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Cytoplasmic pH (pHi) plays an important role in the regulation of polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) spreading, but the molecular mechanisms involved have long been obscure. In the present study, we investigated the pH-dependence of phorbol myristate acetate (PMA)-induced PMN spreading. A change in pHi alone did not induce spreading, but cytoplasmic alkalinization promoted the spreading induced by PMA, whereas acidification inhibited it. To further investigate the mechanism by which pHi affects cell spreading, we employed subcellular fractionation and immunoblot analyses to evaluate the effect of pH on the subcellular distribution of protein kinase C (PKC) and assembly of the actin cytoskeleton. We found that cytoplasmic alkalinization enhanced PKC membrane distribution and quantitatively up-regulated the actin cytoskeleton. On the other hand, cytoplasmic acidification was found to have effects on these signaling molecules that were opposite to those of cytoplasmic alkalinization. These results may provide a potential explanation for the pH-regulation of the PMA-induced PMN spreading.  相似文献   

The secreted and intracellular activities of a number of lysosomal hydrolases were higher in 3T3 cells than in SV40-transformed cells. The number of lysosomes and their total volume were also much larger in 3T3 cells and the surface area of their lysosomal membranes was almost twice that of SV3T3 cells. These differences alone were not sufficiently large, however, to account for the disparity seen in activity of some enzymes. Gel electrophoresis showed that a number of protein components present in lysosomal membranes purified from 3T3 cells were absent from SV3T3 membrane preparations. The absence of these components may be correlated with the reduced enzyme activity of SV3T3 cells particularly with respect to beta-glucosidase and acid phosphatase, both of which are normally found associated with lysosomal membranes.  相似文献   

We generated a set of GFP-tagged chimeras between protein kinase D2 (PKD2) and protein kinase D3 (PKD3) to examine in live cells the contribution of their C-terminal region to their intracellular localization. We found that the catalytic domain of PKD2 and PKD3 can localize to the nucleus when expressed without other kinase domains. However, when the C-terminal tail of PKD2 was added to its catalytic domain, the nuclear localization of the resulting protein was inhibited. In contrast, the nuclear localization of the CD of PKD3 was not inhibited by its C-terminal tail. Furthermore, the exchange of the C-terminal tail of PKD2 and PKD3 in the full-length proteins was sufficient to exchange their intracellular localization. Collectively, these data demonstrate that the short C-terminal tail of these kinases plays a critical role in determining their cytoplasmic/nuclear localization.  相似文献   

In many organs, different protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms are expressed in specific cell types, suggesting that the different PKCs have cell-specific roles, and also that drugs acting on a particular PKC may have effects on the whole organ that are distinguishable from drugs that target other isoforms. Previous studies of the guinea-pig and mouse intestine indicate that there are cell-specific expressions of PKC isoforms in neurons, muscle and the interstitial cells of Cajal. In the present study we have investigated the expression of different PKCs in human intestine. Immunohistochemical studies showed that the forms that are prominent in human enteric neurons are PKCs γ and ε and in muscle the dominant form is PKCδ. Neurons were weakly stained for PKCβI. These observations parallel findings in guinea-pig and mouse, except that in human PKCγ-IR was not present in the same types of neurons that express it in the guinea-pig. Enteric glial cells were strongly immunoreactive for PKCα, which is also the major isoform in enteric glial cells of guinea-pig. In human and guinea-pig, glial cells also express PKCβI. Spindle-shaped cells in the mucosa were immunoreactive for PKCα and PKCγ and in the muscle layers similar cells had PKCγ-IR and PKCθ-IR. The spindle-shaped cells were similar in morphology to interstitial cells of Cajal. Western analysis and RT-PCR confirmed the presence of the PKC isoform proteins and mRNA in the tissue. We conclude that there is cell-type specific expression of different PKCs in enteric neurons and intestinal muscle in human tissue, and that there are strong similarities in patterns of expression between laboratory animals and human, but some clear differences are also observed.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) is a family of serine/threonine kinases whose activity is controlled, in part, by phosphorylation on three conserved residues that are located on the catalytic domain of the enzyme, known as the activation-loop, the turn-motif, and the C-terminal hydrophobic-motif sites. Using a panel of phospho-specific antibodies, we have determined that PKC beta(I) and delta are constitutively phosphorylated on all three sites in unstimulated and activated T cells. Although PKC theta is constitutively phosphorylated at the activation-loop and turn-motif sites in T cells, PMA or anti-CD3/CD28 stimulation results in an increase in phosphorylation at the hydrophobic-motif (Ser695), an event that coincides with translocation of the enzyme from the cytosol/cytoskeleton to the membrane. Studies on the stimulus-induced phosphorylation of PKC theta demonstrate that an upstream kinase activity involving a conventional PKC isoform(s) and the PI3-kinase pathway, rather than autophosphorylation or the rapamycin-sensitive mTOR pathway, regulates this site in T lymphocytes. However, hydrophobic-motif phosphorylation does not appear to control membrane translocation, suggesting that this site may control other aspects of PKC theta signalling.  相似文献   

