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We estimated the outcrossing rate in a population of 14 individuals of Dolichandra cynanchoides (Bignoniaceae), a species with late-acting self-incompatibility (LSI), at a site in Chaco woodland in Santa Fe province, Argentina. A subsample of five arbitrarily chosen loci from a total of 16 allozyme loci gave mating system parameters of tm=0.881 (SD 0.039) and ts=0.749 (SD 0.048), thus indicating that although predominantly outcrossing, D. cynanchoides has a mixed mating system. We draw attention to the fact that mixed mating in species with LSI is a very likely scenario, given that previous studies with diverse LSI taxa have shown that mixed cross-self pollen loads on the stigma, which is probably a common occurrence with natural pollinators, result in fruits with a proportion of selfed seeds.  相似文献   

蓝花丹结实率低的传粉生物学和繁育系统初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解释蓝花丹自然结实率低的原因,该研究从传粉生物学和繁育系统入手,采用TTC法与联苯胺-过氧化氢法分别测定花粉活力和柱头可授性的动态变化;用花粉-胚珠比(P/O比)、杂交指数(OCI)估算蓝花丹繁育系统类型并通过人工控制授粉试验验证。结果表明:(1)蓝花丹L型雌器官与S型雄器官、L型雄器官与L型雌器官成熟时间重叠区域较多,雌雄性器官在成熟时间上无显著差异;而S型雌器官与L型雄器官、S型雌器官与S型雄器官成熟时间重叠区域较少,但蓝花丹持续开花的模式缓解了雌雄性器官时间差异而引起的生殖隔离。(2)蓝花丹L型花P/O为502.00±52.30,S型花P/O为482.70±87.91,OCI为4,综合判断蓝花丹的繁育系统属于专性异交型且具有异型自交不亲和的特性。综上可初步解释蓝花丹自然结实率低的原因为内外因素共同作用的结果,其中雌雄性器官同熟时间短不是主要原因,而其本身较强的自交不亲和性可能是自然结实率低下的关键性内因。由于蓝花丹的专性异交繁育系统使其成功授粉需要传粉媒介,但因引种地与原产地环境存在显著差异,同时开花模式不集中导致的缺乏传粉者完成异花授粉或许是引起异交成功率降低的主要外因。因此,提高蓝花丹的结实率应从克服其自身自交不亲和性以及适当引入安全传媒昆虫入手。  相似文献   

锦鸡儿(Caragana sinica(Buchoz) Rehd)传粉生物学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对唐家河国家自然保护区内锦鸡儿(Caragana sinica(Buchoz)Rehd)的花期、访问者、有效传粉者种类及行为、花蜜分泌节律和繁育系统等进行定点观察和实验处理。结果表明:锦鸡儿单花花期约5d,种群花期约20d。拥有以吸蜜为主的条蜂属(Anthophora)、熊蜂属(Bombus)和太阳鸟属(Aethopyga)3种传粉者功能群。综合访花频率和花粉落置数,茜条蜂(Pyganthophora rubricus Dours)和蓝喉太阳鸟(Aethopyga gouldiae)为主要有效传粉者,熊蜂(Bombus)为次要有效传粉者;蚂蚁(formicidae)和西方蜜蜂(Apis mellifera Linnaeus)为主要盗蜜者。套袋处理结果表明,花蜜分泌日变化中,最大花蜜量发生在16:00左右;花蜜随单花花期变化中,花蜜体积最大发生于单花第5天;分泌均呈递增趋势。花蜜分泌节律与访花频率呈正相关。繁育系统检测显示,花粉胚珠比为3779±320.92,柱头最适可授期在开花第2—3天;结合不同授粉处理表明:锦鸡儿自交不亲和,需要传粉者,为蜂媒兼鸟媒植物。  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Spathodea campanulata was investigated by means of hand-pollination experiments, observations of pollen tube growth using fluorescence microscopy, and serial sections of ovules in selfed and crossed pistils. Only cross-pollinated flowers developed fruits, and all selfed flowers abscised within 3-4 d. However, self pollen tubes grew successfully to the ovary, penetrating and fertilizing the majority of ovules by 48 h, indicating that S. campanulata is a species with late-acting self-incompatibility. The incidences of ovule penetration, fertilization and endosperm initiation were all significantly slower in selfed vs. crossed pistils, although no other signs of malfunctioning were detected. The possible role of such slow self pollen tube effectiveness as a recognition event is discussed within the context of the slow but not entirely suppressed self pollen tube growth reported for some species with conventional homomorphic self-incompatibility.  相似文献   

