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This review examines the contribution of research on fishes to the growing field of behavioural syndromes. Current knowledge of behavioural syndromes in fishes is reviewed with respect to five main axes of animal personality: (1) shyness-boldness, (2) exploration-avoidance, (3) activity, (4) aggressiveness and (5) sociability. Compared with other taxa, research on fishes has played a leading role in describing the shy-bold personality axis and has made innovative contributions to the study of the sociability dimension by incorporating social network theory. Fishes are virtually the only major taxon in which behavioural correlations have been compared between populations. This research has guided the field in examining how variation in selection regime may shape personality. Recent research on fishes has also made important strides in understanding genetic and neuroendocrine bases for behavioural syndromes using approaches involving artificial selection, genetic mapping, candidate gene and functional genomics. This work has illustrated consistent individual variation in highly complex neuroendocrine and gene expression pathways. In contrast, relatively little work on fishes has examined the ontogenetic stability of behavioural syndromes or their fitness consequences. Finally, adopting a behavioural syndrome framework in fisheries management issues including artificial propagation, habitat restoration and invasive species, may promote restoration success. Few studies, however, have examined the ecological relevance of behavioural syndromes in the field. Knowledge of how behavioural syndromes play out in the wild will be crucial to incorporating such a framework into management practices.  相似文献   

Obtaining biological and spatial information of the early life history (ELH) phases of fishes has been problematic, such that larval and juvenile phases are often referred to as the ‘black box’ of fish population biology and ecology. However, a potent source of life‐history data has been mined from the earstones (otoliths) of bony fishes. We systematically reviewed 476 empirical papers published between 2005 and 2012 (inclusive) that used otoliths to examine fish ELH phases, which has been an area of increasing attention over this period. We found that otolith‐based research during this period could be split into two broad themes according to whether studies examined: (i) biological objectives related to intrinsic processes such as larval and juvenile age, growth and mortality, and/or (ii) spatial objectives, such as habitat use, dispersal and migration. Surprisingly, just 24 studies (5%) explored a combined biological–spatial objective by simultaneously exploiting biological and spatial information from otoliths, suggesting much more scope for such integrated research objectives to be answered via the use of multiple otolith‐based techniques in a single study. Mapping otolith analytical techniques across these two approaches revealed that otolith structural analysis was mainly used to investigate biological processes, while otolith chemical analyses were most often applied to spatial questions. Heavy skew in research effort was apparent across biomes, with most (62%) publications specific to marine species, despite comparable levels of species richness and the importance of freshwater taxa (just 15% of papers). Indeed, around 1% (380 species) of a possible 31400+ extant species were examined in our surveyed papers, with a strong emphasis on temperate marine species of commercial value. Potential model species for otolith‐based ELH ecology research are arising, with the eel genus Anguilla (24 studies) and the European anchovy Engraulis encrasicolis (14 studies) attracting more research effort than most other taxa. While there is a preponderance of common techniques (e.g. daily otolith increment counts, increment widths), novel techniques such as transgenerational marking and computed X‐ray tomography, are increasingly being applied in published studies. The application of an integrative approach based on a combination of emerging techniques and traditional methods holds promise for major advances in our understanding of ELH fish ecology and to shine light into the ‘black box’ of fish ecology.  相似文献   

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries - Tropical sardines and herrings (Family Clupeidae) form important fisheries resources in the Indo-West Pacific region. However knowledge of their biology and...  相似文献   