Diacylglycerol (DAG), a second messenger involved in different cell signaling cascades, activates protein kinase C (PKC) and D (PKD), among other kinases. The present work analyzes the effects resulting from the alteration of DAG levels on neuronal and muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) distribution. We employ CHO-K1/A5 cells, expressing adult muscle-type AChR in a stable manner, and hippocampal neurons, which endogenously express various subtypes of neuronal AChR. CHO-K1/A5 cells treated with dioctanoylglycerol (DOG) for different periods showed augmented AChR cell surface levels at short incubation times (30 min–4 h) whereas at longer times (18 h) the AChR was shifted to intracellular compartments. Similarly, in cultured hippocampal neurons surface AChR levels increased as a result of DOG incubation for 4 h. Inhibition of endogenous DAG catabolism produced changes in AChR distribution similar to those induced by DOG treatment. Specific enzyme inhibitors and Western blot assays revealed that DAGs exert their effect on AChR distribution through the modulation of the activity of classical PKC (cPKC), novel PKC (nPKC) and PKD activity.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate, in force-fed rats, whether alimentary zinc (Zn) deficiency affects the activity of the Zn-metalloenzyme protein kinase C (PKC). The in vivo activity of PKC was determined by measuring the subcellular distribution of the enzyme between the cytosolic and the particulate fraction in brain and muscle. For this purpose, 24 male Sprague-Dawley rats with an average live mass of 126 g were divided into 2 groups of 12 animals each. The Zn-deficient and the control rats received a semisynthetic casein diet with a Zn content of 1.2 and 24.1 ppm, respectively. All animals were fed four times daily by gastric tube in order to ensure that the depleted animals also received adequate nutrients and to synchronize the feed intake exactly. After 12 d, the depleted rats were in a state of severe Zn deficiency, as demonstrated by a 70% lower serum Zn concentration and a 66% reduction in the serum activity of alkaline phosphatase. Neither the cytosolic nor the particulate fraction of the thigh muscle showed any difference between the depleted and the control animals as regards PKC activity/g of muscle. The specific activity of PKC/mg of protein in the cytosolic fraction of the muscle was not affected by alimentary zinc deficiency, whereas the specific activity of PKC in the particulate fraction of the muscle was reduced by a significant 10% in Zn deficiency (150±12 vs 135±14 pmol P/min/mg protein). In the brain, neither the cytosolic nor the particulate fraction revealed any difference in PKC activity/g of fresh weight or in the specific activity/mg of protein between the control and the Zn-deficient rats.  相似文献   

The cationic amphiphile, cholesteryl-3-carboxyamidoethylene-trimethylammonium iodide, can alter the substrate specificity of protein kinase C (PKC). The phosphorylation of histone catalyzed by PKC requires the binding of the enzyme to phospholipid vesicles. This cationic amphiphile reduces both the binding of PKC to lipid and as a consequence its rate of phosphorylation of histone. In contrast, PKC bound to large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) composed of 50 mol % POPS, 20 mol % POPC, and 30 mol % of this amphiphile catalyzes protamine sulfate phosphorylation by an almost 4 fold greater rate. This activation requires phosphatidylserine (PS) and is inhibited by Ca2+. The extent of activation is affected by the time of incubation of PKC with LUVs. This data suggests a novel mechanism by which PKC-dependent signal transduction pathways may be altered by altering the protein targets of this enzyme.  相似文献   

