting structure on the population dynamics of H. armigera. The three generations of H. armigera showed increasing trends in population size with climate warming, especially in the third generation. The relative abundances of the first and second generations decreased, but that of the third generation increased. Rising temperature and precipitation produced different impacts on the development of different generations. The population numbers of H. armigera increased with the increase in the non‐Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cotton‐planted area. Asynchrony of abrupt changes existed among climate change, crop flowering dates, and the phenology of H. armigera moths. The asynchronous responses in crop flowering dates and phenology of H. armigera to climate warming would expand in the future. The primary factors affecting the first, second, and third generations of moths were Tmean in June, the last appearance date of the second generation of moths, and the duration of the third generation of moths, respectively. To reduce the harm to crops caused by H. armigera, Bt cotton should be widely planted.  相似文献   

Evaluating the impact of plant domestication on the population structure of the associated pathogens provides an opportunity to increase our understanding of how and why diseases emerge. Here, we investigated the evolution of the population structure of the apple scab fungus Venturia inaequalis in response to the domestication of its host. Inferences were drawn from multilocus microsatellite data obtained from samples collected on (i) the Central Asian Malus sieversii, the main progenitor of apple, (ii) the European crabapple, Malus sylvestris, a secondary progenitor of apple, and (iii) the cultivated apple, Malus×domestica, in orchards from Europe and Central Asia. Using clustering methods, we identified three distinct populations: (i) a large European population on domesticated and wild apples, (ii) a large Central Asian population on domesticated and wild apples in urban and agricultural areas, and (iii) a more geographically restricted population in M. sieversii forests growing in the eastern mountains of Kazakhstan. Unique allele richness and divergence time estimates supported a host‐tracking co‐evolutionary scenario in which this latter population represents a relict of the ancestral populations from which current populations found in human‐managed habitats were derived. Our analyses indicated that the domestication of apple induced a significant change in the genetic differentiation of populations of V. inaequalis in its centre of origin, but had little impact on its population dynamics and mating system. We discuss how the structure of the apple‐based agrosystem may have restricted changes in the population structure of the fungus in response to the domestication of its host.  相似文献   

The fruit fly Bactrocera latifrons (Hendel) is an important pest of commercially significant plants such as chili, tomato and eggplant. The species is native to South and Southeast Asia, but has now invaded Japan, Hawaii and Africa. In this study, mitochondrial DNA sequences were used to infer genetic structure and demographic history of B. latifrons. The efficiency of DNA barcodes for identification of B. latifrons was also tested. Ninety‐three specimens infesting four host‐plant species were obtained from 11 sampling locations in Thailand. The mitochondrial haplotype network revealed no major divergent lineage, which was consistent with a phylogenetic analysis that found strong support for the monophyly of B. latifrons. Population pairwise FST revealed that most (65%) comparisons were not significantly different, suggesting a high rate of gene flow. Analysis of molecular variance (amova ) found no significant genetic differentiation among populations from different host‐plant species. Sharing of several haplotypes among flies from different host‐plants indicates that the flies were moved freely across the plant species. Demographic history analysis revealed that the population has undergone recent expansion dating back to the end of the last glaciation. Thus, the results indicate that both ongoing and historical factors have played important roles in determining the genetic structure and diversity of B. latifrons. DNA barcoding analysis revealed that B. latifrons specimens were clearly differentiated from other species with 100% correct identification. Therefore, cytochrome oxidase I (COI) barcoding sequences could be effectively used to identify this important pest species, which could encourage monitoring and control efforts for this species.  相似文献   

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