In the past decade, ecologists have witnessed vast improvements in our ability to collect animal movement data through animal-borne technology, such as through GPS or ARGOS systems. However, more data does not necessarily yield greater knowledge in understanding animal ecology and conservation. In this paper, we provide a review of the major benefits, problems and potential misuses of GPS/Argos technology to animal ecology and conservation. Benefits are obvious, and include the ability to collect fine-scale spatio-temporal location data on many previously impossible to study animals, such as ocean-going fish, migratory songbirds and long-distance migratory mammals. These benefits come with significant problems, however, imposed by frequent collar failures and high cost, which often results in weaker study design, reduced sample sizes and poorer statistical inference. In addition, we see the divorcing of biologists from a field-based understanding of animal ecology to be a growing problem. Despite these difficulties, GPS devices have provided significant benefits, particularly in the conservation and ecology of wide-ranging species. We conclude by offering suggestions for ecologists on which kinds of ecological questions would currently benefit the most from GPS/Argos technology, and where the technology has been potentially misused. Significant conceptual challenges remain, however, including the links between movement and behaviour, and movement and population dynamics.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology and ecology of the Port Jackson shark Heterodontus portusjacksoni was investigated at three locations on the central and southern coast of New South Wales (NSW), Australia from January 2002 to December 2005 using underwater visual census surveys and samples obtained from a commercial fishery. Adults displayed sexual dimorphism in total length ( L T) at sexual maturity, with males maturing between 762 and 772 mm L T and females between 902 and 905 mm L T. The mean ovarian fecundity was estimated at 16 offspring per female but was unrelated to female L T. Male gonado-somatic ( I G) and hepato-somatic ( I H) indices and female I G declined from July to November as did maximum ovarian follicle diameter and the diameter of the three largest follicles. Adults were absent from inshore reefs between December and July. Hence, H. portusjacksoni has a synchronous annual breeding season in NSW, which occurs between July and November (the austral winter to spring), with a peak in oviposition from August to October. Heterodontus portusjacksoni copulatory and ovipository behaviour are reported for the first time. Copulation was observed and involved oral grasping of the female's pectoral fin by a single male, which wrapped his body around hers to insert one clasper. Ovipositing females appeared to search crevices in the reef prior to delivering a single capsule, which was washed into the crevice by water movement, with the female departing very soon after oviposition. This study represents the first rigorously quantitative analysis of H. portusjacksoni reproductive biology and ecology in NSW waters.  相似文献   

Recent conceptual and technological advances now enable fisheries geneticists to detect and monitor the dynamics and distribution of marine fish populations more effectively than ever before. Information on the extent of genetically-based divergence among populations, so-called “population diversity”, is crucial in the quest to manage exploited living resources sustainably since it endows evolutionary potential in the face of environmental change. The generally limited dialogue between scientists, fisheries managers and policy makers, however, continues to constrain integration of population genetic data into tangible policy applications. Largely drawing on the approach and outputs from a European research project, FishPopTrace, we provide an example how the uncovering of marine fish population diversity enables players from genetics, forensics, management and the policy realm to generate a framework tackling key policy-led questions relating to illegal fishing and traceability.  相似文献   

We present methods for the collection, fixation, preservation and examination of the acanthocephalans parasitic in British freshwater fishes. An illustrated key to the species is provided.  相似文献   

Species of carabid (ground) beetles are among the most important postdispersal weed seed predators in temperate arable lands. Field studies have shown that carabid beetles can remove upwards of 65%–90% of specific weed seeds shed in arable fields each year. Such data do not explain how and why carabid predators go after weed seeds, however. It remains to be proven that weed seed predation by carabids is a genuine ecological interaction driven by certain ecological factors or functional traits that determine interaction strength and power predation dynamics, bringing about therefore a natural regulation of weed populations. Along these lines, this review ties together the lines of evidence around weed seed predation by carabid predators. Chemoperception rather than vision seems to be the primary sensory mechanism guiding seed detection and seed selection decisions in carabid weed seed predators. Selection of weed seeds by carabid seed predators appears directed rather than random. Yet, the nature of the chemical cues mediating detection of different seed species and identification of the suitable seed type among them remains unknown. Selection of certain types of weed seeds cannot be predicted based on seed chemistry per se in all cases, however. Rather, seed selection decisions are ruled by sophisticated behavioral mechanisms comprising the assessment of both chemical and physical characteristics of the seed. The ultimate selection of certain weed seed types is determined by how the chemical and physical properties of the seed match with the functional traits of the predator in terms of seed handling ability. Seed density, in addition to chemical and physical seed traits, is also an important factor that is likely to shape seed selection decisions in carabid weed seed predators. Carabid responses to seed density are rather complex as they are influenced not only by seed numbers but also by trait‐based suitability ranks of the different seed types available in the environment.  相似文献   