Proteolytic cleavage of protein kinase C (PKC) under cell-free conditions generates a co-factor independent, free catalytic subunit (PKM). However, the difficulty in visualizing PKM in intact cells has generated controversy regarding its physiological relevance. In the present study, treatment of SH-SY-5Y cells with 2-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate resulted in complete down-regulation of PKC within 24 h without detection of PKM. By contrast, low levels of PKM were transiently detected following ionophore-mediated calcium influx under conditions which induced no detectable PKC loss. PKM was not detected during rapid cell-free degradation of partially purified SH-SY-5Y PKCα by purified human brain mM calpain. However, when the kinetics of PKC degradation were slowed by lowering levels of calpain, PKM was transiently detected. PKM was also only transiently observed following calpain-mediated degradation of purified rat brain PKCα. Densitometric analyses indicated that, once formed, PKM was degraded approximately 10 times faster than PKC. These data provide an explanation as to why PKM is difficult to observe in situ, and indicate that PKM should not be considered as an ‘unregulated’ kinase, since its persistence is apparently strictly regulated by proteolysis.  相似文献   

We have attempted to purify endogenous substrate proteins for casein kinases I and II from the cytosol of AH-66 hepatoma cells. Utilizing the fact that only a few substrates are concentrated in the fraction eluted from DEAE-cellulose between 0.3 and 0.6 M NaCl, two substrates were purified from this fraction by DEAE-cellulose chromatography, hydroxyapatite chromatography, and HPLC on a DEAE-5PW column. The purified substrate proteins had molecular masses of 30.5 kDa and 31 kDa. The 31-kDa protein substrate was markedly phosphorylated by casein kinase II, but only slightly by casein kinase I. The radioactive phosphate incorporated into 31-kDa substrate by casein kinase II was 0.2 mol/mol of the protein and phosphorylation occurred on both threonine and serine residues. The 30.5 kDa protein was only slightly phosphorylated by casein kinase II, but not at all by casein kinase I.  相似文献   

The cell line TNR9 (E. Butler-Gralla and H. R. Herschman, J. Cell. Physiol. 107:59-67, 1981) in a Swiss 3T3 cell variant that expresses protein kinase C (PKC) but is mitogenically nonresponsive to the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA). We have found that PKCs purified from variant and parental cells are identical as judged by kinase activity, protease mapping, and column chromatography. We analyzed cellular levels and subcellular location of PKC in TPA-treated 3T3 and TNR9 cells via immunoprecipitation of [35S]methionine-labeled protein and assay of immune-complex PKC kinase activity. TNR9 cells grew to higher densities than parental 3T3 cells. TNR9 cells at maximal density did not down regulate PKC in response to long-term TPA treatment. We compared the 80-kilodalton (kDa) PKC substrate phosphorylation in 3T3 and TNR9 cells by using two-dimensional gels and found that TNR9 cells treated with TPA for 30 min contained only 10 to 15% as much 32Pi associated with the 80-kDa as did parental cells. The TNR9 80-kDa substrate was present at reduced levels compared with the parental-cell 80-kDa substrate as judged by immunoblot and silver staining. Thus, the loss of mitogenic responsiveness to TPA in TNR9 cells is accompanied by resistance to TPA-mediated down regulation of PKC and reduced phosphosubstrate levels.  相似文献   

Phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate, a stable analog of the important signaling membrane lipid diacylglycerol (DAG), is known to potentiate exocytosis and modulate vesicle fusion kinetics in neurons and endocrine cells. The exact mechanisms underlying the actions of PMA, however, is often not clear, largely because of the diversity of the DAG/PMA receptors involved in the exocytotic process, which include, most notably, various isoforms of protein kinase C (PKC). In this study, the roles of PKCα in PMA-mediated regulation of exocytosis were investigated by over-expressing wild-type PKCα (wt-PKCα) or dominant negative PKCα (dn-PKCα). Amperometric measurements based on carbon fiber microelectrodes demonstrated that PKCα has a key role in the PMA-mediated facilitation of exocytosis and vesicle fusion in neuroendocrine PC12 cells.  相似文献   