Luis Navarro 《Biotropica》1999,31(4):618-625
The floral syndrome of Macleania bullataYeo (Ericaceae) reflects its adaptation to hummingbird pollination. Its flowers, however, are subject to high levels of nectar robbing. I examined the floral visitor assemblage of M. bullata in a tropical montane wet forest in southwestern Colombia, focusing on the behavior of the visitors. I also tested for the presence of nocturnal pollination and the effects of nectar removal on new nectar production. The principal floral visitors were the nectar robbing hummingbirds Ocreatus underwoodii (19.1% of visits) and Chlorostilbon mellisugus (18.9%). Only two species of long–billed hummingbirds visited the flowers of M. bullata as “legitimate” pollinators: Coeligena torquata (14.7% of visits) and Doryfera ludoviciae (14.3%). The remaining visits constituted nectar robbing by bees, butterflies, and other species of hummingbirds. Nocturnal pollination took place, although fruit set levels were 2.4 times higher when only diurnal pollination was allowed as opposed to exclusively nocturnal pollination. Nectar robbers removed floral nectar without pollinating the flower. Treatments of experimental nectar removal were carried out to examine if flowers synthesize more nectar after nectar removal. Nectar removal increased the total volume of nectar produced by each flower without affecting sugar concentration. Thus, nectar robbing can impose a high cost to the plants by forcing them to replace lost nectar.  相似文献   

The neotropical trees Chorisia chodatii, C. speciosa, Tabebuia caraiba and T. ochracea show late-acting self-incompatibility. Accumulated ovule penetrations following self-pollinations were similar to those in crosses. During the six to eight day period following pollination, in both selfed and crossed ovules, a resting zygote with initial development of the endosperm was formed. Up until the time of rejection of the selfed flowers, no cytological malfunctions were evident in the selfed ovules.  相似文献   

The pollination system of Holcoglossum rupestre was studied in northwestern Yunnan. The species is self-compatible but pollinator-dependent and offers nectar as a reward to visitors. A species of beetle, Hybovalgus bioculatus Kolbe, is identified as the pollinator among all visitors observed. The beetles carried the pollinia in two different positions, i.e. on the buttock and the foreleg, and pollinated the flowers by two different mechanisms. The analysis suggests that Holcoglossum rupestre and its pollinator may be in an unstable pollination relationship. The natural fruit set is low, which is attributed to the low visiting frequency of pollinator and the effective mechanism to prevent self-pollination.  相似文献   

We report on flowering phenology, floral morphology, pollinators, and nectar for eight species and a putative natural hybrid belonging to Agarista, Gaultheria and Gaylussacia that occur syntopically in a montane area. The campanulate to tubular flowers of eight out of nine Ericaceae taxa are primarily pollinated by either hummingbirds or bees. Flowering overlaps in all species but slight differences of floral shape, colour, and nectar characterize pollination by each pollinator group. Differences in floral traits are not large enough to exclude secondary pollinators. Thus, either the main pollinators of a species belonging to its syndrome, or secondary pollinators of a species belonging to different syndromes, may allow for inter-specific crosses.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Nectar production in the Bignoniaceae species lacking a nectariferous functional disc is ascribed to trichomatic glands around the ovary base and/or on the inner corolla wall. Nevertheless, knowledge about the secretion and function of these glands is very incomplete. The purpose of this paper is to study, from a developmental viewpoint, the ultrastructure, histochemistry and secretory process of the peltate trichomes on the ovary of Zeyheria montana, a species in the Bignoniaceae which has a rudimentary disc. METHODS: Samples of the gynoecium at various developmental stages were fixed and processed for light and electron microscopy. Histochemistry and cytochemistry tests were performed to examine the chemical composition of exudates. Thin layer chromatography was used to determine the presence of alkaloids and terpenes in gynoecium and fruit extracts, and in fresh nectar stored in the nectar chamber. KEY RESULTS: Peltate trichomes at different developmental stages appear side by side from floral budding up to pre-dispersal fruit. Large plastids with an extensive internal membrane system consisting of tubules filled with lipophilic material, abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum, few Golgi bodies, lipophilic deposits in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria, and scattered cytoplasmic oil droplets are the main characteristics of mature head cells. The secretion which accumulates in the subcuticular space stains positively for hydrophilic and lipophilic substances, with lipids prevailing for fully peltate trichomes. Histochemistry and thin layer chromatography detected terpenes and alkaloids. Fehling's test to detect of sugars in the secretion was negative. CONCLUSIONS: The continuous presence and activity of peltate trichomes on the ovary of Z. montana from early budding through to flowering and fruiting set, and its main chemical components, alkaloids and terpenes, suggest that they serve a protective function and are not related to the floral nectar source or to improving nectar quality.  相似文献   