Spatial variation in freshwater fish community structure in a large, structurally monotonous sub-tropical Australian river over 1989–1992 is described. The number of species collected (25) over the period of study, was low, given the large size of the river's catchment. The low diversity of fishes present in the river was suggested to be due to a combination of factors including the imposition of an ancient downstream barrier to fish movement (the Burdekin Falls), substantial volcanic activity during the late Tertiary, past climatic stress and little variation in habitat structure over the range of sites examined. Notwithstanding the low species richness, the Burdekin River's freshwater fish fauna is distinctive, containing elements of the fauna of both eastern and northern Australia, and this was suggested to reflect aspects of ancient landscape evolution. Spatial variation in fish community structure was most strongly influenced by the presence of the Burdekin Falls (the present site of a very large reservoir) and secondarily by minor differences in habitat structure of main channel and tributary streams.  相似文献   

Hierarchical sampling and subsequent microsatellite genotyping of >2300 Haliotis laevigata (greenlip abalone) from 19 locations distributed across five biogeographic regions have substantially advanced our knowledge of population structure and connectivity in this commercially important species. The study has found key differences in stock structure of H. laevigata compared with the sympatric and congeneric Haliotis rubra (blacklip abalone) and yielded valuable insights into the management of fisheries targeting species characterized by spatial structure at small scales (i.e. S‐fisheries). As with H. rubra, H. laevigata comprise a series of metapopulations with strong self‐recruitment. However, the spatial extent of H. laevigata metapopulations (reefal areas around 30 km2; distances of up to 135 km are effective barriers to larval dispersal) was substantially greater than that identified for H. rubra (Miller et al. 2009). Differences in the dynamics and scale of population processes, even between congeneric haliotids as made evident in this study, imply that for S‐fisheries, it is difficult to generalize about the potential consequences of life history commonalities. Consequently, species‐specific management reflective of the population structure of the target species remains particularly important. This will likely require integration of information about stock structure and connectivity with data on life history and population dynamics to determine the necessary input (e.g. number of fishers, fishing effort) and output (e.g. minimum legal size, total allowable catch) controls to underpin their sustainable management.  相似文献   

Soil ingestion is an important pathway for human exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-contaminated soils and dust for children (via ingesting hand residue) as well as for adults (via occupational exposure). An appropriate selection of exposure parameter values is essential for having an accurate risk assessment. This review addresses key parameters for estimating oral exposure to PAH-contaminated soils/dust, discusses their variability and uncertainty, and provides recommendations for value selection. Bioaccessibility (contaminant fraction solubilized in gastro-intestinal tract, available for entering bloodstream and reaching target organs) and soil ingestion rate are two key parameters for exposure assessment (usually characterized by large variability and/or uncertainty), followed by exposure frequency/duration and body weight.  相似文献   

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries - Downstream movements of some freshwater fishes, including eels, are adversely affected by the presence of hydroelectric structures and other anthropic...  相似文献   

Previously published pollen diagrams from the coastal area of the south-east Baltic Sea including parts of the Polish and Lithuanian peninsulas, Mierzeja Wilana (Frische Nehrung) and Kuri Nerija (Courland Spit) respectively, document the former presence of heathland vegetation and an associated burning practice. This type of human influence can be dated back to ca. 1200 B.P. at the latest, and was maintained until the 18th century. It is suggested that this former Calluna-dominated vegetation belonged to the known west to north-west European heathland vegetation. Several dwarf shrub taxa, such as Genista spp. and Erica tetralix, normally connected to heathland vegetation, may have had a former wider distribution.  相似文献   

The knowledge of species occurrence within an area is crucial to develop proper conservation strategies to protect species diversity. Biosphere Reserves (BRs), established to preserve biodiversity and sustainably use their resources, should therefore have precise information of its biodiversity. We compared and evaluated information on threatened and non-threatened vertebrate species available for Spanish BRs from three sources: management documents (MDs), the Global Biodiversity Information Facility index (GBIF), and atlases and red books. Our results suggest that information from any one source was rather partial, to a degree that depended on which vertebrate group was considered. Management documents did list a high percentage of threatened species found in BRs, reaching up to the total number of species of birds and mammals. Species lists overlap between all three sources ranged from 59 % for fish to 84 % for mammals. In addition, there is an inconsistency between national and international threatened species categories and it should thus call for revisions. Even though the information of non-threatened and threatened species occurrence in MDs of Spanish BRs is good, it is necessary to pay attention to amphibian and fish species which are less recorded.  相似文献   