A Surovoy  D Waidelich  G Jung 《FEBS letters》1992,300(3):259-262
The isoforms of protein kinase C (PKC) present in rat mesangial cells were identified by immunoblot analysis with antibody raised against isotype-specific peptides. In addition to the previously observed - and -subspecies, mesangial cells also express the δ- and ζ-isoenzymes of PKC. On exposure to phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PDB) a complete depletion of PKC-δ is observed within 8 h. Removal of PDB results in a recovery of PKC-δ. In contrast, PKC-ζ is unaffected by addition or removal of PDB.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) consists of a family of Ca2+/phospholipid-dependent isozymes that has been implicated in the delayed neurotoxic effects of glutamate in vitro. In the present study, we assessed the effect of the glutamate analogue kainic acid (KA) on the subcellular expression of PKC isozymes in the hippocampus (HPC) in the period preceding (0.5, 1.5, 12, and 24 h) and during (120 h) hippocampal necrosis using western blot analysis and PKC isozyme-specific antibodies. Before subcellular fractionation (cytosol + membrane), hippocampi were microdissected into "HPC" (fields CA1-CA3) and "dentate gyrus" (DG; granule cells + hilus) regions. Four general patterns of alterations in PKC isozyme expression/distribution were observed following KA treatment. The first pattern was a relative stability in expression following KA treatment and was most apparent for cytosol PKCalpha (HPC + DG) and membrane (HPC) and cytosol (DG) PKCbetaII. The second pattern, observed with PKCgamma and PKCepsilon, was characterized by an initial increase in expression in both membrane and cytosolic fractions before seizure activity (0.5 h) followed by a gradual decrease until significant reductions are observed by 120 h. The third pattern, exhibited by PKCdelta, involved an apparent translocation, increasing in the membrane and decreasing in the cytosol, followed by down-regulation in both fractions and subsequent recovery. The fourth pattern was observed with PKCzeta only and entailed a significant reduction in expression before and during limbic motor seizures followed by a dramatic fivefold increase in the membrane fraction during the period of hippocampal necrosis (120 h). Although these patterns did not segregate according to conventional PKC isozyme classifications, they do indicate dynamic isozyme-specific regulation by KA. The subcellular redistribution of PKC isozymes may contribute to the histopathological sequelae produced by KA in the hippocampus and may model the pathogenesis associated with diseases involving glutamate-induced neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

aFGF对人脐静脉内皮细胞TPK、PKC活性及Ca2+浓度的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了观察酸性成纤维细胞生长因子 ( acidic fibroblast growth factor,a FGF)与人脐静脉内皮细胞 ( human umbilical vein endothelial cell,HUVEC)膜上特异受体结合后引起的细胞内信号转导途径 ,探讨 a FGF导致细胞增殖的机理 ,经 Scatchard曲线分析人脐静脉内皮细胞膜受体性质 .以不同浓度的 a FGF处理人脐静脉内皮细胞 ,利用 [γ- 3 2 P]ATP参入外源性底物的方法测定受体的酪氨酸蛋白激酶 ( tyrosine protein kinase,TPK)及蛋白激酶 C( protein kinase C,PKC)的活性 ;用 Fura-2 /AM为荧光指示剂测定 [Ca2 ]i.结果显示 :Scatchard曲线证明 a FGF与 HUVEC膜受体特异结合呈一条曲线 ,即受体为一种结合位点 ,Kd 为 3.6× 1 0 -10~ 9.6× 1 0 -10 mol/L,每个细胞受体数为2 70 90 .随着 a FGF浓度增加 ,TPK及 PKC活性随之升高 .当 a FGF浓度为 1 .1 2 mg/L时 ,a FGF处理组的 TPK活性是对照组的 3倍 ;膜 PKC活性是对照组 3.4倍 ,胞浆 PKC活性是对照组的 1 .87倍 .胞浆 [Ca2 ]是对照组的 3倍 .结果指出 :该细胞中 a FGF受体具有 TPK活性 .TPK激活后进一步促进蛋白质和酶磷酸化级联反应 ,而使 PKC活性及 [Ca2 ]i 升高 ,即 PKC和 Ca2 为 TPK的下游信号分子 ,进一步促进基因表达增加 ,导致细胞增殖 .  相似文献   