The pollination biology ofSymphonia globulifera was studied in Central Amazonia, Brazil. As suggested by the bird syndrome of the flowers, these are mainly pollinated by hummingbirds. Occasional visits by other birds, butterflies and more rarely bees, as well as tamarin monkeys were also observed.Trigona bees partly destroy the flower tube to rob nectar. The possibility thatS. globulifera may not be primarily adapted to hummingbird pollination is discussed. The pollen is intermixed in an oily fluid secreted by the anthers (antheroil). Each of the five stigmas consists of a pore-like opening at the apex and a small chamber behind it. The antheroil mixed with pollen is absorbed by capillarity into the chamber when deposited on the pore. the pollen germinates inside the stigma. The presence of antheroil and pore-like stigmas in the flowers of the closely relatedPlatonia insignis indicate a similar mode of pollination. The results of this study are compared with observations in some otherClusiaceae (Caraipa, Clusia, Garcinia, Mahurea), where floral oils or floral resin occur. The role of these substances in the pollination process and their relation to the evolution of flower biology inClusiaceae are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The pollination syndromes ofLeonotis (Pers.)R. Br. are discussed. Ornithophily accounts for most of the nutlets set in perennialLeonotis species but in the annual species [L. nepetifolia (L.)R. Br.] autogamy prevails.Leonotis species are predominantly pollinated by a variety of sunbirds, although bees are also involved. Nectar is sucrose-dominant in perennial species but hexose-dominant in the annual.  相似文献   

The levels of fruit set in different habitats (three inland populations vs. three coastal populations) and the breeding system in the terrestrial orchid Bletilla striata were examined in two groups of populations in Haenam-gun, Jollanam-do Province in southern Korea. In total inland populations (mean fruit set=13.3%) showed about eight-fold higher fruit set per plant than the coastal populations (1.6%), probably due to mild climatic conditions in the inland populations during the flowering period. Honey bee workers Apis mellifera were observed in the inland populations, but no visitors were found in the coastal populations. However, a great increase in fruit set was achieved by hand-pollination: the percentage of fruit set through artificial self-pollination and geitonogamous pollination were close to 90%, indicating that B. striata is self-compatible. Agamospermy and spontaneous autogamy (automatic self-pollination) were not detected in this study. These indicate that pollinia vectors are essential for achieving fruit set in natural populations of B. striata. Except in one inland population examined in 2001, there was no significant correlation between the patch size per population and the average percentage of fruit set, which might reflect deception-pollination of B. striata and/or paucity of pollinators. Overall levels of fruit sets within and among patches in each population were homogeneous during a two-year period.  相似文献   

Recent studies of germination in natural habitats, of genetic variation within populations and of the relative proportion of vegetative and sexual reproduction in the clonal plant speciesAnemone nemorosa suggest that sexual recruitment by seeds from outcrossed flowers is important for the maintenance of this species' populations. Because published reports on its breeding system are controversial, pollination experiments were performed in five natural populations ofA. nemorosa. Differences in ovule number per flower were recorded among populations, but they were not related to obvious habitat differences. Seed/ovule-ratios were significantly higher after open pollination and artificial crossing than after either artificial or spontaneous selfing. Populations had no effect on seed/ovuleratios. Different breeding indices indicated thatA. nemorosa is mainly self-incompatible. Nevertheless, some seed set also occurred after selfing, and both artificial and spontaneous selfing exhibited higher variation in seed/ovule-ratios than open pollination and artificial crossing. Continuous variation in seed/ovule-ratios after selfing suggested that the expression and effectiveness of the self-incompatibility system ofA. nemorosa is influenced by both genetic variation and phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

We examined the reproductive biology of Melocactus curvispinus Pfeiffer (Cereeae, Cactoideae) in xeric areas of northern Venezuela. Floral traits correspond to a classic hummingbird-pollination syndrome; however, pollination is shared between hummingbirds, Leucippus fallax (Bourcier 1843), and anthophorid bees, Ceratina sp. Reproduction occurs during most of the year. Anthesis and nectar secretion occur between noon and sunset. Average daily nectar production per flower was 163.1 l, nectar sugar concentration between 29.1 and 30.2% (w/w). Hummingbirds promoted inter-plant pollen movement and were relatively more reliable floral visitors than anthophorid bees, but these insects had a higher frequency of floral visits (28.75/day) than hummingbirds (4.96/day). M. curvispinus is self-compatible and autogamous. By combining extended reproductive activity, frequent animal-mediated pollination, and selfing capabilities, this cactus possesses a mating strategy that guarantees reproduction under variable environmental conditions. We argue that based on its reproductive biology, M. curvispinus should be considered an example of evolutionary transition towards selfing within tribe Cereeae.  相似文献   

The flowers of two species ofTernstroemia from Central Amazonia were observed to be pollinated by female bees performing vibrational foraging. The anthers of these flowers are longitudinally dehiscent. They are completely included in a petal tube, which opens by a small pore at the apex. Pollen is expelled out of this pore when the bees vibrate the flower while curling over the apex of the petal tube. The much elongated connectives probably transmit the vibrations from the petals to the anthers. The possible occurrence of this mode of pollination in other species ofTernstroemia is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