Lagoons in the heavily populated, semi-arid coastal zone of the Southern Mediterranean Region exemplify the conflict between human utilisation of water and related resources and aquatic ecosystems. Having recognised the requirement to improve understanding of the functioning of the region’s coastal wetlands, the MELMARINA Project undertook integrated hydro-ecological monitoring and modelling within lagoons in Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt. This article highlights some key issues regarding environmental science and management of the region’s coastal lagoons revealed during the course of the project. It stresses the importance of hydrology as a key control upon lagoon functioning and ecosystem dynamics. Hydrological modifications due to water resource management schemes are the cause of many recent changes experienced within lagoons. Linkages between water quality, water availability, human activities and biological characteristics of coastal lagoons are discussed with particular reference to the controls upon vegetation within the MELMARINA lagoons. A series of methodological advances are reviewed which have potential for wider application within coastal lagoons. It is suggested that the use of lagoon sediment for environmental reconstruction can be invaluable, especially when monitoring data are lacking. Recent advances in instrumentation technologies make long-term continuous monitoring more feasible although these approaches can be combined with more traditional site surveys to provide wider spatial coverage at the expense of temporal resolution. Wider spatial coverage can also be achieved through the use of space-borne or aerial remote sensing imagery whilst longer-term trends in site characteristics can be assessed through historical map analyses. Geographical Information Systems, which facilitate the storage and interrogation of large and varied datasets, have enormous potential. Similarly, coupled hydro-ecological models can inform understanding of lagoon functioning and can assess scenarios associated with environmental change or alternative management approaches. The application of integrated, basin-wide approaches to the management of water resources and aquatic ecosystems in the Southern Mediterranean Region is advocated. This includes the application of principles from the EU’s Water Framework Directive. Finally, the need to place management in the context of climate change and associated sea level rise is stressed. Emphasis should be placed on the development of adaptation strategies designed to minimise the effects of these changes. Guest editors: J. R. Thompson & R. J. Flower Hydro-ecological Monitoring and Modelling of North African Coastal Lagoons  相似文献   

Synopsis Recent studies of recruitment dynamics in demersal fishes have placed major emphasis on presettlement mortality, and little on events bridging late larval and early juvenile periods. Observations on 68 taxa of Caribbean coral reef fishes before and during settlement revealed the existence of a distinct post-settlement life phase called the transition juvenile, associated with the act of recruitment. Transition juveniles were found as solitary individuals, in conspecific groups, or in heterospecific groups. The groups were either uniform or heterogenous in appearance. The complexity of the transition phase and its apparently widespread occurrence in coral reef fishes suggests that important aspects of population structure may be determined between settlement and first appearance as a full-fledged juvenile.  相似文献   

This study reviews published information on Mugil cephalus from around the world, with recent genetic studies indicating that the flathead mullet may indeed be a species complex. Disciplines that are covered range from the taxonomy, genetics and systematics, through a variety of biological and ecological attributes, to biomarker and fisheries studies. The eurytopic nature of M. cephalus is emphasized, with the migratory life history covering a succession of very different aquatic environments (e.g. rivers, estuaries, coastal lakes/lagoons, marine littoral, open ocean), each of which is occupied for varying lengths of time, depending on the population characteristics within a region and the life-history stage of the species. Interpretation of these movements over time has been greatly enhanced by the use of otolith micro-chemistry which has enabled scientists to map out the different habitats occupied by individual fish at the different life stages. The range of physico-chemical attributes within these environments necessitates a wide tolerance to differing conditions, especially with regard to salinity, turbidity, dissolved oxygen and temperature, all of which are discussed in this review. The importance of M. cephalus to the ecological functioning of coastal systems is emphasized, as well as the pivotal role that this species fulfills in fisheries in some parts of the world. The parasites range from internal trematode and cestode infestations, to external branchyuran and copepod parasites, which use M. cephalus as either an intermediate or final host. The value of the flathead mullet as a biomarker for the monitoring of the health of coastal habitats is discussed, as well as its potential as an indicator or sentinel species for certain ecosystems.  相似文献   

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