As reports on G protein-coupled receptor signal transduction mechanisms continue to emphasize potential differences in signaling due to relative receptor levels and cell type specificities, the need to study endogenously expressed receptors in appropriate model systems becomes increasingly important. Here we examine signal transduction mechanisms mediated by endogenous kappa-opioid receptors in C6 glioma cells, an astrocytic model system. We find that the kappa-opioid receptor-selective agonist U69,593 stimulates phospholipase C activity, extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 phosphorylation, PYK2 phosphorylation, and DNA synthesis. U69,593-stimulated extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 phosphorylation is shown to be upstream of DNA synthesis as inhibition of signaling components such as pertussis toxin-sensitive G proteins, L-type Ca2+ channels, phospholipase C, intracellular Ca2+ release, protein kinase C, and mitogen-activated protein or extracellular signal-regulated kinase kinase blocks both of these downstream events. In addition, by overexpressing dominant-negative or sequestering mutants, we provide evidence that extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 phosphorylation is Ras-dependent and transduced by Gbetagamma subunits. In summary, we have delineated major features of the mechanism of the mitogenic action of an agonist of the endogenous kappa-opioid receptor in C6 glioma cells.  相似文献   

HL-60 cells are very sensitive to the cytotoxic action of ether lipids. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain this cytotoxicity. We investigated the influence of the alkylphospholipid ET-18-OCH3 on the activity of protein kinase C. HL-60 cells were incubated with ET-18-OCH3 at a concentration of 20 μg/ml for 4 h. After the incubation the membrane fraction of the HL-60 cells was isolated and the activity of protein kinase C was determined while it was still associated with the membrane, using the synthetic peptide substrate [Ser25]-protein kinase C (19–31) as a protein kinase C specific substrate. The activity of the membrane-bound protein kinase C was increased in HL-60 cells treated with ET-18-OCH3 compared to untreated HL-60 cells. The increase in protein kinase C activity was not a consequence of translocation and appeared to be additive to the effect of the phorbol ester 12-myristate 13-acetate. In contrast, solubilized protein kinase C from HL-60 cells could be inhibited or stimulated in vitro by ET-18-OCH3, dependent on the mode of addition of ET-18-OCH3 and phospholipids.  相似文献   

Kato Y  Ozaki N  Yamada T  Miura Y  Oiso Y 《Life sciences》2007,80(5):476-483
Among four kinds of protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitors tested, H-89 exhibited a unique action to remarkably enhance adipocyte differentiation of 3T3-L1 cells, whereas the other three PKA inhibitors, PKA inhibitor Fragment 14-22 (PKI), Rp-cAMP, and KT 5720, did not enhance adipocyte differentiation. H-85, which is an inactive form of H-89, exhibited a similar enhancing effect on adipocyte differentiation. H-89 also potentiated the phosphorylation of Akt and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 in 3T3-L1 cells, which function as downstream signaling of insulin. Phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitor wortmannin and mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK) inhibitor PD 98059 suppressed both the H-89-induced promotion of adipocyte differentiation and the H-89-induced potentiation of phosphorylation of Akt and ERK1/2. Rho kinase inhibitor Y-27632 also promoted the phosphorylation of both Akt and ERK1/2 and enhanced adipocyte differentiation, although its effect was somewhat less than that of H-89. Even when cells were treated with a mixture of Y-27632 and H-89, the additive enhancing effects on both the insulin signaling and adipocyte differentiation were not detected. Therefore, it is suggested that the major possible mechanism whereby H-89 potentiates adipocyte differentiation of 3T3-L1 cells is activation of insulin signaling that is elicited mostly by inhibiting Rho/Rho kinase pathway.  相似文献   

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