为探讨多叶斑叶兰(Goodyera folisa)的繁育系统与传粉生物学特征,对其开花物候、花粉活力与柱头可授性、人工授粉、花的挥发性成分以及昆虫传粉行为进行了研究。结果表明,多叶斑叶兰的唇瓣黄色,萼片白色或白色带红褐色;单花花期为(9.4±0.8)d;花粉在开花后第1天具备活力,柱头在开花后第2天具备可授性,花粉活力和柱头可授性都在开花后第5天达到峰值。去雄套袋和不去雄套袋都不能结实,人工自花授粉、同株异花授粉和异株异花授粉的结实率分别为93.3%、95.0%和96.7%,自然结实率为43.3%。花朵的主要挥发性成分为1-辛烯-3-醇、3-辛醇和N,N-二甲基甲酰胺。多叶斑叶兰传粉者为中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana)。多叶斑叶兰具有自交亲和能力,但在自然界不具有主动自交现象,必须依赖中华蜜蜂传粉,花色及花香气味为吸引传粉者的主要因素。  相似文献   

The reproductive structures ofDeplanchea tetraphylla (Bignoniaceae) exhibit a significant number of unusual features: inflorescence with an apical platform; flowers yellow, short-tubed, strongly zygomorphic; mouth closed through lateral compression; stamens and style long-exserted, erect or slightly reclined; nectar dark brown, exposed in the spoon-shaped lowermost corolla lobe and apparently acting also as a visual cue. These features suggest a highly elaborate syndrome for bird pollination: the birds (probably lorikeets) perch on the inflorescence platform and bend downwards to take up the exposed nectar, thus touching the exserted anthers and stigmas with the throat or breast. The likely evolution of this syndrome by additive steps, effecting a change from head up to head down position of the pollinator, can be traced from the floral structure of the remaining four species of the genus.  相似文献   

The endangered wild tree peony. Paeania jishanensis T. Hong & W. Z. Zhao (formerly P. suffruticosa Andr. ssp. spontanea (Rehd.) S.G. Haw & L. A. Lauener) is one of the most important ancestral stocks of cultivated tree peony, P. suffruticosa Andr. Study of the natural population atjishan, Shanxi Province revealed that the seed set was very low (2.1 seeds per carpel). The low seed set should not be attributed to viable pollen limitation because the plant produces a great quantity of pollen and 36–75% of pollen is TTC-tested viable. Stigmas became receptive almost one day after the flower opened, and receptivity lasted for several days. All the stigmas were sufficiently pollinated, and pollen germinated readily on the wet crest of stigmas irrespective of whether cross pollen or self pollen was used. Hand-pollination showed that this plant was self-incompatible. No seed was harvested after self-pollination, while cross-pollination yielded 2.4 seeds per carpel. Many pollen tubes were recorded in the stigma but extremely few in the ovary chamber. This phenomenon indicated diat the self-incompatible system was activated when pollen tubes reached the ovary wall.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The pollination biology of very few Chloraeinae orchids has been studied to date, and most of these studies have focused on breeding systems and fruiting success. Chloraea membranacea Lindl. is one of the few non-Andean species in this group, and the aim of the present contribution is to elucidate the pollination biology, functional floral morphology and breeding system in native populations of this species from Argentina (Buenos Aires) and Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul State).


Floral features were examined using light microscopy, and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The breeding system was studied by means of controlled pollinations applied to plants, either bagged in the field or cultivated in a glasshouse. Pollination observations were made on natural populations, and pollinator behaviour was recorded by means of photography and video.

Key Results

Both Argentinean and Brazilian plants were very consistent regarding all studied features. Flowers are nectarless but scented and anatomical analysis indicates that the dark, clavate projections on the adaxial labellar surface are osmophores (scent-producing glands). The plants are self-compatible but pollinator-dependent. The fruit-set obtained through cross-pollination and manual self-pollination was almost identical. The main pollinators are male and female Halictidae bees that withdraw the pollinarium when leaving the flower. Remarkably, the bees tend to visit more than one flower per inflorescence, thus promoting self-pollination (geitonogamy). Fruiting success in Brazilian plants reached 60·78 % in 2010 and 46 % in 2011. Some pollinarium-laden female bees were observed transferring pollen from the carried pollinarium to their hind legs. The use of pollen by pollinators is a rare record for Orchidaceae in general.


Chloraea membrancea is pollinated by deceit. Together, self-compatibility, pollinarium texture, pollinator abundance and behaviour may account for the observed high fruiting success. It is suggested that a reappraisal and re-analysis of important flower features in Chloraeinae orchids is necessary.  相似文献   

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